program main c*********************************************************************72 c cc MAIN is the main program for ZERO_PRB. c c Modified: c c 11 April 2008 c write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'ZERO_PRB' write ( *, * ) ' FORTRAN77 version.' write ( *, * ) ' Tests for the zero finding routines in ZERO.' call test01 call test02 call test03 call test04 call test05 call test06 call test07 call test08 call test09 call test10 call test11 call test12 call test13 write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'ZERO_PRB' write ( *, * ) ' Normal end of execution.' stop end subroutine test01 c c*********************************************************************** c c call rootna c external parab c abserr=0.00001 a=-2.1 b=4.0 write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'test01' write(*,*)'test subroutine rootna' write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'interval is ',a,b x=rootna(a,b,abserr,parab) write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'estimate for root=',x fx=parab(x) write(*,*)'function value at root=',fx return end subroutine test02 c c*********************************************************************** c cc test02 tests zeroin. c real parab external parab abserr=0.00001 a=-2.1 b=4.0 write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'test02' write(*,*)'test subroutine zeroin' write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) ' Initial interval is [ ', a, ', ', b, '].' write ( *, * ) ' F(A) = ', parab ( a ) write ( *, * ) ' F(B) = ', parab ( b ) write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) ' Tolerance:' write ( *, * ) ' ABSERR = ', abserr call zeroin ( a, b, parab, abserr, z, kount ) write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'estimate for root Z =', z write(*,*)' F(Z) = ', parab ( z ) write(*,*)'number of steps=',kount return end subroutine test03 c c*********************************************************************** c c call function root. note that we must call root twice with the c two endpoint values to get started. c character*17 name(5) character*17 meth c name(1)='unspecified' name(2)='bisection' name(3)='secant' name(4)='inverse quadratic' name(5)='muller' meth='starting value' write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'test03' write(*,*)'test function root' write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)' root function method' write(*,*)' ' c c tell program we are beginning c abserr=0.00001 kount=0 x1=-2.1 fx1=parab(x1) write(*,1010)x1,fx1,meth xnew=root(x1,fx1,xerr,estd,ierr,kount,method) x2=4.0 fx2=parab(x2) write(*,1010)x2,fx2,meth xnew=root(x2,fx2,xerr,estd,ierr,kount,method) do 10 i=1,30 x=xnew fx=parab(xnew) write(*,1010)x,fx,name(method+1) if(abs(fx).lt.abserr)go to 20 xnew=root(x,fx,xerr,estd,ierr,kount,method) if(abs(x-xnew).lt.abserr)go to 20 if( to 30 10 continue c c used up iterations without convergence c write(*,*)'reached iteration limit without convergence.' return c c convergence c 20 continue write(*,*)'tolerance was satisfied.' write(*,*)'number of steps=',kount return c c error return c 30 continue write(*,*)'error return, with ierr=',ierr return 1010 format(1x,2g18.10,3x,a17) 1030 format(' value of f(x)=',g18.10) end subroutine test04 c c*********************************************************************** c c call rootsg c character*17 name(5) character*17 meth c abserr=0.00001 name(1)='unspecified' name(2)='bisection' name(3)='secant' name(4)='inverse quadratic' name(5)='muller' meth='starting value' b=-2.1 fb=parab(b) relerr=abserr c=4.0 fc=parab(c) iflag=0 write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'test04' write(*,*)'test rootsg' write(*,*)' ' write(*,1010) write(*,*)' ' write(*,1040)b,fb,meth write(*,1040)c,fc,meth c c first three calls initialize, set f(c) and f(b) c do 10 i=1,30 call rootsg(t,ft,b,c,relerr,abserr,iflag,method) ft=parab(t) meth=name(method+1) write(*,1040)t,ft,meth if(abs(ft).lt.abserr)go to 30 if( to 20 10 continue c c used up iterations without convergence c write(*,1050) write(*,1060) return c c termination or error c 20 continue write(*,*)'iflag=',iflag c c convergence c 30 continue write(*,*)'tolerance satisfied.' return 1010 format(' root function method') 1020 format(' current interval ',g18.10,' to ',g18.10) 1030 format(' estimate for root=',g18.10) 1040 format(1x,2g18.10,3x,a17) 1050 format(' used up the number of iterations') 1060 format(' without accepting root') end subroutine test05 c c*********************************************************************** c c call rootjb c character*17 name(5) character*17 meth c name(1)='unspecified' name(2)='bisection' name(3)='secant' name(4)='inverse quadratic' name(5)='muller' meth='starting value' write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'test05' write(*,*)'test rootjb' write(*,*)' ' write(*,1050) write(*,*)' ' abserr=0.00001 a=-2.1 fa=parab(a) write(*,1060)a,fa,meth b=4.0 fb=parab(b) write(*,1060)b,fb,meth kount=0 do 10 i=1,30 call rootjb(a,fa,b,fb,kount,iflag,method) if(iflag.eq.-2.or.iflag.eq.-3)go to 20 fa=parab(a) meth=name(method+1) write(*,1060)a,fa,meth if(abs(fa).le.abserr)then write(*,*)'tolerance satisfied.' write(*,1010)kount return endif 10 continue c c used up iterations without convergence c write(*,1080) write(*,1090) return c c error during iteration c 20 continue write(*,*)'rootjb returned nonzero iflag=',iflag return 1000 format(1x,3g14.6) 1010 format(' number of steps=',i6) 1040 format(' current interval is ',g18.10,' to ',g18.10) 1050 format(' root function method') 1060 format(1x,2g18.10,3x,a17) 1070 format(' value of f(x)=',g18.10) 1080 format(' used up the number of iterations') 1090 format(' without accepting root') end subroutine test06 c c*********************************************************************** c c call fzero c external parab c abserr=0.00001 relerr=abserr b=-2.1 fb=parab(b) c=4.0 fc=parab(c) r=c iflag=0 c write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'test06' write(*,*)'test subroutine fzero.' write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)' root function' write(*,*)' ' write(*,'(1x,2g18.10)')b,fb write(*,'(1x,2g18.10)')c,fc c call fzero(parab,b,c,r,relerr,abserr,iflag) ft=parab(b) write(*,'(1x,2g18.10)')b,ft if(abs(ft).lt.abserr)then write(*,*)'tolerance satisfied.' else write(*,*)'tolerance not satisfied!' endif write(*,*)'value of iflag returned is ',iflag return end subroutine test07 c c test czero, which finds zeroes of a polynomial c parameter (nd=4) parameter (nw=6*nd+32) c complex p(nd) complex poly complex w(nw) complex z(nd) c c polynomial is 24 - 50 * x + 35 * x**2 - 10 * x**3 + x**4 c p(1)=cmplx( 24.0, 0.0) p(2)=cmplx(-50.0, 0.0) p(3)=cmplx( 35.0, 0.0) p(4)=cmplx(-10.0, 0.0) c write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'test07' write(*,*)'test czero, which finds polynomial roots, on' write(*,*)'24 - 50 * x + 35 * x**2 - 10 * x**3 + x**4' write(*,*)' ' call czero(z,p,nd,w) c itemp=int(w(1)) write(*,*)'czero found ',itemp,' zeroes of the polynomial:' write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)' value of root value of polynomial' write(*,*)' ' do 10 i=1,itemp poly=(((z(i)+p(4))*z(i)+p(3))*z(i)+p(2))*z(i)+p(1) write(*,*)z(i),poly 10 continue return end subroutine test08 c c*********************************************************************** c c call locmin for minimum of function c external parab c character*17 name(3) character*17 meth c name(1)='unspecified' name(2)='golden search' name(3)='parabolic fit' a=-2.1 b=4.0 kount=0 write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'test08' write(*,*)'call locmin to find minimum of a function.' write(*,*)' ' meth='starting value' fa=parab(a) fb=parab(b) abserr=0.00001 relerr=abserr write(*,1020)a,fa,meth write(*,1020)b,fb,meth iflag=0 do 10 i=1,30 call locmin(a,b,relerr,abserr,parab,xmin,fxmin,kount,method, 1 iflag) write(*,1020)xmin,fxmin,name(method+1) if( to 20 10 continue 20 continue write(*,*)'number of steps=',kount write(*,*)'iflag=',iflag return 1000 format(' minimum function method') 1020 format(1x,2g18.10,3x,a17) end function parab(x) c c*********************************************************************** c c function to seek zero or minimum of. c parab=(x+5.0)*(x-2.0) return end subroutine test09 c c solve the cubic x**3 - 3 * x**2 + x - 3 = 0 c roots are +i, -i and 3. c dimension b(3) dimension r(6) c write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'test09' write(*,*)'test cubic which can find the complex roots of a real' write(*,*)'monic cubic polynomial. the roots for the example are' write(*,*)'+i, -i and 3.' b(1)=-3.0 b(2)=1.0 b(3)=-3.0 call cubic(b,r) write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'complex roots computed by cubic:' write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)r(1),r(2) write(*,*)r(3),r(4) write(*,*)r(5),r(6) return end subroutine test10 c parameter (mdeg=5) parameter (mcoef=mdeg+1) c double precision coef(mcoef) logical fail double precision zeror(mcoef) double precision zeroi(mcoef) c write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'test10' write(*,*)'test drpoly, which finds the roots of a real' write(*,*)'polynomial, using double precision.' c do 20 i=1,2 if(i.eq.1)then ndeg=2 coef(1)=1.0 coef(2)=-3.0 coef(3)=2.0 elseif(i.eq.2)then ndeg=4 coef(1)=1.0 coef(2)=0.0 coef(3)=0.0 coef(4)=0.0 coef(5)=1.0 endif write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'this test involves a polynomial of degree ',ndeg call drpoly(coef,ndeg,nzero,zeror,zeroi,fail) if(fail)then write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'drpoly could not find all the roots.' write(*,*)'drpoly found only ',nzero,' roots, out of a total' write(*,*)'number of ',ndeg,' that were sought.' else write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'drpoly has found the full set of roots.' endif write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'here are the (possibly complex) roots:' write(*,*)' ' do 10 j=1,nzero write(*,*)zeror(j),zeroi(j) 10 continue 20 continue return end subroutine test11 c parameter (mdeg=5) parameter (mcoef=mdeg+1) c real coef(mcoef) logical fail real zeror(mcoef) real zeroi(mcoef) c write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'test11' write(*,*)'test rpoly, which finds the roots of a real' write(*,*)'polynomial, using single precision.' c do 20 i=1,2 if(i.eq.1)then ndeg=2 coef(1)=1.0 coef(2)=-3.0 coef(3)=2.0 elseif(i.eq.2)then ndeg=4 coef(1)=1.0 coef(2)=0.0 coef(3)=0.0 coef(4)=0.0 coef(5)=1.0 endif write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'this test involves a polynomial of degree ',ndeg call rpoly(coef,ndeg,nzero,zeror,zeroi,fail) if(fail)then write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'rpoly could not find all the roots.' write(*,*)'rpoly found only ',nzero,' roots, out of a total' write(*,*)'number of ',ndeg,' that were sought.' else write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'rpoly has found the full set of roots.' endif write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'here are the (possibly complex) roots:' write(*,*)' ' do 10 j=1,nzero write(*,*)zeror(j),zeroi(j) 10 continue 20 continue return end subroutine test12 c parameter (mdeg=5) parameter (mcoef=mdeg+1) parameter (mwork=(mdeg+1)*14) c double precision coefr(mcoef) double precision coefi(mcoef) logical fail double precision work(mwork) double precision zeror(mcoef) double precision zeroi(mcoef) c write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'test12' write(*,*)'test dcpoly, which finds the roots of a complex' write(*,*)'polynomial, using double precision.' c do 20 i=1,2 if(i.eq.1)then ndeg=2 coefr(1)=1.0 coefi(1)=0.0 coefr(2)=-3.0 coefi(2)=0.0 coefr(3)=2.0 coefi(3)=0.0 elseif(i.eq.2)then ndeg=4 coefr(1)=1.0 coefi(1)=0.0 coefr(2)=0.0 coefi(2)=0.0 coefr(3)=0.0 coefi(3)=0.0 coefr(4)=0.0 coefi(4)=0.0 coefr(5)=1.0 coefi(5)=0.0 endif write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'this test involves a polynomial of degree ',ndeg call dcpoly(coefr,coefi,ndeg,work,zeror,zeroi,fail) if(fail)then write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'dcpoly reports that an error occurred.' write(*,*)'some or all of the roots may be missing.' else write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'dcpoly has found the full set of roots.' endif write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'here are the roots:' write(*,*)' ' do 10 j=1,ndeg write(*,*)zeror(j),zeroi(j) 10 continue 20 continue return end subroutine test13 c parameter (mdeg=5) parameter (mcoef=mdeg+1) parameter (mwork=(mdeg+1)*14) c real coefr(mcoef) real coefi(mcoef) logical fail real work(mwork) real zeror(mcoef) real zeroi(mcoef) c write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'test13' write(*,*)'test cpoly, which finds the roots of a complex' write(*,*)'polynomial, using single precision.' c do 20 i=1,2 if(i.eq.1)then ndeg=2 coefr(1)=1.0 coefi(1)=0.0 coefr(2)=-3.0 coefi(2)=0.0 coefr(3)=2.0 coefi(3)=0.0 elseif(i.eq.2)then ndeg=4 coefr(1)=1.0 coefi(1)=0.0 coefr(2)=0.0 coefi(2)=0.0 coefr(3)=0.0 coefi(3)=0.0 coefr(4)=0.0 coefi(4)=0.0 coefr(5)=1.0 coefi(5)=0.0 endif write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'this test involves a polynomial of degree ',ndeg call cpoly(coefr,coefi,ndeg,work,zeror,zeroi,fail) if(fail)then write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'cpoly reports that an error occurred.' write(*,*)'some or all of the roots may be missing.' else write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'cpoly has found the full set of roots.' endif write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'here are the roots:' write(*,*)' ' do 10 j=1,ndeg write(*,*)zeror(j),zeroi(j) 10 continue 20 continue return end