A new word can spring into existence when inspiration enlivens a poet's tongue. But such treasures are easily missed when new words can be cranked out like so much sausage.
One sausage-grinder that regularly turns out many new words uses the addition of -IFY to a place-name, a personal name, or an adjective, to create a word meaning "to make something more like X". It turns out that a surprising number of X's have gone into the old sausage grinder, and in some cases the results are appalling!
Here is list of some odd words formed with -IFY or -IFIER or -IFICATION:
In our decade here she had done rather lurid, abstractified views of the rooftops from all of the third-floor windows, in all of the directions of the compass, and thus used up her world.John Updike, "Roger's Version".
But for a fellow like me, the real temptation of abyssifying is to hope that the approach of the 'last days' might be liberating, might compel us to reconsider deeply, earnestly.
In the adjunctified university, what to call professors is more confusing than ever.Rebecca Schuman, Slate Magazine, 13 March 2014.
The North Carolina debacle-in-waiting serves as abject proof that, as tenured history professor and Slate contributor Jonathan Rees has written recently, adjunctification moves upward as well as downward.Slate Magazine, 13 April 2015.
[Neil] Postman does not only argue that television produced adultified children; paradoxically, it also produced childified adults.Donovan Hohn, Harper's Magazine, January 2007.
How The Adultification Of Black Girls Allowed R. Kelly’s Decades Of AbuseHeadline in Huffington Post, 03 October 2021.
Apparently eyelid augmentation has developed into a fine art because of high demand in Japan for anglification of Occidental features, which in better days I'd have found a horrifying testimonial to the powers of Western advertising.Lionel Shriver, 'We Need to Talk About Kevin'.
The top of his foot is angrified, dried and scrawny - vestigial.Richard Ford, "I'm Here", in "Let Me Be Frank With You".
In the Northeast, you can envision the future as one big Arkansasification. The paper finds that if the world meets its goals under the Paris Agreement, then Washington, D.C., will enter the 2080s feeling a lot like Paragould, Arkansas.Robinson Meyer, The Atlantic, 12 February 2019.
Through singing, dancing, painting, telling fables of neurotic mobsters who visit psychiatrists, and otherwise engaging in what Ms Dissanayake calls artifying, people can be quickly drawn together, and even strangers persuaded to treat one another as kin.The New York Times, 27 November 2007.
Now Asya averted her eyes so as not to have to stare any longer at her mother, the mother whom she had never called "mom" and had perhaps hoped to keep at a distance by auntifying.Elif Shafak, "The Bastard of Istanbul"
Never miss awardifying celebritiesAn advertisement for the Dish Network DVR, appearing in USA Today on 25 February 2008, just after the Oscar awards.
And here, deliciously complicit in her own babe-ification, is Kartina Richardson, of Mirrorfilm.org.Slate Magazine, 7 February 2011.
She looked a childish, helpless, babyfied little creature; and Robert watched her with some touch of pity in his eyes, as she came up to the hearth by which he was standing, and warmed her tiny gloved hands at the blaze.Mary Elizabeth Braddon, 'Lady Audley's Secret', 1862.
The Barstool-ification of the GOP could reconfigure its cultural politics for a generation.Derek Robertson, Politico, 20 June 2021.
But I feel I haven't sufficiently Bibli-fied my house.A J Jacobs, 'The Year of Living Biblically'.
The geeks will save us all: Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg and the Big Bang Theory-fication of everythingHeadline in Salon online magazine, 01 January 2015.
"These incremental changes in technology and intimacy of searches may be a step toward the Big Brotherification of American life but it is just not that big of a deal outside the media bubble."The New York Times, 29 November 2010.
Bimbofication Is Taking Over. What Does That Mean For You?Headline, Vice Magazine, 02 February 2022.
"Best put on a jail face, BG. These crabs see you puckerin', they're gonna bitchify you in a heartbeat."
Bob Strauss, above, refuses to blandify his apartment by getting rid of his stuffed baby seal, even though it puts some women off.The New York Times, 29 March 2007.
All of these policies could help small businesses push back against the blandification of New York and the broader country.Derek Thompson, the Atlantic, 03 December 2018.
But the pace of blobification slowed last year with the release of a new version of Google's Android operating system, the Android N, which shaved off some of the emoji's girth and left them looking like emotive gumdrops, the Guardian reported Tuesday.Slate Magazine, 23 May 2017.
I worked for Tivoli in Austin from 1998-2000. They acquired the company I was working for at the time, and they had been acquired by IBM just the year before, I think. They've been totally Blueified since then from what I hear, so your choice of clothes may be a good one.
This rhythmic boogification has its lyrical equivalent in the delicate burps of appoggiatura heard in "Love Me Tender" (over the word "never" in "Never let me go...") and other crooner ballads.Karal Ann Marling, 'As Seen on TV'.
But in some ways the writers of the Scottish historical school, and people like Macaulay who took sustenance from it, were just as much inevitabilists; though, needless to say, for the latter it was not the eventual triumph of the proletariat, but, if anything, its eventual bourgeoisification, which served as the desired end.John Clive, 'Macaulay: The Shaping of the Historian'.
Martina had put on that shapeless green coat over her gray wool dress and as she bent forward to give Pamela an unsmiling kiss, a peck on each cheek European-style, she seemed to brandified Bech a schoolgirl refugee from those pre-war public school classrooms where he had sat learning the rudiments of history, biology, and mathematics.John Updike, 'Bech at Bay'.
Going to a different part of the country for a month can also brickify it.
Though some have complained about the Broadway-ification of the London theater scene, with its increasing reliance on bloated musicals and empty-headed revivals, the West End still remains a place to find compelling, original theater.The New York Times, 31 December 2006.
I routinely exposed their slip-shod, unsupportable testimony for the foul bratwurst that it was! It was for these performances that the media coined the new verb to brucify, often used as the passive adjective, brucified, which signifies none other than to rip into a witness's foundation, expose its shaky regions, then demolish his house of evidence in deafening tumultua.
Anyhoo, because I know writers love bullet points - and I'm no exception to this - I'll bullet-pointify the writing tips for you.
For many, even square-built Corliss Henderson with her dogged melancholy butchifying of the saints, would have liked to know me better, to 'get in touch with' impeccably gray-swaddled Professor Roger Lambert, who had made his deal with the universe and was damned if he was going to welsh on it.John Updike, 'Roger's Version'.
Senate President Warns Against 'the Californi-fication of Florida'
Even kids get it. But '300' - the new cartoonified version of the hard day's work at the Hot Gates on the coast of Greece, where 300 stood against a million-man march of Persians - is clueless.Stephen Hunter, The Washington Post, 09 March 2007.
It was the "$177 Bagel" that did it, finally solved for me the mystery of how the New York Post remains the nation's iconic daily tabloid in a media realm overrun by celebrification.Ron Rosenbaum, Slate Magazine, 24 February 2010.
"It risks simply mirroring the celebrification of the art world and its creation of veiled coteries."Sarah Thornton, 'Seven Days in the Art World'.
Tom has told me that, at one point, the company that owned Muzak also owned the Britannica, which meant the office was constantly bathed in soothing cheesified versions of Simon and Garfunkel.A J Jacobs, 'The Know-It-All'.
The Chickenification of the American PigHarper's Magazine, May 2006.
[Neil] Postman does not only argue that television produced adultified children; paradoxically, it also produced childified adults.Donovan Hohn, Harper's Magazine, January 2007.
The fourth instalment in Paramount’s toys-to-screen series was as China-fied as possible - a 165-minute example of how desperately studio chiefs wanted Chinese audiences to like them - to really, really like them.Erich Schwartzel, Vice Magazine, 25 March 2022.
And yet, during a recent hospitalization for several days, I was impressed by the extent to which medical diagnosis and practice have been computerized, chipified, graphicsized, netisized by pieces of hardware/software to which I have been hooked up.Philip Davis, book review, SIAM Review, June 2014.
Vatican II did not want to modernize the Church. It wanted to Christify the worldFather Robert Barron, quoted by Sean Gallagher, in the Archdiocese of Indianapolis 'Criterion', 19 October 2012.
Each year approximately 3% of people with episodic migraine experience chronification of their headache disorder. Chronic migraine implies that the migraineur who previously was suffering relatively infrequent headache attacks now is plagued with headache at least 15 days out of the month, with at least 8 (but not necessarily all) of their headaches being migrainous in character.
"All I care about is the Wild Wild West. I'm going to Cody-fy the world."In "Buffalo Bill and the Indians", I swear that Buffalo Bill (real name, William Cody) has a partner who says this.
The number of ordinations fell, especially among young townsmen, the result being the creeping countrification of the parochial clergy.Michael Burleigh, 'Earthly Powers'.
The Crayola-fication of the World: How we gave colors names, and it messed with our brainsTitle of an article by Aatish Bhatia.
We always use the convention that the right hand side does not contain more information than the left hand side. The right hand side is a crudification of the left.Donald Knuth, 'The Art of Computer Programming', Volume I.
The Dad-ification of Language shows that Masculinity is still EvolvingHeadline, Slate Magazine, 2 December 2016.
I'm not sure that Facebook itself will outlast Google or Apple, but Facebook deployed something that will be with us for a very long time: the datafication of humans and, more significantly, our identification with our digital representation.David Auerbach, 'A Life in Code'.
...I take her hand and feel suddenly purged of yet another ghost, as de-Kafkafied by my pilgrimage to the cemetary as I would appear to have been de-Birgittized once and for all by that visitation on the terrace restaurant in Venice.Philip Roth, 'The Professor of Desire'.
The nub of Carr's argument is that every link in a text imposes "a little cognitive load" that makes reading less efficient. Each link forces us to ask, "Should I click?" As a result, Carr wrote in the delinkification post, "People who read hypertext comprehend and learn less, studies show, than those who read the same material in printed form."Scott Rosenberg, Salon, 7 September 2010.
Back in 1980, another futurologist, Alvin Toffler, anticipated the de-massifying of society in his best selling book "The Third Wave", which is still in print.John Cassidy, The New Yorker, 10/17 July 2006.
Vietnamese Communism - until this point founded on the teachings of Mao Zedong, the 'dazzling mirror', de-Maoified at speed.Julia Lovell, 'Maoism: A Global History'.
De-perkify for a smooth appearance!The slogan on a pack of "Silicone Coverups", designed to hide erect nipples.
This month Mathew Knowles, father of Beyonce, released the CD "Kid's Rap Radio", featuring 8-year-olds behind the mike rapping deraunchified hits like Busta Rhymes's "Touch it".The New York Times, 26 November 2006.
We accept Lyell's first two uniformities, but so did the catastrophists. Lyell's third uniformity, appropriately derigidified, is his great substantive contribution.Stephen Gould, 'Ever Since Darwin'.
The de-Santafication process has begun!"
Heading into Election Day, some commentators have argued that the best way to de-Trumpify the GOP would be to hand the party a stinging defeat by flipping control of the House.McKay Coppins, Atlantic, 06 November 2018.
"Like, 'You're my competitor, so I'm going to dogify you.'"Anne Packer, 'The Dive from Clausen's Pier'.
"Dogify?" I said.
"Make doglike. You know, with that kind of here's-the-brutally-honest-photographer-turning-his-unpitying-eye-on-real-life type of thing."
"Was she dogified?"
"Completely," Simon said. "Houndified. Muttified."
She wants me to commit. Translation: Become domestified.Jude Law, playing Alfie, in 'Alfie'.
If they think about him [Tony Hawk] at all, they're inclined to blame him for commodifying, and therefore, dorkifying, their pure underground pursuit.Hampton Sides, 'The Birdman Drops in'.
The inspiring verses and the singer's beautiful voice seemed to dulcify the King.Susan Sontag, 'The Volcano Lover'.
The editorial team, based in Indianapolis, gives authors a kind of "Dummies for Dummies" manual and a computer template. "Copy editors do the line editing and Dummifying," Steele said.The New York Times Book Review, 24 September 2006.
This idea was quickly dismissed though and yet she continued with other theories like the dustification theory in which she explains how the steel columns were turned to dust right before our eyes (even though the only thing you can see in all the debris pictures at Ground Zero are steel columns...guess they missed those).
The dynastification of American political life is weakening America's claim to be a democratic beacon.The Economist, 12 May 2007.
Constantine would complete this easternification by choosing Byzantium as the site for his new capital, Constantinople.David Edward Duncan, 'Calendar'.
On the Endgamification of everything.Headline for an article by Alissa Wilkinson, Vox, 04 October 2022.
Autoplay Video Could Be the Next Step of Twitter's Facebookification.Headline in Slate Magazine, 16 December 2014.
How to fancify $10 Trader Joe's flowersHeadline in Salon Magazine, 15 January 2022.
"Shark Tale" has wonderful animation, and it was very entertaining to watch. What the directors and producers did, was take common objects in the human world that are recognizable by most people, and fishify them. For instance they have "Swim" and "Don't Swim" signs in the fish world of Times Square.
I imagine you can declare a float and then fixed pointify it to 28:4 or something like that.
Fontifying your handwriting is a simple, four-step process.
The Fox News-ification of Donald TrumpHeadline, Salon Magazine, 04 March 2011.
The Foxification of the cable universe has created significant collateral damage in the last few weeks.The New York Times, 08 November 2010.
The Frenchification of Arsenal is perhaps the most famous example of a broader French influx to London.The Economist, 05 March 2011.
All this work attests to the reputation of the most often attempted, most rarely summited, of all mountainous modern books, Proust's multivolume 'A la Recherche du Temps Perdu', which, first Englished as 'Remembrance of Things Past', is now routinely more severely Frenchified as 'In Search of Lost Time'.Adam Gopnik, The New Yorker, 10 May 2021.
It took real courage to leave our warm(ish) salon and venture into the frigorification of the house, where our breaths came out as steam.Julia Child, Alex Prud'homme, 'My Life in France'.
'Gamification', the internet will tell you, is the future. It's coming soon to your bank, your gym, your job, your government and your gynaecologist. All human activity will be gamified, we are promised, because gamifying guarantees a whole bunch of other buzz-words like Immersion! and Emotional Engagement! and Socialised Monestisation! You'll be able to tell when something's been gamified because it will have points and badges. And this is the nub of the problem.
Instead, trying something unique, fun and perfect for the season - a sparkling red wine that's sweet enough to please and bubbly enough to giddify.
I started out trying to genericize without gimplification, but it turned out to be rather complicated, largely because you still sometimes need to generate temps. You could just add them directly to the outermost BIND_EXPR, but that doesn't work if we haven't already genericized. So I'm punting for now.
The Googlification of MSN will occur in two parts.The New York Times, 08 July 2004.
There was a declension of Egyptian heads, from the oblique formality of early dynasties to the full-lipped irony and passion of the middle, down into Greekified versions which crossed with Greek versions of Egyptian formalism and led to another plane, a shelf of green-veined marble with a Phidian Athena in high relief on a temple slab.Richard Stern in 'Stitch'.
Green-ifying your home is about to get lots cheaperHeadline in Axios article, 11 August 2022.
It is the HD-ification of of the arts, and it is already affecting programming decisions along with costumes and set design."The New York Times, 09 November 2010.
He says that SEGA and Nintendo are responsible for the "subtle but massive Hello-Kittification of North American animation."Douglas Coupland, "Microserfs".
"He works a lot on heroifying - it's now a sort of Russian policy: why hold onto this life, when you can die so heroically," said Olga Romanova, the founder of Russia Behind Bars, a charity organization that assists convicts and their families.Christiaan Triebert, Dmitriy Khavin, New York Times, 28 January 2023.
Adamson, co-director of "Shrek", wisely doesn't try to hip-ify the tale, leaving its curious blend of medieval pageantry, Christian fable and children's bedtime story intact.Newsweek, 19 December 2005.
Carrell has a face built for comedy, its Sears-catalogue handsomeness hilarified by a butter pat of hair, an L-wrench nose, and deep-socketed woe-is-me eyes.Tad Friend, The New Yorker, 05 July 2010.
To resist Manhattanization and HongKongification of San Francisco, in favor of saner development.One of the campaign promises of San Francisco mayoral candidate Kathik Rajan.
Yes, the 2020s has seen the normalisation of flagrant horniness online. It's the "Great Hornification of the 2020s", "The Horny 20s" or maybe, "The Hornycene".Arielle Richards, Vice Magazine, 11 January 2022.
Members of several news organizations have already found themselves unable to resist the urge to find such a connection and pat themselves on the back for their rigorous neutrality in covering the election. But horserace-ifying this story doesn’t add any balance to the Force, because there’s no there there.Slate Magazine, 29 August 2016.
"Like, 'You're my competitor, so I'm going to dogify you.'"Anne Packer, "The Dive from Clausen's Pier".
"Dogify?" I said.
"Make doglike. You know, with that kind of here's-the-brutally-honest-photographer-turning-his-unpitying-eye-on-real-life type of thing."
"Was she dogified?"
"Completely," Simon said. "Houndified. Muttified."
Only the old giddyup (mine) is vanished, and I'm not lying here a-buzz and a-thrill but listening haphazard to voices on the beach - the way I used to feel, would like to feel, gone. Left is only a hungrified wonder about where it might be and will it ever come back.Richard Ford, "Independence Day".
Though your aim is to release endorphins and hunkify your calves, you also want to see what's going on, who's on the street, who's on the street with a dog.
In January 1988, after spending a year trying to hunkify myself and writing about that effort extensively in The Washington Post, I finally mustered up the courage to sign up for a genuine triathlon held annually on Grand Bahama Island called the "Conch Man": swim a mile, bike ten, run five.
Breaking that culture of dependency, they concluded, is the key to making the long discussed Iraqification of the country's security a reality.The New York Times, 04 December 2006.
Muslim women such as myself are thrilled that we don't live in Saudi Arabia or Iran and we are already alarmed at the Islamification of Britain.An article in the London Independent.
A mature Mexican student who has already done a lot of posturing on the Israelification of the US with this homeland security bullshit seizes the opportunity to launch into a new rant.Sarah Thornton, 'Seven Days in the Art World'.
The human race has now arrived at the last stage of Jackassification.Thomas Carlyle, 1848.
Despite the strong parallels, there are still reasons to think that the United States can escape what has been called Japanification of Britain.The New York Times, 30 October 2010.
But her obsessions tended to be fueled by competition: she needed to dazzle men and jealous-ify women.Gillian Flynn, 'Gone Girl'.
In 'Spineless', Berwald travels to Spain's Murcia region and takes us to the Mar Menor lagoon, which had become so jellified in 2002 that "you couldn't drive a boat through the water."The Atlantic, January/February 2017.
But its confused denouement tells us plenty about the contested status of Mao's legacy - caught between official opportunism and ambivalence, commercial kitschification and inchoate grass-roots sentiment - in China today.Julia Lovell, 'Maoism: A Global History'.
Sometimes literalists break their rules. With no good substitute for 'lamb', they are quietly using 'SIp', Klingonifying the English 'sheep'.Carrie Dolan, The Wall Street Journal, June 1994.
Sapphire represents the lofty aspirations of the soul; chalcedony, charity; sard and onyx, candour; beryl allegorizes theological science; hyacinth, humility; while the ruby appeases wrath, and the emerald lapidifies incorruptible faith.J K Huysmans, 'La-Bas', translated by Terry Hale, 2001.
To linguify a claim about things in the world is to take that claim and construct from it an entirely different claim that makes reference to the words and other linguistic items used to talk about those things, and then use the latter claim in a context where the former would be appropriate.An example given is
"organic feedlots" - two words that I never thought would find their way into the same clause.Similar, I suppose, are statements such as "military intelligence is an oxymoron".
The Lizard's ultimate goal: to create more of his own kind by releasing a gene-mutating gas into the atmosphere, resulting in mass lizardification of the populace.Dana Stevens, Slate Magazine, 03 July 2012.
The MAGAfication problem is so bad that CEO and founder John Matze has openly begged progressive pundits to join the platform, offering a 'progressive bounty' of $20,000 to any left-wing influencer with a following of 50,000 or more users on Twitter who makes an account.Tina Nguyen, Politico, 06 July 2020.
They have bemoaned what some call the mallification of the square for years now, aghast that even a hub of intellect and creativity cannot keep out the chains.The New York Times, 22 November 2008.
Christopher Hill's attempt to Marxify the idea might not exactly work, but the concept of a time before kings and lords and bishops and popes is an ancient yearning.Christopher Hitchens, 'Hitch-22'.
Paradoxically, the marxification of the Party was one of the factors that contributed to a diminution of anticlerical and atheist ardour that were more evident in the 1860s and 1870s than later.Michael Burleigh, 'Earthly Powers'.
Since World War II, however, has come the massification of culture.The New York Times, 26 April 2004.
The term mattifying is popping up these days in beauty magazines and skin care aisles. You won't find it in the dictionary, but most women seem to know that it refers to a product's ability to reduce the appearance of oiliness on the face, which is a particular problem in summer. Now men are being introduced to the concept of mattification, with products that are meant to be patted on their heads and faces. Men, it turns out, don't like that shiny look, either.The New York Times, 22 July 2010.
Malcolm Gladwell, the zany-haired Canadian who loves to write bestsellers, just got meme-ified.Salon, 08 February 2011.
Everyone - yours truly included - is always on guard for the next opportunity to meme-ify outrage: what crazy thing did Trump/Obama/The New York Times/The New York Post/Rush Limbaugh/etc say now, and what clever quip can you fit into a tweet to quickly begin collecting likes?New York Times, 10 December 2015.
You smell a bit milkified.Michael Caine, as Alfie, in "Alfie".
Organized water: That was one 19th-century naturalist's minifying description of the jellyfish.The Atlantic, January/February 2018.
THE MITTIFICATION OF MCCAINThe New York Times, 16 February 2008.
The first lady tries to humanize - and mommify - the case for reform.A headline in the online magazine Slate, 18 September 2009.
She named many of the mice after Sherlockians, with slight alterations. Vincent Starrett, Julian Wolff, Peter E. Blau, Ellery Queen, John Dickson Carr, and John Bennett Shaw had all made appearances, albeit with slightly mousified names.Mattias Bostrom, 'From Holmes to Sherlock'.
They were dissolute but human, guilty but glamorous: the MTVification of "Hill Street Blues".An article in the New York Times reviews the show "Miami Vice" on the occasion of the beginning of reruns.
Alcatraz, too, has given in to the museumification of everything.An article in the Atlantic Monthly, June 2005, by Bernard-Henri Levi, titled "Road Trip II":
She pleads the American reader to not museumify the writings that she translates, that is not to view them as representative cultural artifacts to be observed and objectified.
"Like, 'You're my competitor, so I'm going to dogify you.'"Anne Packer, "The Dive from Clausen's Pier".
"Dogify?" I said.
"Make doglike. You know, with that kind of here's-the-brutally-honest-photographer-turning-his-unpitying-eye-on-real-life type of thing."
"Was she dogified?"
"Completely," Simon said. "Houndified. Muttified."
Christopher Hitchens, petty criminal? He became one for the purpose of his February 2004 column "I Fought the Law", a broadside against the nanny-state-ification of New York under Mayor Michael Bloomberg.Vanity Fair, October 2009.
The Napa-fication of an Ancient Wine RegionThe New York Times, 28 August 2005.
Nibbler: It's a genetic abnormality that resulted when you went back in time and performed certain actions which made you your own grandfather. Fry: I did do the nasty in the past-y! Nibbler: Verily. And that past nastification is what shields you from the brains.
Thomas is another attack poodle who Nazifies his nemeses.James Wolcott, 'Attack Poodles'.
"'Only one colleague has really understood it,' he wrote to his friend Heinrich Zangger, 'and he is seeking to nostrify it (Abraham's expression) in a clever way.' The expression to nostrify (nostrifizieren), which had been used by the Goettingen-trained mathematical physicist Max Abraham, referred to the practice of nostrification by which German universities converted degrees granted by other universities into degrees of their own."Walter Isaacson, "Einstein - His Life and Universe". (Oh no, now I've read this book twice!)
We shouldn't have to nounify our verbs.Brian Will, YouTube presentation, 'Object-Oriented Programming is Embarassing'.
Howard continued to expand the sections which dealt with the physics of the formation of clouds, which he attempted to call nubification.Richard Hamblyn, 'The Invention of Clouds'.
According to Roy Azoulay, founder and CEO of Serelay, which verifies video and photo assets, the technology to nudify images is easy to get hold of.Harry Pettit, The US Sun, 12 August 2021.
At a press conference on Friday, President Obama said Sony made "a mistake" by canceling the release of The Interview. He also praised the film's stars Seth Rogen and James ... Flacco? If, like actor James Franco, you want a new last name - one you can share with an NFL quarterback - then use our name generator below to Obamify your name.Slate Magazine, 19 December 2014.
While relaying a report on The University of Manchester's name a little while ago, I mentioned three initialisms that people now staunchly maintain DO NOT STAND FOR ANYTHING (despite their history, of course): UMIST (one of the predecessors of Manchester as we know it today), Texas A&M, and SRI International. Right after that, I wondered out loud on the ADS-L if there was a name for these things. I suggested the lame term opacinym (for terms that had become "opacified by institutional fiat").
A guest herself on one of GreenStone's shows last week, Ms Steinem said she didn't understand people who bemoaned the Oprah-fication of the news.The New York Times, 19 September 2006.
Then, too, the governor seemed Oprahfied, especially in the last few days, when he couldn't keep from musing into microphones about whatever was running through his mind.The New York Times, 23 January 2009.
"Hank's one and only successful novel, 'God Hates Us All', has been pappified into a sappy and successful movie renamed 'Crazy Little Thing Called Love' and starring 'Tom and Katie', no last names necessary.The New York Times, 29 July 2007.
In 2017, The Atlantic published an article titled "When Kids Have to Act Like Parents, It Affects Them for Life," which dove into the concept of "destructive parentification," a form of emotional abuse or neglect where a child becomes the caregiver to their parent or sibling.Ashlie Stevens, Salon, 20 May 2021.
His appointment confirmed the increasing partification of the whole civil defense project.Richard Overy, in 'The Bombers and the Bombed'.
I mean, have you read the literature? Look at this. "The maximum benefit of the peachification process." "Peachification!" Who uses a word like "peachification"? A moron would use that.Schitt's Creek.
Yet these problems can be overcome. Argentina did so in 2001, when it peso-fied its dollar debts.Slate, 18 May 2012.
Platonification - This is the bias toward overvaluation of factual information and reliance on expertise. We tend to believe that the stock markets are driven by such underlying leading indicators as new housing starts, the unemployment rate, the presidential election cycle, or who won the Super Bowl.Gerry Smedinghoff, "Black Swan or Black-Scholes?"
"If the 'Cats can pointify every possession, watch out!"
I have noticed a progressive cochonification of the boys swimming in the Danube. How would you say that in English? Porkification!
PORNIFIED: How Pornography is Damaging Our Lives, Our Relationships, and Our Familiesa book by "Horrified" Pamela Paul.
Star 80 foresaw the pornographication of American life.
It had turned him [Zola] into a perpetual prosification device, an inexhaustible ream-machine.
Fox news panelist bemoans the pussification of American menSalon magazine, 02 March 2015.
"Men have dinner. They go to the movies, where they actually sit next to each other. They walk sans sports equipment. They do these things millions of times, every day, without awkwardness or fear of queerification".
Tractorisation (traktorizatsiia) was one of the strange catch-words created by the Bolsheviks. Automobilisation (avtomobilizatsija) and radiofication (radiofikatsiia) were other new words that referred to the mass consumption of cars and radios.Lennart Samuelson, 'Tankograd: The Tractor Factory's Civilian Production and Military Potential'.
Pretentious? Moi?or perhaps
I am tres excited!
The Religification of John Kerry has begun. He started lacing his speeches with a Bible reference here and there. He released a TV ad discussing his faith, and just days before the convention began, the campaign hired a new director of religious outreach.
What often vexes the language of money is something I’ve come to call reversification - a process by which words take on a meaning that is the opposite of, or at least very different from, their initial sense.John Lanchester, The New Yorker, 04 August 2014.
Singer directs the band’s rapid ascent with a fluid, slick camera and a regrettably polished production design, making supposed '70s rock venues look more corporate than the rockified 20th Century Fox logo that precedes the film, with the searchlights accompanied by squealing electric guitars rather than the usual brass.Jeffrey Bloomer, Slate, 25 October 2018.
More often than not, it is also worth noting, the Russian translators simply russified the many new technical, legal, and other words encountered in the originals rather than try to invent Russian equivalents.James Cracraft, 'The Revolution of Peter the Great'.
...the fireplace was decorated with blue ceramic tiles depicting biblical themes like the salification of Lot's wife...T. Coraghessan Boyle, "World's End".
Menchu raised her eyebrows and said at once that the very idea left her petrified, or saltified or whatever the word was, like Noah's wife, or was it Lot's?Arturo Perez-Reverte, "The Flanders Panel".
In response to Johnson's crack about oats in his Dictionary, Boswell "insisted on scottifying his palate" - a scene that was to be the subject of one of Rowlandson's most famous cartoons - but the food was dried fish, not oats. (Had it been the latter, this would have been a rare example of a lexicographer forced to eat his words.)Adam Sisman, "Boswell's Presumptuous Task: The Making of the Life of Dr Johnson".
Paradoxically, Khomeini helped Sunnify Shiism by assuming the role of autocrat and empire seeker, while helping Sunnis to Shiify their creed by glorifying martyrdom.Irshad Manji, New York Times Book Review, 13 August 2006.
Sometimes Nelson seemed to clearly, as at a later stage when he referred to his conscience as being Sicilified, but in all important respects his judgment was overcome, and one of the most important influences must have been his developing passion for Emma.David Walder, 'Nelson'.
Crisis Text Line and the Silicon Valleyfication of EverythingHeadline, Vice, 10 February 2022.
Early on, Tolkien stated a preference for the vulgarization of an animated version over the sillification of a dramatization.Abby Nolan, Slate Magazine, 25 June 2010.
After the sentence was pronounced, MSNBC trotted out a bullet-headed talk-radio host to sneer at "the sissification of America."The New Yorker, 15 May 2006.
They willingly put themselves through a systematic process of physical and psychological self-emasculation known as sissification.Jerome London, Thought Catalog, 30 April 2018.
As my concession to reasonableness, I'll suggest that the wedge between Connecticut Avenue and Vermont Avenue could be exempted from skyscraperification in order to preserve a viewshed for the White House.Matthew Yglesias, Slate, 12 April 2012.
To that end, he draws inspiration from a broad swath of pop culture. Those include Web sites (he quotes a long and blush-inducing list of raunchy slang terms culled from the Web site of the Salem, Oreg.-based "Sly Records"), magazines (he unearths a gold mine of girl slang from the late, beloved Jane), movies (he cites the effective use of "fuckin-A" in Mike Judge's 1999 film "Office Space") and television shows (including, of course, "Buffy the Vampire Slayer," although he finds untold riches of slangification in "The Simpsons" as well).Stephanie Zacharek, Salon Magazine, 16 April 2009.
"After looking at all the examples at the Eric Meyer website last night in both IE and Mozilla, I only saw one that wouldn't work in IE on Windows. That one was slantify. Others didn't work 100% but that didn't effect presentability of the examples."
But Outside writer Marc Peruzzi attributes the rise of bars to a number of factors, from millennials's desire for more organic and wholesome ingredients to a heightened demand for on-the-go meal options, which he dubs "the snackification of the country."E J Dickson, Vox, 27 February 2019.
Gravitational tidal forces would stretch him in the direction of his motion, while compressing him in all other directions - a process nicknamed spaghettification.Paul Halpern, 'The Quantum Labyrinth'.
His recipes are full of surprise and playfulness: strange juxtapositions of hot and cold ingredients, intensely flavored frozen powders, and mysterious liquid-centered gelatin orbs made through a process called spherification.Slate magazine, 08 October 2008.
In 2018 Zhengzhou announced a plan to ensure that nearly nine-tenths of its core urban area would be spongified by 2030.The Economist, 20 November 2021.
In short, even in a Spotified music world that seems to be drifting towards a 'post-genre' landscape, poptimist and rockist stereotypes live on - a sign that the factional impulse in music fandom may be harder to shake than you might think.Jack Hamilton, 'In Defense of the Insufferable Music Fan', Atlantic, November 2021.
"Carter and Anderson would Spy-ify writers's copy, often completely rewriting it to get the tone - equal parts venom and glee - just right."The New York Time Book Review, 03 December 2006.
"Being anti-gentrification was equated with being pro-stabification and pro-shootification."From a PBS broadcast on gentrification.
"I've heard more than one person refer to it as the Starbucksification of Second Life"."Ned Reuters", discussing the online game "Second Life", in which people develop avatars that can fly over the landscape, but also go to work, subscribe to specially prepared editions of real magazines, or purchase an enormous genital upgrade. Reuters News Service has paid to "put up" a "news building" in this fantasy world, and "Ned Reuters" is the name of the avatar of their "local" reporter. You wouldn't think nerds could make you cry...
The STEM-ification of education has a sad, conformist, careerist, depressing side to it. Everybody Code Now! Code Or Die!Rex Parker, 'Rex Parker Does the NYT Crossword', 10 April 2020.
Storification is not just about telling stories; it is about creating a story for our customers to experience.
Paradoxically, Khomeini helped Sunnify Shiism by assuming the role of autocrat and empire seeker, while helping Sunnis to Shiify their creed by glorifying martyrdom.Irshad Manji, New York Times Book Review, 13 August 2006.
"There is absolutely a Survivor-fication of television at some level."Howard Gordon, an executive producer of "24", a scripted show which has been sacrificing noted cast members extravagantly.
"What Killed Michael Hutchence?: The Tabloidification of the Modern Rock Doc"The Guardian, 07 October 2019.
"Although the entree's ills were first diagnosed in the late 1990's, when the rise of small plates kicked off the tapafication of American menus, the attacks have become more serious lately."The New York Times, 05 December 2007
"The glacial undercurrents of racial antipathy between Jew and non-Jew cannot be tepified by even the hottest fiercest rays of the sun of love!"Jason Fagone, 'The Woman Who Smashed Codes', quoting "The Jewish Criterion" newspaper.
"Its network of roads, turnings, and crossings (already much engineered and improved), was imprinted on the army's mental map, and its placenames had been Tommified over a large area, not only those of the larger spots whose soldier equivalents were well-known at home - Armenteers, Wipers (Ypres), Vlam (Vlamertinghe), Eetaps (Etaples) - but of many quite tiny features of purely local tactical importance."John Keegan, "The Face of Battle".
"Added a link to giftrans, a useful little Unix program that can transparentify a GIF file."on the web site for the xv graphics program.
"I want to be involved in science communication to allow it to enrich people's life like food, literature, or music can. We need to re-trendify science.
"Unhappily, darling, I can't. I'm all trustified. Didn't you know? Apart from my income, it's all - well, I can't touch a thing."Maurice Edelman, "The Prime Minister's Daughter".
J. P. Morgan Accuses of Trying tro "Trustify? the Earth"A newspaper headline cited by Marc Seifer in 'The Life and Times of Nikola Tesla'.
"Rationalization was accompanied by the related phenomenon of industrial concentration: the amalgamation into great industrial empires of enterprises engaged in similar or allied productive processes. The best known examples of trustification are I. G. Farbenindustrie (1925) and Vereinigte Stahlwerke (1926)."William Carr, "A History of Germany".
"It makes me wonder what Trow, who died in 2006, would make of the Twitter-ified world."Christopher Beam, Slate Magazine, 02 August 2010.
Their row over credits is now resolved, but [John] Ridley mentions in passing and without rancour that, in his original draft, Clooney's character was a black guy. "As it went through the system he was ... unblackified," he says.The Guardian, 29 April 2017.
"Pop culture's Twilight plague: How vampire-ifying stories is ruining perfectly good plots"Laura Miller, Salon Magazine, 16 July 2014.
"The process of sharing slides is broken. It goes from my hard drive to yours via email. Or if I put it online, its in a clunky format like pdf or Powerpoint that you need to download. Slideshare solves that problem. It webifies your slides - it makes the experience of viewing them, sharing them with individuals or groups smooth and seamless."
"The Captain was not only unaccustomed to tell the truth,- he was unable even to think it - and fact and fiction reeled together in his muzzy, whiskified brain."Thackerary, in "The History of Pendennis".
"In this wikified age of instant information - where anyone is free to create (or destroy) knowledge on the Internet from the privacy of their own PC, or iPhone, or Blackberry - it could be easy to dismiss 'Pioneering Women in American Mathematics' as just another database."Margaret Murray, in a book review in The College Mathematics Journal, Volume 41, Number 3, May 2010.
"Gay jokes, or more specifically, men assuring themselves that they are not gay, mark a new phase in the Will and Gracification of American television."The New York Times, 01 September 2005.
"foppery, frippery, metrosexuality and the wimpification of America..."as the Washington Post described the men's shopping magazine Cargo.
Like the former guy, Masters is sure he knows how to fix what he sees as the problem with the military - its wokification.Joan McCarter, Daily KOS, 16 September 2022.
And this month brings a double dose of Cate Blanchett performances in 'Don't Look Up', which casts her as a terrifyingly yassified cable-news host and 'Nightmare Alley' in which she treats the films eye-popping production design as if it were all custom-made for her femme fatal to slink on.Kyle Buchanan, The New York Times, 16 December 2021.
The latest meme-ified internet trend explores this alternative "yass queen" reality by swapping historical figures, celebrities and even the Queen with a yassified version of themselves, usually consisting of a blurred face, fake digital makeup (including fake eyelashes), long wavy Instagram hair and long nails.Laura Pitcher, Vice, 19 November 2021.
And this worrier then transmits profound anxiety and insecurity into these groups, destroying their confidince, Yiddifying them, and making them less prone to violence.Jonathan Ames, "What's Not to Love?".
Of course Michelle got Yoko Ono-ified by Barack's aides.Slate Magazine, 15 January 2012.
All day long he helps yogified babes try on form-fitting clothes and assesses the result.The Utne Reader, November/December 2007.
The Yogification of AmericaArticle headline in Salon Magazine, 02 May 2010.
He recently revealed he had to delay the movie because the youthification – as he called it – of Robert De Niro, Al Pacino and Joe Pesci was not good enough.Steve Rose, The Guardian, 10 June 2019.
So if China wants to yuanify some of its claims on the rest of the world, it will need a currency that can go down as well as up.The Economist, 22 January 2011.
For grasshoppers, zombification is an everyday hazard and it obliges them to end their lives in a bizarre manner.The New York Times, 06 September 2005.