January 22 2020 1:20:45.451 PM SNSIMP: FORTRAN90 version A simple ARPACK calling program. This program defines an eigenproblem for a nonsymmetric matrix. _naupd: Number of update iterations taken ----------------------------------------- 1 - 1: 12 _naupd: Number of wanted "converged" Ritz values ------------------------------------------------ 1 - 1: 4 _naupd: Real part of the final Ritz values ------------------------------------------ 1 - 4: 6.876E+02 6.876E+02 7.162E+02 7.162E+02 _naupd: Imaginary part of the final Ritz values ----------------------------------------------- 1 - 4: 1.030E+03 -1.030E+03 -1.030E+03 1.030E+03 _naupd: Associated Ritz estimates --------------------------------- 1 - 4: 6.678E-05 6.678E-05 4.208E-08 4.208E-08 ============================================= = Nonsymmetric implicit Arnoldi update code = = Version Number: 2.4 = = Version Date: 07/31/96 = ============================================= = Summary of timing statistics = ============================================= Total number update iterations = 12 Total number of OP*x operations = 190 Total number of B*x operations = 0 Total number of reorthogonalization steps = 75 Total number of iterative refinement steps = 0 Total number of restart steps = 0 Total time in user OP*x operation = 0.000356 Total time in user B*x operation = 0.000000 Total time in Arnoldi update routine = 0.007638 Total time in naup2 routine = 0.007552 Total time in basic Arnoldi iteration loop = 0.003319 Total time in reorthogonalization phase = 0.001016 Total time in (re)start vector generation = 0.000009 Total time in Hessenberg eig. subproblem = 0.001745 Total time in getting the shifts = 0.000072 Total time in applying the shifts = 0.002313 Total time in convergence testing = 0.000011 Total time in computing final Ritz vectors = 0.000000 Ritz values (Real, Imag) and residual residuals ----------------------------------------------- Col 1 Col 2 Col 3 Row 1: 7.16200E+02 1.02959E+03 2.81848E-06 Row 2: 7.16200E+02 -1.02959E+03 2.81848E-06 Row 3: 6.87584E+02 1.02958E+03 2.52133E-06 Row 4: 6.87584E+02 -1.02958E+03 2.52133E-06 _NSIMP ====== Size of the matrix is 100 The number of Ritz values requested is 4 The number of Arnoldi vectors generated (NCV) is 20 What portion of the spectrum: LM The number of converged Ritz values is 4 The number of Implicit Arnoldi update iterations taken is 12 The number of OP*x is 190 The convergence criterion is 5.96046448E-08