The Swap Trap

The following code will interchange the values in X and Y, and uses no temporary variables:

        subroutine swap2 ( x, y )
        real x
        real y

        x = x + y
        y = x - y
        x = x - y

It may be hard to believe this, but just work out what happens when you start with X being 10 and Y being 7, for instance.

So why does no one use a swap routine like this? Well, first of all, computer memory isn't so expensive that it's worth our while to sacrifice clarity for space. Secondly, using a temporary variable, we avoid doing arithmetic, which takes time, and which can introduce slight roundoffs in our results. We'd be right to be upset if, after we swapped the values X and Y, they had been slightly changed. Finally, this technique wouldn't generalize very well if we were swapping items that were not numeric.

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Last revised on 11 February 2001.