function timer ( ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc TIMER computes the elapsed execution time. c c Modified: c c 10 December 2007 c real result real tarray(2) real timer call etime ( tarray, result ) timer = result return end subroutine timestamp ( ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc TIMESTAMP prints out the current YMDHMS date as a timestamp. c c Discussion: c c This FORTRAN77 version is made available for cases where the c FORTRAN90 version cannot be used. c c Modified: c c 12 January 2007 c c Author: c c John Burkardt c c Parameters: c c None c implicit none character * ( 8 ) ampm integer d character * ( 8 ) date integer h integer m integer mm character * ( 9 ) month(12) integer n integer s character * ( 10 ) time integer y save month data month / & 'January ', 'February ', 'March ', 'April ', & 'May ', 'June ', 'July ', 'August ', & 'September', 'October ', 'November ', 'December ' / call date_and_time ( date, time ) read ( date, '(i4,i2,i2)' ) y, m, d read ( time, '(i2,i2,i2,1x,i3)' ) h, n, s, mm if ( h .lt. 12 ) then ampm = 'AM' else if ( h .eq. 12 ) then if ( n .eq. 0 .and. s .eq. 0 ) then ampm = 'Noon' else ampm = 'PM' end if else h = h - 12 if ( h .lt. 12 ) then ampm = 'PM' else if ( h .eq. 12 ) then if ( n .eq. 0 .and. s .eq. 0 ) then ampm = 'Midnight' else ampm = 'AM' end if end if end if write ( *, & '(i2,1x,a,1x,i4,2x,i2,a1,i2.2,a1,i2.2,a1,i3.3,1x,a)' ) & d, month(m), y, h, ':', n, ':', s, '.', mm, ampm return end subroutine y12mae ( n, z, a, snr, nn, rnr, nn1, pivot, ha, iha, & aflag, iflag, b, ifail ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc Y12MAE solves a single sparse linear system with one right hand side. c integer iha integer n integer nn integer nn1 real a(nn) real aflag(8) real b(n) integer ha(iha,11) integer ifail integer iflag(10) real pivot(n) integer rnr(nn1) integer snr(nn) integer z aflag(1) = 16.0E+00 aflag(2) = 1.0E-12 aflag(3) = 1.0E+16 aflag(4) = 1.0E-12 iflag(2) = 2 iflag(3) = 1 iflag(4) = 0 iflag(5) = 1 call y12mbe(n,z,a,snr,nn,rnr,nn1,ha,iha,aflag,iflag,ifail) if( then write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'Y12MAE - Fatal error!' write(*,*)' Nonzero value of IFAIL returned by Y12MBE.' return end if call y12mce(n,z,a,snr,nn,rnr,nn1,pivot,b,ha,iha,aflag,iflag, & ifail) if( then write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'Y12MAE - Fatal error!' write(*,*)' Nonzero value of IFAIL returned by Y12MCE.' return end if call y12mde(n,a,nn,b,pivot,snr,ha,iha,iflag,ifail) if( then write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'Y12MAE - Fatal error!' write(*,*)' Nonzero value of IFAIL returned by Y12MDE.' return end if return end subroutine y12maf(n,z,a,snr,nn,rnr,nn1,pivot,ha,iha,aflag,iflag, & b,ifail) c*********************************************************************72 c cc Y12MAF solves a single sparse linear system with one right hand side. c integer iha integer n integer nn integer nn1 double precision a(nn) double precision aflag(8) double precision b(n) integer ha(iha,11) integer ifail integer iflag(10) double precision pivot(n) integer rnr(nn1) integer snr(nn) integer z aflag(1)=16.0 aflag(2)=1.0e-12 aflag(3)=1.0e+16 aflag(4)=1.0e-12 iflag(2)=2 iflag(3)=1 iflag(4)=0 iflag(5)=1 call y12mbf(n,z,a,snr,nn,rnr,nn1,ha,iha,aflag,iflag,ifail) if( then write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'Y12MAF - Fatal error!' write(*,*)' Nonzero value of IFAIL returned by Y12MBF.' return end if call y12mcf(n,z,a,snr,nn,rnr,nn1,pivot,b,ha,iha,aflag,iflag, & ifail) if( then write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'Y12MAF - Fatal error!' write(*,*)' Nonzero value of IFAIL returned by Y12MCF.' return end if call y12mdf(n,a,nn,b,pivot,snr,ha,iha,iflag,ifail) if( then write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'Y12MAF - Fatal error!' write(*,*)' Nonzero value of IFAIL returned by Y12MDF.' return end if return end subroutine y12mbe(n,z,a,snr,nn,rnr,nn1,ha,iha,aflag,iflag,ifail) c*********************************************************************72 c cc Y12MBE prepares a sparse linear system to be factored and solved. c c Discussion: c c the non-zero elements of a sparse matrix a are prepared in order to c solve the system ax=b by use of sparse matrix techniques. c integer iha integer nn integer nn1 real a(nn) real aflag(8) real gt1 integer ha(iha,11) integer i integer ifail integer iflag(10) integer index integer j integer l1 integer l2 integer l3 integer l4 integer l5 integer mode integer n integer r integer rnr(nn1) integer snr(nn) real t integer z mode=iflag(4) ifail=0 if( then ifail=12 return end if if(z.le.0) then ifail=13 return end if if(*z) then ifail=5 write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'Y12MBE - Fatal error!' write(*,*)' NN, the declared dimension of A and SNR' write(*,*)' is too small.' write(*,*)' NN must be at least 2*Z.' write(*,*)' NN = ',nn write(*,*)' Z = ',z return end if if( then ifail=6 return end if if( then ifail=14 return end if if( then ifail=15 return end if if( then ifail=16 return end if if( then ifail=16 return end if gt1=0.0 do i=1,n ha(i,2)=0 ha(i,3)=0 ha(i,6)=0 end do c c Find the number of the non-zero elements in each row and column; c Move the non-zero elements in the end of the arrays a and snr;find the c largest non-zero element in a(in absolute value). c do i=1,z t=abs(a(i)) l3=rnr(i) l4=snr(i) if( then ifail=24 write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'Y12MBE - Fatal error!' write(*,*)' IFAIL = ',ifail write(*,*)' Column number I=',i,' is illegal.' write(*,*)' SNR(I)=',snr(i) return end if if( then ifail=25 write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'Y12MBE - Fatal error!' write(*,*)' IFAIL = ',ifail write(*,*)' Row number I=',i,' is illegal.' write(*,*)' RNR(I)=',rnr(i) return end if ha(l3,3)=ha(l3,3)+1 ha(l4,6)=ha(l4,6)+1 if( a(z+i)=a(i) snr(z+i)=snr(i) end do if( c c Store the information of the row starts in HA(I,1) and of the column c starts in HA(I,4). c l1=1 l2=1 do i=1,n l3=ha(i,3) l4=ha(i,6) if(l3.le.0) then ifail=17 return end if if(l4.le.0) then ifail=18 return end if if( then ha(i,9)=l3 ha(i,10)=l4 ha(i,11)=0 ha(l3,2)=ha(l3,2)+1 ha(i,5)=l3 end if ha(i,1)=l1 ha(i,4)=l2 l1=l1+l3 l2=l2+l4 ha(i,3)=0 ha(i,6)=0 end do c c Store the non-zero elements of matrix A (ordered in rows) in the c first Z locations of the array A. c c Do the same for their column numbers c do i=1,z l1=z+i l3=rnr(i) l2=ha(l3,1)+ha(l3,3) a(l2)=a(l1) snr(l2)=snr(l1) ha(l3,3)=ha(l3,3)+1 end do c c Store the row numbers of the non-zero elements ordered by columns in c the first z locations of the array rnr. store information about row c ends(in ha(i,3)). c l4=1 do i=1,n if( then if(ha(i,2).ne.0) then ha(i,11)=l4 l4=l4+ha(i,2) ha(i,2)=ha(i,11) end if end if ha(i,3)=ha(i,1)+ha(i,3)-1 l1=ha(i,1) l2=ha(i,3) do j=l1,l2 l3=snr(j) r=ha(l3,6) index=ha(l3,4)+r rnr(index)=i if( then if( then if(rnr(index-1).eq.i) then ifail=11 return end if end if end if ha(l3,6)=r+1 end do end do do i=1,n if( then l3=ha(i,5) l5=ha(l3,2) ha(l5,8)=i ha(i,7)=l5 ha(l3,2)=ha(l3,2)+1 end if ha(i,6)=ha(i,4)+ha(i,6)-1 end do aflag(6)=gt1 iflag(6)=0 iflag(7)=0 iflag(8)=z iflag(1)=-1 return end subroutine y12mbf(n,z,a,snr,nn,rnr,nn1,ha,iha,aflag,iflag,ifail) c*********************************************************************72 c cc Y12MBF prepares a sparse linear system to be factored and solved. c c Discussion: c c the non-zero elements of a sparse matrix a are prepared in order to c solve the system ax=b by use of sparse matrix techniques. c integer iha integer nn integer nn1 double precision a(nn) double precision aflag(8) double precision gt1 integer ha(iha,11) integer i integer ifail integer iflag(10) integer index integer j integer l1 integer l2 integer l3 integer l4 integer l5 integer mode integer n integer r integer rnr(nn1) integer snr(nn) double precision t integer z mode=iflag(4) ifail=0 if( then ifail=12 return end if if(z.le.0) then ifail=13 return end if if(*z) then ifail=5 write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'Y12MBF - Fatal error!' write(*,*)' NN, the declared dimension of A and SNR' write(*,*)' is too small.' write(*,*)' NN must be at least 2*Z.' write(*,*)' NN = ',nn write(*,*)' Z = ',z return end if if( then ifail=6 return end if if( then ifail=14 return end if if( then ifail=15 return end if if( then ifail=16 return end if if( then ifail=16 return end if gt1=0.0 do i=1,n ha(i,2)=0 ha(i,3)=0 ha(i,6)=0 end do c c find the number of the non-zero elements in each row and column;move c the non-zero elements in the end of the arrays a and snr;find the c largest non-zero element in a(in absolute value). c do i=1,z t=abs(a(i)) l3=rnr(i) l4=snr(i) if( then ifail=24 write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'Y12MBF - Fatal error!' write(*,*)' IFAIL = ',ifail write(*,*)' Column number I=',i,' is illegal.' write(*,*)' SNR(I)=',snr(i) return end if if( then ifail=25 write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'Y12MBF - Fatal error!' write(*,*)' IFAIL = ',ifail write(*,*)' Row number I=',i,' is illegal.' write(*,*)' RNR(I)=',rnr(i) return end if ha(l3,3)=ha(l3,3)+1 ha(l4,6)=ha(l4,6)+1 if( a(z+i)=a(i) snr(z+i)=snr(i) end do if( c c store the information of the row starts(in ha(i,1))and of the column c starts(in ha(i,4)). c l1=1 l2=1 do i=1,n l3=ha(i,3) l4=ha(i,6) if(l3.le.0) then ifail=17 return end if if(l4.le.0) then ifail=18 return end if if( then ha(i,9)=l3 ha(i,10)=l4 ha(i,11)=0 ha(l3,2)=ha(l3,2)+1 ha(i,5)=l3 end if ha(i,1)=l1 ha(i,4)=l2 l1=l1+l3 l2=l2+l4 ha(i,3)=0 ha(i,6)=0 end do c c Store the non-zero elements of matrix a(ordered in rows) in the c first z locations of the array a. c c Do the same for their column numbers c do i=1,z l1=z+i l3=rnr(i) l2=ha(l3,1)+ha(l3,3) a(l2)=a(l1) snr(l2)=snr(l1) ha(l3,3)=ha(l3,3)+1 end do c c Store the row numbers of the non-zero elements ordered by columns in c the first z locations of the array rnr. store information about row c ends(in ha(i,3)). c l4=1 do i=1,n if( then if(ha(i,2).ne.0) then ha(i,11)=l4 l4=l4+ha(i,2) ha(i,2)=ha(i,11) end if end if ha(i,3)=ha(i,1)+ha(i,3)-1 l1=ha(i,1) l2=ha(i,3) do j=l1,l2 l3=snr(j) r=ha(l3,6) index=ha(l3,4)+r rnr(index)=i if( then if( then if(rnr(index-1).eq.i) then ifail=11 return end if end if end if ha(l3,6)=r+1 end do end do do i=1,n if( then l3=ha(i,5) l5=ha(l3,2) ha(l5,8)=i ha(i,7)=l5 ha(l3,2)=ha(l3,2)+1 end if ha(i,6)=ha(i,4)+ha(i,6)-1 end do aflag(6)=gt1 iflag(6)=0 iflag(7)=0 iflag(8)=z iflag(1)=-1 return end subroutine y12mce(n,z,a,snr,nn,rnr,nn1,pivot,b,ha,iha,aflag, & iflag,ifail) c*********************************************************************72 c cc Y12MCE finds LU factors of a sparse matrix preprocessed by Y12MBE. c integer iha integer n integer nn integer nn1 real a(nn) real aflag(8) real b(n) integer c1 integer c2 integer cr1 integer cr2 integer cr3 integer cr4 real grmin integer ha(iha,11) integer i integer i1 integer ifail integer iflag(10) integer index integer j integer jj integer k integer kk integer l integer l1 integer l2 integer l3 integer l4 integer l5 integer l6 integer l7 integer lfc integer lfr integer ll integer n7 integer n8 integer nr real pivot(n) integer r integer r1 integer r10 integer r2 integer r3 integer r4 integer r5 integer r6 integer r7 integer r8 integer r9 integer rcoll integer rpivot integer rr integer rr1 integer rr2 integer rr3 integer rr4 integer rrow integer rnr(nn1) integer slut integer snr(nn) real t real td real td1 real tol1 real tol2 real tol3 real u real v integer z integer zz c c Information which is necessary to begin the elimination is stored. c ifail=0 if(iflag(1).ne.-1)ifail=2 if(aflag(1).lt.1.0) then aflag(1)=1.0005 end if if(aflag(3).lt.1.0e+5) then aflag(3)=1.0e+5 end if if(aflag(4).lt.0.0) then aflag(4)=-aflag(4) end if if(iflag(2).lt.1)ifail=19 if(iflag(3).lt.0.or.iflag(3).gt.2)ifail=20 if(iflag(5).lt.1.or.iflag(5).gt.3) then ifail=21 write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'Y12MCE - Fatal error!' write(*,*)' Input value of IFLAG(5)=',iflag(5) write(*,*)' Legal values are 1, 2, or 3.' return end if if(iflag(5).eq.3)ifail=22 if( snr(z+1)=0 rnr(z+1)=0 n8=n+1 n7=n-1 u=aflag(1) grmin=aflag(4)*aflag(6) zz=z c c Use the information about fill-ins if it is possible. c nr=n*n if(iflag(4).ne.2)go to 100 if(iflag(10).le.nn) then l1=iflag(10) l5=l1+1 if(l5.le.nn)snr(l5)=0 do i=1,n l=n8-i l2=ha(l,3)+1 l3=l2-ha(l,1) do j=1,l3 snr(l5-j)=snr(l2-j) a(l5-j)=a(l2-j) end do ha(l,3)=l1 ha(l,1)=l5-l3 l6=l1-l3 l5=l5-ha(l,9) do j=l5,l6 snr(j)=0 end do l1=l5-1 end do end if if(iflag(9).le.nn1) then l2=iflag(9) l5=l2+1 if(l5.le.nn1)rnr(l5)=0 do i=1,n l=n8-i l1=ha(l,6)+1 l4=l1-ha(l,4) do j=1,l4 rnr(l5-j)=rnr(l1-j) end do ha(l,4)=l5-l4 ha(l,6)=l2 l6=l2-l4 l5=l5-ha(l,10) do j=l5,l6 rnr(j)=0 end do l2=l5-1 end do end if 100 continue r4=ha(n,3) r5=ha(n,6) aflag(7)=aflag(6) aflag(8)=aflag(6) do i=1,n pivot(i)=0.0 ha(i,2)=ha(i,1) ha(i,5)=ha(i,4) end do index=ha(n,8) slut=ha(index,3)-ha(index,2)+1 c c Start of gaussian elimination. c do 950 i=1,n7 rr3=ha(i,2) rr4=ha(i,3) c1=ha(i,4) cr4=ha(i,6) if(iflag(3).eq.0)go to 350 if(iflag(4).eq.2) then rrow=ha(i,7) rcoll=ha(i,8) go to 220 end if l4=ha(i,8) if(iflag(3).ne.1) then rrow=l4 rcoll=rrow rpivot=i go to 170 end if r=nr v=0.0 index=iflag(2) do kk=1,index l1=i-1+kk if( to 170 j=ha(l1,8) r7=ha(j,2) r8=ha(j,3) r9=r8-r7 t=0.0 do k=r7,r8 td=abs(a(k)) if( end do t=t/u do k=r7,r8 td=abs(a(k)) if( to 150 r6=snr(k) r3=r9*(ha(r6,6)-ha(r6,5)) if( to 150 if( to 151 if( to 150 151 v=td rrow=j rcoll=r6 r=r3 rpivot=l1 150 continue end do end do 170 r3=ha(rcoll,10) ha(rcoll,10)=ha(i,10) ha(i,10)=r3 r3=ha(rrow,9) ha(rrow,9)=ha(i,9) ha(i,9)=r3 c c remove the pivot row of the list where the rows are ordered by c increasing numbers of non-zero elements. c l1=0 l=i l2=ha(l4,3)-ha(l4,2)+1 180 l=l+1 if(,11)=l if( to 190 l5=ha(l,8) l3=ha(l5,3)-ha(l5,2)+1 if( then ha(l4,7)=l ha(l,8)=l4 l4=l5 l1=l2 l2=l3 l3=n8 go to 180 end if 190 if(l2.eq.l1)go to 200 if(l3.eq.l2)go to 200 ha(l2,11)=0 200 l5=ha(i,7) if(rrow.eq.i)go to 210 ha(l5,8)=rrow ha(rrow,7)=l5 210 ha(i,7)=rrow ha(i,8)=rcoll c c Row interchanges. c 220 continue if(rrow.eq.i)go to 290 t=b(rrow) b(rrow)=b(i) b(i)=t do j=rr3,rr4 l1=snr(j) r=ha(l1,5)-1 r10=ha(l1,6) 240 continue r=r+1 if(rnr(r).ne.i)go to 240 rnr(r)=rnr(r10) rnr(r10)=rrow end do rr3=ha(rrow,2) rr4=ha(rrow,3) do j=rr3,rr4 l1=snr(j) r=ha(l1,5)-1 260 continue r=r+1 if(rnr(r).ne.rrow)go to 260 rnr(r)=i end do do j=1,3 r3=ha(rrow,j) ha(rrow,j)=ha(i,j) ha(i,j)=r3 end do c c column interchanges. c 290 if(rcoll.eq.i)go to 350 do j=c1,cr4 l1=rnr(j) r=ha(l1,2)-1 r10=ha(l1,3) 300 r=r+1 if(snr(r).ne.i)go to 300 t=a(r10) a(r10)=a(r) a(r)=t snr(r)=snr(r10) snr(r10)=rcoll end do c1=ha(rcoll,4) cr4=ha(rcoll,6) do j=c1,cr4 l1=rnr(j) r=ha(l1,2)-1 320 continue r=r+1 if(snr(r).ne.rcoll)go to 320 snr(r)=i end do do j=4,6 r3=ha(rcoll,j) ha(rcoll,j)=ha(i,j) ha(i,j)=r3 end do c c end of the interchanges. c the row ordered list and the column ordered list are prepared to c begin step i of the elimination. c 350 r9=rr4-rr3 do rr=rr3,rr4 if(snr(rr).eq.i)go to 370 end do ifail=9 go to 1110 370 v=a(rr) pivot(i)=v td=abs(v) if( if( then ifail=3 go to 1110 end if r2=ha(i,1) a(rr)=a(rr3) snr(rr)=snr(rr3) a(rr3)=a(r2) snr(rr3)=snr(r2) snr(r2)=0 z=z-1 rr3=rr3+1 ha(i,2)=rr3 ha(i,1)=r2+1 cr3=ha(i,5) if(r9.le.0)go to 431 do j=rr3,rr4 index=snr(j) pivot(index)=a(j) end do 431 r7=cr4-cr3+1 do 880 k=1,r7 r1=rnr(cr3-1+k) if(r1.eq.i)go to 870 i1=ha(r1,1) rr1=ha(r1,2) rr2=ha(r1,3) l2=rr2-rr1+1 l=rr1-1 390 l=l+1 if(snr(l).ne.i)go to 390 t=a(l)/v if(iflag(5).eq.2)go to 400 a(l)=a(i1) snr(l)=snr(i1) snr(i1)=0 i1=i1+1 ha(r1,1)=i1 z=z-1 go to 410 400 a(l)=a(rr1) a(rr1)=t r3=snr(rr1) snr(rr1)=snr(l) snr(l)=r3 410 rr1=rr1+1 ha(r1,2)=rr1 b(r1)=b(r1)-b(i)*t if(r9.le.0)go to 669 r=rr1 do l=r,rr2 l1=snr(l) td=pivot(l1) if(td.eq.0.0)go to 450 pivot(l1)=0.0 td=a(l)-td*t a(l)=td td1=abs(td) if( if( to 450 c c Too small element is created. Remove it from the lists. c z=z-1 a(l)=a(rr1) snr(l)=snr(rr1) a(rr1)=a(i1) snr(rr1)=snr(i1) snr(i1)=0 rr1=rr1+1 i1=i1+1 ha(r1,2)=rr1 ha(r1,1)=i1 r3=ha(l1,5) r2=r3-1 l4=ha(l1,4) l5=rnr(l4) l6=rnr(r3) 440 r2=r2+1 if(rnr(r2).ne.r1)go to 440 rnr(r2)=l6 rnr(r3)=l5 rnr(l4)=0 ha(l1,5)=r3+1 ha(l1,4)=l4+1 450 continue end do do 750 j=1,r9 r=rr3-1+j r2=snr(r) tol2=pivot(r2) pivot(r2)=a(r) if(tol2.eq.0.0)go to 740 tol3=-tol2*t tol1=abs(tol3) if( to 740 c2=ha(r2,4) cr2=ha(r2,6) cr1=ha(r2,5) lfr=rr2-i1+2 lfc=cr2-c2+2 if(iflag(4).eq.1) then if(,9))ha(r1,9)=lfr if(,10))ha(r2,10)=lfc end if if(i1.eq.1)go to 490 if(snr(i1-1).eq.0)go to 600 490 if(rr2.eq.nn)go to 500 if(snr(rr2+1).eq.0)go to 580 500 r10=nn-lfr c c collection in row ordered list. c if( to 560 iflag(6)=iflag(6)+1 do jj=1,n l1=ha(jj,3) if(,1)) then ha(jj,3)=snr(l1) snr(l1)=-jj end if end do l3=0 l4=1 do jj=1,r4 if(snr(jj).ne.0) then l3=l3+1 if(snr(jj).le.0) then l5=-snr(jj) snr(jj)=ha(l5,3) ha(l5,3)=l3 l6=l4+ha(l5,2)-ha(l5,1) ha(l5,2)=l6 ha(l5,1)=l4 l4=l3+1 end if a(l3)=a(jj) snr(l3)=snr(jj) end if end do r4=l3 snr(l3+1)=0 rr3=ha(i,2) rr4=ha(i,3) i1=ha(r1,1) rr1=ha(r1,2) r=rr3-1+j if( then ifail=5 write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'Y12MCE - Fatal error!' write(*,*)' NN, the declared dimension of A and SNR,' write(*,*)' is too small.' write(*,*)' Current value is NN = ',nn return end if c c Fill-in takes place in the row ordered list. c 560 continue r8=lfr-1 rr2=r4+lfr l3=i1-1 do ll=1,r8 l4=r4+ll l5=l3+ll a(l4)=a(l5) snr(l4)=snr(l5) snr(l5)=0 end do rr1=r4+rr1-i1+1 ha(r1,3)=rr2 ha(r1,2)=rr1 i1=r4+1 ha(r1,1)=i1 l1=rr2 go to 590 580 rr2=rr2+1 ha(r1,3)=rr2 l1=rr2 if(rr2.le.r4)go to 610 590 r4=rr2 if( go to 610 600 rr1=rr1-1 i1=i1-1 ha(r1,1)=i1 ha(r1,2)=rr1 l1=rr1 snr(i1)=snr(l1) a(i1)=a(l1) 610 a(l1)=tol3 snr(l1)=snr(r) td=abs(a(l1)) if( z=z+1 if(iflag(8).lt.z) iflag(8)=z if(c2.eq.1)go to 620 if(rnr(c2-1).eq.0)go to 720 620 if(cr2.eq.nn1)go to 630 if(rnr(cr2+1).eq.0)go to 700 630 r10=nn1-lfc c c collection in column ordered list. c if( to 680 iflag(7)=iflag(7)+1 do jj=i,n l1=ha(jj,6) ha(jj,6)=rnr(l1) rnr(l1)=-jj end do l3=0 l4=1 do jj=1,r5 if(rnr(jj).ne.0) then l3=l3+1 if(rnr(jj).le.0) then l5=-rnr(jj) rnr(jj)=ha(l5,6) ha(l5,6)=l3 l6=l4+ha(l5,5)-ha(l5,4) ha(l5,5)=l6 ha(l5,4)=l4 l4=l3+1 end if rnr(l3)=rnr(jj) end if end do r5=l3 rnr(r5+1)=0 c2=ha(r2,4) cr3=ha(i,5) cr4=ha(i,6) cr1=ha(r2,5) if( then ifail=6 z=zz return end if c c Fill-in takes place in the column ordered list. c 680 continue r8=lfc-1 cr2=r5+lfc l3=c2-1 do l=1,r8 l4=r5+l l5=l3+l rnr(l4)=rnr(l5) rnr(l5)=0 end do cr1=r5+cr1-c2+1 c2=r5+1 ha(r2,6)=cr2 ha(r2,4)=c2 ha(r2,5)=cr1 r=cr2 go to 710 700 cr2=cr2+1 ha(r2,6)=cr2 r=cr2 if(cr2.le.r5)go to 730 710 r5=cr2 if( go to 730 720 cr1=cr1-1 c2=c2-1 ha(r2,4)=c2 ha(r2,5)=cr1 r=cr1 rnr(c2)=rnr(r) 730 rnr(r)=r1 740 continue 750 continue 669 if(rr1.le.rr2)go to 760 ifail=7 go to 1110 c c update the information in the list where the rows are ordered by c increasing numbers of the non-zero elements. c 760 if(iflag(4).eq.2)go to 870 if(iflag(3).eq.0)go to 870 l1=rr2-rr1+1 if(l1.eq.l2)go to 870 l6=ha(r1,7) l4=ha(l2,11) if( to 820 if( to 780 if(l4.eq.n)go to 770 l=ha(l4+1,8) l5=ha(l,3)-ha(l,2)+1 if(l5.eq.l2)go to 790 770 ha(l2,11)=0 go to 800 780 l5=ha(l4,8) l3=ha(l6,8) ha(l4,8)=l3 ha(l6,8)=l5 ha(l5,7)=l6 ha(l3,7)=l4 l6=l4 790 ha(l2,11)=l4+1 800 if(l4.eq.i+1)go to 810 l=ha(l6-1,8) l2=ha(l,3)-ha(l,2)+1 l4=ha(l2,11) if( to 780 810 if(,11)=l6 go to 870 820 if( to 840 if(l4.eq.n)go to 830 l=ha(l4+1,8) l5=ha(l,3)-ha(l,2)+1 if(l5.eq.l2)go to 840 830 ha(l2,11)=0 840 l2=l2+1 if(l2.le.slut)go to 850 l3=n slut=l1 l2=l1 go to 860 850 l3=ha(l2,11)-1 if(l3.eq.-1)go to 840 if( 860 ha(l2,11)=l3 l4=ha(l3,8) l7=ha(l6,8) ha(l3,8)=l7 ha(l6,8)=l4 ha(l7,7)=l3 ha(l4,7)=l6 l6=l3 if( to 840 870 continue 880 continue if( then do j=rr3,rr4 index=snr(j) pivot(index)=0.0 end do end if cr3=ha(i,4) do j=cr3,cr4 rnr(j)=0 end do l2=ha(i,2)-1 do ll=1,r9 r=snr(l2+ll) r1=ha(r,5) r2=ha(r,6) if(r2.le.r1) then ifail=8 z=zz return end if ha(r,5)=r1+1 r3=r1-1 910 r3=r3+1 if(rnr(r3).ne.i)go to 910 rnr(r3)=rnr(r1) rnr(r1)=i end do aflag(5)=aflag(7)/aflag(6) if(aflag(5).ge.aflag(3)) then ifail=4 z=zz return end if 940 continue 950 continue c c preparation to begin the back substitution. c index=ha(n,2) pivot(n)=a(index) a(index)=0.0 td=abs(pivot(n)) if( if( if(td.le.grmin) then ifail=3 z=zz return end if if(iflag(4).eq.1) then iflag(10)=ha(n,9) iflag(9)=ha(n,10) do i=1,n7 r1=n-i iflag(10)=iflag(10)+ha(r1,9) iflag(9)=iflag(9)+ha(r1,10) if(iflag(3).ne.0) then do j=9,10 r2=ha(r1,j-2) r6=ha(r2,j) ha(r2,j)=ha(r1,j) ha(r1,j)=r6 end do end if end do end if aflag(5)=aflag(7)/aflag(6) iflag(1)=-2 1110 z=zz return end subroutine y12mcf(n,z,a,snr,nn,rnr,nn1,pivot,b,ha,iha,aflag, & iflag,ifail) c*********************************************************************72 c cc Y12MCF finds LU factors of a sparse matrix preprocessed by Y12MBF. c integer iha integer n integer nn integer nn1 double precision a(nn) double precision aflag(8) double precision b(n) integer c1 integer c2 integer cr1 integer cr2 integer cr3 integer cr4 double precision grmin integer ha(iha,11) integer i integer i1 integer ifail integer iflag(10) integer index integer j integer jj integer k integer kk integer l integer l1 integer l2 integer l3 integer l4 integer l5 integer l6 integer l7 integer lfc integer lfr integer ll integer n7 integer n8 integer nr double precision pivot(n) integer r integer r1 integer r10 integer r2 integer r3 integer r4 integer r5 integer r6 integer r7 integer r8 integer r9 integer rcoll integer rpivot integer rr integer rr1 integer rr2 integer rr3 integer rr4 integer rrow integer rnr(nn1) integer slut integer snr(nn) double precision t double precision td double precision td1 double precision tol1 double precision tol2 double precision tol3 double precision u double precision v integer z integer zz c c Information which is necessary to begin the elimination is stored. c ifail=0 if(iflag(1).ne.-1)ifail=2 if(aflag(1).lt.1.0) then aflag(1)=1.0005 end if if(aflag(3).lt.1.0e+5) then aflag(3)=1.0e+5 end if if(aflag(4).lt.0.0) then aflag(4)=-aflag(4) end if if(iflag(2).lt.1)ifail=19 if(iflag(3).lt.0.or.iflag(3).gt.2)ifail=20 if(iflag(5).lt.1.or.iflag(5).gt.3) then ifail=21 write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'Y12MCF - Fatal error!' write(*,*)' Input value of IFLAG(5)=',iflag(5) write(*,*)' Legal values are 1, 2, or 3.' return end if if(iflag(5).eq.3)ifail=22 if( snr(z+1)=0 rnr(z+1)=0 n8=n+1 n7=n-1 u=aflag(1) grmin=aflag(4)*aflag(6) zz=z c c Use the information about fill-ins if it is possible. c nr=n*n if(iflag(4).ne.2)go to 100 if(iflag(10).le.nn) then l1=iflag(10) l5=l1+1 if(l5.le.nn)snr(l5)=0 do i=1,n l=n8-i l2=ha(l,3)+1 l3=l2-ha(l,1) do j=1,l3 snr(l5-j)=snr(l2-j) a(l5-j)=a(l2-j) end do ha(l,3)=l1 ha(l,1)=l5-l3 l6=l1-l3 l5=l5-ha(l,9) do j=l5,l6 snr(j)=0 end do l1=l5-1 end do end if if(iflag(9).le.nn1) then l2=iflag(9) l5=l2+1 if(l5.le.nn1)rnr(l5)=0 do i=1,n l=n8-i l1=ha(l,6)+1 l4=l1-ha(l,4) do j=1,l4 rnr(l5-j)=rnr(l1-j) end do ha(l,4)=l5-l4 ha(l,6)=l2 l6=l2-l4 l5=l5-ha(l,10) do j=l5,l6 rnr(j)=0 end do l2=l5-1 end do end if 100 continue r4=ha(n,3) r5=ha(n,6) aflag(7)=aflag(6) aflag(8)=aflag(6) do i=1,n pivot(i)=0.0 ha(i,2)=ha(i,1) ha(i,5)=ha(i,4) end do index=ha(n,8) slut=ha(index,3)-ha(index,2)+1 c c Start of gaussian elimination. c do 950 i=1,n7 rr3=ha(i,2) rr4=ha(i,3) c1=ha(i,4) cr4=ha(i,6) if(iflag(3).eq.0)go to 350 if(iflag(4).eq.2) then rrow=ha(i,7) rcoll=ha(i,8) go to 220 end if l4=ha(i,8) if(iflag(3).ne.1) then rrow=l4 rcoll=rrow rpivot=i go to 170 end if r=nr v=0.0 index=iflag(2) do kk=1,index l1=i-1+kk if( to 170 j=ha(l1,8) r7=ha(j,2) r8=ha(j,3) r9=r8-r7 t=0.0 do k=r7,r8 td=abs(a(k)) if( end do t=t/u do k=r7,r8 td=abs(a(k)) if( to 150 r6=snr(k) r3=r9*(ha(r6,6)-ha(r6,5)) if( to 150 if( to 151 if( to 150 151 v=td rrow=j rcoll=r6 r=r3 rpivot=l1 150 continue end do end do 170 r3=ha(rcoll,10) ha(rcoll,10)=ha(i,10) ha(i,10)=r3 r3=ha(rrow,9) ha(rrow,9)=ha(i,9) ha(i,9)=r3 c c remove the pivot row of the list where the rows are ordered by c increasing numbers of non-zero elements. c l1=0 l=i l2=ha(l4,3)-ha(l4,2)+1 180 l=l+1 if(,11)=l if( to 190 l5=ha(l,8) l3=ha(l5,3)-ha(l5,2)+1 if( to 190 ha(l4,7)=l ha(l,8)=l4 l4=l5 l1=l2 l2=l3 l3=n8 go to 180 190 if(l2.eq.l1)go to 200 if(l3.eq.l2)go to 200 ha(l2,11)=0 200 l5=ha(i,7) if(rrow.eq.i)go to 210 ha(l5,8)=rrow ha(rrow,7)=l5 210 ha(i,7)=rrow ha(i,8)=rcoll c c Row interchanges. c 220 continue if(rrow.eq.i)go to 290 t=b(rrow) b(rrow)=b(i) b(i)=t do j=rr3,rr4 l1=snr(j) r=ha(l1,5)-1 r10=ha(l1,6) 240 r=r+1 if(rnr(r).ne.i)go to 240 rnr(r)=rnr(r10) rnr(r10)=rrow end do rr3=ha(rrow,2) rr4=ha(rrow,3) do j=rr3,rr4 l1=snr(j) r=ha(l1,5)-1 260 r=r+1 if(rnr(r).ne.rrow)go to 260 rnr(r)=i end do do j=1,3 r3=ha(rrow,j) ha(rrow,j)=ha(i,j) ha(i,j)=r3 end do c c column interchanges. c 290 if(rcoll.eq.i)go to 350 do j=c1,cr4 l1=rnr(j) r=ha(l1,2)-1 r10=ha(l1,3) 300 r=r+1 if(snr(r).ne.i)go to 300 t=a(r10) a(r10)=a(r) a(r)=t snr(r)=snr(r10) snr(r10)=rcoll end do c1=ha(rcoll,4) cr4=ha(rcoll,6) do j=c1,cr4 l1=rnr(j) r=ha(l1,2)-1 320 r=r+1 if(snr(r).ne.rcoll)go to 320 snr(r)=i end do do j=4,6 r3=ha(rcoll,j) ha(rcoll,j)=ha(i,j) ha(i,j)=r3 end do c c end of the interchanges. c the row ordered list and the column ordered list are prepared to c begin step i of the elimination. c 350 r9=rr4-rr3 do rr=rr3,rr4 if(snr(rr).eq.i)go to 370 end do ifail=9 go to 1110 370 v=a(rr) pivot(i)=v td=abs(v) if( if( to 380 ifail=3 go to 1110 380 r2=ha(i,1) a(rr)=a(rr3) snr(rr)=snr(rr3) a(rr3)=a(r2) snr(rr3)=snr(r2) snr(r2)=0 z=z-1 rr3=rr3+1 ha(i,2)=rr3 ha(i,1)=r2+1 cr3=ha(i,5) if(r9.le.0)go to 431 do j=rr3,rr4 index=snr(j) pivot(index)=a(j) end do 431 r7=cr4-cr3+1 do 880 k=1,r7 r1=rnr(cr3-1+k) if(r1.eq.i)go to 870 i1=ha(r1,1) rr1=ha(r1,2) rr2=ha(r1,3) l2=rr2-rr1+1 l=rr1-1 390 l=l+1 if(snr(l).ne.i)go to 390 t=a(l)/v if(iflag(5).eq.2)go to 400 a(l)=a(i1) snr(l)=snr(i1) snr(i1)=0 i1=i1+1 ha(r1,1)=i1 z=z-1 go to 410 400 a(l)=a(rr1) a(rr1)=t r3=snr(rr1) snr(rr1)=snr(l) snr(l)=r3 410 rr1=rr1+1 ha(r1,2)=rr1 b(r1)=b(r1)-b(i)*t if(r9.le.0)go to 669 r=rr1 do l=r,rr2 l1=snr(l) td=pivot(l1) if(td.eq.0.0)go to 450 pivot(l1)=0.0 td=a(l)-td*t a(l)=td td1=abs(td) if( if( to 450 c c Too small element is created. Remove it from the lists. c z=z-1 a(l)=a(rr1) snr(l)=snr(rr1) a(rr1)=a(i1) snr(rr1)=snr(i1) snr(i1)=0 rr1=rr1+1 i1=i1+1 ha(r1,2)=rr1 ha(r1,1)=i1 r3=ha(l1,5) r2=r3-1 l4=ha(l1,4) l5=rnr(l4) l6=rnr(r3) 440 r2=r2+1 if(rnr(r2).ne.r1)go to 440 rnr(r2)=l6 rnr(r3)=l5 rnr(l4)=0 ha(l1,5)=r3+1 ha(l1,4)=l4+1 450 continue end do do 750 j=1,r9 r=rr3-1+j r2=snr(r) tol2=pivot(r2) pivot(r2)=a(r) if(tol2.eq.0.0)go to 740 tol3=-tol2*t tol1=abs(tol3) if( to 740 c2=ha(r2,4) cr2=ha(r2,6) cr1=ha(r2,5) lfr=rr2-i1+2 lfc=cr2-c2+2 if(iflag(4).eq.1) then if(,9))ha(r1,9)=lfr if(,10))ha(r2,10)=lfc end if if(i1.eq.1)go to 490 if(snr(i1-1).eq.0)go to 600 490 if(rr2.eq.nn)go to 500 if(snr(rr2+1).eq.0)go to 580 500 r10=nn-lfr c c collection in row ordered list. c if( to 560 iflag(6)=iflag(6)+1 do jj=1,n l1=ha(jj,3) if(,1)) then ha(jj,3)=snr(l1) snr(l1)=-jj end if end do l3=0 l4=1 do jj=1,r4 if(snr(jj).ne.0) then l3=l3+1 if(snr(jj).le.0) then l5=-snr(jj) snr(jj)=ha(l5,3) ha(l5,3)=l3 l6=l4+ha(l5,2)-ha(l5,1) ha(l5,2)=l6 ha(l5,1)=l4 l4=l3+1 end if a(l3)=a(jj) snr(l3)=snr(jj) end if end do r4=l3 snr(l3+1)=0 rr3=ha(i,2) rr4=ha(i,3) i1=ha(r1,1) rr1=ha(r1,2) r=rr3-1+j if( then ifail=5 write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'Y12MCF - Fatal error!' write(*,*)' NN, the declared dimension of A and SNR,' write(*,*)' is too small.' write(*,*)' Current value is NN = ',nn return end if c c Fill-in takes place in the row ordered list. c 560 continue r8=lfr-1 rr2=r4+lfr l3=i1-1 do ll=1,r8 l4=r4+ll l5=l3+ll a(l4)=a(l5) snr(l4)=snr(l5) snr(l5)=0 end do rr1=r4+rr1-i1+1 ha(r1,3)=rr2 ha(r1,2)=rr1 i1=r4+1 ha(r1,1)=i1 l1=rr2 go to 590 580 rr2=rr2+1 ha(r1,3)=rr2 l1=rr2 if(rr2.le.r4)go to 610 590 r4=rr2 if( go to 610 600 rr1=rr1-1 i1=i1-1 ha(r1,1)=i1 ha(r1,2)=rr1 l1=rr1 snr(i1)=snr(l1) a(i1)=a(l1) 610 a(l1)=tol3 snr(l1)=snr(r) td=abs(a(l1)) if( z=z+1 if(iflag(8).lt.z) iflag(8)=z if(c2.eq.1)go to 620 if(rnr(c2-1).eq.0)go to 720 620 if(cr2.eq.nn1)go to 630 if(rnr(cr2+1).eq.0)go to 700 630 r10=nn1-lfc c c collection in column ordered list. c if( to 680 iflag(7)=iflag(7)+1 do jj=i,n l1=ha(jj,6) ha(jj,6)=rnr(l1) rnr(l1)=-jj end do l3=0 l4=1 do jj=1,r5 if(rnr(jj).ne.0) then l3=l3+1 if(rnr(jj).le.0) then l5=-rnr(jj) rnr(jj)=ha(l5,6) ha(l5,6)=l3 l6=l4+ha(l5,5)-ha(l5,4) ha(l5,5)=l6 ha(l5,4)=l4 l4=l3+1 end if rnr(l3)=rnr(jj) end if end do r5=l3 rnr(r5+1)=0 c2=ha(r2,4) cr3=ha(i,5) cr4=ha(i,6) cr1=ha(r2,5) if( then ifail=6 z=zz return end if c c Fill-in takes place in the column ordered list. c 680 continue r8=lfc-1 cr2=r5+lfc l3=c2-1 do l=1,r8 l4=r5+l l5=l3+l rnr(l4)=rnr(l5) rnr(l5)=0 end do cr1=r5+cr1-c2+1 c2=r5+1 ha(r2,6)=cr2 ha(r2,4)=c2 ha(r2,5)=cr1 r=cr2 go to 710 700 cr2=cr2+1 ha(r2,6)=cr2 r=cr2 if(cr2.le.r5)go to 730 710 r5=cr2 if( go to 730 720 cr1=cr1-1 c2=c2-1 ha(r2,4)=c2 ha(r2,5)=cr1 r=cr1 rnr(c2)=rnr(r) 730 rnr(r)=r1 740 continue 750 continue 669 if(rr1.le.rr2)go to 760 ifail=7 go to 1110 c c update the information in the list where the rows are ordered by c increasing numbers of the non-zero elements. c 760 if(iflag(4).eq.2)go to 870 if(iflag(3).eq.0)go to 870 l1=rr2-rr1+1 if(l1.eq.l2)go to 870 l6=ha(r1,7) l4=ha(l2,11) if( to 820 if( to 780 if(l4.eq.n)go to 770 l=ha(l4+1,8) l5=ha(l,3)-ha(l,2)+1 if(l5.eq.l2)go to 790 770 ha(l2,11)=0 go to 800 780 l5=ha(l4,8) l3=ha(l6,8) ha(l4,8)=l3 ha(l6,8)=l5 ha(l5,7)=l6 ha(l3,7)=l4 l6=l4 790 ha(l2,11)=l4+1 800 if(l4.eq.i+1)go to 810 l=ha(l6-1,8) l2=ha(l,3)-ha(l,2)+1 l4=ha(l2,11) if( to 780 810 if(,11)=l6 go to 870 820 if( to 840 if(l4.eq.n)go to 830 l=ha(l4+1,8) l5=ha(l,3)-ha(l,2)+1 if(l5.eq.l2)go to 840 830 ha(l2,11)=0 840 l2=l2+1 if(l2.le.slut)go to 850 l3=n slut=l1 l2=l1 go to 860 850 l3=ha(l2,11)-1 if(l3.eq.-1)go to 840 if( 860 ha(l2,11)=l3 l4=ha(l3,8) l7=ha(l6,8) ha(l3,8)=l7 ha(l6,8)=l4 ha(l7,7)=l3 ha(l4,7)=l6 l6=l3 if( to 840 870 continue 880 continue if( then do j=rr3,rr4 index=snr(j) pivot(index)=0.0 end do end if cr3=ha(i,4) do j=cr3,cr4 rnr(j)=0 end do l2=ha(i,2)-1 do ll=1,r9 r=snr(l2+ll) r1=ha(r,5) r2=ha(r,6) if(r2.le.r1) then ifail=8 z=zz return end if ha(r,5)=r1+1 r3=r1-1 910 r3=r3+1 if(rnr(r3).ne.i)go to 910 rnr(r3)=rnr(r1) rnr(r1)=i end do aflag(5)=aflag(7)/aflag(6) if(aflag(5).ge.aflag(3)) then ifail=4 z=zz return end if 940 continue 950 continue c c preparation to begin the back substitution. c index=ha(n,2) pivot(n)=a(index) a(index)=0.0 td=abs(pivot(n)) if( if( if(td.le.grmin) then ifail=3 z=zz return end if if(iflag(4).eq.1) then iflag(10)=ha(n,9) iflag(9)=ha(n,10) do i=1,n7 r1=n-i iflag(10)=iflag(10)+ha(r1,9) iflag(9)=iflag(9)+ha(r1,10) if(iflag(3).ne.0) then do j=9,10 r2=ha(r1,j-2) r6=ha(r2,j) ha(r2,j)=ha(r1,j) ha(r1,j)=r6 end do end if end do end if aflag(5)=aflag(7)/aflag(6) iflag(1)=-2 1110 z=zz return end subroutine y12mde(n,a,nn,b,pivot,snr,ha,iha,iflag,ifail) c*********************************************************************72 c cc Y12MDE solves a linear system which has been factored by Y12MCE. c integer iha integer n integer nn real a(nn) real b(n) integer ha(iha,11) integer i integer ifail integer iflag(10) integer ipiv integer j integer l1 integer n7 integer n8 real pivot(n) integer r1 integer r2 integer rr1 integer rr2 integer snr(nn) integer state real t c if(iflag(1).ne.-2) then ifail=1 return end if ipiv=iflag(3) n7=n-1 state=iflag(5) c c solve the system with lower triangular matrix l (if the c lu-factorization is available). c if(state.eq.3) then if( then do i=1,n7 l1=ha(i,7) t=b(l1) b(l1)=b(i) b(i)=t end do end if do i=1,n rr1=ha(i,1) rr2=ha(i,2)-1 do j=rr1,rr2 l1=snr(j) b(i)=b(i)-a(j)*b(l1) end do end do end if c c Solve the system with upper triagular matrix. c n8=n+1 do i=1,n r1=n8-i rr1=ha(r1,2) rr2=ha(r1,3) do j=rr1,rr2 r2=snr(j) b(r1)=b(r1)-a(j)*b(r2) end do b(r1)=b(r1)/pivot(r1) end do c c If interchanges were used during the elimination then a reordering in c the solution vector is made. c if( then do i=1,n7 r1=n-i r2=ha(r1,8) t=b(r2) b(r2)=b(r1) b(r1)=t end do end if return end subroutine y12mdf(n,a,nn,b,pivot,snr,ha,iha,iflag,ifail) c*********************************************************************72 c cc Y12MDF solves a linear system which has been factored by Y12MCF. c integer iha integer n integer nn double precision a(nn) double precision b(n) integer ha(iha,11) integer i integer ifail integer iflag(10) integer ipiv integer j integer l1 integer n7 integer n8 double precision pivot(n) integer r1 integer r2 integer rr1 integer rr2 integer snr(nn) integer state double precision t if(iflag(1).ne.-2) then ifail=1 return end if ipiv=iflag(3) n7=n-1 state=iflag(5) c c solve the system with lower triangular matrix l (if the c lu-factorization is available). c if(state.eq.3) then if( then do i=1,n7 l1=ha(i,7) t=b(l1) b(l1)=b(i) b(i)=t end do end if do i=1,n rr1=ha(i,1) rr2=ha(i,2)-1 do j=rr1,rr2 l1=snr(j) b(i)=b(i)-a(j)*b(l1) end do end do end if c c Solve the system with upper triagular matrix. c n8=n+1 do i=1,n r1=n8-i rr1=ha(r1,2) rr2=ha(r1,3) do j=rr1,rr2 r2=snr(j) b(r1)=b(r1)-a(j)*b(r2) end do b(r1)=b(r1)/pivot(r1) end do c c If interchanges were used during the elimination then a reordering in c the solution vector is made. c if( then do i=1,n7 r1=n-i r2=ha(r1,8) t=b(r2) b(r2)=b(r1) b(r1)=t end do end if return end subroutine y12mfe(n,a,snr,nn,rnr,nn1,a1,sn,nz,ha,iha,b,b1,x,y, & aflag,iflag,ifail) c*********************************************************************72 c cc Y12MFE solves a single linear system; includes iterative refinement. c integer iha integer n integer nn integer nn1 integer nz real a(nn) real a1(nz) real aflag(11) real b(n) real b1(n) real d real dd real dres double precision er double precision er1 double precision er2 real gt1 real gt2 integer ha(iha,13) integer i integer ifail integer iflag(12) integer it integer j integer kit integer l1 integer l2 integer l3 integer nres integer rnr(nn1) integer sn(nz) integer snr(nn) integer state real x(n) real xm real y(n) c c Store the non-zero elements, their column numbers, information about c row starts, information about row ends and the right-hand side. c ifail=0 nres=0 dres=0.0 state=iflag(5) kit=1 it=iflag(11) if(state.eq.1)ifail=10 if( if( to 160 do i=1,n b1(i)=b(i) end do if(state.eq.3)go to 70 call y12mbe(n,nz,a,snr,nn,rnr,nn1,ha,iha,aflag,iflag,ifail) if( to 160 do i=1,nz sn(i)=snr(i) a1(i)=a(i) end do do i=1,n ha(i,12)=ha(i,1) ha(i,13)=ha(i,3) end do if(aflag(2).ge.0.0)go to 60 gt1=aflag(6) do i=1,n l1=ha(i,1) l2=ha(i,3) gt2=0.0 do j=l1,l2 gt2=max(gt2,abs(a(j))) end do gt1=min(gt1,gt2) end do aflag(2)=-gt1*aflag(2) c c Find the first solution. c 60 call y12mce(n,nz,a,snr,nn,rnr,nn1,y,b,ha,iha,aflag,iflag,ifail) if( to 160 70 call y12mde(n,a,nn,b,y,snr,ha,iha,iflag,ifail) if( to 160 c c prepare the data in order to begin the iterations. c dd=0.0 do i=1,n x(i)=b(i) dd=max(dd,abs(b(i))) end do xm=dd if(dd.eq.0.)go to 160 c c begin to iterate. c 90 d=dd dres=0.0 do i=1,n er=b1(i) l1=ha(i,12) l2=ha(i,13) do j=l1,l2 er1=a1(j) l3=sn(j) er2=x(l3) er=er-er1*er2 end do c c Store residuals rounded to single precision. c b(i)=er dres=max(dres,abs(b(i))) end do if(dres.eq.0.)go to 160 if(nres.eq.1) go to 150 if(*xm)go to 150 kit=kit+1 iflag(5)=3 call y12mde(n,a,nn,b,y,snr,ha,iha,iflag,ifail) if( to 160 c c Compute the uniform norm of the current solution vector. c dd=0.0 do i=1,n dd=max(dd,abs(b(i))) end do if(dd.eq.0.0)go to 160 c c Check the convergence criterion. c if( to 160 c c Calculate an improved solution. c xm=0.0 do i=1,n x(i)=x(i)+b(i) xm=max(xm,abs(x(i))) end do c c check the stopping criteria. c if(10.0+dd/xm.eq.10.0) go to 140 if( go to 90 c c end of the iterations. c 140 nres=1 go to 90 150 dd=abs(dd) 160 iflag(5)=state iflag(12)=kit aflag(9)=dd aflag(10)=dres aflag(11)=xm return end subroutine y12mge(n,nn,a,snr,w,pivot,anorm,rcond,iha,ha, & iflag,ifail) c*********************************************************************72 c cc Y12MGE estimates the condition number of a sparse matrix. c c Discussion: c c Y12MGE computes a number called RCOND by Dongarra et al (1979). c This number is the reciprocal of the estimated condition number of c the matrix A. c c If Y12MGE is to be called, then the user should do two things c first: c c 1) Call Y12MHE to compute the one-norm of the matrix A. c This must be done before A is factored. c c 2) Call Y12MCE to compute the LU decomposition of A. c c Since other routines may alter or destroy the LU decomposition c computed by Y12MCE, the call to Y12MGE should come immediately c after the call to Y12MCE. c c c Reference: c c Dongarra, Bunch, Moler and Stewart, c LINPACK User's Guide", SIAM, Philadelphia, 1979. c c c N Input, INTEGER N. N contains the number of equations in the c system Ax=b. c c NN Input, INTEGER NN. NN must contain the length of arrays A and SNR. c Restriction: NN must be at least 2*Z. c Recommended value: 2*Z <= NN <= 3*Z. c c A Input, REAL A(NN) c c A contains the LU decomposition of the original matrix, c as computed by Y12MCE. c c SNR Input, INTEGER SNR(NN). c c SNR contains the column numbers of the non-zero elements c of the upper triangular matrix U (without the column numbers c of the diagonal elements of matrix U). c c W Workspace, REAL W(N). c c PIVOT Input, REAL PIVOT(N), contains the pivotal elements (the diagonal c elements of matrix U). c c ANORM Input, REAL ANORM, the one-norm of the matrix A, as computed c by Y12MHE. c c RCOND Output, REAL RCOND, the estimate of the reciprocal of the c condition number of A. c c IHA Input, INTEGER IHA. The first dimension of array HA. c c HA Input, INTEGER HA(IHA,11), contains information computed c by Y12MCE. c c IFLAG Output, INTEGER IFLAG(10). The components of this array can be c described as follows. c c IFAIL Output, INTEGER IFAIL, Error diagnostic parameter. c c IFAIL = 0 if the subroutine has not detected any error. c c Positive values of IFAIL on exit show that some error has been c detected by the subroutine. Many of the error diagnostics are common c for all subroutines in the package. Therefore the error diagnostics c are listed in a separate section, Section 7, of this book. We advise c the user to check the value of this parameter on exit. c integer n integer nn real a(nn) real anorm integer ha(iha,3) integer i integer ifail integer iflag(5) integer iha integer j integer l integer l1 integer l2 integer l3 integer n7 integer n8 real pivot(n) real rcond integer snr(nn) real t real w(n) real ynorm real znorm c c Check whether the entry is correct or not. c if( then rcond=-1.0 return end if if(iflag(5).eq.1) then ifail=26 rcond=-1.0 return end if n8=n+1 n7=n-1 c c Solve a system of the form u1*w=e where u1 is the c transpose of matrix u in the lu-factorization of matrix c a and e is a vector whose components are equal to +1 c or -1. c w(1)=1.0/pivot(1) do i=2,n w(i)=0.0 end do do i=2,n l1=ha(i,2) l2=ha(i,3) t=w(i-1) do j=l1,l2 l=snr(j) w(l)=w(l)+t*a(j) end do if(w(i).gt.0.0) then w(i)=w(i)+1.0 else w(i)=w(i)-1.0 end if w(i)=-w(i)/pivot(i) end do c c Solve a system of the form l1*y=w where l1 is the c transpose of matrix l in the lu-factorization of c matrix a. the components of vector y are stored c array w (thus, the contents of array w are overwritten c by the components of vector y). c do i=1,n7 l=n-i l1=ha(l,1) l2=ha(l,2)-1 t=w(l+1) do j=l1,l2 l3=snr(j) w(l3)=w(l3)-t*a(j) end do end do c c Calculate the one-norm of Y. c ynorm=0.0 do i=1,n ynorm=ynorm+abs(w(i)) end do c c Compute the solution of (lu)z=y. This means that c two systems with triangular matrices are solved using the c same ideas as above. The components of the calculated solution c are stored in array W. c do i=1,n l1=ha(i,1) l2=ha(i,2)-1 do j=l1,l2 l=snr(j) w(i)=w(i)-a(j)*w(l) end do end do do i=1,n l3=n8-i l1=ha(l3,2) l2=ha(l3,3) do j=l1,l2 l=snr(j) w(l3)=w(l3)-a(j)*w(l) end do w(l3)=w(l3)/pivot(l3) end do c c Compute the one-norm of Z, the vector calculated above and stored in W. c znorm=0.0 do i=1,n znorm=znorm+abs(w(i)) end do c c Find the value of the required estimate for the reciprocal c of the condition number of matrix A. c rcond=(ynorm/anorm)/znorm return end subroutine y12mgf(n,nn,a,snr,w,pivot,anorm,rcond,iha,ha, & iflag,ifail) c*********************************************************************72 c cc Y12MGF estimates the condition number of a sparse matrix. c c Discussion: c c Y12MGF computes a number called RCOND by Dongarra et al (1979). c This number is the reciprocal of the estimated condition number of c the matrix A. c c If Y12MGF is to be called, then the user should do two things c first: c c 1) Call Y12MHF to compute the one-norm of the matrix A. c This must be done before A is factored. c c 2) Call Y12MCF to compute the LU decomposition of A. c c Since other routines may alter or destroy the LU decomposition c computed by Y12MCF, the call to Y12MGF should come immediately c after the call to Y12MCF. c c c Reference: c c Dongarra, Bunch, Moler and Stewart, c LINPACK User's Guide", SIAM, Philadelphia, 1979. c c c N Input, INTEGER N. N contains the number of equations in the c system Ax=b. c c NN Input, INTEGER NN. NN must contain the length of arrays A and SNR. c Restriction: NN must be at least 2*Z. c Recommended value: 2*Z <= NN <= 3*Z. c c A Input, REAL A(NN) c c A contains the LU decomposition of the original matrix, c as computed by Y12MCF. c c SNR Input, INTEGER SNR(NN). c c SNR contains the column numbers of the non-zero elements c of the upper triangular matrix U (without the column numbers c of the diagonal elements of matrix U). c c W Workspace, REAL W(N). c c PIVOT Input, REAL PIVOT(N), contains the pivotal elements (the diagonal c elements of matrix U). c c ANORM Input, REAL ANORM, the one-norm of the matrix A, as computed c by Y12MHF. c c RCOND Output, REAL RCOND, the estimate of the reciprocal of the c condition number of A. c c IHA Input, INTEGER IHA. The first dimension of array HA. c c HA Input, INTEGER HA(IHA,11), contains information computed c by Y12MCF. c c IFLAG Output, INTEGER IFLAG(10). The components of this array can be c described as follows. c c IFAIL Output, INTEGER IFAIL, Error diagnostic parameter. c c IFAIL = 0 if the subroutine has not detected any error. c c Positive values of IFAIL on exit show that some error has been c detected by the subroutine. Many of the error diagnostics are common c for all subroutines in the package. Therefore the error diagnostics c are listed in a separate section, Section 7, of this book. We advise c the user to check the value of this parameter on exit. c integer n integer nn double precision a(nn) double precision anorm integer ha(iha,3) integer i integer ifail integer iflag(5) integer iha integer j integer l integer l1 integer l2 integer l3 integer n7 integer n8 double precision pivot(n) double precision rcond integer snr(nn) double precision t double precision w(n) double precision ynorm double precision znorm c c Check whether the entry is correct or not. c if( then rcond=-1.0 return end if if(iflag(5).eq.1) then ifail=26 rcond=-1.0 return end if n8=n+1 n7=n-1 c c Solve a system of the form u1*w=e where u1 is the c transpose of matrix u in the lu-factorization of matrix c a and e is a vector whose components are equal to +1 c or -1. c w(1)=1.0/pivot(1) do i=2,n w(i)=0.0 end do do i=2,n l1=ha(i,2) l2=ha(i,3) t=w(i-1) do j=l1,l2 l=snr(j) w(l)=w(l)+t*a(j) end do if(w(i).gt.0.0) then w(i)=w(i)+1.0 else w(i)=w(i)-1.0 end if w(i)=-w(i)/pivot(i) end do c c Solve a system of the form l1*y=w where l1 is the c transpose of matrix l in the lu-factorization of c matrix a. the components of vector y are stored c array w (thus, the contents of array w are overwritten c by the components of vector y). c do i=1,n7 l=n-i l1=ha(l,1) l2=ha(l,2)-1 t=w(l+1) do j=l1,l2 l3=snr(j) w(l3)=w(l3)-t*a(j) end do end do c c Calculate the one-norm of Y. c ynorm=0.0 do i=1,n ynorm=ynorm+abs(w(i)) end do c c Compute the solution of (lu)z=y. This means that c two systems with triangular matrices are solved using the c same ideas as above. The components of the calculated solution c are stored in array W. c do i=1,n l1=ha(i,1) l2=ha(i,2)-1 do j=l1,l2 l=snr(j) w(i)=w(i)-a(j)*w(l) end do end do do i=1,n l3=n8-i l1=ha(l3,2) l2=ha(l3,3) do j=l1,l2 l=snr(j) w(l3)=w(l3)-a(j)*w(l) end do w(l3)=w(l3)/pivot(l3) end do c c Compute the one-norm of Z, the vector calculated above and stored in W. c znorm=0.0 do i=1,n znorm=znorm+abs(w(i)) end do c c Find the value of the required estimate for the reciprocal c of the condition number of matrix A. c rcond=(ynorm/anorm)/znorm return end subroutine y12mhe(n,nz,a,snr,work,anorm) c*********************************************************************72 c cc Y12MHE computes the one-norm of a sparse matrix. c c Discussion: c c Let R(I) be the sum of the absolute values of the elements of row I c of the matrix. Then ANORM, the one-norm of the matrix, is defined c to be the maximum of R(I) for I from 1 to N. c c c N Input, INTEGER N. N contains the number of equations in the c system Ax=b. c c Z Input, INTEGER Z. Z contains the number of non-zero elements in the c coefficient matrix A of the system Ax = b. c c A Input, REAL A(NN) c c On entry, the first Z locations of array A must contain the non-zero c elements of the coefficient matrix A of the system Ax = b. The c order of the non-zero elements may be completely arbitrary. c c SNR Input, INTEGER SNR(NN). c c On entry SNR(j), j = 1 to Z, must contain the column number of the c non-zero element stored in A(j). c c WORK Workspace, REAL WORK(N). c c ANORM Output, REAL ANORM, the one-norm of the matrix A. c integer n integer nz real a(nz) real anorm integer i integer l integer snr(nz) real work(n) do i=1,n work(i)=0.0 end do c c Calculate the sums of the absolute values of the non-zero c elements in each row of the matrix. c do i=1,nz l=snr(i) work(l)=work(l)+abs(a(i)) end do c c Calculate the one-norm of the matrix. c anorm=0.0 do i=1,n anorm=max(anorm,work(i)) end do return end subroutine y12mhf(n,nz,a,snr,work,anorm) c*********************************************************************72 c cc Y12MHF computes the one-norm of a sparse matrix. c c Discussion: c c Let R(I) be the sum of the absolute values of the elements of row I c of the matrix. Then ANORM, the one-norm of the matrix, is defined c to be the maximum of R(I) for I from 1 to N. c c c N Input, INTEGER N. N contains the number of equations in the c system Ax=b. c c Z Input, INTEGER Z. Z contains the number of non-zero elements in the c coefficient matrix A of the system Ax = b. c c A Input, REAL A(NN) c c On entry, the first Z locations of array A must contain the non-zero c elements of the coefficient matrix A of the system Ax = b. The c order of the non-zero elements may be completely arbitrary. c c SNR Input, INTEGER SNR(NN). c c On entry SNR(j), j = 1 to Z, must contain the column number of the c non-zero element stored in A(j). c c WORK Workspace, REAL WORK(N). c c ANORM Output, REAL ANORM, the one-norm of the matrix A. c integer n integer nz double precision a(nz) double precision anorm integer i integer l integer snr(nz) double precision work(n) c do i=1,n work(i)=0.0 end do c c Calculate the sums of the absolute values of the non-zero c elements in each row of the matrix. c do i=1,nz l=snr(i) work(l)=work(l)+abs(a(i)) end do c c Calculate the one-norm of the matrix. c anorm=0.0 do i=1,n anorm=max(anorm,work(i)) end do return end subroutine y12mve(n,z,a,snr,nn,rnr,nn1,pivot,ha,iha,aflag, & iflag,ifail) c*********************************************************************72 c cc Y12MVE finds LU factors of a matrix preprocessed by Y12MBE. c c Discussion: c c This routine is the same as Y12MCE, except that there is no vector B. c integer iha integer n integer nn integer nn1 real a(nn) real aflag(8) integer c1 integer c2 integer cr1 integer cr2 integer cr3 integer cr4 real grmin integer ha(iha,11) integer i integer i1 integer ifail integer iflag(10) integer index integer j integer jj integer k integer kk integer l integer l1 integer l2 integer l3 integer l4 integer l5 integer l6 integer l7 integer lfc integer lfr integer ll integer n7 integer n8 integer nr real pivot(n) integer r integer r1 integer r10 integer r2 integer r3 integer r4 integer r5 integer r6 integer r7 integer r8 integer r9 integer rcoll integer rpivot integer rr integer rr1 integer rr2 integer rr3 integer rr4 integer rrow integer rnr(nn1) integer slut integer snr(nn) real t real td real td1 real tol1 real tol2 real tol3 real u real v integer z integer zz c c Information which is necessary to begin the elimination is stored. c ifail=0 if(iflag(1).ne.-1)ifail=2 if(aflag(1).lt.1.0) then aflag(1)=1.0005 end if if(aflag(3).lt.1.0e+5) then aflag(3)=1.0e+5 end if if(aflag(4).lt.0.0) then aflag(4)=-aflag(4) end if if(iflag(2).lt.1)ifail=19 if(iflag(3).lt.0.or.iflag(3).gt.2)ifail=20 if(iflag(5).lt.1.or.iflag(5).gt.3) then ifail=21 write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'Y12MCE - Fatal error!' write(*,*)' Input value of IFLAG(5)=',iflag(5) write(*,*)' Legal values are 1, 2, or 3.' return end if if(iflag(5).eq.3)ifail=22 if( snr(z+1)=0 rnr(z+1)=0 n8=n+1 n7=n-1 u=aflag(1) grmin=aflag(4)*aflag(6) zz=z c c Use the information about fill-ins if it is possible. c nr=n*n if(iflag(4).ne.2)go to 100 if(iflag(10).le.nn) then l1=iflag(10) l5=l1+1 if(l5.le.nn)snr(l5)=0 do i=1,n l=n8-i l2=ha(l,3)+1 l3=l2-ha(l,1) do j=1,l3 snr(l5-j)=snr(l2-j) a(l5-j)=a(l2-j) end do ha(l,3)=l1 ha(l,1)=l5-l3 l6=l1-l3 l5=l5-ha(l,9) do j=l5,l6 snr(j)=0 end do l1=l5-1 end do end if if(iflag(9).le.nn1) then l2=iflag(9) l5=l2+1 if(l5.le.nn1)rnr(l5)=0 do i=1,n l=n8-i l1=ha(l,6)+1 l4=l1-ha(l,4) do j=1,l4 rnr(l5-j)=rnr(l1-j) end do ha(l,4)=l5-l4 ha(l,6)=l2 l6=l2-l4 l5=l5-ha(l,10) do j=l5,l6 rnr(j)=0 end do l2=l5-1 end do end if 100 continue r4=ha(n,3) r5=ha(n,6) aflag(7)=aflag(6) aflag(8)=aflag(6) do i=1,n pivot(i)=0.0 ha(i,2)=ha(i,1) ha(i,5)=ha(i,4) end do index=ha(n,8) slut=ha(index,3)-ha(index,2)+1 c c Start of gaussian elimination. c do 950 i=1,n7 rr3=ha(i,2) rr4=ha(i,3) c1=ha(i,4) cr4=ha(i,6) if(iflag(3).eq.0)go to 350 if(iflag(4).eq.2) then rrow=ha(i,7) rcoll=ha(i,8) go to 220 end if l4=ha(i,8) if(iflag(3).ne.1) then rrow=l4 rcoll=rrow rpivot=i go to 170 end if r=nr v=0.0 index=iflag(2) do kk=1,index l1=i-1+kk if( to 170 j=ha(l1,8) r7=ha(j,2) r8=ha(j,3) r9=r8-r7 t=0.0 do k=r7,r8 td=abs(a(k)) if( end do t=t/u do k=r7,r8 td=abs(a(k)) if( to 150 r6=snr(k) r3=r9*(ha(r6,6)-ha(r6,5)) if( to 150 if( to 151 if( to 150 151 v=td rrow=j rcoll=r6 r=r3 rpivot=l1 150 continue end do end do 170 r3=ha(rcoll,10) ha(rcoll,10)=ha(i,10) ha(i,10)=r3 r3=ha(rrow,9) ha(rrow,9)=ha(i,9) ha(i,9)=r3 c c remove the pivot row of the list where the rows are ordered by c increasing numbers of non-zero elements. c l1=0 l=i l2=ha(l4,3)-ha(l4,2)+1 180 l=l+1 if(,11)=l if( to 190 l5=ha(l,8) l3=ha(l5,3)-ha(l5,2)+1 if( to 190 ha(l4,7)=l ha(l,8)=l4 l4=l5 l1=l2 l2=l3 l3=n8 go to 180 190 if(l2.eq.l1)go to 200 if(l3.eq.l2)go to 200 ha(l2,11)=0 200 l5=ha(i,7) if(rrow.eq.i)go to 210 ha(l5,8)=rrow ha(rrow,7)=l5 210 ha(i,7)=rrow ha(i,8)=rcoll c c Row interchanges. c 220 continue if(rrow.eq.i)go to 290 do j=rr3,rr4 l1=snr(j) r=ha(l1,5)-1 r10=ha(l1,6) 240 r=r+1 if(rnr(r).ne.i)go to 240 rnr(r)=rnr(r10) rnr(r10)=rrow end do rr3=ha(rrow,2) rr4=ha(rrow,3) do j=rr3,rr4 l1=snr(j) r=ha(l1,5)-1 260 r=r+1 if(rnr(r).ne.rrow)go to 260 rnr(r)=i end do do j=1,3 r3=ha(rrow,j) ha(rrow,j)=ha(i,j) ha(i,j)=r3 end do c c column interchanges. c 290 if(rcoll.eq.i)go to 350 do j=c1,cr4 l1=rnr(j) r=ha(l1,2)-1 r10=ha(l1,3) 300 r=r+1 if(snr(r).ne.i)go to 300 t=a(r10) a(r10)=a(r) a(r)=t snr(r)=snr(r10) snr(r10)=rcoll end do c1=ha(rcoll,4) cr4=ha(rcoll,6) do j=c1,cr4 l1=rnr(j) r=ha(l1,2)-1 320 r=r+1 if(snr(r).ne.rcoll)go to 320 snr(r)=i end do do j=4,6 r3=ha(rcoll,j) ha(rcoll,j)=ha(i,j) ha(i,j)=r3 end do c c end of the interchanges. c the row ordered list and the column ordered list are prepared to c begin step i of the elimination. c 350 r9=rr4-rr3 do rr=rr3,rr4 if(snr(rr).eq.i)go to 370 end do ifail=9 go to 1110 370 v=a(rr) pivot(i)=v td=abs(v) if( if( to 380 ifail=3 go to 1110 380 r2=ha(i,1) a(rr)=a(rr3) snr(rr)=snr(rr3) a(rr3)=a(r2) snr(rr3)=snr(r2) snr(r2)=0 z=z-1 rr3=rr3+1 ha(i,2)=rr3 ha(i,1)=r2+1 cr3=ha(i,5) if(r9.le.0)go to 431 do j=rr3,rr4 index=snr(j) pivot(index)=a(j) end do 431 r7=cr4-cr3+1 do 880 k=1,r7 r1=rnr(cr3-1+k) if(r1.eq.i)go to 870 i1=ha(r1,1) rr1=ha(r1,2) rr2=ha(r1,3) l2=rr2-rr1+1 l=rr1-1 390 l=l+1 if(snr(l).ne.i)go to 390 t=a(l)/v if(iflag(5).eq.2)go to 400 a(l)=a(i1) snr(l)=snr(i1) snr(i1)=0 i1=i1+1 ha(r1,1)=i1 z=z-1 go to 410 400 a(l)=a(rr1) a(rr1)=t r3=snr(rr1) snr(rr1)=snr(l) snr(l)=r3 410 rr1=rr1+1 ha(r1,2)=rr1 if(r9.le.0)go to 669 r=rr1 do l=r,rr2 l1=snr(l) td=pivot(l1) if(td.eq.0.0)go to 450 pivot(l1)=0.0 td=a(l)-td*t a(l)=td td1=abs(td) if( if( to 450 c c Too small element is created. Remove it from the lists. c z=z-1 a(l)=a(rr1) snr(l)=snr(rr1) a(rr1)=a(i1) snr(rr1)=snr(i1) snr(i1)=0 rr1=rr1+1 i1=i1+1 ha(r1,2)=rr1 ha(r1,1)=i1 r3=ha(l1,5) r2=r3-1 l4=ha(l1,4) l5=rnr(l4) l6=rnr(r3) 440 r2=r2+1 if(rnr(r2).ne.r1)go to 440 rnr(r2)=l6 rnr(r3)=l5 rnr(l4)=0 ha(l1,5)=r3+1 ha(l1,4)=l4+1 450 continue end do do 750 j=1,r9 r=rr3-1+j r2=snr(r) tol2=pivot(r2) pivot(r2)=a(r) if(tol2.eq.0.0)go to 740 tol3=-tol2*t tol1=abs(tol3) if( to 740 c2=ha(r2,4) cr2=ha(r2,6) cr1=ha(r2,5) lfr=rr2-i1+2 lfc=cr2-c2+2 if(iflag(4).eq.1) then if(,9))ha(r1,9)=lfr if(,10))ha(r2,10)=lfc end if if(i1.eq.1)go to 490 if(snr(i1-1).eq.0)go to 600 490 if(rr2.eq.nn)go to 500 if(snr(rr2+1).eq.0)go to 580 500 r10=nn-lfr c c collection in row ordered list. c if( to 560 iflag(6)=iflag(6)+1 do jj=1,n l1=ha(jj,3) if(,1)) then ha(jj,3)=snr(l1) snr(l1)=-jj end if end do l3=0 l4=1 do jj=1,r4 if(snr(jj).ne.0) then l3=l3+1 if(snr(jj).le.0) then l5=-snr(jj) snr(jj)=ha(l5,3) ha(l5,3)=l3 l6=l4+ha(l5,2)-ha(l5,1) ha(l5,2)=l6 ha(l5,1)=l4 l4=l3+1 end if a(l3)=a(jj) snr(l3)=snr(jj) end if end do r4=l3 snr(l3+1)=0 rr3=ha(i,2) rr4=ha(i,3) i1=ha(r1,1) rr1=ha(r1,2) r=rr3-1+j if( then ifail=5 write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'Y12MVE - Fatal error!' write(*,*)' NN, the declared dimension of A and SNR,' write(*,*)' is too small.' write(*,*)' Current value is NN = ',nn return end if c c Fill-in takes place in the row ordered list. c 560 continue r8=lfr-1 rr2=r4+lfr l3=i1-1 do ll=1,r8 l4=r4+ll l5=l3+ll a(l4)=a(l5) snr(l4)=snr(l5) snr(l5)=0 end do rr1=r4+rr1-i1+1 ha(r1,3)=rr2 ha(r1,2)=rr1 i1=r4+1 ha(r1,1)=i1 l1=rr2 go to 590 580 rr2=rr2+1 ha(r1,3)=rr2 l1=rr2 if(rr2.le.r4)go to 610 590 r4=rr2 if( go to 610 600 rr1=rr1-1 i1=i1-1 ha(r1,1)=i1 ha(r1,2)=rr1 l1=rr1 snr(i1)=snr(l1) a(i1)=a(l1) 610 a(l1)=tol3 snr(l1)=snr(r) td=abs(a(l1)) if( z=z+1 if(iflag(8).lt.z) iflag(8)=z if(c2.eq.1)go to 620 if(rnr(c2-1).eq.0)go to 720 620 if(cr2.eq.nn1)go to 630 if(rnr(cr2+1).eq.0)go to 700 630 r10=nn1-lfc c c collection in column ordered list. c if( to 680 iflag(7)=iflag(7)+1 do jj=i,n l1=ha(jj,6) ha(jj,6)=rnr(l1) rnr(l1)=-jj end do l3=0 l4=1 do jj=1,r5 if(rnr(jj).ne.0) then l3=l3+1 if(rnr(jj).le.0) then l5=-rnr(jj) rnr(jj)=ha(l5,6) ha(l5,6)=l3 l6=l4+ha(l5,5)-ha(l5,4) ha(l5,5)=l6 ha(l5,4)=l4 l4=l3+1 end if rnr(l3)=rnr(jj) end if end do r5=l3 rnr(r5+1)=0 c2=ha(r2,4) cr3=ha(i,5) cr4=ha(i,6) cr1=ha(r2,5) if( then ifail=6 z=zz return end if c c Fill-in takes place in the column ordered list. c 680 continue r8=lfc-1 cr2=r5+lfc l3=c2-1 do l=1,r8 l4=r5+l l5=l3+l rnr(l4)=rnr(l5) rnr(l5)=0 end do cr1=r5+cr1-c2+1 c2=r5+1 ha(r2,6)=cr2 ha(r2,4)=c2 ha(r2,5)=cr1 r=cr2 go to 710 700 cr2=cr2+1 ha(r2,6)=cr2 r=cr2 if(cr2.le.r5)go to 730 710 r5=cr2 if( go to 730 720 cr1=cr1-1 c2=c2-1 ha(r2,4)=c2 ha(r2,5)=cr1 r=cr1 rnr(c2)=rnr(r) 730 rnr(r)=r1 740 continue 750 continue 669 if(rr1.le.rr2)go to 760 ifail=7 go to 1110 c c update the information in the list where the rows are ordered by c increasing numbers of the non-zero elements. c 760 if(iflag(4).eq.2)go to 870 if(iflag(3).eq.0)go to 870 l1=rr2-rr1+1 if(l1.eq.l2)go to 870 l6=ha(r1,7) l4=ha(l2,11) if( to 820 if( to 780 if(l4.eq.n)go to 770 l=ha(l4+1,8) l5=ha(l,3)-ha(l,2)+1 if(l5.eq.l2)go to 790 770 ha(l2,11)=0 go to 800 780 l5=ha(l4,8) l3=ha(l6,8) ha(l4,8)=l3 ha(l6,8)=l5 ha(l5,7)=l6 ha(l3,7)=l4 l6=l4 790 ha(l2,11)=l4+1 800 if(l4.eq.i+1)go to 810 l=ha(l6-1,8) l2=ha(l,3)-ha(l,2)+1 l4=ha(l2,11) if( to 780 810 if(,11)=l6 go to 870 820 if( to 840 if(l4.eq.n)go to 830 l=ha(l4+1,8) l5=ha(l,3)-ha(l,2)+1 if(l5.eq.l2)go to 840 830 ha(l2,11)=0 840 l2=l2+1 if(l2.le.slut)go to 850 l3=n slut=l1 l2=l1 go to 860 850 l3=ha(l2,11)-1 if(l3.eq.-1)go to 840 if( 860 ha(l2,11)=l3 l4=ha(l3,8) l7=ha(l6,8) ha(l3,8)=l7 ha(l6,8)=l4 ha(l7,7)=l3 ha(l4,7)=l6 l6=l3 if( to 840 870 continue 880 continue if( then do j=rr3,rr4 index=snr(j) pivot(index)=0.0 end do end if cr3=ha(i,4) do j=cr3,cr4 rnr(j)=0 end do l2=ha(i,2)-1 do ll=1,r9 r=snr(l2+ll) r1=ha(r,5) r2=ha(r,6) if(r2.le.r1) then ifail=8 z=zz return end if ha(r,5)=r1+1 r3=r1-1 910 r3=r3+1 if(rnr(r3).ne.i)go to 910 rnr(r3)=rnr(r1) rnr(r1)=i end do aflag(5)=aflag(7)/aflag(6) if(aflag(5).ge.aflag(3)) then ifail=4 z=zz return end if 940 continue 950 continue c c preparation to begin the back substitution. c index=ha(n,2) pivot(n)=a(index) a(index)=0.0 td=abs(pivot(n)) if( if( if(td.le.grmin) then ifail=3 z=zz return end if if(iflag(4).eq.1) then iflag(10)=ha(n,9) iflag(9)=ha(n,10) do i=1,n7 r1=n-i iflag(10)=iflag(10)+ha(r1,9) iflag(9)=iflag(9)+ha(r1,10) if(iflag(3).ne.0) then do j=9,10 r2=ha(r1,j-2) r6=ha(r2,j) ha(r2,j)=ha(r1,j) ha(r1,j)=r6 end do end if end do end if aflag(5)=aflag(7)/aflag(6) iflag(1)=-2 1110 z=zz return end subroutine y12mvf(n,z,a,snr,nn,rnr,nn1,pivot,ha,iha,aflag, & iflag,ifail) c*********************************************************************72 c cc Y12MVF finds LU factors of a matrix preprocessed by Y12MBF. c c Discussion: c c This routine is the same as Y12MCF, except that there is no vector B. c integer iha integer n integer nn integer nn1 double precision a(nn) double precision aflag(8) integer c1 integer c2 integer cr1 integer cr2 integer cr3 integer cr4 double precision grmin integer ha(iha,11) integer i integer i1 integer ifail integer iflag(10) integer index integer j integer jj integer k integer kk integer l integer l1 integer l2 integer l3 integer l4 integer l5 integer l6 integer l7 integer lfc integer lfr integer ll integer n7 integer n8 integer nr double precision pivot(n) integer r integer r1 integer r10 integer r2 integer r3 integer r4 integer r5 integer r6 integer r7 integer r8 integer r9 integer rcoll integer rpivot integer rr integer rr1 integer rr2 integer rr3 integer rr4 integer rrow integer rnr(nn1) integer slut integer snr(nn) double precision t double precision td double precision td1 double precision tol1 double precision tol2 double precision tol3 double precision u double precision v integer z integer zz c c Information which is necessary to begin the elimination is stored. c ifail=0 if(iflag(1).ne.-1)ifail=2 if(aflag(1).lt.1.0) then aflag(1)=1.0005 end if if(aflag(3).lt.1.0e+5) then aflag(3)=1.0e+5 end if if(aflag(4).lt.0.0) then aflag(4)=-aflag(4) end if if(iflag(2).lt.1)ifail=19 if(iflag(3).lt.0.or.iflag(3).gt.2)ifail=20 if(iflag(5).lt.1.or.iflag(5).gt.3) then ifail=21 write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'Y12MCF - Fatal error!' write(*,*)' Input value of IFLAG(5)=',iflag(5) write(*,*)' Legal values are 1, 2, or 3.' return end if if(iflag(5).eq.3)ifail=22 if( snr(z+1)=0 rnr(z+1)=0 n8=n+1 n7=n-1 u=aflag(1) grmin=aflag(4)*aflag(6) zz=z c c Use the information about fill-ins if it is possible. c nr=n*n if(iflag(4).ne.2)go to 100 if(iflag(10).le.nn) then l1=iflag(10) l5=l1+1 if(l5.le.nn)snr(l5)=0 do i=1,n l=n8-i l2=ha(l,3)+1 l3=l2-ha(l,1) do j=1,l3 snr(l5-j)=snr(l2-j) a(l5-j)=a(l2-j) end do ha(l,3)=l1 ha(l,1)=l5-l3 l6=l1-l3 l5=l5-ha(l,9) do j=l5,l6 snr(j)=0 end do l1=l5-1 end do end if if(iflag(9).le.nn1) then l2=iflag(9) l5=l2+1 if(l5.le.nn1)rnr(l5)=0 do i=1,n l=n8-i l1=ha(l,6)+1 l4=l1-ha(l,4) do j=1,l4 rnr(l5-j)=rnr(l1-j) end do ha(l,4)=l5-l4 ha(l,6)=l2 l6=l2-l4 l5=l5-ha(l,10) do j=l5,l6 rnr(j)=0 end do l2=l5-1 end do end if 100 continue r4=ha(n,3) r5=ha(n,6) aflag(7)=aflag(6) aflag(8)=aflag(6) do i=1,n pivot(i)=0.0 ha(i,2)=ha(i,1) ha(i,5)=ha(i,4) end do index=ha(n,8) slut=ha(index,3)-ha(index,2)+1 c c Start of gaussian elimination. c do 950 i=1,n7 rr3=ha(i,2) rr4=ha(i,3) c1=ha(i,4) cr4=ha(i,6) if(iflag(3).eq.0)go to 350 if(iflag(4).eq.2) then rrow=ha(i,7) rcoll=ha(i,8) go to 220 end if l4=ha(i,8) if(iflag(3).ne.1) then rrow=l4 rcoll=rrow rpivot=i go to 170 end if r=nr v=0.0 index=iflag(2) do kk=1,index l1=i-1+kk if( to 170 j=ha(l1,8) r7=ha(j,2) r8=ha(j,3) r9=r8-r7 t=0.0 do k=r7,r8 td=abs(a(k)) if( end do t=t/u do k=r7,r8 td=abs(a(k)) if( to 150 r6=snr(k) r3=r9*(ha(r6,6)-ha(r6,5)) if( to 150 if( to 151 if( to 150 151 v=td rrow=j rcoll=r6 r=r3 rpivot=l1 150 continue end do end do 170 r3=ha(rcoll,10) ha(rcoll,10)=ha(i,10) ha(i,10)=r3 r3=ha(rrow,9) ha(rrow,9)=ha(i,9) ha(i,9)=r3 c c remove the pivot row of the list where the rows are ordered by c increasing numbers of non-zero elements. c l1=0 l=i l2=ha(l4,3)-ha(l4,2)+1 180 l=l+1 if(,11)=l if( to 190 l5=ha(l,8) l3=ha(l5,3)-ha(l5,2)+1 if( to 190 ha(l4,7)=l ha(l,8)=l4 l4=l5 l1=l2 l2=l3 l3=n8 go to 180 190 if(l2.eq.l1)go to 200 if(l3.eq.l2)go to 200 ha(l2,11)=0 200 l5=ha(i,7) if(rrow.eq.i)go to 210 ha(l5,8)=rrow ha(rrow,7)=l5 210 ha(i,7)=rrow ha(i,8)=rcoll c c Row interchanges. c 220 continue if(rrow.eq.i)go to 290 do j=rr3,rr4 l1=snr(j) r=ha(l1,5)-1 r10=ha(l1,6) 240 r=r+1 if(rnr(r).ne.i)go to 240 rnr(r)=rnr(r10) rnr(r10)=rrow end do rr3=ha(rrow,2) rr4=ha(rrow,3) do j=rr3,rr4 l1=snr(j) r=ha(l1,5)-1 260 r=r+1 if(rnr(r).ne.rrow)go to 260 rnr(r)=i end do do j=1,3 r3=ha(rrow,j) ha(rrow,j)=ha(i,j) ha(i,j)=r3 end do c c column interchanges. c 290 if(rcoll.eq.i)go to 350 do j=c1,cr4 l1=rnr(j) r=ha(l1,2)-1 r10=ha(l1,3) 300 r=r+1 if(snr(r).ne.i)go to 300 t=a(r10) a(r10)=a(r) a(r)=t snr(r)=snr(r10) snr(r10)=rcoll end do c1=ha(rcoll,4) cr4=ha(rcoll,6) do j=c1,cr4 l1=rnr(j) r=ha(l1,2)-1 320 r=r+1 if(snr(r).ne.rcoll)go to 320 snr(r)=i end do do j=4,6 r3=ha(rcoll,j) ha(rcoll,j)=ha(i,j) ha(i,j)=r3 end do c c end of the interchanges. c the row ordered list and the column ordered list are prepared to c begin step i of the elimination. c 350 r9=rr4-rr3 do rr=rr3,rr4 if(snr(rr).eq.i)go to 370 end do ifail=9 go to 1110 370 v=a(rr) pivot(i)=v td=abs(v) if( if( to 380 ifail=3 go to 1110 380 r2=ha(i,1) a(rr)=a(rr3) snr(rr)=snr(rr3) a(rr3)=a(r2) snr(rr3)=snr(r2) snr(r2)=0 z=z-1 rr3=rr3+1 ha(i,2)=rr3 ha(i,1)=r2+1 cr3=ha(i,5) if(r9.le.0)go to 431 do j=rr3,rr4 index=snr(j) pivot(index)=a(j) end do 431 r7=cr4-cr3+1 do 880 k=1,r7 r1=rnr(cr3-1+k) if(r1.eq.i)go to 870 i1=ha(r1,1) rr1=ha(r1,2) rr2=ha(r1,3) l2=rr2-rr1+1 l=rr1-1 390 l=l+1 if(snr(l).ne.i)go to 390 t=a(l)/v if(iflag(5).eq.2)go to 400 a(l)=a(i1) snr(l)=snr(i1) snr(i1)=0 i1=i1+1 ha(r1,1)=i1 z=z-1 go to 410 400 a(l)=a(rr1) a(rr1)=t r3=snr(rr1) snr(rr1)=snr(l) snr(l)=r3 410 rr1=rr1+1 ha(r1,2)=rr1 if(r9.le.0)go to 669 r=rr1 do l=r,rr2 l1=snr(l) td=pivot(l1) if(td.eq.0.0)go to 450 pivot(l1)=0.0 td=a(l)-td*t a(l)=td td1=abs(td) if( if( to 450 c c Too small element is created. Remove it from the lists. c z=z-1 a(l)=a(rr1) snr(l)=snr(rr1) a(rr1)=a(i1) snr(rr1)=snr(i1) snr(i1)=0 rr1=rr1+1 i1=i1+1 ha(r1,2)=rr1 ha(r1,1)=i1 r3=ha(l1,5) r2=r3-1 l4=ha(l1,4) l5=rnr(l4) l6=rnr(r3) 440 r2=r2+1 if(rnr(r2).ne.r1)go to 440 rnr(r2)=l6 rnr(r3)=l5 rnr(l4)=0 ha(l1,5)=r3+1 ha(l1,4)=l4+1 450 continue end do do 750 j=1,r9 r=rr3-1+j r2=snr(r) tol2=pivot(r2) pivot(r2)=a(r) if(tol2.eq.0.0)go to 740 tol3=-tol2*t tol1=abs(tol3) if( to 740 c2=ha(r2,4) cr2=ha(r2,6) cr1=ha(r2,5) lfr=rr2-i1+2 lfc=cr2-c2+2 if(iflag(4).eq.1) then if(,9))ha(r1,9)=lfr if(,10))ha(r2,10)=lfc end if if(i1.eq.1)go to 490 if(snr(i1-1).eq.0)go to 600 490 if(rr2.eq.nn)go to 500 if(snr(rr2+1).eq.0)go to 580 500 r10=nn-lfr c c collection in row ordered list. c if( to 560 iflag(6)=iflag(6)+1 do jj=1,n l1=ha(jj,3) if(,1)) then ha(jj,3)=snr(l1) snr(l1)=-jj end if end do l3=0 l4=1 do jj=1,r4 if(snr(jj).ne.0) then l3=l3+1 if(snr(jj).le.0) then l5=-snr(jj) snr(jj)=ha(l5,3) ha(l5,3)=l3 l6=l4+ha(l5,2)-ha(l5,1) ha(l5,2)=l6 ha(l5,1)=l4 l4=l3+1 end if a(l3)=a(jj) snr(l3)=snr(jj) end if end do r4=l3 snr(l3+1)=0 rr3=ha(i,2) rr4=ha(i,3) i1=ha(r1,1) rr1=ha(r1,2) r=rr3-1+j if( then ifail=5 write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'Y12MVF - Fatal error!' write(*,*)' NN, the declared dimension of A and SNR,' write(*,*)' is too small.' write(*,*)' Current value is NN = ',nn return end if c c Fill-in takes place in the row ordered list. c 560 continue r8=lfr-1 rr2=r4+lfr l3=i1-1 do ll=1,r8 l4=r4+ll l5=l3+ll a(l4)=a(l5) snr(l4)=snr(l5) snr(l5)=0 end do rr1=r4+rr1-i1+1 ha(r1,3)=rr2 ha(r1,2)=rr1 i1=r4+1 ha(r1,1)=i1 l1=rr2 go to 590 580 rr2=rr2+1 ha(r1,3)=rr2 l1=rr2 if(rr2.le.r4)go to 610 590 r4=rr2 if( go to 610 600 rr1=rr1-1 i1=i1-1 ha(r1,1)=i1 ha(r1,2)=rr1 l1=rr1 snr(i1)=snr(l1) a(i1)=a(l1) 610 a(l1)=tol3 snr(l1)=snr(r) td=abs(a(l1)) if( z=z+1 if(iflag(8).lt.z)iflag(8)=z if(c2.eq.1)go to 620 if(rnr(c2-1).eq.0)go to 720 620 if(cr2.eq.nn1)go to 630 if(rnr(cr2+1).eq.0)go to 700 630 r10=nn1-lfc c c collection in column ordered list. c if( to 680 iflag(7)=iflag(7)+1 do jj=i,n l1=ha(jj,6) ha(jj,6)=rnr(l1) rnr(l1)=-jj end do l3=0 l4=1 do jj=1,r5 if(rnr(jj).ne.0) then l3=l3+1 if(rnr(jj).le.0) then l5=-rnr(jj) rnr(jj)=ha(l5,6) ha(l5,6)=l3 l6=l4+ha(l5,5)-ha(l5,4) ha(l5,5)=l6 ha(l5,4)=l4 l4=l3+1 end if rnr(l3)=rnr(jj) end if end do r5=l3 rnr(r5+1)=0 c2=ha(r2,4) cr3=ha(i,5) cr4=ha(i,6) cr1=ha(r2,5) if( then ifail=6 z=zz return end if c c Fill-in takes place in the column ordered list. c 680 continue r8=lfc-1 cr2=r5+lfc l3=c2-1 do l=1,r8 l4=r5+l l5=l3+l rnr(l4)=rnr(l5) rnr(l5)=0 end do cr1=r5+cr1-c2+1 c2=r5+1 ha(r2,6)=cr2 ha(r2,4)=c2 ha(r2,5)=cr1 r=cr2 go to 710 700 cr2=cr2+1 ha(r2,6)=cr2 r=cr2 if(cr2.le.r5)go to 730 710 r5=cr2 if( go to 730 720 cr1=cr1-1 c2=c2-1 ha(r2,4)=c2 ha(r2,5)=cr1 r=cr1 rnr(c2)=rnr(r) 730 rnr(r)=r1 740 continue 750 continue 669 if(rr1.le.rr2)go to 760 ifail=7 go to 1110 c c update the information in the list where the rows are ordered by c increasing numbers of the non-zero elements. c 760 if(iflag(4).eq.2)go to 870 if(iflag(3).eq.0)go to 870 l1=rr2-rr1+1 if(l1.eq.l2)go to 870 l6=ha(r1,7) l4=ha(l2,11) if( to 820 if( to 780 if(l4.eq.n)go to 770 l=ha(l4+1,8) l5=ha(l,3)-ha(l,2)+1 if(l5.eq.l2)go to 790 770 ha(l2,11)=0 go to 800 780 l5=ha(l4,8) l3=ha(l6,8) ha(l4,8)=l3 ha(l6,8)=l5 ha(l5,7)=l6 ha(l3,7)=l4 l6=l4 790 ha(l2,11)=l4+1 800 if(l4.eq.i+1)go to 810 l=ha(l6-1,8) l2=ha(l,3)-ha(l,2)+1 l4=ha(l2,11) if( to 780 810 if(,11)=l6 go to 870 820 if( to 840 if(l4.eq.n)go to 830 l=ha(l4+1,8) l5=ha(l,3)-ha(l,2)+1 if(l5.eq.l2)go to 840 830 ha(l2,11)=0 840 l2=l2+1 if(l2.le.slut)go to 850 l3=n slut=l1 l2=l1 go to 860 850 l3=ha(l2,11)-1 if(l3.eq.-1)go to 840 if( 860 ha(l2,11)=l3 l4=ha(l3,8) l7=ha(l6,8) ha(l3,8)=l7 ha(l6,8)=l4 ha(l7,7)=l3 ha(l4,7)=l6 l6=l3 if( to 840 870 continue 880 continue if( then do j=rr3,rr4 index=snr(j) pivot(index)=0.0 end do end if cr3=ha(i,4) do j=cr3,cr4 rnr(j)=0 end do l2=ha(i,2)-1 do ll=1,r9 r=snr(l2+ll) r1=ha(r,5) r2=ha(r,6) if(r2.le.r1) then ifail=8 z=zz return end if ha(r,5)=r1+1 r3=r1-1 910 r3=r3+1 if(rnr(r3).ne.i)go to 910 rnr(r3)=rnr(r1) rnr(r1)=i end do aflag(5)=aflag(7)/aflag(6) if(aflag(5).ge.aflag(3)) then ifail=4 z=zz return end if 940 continue 950 continue c c preparation to begin the back substitution. c index=ha(n,2) pivot(n)=a(index) a(index)=0.0 td=abs(pivot(n)) if( if( if(td.le.grmin) then ifail=3 z=zz return end if if(iflag(4).eq.1) then iflag(10)=ha(n,9) iflag(9)=ha(n,10) do i=1,n7 r1=n-i iflag(10)=iflag(10)+ha(r1,9) iflag(9)=iflag(9)+ha(r1,10) if(iflag(3).ne.0) then do j=9,10 r2=ha(r1,j-2) r6=ha(r2,j) ha(r2,j)=ha(r1,j) ha(r1,j)=r6 end do end if end do end if aflag(5)=aflag(7)/aflag(6) iflag(1)=-2 1110 z=zz return end subroutine y12mwe(n,z,a,snr,nn,rnr,nn1,pivot,ha,iha,aflag,iflag, & ifail) c*********************************************************************72 c cc Y12MWE reorders and factors a sparse matrix, no right hand side. c integer iha integer n integer nn integer nn1 real a(nn) real aflag(8) integer ha(iha,11) integer ifail integer iflag(10) real pivot(n) integer rnr(nn1) integer snr(nn) integer z c aflag(1)=16.0 aflag(2)=1.0e-12 aflag(3)=1.0e+16 aflag(4)=1.0e-12 ifail=0 iflag(2)=2 iflag(3)=1 iflag(4)=0 iflag(5)=2 call y12mbe(n,z,a,snr,nn,rnr,nn1,ha,iha,aflag,iflag,ifail) if( then write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'Y12MWE - Fatal error!' write(*,*)' Nonzero value of IFAIL returned by Y12MBE.' return end if call y12mve(n,z,a,snr,nn,rnr,nn1,pivot,ha,iha,aflag,iflag, & ifail) if( then write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'Y12MWE - Fatal error!' write(*,*)' Nonzero value of IFAIL returned by Y12MVE.' return end if return end subroutine y12mwf(n,z,a,snr,nn,rnr,nn1,pivot,ha,iha,aflag,iflag, & ifail) c*********************************************************************72 c cc Y12MWF reorders and factors a sparse matrix, no right hand side. c integer iha integer n integer nn integer nn1 double precision a(nn) double precision aflag(8) integer ha(iha,11) integer ifail integer iflag(10) double precision pivot(n) integer rnr(nn1) integer snr(nn) integer z aflag(1)=16.0 aflag(2)=1.0e-12 aflag(3)=1.0e+16 aflag(4)=1.0e-12 ifail=0 iflag(2)=2 iflag(3)=1 iflag(4)=0 iflag(5)=2 call y12mbf(n,z,a,snr,nn,rnr,nn1,ha,iha,aflag,iflag,ifail) if( then write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'Y12MWF - Fatal error!' write(*,*)' Nonzero value of IFAIL returned by Y12MBF.' return end if call y12mvf(n,z,a,snr,nn,rnr,nn1,pivot,ha,iha,aflag,iflag, & ifail) if( then write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'Y12MWF - Fatal error!' write(*,*)' Nonzero value of IFAIL returned by Y12MVF.' return end if return end subroutine y12mxe(n,z,a,snr,nn,rnr,nn1,pivot,ha,iha,aflag,iflag, & b,ifail) c*********************************************************************72 c cc Y12MXE factors a sparse matrix, solves multiple right hand sides. c integer iha integer n integer nn integer nn1 real a(nn) real aflag(8) real b(n) integer ha(iha,11) integer ifail integer iflag(10) real pivot(n) integer rnr(nn1) integer snr(nn) integer z aflag(1)=16.0 aflag(2)=1.0e-12 aflag(3)=1.0e+16 aflag(4)=1.0e-12 ifail=0 iflag(2)=2 iflag(3)=1 iflag(4)=0 iflag(5)=2 call y12mbe(n,z,a,snr,nn,rnr,nn1,ha,iha,aflag,iflag,ifail) if( then write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'Y12MXE - Fatal error!' write(*,*)' Nonzero value of IFAIL returned by Y12MBE.' return end if call y12mce(n,z,a,snr,nn,rnr,nn1,pivot,b,ha,iha,aflag,iflag, & ifail) if( then write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'Y12MXE - Fatal error!' write(*,*)' Nonzero value of IFAIL returned by Y12MCE.' return end if call y12mde(n,a,nn,b,pivot,snr,ha,iha,iflag,ifail) if( then write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'Y12MXE - Fatal error!' write(*,*)' Nonzero value of IFAIL returned by Y12MDE.' return end if return end subroutine y12mxf(n,z,a,snr,nn,rnr,nn1,pivot,ha,iha,aflag,iflag, & b,ifail) c*********************************************************************72 c cc Y12MXF factors a sparse matrix, solves multiple right hand sides. c integer iha integer n integer nn integer nn1 double precision a(nn) double precision aflag(8) double precision b(n) integer ha(iha,11) integer ifail integer iflag(10) double precision pivot(n) integer rnr(nn1) integer snr(nn) integer z aflag(1)=16.0 aflag(2)=1.0e-12 aflag(3)=1.0e+16 aflag(4)=1.0e-12 ifail=0 iflag(2)=2 iflag(3)=1 iflag(4)=0 iflag(5)=2 call y12mbf(n,z,a,snr,nn,rnr,nn1,ha,iha,aflag,iflag,ifail) if( then write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'Y12MXF - Fatal error!' write(*,*)' Nonzero value of IFAIL returned by Y12MBF.' return end if call y12mcf(n,z,a,snr,nn,rnr,nn1,pivot,b,ha,iha,aflag,iflag, & ifail) if( then write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'Y12MXF - Fatal error!' write(*,*)' Nonzero value of IFAIL returned by Y12MCF.' return end if call y12mdf(n,a,nn,b,pivot,snr,ha,iha,iflag,ifail) if( then write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'Y12MXF - Fatal error!' write(*,*)' Nonzero value of IFAIL returned by Y12MDF.' return end if return end