c c . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . c . . c . copyright (c) 1998 by UCAR . c . . c . University Corporation for Atmospheric Research . c . . c . all rights reserved . c . . c . . c . SPHEREPACK . c . . c . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . c c c c ... file shallow.f c c subroutine shallow solves the nonlinear shallow-water equations c on the sphere using spherepack3.0 software. c c ... required spherepack3.0 files c c vtses.f, dives.f, vrtes.f, grades.f, sphcom.f, hrfft.f, c vhaes.f,vhses.f,shaes.f,shses.f c program shallow c c the nonlinear shallow-water equations on the sphere are c solved using a spectral method based on the spherical c vector harmonics. the method is described in the paper: c c [1] p. n. swarztrauber, spectral transform methods for solving c the shallow-water equations on the sphere, p.n. swarztrauber, c monthly weather review, vol. 124, no. 4, april 1996, pp. 730-744. c c this program implements test case 3 (steady nonlinear rotated flow) c in the paper: c c [2] d.l. williamson, j.b. drake, j.j. hack, r. jakob, and c p.n. swarztrauber, j. comp. phys., a standard test set c for numerical approximations to the shallow-water c equations in spherical geometry, j. comp. phys., c vol. 102, no. 1, sept. 1992, pp. 211-224. c c definitions: c c c nlat number of latitudes including poles c nlon number of distinct longitudes c mmode max wave number c omega rotation rate of earth in radians per second c aa radius of earth in meters c pzero mean height of geopotential c uzero maximum velocity c alpha tilt angle of the rotated grid c ncycle cycle number c time model time in seconds c dt time step c lambda longitude c theta colatitude c c the first dimension of the following two dimensional arrays c corresponds to the latitude index with values i=1,...,nlat c where i=1 is the north pole and i=nlat is the south pole. c the second dimension is longitude with values j=1,...,nlon c where j=1 corresponds to zero longitude and j=nlon corresponds c to 2pi minus 2pi/nlon. c c u(i,j) east longitudinal velocity component at t=time c v(i,j) latitudinal velocity component at t=time c p(i,j) +pzero = geopotential at t=time c c unew(i,j) east longitudinal velocity component at t=time+dt c vnew(i,j) latitudinal velocity component at t=time+dt c pnew(i,j) +pzero = geopotential at t=time+dt c c uold(i,j) east longitudinal velocity component at t=time-dt c vold(i,j) latitudinal velocity component at t=time-dt c pold(i,j) +pzero = geopotential at t=time-dt c c divg(i,j) divergence (d/dtheta (cos(theta) v) c + du/dlambda)/cos(theta) c vort(i,j) vorticity (d/dtheta (cos(theta) u) c - dv/dlambda)/cos(theta) c c ut(i,j) latitudinal derivative of longitudinal c velocity component c vt(i,j) latitudinal derivative of latitudinal c velocity component c c dudt(i,j) time derivative of longitudinal velocity component c dvdt(i,j) time derivative of latitudinal velocity component c dpdt(i,j) time derivative of geopotential c c gpdl(i,j) first component of the gradient of p(i,j) c the longitudinal derivative of the geopotential c divided by the cosine of the latitude c c gpdt(i,j) second component of the gradient of p(i,j) c the latitudinal derivative of the geopotential c c uxact(i,j) the "exact" longitudinal veloctiy component c vxact(i,j) the "exact" latitudinal veloctiy component c uxact(i,j) the "exact" geopotential c c f(i,j) the coriolis force on rotated grid c c the following two dimensional arrays are nonzero in the triangle c n=1,...,nlat and m less than or equal to n. c c a(m,n),b(m,n) spectral coefficients of the geopotential c c br(m,n),bi(m,n) spectral coefficients of the velocity c cr(m,n),ci(m,n) vector [u(i,j),v(i,j)] c c c phlt(i) the coefficients in the cosine series c representation of the unrotated geopotential c parameter (idp=73,jdp=144,mdab=73,ndab=73) parameter(lldwork = 2*(idp+1)) c dimension u(idp,jdp),v(idp,jdp),p(idp,jdp),f(idp,jdp), 1 unew(idp,jdp),vnew(idp,jdp),pnew(idp,jdp), 2 uold(idp,jdp),vold(idp,jdp),pold(idp,jdp), 3 uxact(idp,jdp),vxact(idp,jdp),pxact(idp,jdp), 4 divg(idp,jdp),vort(idp,jdp),ut(idp,jdp), 5 vt(idp,jdp),dudt(idp,jdp),dvdt(idp,jdp), 6 dpdt(idp,jdp),gpdt(idp,jdp),gpdl(idp,jdp), 7 a(mdab,ndab),b(mdab,ndab),br(mdab,ndab), 8 bi(mdab,ndab),cr(mdab,ndab),ci(mdab,ndab), 9 phlt(361) c c the following work arrays are initialized and subsequently c used repeatedly by spherepack (3.0) routines. c dimension wsha(70928),wshs(70928),wvha(141647),wvhs(141647), 1 wvts(141647),work(40000) double precision dwork(lldwork) c real lambda,lhat lwsha = 70928 lwshs = 70928 lwvha = 141647 lwvhs = 141647 lwvts = 141647 lwork = 40000 ldwork = lldwork pi = 4.*atan(1.) hpi = pi/2. dtr = pi/180. aa = 6.37122e6 omega = 7.292e-5 fzero = omega+omega uzero = 40. pzero = 2.94e4 alphad = 60. alpha = dtr*alphad c itmax = 720 mprint = 72 mmode = 42 nlat = 65 nlon = 128 dt = 600. tdt = dt+dt c c initialize spherepack 3.0 routines c call shaesi(nlat,nlon,wsha,lwsha,work,lwork,dwork,lwork,ierror) if(ierror .ne. 0) write(*,55) ierror 55 format(' error' i4 ' in shaesi') call shsesi(nlat,nlon,wshs,lwshs,work,lwork,dwork,ldwork,ierror) if(ierror .ne. 0) write(*,56) ierror 56 format(' error' i4 ' in shsesi') call vhaesi(nlat,nlon,wvha,lwvha,work,lwork,dwork,ldwork,ierror) if(ierror .ne. 0) write(*,57) ierror 57 format(' error' i4 ' in vhaesi') call vhsesi(nlat,nlon,wvhs,lwvhs,work,lwork,dwork,ldwork,ierror) if(ierror .ne. 0) write(*,58) ierror 58 format(' error' i4 ' in vhsesi') call vtsesi(nlat,nlon,wvts,lwvts,work,lwork,dwork,ldwork,ierror) if(ierror .ne. 0) write(*,59) ierror 59 format(' error' i4 ' in vtsesi') c c c compute the derivative of the unrotated geopotential c p as a function of latitude c nl = 91 nlm1 = nl-1 nlm2 = nl-2 cfn = 1./nlm1 dlath = pi/nlm1 do 10 i=1,nlm2 theta = i*dlath sth = sin(theta) cth = cos(theta) uhat = ui(uzero,hpi-theta) phlt(i) = cfn*cth*uhat*(uhat/sth+aa*fzero) 10 continue c c compute sine transform of the derivative of the geopotential c for the purpose of computing the geopotential by integration c see equation (3.9) in reference [1] above c call sine(nlm2,phlt,work) c c compute the cosine coefficients of the unrotated geopotential c by the formal integration of the sine series representation c do 12 i=1,nlm2 phlt(i) = -phlt(i)/i 12 continue c c phlt(i) contains the coefficients in the cosine series c representation of the unrotated geopotential that are used c below to compute the geopotential on the rotated grid. c c compute the initial values of east longitudinal c and latitudinal velocities u and v as well as the c geopotential p and coriolis f on the rotated grid. c ca = cos(alpha) sa = sin(alpha) dtheta = pi/(nlat-1) dlam = (pi+pi)/nlon do 50 j=1,nlon lambda = (j-1)*dlam cl = cos(lambda) sl = sin(lambda) do 50 i=1,nlat c c lambda is longitude, theta is colatitude, and pi/2-theta is c latitude on the rotated grid. lhat and that are longitude c and colatitude on the unrotated grid. see text starting at c equation (3.10) c theta = (i-1)*dtheta st = cos(theta) ct = sin(theta) sth = ca*st+sa*ct*cl cthclh = ca*ct*cl-sa*st cthslh = ct*sl lhat = atanxy(cthclh,cthslh) clh = cos(lhat) slh = sin(lhat) cth = clh*cthclh+slh*cthslh that = atanxy(sth,cth) uhat = ui(uzero,hpi-that) pxact(i,j) = cosine(that,nlm2,phlt) uxact(i,j) = uhat*(ca*sl*slh+cl*clh) vxact(i,j) = uhat*(ca*cl*slh*st-clh*sl*st+sa*slh*ct) f(i,j) = fzero*sth 50 continue c vmax = 0. pmax = 0. v2max = 0. p2max = 0. do 54 j=1,nlon do 54 i=1,nlat v2max = v2max+uxact(i,j)**2+vxact(i,j)**2 p2max = p2max+pxact(i,j)**2 vmax = amax1(abs(uxact(i,j)),abs(vxact(i,j)),vmax) pmax = amax1(abs(pxact(i,j)),pmax) 54 continue c c initialize first time step c do 60 j=1,nlon do 60 i=1,nlat u(i,j) = uxact(i,j) v(i,j) = vxact(i,j) p(i,j) = pxact(i,j) 60 continue c isym = 0 nt = 1 time = 0. ctime = 0. ncycle = 0 c c start of the time loop c c begin step 1, section 3 c c analyze the velocity components (u,v) c 90 call vhaesgo(nlat,nlon,isym,nt,u,v,idp,jdp,br,bi,cr,ci, 1 mdab,ndab,wvha,lwvha,work,lwork,ierror) if(ierror .ne. 0) write(*,91) ierror 91 format(' error' i4 ' in vhaes') c c truncate spectrum to eliminate aliasing of the c product terms in the shallow-water equations c call trunc(nlat,mmode,mdab,br,bi) call trunc(nlat,mmode,mdab,cr,ci) c c resynthesize the velocity components c call vhsesgo(nlat,nlon,isym,nt,u,v,idp,jdp,br,bi,cr,ci, 1 mdab,ndab,wvhs,lwvhs,work,lwork,ierror) if(ierror .ne. 0) write(*,92) ierror 92 format(' error' i4 ' in vhses') c c begin step 2, section 3 c c analyze geopotential p c call shaes(nlat,nlon,isym,nt,p,idp,jdp,a,b,mdab,ndab, 1 wsha,lwsha,work,lwork,ierror) if(ierror .ne. 0) write(*,93) ierror 93 format(' error' i4 ' in shaes') c c truncate spectrum to eliminate aliasing of the c product terms in the shallow-water equations c call trunc(nlat,mmode,mdab,a,b) c c resynthesize the geopotential p c call shses(nlat,nlon,isym,nt,p,idp,jdp,a,b,mdab,ndab, 1 wshs,lwshs,work,lwork,ierror) if(ierror .ne. 0) write(*,94) ierror 94 format(' error' i4 ' in shses') c c c begin step 3, section 3 c c compute the vorticity of the velocity (u,v) c call vrtes(nlat,nlon,isym,nt,vort,idp,jdp,cr,ci,mdab,ndab, 1 wshs,lwshs,work,lwork,ierror) if(ierror .ne. 0) write(*,95) ierror 95 format(' error' i4 ' in vrtes') c c compute the divergence of the velocity (u,v) c call dives(nlat,nlon,isym,nt,divg,idp,jdp,br,bi,mdab,ndab, 1 wshs,lwshs,work,lwork,ierror) if(ierror .ne. 0) write(*,96) ierror 96 format(' error' i4 ' in dives') c c begin step 4, section 3 c c compute the derivative of the velocity (u,v) with c respect to colatitude theta. c call vtsesgo(nlat,nlon,isym,nt,ut,vt,idp,jdp,br,bi,cr,ci, 1 mdab,ndab,wvts,lwvts,work,lwork,ierror) if(ierror .ne. 0) write(*,97) ierror 97 format(' error' i4 ' in vtsesgo') c c begin step 5, section 3 c c compute the gradient of the geopotential p c call gradesgo(nlat,nlon,isym,nt,gpdl,gpdt,idp,jdp,a,b,mdab,ndab, 1wvhs,lwvhs,work,lwork,ierror) if(ierror .ne. 0) write(*,98) ierror 98 format(' error' i4 ' in grades') c c compute the time derivatives of the velocity (u,v) c and the geopotential p using the shallow-water c equations (2.8), (2.9), and (2.10), section 3. c do 200 j=1,nlon do 200 i=1,nlat dudt(i,j) = (u(i,j)*(vt(i,j)-divg(i,j))-v(i,j)*ut(i,j) 1 -gpdl(i,j))/aa+f(i,j)*v(i,j) dvdt(i,j) = -(u(i,j)*(vort(i,j)+ut(i,j))+v(i,j)*vt(i,j) 1 +gpdt(i,j))/aa-f(i,j)*u(i,j) dpdt(i,j) = -((p(i,j)+pzero)*divg(i,j)+v(i,j)*gpdt(i,j) 1 +u(i,j)*gpdl(i,j))/aa 200 continue c if(mod(ncycle,mprint) .ne. 0) go to 370 htime = time/3600. write(*,390) ncycle,htime,dt,nlat,nlon,mmode,omega,pzero, 1 uzero,alphad 390 format(//' steady nonlinear rotated flow, test case 3'/ 1 ' cycle number ' i10 2 ' model time in hours ' f10.2/ 3 ' time step in seconds ' f10.0 4 ' number of latitudes ' i10/ 5 ' number of longitudes ' i10 6 ' max wave number ' i10/ 7 ' rotation rate ' 1pe15.6 8 ' mean height ' 1pe15.6/ 9 ' maximum velocity ' 1pe15.6 1 ' tilt angle ' f10.2) dvgm = 0. dvmax = 0. dpmax = 0. evmax = 0.0 epmax = 0.0 do 217 j=1,nlon do 217 i=1,nlat dvgm = amax1(dvgm,abs(divg(i,j))) dvmax = dvmax+(u(i,j)-uxact(i,j))**2+(v(i,j)-vxact(i,j))**2 dpmax = dpmax+(p(i,j)-pxact(i,j))**2 evmax = amax1(evmax,abs(v(i,j)-vxact(i,j)),abs(u(i,j)-uxact(i,j))) epmax = amax1(epmax,abs(p(i,j)-pxact(i,j))) 217 continue dvmax = sqrt(dvmax/v2max) dpmax = sqrt(dpmax/p2max) evmax = evmax/vmax epmax = epmax/pmax write(*,391) evmax,epmax,dvmax,dpmax,dvgm 391 format(' max error in velocity' 1pe15.6 + ' max error in geopot. ' 1pe15.6/ + ' l2 error in velocity ' 1pe15.6 + ' l2 error in geopot. ' 1pe15.6/ + ' maximum divergence ' 1pe15.6) c c set values at time = -dt to values at time = 0. c 370 if(ncycle .gt. 0) go to 206 do 205 j=1,nlon do 205 i=1,nlat uold(i,j) = u(i,j) vold(i,j) = v(i,j) pold(i,j) = p(i,j) 205 continue c c compute values at next time level using leap frog c time differencing c 206 do 210 j=1,nlon do 210 i=1,nlat unew(i,j) = uold(i,j)+tdt*dudt(i,j) vnew(i,j) = vold(i,j)+tdt*dvdt(i,j) pnew(i,j) = pold(i,j)+tdt*dpdt(i,j) 210 continue c c update values to next time level c do 300 j=1,nlon do 300 i=1,nlat uold(i,j) = u(i,j) vold(i,j) = v(i,j) pold(i,j) = p(i,j) u(i,j) = unew(i,j) v(i,j) = vnew(i,j) p(i,j) = pnew(i,j) 300 continue ncycle = ncycle+1 time = time+dt if(ncycle .le. itmax) go to 90 end subroutine vtsesgo(nlat,nlon,ityp,nt,ut,vt,idvw,jdvw,br,bi,cr,ci, 1 mdab,ndab,wvts,lwvts,work,lwork,ierror) c c vtsesgo computes the latitudinal derivatives of the c velocity components using subroutine vtses which c assumes the velocity components are given in terms c of mathematical coordinates c dimension ut(idvw,jdvw,1),vt(idvw,jdvw,1),br(mdab,ndab,1), 1 bi(mdab,ndab,1),cr(mdab,ndab,1),ci(mdab,ndab,1), 2 work(*),wvts(*) call vtses(nlat,nlon,ityp,nt,vt,ut,idvw,jdvw,br,bi,cr,ci, 1 mdab,ndab,wvts,lwvts,work,lwork,ierror) do k=1,nt do j=1,nlon do i=1,nlat ut(i,j,k) = -ut(i,j,k) end do end do end do return end c function ui(amp,thetad) c c computes the initial unrotated longitudinal velocity c see section 3.3. c pi=4.*atan(1.) thetab=-pi/6. thetae= pi/2. xe=3.e-1 x =xe*(thetad-thetab)/(thetae-thetab) ui = 0. if(x.le.0. .or. x.ge.xe) return ui=amp*exp(-1./x-1./(xe-x)+4./xe) return end c function atanxy(x,y) atanxy = 0. if(x.eq.0. .and. y.eq.0.) return atanxy = atan2(y,x) return end subroutine sine(n,x,w) c c computes the sine transform c dimension x(n),w(n) arg = 4.*atan(1.)/(n+1) do 10 j=1,n w(j) = 0. do 10 i=1,n w(j) = w(j)+x(i)*sin(i*j*arg) 10 continue do 15 i=1,n x(i) = 2.*w(i) 15 continue return end c function cosine(theta,n,cf) c c computes the cosine transform c dimension cf(n) cosine = 0. do 10 i=1,n cosine = cosine+cf(i)*cos(i*theta) 10 continue return end c subroutine trunc(nm,ms,id,a,b) c c truncates spectral coefficients so that aliasing c does not occur when computing the spectral representations c of the product terms. c dimension a(id,1),b(id,1) mp = ms+2 do 10 n=mp,nm do 10 m=1,n a(m,n) = 0. b(m,n) = 0. 10 continue return end subroutine vhaesgo(nlat,nlon,ityp,nt,u,v,iduv,jduv, +br,bi,cr,ci,mdab,ndab,wsav,lwsav,work,lwork,ierror) dimension u(iduv,jduv,*),v(iduv,jduv,*),br(mdab,ndab,*), + bi(mdab,ndab,*),cr(mdab,ndab,*),ci(mdab,ndab,*), 2 work(1),wsav(1) c c vhaesgo computes the vector harmonic analysis of (u,v) using vhaes which c assumes the velocity components are given in mathematical coordinates c do k=1,nt do j=1,nlon do i=1,nlat v(i,j,k) = -v(i,j,k) end do end do end do call vhaes(nlat,nlon,ityp,nt,v,u,iduv,jduv, +br,bi,cr,ci,mdab,ndab,wsav,lwsav,work,lwork,ierror) c c restore v c do k=1,nt do j=1,nlon do i=1,nlat v(i,j,k) = -v(i,j,k) end do end do end do if (ierror.ne.0) return return end subroutine vhsesgo(nlat,nlon,ityp,nt,u,v,iduv,jduv, +br,bi,cr,ci,mdab,ndab,wsav,lwsav,work,lwork,ierror) dimension u(iduv,jduv,*),v(iduv,jduv,*),br(mdab,ndab,*), + bi(mdab,ndab,*),cr(mdab,ndab,*),ci(mdab,ndab,*), 2 work(1),wsav(1) c c vhsesgo computes a vector harmonic synthesis in (u,v) using vhses which c assumes the velocity components are given in mathematical coordinates c call vhses(nlat,nlon,ityp,nt,v,u,iduv,jduv, +br,bi,cr,ci,mdab,ndab,wsav,lwsav,work,lwork,ierror) if (ierror.ne.0) return do k=1,nt do j=1,nlon do i=1,nlat v(i,j,k) = -v(i,j,k) end do end do end do return end subroutine gradesgo(nlat,nlon,isym,nt,u,v,iduv,jduv,a,b, +mdab,ndab,wsav,lwsav,work,lwork,ierror) dimension u(iduv,jduv,nt),v(iduv,jduv,nt) dimension a(mdab,ndab,nt),b(mdab,ndab,nt) dimension wsav(lwsav),work(lwork) c c gradesgo computes the gradient in (u,v) using grades which assumes c the velocity components are given in mathematical coordinates c call grades(nlat,nlon,isym,nt,v,u,iduv,jduv,a,b, +mdab,ndab,wsav,lwsav,work,lwork,ierror) if (ierror .ne.0) return do k=1,nt do j=1,nlon do i=1,nlat v(i,j,k) = -v(i,j,k) end do end do end do return end