1 UPJODE.HLP Version 1.12 09 October 1990 UPJODE is an interactive teaching aid for differential equations. It allows a student with no programming skills to define a system of up to four first order differential equations, choose a numerical solution procedure, and display the results in a table or plot. 2 Copyright This program was developed by John Burkardt and Charles G Cullen, Department of Mathematics and Statistics University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 15260 All rights are reserved by the University of Pittsburgh and the authors. The program may not be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the authors. This permission is automatically granted to schools using this textbook. The program is not copy protected, and is distributed free of charge with the book: Linear Algebra and Differential Equations, Second Edition, Charles G Cullen PWS-Kent Publishing Company Boston, Massachusetts, 1991 A Macintosh version of the program is available from the authors for a modest fee of $5.00 to cover postage and handling. Development of this program was partially supported by a courseware development grant from the College of General Studies of the University of Pittsburgh. 2 Credit This program was inspired by a program written by E Runnion, with modifications by L Foster and Professor Jim Gentilesco at the University of Pittsburgh, Johnstown Campus. 2 Acceptable problems UPJODE can solve up to 4 coupled first-order ordinary differential equations of the form: Y1' = SIN(T) or, for example, Y1' = Y2 Y2' = Y1 + T As part of the problem definition, a value of T must be given at which the values of the solution are known. The solution of the problem is a table of the values of Y for equally spaced values of T: T+H, T+2*H, and so on. 3 Higher Order Problems A problem involving second derivatives cannot be solved by this program. However, if it is simple enough, it can be transformed into a problem that can be solved. The trick is to make the lower derivatives of the function variables as well. For example, consider the problem: Y" + Y = 0 with initial values T=0, Y(0)=0, Y'(0)=0. If we simply make up new names for Y and Y', calling them Y1 and Y2, then right off the bat we know that Y1'=Y2 and since Y" can be written as Y2', our original equation can be written as Y2' + Y1 = 0 or Y2' = -Y1 and so our original problem is the same as the problem Y1' = Y2 Y2' = -Y1 with initial values T=0 Y1=0 Y2=0. and this is a first order problem that can be solved. 2 Solution methods We are asked to integrate from some original value TINIT to some stopping value TSTOP. All the methods we will describe do this by taking a certain number of steps NSTEPS from TINIT to TSTOP. Each step is of the same size, H=(TSTOP-TINIT)/NSTEPS. At the beginning of a step, we have the values of T, Y and Y'. The step we want to take requires us to compute an estimate of the value of Y at the next value of T, "T+H". The available methods vary in how the value of Y is estimated at the next point. 3 Euler's Method Euler's Method is also known as the Taylor Method of order 1 and Runge Kutta Method of order 1. Y(K+1) = Y(K) + H * F(T, Y(K)). 3 RK2: Runge-Kutta Method of Order 2 This is also known as Heun's method. First define: Z = Y(K) + H * F(T, Y(K)) then set: Y(K+1) = Y(K) + H * (F(T+H, Z) + F(T, Y(K))) / 2.0 3 RK4: Runge Kutta Method of Order 4 using Runge's constants. First define: Z1 = F(T, Y(K)) Z2 = F(T+0.5*H, Y(K)+0.5*H*Z1) Z3 = F(T+0.5*H, Y(K)+0.5*H*Z2) Z4 = F(T+ H, Y(K)+ H*Z3) then set: Y(K+1) = Y(K) + H*(Z1 + 2*Z2 + 2*Z3 + Z4) / 6.0 3 Midpoint Method The Midpoint Method is also known as the Half-step Euler Method. First define: Z = Y(K) + 0.5 * H * F(T, Y(K)) Then set: Y(K+1) = Y(K) + H * F(T+0.5*H, Z) 3 RK56: Runge Kutta Fehlberg method of orders 5 and 6 First define: Z1 = F(T, Y(K)) Z2 = F(T + 0.25 * H, Y(K) + 0.25 * H * Z1) Z3 = F(T + 3 * H / 8, Y(K) + 3 * H * Z1/32 + 9 * H * Z2/32) Z4 = F(T + 12 * H / 13, Y(K) + 1932 * H * Z1 / 2197 - 7200 * H * Z2 / 2197 + 7296 * H * Z3 / 2197) Z5 = F(T + H, Y(K) + 439 * H * Z1 / 216 - 8 * H * Z2 + 3680 * H * Z3 / 513 - 845 * H * Z4 / 4104) Z6 = F(T + H / 2, Y(K) - 8 * H * Z1 / 27 + 2 * H * Z2 - 3544 * H * Z3 / 2565 + 1859 * H * Z4 / 4104 - 11 * H * Z5 / 40) then set: Y(K+1) = Y(K) + H * 25 * Z1 / 216 + H * 1408 * Z3 / 2565 + H * 2197 * Z4 / 4104 - H * Z5 / 5) and set: W = Y(K) + H * 16 * Z1 / 135 + H * 6656 * Z3 / 12825 + H * 28561 * Z4 / 56430 - H * 9 * Z5 / 50 + H * 2 * Z6 / 55 ) The quantity (W-Y(K+1)) estimates the error taken at this step. 3 AB2: Adams-Bashforth method of order 2 If Y(0) is the initial condition, then Y(1) must be generated by Runge-Kutta method of order 2. Values from Y(2) on are generated by the AB2 formula: Y(K+1) = Y(K) + 0.5 * H * (3 * F(T,Y(K)) - F(T-H,Y(K-1))) 3 AB4: Adams-Bashforth method of order 4 If Y(0) is the initial condition, then Y(1), Y(2) and Y(3) must be generated by the Runge Kutta method of order 4. Values from Y(4) on are generated by the AB4 formula: Y(K+1) = Y(K) + H * 55 * F(T,Y(K)) / 24 - H * 59 * F(T-H,Y(K-1)) / 24 + H * 37 * F(T-2*H,Y(K-2)) / 24 - H * 9 * F(T-3*H,Y(K-3)) / 24 3 ABM2: Adams-Bashforth-Moulton predictor/corrector of order 2 If Y(0) is the initial condition, then Y(1) must be generated by Runge Kutta method of order 2. Values from Y(2) on are generated by the ABM2 formula: Define: Z = Y(K) + 0.5 * H * (3 * F(T,Y(K)) - F(T-H,Y(K-1))) then set: Y(K+1) = Y(K) + 0.5 * H * (F(T+H,Z) + F(T,Y(K))) 3 ABM4: Adams-Bashforth-Moulton Predictor/Corrector of order 4 If Y(0) is the initial condition, then Y(1) through Y(3) are gotten by Runge-Kutta method of order 4. Values from Y(4) on are generated by the ABM4 formula: Define: Z = Y(K) + H * 55 * F(T,Y(K)) / 24 - H * 59 * F(T-H,Y(K-1)) / 24 + H * 37 * F(T-2*H,Y(K-2)) / 24 - H * 9 * F(T-3*H,Y(K-3)) / 24 Y(K+1) = Y(K) + H * 9 * F(T+H,Z) / 24 + H * 19 * F(T,Y(K)) / 24 - H * 5 * F(T-H,Y(K-1)) / 24 + H * F(T-2*H,Y(K-2)) / 24 3 MS3: Milne/Simpson Predictor/Corrector of order 3 Y(0) is the initial condition. Y(1), Y(2) and Y(3) are generated by Runge Kutta method of order 4. Define: Z = Y(K-3) + H * 8 * F(T,Y(K)) / 3 - H * 4 * F(T-H,Y(K-1)) / 3 + H * 8 * F(T-2*H,Y(K-2)) / 3 then set: Y(K+1) = Y(K-1) + H * F(T+H,Z) / 3 + H * 4 * F(T,Y(K)) / 3 + H * F(T-H,Y(K-1)) / 3 2 Commands All action taken by the program is specified through commands. Most commands begin with a single letter, sometimes followed by one or more arguments. The arguments may be separated by spaces or commas. If a command takes arguments, you can leave them off, and you will be prompted for them. Two special commands are "?" which asks for help, and the assignment command, "variable = value" which assigns values to variables. 3 B Set up a new problem To solve a problem, you must specify the differential equation and the method to be used to solve it. If you issue this command, you will be asked, one at a time, for each of the items of information necessary to specify the problem. After you have specified this information, you can use "T" to type out the information, "variable=value" to change the value of some variable, or "C" to integrate the equation. 4 Information you supply for the B command Here is the information you will be asked to supply: NEQN is the number of equations, between 1 and 4. TINIT is the initial value of the independent variable. Y1 is the initial value of the first ODE component. (Repeat for Y2, Y3, and Y4, if there are more ODE components) Y1' is the first ODE right hand side. X1 is the exact formula for Y1, if known. (Repeat for Y2', X2, Y3', X3, Y4', X4 if more ODE components) METHOD is the method number, 1 through 10. NSTEPS is the number of steps to take. TSTOP is the value of T at which to stop. 3 C Integrate the ODE from TINIT to TSTOP Assuming you have define the problem, preferably with the "B" command, you can integrate it from TINIT to TSTOP using the method you have specified, and the number of steps you requested. You can compare different choices for METHOD or NSTEPS, for example, by setting up the problem, issuing the "C" command, then changing the value of METHOD and issuing the "C" command again. 3 D Open/close transcript file If you want a permanent disk file record of your work, using this command will open a file in which an exact copy of what appears on the screen will be kept. A second D will close the file. If you are quitting the program, and had a transcript file open, it will be closed automatically for you. During one session, you may create issue the D command as many times as you like. Each command will begin or end a transcript file. But it is NOT possible to open a transcript file, write to it, close it, then reopen the same transcript file later. Instead, the old information will be deleted entirely, which is probably not what you wanted. So be sure to specify a unique name each time. 3 F Flow field graph The "F" command allows you to draw the ODE flow field for one component of the differential equation. The graph that is drawn will be equal sized arrows in the direction (1.0, DY/DT) drawn at each point (T, Y) on a grid of NT by NY points equally spaced between TMIN and TMAX, YMIN and YMAX. You must specify: NT, the number of points in the T direction of the grid, TMIN, the minimum value of T for the grid, TMAX, the maximum value of T for the grid, NY, the number of points in the Y direction of the grid, YMIN, the minimum value of Y for the grid, YMAX, the maximum value of Y for the grid. ICOMP, the component of the ODE to display (unless there is only one equation!) If you want a hard copy of the graph that will be displayed, use the "Print Screen" key on an IBM PC, or CTRL-SHIFT-3 on the Macintosh to create a MacPaint file. 3 G Graph solution components This command produces a crude graph of the solution data, after you have integrated the equation. You can do a standard plot of T versus Y1, for example, or a phase plane plot of Y1 versus Y1'. You may graph several pairs of items on a single plot. If you want a hard copy of the graph that will be displayed, use the "Print Screen" key on an IBM PC, or CTRL-SHIFT-3 on the Macintosh to create a MacPaint file. 3 H Print the help list The H command lists the legal commands with a short explanation: B - set up new problem C - integrate current problem D - Open/close transcript file. F - Flow field graph. G - Graph solution components. H - Help (print this list). J - set up sample problem O - Read solution data from file. P - Write solution data to file. Q - Quit. R - Read commands from file T - Type out parameters V - What parameters can I set? W - Write problem data to file. ? - Display extensive help. variable = value Assign value to variable. 3 J Set up the sample problem. The J command sets up a sample problem. This allows you to skip all the problem setup portion of the program and start immediately integrating the sample problem and displaying the results. The sample problem that is set up is: Y1'=COS(T) TINIT=0.0 Y1=0.0 Integrate to TSTOP=PI (3.14159265...) using NSTEP=25 steps, printing every IPRINT=5. The exact solution is X1=SIN(T). 3 N Make a note Particularly if you are using a transcript file, you might want to use this command. It allows you to comment on what you are doing. Having typed an N you may then type several lines of comments, which will appear in your transcript file too. Finish up by typing a period in column 1. Here is a sample comment: N Let's try to integrate this ODE using a smaller stepsize. Remember to increase the number of steps so we still reach the same stopping point! . 3 O Read solution data from file The "O" command reads in a file of solution data that had previously been written with the "P" command. The only reason for doing this would be to use the "G" command to graph the data. Otherwise, this is a very disruptive command. The data read in may have no relationship to the current ODE being solved. In fact, if the ODE has been solved, the "O" command overwrites all that information. The "O" command will in general cause the program to forget about any problem already in memory, or will cause it to garble that information. This command is provided only so that files dumped out with the "P" command can be read in and examined later. It is not recommended for general use! 3 P Write solution data to file After you have issued the "C" command, and the program has used your chosen method to integrate the ODE's from TINIT to TSTOP, using NSTEP steps, the program has a lot of data, including the values of T, Y1, Y1', possibly the exact value of Y1 as computed by a user supplied formula, and similar information for other ODE components. If desired, this data can be dumped to a file. The most logical thing to do with it afterwards is to read it in to another program for graphical display. You might also read it back in to the program using the "O" command. 3 Q Quit The program will ask you nicely if you really want to quit. Type "Y" if you meant it, and the program will stop. 3 R Read input from file You can use this command to have the program read prepared input from a file. In this way, problems with difficult to type right hand sides can be prepared beforehand, for example. A sample input file named "UPJODE.DAT" is available which could be used as the input file for an "R" command. Anything you could legally type as input to the program can be a line in the input file. 3 T Type out parameters In case you forgot what you have set up, you can use this command to see the values of the problem parameters. 3 V Show variables that may be set by the user Typing "V" will give you a list of the variables that you can set using an assignment statement of the form "name=value". For example, to set the variable "TSTOP" to 3.0, you just type "TSTOP=3.0". Be careful! If you change one variable, you may need to change others to be consistent. If you increase the number of equations, "NEQN", you should supply new right hand sides for those equations, and initial conditions. IPRINT - output frequency METHOD - integration method NEQN - number of equations NSTEPS - number of steps to take ROVER - overflow threshhold TINIT - initial time TSTOP - stopping time Y1 - initial condition (also Y2, Y3, or Y4) Y1' - formula for first right hand side (also Y2', Y3', or Y4') X1 - exact formula for Y1 if known (also X2, X3 or X4) 3 W Write problem data to file If you issue this command, the program will ask you for a filename, and will write information into the file that defines the current differential equation system. You could type this file out, or use it as input for an "R" command later on. Here is a sample file that might be created in response to the "W" command: NOTE This problem set up by UPJODE . NEQN= 1 T= 0.000000E+00 Y1= 0.000000E+00 Y1'=COS(T) X1=SIN(T) METHOD= 3 IPRINT= 5 NSTEPS= 25 TSTOP= 3.14159 Don't use the name of a file that already exists, since the program cannot append the new information to the old file. It will destroy the old file, which may not be what you want! 3 ? Display extensive help The ? command allows you to browse this help information while running the program. It will show you the main help topic, and the subtopics related to it. You can choose a subtopic from the list by typing its name, or the beginning portion of it. 3 variable = value At any time, you can specify the value of a variable by specifying the name and the new value separated by an equal sign. For example, to change the value of the T stopping point to, say, 17, type TSTOP=17.0 For a list of which variables may be set in this way, give the "V" command. 2 Formulas To set up the right hand sides correctly, you must use the proper abbreviations for mathematical functions, and the right symbols for operations like multiplication. 3 Operators Operators allowed: + Addition - Subtraction * Multiplication / Division ^ Exponentiation ** Exponentiation 3 Functions ABS(S) - Absolute value of S. ACOS(S) - The arc cosine of S. -1 < S < 1 ALOG(S) - Natural logarithm of S. S > 0 ALOG10(S) - Logarithm base 10 of S. S > 0 ASIN(S) - Arc sine of S. -1 < S < 1 ATAN(S) - Arc tangent of S. ATAN2(S1,S2) - Arc tangent of (S1/S2). COS(S) - Cosine of S. COSH(S) - Hyperbolic cosine of S. EXP(S) - Exponential of S. LN(S) - Natural logarithm of S. 0 < S LOG(S) - Natural logarithm of S. 0 < S LOG10(S) - Logarithm base 10 of S. 0 < S MAX(S1,S2) - Maximum of S1, S2. MIN(S1,S2) - Minimum of S1, S2. NEG(S) - Changes sign of S. PI - 3.14159265... SIN(S) - Sine of S. SINE(S) - Sine of S. SINH(S) - Hyperbolic sine of S. SQRT(S) - Square root of S. 0 < S STEP(S) - Step function. 0 if S<0, 1 if S>0. TAN(S) - Tangent of S. TANH(S) - Hyperbolic tangent of S. I! - I factorial. Valid for I=0 to 25. 2 Running UPJODE Versions of this program run on a VAX/VMS system at the University of Pittsburgh, on an IBM PC or compatible, and on an Apple Macintosh. 3 VAX/VMS usage On the VMS VAX at the University of Pittsburgh, type: $ RUN MTH:UPJODE 3 IBM PC usage Assuming you have booted the PC, insert the disk containing the program in drive A, and type "UPJODE". If the disk is write-protected, you will not be able to open or write the transcript file, problem data file, and solution data file. 3 Macintosh usage Insert the disk containing the program in the drive. Double click on the UPJODE disk to open it. Double click on the file 'UPJODE APL' to run it. If the disk is write-protected, you will not be able to open or write the transcript file, problem data file, and solution data file. 2 How the program was compiled This program compiles and links on VAX VMS systems, IBM PC's and Apple Macintosh's with almost no changes. 3 VAX/VMS compilation UPJODE and its data files are kept on an account named MTH, and users run the program from other accounts. This requires that the source code for UPJODE be modified so that the help file is named "MTH:UPJODE.HLP". Also, the OPEN statement that opens the file must be changed to add the VMS specific keywords: "SHARED,READONLY". The program can be compiled and linked with the statements: $ FORTRAN/NOLIST UPJODE.FOR $ FORTRAN/NOLIST graphics.FOR $ LINK/NOMAP UPJODE, graphics which creates the executable file UPJODE.EXE. Here we assume that "graphics.FOR" is some graphics interface program for UPJODE. Depending on which interface is chosen, there might have to be a graphics library added to the LINK statement. The University of Pittsburgh version has a number of versions of the graphics interface, including ANYBUG.FOR debugging interface. ANYNCR.FOR NCARGKS interface ANYNUL.FOR no graphics output at all. ANYP10.FOR PLOT10 interface ANYTTY.FOR typewriter interface (pretty bad) 3 IBM PC compilation On an IBM PC, the name of the help file in the source code should be "UPJODE.HLP" and there should be no arguments "SHARED,READONLY" in the "OPEN" statement for that file. Microsoft FORTRAN 4.1 was used to compile the program on an IBM PC. There are several graphics interfaces available, including ANYATT.FOR AT&T 6300 graphics, requires ATTPLT.ASM as well. ANYBUG.FOR debugging interface ANYIBM.FOR IBM PC CGA graphics interface, requires IBMPLT.ASM as well. ANYNUL.FOR no graphics. The desired interface must be compiled, and then linked with UPJODE, to create an executable program. 3 Macintosh compilation On a Macintosh, the name of the help file in the source code should be just "UPJODE.HLP", and there should be no "SHARED,READONLY" keywords in the "OPEN" statement for that file. Microsoft FORTRAN 2.2 was used to compile UPJODE on a Macintosh. The link commands used were: f upjode f anymac f toolbx l f77.rl g There are several graphics interfaces available, including ANYBUG.FOR debugging interface ANYMAC.FOR Macintosh graphics. ANYNUL.FOR no graphics The desired interface must be compiled, and then linked with UPJODE, to create an executable program. If ANYMAC.FOR was used to link UPJODE with Macintosh graphics, then the file TOOLBX.SUB must be available at link time.