It's de-lightful, it's de-lovely, it's de-licious, that in English you can take the prefix de- and negate any noun, adjective, verb or adverb. But just because you can doesn't mean you should, and some of the results may have been useful to their inventors but are rather de-lovely to look at!
Ray Winstone is bombastic enough and, via the magic of animation, he is de-aged and given a physique that Arnold Schwarzenegger would envy.James Berardinelli, review of "Beowulf".
Nixon and his top adviser on foreign affairs, National Security Adviser and later Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger, devised three main strategies to Vietnamize (or de-Americanize) the Vietnam War.
Law of Total Probability or "Law of de-Anding"
"When I say de-arrest, I mean if you see your friend getting grabbed [by officers], grab them back," Lindseth advised. "We're out here fighting for change."Maura Barrett, David Douglas and Safia Samee Ali, NBC News, 29 July 2020.
Then he has to undergo a serious de-asshole-ification. Then he has to bust his balls trying to get Sakura to like him again. Only then will I be satisfied.Can also be used literally, as in this sequence of subtitles from the movie "Coup de Torchon" (this rendering is patched together from a vague memory)
You know why dogs sniff each other like that? A long time ago they were going to have a meeting and one of them said, "Let's leave our assholes at the door so they don't stink up the place," so they all de-assholed and then a cat came and they all ran out after it, each just grabbing any asshole they could, and ever since then, when one dog sniffs another, it's just saying "Do you have my asshole?"
The phone booth had an automatic door and I couldn't de-automate it and I was getting really beat up because we were up against the gun so I just shot it.Ridley Scott, interviewed in Wired, October 2007.
But while the Bush team has been lecturing the Iraqi Shiites to limit de-Baathification to Baghdad, it was carrying out its own de-Democratization in the Justice Department in Washington.The New York Times, 16 May 2007.
And people have been predicting the slow de-Babylonization of New Orleans for decades.The New York Times, 31 August 2005.
"Whatever Gutfreund said," said one of my colleagues much nearer to Gutfreund than I, "he always thought just one firm was capabable of deballing Salomon Brothers, of taking over our franchise: Drexel."Michael Lewis, 'Liar's Poker'.
The child abuse scandals rocking Belgium's powerful Catholic Church are also shaking the faith of followers, with more and more people asking to be struck off baptism registers - a global movement known as de-baptism.Agence France Press, 10 January 2011.
In the provinces, entire communes, although only a fraction of the total, underwent a process of debaptisation, adopting such names as Liberty, Equality, Fraternity, or Bara, Brutus, and Marat.Michael Burleigh, 'Earthly Powers'.
Stern Commission Wants to Debench Judge Who Wouldn't Let Police Run Her Courtroom.
That is all - yet, when we board the streetcar and sit down beside each other, I take her hand and feel suddenly purged of yet another ghost, as de-Kafkafied by my pilgrimage to the cemetery as I would appear to have been de-Birgittized once and for all by that visitation on the terrace restaurant in Venice.Philip Roth, 'The Professor of Desire'.
Why have 100 debleated goats been secretly placed inside the Special Forces Command Center at Fort Bragg, North Carolina?From a review of the book "The Men Who Stare at Goats".
Similarly Donald Greene, who has taken on the responsibility of writing the third volume of the Johnson biography begun by James L. Clifford (Young Sam Johnson and Dictionary Johnson), portrays himself primarily as a biographer committed to deboswellizing and demacaulaying Johnson.Wilson Snipes, 'Authorial Typology in Literary Biography'.
De-Brahminizing Religion and Culture in IndiaTitle of a lecture given by a visiting Indian scholar in Blacksburg, Virginia in February, 2008.
Some of the mules, in order to keep the peace, had to be de-brayed.Susan Orlean, The New Yorker, 15/22 February 2010.
Gorbachev's attempt to de-Brezhnevize the Soviet economy started from a position of economic and ideological confidence.
But he had more ambitious plans for constitutional reconstruction, summarily stated as de-Bourbonizing France.Simon Schama, in 'Citizens'.
...the days of relative innocence in America, when the young were asking only for a little more freedom, a bit more sex and debourgeoisation.John Updike, in 'Bech at Bay'.
The other group of collectors is known, somewhat disparagingly, as de-boxers. These are people who experience no remorse in removing Barbie from her cardboard casing, even though the doll's value drops anywhere from 40 to 80 percent upon exit.Shari Caudron, 'Who Are You People?'.
The Beam Division at Fermilab, among other duties, supervises the functionality of the debuncher ring. The function of the debuncher is to receive beams of antiprotons from the beamline AP-2 and reduce their momentum spread through modifications affecting their frequencies.
We aim at decarbonizing our economy by midcentury.Franz Untersteller, Baden-Wuerttemberg state minister for the environment, climate and energy.
Because of our continued efforts to decarcerate, New York City is now a national leader on alternatives to jail and reducing incarceration rates.
The first step is going to be to decarcinogenise toys.Nicola Murray, Minister of the Department of Social Affairs and Citizenship in 'The Thick of It', announcing a campaign to replace wooden toys with plastic ones.
The piece is mainly interested in blasting TV for sexing-up the costume drama while de-carnalizing scripted shows set in modern times.Salon Magazine, 16 April 2011.
ACM is considering the de-charter of the following student chapters due to inactivity.
According to primatologist Jane Goodall, they dechimpize him by treating him like prey.Sebastian Junger, 'Freedom'.
The Dechronization of Sam MagruderA time travel novel by George Simpson.
The final play of the game resulted in sophomore Mark Sweeney running down the right sideline of the field to leave his feet and decleat number 2 from Kutztown University, which resulted in the ball dropping to the ground.
Patrick: What's so important about a [bathroom door] lock?"Coupling", Series 3, Episode 6.
Steve: You need to be enclosed. Secure all areas. Otherwise you can't declench.
Patrick: Declench?
Steve: Declenching is out of the question without a lock.
Patrick: No offence but have you guys ever been declenched?
Steve: You need security. You need to be able to say to yourself "I'm safe, I'm alone. No one's going to walk in and laugh. Mummy's gone to the shops."
Then I tasted it - it was like 7-Up and Dr Pepper and Pepsi and tap water all sort of randomly mixed and decolorized.Douglas Coupland, 'Microserfs'.
"We have the factories for the manganese-decolorized glass, but we don’t have them for the Alexandrian glass," Dr. Barfod said. "It’s been a mystery that historians have dreamed of solving."New York Times, 31 July 2020.
Halfway through the meal, Michael said over his Filet-o-Fish, "Las Vegas is perhaps about the constant attempt of humans to decomplexify complex systems."Douglas Coupland, 'Microserfs'.
From a correspondent on June 16, 1992, really putting it on the line: 'Life has a sort of built-int drive towards complexity, matched by no drive to de-complexity.'Stephen Gould, 'Full House'.
With an interest in getting some perspective on this cultural shift, as well as some background on why this de-Confederatization is necessary in the first place, Salon reached out to historian James Loewen, the best-selling author of "Lies My Teacher Told Me: Everything Your American History Textbook Got Wrong" and "Lies Across America: What Our Historic Sites Get Wrong", two books that helped lay the groundwork for this sea change.Salon, 10 July 2015.
The key stages included the deconfessionalization of the rites of passage, opening Oxford and Cambridge to Dissenters.Michael Burleigh, 'Earthly Powers'.
HARMER: Well, I wouldn't say my ally. But it is a situation where the best way to describe that is the American military will wind up de-conflicting with the Syrian military, rather than cooperating with...Scott Simon interviews Christopher Harmer, National Public Radio, 20 September 2014.
SIMON: De-conflicting is the phrase Secretary Kerry used. It threw me. I don't know the phrase.
HARMER: It's interesting because the military uses that phrase all the time because, you know, words do matter. And de-confliction is sort of a military phrase that says we are not going to work with this military organization. But we are going to observe their patterns - what we call a pattern of life - and we are going to organize our pattern of life so as not to conflict with theirs.
The vase broke, fractured, shattered, was decreated.Susan Sontag, 'The Volcano Lover'.
Vanessa Williams's vindication is a long time coming, but what's to stop the same de-crowning from happening again?Salon Mazagine, 14 September 2015.
The floorboards where he rested rose and dipped in an irregular wave, de-crucified by time and wear.Sam Millar, 'The Redemption Factory'.
"Monsieur!" the man in the suit began, as our waiter set down our entrees, another one poured us fresh water, and a third waiter carefully decrumbed our not-very-crumby table.Jennifer Weiner, 'Good in Bed'.
But while the Bush team has been lecturing the Iraqi Shiites to limit de-Baathification to Baghdad, it was carrying out its own de-Democratization in the Justice Department in Washington.The New York Times, 16 May 2007.
Meanwhile, captivated by the apocalyptic panorama of de-densified cities wrecked beyond all hope, still other scholars have tried to get a grip on the broader phenomenon of shrinking cities.Jeff Byles, 'Rubble'.
Harvard wants students to move out in 5 days in bid to de-densify campus over coronavirus.CNN, 10 March 2020.
"We are determined to reverse the impact of decades of conflict and de-development," the report said.The New York Times, 6 December 2007.
The king had ordered Khwajah to be de-eared during a royal picnic, after the tent protecting the king's wives from sight had blown down in a gust of wind.Ben Macintyre, 'The Man Who Would Be King'.
An iconoclastic counterculture darling like The National Lampoon gets so popular that it is taken over and de-edged for the masses?Jim Bernath, Letter to the Editor, The New York Times, 17 July 2005.
This `book,' originally constructed by Williams and Mosteller, contained an extensive list of items that Mosteller and Wallace unedited, de-edited, and edited before beginning the statistical analysis of the texts - items such as quotations and numerals.J. Rudman, 'The non-traditional case for the authorship of the twelve disputed Federalist Papers: A monument built on sand'.
There's no topic like eschatology (from Greek 'ta eschata', the last things) to trigger angst - to the extent that some German scholars, anxious to avoid the subject, have subjected the scriptures to what Pelikan calls enteschatologisierung (or less impressively in English, de-eschatologization).Stan Kelly-Bootle, QUEUE, June 2004.
Changing an 's' to an 'sh' was an affectation you heard on some American records, so it helped make the Beatles sound more like their musical idols, plus it removed any kind of potential de-essing problems, where, if there was too much top end (treble), the sound on vinyl would distort.Geoff Emerick, 'Here, There, and Everywhere'.
Unless there's a catastrophic bank crisis anyway - which seems plausible for Greece and increasingly possible for Ireland, but unlikely though not impossible for Spain - it is hard to see any Spanish government taking the risk of de-euroizing.The New York Times, 29 November 2010.
But a startup now hopes to bring thylacines back from the dead through a process called de-extinction and has enlisted a team of scientists, along with a celebrity family, to help the cause.Becky Ferreira, Vice, 16 August 2022.
The Russian literary theorist Viktor Shklovsky is responsible for coining the term defamiliarization, which describes art's ability to reawaken our senses by making the familiar unfamiliar.James Hartman, 'The Defamiliarization of Death in Hemingway's The Snows of Kilimanjaro', The Hemingway Review, Volume 35, Issue 2, Spring 2016.
The abbe Gregoire was responsible for defanaticising Parisian addresses, so that Rue de la Constitution led into Rue du Bonheur.Michael Burleigh, 'Earthly Powers'.
"You," he replies, "who married a femme fatale?"Philip Roth in 'The Professor of Desire'.
"But only to de-fatalize her, to de-fang her, along the way."
Ohio's ballot initiative, Issue 1, will let voters decide whether to defelonize drug possession.German Lopez, Vox, 06 November 2018.
DEFOREST YOUR MAILBOXThe New York Times, 18 October 2007.
I don't know about you, but defriending (whether I'm the defriender or the defriendee) always makes me a little sad. In case you don't know about it already, defriending, in Second Life is when somebody takes you off their friends list. They disappear from yours too, so if you think to look for them there, that's how you can tell.
Before Burger King pulled the campaign, there had been no shortage of Facebookers willing to slim down their friend lists while fattening their bellies. Nearly 234,000 Faceboookers were defriended for the sake of a hamburger.
I have a four year old cat. Yesterday I was a bad mom and left a window open. The window shut on her tail and it was degloved.
A deglove injury happens when skin is forced to peel back from a part of your body, especially a limb or appendage. It is sort of like removing a glove, sleeve, or mask. Deglove injury attorneys are litigators who deal with the common injuries involving a deglove incident or accident involving removal of skin from your body or your child's body.
The most common surgical technique is to deglove the penis by making a cut around the shaft near the glans penis and peeling back the skin to the base to examine the inner surface.
AXE De-Glue Shampoo + Scrub features rock crystals and removes the gunky product build-up blocking guys's game.
But while it's quite common for new words to be formed by adding prefixes or suffixes (editorialize from editor, anti-nuclear from nuclear), or even by re-casting a portion of a word that hadn't before been thought of as an affix (snowmageddon based on armageddon, chocoholic based on alcoholic), it's exceedingly uncommon to form a new word by keeping the suffix and discarding the rest. But that's exactly what ish did, a process that Mr. Verb, a blogger who writes about language and linguistics, calls degrammaticalization.Slate magazine, 09 June 2014.
One McIntosh apple, puffing hard, can turn out enough ethylene to de-green a dozen oranges in a day or two.John McPhee, 'Oranges'.
Then I did; but I had a suspicion even then that Zen was not the proper area of study, or the proper orientation toward life, for someone from a Western heritage, that it would always be artificial and, as Robert Bly was later to point out, degrounding, that you cannot ground yourself in somebody else's culture.Oral interview with Tom Robbins, The Smithsonian, 03 March 1984.
Today, this critical agenda is being pursued by the adherents of the degrowth movement - popular in Europe but enjoying very little traction in the United States. The goal of this movement is not just to scrutinize the ecological wisdom of continuing in the current pro-growth mode but also to question the wisdom of using indicators like the GDP to assess and formulate public policy.Evgeny Morozov, Slate Magazine, 22 January 2014.
On page seventy-seven he tells us, "An excellent way to dehaunt a house would be to make it the residence of a newly fertilized woman just prior to normal entry of the Mac into the fetus."Mary Roach, 'Spook: Science Tackles the Afterlife'.
DECAF IS JOINED BY DE-HEARTBURNThe New York Times, 14 March 2007.
The troops, about fifteen in all, were affiliated with Stop the Chop NY/NJ, a group seeking a federal de-helicoperized zone (with exceptions for police, media, and medevacs).Zach Helfand, The New Yorker, 31 January 2022.
This way the athletes come off best, with their star roles intact, which they deliberately exchange for roles in the modeling world. So the athletes themselves understand their deheroization.A Der Spiegel interview with Peter Sloterdijk, reprinted in Harper's, September 2006.
Here he was, attempting to de-hoard his life, and there was Christopher, sneaking crap back in.Jonathan Miles, 'Want Not'.
The dizzying shift of perspective experienced by the subject of the Milgram experiment when he was debriefed or dehoaxed, as Milgram calls it, is comparable to the dislocation felt by the subject of a book or article when he first reads it.Janet Malcolm, 'The Journalist and the Murderer'.
"She made it her personal project to embed some self-esteem and stronger values in these women," Mr Hirschhorn said. Or, as another VH1 executive put it, "She said she wanted to de-hootchify them."The New York Times, 04 February 2007.
This had allowed Portal in November 1942 to present the chiefs of staff with the grisly prediction that Bomber Command in eighteen months could kill 900,000 Germans, seriously injure another million, destroy 6 million homes, and dehouse 25 million people.Richard Overy, in 'The Bombers and the Bombed'.
"Ever since the Pittsburgh airport was de-hubbed it's been impossible to get a direct flight to anywhere."An overheard conversation.
"De-identified is generally defined under the Privacy Rule as information (1) that does not identify the individual and (2) for which there is no reasonable basis to believe the individual can be identified from it."
John Podhoretz, calling on Republicans in 1996 to resist the efforts to de-ideologize the Republican Party, had echoed, somewhat less forthrightly, Reed's complaint about the stress on economic issues.Joan Didion, 'Political Fictions'.
In addition to automatically removing reported infringing links within hours, search engines have agreed to completely deindex all domains that carry 100 or more links to infringing content.BeauHD, Slashdot, 08 February 2022.
When sound came into movies in the 1930s and the industry de-internationalized, different countries established traditions and expectations that remained quite firmly fixed.David Bellos, interview in Salon, 9 October 2011.
But the director makes one major, overarching change: She de-Italianizes the story.Marissa Martinelli, Slate, 06 January 2022.
Historian Deborah Lipstadt writes that the de-Judaization represented by Trump's statement is historically inaccurate.The Guardian, 30 January 2017.
There's no guarantee these changes actually de-juice the ball as intended.Axios, 09 February 2021.
That is all - yet, when we board the streetcar and sit down beside each other, I take her hand and feel suddenly purged of yet another ghost, as de-Kafkafied by my pilgrimage to the cemetery as I would appear to have been de-Birgittized once and for all by that visitation on the terrace restaurant in Venice.Philip Roth, 'The Professor of Desire'.
You Americans made one big mistake in your efforts to democratize us Germans and that is why it never worked properly... You neglected to de-Kaiserize us.Willy Schlichter, quoted in 'The Germans', by Gordon Craig.
The word 'Kloostermania' was written on an overhead. "I am going to talk about a process of deKloostermanization," he said with a twinkle.Karl Sabbagh, 'The Riemann Hypothesis'.
(Morozov was the fourteen-year-old boy who, during the early thirties' dekulakization, turned his father in to the authorities for hoarding grain. He was rewarded by those in the small village in which he lived by being gloriously beaten to death - so the story went...)Jack Womack, in 'Let's Put the Future Behind Us'.
The Soviet leader presented the disarray in the Soviet countryside, and then dekulakization, as the result of an authentic class war.Timothy Snyder, in 'Bloodlands'.
But as longtime New York Times copy editor Merrill Perlman observed in 2009, standard English is - and has been, for centuries - undergoing an inexorable de-Latinization.Katy Waldman, Slate Magazine, 10 August 2016.
Antoine took off her helmet and began de-leeching the inside of it.Richard Preston, 'The Wild Trees'.
Our results indicate that a positive lepton gradient forms in the outer core. In addition, we show that heating always accompanies deleptonization.Adam Burrows, T Mazurek, James Latimer, "The deleptonization and heating of proton-neutron stars", Astrophysical Journal, Volume 251, pages 325-336, 1 December 1981.
The nub of Carr's argument is that every link in a text imposes "a little cognitive load" that makes reading less efficient. Each link forces us to ask, "Should I click?" As a result, Carr wrote in the delinkification post, "People who read hypertext comprehend and learn less, studies show, than those who read the same material in printed form."Scott Rosenberg, Salon, 7 September 2010.
Zapier, an automation company founded in 2011, has announced that it is offering new recruits a hefty de-location package if they're willing to move away from the Bay Area, an unusual perk that offers yet another sign of the worsening housing crisis in northern California.The Guardian, 22 March 2017.
Similarly Donald Greene, who has taken on the responsibility of writing the third volume of the Johnson biography begun by James L. Clifford (Young Sam Johnson and Dictionary Johnson), portrays himself primarily as a biographer committed to deboswellizing and demacaulaying Johnson.Wilson Snipes, 'Authorial Typology in Literary Biography'.
"The French initially objected to filling any such posts with persons of Georgian or Circassian ethnicity. They aimed at a de-Mamlukization of the Egyptian elite".Juan Cole, 'Napoleon's Egypt: Invading the Middle East'.
The shapes made by vapor merge and demerge, rising through convection, falling through gravity, yet nephrology can chart every stage of their progress.Richard Hamblyn, 'The Invention of Clouds'.
"There are some sour and smelly literati these days who are utterly abominable", a retired military officer reportedly told a recent gathering in Beijing. "They attack Chairman Mao and practice de-Maoification".The Economist, 16 April 2011.
"They're trying to de-masculate the young men in our country because they don't want people who are going to stand up."US Representative Madison Cawthorn, offering an improved version of 'emasculate'.
Back in 1980, another futurologist, Alvin Toffler, anticipated the de-massifying of society in his best selling book "The Third Wave", which is still in print.John Cassidy, The New Yorker, 10/17 July 2006.
There is a troubling shift towards demedicalization of cosmetic medicine, turning it into a customer service akin to haircutting and toenail trimming.The New York Times, 26 October 2006.
Mondi, its paper and packaging business, is being demerged and is due to list in London and Johannesburg on July 3rd.The Economist, 30 June 2007.
It's fair to say that, since Vatican II, there has been a process of demissionization of the church.Overheard on BBC Radio, 05 October 2012.
The object of demosaicing is to interpolate the missing red, green, and blue values from the available ones so that the reconstructed image can be as close to the original full-resolution color image as possible.
Streaks are "extremely high motivational pieces of information that can instantly flip into being extremely high de-motivational pieces of information as soon as they're broken," says Zach Gage, an acclaimed game designer who has deployed streaks in his games.Axios, 12 February 2022.
I rolled down all four of the car's windows to demuskify the car and once again went into my road atlas - cell phone tableau vivant.Susan Isaacs, 'Any Place I Hang My Hat'.
Simplification or denesting of radical expressions is a natural simplification problem that algebraic and symbolic manipulation systems face.Johannes Bloemer, 'Denesting by Bounded Degree Radicals'.
I had been fearing that Viz was going to de-nippleize this one (due to the release dates being changed), and I am very happy to find out that that is not so.
Threshold de-noising by wavelet transform is very similar to the method that our ears take to de-noise a music signal.
And the denomadization was intended to result in a vast grain production in Southern Kazakhstan.Robert Conquest, 'Harvest of Sorrow'.
Patients in analysis sometimes say they feel they are being driven crazy by the treatment. It is the denovelization of their lives, and their glimpse into the abyss of unmediated individuality and idiosyncrasy that is the Freudian unconscious, which causes them to feel this way.Janet Malcolm, 'The Journalist and the Murderer'.
Her cold-blooded father, I remembered, would hold forth at length, once he had gone from being an engineer to an executive, about his efforts to streamline and deobsoletize the plant's operation.John Updike, 'Roger's Version'.
Oleksiy Danilov, the head of Ukraine's national security council, said on Friday that Kyiv would target sites in Crimea as part of a "step-by-step demilitarization of the peninsula with its subsequent de-occupation."The New York Times, 20 August 2022.
Putin began a de-offshorization program, urging businesses and oligarchs their headquarters and their fortunes at home.Ed Caesar, The New Yorker, 29 August 2016.
This official said Bannon's role was also to ensure that the NSC was de-operationalized following the Obama administration.Politico, 05 April 2017.
Despite nearing completion after more than a decade of construction, and recently announcing some upcoming improvements to accompany its full crew of six astronauts, NASA plans to de-orbit the International Space Station in 2016.
For Chevalier and others, Les Halles symbolized struggled against "the de-Parisianization of Paris".Jeff Byles, 'Rubble'.
Reaching true normal depends on a lot of factors, but one of the most critical is departisanizing public health to the point where even the Fox News-obsessed can understand that it is in their interests to get a vaccine that will allow their friends and neighbors to Not Die.Hunter, Daily KOS, 08 March 2021
As many as 60 Goldman executives could be stripped of their partnerships this year to make way for new blood, people with firsthand knowledge of the process say. Inside the firm, the process is known as de-partnering.The New York Times, 12 September 2010.
He argues that depatrimonialization - basically, getting kinship out of politics - is the key to development.Slate Magazine, 02 May 2011.
De-paving has taken off in many other areas. In the Bronx, teenagers tore up the asphalt in a park to plant vegetables. In Seattle, gardeners claimed a traffic median. In Houston, a nonprofit group is turning paved schoolyards into public parks.The Boston Globe, 19 October 2010.
Many long lines occur when a large number of flights leave one terminal at about the same time. Lines have been dramatically shortened when airline schedules were depeaked.USA Today, 15 July 2005.
This was the third-largest appreciation of the so-called fix since the yuan was depegged from the U.S. dollar in 2005.The Wall Street Journal, March 19-20 2016.
De-perkify for a smooth appearance!The slogan on a pack of 'Silicone Coverups', designed to hide erect nipples.
They just didn't want the phone. They needn't have bothered. The new iPod Touch is exactly what they wanted: a dephoned iPhone.The New York Times, 13 September 2007.
So the entire monument was depigeoned, then the bronze was cleaned and recoated with new patina.The New York Times, 17 September 2007.
"Dawkins, naturally appalled that he could experience any consequences for his actions, responded in surprise, 'Salon, 28 January 2016.
De-platformed for tweeting an irreverent joke song?' he wrote.
"Good luck, kid," Gabby had said grandly, waddling over to my desk for her farewell, beaming as if she hadn't spent the past two weeks lobbying for the editors to run wire copy instead of giving me a chance while she was off, presumably being de-polyped.Jennifer Weiner, 'Good in Bed'.
AXE De-Poof Shampoo features a hydrating Kukui blend and deflates poofy hair to inflate guys's appeal.
Your hair - it's somewhat de-poofed.Jerry to Elaine, on 'Seinfeld'.
Never forget the first Pope John XXIII was depoped.When negative piglets are produced on a consistent basis and when we know that there is no virus circulation in the sow herd, (using the new breeding stock as sentinels) the other sites could be depoped and repoped with the newly negative offspring from the sow herd.
Recent discoveries in astronomy and cosmology bring to light inescapable conclusions and profound awareness. Ancient beliefs are being deprovincialized.
The California Supreme Court declined yesterday to depublish a Fifth District Court of Appeal ruling requiring the Bakersfield City School District to release discipline records of a school administrator charged with murder to the Bakersfield Californian.
Why she chose mad poets, I can't depuzzle entirely, but if you collect, I suppose you have to specialise, and, if you are interested in studying them as Odile was, they have the advantage of writing down some of their own ramblings.Tibor Fischer, "The Collector Collector"
To de-queen and let the bees raise a replacement is a very old method of controlling swarming and under a few conditions may make a lot of sense.
Randomized algorithms are still of great practical importance, but the intellectual excitement is on the side of derandomization, showing that the same task can be done by a deterministic program.Brian Hayes, "Quasirandom Ramblings", The American Scientist, Volume 99, July-August 2011, pages 282-287
This month Mathew Knowles, father of Beyonce, released the CD "Kid's Rap Radio", featuring 8-year-olds behind the mike rapping deraunchified hits like Busta Rhymes's "Touch it".The New York Times, 26 November 2006.
Other couples, derealized in the drift of the night, loomed up on us and vanished.TC Boyle, "The Inner Circle".
Founded by FSU alum John Rivers in 2009, 4R features a variety of southern-style options that Rivers describes as sophisticated, de-regionalized barbecue.FSView and Florida Flambeau, 04 August 2016.
The de-religionized spirituality of Mitch Albom's No. 1-selling "The Five People You Meet in Heaven"?Anonymous word slinger in "The Year in Culture" article in Time Magazine's 2003 Year End edition. What was wrong with "secularized"? Is there any way we can de-dumbize these people?
And it was never but once a year that they were brought together anyway, and that was on the neutral dereligionized ground of Thanksgiving.Philip Roth, "American Pastoral"
In the midst of an era of de-restoration, museum staff has taken to removing fake noses and appendages from sculptures to which they’d been affixed for decades.Slate Magazine, 22 May 2015.
We accept Lyell's first two uniformities, but so did the catastrophists. Lyell's third uniformity, appropriately derigidified, is his great substantive contribution.Stephen Gould, 'Ever Since Darwin'.
Unlike Thain, Fuld hadn't been brought in to fix Lehman - he had built it. So, making the aggressive de-risking moves Thain was making would have meant dismantling his own aggressive growth and leverage strategy.Henry Blodget, SLATE Magazine, 15 September 2008.
"These will accomplish a substantial de-risking of our balance sheeet and reinforce the emphasis on our client-focussed businesses."Andrew Ross Sorkin, 'Too Big To Fail'.
Stephane Bern, a journalist and specialist in French royalty and society, calls it the de-sacred-ization of the French presidency, adding that he is reserving judgment on whether all this change will be better or worse for France.The New York Times, 31 May 2007.
In the prewar planning, the State Department had advocated Desaddamification - a purging of those who had committed crimes (in the name of the regime) and the very top of the command structure.
The de-Santafication process has begun!"
Consumer products makers call this desheeting - reducing the number of sheets of toilet paper or tissues in each package while holding retail prices constant.The Wall Street Journal, 24 July 2013.
Have you heard of deshopping? It's when you buy something with the intention of returning it later. For instance, you could buy a new dress and use it once without cutting the tags off and then return it to the store.
The same philosophy is today followed in the fast-food industry, where the production of food has been industrialized and deskilled in the same way that the production of cloth was industrialized in the nineteenth century.Tom Hodgkinson, "How to be Idle".
A century or so ago, critics worried that the rise of scientific management in the industrial workplace would deskill the American worker;
Because of the rain and his wet shoes Ben can now desock with the rest of the Deadheads without feeling guilty.Douglas Coupland, "Polaroids from the Dead".
We only offer to desoul the body or disembody the soul.Dr Flintstein, played by David Strathairn, in 'Cold Souls'.
Harmy's Despecialized Edition is a fan-created film preservation of the original Star Wars trilogy films: Star Wars (1977), The Empire Strikes Back (1980) and Return of the Jedi (1983).Wikipedia, 'Harmy's Despecialized Edition'.
Such ventures did have the potential to de-state business problems, to make the usual activities of enterprises - buying, producing, selling - also normal behind Soviet frontiers.Mark Kramer, "Travels with a Hungry Bear".
If the chief abused his power, his subordinate chiefs, the members of his Council, could destool him.K A Busia.
This signing also marks the official detenderization of Jon Greenway, moving up out of the crease to forward.From a cricket web page.
First, it would not have been appropriate to attempt to classify ... The Joke ... as a detenurable offense.Edward Allen, 'Mustang Sally'.
They also seized the 'House of Saint Daniel' and took the treasure that had been kept there on the orders of the Persian kings since the days of Darius and Cyrus, another example of the dethesaurization of precious metals that so often accompanied the Arabic conquest.Hugh Kennedy, 'The Great Arab Conquests'.
One of the first and most noticeable effects of detraining is that that plasma volume is lost.The New York Times, 22 November 2007.
Her ex, Ames, lived for several years as a trans woman named Amy, before detransitioning and living his life again as a man.Emily VanDerWerff, Vox, 18 January 2021.
Detrending is the process of removing an undesired trend in a time series.
We de-trucked ten miles from the target and, guided by Endean and his trusty compass, we trekked the last section on foot in silence.Denis Avey, "The Man Who Broke Into Auschwitz"
Heading into Election Day, some commentators have argued that the best way to de-Trumpify the GOP would be to hand the party a stinging defeat by flipping control of the House.McKay Coppins, Atlantic, 06 November 2018.
Today, it is still the place for a long aimless walk from the low-rent Uprising Square to the city's focal point, Palace Square, where the de-tsared Winter Palace sits on its haunches in a green provincial funk.Gary Shteyngart, "Little Failure".
So this weekend, give your hookup-buddy a call, show him or her this article, and get off third base already. It's time to de-virginize this campus once and for all!
Borges' father, a man stunted by the heroic paternal shadow in which he lived, evidently did things like give his son an actual dagger to use on bullies at school and send him to a brothel for devirginization.David Foster Wallace, 'Borges on the Couch'.
Questionnaire data pertaining to the circumstances surrounding a submarine crewmember's decision to devolunteer were collected from 101 enlisted men following Submarine School graduation.E M Noddin, "Studies In Enlisted Submariner Motivation I: Some Etiological Factors Related To Devolunteering Of Submarine School Candidates."
It was hard, halfway through 1998, for even him to believe in American propriety's enduring power, and he was the one who considered himself tyrannized: the bridle it still is on public rhetoric, the inspiration it provides for personal posturing, the persistence just about everywhere of this de-virilizing pulpit virtue-mongering that H. L. Mencken identified with boobism, that Philip Wylie though of as Momism, that the Europeans unhistorically call American puritanism, that the likes of Ronald Reagan call America's core values, and that maintains widespread jurisdiction by masquerading itself as something else - as everything else.Philip Roth, "The Human Stain".
Engineers have been quoted as saying that the 13 1/2-foot-wide aqueduct could very well collapse if it were drained for repairs, since the flow of water helps hold up the tunnel walls that date from the 1940s. Mr Rush described what sounds almost like a logistical Catch-22. "We have to consider the effects of dewatering it, or taking it out of a pressured state," he said.The New York Times, 11 April 2008.
Le Bor describes Jaffa's past as idyllic. His vision of the future includes the de-Zionization of Israel.The New York Times Book Review, 27 May 2007.
[Aviation's] purchase of the right to emit a tonne of CO2 from a ground source will be a net disbenefit to the environment.Caroline Lucas, MEP.
His usual practice is to disbind the newspapers - that is, cut them out of their chronological context with a utility knife (you can hear the binding strings pop softly as the blade travels down the inner gutter of the volume) - and sell the eye-catching headline issues.Nicholson Baker, "Double Fold: Libraries and the Assault on Paper".
Ms Hayden has been credited with one of the more creative online responses to nasty commentators - disemvowelment, the removal of all the vowels from a post. Not quite censorship, but not exactly unfettered commentary either. Ms Blue - who was disemconsonanted, too - said that even that half-step gave her a creepy feeling.The New York Times, 07 July 2008.
The newspaper, which published its first endorsement in 1982, posted a dis-endorsement of President Trump in 2016, but fell short of actually endorsing Hillary Clinton.Axios, 20 October 2020.
You're not helping me! You're dishelping me!Real estate agent Luis, on the 'reality' TV show 'Million Dollar Listing'.
Not everyone, the Collector was aware, is improved by the job he does in life; some people are visible disimproved.J G Farrell, "The Siege of Krishnapur".
The publishers will be squeezed at best and disintermediated at worst.Jacob Weisberg, Slate, 21 March 2009.
"The only bother about opium is that it's rather an unwholesome road. I had to go to a nursing home in Cannes to get disintoxicated."Aldous Huxley, 'Brief Candles'.
"The rehearsal began with unassetting, that is, leaving the helicopters."Robert Kaplan, 'Imperial Grunts'.
Their row over credits is now resolved, but [John] Ridley mentions in passing and without rancour that, in his original draft, Clooney's character was a black guy. "As it went through the system he was ... unblackified," he says.The Guardian, 29 April 2017.
Every time she criticizes me, she uncriticizes me about 15 minutes later.Donald Trump, on spineless Nikki Haley.
"Under their sentimentalities, their one desire, of course, was to reduce me as quick as possible to the most ignoble un-difference."Aldous Huxley, 'Brief Candles'.
"That's one of the ugly truths about law enforcement. It's very ugly at times. We tried to make it as undifficult as we could."Joan Didion, quoting Michael Emmick, 'Political Fictions'.
They were trying to unghettoize art house films, get them out of the teeny theaters at the edge of town where the beatniks live, and make them accessible to a broader, more mainstream audience.Christina Kounelias, quoted in Peter Biskind's "Down and Dirty Pictures."
I have always been rather proud of my un-nagginess.Gillian Flynn, 'Gone Girl'.
I do like the idea of prayer as a way to foreground one's blessings. It unselfs the self, as the theologian Eugene Peterson would say.Rhoda Janzen, 'Mennonite in a Little Black Dress'.
On second viewing, though, the tone of this show is so odd, the actors are so completely unusual and unsitcomy, that you can't help embracing its scrappy sickness just a little bit in spite of yourself.Heather Havrilesky, Salon online magazine, 26 October 2008.