ZERO_PRB FORTRAN77 version. Tests for the zero finding routines in ZERO. test01 test subroutine rootna interval is -2.0999999 4.0000000 estimate for root= 2.0000000 function value at root= 0.0000000 test02 test subroutine zeroin Initial interval is [ -2.0999999 , 4.0000000 ]. F(A) = -11.890000 F(B) = 18.000000 Tolerance: ABSERR = 9.99999975E-06 estimate for root Z = 2.0000005 F(Z) = 3.33786033E-06 number of steps= 6 test03 test function root root function method -2.099999905 -11.89000034 starting value 4.000000000 18.00000000 starting value 0.3265306950 -8.913784981 secant 1.999999881 -0.8344650269E-06 muller tolerance was satisfied. number of steps= 3 test04 test rootsg root function method -2.099999905 -11.89000034 starting value 4.000000000 18.00000000 starting value 4.000000000 18.00000000 unspecified -2.099999905 -11.89000034 unspecified 0.3265306950 -8.913784981 secant 2.163265228 1.169512153 bisection 1.244897962 -4.715535164 bisection 1.980761766 -0.1342975199 secant 1.999560356 -0.3077313770E-02 secant 2.000001192 0.8344651178E-05 secant tolerance satisfied. test05 test rootjb root function method -2.099999905 -11.89000034 starting value 4.000000000 18.00000000 starting value 0.3265306950 -8.913784981 secant 1.543175459 -2.989083290 secant 2.069573402 0.4918542802 inverse quadratic 1.998063087 -0.1355463639E-01 inverse quadratic 2.000002623 0.1835823787E-04 inverse quadratic 2.000000000 0.000000000 inverse quadratic tolerance satisfied. number of steps= 6 test06 test subroutine fzero. root function -2.099999905 -11.89000034 4.000000000 18.00000000 2.000008106 0.5674368731E-04 tolerance not satisfied! value of iflag returned is 1 test07 test czero, which finds polynomial roots, on 24 - 50 * x + 35 * x**2 - 10 * x**3 + x**4 czero found 4 zeroes of the polynomial: value of root value of polynomial ( 1.00000000 , 0.0000000 ) ( 0.0000000 , 0.0000000 ) ( 2.0000007 , 1.19262239E-17) ( 7.62939453E-06, 2.38524743E-17) ( 4.0000019 ,-5.33427469E-17) ( 3.81469727E-06,-3.20058705E-16) ( 3.0000029 ,-5.20417043E-18) (-1.14440918E-05, 1.04083905E-17) test08 call locmin to find minimum of a function. -2.099999905 -11.89000034 starting value 4.000000000 18.00000000 starting value 0.2299926281 -9.257125854 golden search -0.6599853039 -11.54437447 golden search -1.499998331 -12.25000000 parabolic fit -1.499973297 -12.25000000 parabolic fit -1.499973297 -12.25000000 unspecified number of steps= 5 iflag= 3 test09 test cubic which can find the complex roots of a real monic cubic polynomial. the roots for the example are +i, -i and 3. complex roots computed by cubic: 3.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.99999994 0.0000000 -0.99999994 test10 test drpoly, which finds the roots of a real polynomial, using double precision. this test involves a polynomial of degree 2 drpoly has found the full set of roots. here are the (possibly complex) roots: 1.00000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 2.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 this test involves a polynomial of degree 4 drpoly could not find all the roots. drpoly found only 0 roots, out of a total number of 4 that were sought. here are the (possibly complex) roots: test11 test rpoly, which finds the roots of a real polynomial, using single precision. this test involves a polynomial of degree 2 rpoly has found the full set of roots. here are the (possibly complex) roots: 1.00000000 0.0000000 2.0000000 0.0000000 this test involves a polynomial of degree 4 rpoly has found the full set of roots. here are the (possibly complex) roots: 0.70710677 0.70710683 0.70710677 -0.70710683 -0.70710677 0.70710665 -0.70710677 -0.70710665 test12 test dcpoly, which finds the roots of a complex polynomial, using double precision. this test involves a polynomial of degree 2 dcpoly has found the full set of roots. here are the roots: 0.99999999999999989 2.38221134272575529E-017 2.0000000000000000 -2.38221134272575529E-017 this test involves a polynomial of degree 4 dcpoly has found the full set of roots. here are the roots: -0.70710678118654746 0.70710678118654757 -0.70710678118654757 -0.70710678118654746 0.70710678118654757 0.70710678118654735 0.70710678118654735 -0.70710678118654746 test13 test cpoly, which finds the roots of a complex polynomial, using single precision. this test involves a polynomial of degree 2 cpoly has found the full set of roots. here are the roots: 1.0000006 -2.69967131E-07 1.9999994 2.69967131E-07 this test involves a polynomial of degree 4 cpoly has found the full set of roots. here are the roots: -0.70710611 0.70710737 -0.70710737 -0.70710611 0.70710737 0.70710605 0.70710605 -0.70710731 ZERO_PRB Normal end of execution.