17 September 2021 11:53:53.028 PM TEST_INTERP_ND_TEST FORTRAN90 version Test the TEST_INTERP_ND library. The R8LIB library is also needed. TEST01 P00_TITLE returns the problem title. There are a total of 6 problems. 1 "Oscillatory" 2 "Product Peak" 3 "Corner Peak" 4 "Gaussian" 5 "Continuous" 6 "Discontinuous" TEST02 P00_F evaluates the function. Here, we use spatial dimension M = 2 The number of points is N = 10 Problem 1 C parameters: 1: 1.0598122 2: 0.44018784 W parameters: 1: 0.24993947 2: 0.26901414 F(X) X(1) X(2) ... -0.854973 0.9029 0.1567 -0.369965 0.1272 0.5555 -0.626330 0.5838 0.1329 -0.470624 0.3840 0.1896 -0.473638 0.1065 0.8654 -0.156424 0.0057 0.3439 -0.845991 0.6185 0.8027 -0.872385 0.9606 0.0962 -0.801270 0.8366 0.0980 -0.548691 0.2768 0.6539 Problem 2 C parameters: 1: 1.6768927 2: 0.32310725 W parameters: 1: 0.11234923 2: 0.97449176 F(X) X(1) X(2) ... 0.995187E-01 0.9029 0.1567 0.288101 0.1272 0.5555 0.168222 0.5838 0.1329 0.228438 0.3840 0.1896 0.293172 0.1065 0.8654 0.273132 0.0057 0.3439 0.170120 0.6185 0.8027 0.898622E-01 0.9606 0.0962 0.109803 0.8366 0.0980 0.269924 0.2768 0.6539 Problem 3 C parameters: 1: 1.8254207 2: 0.24579329E-01 W parameters: 1: 0.40109042 2: 0.71767550 F(X) X(1) X(2) ... 0.536141E-01 0.9029 0.1567 0.517061 0.1272 0.5555 0.112920 0.5838 0.1329 0.201565 0.3840 0.1896 0.556609 0.1065 0.8654 0.945345 0.0057 0.3439 0.100801 0.6185 0.8027 0.477762E-01 0.9606 0.0962 0.617806E-01 0.8366 0.0980 0.284007 0.2768 0.6539 Problem 4 C parameters: 1: 3.0030979 2: 4.0269021 W parameters: 1: 0.24298910 2: 0.77886618 F(X) X(1) X(2) ... 0.370280E-04 0.9029 0.1567 0.394487 0.1272 0.5555 0.404408E-03 0.5838 0.1329 0.299738E-02 0.3840 0.1896 0.748721 0.1065 0.8654 0.279932E-01 0.0057 0.3439 0.277829 0.6185 0.8027 0.502724E-05 0.9606 0.0962 0.226477E-04 0.8366 0.0980 0.768284 0.2768 0.6539 Problem 5 C parameters: 1: 3.7183221 2: 16.681678 W parameters: 1: 0.52496018 2: 0.57243596 F(X) X(1) X(2) ... 0.238767E-03 0.9029 0.1567 0.171697 0.1272 0.5555 0.525961E-03 0.5838 0.1329 0.997054E-03 0.3840 0.1896 0.159196E-02 0.1065 0.8654 0.320454E-02 0.0057 0.3439 0.151673E-01 0.6185 0.8027 0.702420E-04 0.9606 0.0962 0.114696E-03 0.8366 0.0980 0.102130 0.2768 0.6539 Problem 6 C parameters: 1: 2.8207970 2: 1.4792030 W parameters: 1: 0.60515259 2: 0.35267904 F(X) X(1) X(2) ... 0.00000 0.9029 0.1567 0.00000 0.1272 0.5555 6.31781 0.5838 0.1329 3.90990 0.3840 0.1896 0.00000 0.1065 0.8654 1.69020 0.0057 0.3439 0.00000 0.6185 0.8027 0.00000 0.9606 0.0962 0.00000 0.8366 0.0980 0.00000 0.2768 0.6539 TEST02 P00_F evaluates the function. Here, we use spatial dimension M = 3 The number of points is N = 10 Problem 1 C parameters: 1: 0.43921268 2: 0.44918804 3: 0.61159928 W parameters: 1: 0.72902956 2: 0.41627973 3: 0.20785712 F(X) X(1) X(2) ... 0.537007 0.4510 0.4359 0.4982 0.825978 0.8365 0.9036 0.5402 0.724777 0.6034 0.6572 0.6250 0.772205 0.5538 0.9610 0.5546 0.508300 0.1696 0.3815 0.6853 0.485851 0.5553 0.3777 0.3688 0.761954 0.4761 0.7600 0.7318 0.676920 0.4220 0.3248 0.8896 0.798098 0.6562 0.5631 0.8416 0.891174 0.7850 0.8557 0.8217 Problem 2 C parameters: 1: 1.1840494 2: 0.64271604 3: 1.1732345 W parameters: 1: 0.41950437 2: 0.58371168E-01 3: 0.71627477 F(X) X(1) X(2) ... 0.705604 0.4510 0.4359 0.4982 0.474637 0.8365 0.9036 0.5402 0.655361 0.6034 0.6572 0.6250 0.561533 0.5538 0.9610 0.5546 0.701749 0.1696 0.3815 0.6853 0.639383 0.5553 0.3777 0.3688 0.659270 0.4761 0.7600 0.7318 0.743694 0.4220 0.3248 0.8896 0.654578 0.6562 0.5631 0.8416 0.523774 0.7850 0.8557 0.8217 Problem 3 C parameters: 1: 0.86083466 2: 0.14881023 3: 0.84035511 W parameters: 1: 0.69104444 2: 0.34441386 3: 0.60306824 F(X) X(1) X(2) ... 0.814560E-01 0.4510 0.4359 0.4982 0.352103E-01 0.8365 0.9036 0.5402 0.474636E-01 0.6034 0.6572 0.6250 0.528388E-01 0.5538 0.9610 0.5546 0.999165E-01 0.1696 0.3815 0.6853 0.864634E-01 0.5553 0.3777 0.3688 0.478637E-01 0.4761 0.7600 0.7318 0.460094E-01 0.4220 0.3248 0.8896 0.324604E-01 0.6562 0.5631 0.8416 0.258649E-01 0.7850 0.8557 0.8217 Problem 4 C parameters: 1: 3.2490420 2: 1.6252709 3: 2.1556871 W parameters: 1: 0.10361481 2: 0.45896462 3: 0.29744355 F(X) X(1) X(2) ... 0.231541 0.4510 0.4359 0.4982 0.155603E-02 0.8365 0.9036 0.5402 0.391900E-01 0.6034 0.6572 0.6250 0.445145E-01 0.5538 0.9610 0.5546 0.467255 0.1696 0.3815 0.6853 0.111378 0.5553 0.3777 0.3688 0.756964E-01 0.4761 0.7600 0.7318 0.641218E-01 0.4220 0.3248 0.8896 0.977505E-02 0.6562 0.5631 0.8416 0.136927E-02 0.7850 0.8557 0.8217 Problem 5 C parameters: 1: 10.650965 2: 5.6992265 3: 4.0498082 W parameters: 1: 0.52439187 2: 0.67729054 3: 0.39896095 F(X) X(1) X(2) ... 0.774085E-01 0.4510 0.4359 0.4982 0.559443E-02 0.8365 0.9036 0.5402 0.153885 0.6034 0.6572 0.6250 0.773193E-01 0.5538 0.9610 0.5546 0.132729E-02 0.1696 0.3815 0.6853 0.115448 0.5553 0.3777 0.3688 0.969532E-01 0.4761 0.7600 0.7318 0.618120E-02 0.4220 0.3248 0.8896 0.213447E-01 0.6562 0.5631 0.8416 0.407000E-02 0.7850 0.8557 0.8217 Problem 6 C parameters: 1: 0.98456101 2: 2.9855964 3: 0.32984264 W parameters: 1: 0.39218439 2: 0.77821947E-01 3: 0.39028129 F(X) X(1) X(2) ... 0.00000 0.4510 0.4359 0.4982 0.00000 0.8365 0.9036 0.5402 0.00000 0.6034 0.6572 0.6250 0.00000 0.5538 0.9610 0.5546 0.00000 0.1696 0.3815 0.6853 0.00000 0.5553 0.3777 0.3688 0.00000 0.4761 0.7600 0.7318 0.00000 0.4220 0.3248 0.8896 0.00000 0.6562 0.5631 0.8416 0.00000 0.7850 0.8557 0.8217 TEST02 P00_F evaluates the function. Here, we use spatial dimension M = 4 The number of points is N = 10 Problem 1 C parameters: 1: 0.48773839 2: 0.47726557 3: 0.23159378 4: 0.30340226 W parameters: 1: 0.45035424E-02 2: 0.61904039 3: 0.79578281E-01 4: 0.71849510 F(X) X(1) X(2) ... 0.889017 0.5307 0.0711 0.3914 0.2105 0.582640 0.9362 0.2136 0.6484 0.6982 0.683911 0.6346 0.6091 0.5827 0.1787 0.851853 0.3587 0.2263 0.0940 0.7195 0.573854 0.3261 0.8538 0.7331 0.6426 0.958455 0.0311 0.2598 0.3844 0.1081 0.536754 0.8938 0.8915 0.3538 0.1074 0.637031 0.4690 0.7603 0.7741 0.2669 0.572235 0.9590 0.4324 0.8213 0.2274 0.573988 0.5938 0.3734 0.7724 0.9374 Problem 2 C parameters: 1: 1.7900761 2: 1.1337667 3: 0.52696203 4: 0.54919517 W parameters: 1: 0.53149811 2: 0.40930908 3: 0.95584459 4: 0.99619648 F(X) X(1) X(2) ... 0.232946 0.5307 0.0711 0.3914 0.2105 0.204627 0.9362 0.2136 0.6484 0.6982 0.254264 0.6346 0.6091 0.5827 0.1787 0.244584 0.3587 0.2263 0.0940 0.7195 0.230365 0.3261 0.8538 0.7331 0.6426 0.137798 0.0311 0.2598 0.3844 0.1081 0.137193 0.8938 0.8915 0.3538 0.1074 0.251184 0.4690 0.7603 0.7741 0.2669 0.183620 0.9590 0.4324 0.8213 0.2274 0.336684 0.5938 0.3734 0.7724 0.9374 Problem 3 C parameters: 1: 0.50486310 2: 0.46398694 3: 0.71206049 4: 0.16908947 W parameters: 1: 0.51143165 2: 0.17580854E-01 3: 0.21079536 4: 0.79836013 F(X) X(1) X(2) ... 0.909600E-01 0.5307 0.0711 0.3914 0.2105 0.216935E-01 0.9362 0.2136 0.6484 0.6982 0.277467E-01 0.6346 0.6091 0.5827 0.1787 0.143408 0.3587 0.2263 0.0940 0.7195 0.197854E-01 0.3261 0.8538 0.7331 0.6426 0.168270 0.0311 0.2598 0.3844 0.1081 0.225469E-01 0.8938 0.8915 0.3538 0.1074 0.200387E-01 0.4690 0.7603 0.7741 0.2669 0.152692E-01 0.9590 0.4324 0.8213 0.2274 0.202390E-01 0.5938 0.3734 0.7724 0.9374 Problem 4 C parameters: 1: 2.5086666 2: 1.5468546 3: 2.7460442 4: 0.22843459 W parameters: 1: 0.43276056 2: 0.69564437 3: 0.50150880 4: 0.37712412 F(X) X(1) X(2) ... 0.337356 0.5307 0.0711 0.3914 0.2105 0.983534E-01 0.9362 0.2136 0.6484 0.6982 0.721769 0.6346 0.6091 0.5827 0.1787 0.161994 0.3587 0.2263 0.0940 0.7195 0.583082 0.3261 0.8538 0.7331 0.6426 0.206540 0.0311 0.2598 0.3844 0.1081 0.202361 0.8938 0.8915 0.3538 0.1074 0.560323 0.4690 0.7603 0.7741 0.2669 0.685245E-01 0.9590 0.4324 0.8213 0.2274 0.374850 0.5938 0.3734 0.7724 0.9374 Problem 5 C parameters: 1: 2.5825915 2: 14.097773 3: 2.0024388 4: 1.7171971 W parameters: 1: 0.46688623 2: 0.53150879 3: 0.50093235 4: 0.77942439 F(X) X(1) X(2) ... 0.389027E-03 0.5307 0.0711 0.3914 0.2105 0.217815E-02 0.9362 0.2136 0.6484 0.6982 0.656927E-01 0.6346 0.6091 0.5827 0.1787 0.408556E-02 0.3587 0.2263 0.0940 0.7195 0.367005E-02 0.3261 0.8538 0.7331 0.6426 0.176010E-02 0.0311 0.2598 0.3844 0.1081 0.487785E-03 0.8938 0.8915 0.3538 0.1074 0.949005E-02 0.4690 0.7603 0.7741 0.2669 0.141537E-01 0.9590 0.4324 0.8213 0.2274 0.343563E-01 0.5938 0.3734 0.7724 0.9374 Problem 6 C parameters: 1: 1.3368380 2: 1.9508703 3: 0.37296458 4: 0.63932718 W parameters: 1: 0.18705727 2: 0.75390303 3: 0.31984901E-01 4: 0.20897183 F(X) X(1) X(2) ... 0.00000 0.5307 0.0711 0.3914 0.2105 0.00000 0.9362 0.2136 0.6484 0.6982 0.00000 0.6346 0.6091 0.5827 0.1787 0.00000 0.3587 0.2263 0.0940 0.7195 0.00000 0.3261 0.8538 0.7331 0.6426 2.14001 0.0311 0.2598 0.3844 0.1081 0.00000 0.8938 0.8915 0.3538 0.1074 0.00000 0.4690 0.7603 0.7741 0.2669 0.00000 0.9590 0.4324 0.8213 0.2274 0.00000 0.5938 0.3734 0.7724 0.9374 TEST03 P00_D evaluates derivative components. Here, we use spatial dimension M = 2 The number of points is N = 2 Problem 1 C parameters: 1: 0.91637449 2: 0.58362551 W parameters: 1: 0.82776470 2: 0.79194496 X(1) X(2) ... F(X) dFdX(1) dFdX(2) ... 0.1341 0.5974 0.819287 0.5254 0.3346 0.5709 0.1527 0.891610 0.4149 0.2643 Problem 2 C parameters: 1: 0.93640454 2: 1.0635955 W parameters: 1: 0.50196964 2: 0.82716385 X(1) X(2) ... F(X) dFdX(1) dFdX(2) ... 0.1341 0.5974 0.836744 0.4825 0.4105 0.5709 0.1527 0.652225 -0.0785 0.6571 Problem 3 C parameters: 1: 0.11298797E-01 2: 1.8387012 W parameters: 1: 0.66338581 2: 0.80246105 X(1) X(2) ... F(X) dFdX(1) dFdX(2) ... 0.1341 0.5974 0.107990 -0.0017 -0.2837 0.5709 0.1527 0.468768 -0.0123 -2.0087 Problem 4 C parameters: 1: 2.6667033 2: 4.3632967 W parameters: 1: 0.42766283 2: 0.15357767 X(1) X(2) ... F(X) dFdX(1) dFdX(2) ... 0.1341 0.5974 0.127441E-01 0.0532 -0.2154 0.5709 0.1527 0.864281 -1.7604 0.0274 Problem 5 C parameters: 1: 5.0568124 2: 15.343188 W parameters: 1: 0.20482764 2: 0.26996928 X(1) X(2) ... F(X) dFdX(1) dFdX(2) ... 0.1341 0.5974 0.460236E-02 0.0233 -0.0706 0.5709 0.1527 0.260013E-01 -0.1315 0.3989 Problem 6 C parameters: 1: 1.7251817 2: 2.5748183 W parameters: 1: 0.42247963 2: 0.97907218 X(1) X(2) ... F(X) dFdX(1) dFdX(2) ... 0.1341 0.5974 5.86821 10.1237 15.1096 0.5709 0.1527 0.00000 0.0000 0.0000 TEST03 P00_D evaluates derivative components. Here, we use spatial dimension M = 3 The number of points is N = 2 Problem 1 C parameters: 1: 0.84389421 2: 0.21040756 3: 0.44569823 W parameters: 1: 0.30701872 2: 0.90532013 3: 0.15173607 X(1) X(2) ... F(X) dFdX(1) dFdX(2) ... 0.7443 0.2169 0.6043 -0.963913 -0.2247 -0.0560 -0.1187 0.0597 0.7037 0.6576 -0.751163 -0.5571 -0.1389 -0.2942 Problem 2 C parameters: 1: 0.59319489 2: 0.72582890 3: 1.6809762 W parameters: 1: 0.95506176 2: 0.49088022 3: 0.32483244 X(1) X(2) ... F(X) dFdX(1) dFdX(2) ... 0.7443 0.2169 0.6043 0.406423 0.0594 0.1129 -0.5259 0.0597 0.7037 0.6576 0.303953 0.1494 -0.0666 -0.4354 Problem 3 C parameters: 1: 1.4641894 2: 0.11713406 3: 0.26867655 W parameters: 1: 0.52376418 2: 0.46379734 3: 0.88633998 X(1) X(2) ... F(X) dFdX(1) dFdX(2) ... 0.7443 0.2169 0.6043 0.371668E-01 -0.0956 -0.0076 -0.0175 0.0597 0.7037 0.6576 0.304139 -1.3228 -0.1058 -0.2427 Problem 4 C parameters: 1: 0.72575039 2: 3.4258733 3: 2.8783763 W parameters: 1: 0.14396463E-01 2: 0.72133858 3: 0.56964156 X(1) X(2) ... F(X) dFdX(1) dFdX(2) ... 0.7443 0.2169 0.6043 0.377500E-01 -0.0290 0.4470 -0.0217 0.0597 0.7037 0.6576 0.933466 -0.0446 0.3874 -1.3605 Problem 5 C parameters: 1: 4.4055550 2: 8.7034125 3: 7.2910326 W parameters: 1: 0.38342470 2: 0.88450282 3: 0.82836275E-01 X(1) X(2) ... F(X) dFdX(1) dFdX(2) ... 0.7443 0.2169 0.6043 0.136442E-04 -0.0001 0.0001 -0.0001 0.0597 0.7037 0.6576 0.753652E-03 0.0033 0.0066 -0.0055 Problem 6 C parameters: 1: 1.2293544 2: 0.23318214E-01 3: 3.0473274 W parameters: 1: 0.75278273 2: 0.20707527E-04 3: 0.39274836 X(1) X(2) ... F(X) dFdX(1) dFdX(2) ... 0.7443 0.2169 0.6043 0.00000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0597 0.7037 0.6576 0.00000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 TEST03 P00_D evaluates derivative components. Here, we use spatial dimension M = 4 The number of points is N = 2 Problem 1 C parameters: 1: 0.38308307 2: 0.21485423 3: 0.65751360 4: 0.24454911 W parameters: 1: 0.56734044E-01 2: 0.63343295 3: 0.44560336 4: 0.44702496 X(1) X(2) ... F(X) dFdX(1) dFdX(2) ... 0.1830 0.9765 0.6707 0.4902 0.364958 -0.3567 -0.2000 -0.6122 -0.2277 0.8782 0.1313 0.6856 0.1402 0.356625 -0.3579 -0.2007 -0.6143 -0.2285 Problem 2 C parameters: 1: 0.82385145 2: 0.27305899 3: 1.4548402 4: 1.4482494 W parameters: 1: 0.51175147 2: 0.51568964 3: 0.60172589 4: 0.34909640 X(1) X(2) ... F(X) dFdX(1) dFdX(2) ... 0.1830 0.9765 0.6707 0.4902 0.195813 0.0814 -0.0132 -0.0566 -0.1113 0.8782 0.1313 0.6856 0.1402 0.183833 -0.0838 0.0104 -0.0643 0.1476 Problem 3 C parameters: 1: 0.11327988 2: 1.2715511 3: 0.21267550 4: 0.25249352 W parameters: 1: 0.72184117 2: 0.64348638 3: 0.36750440 4: 0.69173183 X(1) X(2) ... F(X) dFdX(1) dFdX(2) ... 0.1830 0.9765 0.6707 0.4902 0.967104E-02 -0.0022 -0.0243 -0.0041 -0.0048 0.8782 0.1313 0.6856 0.1402 0.157320 -0.0616 -0.6909 -0.1156 -0.1372 Problem 4 C parameters: 1: 2.0099568 2: 1.1547468 3: 1.1940736 4: 2.6712229 W parameters: 1: 0.62607011E-01 2: 0.80144511 3: 0.56679604 4: 0.12067569 X(1) X(2) ... F(X) dFdX(1) dFdX(2) ... 0.1830 0.9765 0.6707 0.4902 0.336519 -0.3273 -0.1571 -0.0997 -1.7746 0.8782 0.1313 0.6856 0.1402 0.365472E-01 -0.2408 0.0653 -0.0124 -0.0102 Problem 5 C parameters: 1: 2.7711967 2: 2.7117498 3: 11.026960 4: 3.8900936 W parameters: 1: 0.55780343 2: 0.99073010 3: 0.65277345 4: 0.18926684 X(1) X(2) ... F(X) dFdX(1) dFdX(2) ... 0.1830 0.9765 0.6707 0.4902 0.866906E-01 0.2402 0.2351 -0.9559 -0.3372 0.8782 0.1313 0.6856 0.1402 0.230258E-01 -0.0638 0.0624 -0.2539 0.0896 Problem 6 C parameters: 1: 1.2365385 2: 1.0025683 3: 1.4004191 4: 0.66047408 W parameters: 1: 0.80488308 2: 0.59311357 3: 0.75003210 4: 0.28668012 X(1) X(2) ... F(X) dFdX(1) dFdX(2) ... 0.1830 0.9765 0.6707 0.4902 0.00000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.8782 0.1313 0.6856 0.1402 0.00000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 TEST04 P00_Q returns the integral of F over [0,1]^m. Here, we use spatial dimension M = 4 The number of sample points is N = 10000 Problem 1 C parameters: 1: 0.27070385 2: 0.17112160 3: 0.53572876 4: 0.52244579 W parameters: 1: 0.91824943 2: 0.47824086 3: 0.14349578 4: 0.27780844 Exact Integral Q 0.945676 0.945358 Problem 2 C parameters: 1: 0.84521908 2: 0.29849654 3: 1.2686830 4: 1.5876013 W parameters: 1: 0.15596137 2: 0.22217030 3: 0.12629708 4: 0.76407616 Exact Integral Q 0.138615 0.137724 Problem 3 C parameters: 1: 0.41353196 2: 0.78183330 3: 0.58839248 4: 0.66242264E-01 W parameters: 1: 0.58717042 2: 0.98555098 3: 0.73000532 4: 0.12042763 Exact Integral Q 0.581915E-01 0.575521E-01 Problem 4 C parameters: 1: 1.6720433 2: 1.8454858 3: 0.25354417 4: 3.2589267 W parameters: 1: 0.10893840 2: 0.67736061 3: 0.53530613 4: 0.74944643 Exact Integral Q 0.214510 0.211160 Problem 5 C parameters: 1: 4.2663843 2: 8.4672244 3: 6.1833801 4: 1.4830112 W parameters: 1: 0.69265781 2: 0.75120389 3: 0.96038010 4: 0.79344905 Exact Integral Q 0.110361E-01 0.113285E-01 Problem 6 C parameters: 1: 1.3153272 2: 1.0836289 3: 0.74978720 4: 1.1512566 W parameters: 1: 0.61383750 2: 0.25868203 3: 0.65535383 4: 0.56037524 Exact Integral Q 0.788540 0.785834 TEST_INTERP_ND_TEST Normal end of execution. 17 September 2021 11:53:53.030 PM