The Minesweeper Puzzle

Puzzle 1:

        *|1| | |1|*|.
        .|2| | |1|2|*
        *|1| | | |2|.
        .|2| | | |1|*

Puzzle 2:

        *|2| | |2|*
        *|2| | |2|*

Puzzle 3: I don't know what to say about this puzzle, except that I've thought about it for a while, and I see some small ideas, but the big picture eludes me; I can't see yet how to think about this problem, but it intrigues me, as does the general question of when you know how to set up a problem that is solvable.


  1. Richard Kaye,
    Minesweeper is NP Complete,
    Mathematical Intelligencer,
    Spring, 2000, Volume 22, #2, pages 9-15.
  2. Ian Stewart,
    Million Dollar Minesweeper,
    Scientific american,
    October 2000, pages 94-95.

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Last revised on 13 November 2003.