April 5 2021 3:26:45.172 PM ketel_one(): FORTRAN90 version Work on the "Ketel One Vodka" problem. The following challenge appeared in the New York Times, 14 June 2007: "Dear Ketel One Drinker: Can you make one hundred words, of four letters or more, from the letters in Ketel One Vodka?" Examine a file "wordlist.txt" full of words, and look for "sub-anagrams" (words whose letters are a subset of the target ones). We only consider words of length at least 4 Copy sub-anagrams to "ketel_one.txt". Number of words checked 300260 Number of words that were "long enough" 298513 Number of sub-anagrams found 514 ketel_one(): Normal end of execution. April 5 2021 3:26:45.357 PM