14 September 2021 7:36:17.924 PM predator_prey_ode_test: FORTRAN90 version Test predator_prey_ode using euler, midpoint. parameter values: alpha = 2.00000 beta = 0.100000E-02 gamma = 10.0000 delta = 0.200000E-02 predator_prey_euler A pair of ordinary differential equations for a population of predators and prey are solved using euler(). predator_prey_euler: data stored in "predator_prey_euler_data.txt". predator_prey_euler: plot commands stored in "predator_prey_euler_commands.txt". predator_prey_midpoint A pair of ordinary differential equations for a population of predators and prey are solved using midpoint_fixed(). The exact solution shows periodic behavior, with a fixed period and amplitude. predator_prey_midpoint: data stored in "predator_prey_midpoint_data.txt". predator_prey_midpoint: plot commands stored in "predator_prey_midpoint_commands.txt". predator_prey_ode_test: Normal end of execution. 14 September 2021 7:36:17.926 PM