15 May 2024 1:59:01.211 PM normal_dataset(): Fortran90 version Generate a multivariate normal random dataset. The program requests input values from the user: * M, the spatial dimension, * N, the number of points to generate, * SEED, a positive integer. * MU, the mean vector. * A, the variance-covariance matrix. The program generates the data and writes it to the file normal_M_N.txt where "M" and "N" are the numeric values. Spatial dimension M = 2 Number of points N = 1000 Seed SEED = 123456789 Mean vector MU: 1 1.0000000 2 2.0000000 Variance/covariance matrix A: Col 1 2 Row 1 1. 0. 2 0. 3. The data was written to the file "normal_02_01000.txt". normal_dataset(): Normal end of execution. 15 May 2024 1:59:01.215 PM