Florida State University
(Second Time Around) - 2015

Over spring session, 7 January to 24 April 2015, I supervised a special topics course ISC 5935, focussing on the finite element method. In this course, students were expected to propose a plan of study on a particular topic of interest, to work towards the production of a final project, paper, or program, and to consult with me regularly so that I could monitor progress and answer questions.

Over spring session, 7 January to 24 April 2015, I supervised a seminar course ISC 5939, focussing on the finite element method, as well as an introduction to the FreeFem++ program. In this course, students were expected to read a research paper, present its ideas to the class, and lead a discussion about these ideas.

From 21 January to 04 February 2015, our department hosted Professor Hyung-Chun Lee from Ajou University, Suwon, Korea.

Engineering Day was Tuesday, 27 January 2015.

On Wednesday, 28 January 2015, our department hosted Mike Sussman, of the University of Pittsbugh, for a colloquium talk.

I attended the SIAM SEAS conference (South Eastern Atlantic Section), at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB), 20-22 March 2015.

Over summer session, 11 May to 07 August 2015, I supervised a 2 credit hour seminar course ISC 5939, which focussed on writing, revising and submitting scientific research papers. Students were expected to write a report, in the style of a publishable paper. Discussions in the class helped the students to improve their papers.

Over fall session, 24 August to 11 December 2015, I taught a 1 credit hour seminar course ISC 4932 / ISC 5939, inspired by a list of "The Top Ten Algorithms of the Twentieth Century". Students participate in presentations and discussions of the algorithms. We will take our time, to ensure that we understand the algorithms we choose to study.

On October 6 2015, 11am-5pm, I sponsored the local presentation of an OpenMP class broadcast from the Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center and sponsored by XSEDE.

Last revised on 11 January 2016.