program maine c implicit real(a-b,g,p,t-v),integer(c,f,h-n,r-s,z) c parameter (ibdim=2000, iadim=25*ibdim, icdim=20*ibdim, 1 iddim=5*ibdim) c c this program tests the subroutine of package y12m by c means of matrices of class d(n,c) and/or class e(n,c). c the program uses data consisting of 7 integers. c the first of these integers (in the program it is de- c noted by indexp) should be equal to: c 1 if the matrices of class d(n,c) has to be used. c 2 if the matrices of class e(n,c) has to be used. c 3 if the matrices of both classes has to be used. c the next three integers (called nstart,nincr and nend c in the program) are used to determine the range of the c parameter n. nstart should be larger than 22. nincr c should be larger than zero. nend should be larger than c or equal to nstart. if these conditions are satisfied c then the range of n for the systems solved is: c n = nstart(nincr)nend c the last three integers (called cstart,cincr and cend c in the program) are used in the program to determine c the range of parameter c (the sparsity of the matrix c is changed by c). cstart should be chosen between 2 and c n-13. cincr should be larger than 1. cend should be c smaller than n-13. if these conditions are satisfied, c then the range of c for the systems solved is given as: c c = cstart(cincr)cend c in the version which is distributed with the package c the data read in line 12 are: c 3 250 50 600 4 40 204 c if these data are changed,then the parameter ibdim c should be set equal to or larger than the value for c nend. c the values of aflag(1)-aflag(4),iflag(2)-iflag(5) and iflag(11) c are read; see the description of these parameters c real a(iadim),pivot(ibdim),b(ibdim),aflag(11), 1 b1(ibdim),x(ibdim),a1(iddim) real time, timer c integer*2 snr(iadim),rnr(icdim),ha(ibdim,13),iflag(12), integer snr(iadim),rnr(icdim),ha(ibdim,13),iflag(12), 1 sn(iddim) data nin/5/, nout /6/ c iha=ibdim write(*,50) 50 format(' indexp,nstart,nincr,nend,cstart,cincr,cend:') read(nin,*)indexp,nstart,nincr,nend,cstart,cincr,cend write(*,*)indexp,nstart,nincr,nend,cstart,cincr,cend 52 format() c52 format(10(1x,i5)) write(*,60) 60 format(' (aflag(j),j=1,4),(iflag(j),j=2,5),iflag(11):') read(nin,*)(aflag(j),j=1,4),(iflag(j),j=2,5),iflag(11) 520 format(4(1x,f8.2),5i5) 521 format(4(1x,e8.2),5i5) write(*,521)(aflag(j),j=1,4),(iflag(j),j=2,5),iflag(11) if( to 301 write(*,302) 302 format(' indexp is out of range') go to 54 301 continue if( to 303 write(*,304) 304 format(' nstart is out of range') go to 54 303 continue if( to 305 write(*,306) 306 format(' nincr is out of range') go to 54 305 continue if( to 307 write(*,308) 308 format(' nend is out of range') go to 54 307 continue if( to 309 write(*,310) 310 format(' cstart is out of range') go to 54 309 continue if( to 311 write(*,312) 312 format(' cend is out of range') go to 54 311 continue if( to 313 write(*,314) 314 format(' cincr is out of range') go to 54 313 continue n=nstart c=cstart if(indexp.eq.2)index=2 if(indexp.eq.1)index=1 if(indexp.eq.3)index=1 nn=iadim nn1=icdim 51 continue if( go to 410 if(index.eq.1)print 41,n,c 41 format('1','matrix of class d,with parameters n=',i4,' c=',i4) if(index.eq.2)print 33,n,c 33 format('1matrix of class e: n=',i4,' c='i4) if(index.eq.1) call matrd1(n,z,c,nn,nn1,a,snr,rnr) if(index.eq.2) call matre1(n,z,c,nn,nn1,a,snr,rnr) write(*,53)z 53 format('0the number of non-zero elements in the original', 1 ' matrix is equal to:',10x,i8) do 1 i=1,n b(i)=0.0 1 continue do 2 i=1,z lrow=rnr(i) lcol=snr(i) 2 b(lrow)=b(lrow)+a(i) ifail1=0 time=timer() call y12mfe(n,a,snr,nn,rnr,nn1,a1,sn,z,ha,iha,b,b1,x, 1 pivot,aflag,iflag,ifail) ifail1=0 time=-time+timer() if( to 3 write(*,110)time 110 format(' subs after y12mfe: ',f12.2) t=0.0 do 4 i=1,n tt=abs(x(i)-1.0) if( 4 continue write(*,102) t 102 format('0the largest error is: ',1pe10.2) 3 continue write(*,104)iflag(8) 104 format('0the largest number of elements in a:',i8) write(*,105)iflag(6) 105 format('0the number of collections in row list',i4) write(*,106)iflag(7) 106 format('0the number of collections in column list',i4) write(*,107)aflag(6) 107 format('0the largest element in original matrix',1pe10.2) write(*,108)aflag(7) 108 format('0the largest element in lu-matrix',1pe10.2) write(*,109)aflag(5) 109 format('0the growth factor is:',1pe10.2) write(*,100)aflag(8) 100 format('0the minimal pivotal element',1pe10.2) write(*,204) aflag(2),aflag(1) 204 format('0the drop tolerance: ',1pe10.2, 1 ', the stability factor: ',1pe10.2) write(*,103) ifail 103 format('0the error diagnostic parameter = ',i4) c=c+cincr if(c.le.cend)go to 51 c=cstart n=n+nincr if(n.le.nend)go to 51 if( to 54 c=cstart n=nstart index=index+1 if(index.eq.2)go to 51 54 continue stop 410 continue write(*,420) ibdim,n 420 format(' maxn = ',i4,' is greater than n = ',i4) stop end subroutine matrd1(n,z,c,nn,nn1,a,snr,rnr) c c c a matrix which depends on two parameters(n-the dimension of the mat- c rix and c-a structure parameter)is generated by the subroutine matrd1 c the non-zero elements of the matrix (in any order) are stored c in the first z positions (z is the number of the non-zero c elements) of the one-dimensional array a , their column and c row numbers in the corresponding positions of array snr and c array rnr. c c implicit real(a-b,g,p,t-v),integer(c,f,h-n,r-s,z) dimension a(nn) c integer*2 snr(nn),rnr(nn1) integer snr(nn),rnr(nn1) do 20 i=1,n a(i)=1.0 snr(i)=i 20 rnr(i)=i do 21 i=1,n r=n+i s=c+i a(r)=i+1 if(s.le.n)snr(r)=s if( 21 rnr(r)=i l=2*n do 22 i=1,n r=l+i s=c+i+1 a(r)=-i if(s.le.n)snr(r)=s if( 22 rnr(r)=i k=3*n do 23 i=1,n r=k+i s=c+i+2 a(r)=16.0 if(s.le.n)snr(r)=s if( 23 rnr(r)=i rr1=10 rr2=4*n rr3=1 25 continue do 26 i=1,rr1 a(rr2+i)=100.0*i snr(rr2+i)=n-rr1+i rnr(rr2+i)=rr3 26 continue if(rr1.eq.1) go to 27 rr2=rr2+rr1 rr1=rr1-1 rr3=rr3+1 go to 25 27 z=4*n+55 return end subroutine matre1(n,z,c,nn,nn1,a,snr,rnr) implicit real(a-b,g,t-v),integer(c,f,h-n,r-s,z) real a(nn) c integer*2 snr(nn),rnr(nn1) integer snr(nn),rnr(nn1) do 1 i=1,n a(i)=4. snr(i)=i 1 rnr(i)=i r=n-1 do 2 i=1,r r1=n+i a(r1)=-1. snr(r1)=i+1 2 rnr(r1)=i r2=2*n-1 do 3 i=1,r r1=r2+i a(r1)=-1. snr(r1)=i 3 rnr(r1)=i+1 r=n-c r2=3*n-2 do 4 i=1,r r1=r2+i a(r1)=-1. snr(r1)=i+c 4 rnr(r1)=i r2=4*n-2-c do 5 i=1,r r1=r2+i a(r1)=-1. snr(r1)=i 5 rnr(r1)=i+c z=5*n-2*c-2 return end