subroutine diffusivity_1d_xk ( dc0, m, omega, n, x, dc ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! diffusivity_1d_xk() evaluates a 1D stochastic diffusivity function. ! ! Discussion: ! ! The 1D diffusion equation has the form ! ! - d/dx ( DC(X) Del U(X) ) = F(X) ! ! where DC(X) is a function called the diffusivity. ! ! In the stochastic version of the problem, the diffusivity function ! includes the influence of stochastic parameters: ! ! - d/dx ( DC(X;OMEGA) d/dx U(X) ) = F(X). ! ! In this function, the domain is assumed to be the unit interval [0.1]. ! ! ! For DC0 = 1 and F(X) = 0, with boundary conditions U(0:OMEGA) = 0, ! U(1;OMEGA) = 1, the exact solution is ! ! If OMEGA ~= 0: ! ! U(X;OMEGA) = log ( 1 + OMEGA * X ) / log ( 1 + OMEGA ) ! ! If OMEGA = 0: ! ! U(X;OMEGA) = X ! ! In the numerical experiments described in the paper, OMEGA was taken ! to be a random variable with a Beta, or Uniform, or Gaussian or ! Poisson or Binomial distribution. ! ! For the Gaussian and Poisson distributions, the positivity requirement ! could not be guaranteed, and the experiments were simply made with a ! "small" variance of 0.1. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 21 July 2013 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Reference: ! ! Dongbin Xiu, George Karniadakis, ! Modeling uncertainty in steady state diffusion problems via ! generalized polynomial chaos, ! Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, ! Volume 191, 2002, pages 4927-4948. ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, real ( kind = rk8 ) DC0, the constant term in the expansion of the ! diffusion coefficient. ! ! Input, integer M, the number of stochastic parameters. ! ! Input, real ( kind = rk8 ) OMEGA(M), the stochastic parameters. ! ! Input, integer N, the number of evaluation points. ! ! Input, real ( kind = rk8 ) X(N), the point where the diffusion coefficient ! is to be evaluated. ! ! Output, real ( kind = rk8 ) DC(N), the value of the diffusion coefficient ! at X. ! implicit none integer, parameter :: rk8 = kind ( 1.0D+00 ) integer m integer n real ( kind = rk8 ) dc(n) real ( kind = rk8 ) dc0 integer k real ( kind = rk8 ) omega(m) real ( kind = rk8 ), parameter :: pi = 3.141592653589793D+00 real ( kind = rk8 ) w real ( kind = rk8 ) x(n) k = 0 w = 1.0D+00 dc(1:n) = 0.0D+00 do while ( k < m ) if ( k < m ) then k = k + 1 dc(1:n) = dc(1:n) + omega(k) * sin ( w * pi * x(1:n) ) end if if ( k < m ) then k = k + 1 dc(1:n) = dc(1:n) + omega(k) * cos ( w * pi * x(1:n) ) end if w = w + 1.0D+00 end do dc(1:n) = exp ( - 0.125D+00 ) * dc(1:n) dc(1:n) = dc0 + exp ( dc(1:n) ) return end subroutine diffusivity_2d_bnt ( dc0, omega, n, x, y, dc ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! diffusivity_2d_bnt() evaluates a 2D stochastic diffusivity function. ! ! Discussion: ! ! The 2D diffusion equation has the form ! ! - Del ( DC(X,Y) Del U(X,Y) ) = F(X,Y) ! ! where DC(X,Y) is a function called the diffusivity. ! ! In the stochastic version of the problem, the diffusivity function ! includes the influence of stochastic parameters: ! ! - Del ( DC(X,Y;OMEGA) Del U(X,Y;OMEGA) ) = F(X,Y). ! ! In this function, the domain is the rectangle [-1.5,0]x[-0.4,0.8]. ! ! The four stochastic parameters OMEGA(1:4) are assumed to be independent ! identically distributed random variables with mean value zero and ! variance 1. The distribution is typically taken to be Gaussian or ! uniform. ! ! A collocation approach to this problem would then use the roots of ! Hermite or Legendre polynomials. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 21 July 2013 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Reference: ! ! Ivo Babuska, Fabio Nobile, Raul Tempone, ! A stochastic collocation method for elliptic partial differential equations ! with random input data, ! SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, ! Volume 45, Number 3, 2007, pages 1005-1034. ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, real ( kind = rk8 ) DC0, the constant term in the expansion of the ! diffusion coefficient. Take DC0 = 10. ! ! Input, real ( kind = rk8 ) OMEGA(4), the stochastic parameters. ! ! Input, integer N, the number of evaluation points. ! ! Input, real ( kind = rk8 ) X(N), Y(N), the points where the diffusion ! coefficient is to be evaluated. ! ! Output, real ( kind = rk8 ) DC(N), the value of the diffusion coefficient ! at (X,Y). ! implicit none integer, parameter :: rk8 = kind ( 1.0D+00 ) integer n real ( kind = rk8 ) arg(n) real ( kind = rk8 ) dc(n) real ( kind = rk8 ) dc0 real ( kind = rk8 ) omega(4) real ( kind = rk8 ), parameter :: pi = 3.141592653589793D+00 real ( kind = rk8 ) x(n) real ( kind = rk8 ) y(n) arg(1:n) = omega(1) * cos ( pi * x(1:n) ) & + omega(2) * sin ( pi * x(1:n) ) & + omega(3) * cos ( pi * y(1:n) ) & + omega(4) * sin ( pi * y(1:n) ) arg(1:n)= exp ( - 0.125D+00 ) * arg(1:n) dc(1:n) = dc0 + exp ( arg(1:n) ) return end subroutine diffusivity_2d_elman ( a, cl, dc0, m_1d, omega, n1, n2, x, y, dc ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! diffusivity_2d_elman() evaluates a 2D stochastic diffusivity function. ! ! Discussion: ! ! The 2D diffusion equation has the form ! ! - Del ( DC(X,Y) Del U(X,Y) ) = F(X,Y) ! ! where DC(X,Y) is a function called the diffusivity. ! ! In the stochastic version of the problem, the diffusivity function ! includes the influence of stochastic parameters: ! ! - Del ( DC(X,Y;OMEGA) Del U(X,Y;OMEGA) ) = F(X,Y). ! ! In this function, the domain is assumed to be the square [-A,+A]x[-A,+A]. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 22 July 2013 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Reference: ! ! Howard Elman, Darran Furnaval, ! Solving the stochastic steady-state diffusion problem using multigrid, ! IMA Journal on Numerical Analysis, ! Volume 27, Number 4, 2007, pages 675-688. ! ! Roger Ghanem, Pol Spanos, ! Stochastic Finite Elements: A Spectral Approach, ! Revised Edition, ! Dover, 2003, ! ISBN: 0486428184, ! LC: TA347.F5.G56. ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, real ( kind = rk8 ) A, the "radius" of the square region. The region ! is assumed to be [-A,+A]x[-A,+A]. ! 0 < A. ! ! Input, real ( kind = rk8 ) CL, the correlation length. ! 0 < CL. ! ! Input, real ( kind = rk8 ) DC0, the constant term in the expansion of the ! diffusion coefficient. Take DC0 = 10. ! ! Input, integer M_1D, the first and second dimensions of the ! stochastic parameter array. ! ! Input, real ( kind = rk8 ) OMEGA(M_1D,M_1D), the stochastic parameters. ! ! Input, integer N1, N2, the dimensions of the X and Y arrays. ! ! Input, real ( kind = rk8 ) X(N1,N2), Y(N1,N2), the points where the ! diffusion coefficient is to be evaluated. ! ! Output, real ( kind = rk8 ) DC(N1,N2), the value of the diffusion ! coefficient at X. ! implicit none integer, parameter :: rk8 = kind ( 1.0D+00 ) integer m_1d integer n1 integer n2 real ( kind = rk8 ) a real ( kind = rk8 ) c_1dx(m_1d,n1,n2) real ( kind = rk8 ) c_1dy(m_1d,n1,n2) real ( kind = rk8 ) cl real ( kind = rk8 ) dc(n1,n2) real ( kind = rk8 ) dc0 integer i integer j integer k real ( kind = rk8 ) lambda_1d(m_1d) integer m real ( kind = rk8 ) omega(m_1d,m_1d) real ( kind = rk8 ) theta_1d(m_1d) real ( kind = rk8 ) x(n1,n2) real ( kind = rk8 ) y(n1,n2) m = m_1d * m_1d ! ! Compute THETA. ! call theta_solve ( a, cl, m_1d, theta_1d ) ! ! Compute LAMBDA_1D. ! lambda_1d(1:m_1d) = 2.0D+00 * cl & / ( 1.0D+00 + cl * cl * theta_1d(1:m_1d) ** 2 ) ! ! Compute C_1DX(1:M1D) and C_1DY(1:M1D) at (X,Y). ! c_1dx(1:m_1d,1:n1,1:n2) = 0.0D+00 c_1dy(1:m_1d,1:n1,1:n2) = 0.0D+00 k = 0 do if ( m_1d <= k ) then exit end if k = k + 1 c_1dx(k,1:n1,1:n2) = cos ( theta_1d(k) * a * x(1:n1,1:n2) ) & / sqrt ( a + sin ( 2.0D+00 * theta_1d(k) * a ) & / ( 2.0D+00 * theta_1d(k) ) ) c_1dy(k,1:n1,1:n2) = cos ( theta_1d(k) * a * y(1:n1,1:n2) ) & / sqrt ( a + sin ( 2.0D+00 * theta_1d(k) * a ) & / ( 2.0D+00 * theta_1d(k) ) ) if ( m_1d <= k ) then exit end if k = k + 1 c_1dx(k,1:n1,1:n2) = sin ( theta_1d(k) * a * x(1:n1,1:n2) ) & / sqrt ( a - sin ( 2.0D+00 * theta_1d(k) * a ) & / ( 2.0D+00 * theta_1d(k) ) ) c_1dy(k,1:n1,1:n2) = sin ( theta_1d(k) * a * y(1:n1,1:n2) ) & / sqrt ( a - sin ( 2.0D+00 * theta_1d(k) * a ) & / ( 2.0D+00 * theta_1d(k) ) ) end do ! ! Evaluate the diffusion coefficient DC at (X,Y). ! dc(1:n1,1:n2) = dc0 do j = 1, m_1d do i = 1, m_1d dc(1:n1,1:n2) = dc(1:n1,1:n2) + sqrt ( lambda_1d(i) * lambda_1d(j) ) & * c_1dx(i,1:n1,1:n2) * c_1dy(j,1:n1,1:n2) * omega(i,j) end do end do return end subroutine diffusivity_2d_ntw ( cl, dc0, m, omega, n, x, y, dc ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! diffusivity_2d_ntw() evaluates a 2D stochastic diffusivity function. ! ! Discussion: ! ! The 2D diffusion equation has the form ! ! - Del ( DC(X,Y) Del U(X,Y) ) = F(X,Y) ! ! where DC(X,Y) is a function called the diffusivity. ! ! In the stochastic version of the problem, the diffusivity function ! includes the influence of stochastic parameters: ! ! - Del ( DC(X,Y;OMEGA) Del U(X,Y;OMEGA) ) = F(X,Y). ! ! In this function, the domain is the rectangle [0,D]x[0,D] where D = 1. ! ! Note that in this problem the diffusivity has a one-dimensional ! spatial dependence on X, but not on Y! ! ! The random variables OMEGA are independent, have zero mean and unit ! variance, and are uniformly distributed in [-sqrt(3),+sqrt(3)]. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 21 July 2013 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Reference: ! ! Xiang Ma, Nicholas Zabaras, ! An adaptive hierarchical sparse grid collocation algorithm for the solution ! of stochastic differential equations, ! Journal of Computational Physics, ! Volume 228, pages 3084-3113, 2009. ! ! Fabio Nobile, Raul Tempone, Clayton Webster, ! A Sparse Grid Stochastic Collocation Method for Partial Differential ! Equations with Random Input Data, ! SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, ! Volume 46, Number 5, 2008, pages 2309-2345. ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, real ( kind = rk8 ) CL, the desired physical correlation length for ! the coefficient. ! ! Input, real ( kind = rk8 ) DC0, the constant term in the expansion of the ! diffusion coefficient. Take DC0 = 0.5. ! ! Input, integer M, the number of terms in the expansion. ! ! Input, real ( kind = rk8 ) OMEGA(M), the stochastic parameters. ! ! Input, integer N, the number of evaluation points. ! ! Input, real ( kind = rk8 ) X(N), Y(N), the points where the diffusion ! coefficient is to be evaluated. ! ! Output, real ( kind = rk8 ) DC(N), the value of the diffusion coefficient ! at (X,Y). ! implicit none integer, parameter :: rk8 = kind ( 1.0D+00 ) integer m integer n real ( kind = rk8 ) cl real ( kind = rk8 ) d real ( kind = rk8 ) dc(n) real ( kind = rk8 ) dc_arg(n) real ( kind = rk8 ) dc0 integer i real ( kind = rk8 ) ihalf_r8 real ( kind = rk8 ) l real ( kind = rk8 ) lp real ( kind = rk8 ) omega(m) real ( kind = rk8 ) phi(n) real ( kind = rk8 ), parameter :: pi = 3.141592653589793D+00 real ( kind = rk8 ) x(n) real ( kind = rk8 ) y(n) real ( kind = rk8 ) zeta real ( kind = rk8 ) zeta_arg d = 1.0D+00 lp = max ( d, 2.0D+00 * cl ) l = cl / lp dc_arg(1:n) = 1.0D+00 + omega(1) * sqrt ( sqrt ( pi ) * l / 2.0D+00 ) do i = 2, m ihalf_r8 = real ( i / 2, kind = rk8 ) zeta_arg = - ( ihalf_r8 * pi * l ) ** 2 / 8.0D+00 zeta = sqrt ( sqrt ( pi ) * l ) * exp ( zeta_arg ) if ( mod ( i, 2 ) == 0 ) then phi(1:n) = sin ( ihalf_r8 * pi * x(1:n) / lp ) else phi(1:n) = cos ( ihalf_r8 * pi * x(1:n) / lp ) end if dc_arg(1:n) = dc_arg(1:n) + zeta * phi(1:n) * omega(i) end do dc(1:n) = dc0 + exp ( dc_arg(1:n) ) return end subroutine get_unit ( iunit ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! get_unit() returns a free FORTRAN unit number. ! ! Discussion: ! ! A "free" FORTRAN unit number is a value between 1 and 99 which ! is not currently associated with an I/O device. A free FORTRAN unit ! number is needed in order to open a file with the OPEN command. ! ! If IUNIT = 0, then no free FORTRAN unit could be found, although ! all 99 units were checked (except for units 5, 6 and 9, which ! are commonly reserved for console I/O). ! ! Otherwise, IUNIT is a value between 1 and 99, representing a ! free FORTRAN unit. Note that GET_UNIT assumes that units 5 and 6 ! are special, and will never return those values. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 26 October 2008 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Output, integer IUNIT, the free unit number. ! implicit none integer i integer ios integer iunit logical lopen iunit = 0 do i = 1, 99 if ( i /= 5 .and. i /= 6 .and. i /= 9 ) then inquire ( unit = i, opened = lopen, iostat = ios ) if ( ios == 0 ) then if ( .not. lopen ) then iunit = i return end if end if end if end do return end function r8mat_max ( m, n, a ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! r8mat_max() returns the maximum entry of an R8MAT. ! ! Discussion: ! ! An R8MAT is an MxN array of R8's, stored by (I,J) -> [I+J*M]. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 11 December 2004 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer M, the number of rows in A. ! ! Input, integer N, the number of columns in A. ! ! Input, real ( kind = rk8 ) A(M,N), the M by N matrix. ! ! Output, real ( kind = rk8 ) R8MAT_MAX, the maximum entry of A. ! implicit none integer, parameter :: rk8 = kind ( 1.0D+00 ) integer m integer n real ( kind = rk8 ) a(m,n) real ( kind = rk8 ) r8mat_max r8mat_max = maxval ( a(1:m,1:n) ) return end subroutine r8vec_linspace ( n, a, b, x ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! r8vec_linspace() creates a vector of linearly spaced values. ! ! Discussion: ! ! An R8VEC is a vector of R8's. ! ! 4 points evenly spaced between 0 and 12 will yield 0, 4, 8, 12. ! ! In other words, the interval is divided into N-1 even subintervals, ! and the endpoints of intervals are used as the points. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 14 March 2011 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer N, the number of entries in the vector. ! ! Input, real ( kind = rk8 ) A_FIRST, A_LAST, the first and last entries. ! ! Output, real ( kind = rk8 ) X(N), a vector of linearly spaced data. ! implicit none integer, parameter :: rk8 = kind ( 1.0D+00 ) integer n real ( kind = rk8 ) a real ( kind = rk8 ) b integer i real ( kind = rk8 ) x(n) if ( n == 1 ) then x(1) = ( a + b ) / 2.0D+00 else do i = 1, n x(i) = ( real ( n - i, kind = rk8 ) * a & + real ( i - 1, kind = rk8 ) * b ) & / real ( n - 1, kind = rk8 ) end do end if return end subroutine r8vec_max ( n, a, amax ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! r8vec_max() returns the maximum value in an R8VEC. ! ! Discussion: ! ! An R8VEC is a vector of R8's. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 30 January 1999 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer N, the number of entries in the array. ! ! Input, real ( kind = rk8 ) A(N), the array. ! ! Output, real ( kind = rk8 ) AMAX, the value of the largest entry. ! implicit none integer, parameter :: rk8 = kind ( 1.0D+00 ) integer n real ( kind = rk8 ) a(n) real ( kind = rk8 ) amax amax = maxval ( a(1:n) ) return end subroutine r8vec_mesh_2d ( nx, ny, xvec, yvec, xmat, ymat ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! r8vec_mesh_2d() creates a 2D mesh from X and Y vectors. ! ! Discussion: ! ! An R8VEC is a vector of R8's. ! ! NX = 2 ! XVEC = ( 1, 2, 3 ) ! NY = 3 ! YVEC = ( 4, 5 ) ! ! XMAT = ( ! 1, 2, 3 ! 1, 2, 3 ) ! ! YMAT = ( ! 4, 4, 4 ! 5, 5, 5 ) ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 22 July 2013 ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer NX, NY, the number of X and Y values. ! ! Input, real ( kind = rk8 ) XVEC(NX), YVEC(NY), the X and Y coordinate ! values. ! ! Output, real ( kind = rk8 ) XMAT(NX,NY), YMAT(NX,NY), the coordinate ! values of points on an NX by NY mesh. ! implicit none integer, parameter :: rk8 = kind ( 1.0D+00 ) integer nx integer ny integer j real ( kind = rk8 ) xmat(nx,ny) real ( kind = rk8 ) xvec(nx) real ( kind = rk8 ) ymat(nx,ny) real ( kind = rk8 ) yvec(ny) do j = 1, ny xmat(1:nx,j) = xvec(1:nx) end do do j = 1, ny ymat(1:nx,j) = yvec(j) end do return end subroutine r8vec_normal_01 ( n, x ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! r8vec_normal_01() returns a unit pseudonormal R8VEC. ! ! Discussion: ! ! An R8VEC is a vector of R8's. ! ! The standard normal probability distribution function (PDF) has ! mean 0 and standard deviation 1. ! ! This routine can generate a vector of values on one call. It ! has the feature that it should provide the same results ! in the same order no matter how we break up the task. ! ! The Box-Muller method is used, which is efficient, but ! generates an even number of values each time. On any call ! to this routine, an even number of new values are generated. ! Depending on the situation, one value may be left over. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 05 August 2013 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer N, the number of values desired. ! ! Output, real ( kind = rk8 ) X(N), a sample of the standard normal PDF. ! ! Local: ! ! real ( kind = rk8 ) R(N+1), is used to store some uniform ! random values. Its dimension is N+1, but really it is only needed ! to be the smallest even number greater than or equal to N. ! ! integer X_LO_INDEX, X_HI_INDEX, records the range of entries of ! X that we need to compute. This starts off as 1:N, but is adjusted ! if we have a saved value that can be immediately stored in X(1), ! and so on. ! implicit none integer, parameter :: rk8 = kind ( 1.0D+00 ) integer n integer m real ( kind = rk8 ), parameter :: pi = 3.141592653589793D+00 real ( kind = rk8 ) r(n+1) real ( kind = rk8 ) x(n) integer x_hi_index integer x_lo_index ! ! Record the range of X we need to fill in. ! x_lo_index = 1 x_hi_index = n if ( x_hi_index - x_lo_index + 1 == 1 ) then call random_number ( harvest = r(1:2) ) x(x_hi_index) = & sqrt ( -2.0D+00 * log ( r(1) ) ) * cos ( 2.0D+00 * pi * r(2) ) ! ! If we require an even number of values, that's easy. ! else if ( mod ( x_hi_index - x_lo_index + 1, 2 ) == 0 ) then m = ( x_hi_index - x_lo_index + 1 ) / 2 call random_number ( harvest = r(1:2*m) ) x(x_lo_index:x_hi_index-1:2) = & sqrt ( -2.0D+00 * log ( r(1:2*m-1:2) ) ) & * cos ( 2.0D+00 * pi * r(2:2*m:2) ) x(x_lo_index+1:x_hi_index:2) = & sqrt ( -2.0D+00 * log ( r(1:2*m-1:2) ) ) & * sin ( 2.0D+00 * pi * r(2:2*m:2) ) ! ! If we require an odd number of values, we generate an even number, ! and handle the last pair specially, storing one in X(N), and ! saving the other for later. ! else x_hi_index = x_hi_index - 1 m = ( x_hi_index - x_lo_index + 1 ) / 2 + 1 call random_number ( harvest = r(1:2*m) ) x(x_lo_index:x_hi_index-1:2) = & sqrt ( -2.0D+00 * log ( r(1:2*m-3:2) ) ) & * cos ( 2.0D+00 * pi * r(2:2*m-2:2) ) x(x_lo_index+1:x_hi_index:2) = & sqrt ( -2.0D+00 * log ( r(1:2*m-3:2) ) ) & * sin ( 2.0D+00 * pi * r(2:2*m-2:2) ) x(n) = sqrt ( -2.0D+00 * log ( r(2*m-1) ) ) & * cos ( 2.0D+00 * pi * r(2*m) ) end if return end subroutine r8vec_print ( n, a, title ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! r8vec_print() prints an R8VEC. ! ! Discussion: ! ! An R8VEC is a vector of R8's. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 22 August 2000 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer N, the number of components of the vector. ! ! Input, real ( kind = rk8 ) A(N), the vector to be printed. ! ! Input, character ( len = * ) TITLE, a title. ! implicit none integer, parameter :: rk8 = kind ( 1.0D+00 ) integer n real ( kind = rk8 ) a(n) integer i character ( len = * ) title write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) trim ( title ) write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' do i = 1, n write ( *, '(2x,i8,a,1x,g16.8)' ) i, ':', a(i) end do return end subroutine theta_solve ( a, cl, m, theta ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! theta_solve() solves a pair of transcendental equations. ! ! Discussion: ! ! The vector THETA returned by this function is needed in order to define ! the terms in a Karhunen-Loeve expansion of a diffusion coefficient. ! ! The two equations are: ! ! 1/CL - THETA * TAN ( A * THETA ) = 0 ! THETA - 1/CL * TAN ( A * THETA ) = 0 ! ! A and CL are taken to be positive. Over each open interval ! ! ( n - 1/2 pi, n + 1/2 pi ) / A, for N = 0, 1, ... ! ! the function TAN ( A * THETA ) monotonically rises from -oo to +00; ! therefore, it can be shown that there is one root of each equation ! in every interval of this form. Moreover, because of the positivity ! of A and CL, we can restrict our search to the interval ! ! [ n pi, n + 1/2 pi ) / A, for N = 0, 1, ... ! ! This function computes K such roots, starting in the first interval, ! finding those two roots, moving to the next interval, and so on, until ! the requested number of roots have been found. Odd index roots will ! correspond to the first equation, and even index roots to the second. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 20 July 2013 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Reference: ! ! Howard Elman, Darran Furnival, ! Solving the Stochastic Steady-State Diffusion Problem Using Multigrid, ! University of Maryland Department of Computer Science, ! Technical Report TR-4786. ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, real ( kind = rk8 ) A, the "radius" of the domain, D = (-A,A)x(-A,A). ! 0 < A. ! ! Input, real ( kind = rk8 ) CL, the correlation length. ! 0 < CL. ! ! Input, integer M, the number of values to compute. ! ! Output, real ( kind = rk8 ) THETA(M), the values of Theta. ! implicit none integer, parameter :: rk8 = kind ( 1.0D+00 ) integer m real ( kind = rk8 ) a real ( kind = rk8 ) bmatol real ( kind = rk8 ) cl real ( kind = rk8 ) eps real ( kind = rk8 ) fa real ( kind = rk8 ) fb real ( kind = rk8 ) fc real ( kind = rk8 ) ftol integer k real ( kind = rk8 ), parameter :: pi = 3.141592653589793D+00 real ( kind = rk8 ) theta(m) real ( kind = rk8 ) xa real ( kind = rk8 ) xa_init real ( kind = rk8 ) xb real ( kind = rk8 ) xb_init real ( kind = rk8 ) xc k = 0 theta(1:m) = 0.0D+00 ! ! [ XA_INIT, XB_INIT] = [ n * pi, n+1/2 pi ] / a, n = 0, 1, 2, ... ! xa_init = 0.0D+00 xb_init = ( pi / 2.0D+00 ) / a eps = epsilon ( eps ) do ! ! Seek root of equation 1 in interval. ! if ( m <= k ) then exit end if k = k + 1 xa = xa_init fa = 1.0D+00 / cl - xa * tan ( a * xa ) ftol = eps * ( abs ( fa ) + 1.0D+00 ) xb = xb_init fb = - fa fc = fa bmatol = 100.0D+00 * eps * ( abs ( xa ) + abs ( xb ) ) do while ( bmatol < xb - xa ) xc = ( xa + xb ) / 2.0D+00 fc = 1.0D+00 / cl - xc * tan ( a * xc ) if ( abs ( fc ) <= ftol ) then exit else if ( 0.0D+00 < fc ) then xa = xc else xb = xc end if end do theta(k) = xc ! ! Seek root of equation 2 in interval. ! if ( m <= k ) then exit end if k = k + 1 ! ! In the first interval, we need to skip the zero root of equation 2. ! if ( k == 2 ) then k = k - 1 else xa = xa_init fa = xa - tan ( a * xa ) / cl ftol = eps * ( abs ( fa ) + 1.0D+00 ) xb = xb_init fb = - fa do while ( bmatol < xb - xa ) xc = ( xa + xb ) / 2.0D+00 fc = xc - tan ( a * xc ) / cl if ( abs ( fc ) <= ftol ) then exit else if ( 0.0D+00 < fc ) then xa = xc else xb = xc end if end do theta(k) = xc end if ! ! Advance the interval. ! xa_init = xa_init + pi / a xb_init = xb_init + pi / a end do return end