! smdlib.f 17 July 1997 ! subroutine alpha1(lalpha,lchar) ! !*********************************************************************72 ! !! ALPHA1 sets the mix alphabet set. ! ! (level 1-3, p/s) ! ! input: lalpha = character set ! lchar = font change indicator ! character*1 czalfl character*5 czalfn character*5 czalfs integer kzbegn integer kzlevl character*(*) lalpha character*(*) lchar ! save /clevel/ save /cmxalf/ ! common /clevel/ kzlevl,kzbegn common /cmxalf/ czalfl(6),czalfn(6),czalfs if(kzlevl.ge.1.and.kzlevl.le.3)then czalfl(1)=lchar(1:1) czalfn(1)=lalpha(1:5) call capchr(czalfn(1)) else call errmes('ALPHA1',1,3) end if return end subroutine alpha2(lalpha,lchar) ! !*********************************************************************72 ! !! ALPHA2 sets the mix alphabet set. ! (level 1-3, p/s) ! ! input: lalpha = character set ! lchar = font change indicator ! character*1 czalfl character*5 czalfn character*5 czalfs integer kzbegn integer kzlevl character*(*) lalpha character*(*) lchar ! save /clevel/ save /cmxalf/ ! common /clevel/ kzlevl,kzbegn common /cmxalf/ czalfl(6),czalfn(6),czalfs if(kzlevl.ge.1.and.kzlevl.le.3)then czalfl(2)=lchar(1:1) czalfn(2)=lalpha(1:5) call capchr(czalfn(2)) if(czalfl(1).eq.' ') then call defalf('STAND') end if else call errmes('ALPHA2',1,3) end if return end subroutine alpha3(lalpha,lchar) ! !*********************************************************************72 ! !! ALPHA3 sets the mix alphabet set. ! (level 1-3, p/s) ! ! input: lalpha = character set ! lchar = font change indicator ! character*1 czalfl character*5 czalfn character*5 czalfs integer kzbegn integer kzlevl character*(*) lalpha character*(*) lchar ! save /clevel/ save /cmxalf/ ! common /clevel/ kzlevl,kzbegn common /cmxalf/ czalfl(6),czalfn(6),czalfs ! if(kzlevl.ge.1.and.kzlevl.le.3)then czalfl(3)=lchar(1:1) czalfn(3)=lalpha(1:5) call capchr(czalfn(3)) if(czalfl(1).eq.' ') then call defalf('STAND') end if else call errmes('ALPHA3',1,3) end if return end subroutine alpha4(lalpha,lchar) ! !*********************************************************************72 ! !! ALPHA4 sets the mix alphabet set. ! (level 1-3, p/s) ! ! input: lalpha = character set ! lchar = font change indicator ! character*1 czalfl character*5 czalfn character*5 czalfs integer kzbegn integer kzlevl character*(*) lalpha character*(*) lchar ! save /clevel/ save /cmxalf/ ! common /clevel/ kzlevl,kzbegn common /cmxalf/ czalfl(6),czalfn(6),czalfs ! if(kzlevl.ge.1.and.kzlevl.le.3)then czalfl(4)=lchar(1:1) czalfn(4)=lalpha(1:5) call capchr(czalfn(4)) if(czalfl(1).eq.' ') then call defalf('STAND') end if else call errmes('ALPHA4',1,3) end if return end subroutine alpha5(lalpha,lchar) ! !*********************************************************************72 ! !! ALPHA5 sets the mix alphabet set. ! (level 1-3, p/s) ! ! input: lalpha = character set ! lchar = font change indicator ! character*1 czalfl character*5 czalfn character*5 czalfs integer kzbegn integer kzlevl character*(*) lalpha character*(*) lchar ! save /clevel/ save /cmxalf/ ! common /clevel/ kzlevl,kzbegn common /cmxalf/ czalfl(6),czalfn(6),czalfs ! if(kzlevl.ge.1.and.kzlevl.le.3)then czalfl(5)=lchar(1:1) czalfn(5)=lalpha(1:5) call capchr(czalfn(5)) if(czalfl(1).eq.' ') then call defalf('STAND') end if else call errmes('ALPHA5',1,3) end if return end subroutine alpha6(lalpha,lchar) ! !*********************************************************************72 ! !! ALPHA6 sets the mix alphabet set. ! (level 1-3, p/s) ! ! input: lalpha = character set ! lchar = font change indicator ! character*1 czalfl character*5 czalfn character*5 czalfs integer kzbegn integer kzlevl character*(*) lalpha character*(*) lchar ! save /clevel/ save /cmxalf/ ! common /clevel/ kzlevl,kzbegn common /cmxalf/ czalfl(6),czalfn(6),czalfs ! if(kzlevl.ge.1.and.kzlevl.le.3)then czalfl(6)=lchar(1:1) czalfn(6)=lalpha(1:5) call capchr(czalfn(6)) if(czalfl(1).eq.' ') then call defalf('STAND') end if else call errmes('ALPHA6',1,3) end if return end subroutine angle(ang) ! !*********************************************************************72 ! !! ANGLE sets the text angle. ! level 1-3, p/s ! ! input: ang = text angle ! real ang integer kzbegn integer kzlevl integer kzstrm integer kztmln real uuhite real zzangl real zzhite ! save /clevel/ save /cstrng/ ! common /clevel/ kzlevl,kzbegn common /cstrng/ zzhite,uuhite,zzangl,kzstrm,kztmln ! if(kzlevl.eq.1)then zzangl=ang call gssetc(uuhite,zzangl) elseif(kzlevl.eq.2.or.kzlevl.eq.3)then zzangl=ang call gssetc(zzhite,zzangl) else call errmes('ANGLE',1,3) end if return end subroutine axes2d(xmin,xstp,xmax,ymin,ystp,ymax) ! !*********************************************************************72 ! !! AXES2D sets up a linear coordinate system. ! (level 2, raise to level 3 ! ! input: ! xmin,ymin = lower limits of x and y ! xmax,ymax = upper limits of x and y ! xstp,ystp = step size in x and y ! if = 'scal', a step size is assigned ! integer numbyt parameter (numbyt=4) ! character*(numbyt) cxstr character*(numbyt) cystr integer iaxes integer kzbegn integer kzlevl integer kztiln integer kztitl integer kzxaln integer kzxlab integer kzxnfl integer kzyaln integer kzylab integer kzynfl logical logx logical logy real udx real udy real ux0 real uy0 real xmax real xmin real xstep real xstp real ymax real ymin real ystep real ystp real zzxmax real zzxmin real zzxstp real zzymax real zzymin real zzystp ! save /ccoord/ save /clabel/ save /clevel/ save /pltcom/ ! common /ccoord/ zzxmin,zzxmax,zzxstp,zzymin,zzymax,zzystp common /clabel/ kzxlab(20),kzxaln,kzylab(20),kzyaln,kztitl(20), & kztiln,kzxnfl,kzynfl common /clevel/ kzlevl,kzbegn common /pltcom/ ux0, udx, uy0, udy, logx, logy ! ! Initialize iaxes to define x and y axis and draw title. ! if(kzlevl.eq.2)then logx=.false. logy=.false. iaxes=19 xstep=xstp ystep=ystp call win2ch(xstep,cxstr) call win2ch(ystep,cystr) call capchr(cxstr) if(cxstr(1:4).eq.'SCAL')then iaxes=iaxes+4 else zzxstp=xstp end if call capchr(cystr) if(cystr(1:4).eq.'SCAL')then iaxes=iaxes+8 else zzystp=ystp end if call zmapit(xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,kzxlab,kzxaln, & kzylab,kzyaln,0.0,0.0,iaxes) kzlevl=3 else call errmes('AXES2D',2,0) end if return end subroutine axis(blow,bhigh,maxtks,lshort,lraggd,bmin,bmax, & btmin,btmax,btick,ipwr) ! !*********************************************************************72 ! !! AXIS is mainly for internal use. ! ! Its purpose is to determine a suitable ! "tick" distance over the range specified between ! alow and ahigh. it outputs the axis range bmin,bmax ! and the tick distance btick stripped of their power of ! ten. the power of ten is returned in the var. ipwr. ! real fuzz real toocls ! parameter (fuzz=0.001) parameter (toocls=0.8) ! integer jticks(6) logical ldivds logical lisneg logical lraggd logical lshort ! ! if a ragged axis is "too close" to the next tick, then extend it. ! the "too close" parameter is the variable toocls ! save jticks ! data jticks /1,2,5,4,3,10/ ! maxtks = max (1, maxtks) mintks = max (1, maxtks/2) bmax = bhigh bmin = blow lisneg = .false. if ( bmax .lt. bmin ) then bmax = blow bmin = bhigh lisneg = .true. end if ! ! make sure we have enough range, if not, increase ahigh ! !30 continue range = bmax - bmin temp = max ( abs(bmin), abs(bmax) ) if (temp .eq. 0.0) temp = 10.0 if (range/temp .lt. 5.0e-3) then bmin = bmin - 5.0e-3*temp bmax = bmax + 5.0e-3*temp end if ! ! strip the range of its power of ten ! ipwr=int(alog10(bmax-bmin)-2) tenx = 10.0**ipwr 50 continue astrt = aint(bmin/tenx) afin = aint(bmax/tenx+0.999) if(afin*tenx .lt. bmax) afin = afin + 1 range = afin - astrt if(range .gt. 10*maxtks) then ipwr = ipwr + 1 tenx=tenx*10.0 go to 50 end if ! ! search for a suitable tick ! btick = 0 do i=1,6 tick = jticks(i) ntick = int(range/tick+0.999) if (ntick .ge. mintks .and. ntick .le. maxtks) then if(ldivds(astrt,tick) .and. ldivds(afin,tick)) go to 150 if(btick .eq. 0) btick = tick end if end do ! ! use best non-perfect tick ! go to 160 ! ! found a good tick ! 150 continue btick=jticks(i) 160 continue if(btick .eq. 10.0) then btick = 1.0 ipwr = ipwr + 1 tenx = 10.0*tenx end if 165 continue tick = btick*tenx ! ! figure out tick limits ! btmin = btick*aint(bmin/tick) if(btmin*tenx .lt. bmin) btmin = btmin + btick btmax = btick*aint(bmax/tick) if(btmax*tenx .gt. bmax) btmax = btmax - btick nintvl = int((btmax-btmin)/btick) ! ! if user absolutely must have ragged axis, then force it. ! if(lshort .and. lraggd) go to 180 ! ! check individually ! if(lshort .and. (nintvl .gt. 0) .and. & ((btmin-bmin/tenx)/btick .le. toocls) ) go to 170 if((btmin-bmin/tenx) .gt. fuzz) btmin = btmin - btick bmin = btmin*tenx 170 continue if(lshort .and. (nintvl .gt. 0) .and. & ((bmax/tenx-btmax)/btick .le. toocls) ) go to 180 if((bmax/tenx-btmax) .gt. fuzz) btmax = btmax + btick bmax = btmax*tenx 180 continue ! ! switch back to backwards ! if (lisneg) then btick = -btick temp = bmin bmin = bmax bmax = temp temp = btmin btmin = btmax btmax = temp end if !200 continue return end subroutine bargra(xlow,xhigh,nbar,nx,x,sxlab,sylab, & stitle,itype) ! !*********************************************************************72 ! !! BARGRA makes a bar graph from an array of real data. ! ! BARGRA does not blank the screen before drawing. Therefore, ! if a previous plot has been made, the user should call ! ! call gsdrvr(2,0.0,0.0) ! ! to clear the screen first. ! ! The MAPIT routine uses its own rules for the actual lowest and ! highest values on the axes. they always include the user's ! values. if you wish to move the bar graph away from the left ! or right y axes do the following: ! ! let s = (xh - xl) / nbar ! ! where ! ! xh = max x(i) ! ! and ! ! xl = min x(i) ! ! now set ! ! xlow = xl - n * s ! xhigh = xh + m * s ! ! where n and m are chosen at your discretion. ! ! ! ! input, real xlow, xhigh, the lower and upper limits ! for the horizontal axis. it must be the case that ! for each data value x(i), xlow <= x(i) <= xhigh. ! ! input, integer nbar, the number of bars to draw. ! nbar must be at least 1, and no more than 200. ! ! input, integer nx, the number of data values in x. ! ! input, real x(nx), the data from which the bar graph ! is to be drawn. ! ! input, character*(*) sxlab, the x axis label. ! ! input, character*(*) sylab, the y axis label. ! ! input, character*(*) stitle, the plot title. ! ! input, integer itype, the axis flag. ! ! 0, x and y axes normal. ! 1, x logarithmic, y normal. ! 2, x normal, y logarithmic. ! 3, x and y logarithmic. ! 256, x and y normal, but axes are ragged. ! integer maxc parameter (maxc=200) ! real count(maxc) real dumx(3) real dumy(8) integer i integer itype integer j integer nx integer nbar character*(*) stitle character*(*) sxlab character*(*) sylab real vx0 real vx1 real vy0 real vy1 real x0 real xhigh real xlow real x(nx) real y0 real yhigh real ylow if(xlow.ge.xhigh)then write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'BARGRA - Fatal error!' write(*,*)' XLOW is greater than or equal to XHIGH.' stop end if if(nbar.le.0)then write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'BARGRA - Fatal error!' write(*,*)' Number of bars requested is too small.' write(*,*)' Requested number = ',nbar write(*,*)' but must be at least 1!' stop elseif(nbar.gt.maxc)then write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'BARGRA - Fatal error!' write(*,*)' Number of bars requested is too large.' write(*,*)' Requested number = ',nbar write(*,*)' Maximum allowed= ',maxc stop end if ylow=0.0 yhigh=1.0 ! ! set the counters for each bar to zero, and then find where ! each item of data falls. ! do i=1,nbar count(i)=0.0 end do do i=1,nx j=1+int(nbar*(x(i)-xlow)/(xhigh-xlow)) if(j.ge.1.and.j.le.nbar)then count(j)=count(j)+1.0 end if end do call minmax(count,nbar,ylow,yhigh) ylow=0.0 yhigh=yhigh+0.1*yhigh ! ! the graph is to take up the whole screen. ! call mapsiz(0.0,100.0,0.0,100.0,0.0) ! ! give the coordinate ranges and titles and axis type. ! call mapit(xlow,xhigh,ylow,yhigh,sxlab,sylab,stitle,itype) x0=xlow y0=0.0 call scale(x0,y0,vx0,vy0) call gsmove(vx0,vy0) do i=1,nbar if(nbar.gt.1)then x0=((nbar-i)*xlow+(i-1)*xhigh)/real(nbar-1) else x0=0.5*(xlow+xhigh) end if y0=count(i) call scale(x0,y0,vx1,vy1) call gsdraw(vx0,vy1) call gsdraw(vx1,vy1) call gsdraw(vx1,vy0) vx0=vx1 end do call gsdrvr(5,dumx,dumy) return end subroutine bargra2(xlow,xhigh,nbar,sbar,sxlab,sylab, & stitle,itype) ! !*********************************************************************72 ! !! BARGRA2 makes a bar graph from a set of binned data. ! ! BARGRA2 does not blank the screen before drawing. therefore, ! if a previous plot has been made, the user should call ! ! call gsdrvr(2,0.0,0.0) ! ! to clear the screen first. ! ! ! input, real xlow, xhigh, the data values associated ! with the first and last bars. ! ! input, integer nbar, the number of bars to draw. ! nbar must be at least 1, and no more than 200. ! ! input, real sbar(nbar), the height of the bars. ! ! input, character*(*) sxlab, the x axis label. ! ! input, character*(*) sylab, the y axis label. ! ! input, character*(*) stitle, the plot title. ! ! input, integer itype, the axis flag. ! ! 0, x and y axes normal. ! 1, x logarithmic, y normal. ! 2, x normal, y logarithmic. ! 3, x and y logarithmic. ! 256, x and y normal, but axes are ragged. ! integer nbar ! real dumx(3) real dumy(8) integer i integer itype real sbar(nbar) character*(*) stitle character*(*) sxlab character*(*) sylab real vx0 real vx1 real vy0 real vy1 real x0 real xhigh real xlow real y0 real yhigh real ylow real yspan if(nbar.le.0)then write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'BARGRA2 - Fatal error!' write(*,*)' Number of bars requested is too small.' write(*,*)' Requested number = ',nbar write(*,*)' but must be at least 1!' stop end if call minmax(sbar,nbar,ylow,yhigh) if(ylow.gt.0.0)then ylow=0.0 end if yspan=yhigh-ylow yhigh=yhigh+0.05*yspan ! ! the graph is to take up the whole screen. ! call mapsiz(0.0,100.0,0.0,100.0,0.0) ! ! give the coordinate ranges and titles and axis type. ! call mapit(xlow,xhigh,ylow,yhigh,sxlab,sylab,stitle,itype) x0=xlow y0=0.0 call scale(x0,y0,vx0,vy0) call gsmove(vx0,vy0) do i=1,nbar if(nbar.gt.1)then x0=((nbar-i)*xlow+(i-1)*xhigh)/real(nbar-1) else x0=0.5*(xlow+xhigh) end if y0=sbar(i) call scale(x0,y0,vx1,vy1) call gsdraw(vx0,vy1) call gsdraw(vx1,vy1) call gsdraw(vx1,vy0) vx0=vx1 end do call gsdrvr(5,dumx,dumy) return end subroutine bgnsub(ititle,ntitle,ixlab,nxlab,iylab,nylab, & ax,ay) ! !*********************************************************************72 ! !! BGNSUB draws frame, sets subplot area and other system variables. ! (level 1, raised to 2) ! ! input: ititle = title character string ! ntitle = number of characters in ititle ! ixlab = x axis label ! nxlab = number of characters in ixlab ! iylab = y axis label ! nylab = number of characters in iylab ! ax,ay = distance of lower left corner of ! subplot area from that of page ! parameter (kzyes=111) parameter (kzno=222) parameter (kzclip=12) parameter (kzdown=13) parameter (kzscrn=14) parameter (kzabrt=15) parameter (zzin=2.54) parameter (kqms=1200) parameter (kln03=3) parameter (kpost=910) ! integer ititle(*) integer ixlab(*) integer iylab(*) ! save /carea/ save /cborch/ save /ciount/ save /clabel/ save /clevel/ save /cline/ save /cpage/ save /cphysr/ save /cstrng/ save /csymbo/ save /cunit/ save /gcclip/ save /gcdchr/ ! common /clevel/ kzlevl,kzbegn common /csymbo/ kzsym,kznsym,zzsmsz,uusmsz common /cstrng/ zzhite,uuhite,zzangl,kzstrm,kztmln common /carea/ zzxaxs,zzyaxs,zzxaxr,zzyaxr,uuxaxs,uuyaxs, & zzxlft,zzxrgt,zzybot,zzytop,kzscal, & zzgrce,uugrce,zzfrme,uufrme common /cline/ kzlsty,kzltyp,zzlthk,kzlthk,zzprx,zzpry, & zzprx1,zzprx2,zzpry1,zzpry2,uulthk,kzlncn common /cphysr/ zzxor,zzyor,kzor,uuxor,uuyor common /cborch/ kzbrdr,kzchek common /clabel/ kzxlab(20),kzxaln,kzylab(20),kzyaln,kztitl(20), & kztiln,kzxnfl,kzynfl common /cunit/ zzunit common /cpage/ zzpagx,zzpagy,zzpagr,uupagx,uupagy,kzpage,kzauto common /ciount/ kziunt, kzount common /gcclip/ xcm0, xcm1, ycm0, ycm1 common /gcdchr/ devid, xlencm, ylencm, xres, yres, & ndclrs, idvbts, nfline, xclipd, yclipd ! 10 format(1x,3a) ! ! check level ! if(kzlevl.eq.1)then ! ! load axis labels and title ! if(nxlab.eq.0)then kzxaln=0 else kzxaln=80 call zcopys(ixlab,nxlab,kzxlab,kzxaln) if(kzxaln.lt.0)then kzxaln=-kzxaln call errmes('BGNSUB',80,6) end if end if if(nylab.eq.0)then kzyaln=0 else kzyaln=80 call zcopys(iylab,nylab,kzylab,kzyaln) if(kzyaln.lt.0)then kzyaln=-kzyaln call errmes('BGNSUB',80,7) end if end if if(ntitle.eq.0)then kztiln=0 else kztiln=80 call zcopys(ititle,ntitle,kztitl,kztiln) if(kztiln.lt.0)then kztiln=-kztiln call errmes('BGNSUB',80,8) end if end if ! ! Scale QMS ! kdev=int(devid) if((kdev.eq.kqms.or.kdev.eq.kln03.or.kdev.eq.kpost) & .and.kzauto.eq.kzyes)then if(uupagx.lt.uupagy)then call zlasap else call zlasal end if end if ! ! erase screen ! if(kzbegn.ne.kzyes)then ! call gsdrvr(2,dummy,dummy) kzbegn=kzyes end if ! ! convert to system unit ! rx=xlencm/uupagx ry=ylencm/uupagy if(rx.lt.ry)then zzpagr=rx else zzpagr=ry end if if(kzscal.eq.kzdown)then if(zzpagr.gt.1.0)then zzpagr=1.0 end if zzpagx=uupagx*zzpagr zzpagy=uupagy*zzpagr elseif(kzscal.eq.kzscrn)then zzpagx=uupagx*zzpagr zzpagy=uupagy*zzpagr elseif(kzscal.eq.kzclip)then zzpagx=uupagx zzpagy=uupagy zzpagr=1.0 elseif(kzscal.eq.kzabrt)then if(rx.lt.1.0.or.ry.lt.1.0)then kzlevl=1 return else zzpagx=uupagx zzpagy=uupagy zzpagr=1.0 end if end if if(kzlthk.eq.kzyes) then zzlthk=uulthk*zzpagr end if zzsmsz=uusmsz*zzpagr zzgrce=uugrce*zzpagr zzhite=uuhite*zzpagr call gssetc(zzhite,zzangl) zzsmsz=uusmsz*zzpagr uuyaxs=ay*zzunit uuxaxs=ax*zzunit zzxaxs=uuxaxs*zzpagr zzyaxs=uuyaxs*zzpagr zzfrme=uufrme*zzpagr ! ! check if ORIGIN is called ! if(kzor.ne.kzyes)then dx=uupagx-uuxaxs dy=uupagy-uuyaxs if(dx.gt.1.0)then uuxor=dx/2.0 else uuxor=0.5*zzin if(dx.lt.0.5)then call errmes('BGNSUB',0,4) end if end if if(dy.gt.1.0)then uuyor=dy/2.0 else uuyor=0.5*zzin if(dy.lt.0.5)then call errmes('BGNSUB',0,5) end if end if end if ! ! Calculate frame ! zzxor=uuxor*zzpagr zzyor=uuyor*zzpagr pxmin=(xlencm-zzpagx)/2.0 pymin=(ylencm-zzpagy)/2.0 pxmax=pxmin+zzpagx pymax=pymin+zzpagy xcm0=pxmin xcm1=pxmax ycm0=pymin ycm1=pymax ! ! check if NOBORD is called ! if(kzbrdr.ne.kzno)then call dsmove(pxmin,pymin) call dsdraw(pxmin,pymax) call dsdraw(pxmax,pymax) call dsdraw(pxmax,pymin) call dsdraw(pxmin,pymin) end if ! ! set plot area parameters ! zzxlft=pxmin+zzxor zzxaxr=(pxmax-zzxlft)/zzxaxs if(zzxaxr.gt.1.0)then zzxaxr=1.0 zzxrgt=zzxlft+zzxaxs else zzxrgt=pxmax end if zzybot=pymin+zzyor zzyaxr=(pymax-zzybot)/zzyaxs if(zzyaxr.gt.1.0)then zzyaxr=1.0 zzytop=zzybot+zzyaxs else zzytop=pymax end if tick=0.6*zzhite call zmaprm(zzxlft,zzxrgt,zzybot,zzytop,zzhite,tick) kzlevl=2 else call errmes('BGNSUB',1,0) end if return end subroutine blank1(xpos1,xpos2,ypos1,ypos2,iframe) ! !*********************************************************************72 ! !! BLANK1 defines blank area 1. ! level 2,3 p/s ! ! input: xpos1,xpos2 = x limits in inches ! from physical origin ! ypos1,ypos2 = y limits in inches ! from physical origin ! iframe = number of frames to be ! drawn around blank area ! save /clevel/ ! common /clevel/ kzlevl,kzbegn ! if(kzlevl.eq.2.or.kzlevl.eq.3)then id=1 call zblank(xpos1,xpos2,ypos1,ypos2,id,iframe) else call errmes('BLANK1',2,3) end if return end subroutine blank2(xpos1,xpos2,ypos1,ypos2,iframe) ! !*********************************************************************72 ! !! BLANK2 defines blank area 2. ! (level 2,3 p/s) ! ! input: xpos1,xpos2 = x limits in inches ! from physical origin ! ypos1,ypos2 = y limits in inches ! from physical origin ! iframe = number of frames to be ! drawn around blank area ! ! save /clevel/ ! common /clevel/ kzlevl,kzbegn ! if(kzlevl.eq.2.or.kzlevl.eq.3)then id=2 call zblank(xpos1,xpos2,ypos1,ypos2,id,iframe) else call errmes('BLANK2',2,3) end if return end subroutine blank3(xpos1,xpos2,ypos1,ypos2,iframe) ! !*********************************************************************72 ! !! BLANK3 defines blank area 3. ! (level 2,3 p/s) ! ! input: xpos1,xpos2 = x limits in inches ! from physical origin ! ypos1,ypos2 = y limits in inches ! from physical origin ! iframe = number of frames to be ! drawn around blank area ! save /clevel/ ! common /clevel/ kzlevl,kzbegn ! if(kzlevl.eq.2.or.kzlevl.eq.3)then id=3 call zblank(xpos1,xpos2,ypos1,ypos2,id,iframe) else call errmes('BLANK3',2,3) end if return end subroutine blank4(xpos1,xpos2,ypos1,ypos2,iframe) ! !*********************************************************************72 ! !! BLANK4 defines blank area 4. ! (level 2,3 p/s) ! ! input: xpos1,xpos2 = x limits in inches ! from physical origin ! ypos1,ypos2 = y limits in inches ! from physical origin ! iframe = number of frames to be ! drawn around blank area ! save /clevel/ ! common /clevel/ kzlevl,kzbegn ! if(kzlevl.eq.2.or.kzlevl.eq.3)then id=4 call zblank(xpos1,xpos2,ypos1,ypos2,id,iframe) else call errmes('BLANK4',2,3) end if return end subroutine blanka(xorg,yorg,wide,high,frm) ! !*********************************************************************72 ! !! BLANK5 defines blank area 5. ! (level 2,3 p/s) ! ! input: xorg,yorg = coordinate of lower left ! corner, inches from origin ! wide = width of rectangle, inches ! high = height of rectangle, inches ! frm = frame width, negative sign ! means thicken towards outside, ! absolute value indicates frame ! width: ! if = 0.0 then no frame ! if > 0.0 and < 1.0 then ! frame width = frm inches ! if >= 1.0 then ! frame width = frm * 0.01" ! parameter (kzmxbs=1000) parameter (kzmxbl=200) ! save /cblank/ save /clevel/ ! common /clevel/ kzlevl,kzbegn common /cblank/ zzblnk(kzmxbl,4),zzblks(kzmxbs,4),kzblcn,kzbscn ! if(kzlevl.eq.2.or.kzlevl.eq.3)then kzblcn=kzblcn+1 if(kzblcn.gt.kzmxbl)then call errmes('BLANKA',0,4) kzblcn=kzmxbl else xpos1=xorg ypos1=yorg xpos2=xorg+wide ypos2=yorg+high absfrm=abs(frm) ! ! no frame ! if(absfrm.lt.0.00001)then iframe=0 ! ! frame = frm ! elseif(absfrm.lt.1.0)then temp=absfrm/0.01 iframe=int(temp) ! ! frame = frm times 0.01 ! else iframe=int(absfrm) end if if(frm.lt.0.0) iframe=-iframe call zblank(xpos1,xpos2,ypos1,ypos2,kzblcn,iframe) end if else call errmes('BLANKA',2,3) end if return end subroutine blanks ! !*********************************************************************72 ! !! BLANKS sets flag to blank curve at symbol area. ! level 1-3, p/s ! integer kzmxbs integer kzmxbl parameter (kzmxbs=1000) parameter (kzmxbl=200) save /clevel/ save /cblank/ ! common /clevel/ kzlevl,kzbegn common /cblank/ zzblnk(kzmxbl,4),zzblks(kzmxbs,4),kzblcn,kzbscn ! if(kzlevl.ge.1.and.kzlevl.le.3)then if(kzbscn.lt.0) kzbscn=0 else call errmes('BLANKS',1,3) end if return end subroutine btext(ip,nlines,xpos,ypos) ! !*********************************************************************72 ! !! BTEXT writes a centered packed character array. ! (level 2,3) ! ! input: ip = packed array of characters ! nlines = number of lines in packed array ! xpos = x value from physical origin in inches ! ypos = y value from physical origin in inches ! parameter (kzyes=111) ! character*1 cflag(6) character*5 cfont(6) character*5 cstyle character czlgac*1,czlgaf*5,czlgas*5,czlgtc*1,czlgtf*5,czlgts*5 integer ip(*) ! save /cdevic/ save /clevel/ save /clgndc/ save /clgndn/ save /cpage/ save /cphysr/ save /cstrng/ save /cunit/ save /gcclip/ ! common /cdevic/ kzsum,kzcopy,kzbyte,kznplt common /clevel/ kzlevl,kzbegn common /cstrng/ zzhite,uuhite,zzangl,kzstrm,kztmln common /cphysr/ zzxor,zzyor,kzor,uuxor,uuyor common /cunit/ zzunit common /cpage/ zzpagx,zzpagy,zzpagr,uupagx,uupagy,kzpage,kzauto common /clgndn/ kzlgln,kzlgcn,kzlger,kzlgsm(50),kzlglt(50), & kzlgti(5),kzlgtl,zzlgth(50),zzlgtz,uulgtz, & zzlgtr,zzlgyl,kzlgbl,zzsrat,kzlgen(50) common /clgndc/ czlgac(50,6),czlgaf(50,6),czlgas(50),czlgtc(6), & czlgtf(6),czlgts common /gcclip/ xcm0, xcm1, ycm0, ycm1 ! equivalence (ival,rval) ! save jtext save jhite save jyrat ! data jtext,jhite,jyrat /1,-2,-1/ ! ! save old text parameters ! if(kzlevl.eq.2.or.kzlevl.eq.3)then ohite=zzhite oangle=zzangl ! ! calculate virtual coordinates and length of a line of characters ! vx=zzxor+xcm0+xpos*zzunit*zzpagr vy=zzyor+ycm0+ypos*zzunit*zzpagr if(ip(1).eq.kzyes)then iplen=ip(2)/1000 llen=ip(2)-iplen*1000 else llen=40 end if nword=(llen-1)/kzbyte+5 xlen=xbtext(ip,nlines)*zzunit*zzpagr ylen=ybtext(ip,nlines)*zzunit*zzpagr icur=2+nword ival=ip(icur) ave=rval ival=ip(icur+jyrat) yrat=rval if(yrat.lt.1.0) yrat=1.0 vx=vx-(xlen/2.0) vy=vy+ylen+(yrat-1.0)*ave/2.0 ! ! for each line in array: retrieve line space parameter, character ! height, and character font, set to current and draw to output device ! icur=2 do i=1,nlines icur=icur+nword ival=ip(icur+jyrat) yrat=rval if(yrat.lt.1.0) yrat=1.0 ival=ip(icur+jhite) hite=rval delta=(yrat-1.0)*ave/2.0 vy=vy-delta-hite do k=1,6 cflag(k)=czlgac(i,k) cfont(k)=czlgaf(i,k) end do cstyle=czlgas(i) call gssetc(hite,0.0) call dsmove(vx,vy) call ztext(ip(icur-nword+jtext),100,cflag,cfont,cstyle) vy=vy-delta end do call gssetc(ohite,oangle) ! ! wrong level ! else call errmes('BTEXT',2,3) end if return end subroutine btextl(ip,nlines,xpos,ypos) ! !*********************************************************************72 ! !! BTEXTL writes packed character array, left justified. ! (level 2,3) ! ! input: ip = packed array of characters ! nlines = number of lines in packed array ! xpos = x value from physical origin in inches ! ypos = y value from physical origin in inches ! parameter (kzyes=111) ! character czlgac*1,czlgaf*5,czlgas*5,czlgtc*1,czlgtf*5,czlgts*5 integer ip(*) character*5 cflag(6)*1,cfont(6) character*5 cstyle ! save /cdevic/ save /clevel/ save /clgndc/ save /clgndn/ save /cpage/ save /cphysr/ save /cstrng/ save /gcclip/ ! common /cdevic/ kzsum,kzcopy,kzbyte,kznplt common /clevel/ kzlevl,kzbegn common /cstrng/ zzhite,uuhite,zzangl,kzstrm,kztmln common /cphysr/ zzxor,zzyor,kzor,uuxor,uuyor common /cunit/ zzunit common /cpage/ zzpagx,zzpagy,zzpagr,uupagx,uupagy,kzpage,kzauto common /clgndn/ kzlgln,kzlgcn,kzlger,kzlgsm(50),kzlglt(50), & kzlgti(5),kzlgtl,zzlgth(50),zzlgtz,uulgtz, & zzlgtr,zzlgyl,kzlgbl,zzsrat,kzlgen(50) common /clgndc/ czlgac(50,6),czlgaf(50,6),czlgas(50),czlgtc(6), & czlgtf(6),czlgts common /gcclip/ xcm0, xcm1, ycm0, ycm1 equivalence (ival,rval) ! save jtext save jhite save jyrat ! data jtext,jhite,jyrat /1,-2,-1/ ! if(kzlevl.eq.2.or.kzlevl.eq.3)then ! ! save old text parameters ! ohite=zzhite oangle=zzangl ! ! calculate virtual coordinates and length of a line of characters ! vx=zzxor+xcm0+xpos*zzunit*zzpagr vy=zzyor+ycm0+ypos*zzunit*zzpagr if(ip(1).eq.kzyes)then iplen=ip(2)/1000 llen=ip(2)-iplen*1000 else llen=40 end if nword=(llen-1)/kzbyte+5 ylen=ybtext(ip,nlines)*zzunit*zzpagr icur=2+nword ival=ip(icur) ave=rval ival=ip(icur+jyrat) yrat=rval if(yrat.lt.1.0) yrat=1.0 vy=vy+ylen+(yrat-1.0)*ave/2.0 ! ! for each line in array: retrieve line space parameter, character ! height, and character font, set to current and draw to output device ! icur=2 do i=1,nlines icur=icur+nword ival=ip(icur+jyrat) yrat=rval if(yrat.lt.1.0) yrat=1.0 ival=ip(icur+jhite) hite=rval delta=(yrat-1.0)*ave/2.0 vy=vy-delta-hite do k=1,6 cflag(k)=czlgac(i,k) cfont(k)=czlgaf(i,k) end do cstyle=czlgas(i) call gssetc(hite,0.0) call dsmove(vx,vy) call ztext(ip(icur-nword+jtext),100, & cflag,cfont,cstyle) vy=vy-delta end do call gssetc(ohite,oangle) ! ! wrong level ! else call errmes('BTEXTL',2,3) end if return end subroutine btextr(ip,nlines,xpos,ypos) ! !*********************************************************************72 ! !! BTEXTR writes packed character array, right justified. ! (level 2,3) ! ! input: ip = packed array of characters ! nlines = number of lines in packed array ! xpos = x value from physical origin in inches ! ypos = y value from physical origin in inches ! parameter (kzyes=111) ! save /cdevic/ save /clevel/ save /clgndc/ save /clgndn/ save /cpage/ save /cphysr/ save /cstrng/ save /cunit/ save /gcclip/ ! common /cdevic/ kzsum,kzcopy,kzbyte,kznplt common /clevel/ kzlevl,kzbegn common /cstrng/ zzhite,uuhite,zzangl,kzstrm,kztmln common /cphysr/ zzxor,zzyor,kzor,uuxor,uuyor common /cunit/ zzunit common /cpage/ zzpagx,zzpagy,zzpagr,uupagx,uupagy,kzpage,kzauto common /clgndn/ kzlgln,kzlgcn,kzlger,kzlgsm(50),kzlglt(50), & kzlgti(5),kzlgtl,zzlgth(50),zzlgtz,uulgtz, & zzlgtr,zzlgyl,kzlgbl,zzsrat,kzlgen(50) common /clgndc/ czlgac(50,6),czlgaf(50,6),czlgas(50),czlgtc(6), & czlgtf(6),czlgts common /gcclip/ xcm0, xcm1, ycm0, ycm1 character czlgac*1,czlgaf*5,czlgas*5,czlgtc*1,czlgtf*5,czlgts*5 ! integer ip(*) character*5 cflag(6)*1,cfont(6),cstyle equivalence (ival,rval) ! save jtext save jhite save jyrat ! data jtext,jhite,jyrat /1,-2,-1/ ! if(kzlevl.eq.2.or.kzlevl.eq.3)then ! ! save old text parameters ! ohite=zzhite oangle=zzangl ! ! calculate virtual coordinates and length of a line of characters ! vx=zzxor+xcm0+xpos*zzunit*zzpagr vy=zzyor+ycm0+ypos*zzunit*zzpagr if(ip(1).eq.kzyes)then iplen=ip(2)/1000 llen=ip(2)-iplen*1000 else llen=40 end if nword=(llen-1)/kzbyte+5 xlen=xbtext(ip,nlines)*zzunit*zzpagr ylen=ybtext(ip,nlines)*zzunit*zzpagr icur=2+nword ival=ip(icur) ave=rval ival=ip(icur+jyrat) yrat=rval if(yrat.lt.1.0) yrat=1.0 vx=vx-xlen vy=vy+ylen+(yrat-1.0)*ave/2.0 ! ! for each line in array: retrieve line space parameter, character ! height, and character font, set to current and draw to output device ! icur=2 do i=1,nlines icur=icur+nword ival=ip(icur+jyrat) yrat=rval if(yrat.lt.1.0) yrat=1.0 ival=ip(icur+jhite) hite=rval delta=(yrat-1.0)*ave/2.0 vy=vy-delta-hite do k=1,6 cflag(k)=czlgac(i,k) cfont(k)=czlgaf(i,k) end do cstyle=czlgas(i) call gssetc(hite,0.0) call dsmove(vx,vy) call ztext(ip(icur-nword+jtext),100, & cflag,cfont,cstyle) vy=vy-delta end do call gssetc(ohite,oangle) ! ! wrong level ! else call errmes('BTEXTR',2,3) end if return end subroutine camrot ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! CAMROT makes up a camera rotation matrix. ! ! rotation is done so that z prime axis is directed from the ! camera to the aiming point. note also that the primed ! coordinate system is left-handed if epslon=-1. ! ! this is so that the picture comes out right when projected ! on the primed coordinate system. ! real au(3) real av(3) real aw(3) real flim(2) integer limit(2) ! save /comdp/ ! common/comdp/xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,zmin,zmax,axisr(2),plotx, & ploty,pltorg(2),camxyz(3),mx,ny,fmx,fny,camwkg(6),xorg(3), & gx(3),fx(2),kscale,zorg,center(2),pqlmt, & amtx(3,3),focall ! equivalence(u,camxyz(1)),(v,camxyz(2)),(w,camxyz(3)), & (mx,limit(1)),(fmx,flim(1)) ! ! handedness parameter, -1 for left-handed usually ! epslon=-1.0 s = 0.0 do j = 1,3 av(j) = 0.0 aw(j) = 0.0 au(j) = camwkg(j+3)-camwkg(j) s = s + au(j)**2 end do s = sqrt(s) do j = 1,3 au(j) = au(j)/s end do sigma = sqrt(au(1)**2 + au(2)**2) ! ! prepare looking straight up or down ! av(1) = 1.0 aw(2) = -epslon if(au(3) .gt. 0.0) aw(2) = -aw(2) if(sigma .lt. 1.0e-3) go to 4 ! ! x axis ! av(1) = au(2)/sigma av(2) = -au(1)/sigma av(3) = 0.0 ! ! y axis ! aw(1) = epslon*au(1)*au(3)/sigma aw(2) = epslon*au(2)*au(3)/sigma aw(3) = -epslon*sigma ! ! transfer axis direction cosines to rotation matrix rows ! 4 do j = 1,3 amtx(1,j) = av(j) amtx(2,j) = aw(j) amtx(3,j) = au(j) end do return end subroutine capchr(string) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! CAPCHR capitalizes the entries of a character string. ! ! ! Input/output, CHARACTER*(*) STRING, is the string of characters to ! be transformed. ! integer i integer itemp integer nchar character*(*) string ! intrinsic char intrinsic ichar intrinsic len ! nchar = len(string) do i=1, nchar itemp=ichar(string(i:i)) if ( 97 .le. itemp .and. itemp .le. 122 ) then string(i:i) = char(itemp-32) end if end do return end subroutine cartog ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! CARTOG sets the character type to cartographer. ! level 1-3, p/s ! save /clevel/ save /cmxalf/ ! common /clevel/ kzlevl,kzbegn common /cmxalf/ czalfl(6),czalfn(6),czalfs character czalfl*1,czalfn*5,czalfs*5 ! if(kzlevl.ge.1.and.kzlevl.le.3)then czalfs='CARTO' else call errmes('CARTOG',1,3) end if return end subroutine chndot ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! CHNDOT sets the line style to chain-dot. ! level 1-3, p/s ! parameter (kzcdot=4) ! save /clevel/ save /cline/ ! common /clevel/ kzlevl,kzbegn common /cline/ kzlsty,kzltyp,zzlthk,kzlthk,zzprx,zzpry, & zzprx1,zzprx2,zzpry1,zzpry2,uulthk,kzlncn if(kzlevl.ge.1.and.kzlevl.le.3)then kzlsty=kzcdot call dsltyp(kzlsty) else call errmes('CHNDOT',1,3) end if return end subroutine chndsh ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! CHNDSH sets the line style to dash. ! level 1-3, p/s ! parameter (kzcdsh=5) ! save /clevel/ save /cline/ ! common /clevel/ kzlevl,kzbegn common /cline/ kzlsty,kzltyp,zzlthk,kzlthk,zzprx,zzpry, & zzprx1,zzprx2,zzpry1,zzpry2,uulthk,kzlncn if(kzlevl.ge.1.and.kzlevl.le.3)then kzlsty=kzcdsh call dsltyp(kzlsty) else call errmes('CHNDSH',1,3) end if return end subroutine clline(x1,y1,x2,y2) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! CLLINE draws the line from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2) with clipping. ! real area(4) real xvlen real xvstrt real yvlen real yvstrt save /pltsiz/ ! common /pltsiz/ xvstrt, yvstrt, xvlen, yvlen ! call gssclp(xvstrt,xvstrt+xvlen,yvstrt,yvstrt+yvlen,area) call scale(x1,y1,vx,vy) call gsmove(vx,vy) call scale(x2,y2,vx,vy) call gsdraw(vx,vy) call gsrclp(area) return end subroutine clrset(color) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! CLRSET sets the current plotting color. ! (level 1-3) ! ! input: icolor = color name, 'WHIT', 'RED', etc. ! integer kzmaxc parameter (kzmaxc=255) ! character*(*) color character*8 czcolr ! save /clevel/ save /colorc/ save /colorn/ save /gcdchr/ ! common /clevel/ kzlevl,kzbegn common /colorn/ kzshd,zzhspc,zzcolr(kzmaxc,3),kznclr,kzccol common /colorc/ czcolr common /gcdchr/ devid, xlencm, ylencm, xres, yres, & ndclrs, idvbts, nfline, xclipd, yclipd ! save one,zero data one,zero /1.0,0.0/ ! czcolr = color call capchr(czcolr) if(kzlevl.ge.1.and.kzlevl.le.3)then ! ! actually setting colors for tk4115 and tk4510 ! if ( ksyand(idvbts,32) .ne. 0) then if(czcolr(1:3).eq.'RED')then call hrdhsi(1.0,one,one) elseif(czcolr.eq.'GREE')then call hrdhsi(2.0,one,one) elseif(czcolr.eq.'BLUE')then call hrdhsi(3.0,one,one) elseif(czcolr.eq.'YELL')then call hrdhsi(1.5,one,one) elseif(czcolr.eq.'MAGE')then call hrdhsi(0.5,one,one) elseif(czcolr.eq.'CYAN')then call hrdhsi(2.5,one,one) elseif(czcolr.eq.'BLAC'.or.czcolr.eq.'BACK')then call hrdhsi(zero,one,zero) elseif(czcolr.eq.'WHIT'.or.czcolr.eq.'FORE')then call hrdhsi(4.0,zero,one) end if else ! ! select color from existing color table ! if(czcolr(1:3).eq.'RED')then call gscolr(2,ierr) elseif(czcolr(1:4).eq.'GREE')then call gscolr(3,ierr) elseif(czcolr(1:4).eq.'BLUE')then call gscolr(4,ierr) elseif(czcolr(1:4).eq.'YELL')then call gscolr(5,ierr) elseif(czcolr(1:4).eq.'MAGE')then call gscolr(6,ierr) elseif(czcolr(1:4).eq.'CYAN')then call gscolr(7,ierr) elseif(czcolr(1:4).eq.'BLAC')then call gscolr(0,ierr) elseif(czcolr(1:4).eq.'BACK')then call gscolr(0,ierr) elseif(czcolr(1:4).eq.'WHIT')then call gscolr(1,ierr) elseif(czcolr(1:4).eq.'FORE')then call gscolr(1,ierr) else write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'CLRSET - Warning!' write(*,*)' Unrecognized color requested: ',czcolr end if end if else call errmes('CLRSET',1,3) end if return end subroutine cmplx2 ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! CMPLX2 sets the character type to complex2. ! level 1-3, p/s ! character czalfl*1,czalfn*5 character*5 czalfs ! save /clevel/ save /cmxalf/ ! common /clevel/ kzlevl,kzbegn common /cmxalf/ czalfl(6),czalfn(6),czalfs ! if(kzlevl.ge.1.and.kzlevl.le.3)then czalfs='CMPLX' else call errmes('CMPLX2',1,3) end if return end subroutine complx ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! COMPLX sets the character type to complex. ! level 1-3, p/s ! character czalfl*1,czalfn*5 character*5 czalfs ! save /clevel/ save /cmxalf/ ! common /clevel/ kzlevl,kzbegn common /cmxalf/ czalfl(6),czalfn(6),czalfs ! if(kzlevl.ge.1.and.kzlevl.le.3)then czalfs='COMPL' else call errmes('COMPLX',1,3) end if return end subroutine contor(z,nz,iz,mx,my,x1,xmx,y1,ymy,nl,cl) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! CONTOR produces a contour plot of a function Z(X,Y). ! ! Here, Z is actually stored as a table of values: ! ! z(i,j) = f(x(i),y(j)). ! ! Here it is assumed that the x and y values are equally spaced. ! hence the user does not supply the x and y arrays, but rather ! simply the first and last x and y values, and the number of ! rows and columns of data. ! ! before calling contor, you must call mapit to establish the ! coordinate axes, and have the x axis at least large enough to ! cover the range of the x data, and the y axis cover the range ! of the y data. ! ! ! Input, real z(nz,my), the values of the function to contour: ! ! z(i,j) = f(xi,yj) ! ! where: ! ! xi = x1 + (i-1)*(xmx-x1)/(mx-1) ! yj = y1 + (j-1)*(ymx-y1)/(my-1) ! ! Input, integer nz, integer constant or variable. ! The first dimension of the array z - not necessarily ! equal to mx, but mx <= nz. ! ! Work space, integer iz(mx,my). ! ! Input, integer mx, the number of x grid points. ! ! Input, integer my, the number of y grid points. ! ! Input, real x1, the minimum x value. ! ! Input, real xmx, the maximum x value. ! ! Input, real y1, the minimum y value. ! ! Input, real ymy, the maximum y value. ! ! Input, integer nl, the number of contour levels. ! ! Input, real cl(nl), the contour levels to draw. ! integer mx integer my integer nl integer nz ! real z(nz,my) real cl(nl) real dx real dy integer i integer iz(mx,my) integer j integer nloop integer nx integer ny real x1 real xl real y1 ! save /contr/ ! common /contr/ clevel,iold,jold,in,jn, & nx,ny,xl,dx,yl,dy ! ! initialize routine ! xl = x1 yl = y1 dx = xmx-x1 dy = ymy-y1 nx=mx ny=my nloop=min1(float(nx)/2.0+.5,float(ny)/2.0+.5) ! ! start searching for plus-minus transitions to start a contour on. ! do nc=1,nl ! ! zero array showing where we have been ! do j=1,ny do i=1,nx iz(i,j)=0 end do end do clevel=cl(nc) do icir=1,nloop iu=nx+1-icir ju=ny+1-icir do j=icir,ju-1 call look(z,icir,j,1,iz,nz,nx) end do do i=icir,iu-1 call look(z,i,ju,2,iz,nz,nx) end do do j=ju,icir+1,-1 call look(z,iu,j,3,iz,nz,nx) end do do i=iu,icir+1,-1 call look(z,i,icir,4,iz,nz,nx) end do end do end do return end subroutine crvwid(thick) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! CRVWID sets the line thickness in inches. ! level 1-3, p/s ! ! input: thick = line thickness in inches ! integer kzyes parameter (kzyes=111) ! save /clevel/ save /cline/ save /cpage/ save /cunit/ ! common /clevel/ kzlevl,kzbegn common /cline/ kzlsty,kzltyp,zzlthk,kzlthk,zzprx,zzpry, & zzprx1,zzprx2,zzpry1,zzpry2,uulthk,kzlncn common /cunit/ zzunit common /cpage/ zzpagx,zzpagy,zzpagr,uupagx,uupagy,kzpage,kzauto ! if(kzlevl.eq.1)then uulthk=thick*zzunit zzlthk=uulthk kzlthk=kzyes elseif(kzlevl.eq.2.or.kzlevl.eq.3)then uulthk=thick*zzunit zzlthk=uulthk*zzpagr kzlthk=kzyes else call errmes('CRVWID',1,3) end if return end function cszmap() ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! CSZMAP returns the character size that MAP used or will use. ! real cszmap ! save /pltprm/ ! common /pltprm/ cxsize, cysize, tickln, yvini cszmap = cysize return end subroutine cubspl ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! CUBSPL sets the interpolation flag to use cubic splines. ! level 1-3, p/s ! parameter (kzcspl=3) ! save /clevel/ save /cline/ ! common /clevel/ kzlevl,kzbegn common /cline/ kzlsty,kzltyp,zzlthk,kzlthk,zzprx,zzpry, & zzprx1,zzprx2,zzpry1,zzpry2,uulthk,kzlncn ! if(kzlevl.ge.1.and.kzlevl.le.3)then kzltyp=kzcspl else call errmes('CUBSPL',1,3) end if return end subroutine cursor(x,y,key) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! CURSOR displays and reads the graphics cursor and returns its position. ! character key logical logx logical logy ! save /pltcom/ save /pltsiz/ ! common /pltcom/ ux0, udx, uy0, udy, logx, logy common /pltsiz/ xvstrt, yvstrt, xvlen, yvlen ! ! get cursor position in virtual coordinates. ! call gsgin(x,y,key,ierr) if(ierr .lt. 0) then x = xvstrt y = yvstrt end if x = (x-xvstrt)*udx/xvlen + ux0 if(logx) x = 10.0**x y = (y-yvstrt)*udy/yvlen + uy0 if(logy) y = 10.0**y return end subroutine curve(x,y,npts,npbsym) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! CURVE draws a curve according to the interpolation flag. ! (level 3) ! ! input: x,y = input array of x and y values ! npts = number of input x y pairs ! npbsym = symbol flag ! if npbsym > 0, connect points and ! draw symbols ! if npbsym = 0, connect points only ! if npbsym < 0, draw symbol only ! parameter (kzyes=111) parameter (kzmxbs=1000) parameter (kzmxbl=200) parameter (kzlin=2) parameter (kzcspl=3) parameter (kzpspl=4) ! character czlgac*1,czlgaf*5,czlgas*5 character*1 czlgtc character*5 czlgtf character czlgts*5 logical linilt logical lposnd real x(*) real y(*) ! save /cblank/ save /clevel/ save /clgndc/ save /clgndn/ save /cline/ save /csymbo/ save /dcltyp/ save /gcdchr/ ! common /clevel/ kzlevl,kzbegn common /dcltyp/ ilntyp, dleft, dist(13,15), linilt, lposnd common /clgndn/ kzlgln,kzlgcn,kzlger,kzlgsm(50),kzlglt(50), & kzlgti(5),kzlgtl,zzlgth(50),zzlgtz,uulgtz, & zzlgtr,zzlgyl,kzlgbl,zzsrat,kzlgen(50) common /clgndc/ czlgac(50,6),czlgaf(50,6),czlgas(50),czlgtc(6), & czlgtf(6),czlgts common /cblank/ zzblnk(kzmxbl,4),zzblks(kzmxbs,4),kzblcn,kzbscn common /csymbo/ kzsym,kznsym,zzsmsz,uusmsz common /cline/ kzlsty,kzltyp,zzlthk,kzlthk,zzprx,zzpry, & zzprx1,zzprx2,zzpry1,zzpry2,uulthk,kzlncn common /gcdchr/ devid, xlencm, ylencm, xres, yres, & ndclrs, idvbts, nfline, xclipd, yclipd ! ! update legend line counter ! if(kzlevl.eq.3)then kzlgcn=kzlgcn+1 if(kzlgcn.gt.50)then kzlger=kzyes kzlgcn=50 end if ! ! draw symbol if desired, save old line style and draw symbol in solid ! if(npbsym.ne.0)then kzlgsm(kzlgcn)=kzsym if(npbsym.ge.0)then nsym=npbsym else nsym=-npbsym end if ioldlt=ilntyp ilntyp=1 half=zzsmsz*0.55 imark=1 do i=1,npts,nsym imark=i call scale(x(i),y(i),vx,vy) call dsmove(vx,vy) call dsymbo(kzsym,zzsmsz) ! ! activate blank area, if desired ! if(kzbscn.ge.0)then kzbscn=kzbscn+1 if(kzbscn.gt.kzmxbs)then call errmes('CURVE',0,5) kzbscn=kzmxbs else zzblks(kzbscn,1)=vx+half zzblks(kzbscn,2)=vx-half zzblks(kzbscn,3)=vy+half zzblks(kzbscn,4)=vy-half end if end if end do ! ! if no marker drawn at end of line, draw one ! if(imark.ne.npts)then call scale(x(npts),y(npts),vx,vy) call dsmove(vx,vy) call dsymbo(kzsym,zzsmsz) if(kzbscn.ge.0)then kzbscn=kzbscn+1 if(kzbscn.gt.kzmxbs)then call errmes('CURVE',0,5) kzbscn=kzmxbs else zzblks(kzbscn,1)=vx+half zzblks(kzbscn,2)=vx-half zzblks(kzbscn,3)=vy+half zzblks(kzbscn,4)=vy-half end if end if end if ! ! restore line style ! ilntyp=ioldlt end if kzsym=kzsym+1 if(kzsym.gt.kznsym) kzsym=0 if(npbsym.ge.0)then if(kzlgln.eq.kzyes)then kzlglt(kzlgcn)=ilntyp if(kzlthk.eq.kzyes)then zzlgth(kzlgcn)=zzlthk kzlglt(kzlgcn)=kzlglt(kzlgcn)+10 end if end if ! ! draw connected line with no curve smoothing ! if(kzltyp.eq.kzlin.or.npts.le.3)then if(npts.le.3.and.kzltyp.ne.kzlin)then call errmes('CURVE',0,4) end if call zcurve(x,y,npts) ! ! draw cubic spline curve ! elseif(kzltyp.eq.kzcspl.and.npts.le.102)then call zcurcs(x,y,npts) ! ! draw parametric cubic spline curve ! elseif(kzltyp.eq.kzpspl.and.npts.le.51)then call zcurps(x,y,npts) ! ! draw parametric polynomial curve ! else call zcurpp('W',x,y,npts) end if end if ! ! The package is not at the appropriate level ! else write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'CURVE - Fatal error!' write(*,*)' The package is not at the correct level.' write(*,*)' The current level is ',kzlevl write(*,*)' The package must be at level 3 to use CURVE.' end if return end subroutine curves(x,y,npts,isymno,symsiz,npbsym) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! CURVES draws a line through a set of points, with clipping and symbols. ! ! it then adds the desired symbol (isymno) to the plot spaced "npbsym" ! points apart. ! integer npts ! real area(4) logical linilt logical lposnd real x(npts) real y(npts) ! save /gcltyp/ save /pltsiz/ ! common /gcltyp/ ilntyp, dleft, dist(4,3), linilt, lposnd common /pltsiz/ xvstrt, yvstrt, xvlen, yvlen ! call gssclp(xvstrt,xvstrt+xvlen,yvstrt,yvstrt+yvlen,area) call scale(x(1),y(1),vx,vy) call gsmove(vx,vy) do i=2,npts call scale(x(i),y(i),vx,vy) call gsdraw(vx,vy) end do ! ! now add symbols if desired ! ! save line type, and do symbols in solid lines ! if(isymno .gt. 0) then ioldlt = ilntyp ilntyp = 1 do i=1, npts, npbsym call scale(x(i),y(i),vx,vy) call gsmove(vx,vy) call symbol(isymno,symsiz) end do ! ! restore line type ! ilntyp = ioldlt end if call gsrclp(area) return end subroutine curvey(xmin,xmax,y,npts,isymno,symsiz,npbsym) ! !*********************************************************************** ! ! CURVEY draws the curve that passes through a set of points (x(i), y(i)). ! ! Here it is assumed that the x values are ! equally spaced. hence, no x array is needed, just the range ! of x. ! ! curvey will automatically clip portions of the curve that ! go outside the limits of the current graph. ! ! curvey is callable from level 3. ! ! ! input, real xmin, xmax, the minimum and maximum values ! of the x variable. ! ! input, real y(npts), the y values of the curve at each ! of the equally spaced x values. ! ! input, real symsiz, the size of the marker to be used ! to mark the data points. ! ! input, integer npbsym, the interval between data points ! to be marked. point 1 will be marked, and point ! 1+npbsym, and so on. ! ! set npbsym=1 to mark all points. ! ! set npbsym=0 for no marking. ! integer npts ! real area(4) logical linilt logical lposnd real y(npts) ! save /gcltyp/ save /pltsiz/ ! common /gcltyp/ ilntyp, dleft, dist(4,3), linilt, lposnd common /pltsiz/ xvstrt, yvstrt, xvlen, yvlen ! call gssclp(xvstrt,xvstrt+xvlen,yvstrt,yvstrt+yvlen,area) call scale(xmin,y(1),vx,vy) call gsmove(vx,vy) dx = (xmax-xmin)/(npts-1) xnew = xmin do i=2,npts xnew = xmin + (i-1)*dx call scale(xnew,y(i),vx,vy) call gsdraw(vx,vy) end do ! ! now add symbols if desired ! if(isymno .gt. 0.and.npbsym.gt.0)then ioldlt = ilntyp ilntyp = 1 do i=1,npts,npbsym xnew = xmin + (i-1)*dx call scale(xnew,y(i),vx,vy) call gsmove(vx,vy) call symbol(isymno,symsiz) end do ilntyp = ioldlt end if call gsrclp(area) return end subroutine dash ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! DASH sets the line style to dash. ! level 1-3, p/s ! parameter (kzdash=3) ! save /clevel/ save /cline/ ! common /clevel/ kzlevl,kzbegn common /cline/ kzlsty,kzltyp,zzlthk,kzlthk,zzprx,zzpry, & zzprx1,zzprx2,zzpry1,zzpry2,uulthk,kzlncn if(kzlevl.ge.1.and.kzlevl.le.3)then kzlsty=kzdash call dsltyp(kzlsty) else call errmes('DASH',1,3) end if return end subroutine ddevsl(newdev,lun,ierr) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! DDEVSL selects a graphics output device. ! ! if a graphics output device was already selected, ! ddevsl automatically closes the old device before ! opening the new one. ! ! input, integer newdev, selects the new device, by number. ! ! 1 tektronix 4014 ! 2 tektronix 4115b ! 3 QMS printer, landscape ! 4 QMS printer, portrait ! 5 vt-240 ! 6 tektronix 4510 ! 7 sel. 100xl ! 8 pc (st-240) ! 9 vector file ! 10 ln03 plus - landscape ! 11 ln03 plus - portrait ! 12 tektronix 4107 ! 13 film recorder lab ! 14 postscript file, landscape ! 15 postscript file, portrait ! 20 arcgraph system ! 21 psc cgm graphics ! ! input, integer lun, selects a fortran unit for possible ! use by the graphics output device. ! ! output, integer ierr, an error flag. ! 0 means no error occurred. ! real devchr(8) real devid real dfdist(13,15) real dummy integer idev integer ierr logical lcurnt logical linilt logical lposnd integer lun integer newdev real xlencm real ylencm ! ! external statements to invoke block data subprograms. ! external blkdat external blksys external inidat ! save /cline/ save /dcltyp/ save /gcclip/ save /gcdchr/ save /gccpar/ save /gccpos/ save /gcdprm/ save /gcdsel/ save /gcvpos/ ! common /cline/ kzlsty,kzltyp,zzlthk,kzlthk,zzprx,zzpry, & zzprx1,zzprx2,zzpry1,zzpry2,uulthk,kzlncn common /dcltyp/ ilntyp, dleft, dist(13,15), linilt, lposnd common /gcdsel/ idev common /gcdprm/ xs, ys, xt, yt, rcos, rsin, vxl, vxh, vyl, vyh common /gccpar/ csize, ccos, csin common /gccpos/ xapos, yapos, ivis, lcurnt common /gcvpos/ xvpos, yvpos common /gcclip/ xcm0, xcm1, ycm0, ycm1 common /gcdchr/ devid, xlencm, ylencm, xres, yres, & ndclrs, idvbts, nfline, xclipd, yclipd ! ! dfdist defines default line styles. ! save dfdist ! data dfdist / & 0.08, 0.08, 0.08, 0.08,8*0.0,4.0, & 0.20, 0.15, 0.20, 0.15,8*0.0,4.0, & 0.75, 0.10, 0.05, 0.10,8*0.0,4.0, & 1.00, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25,8*0.0,4.0,143*0.0/ ! dummy = 0.0 ! ! release the current device, if any. ! if (idev .ne. 0) then call gsdrvr(6,dummy,dummy) end if ! ! initialize the new device. ! if (newdev .le. 0) then ierr = -1 idev = 0 return end if idev = newdev ! ! get the device characteristics (and see if device there) ! devchr(8) = 1.0 call gsdrvr(7,devchr,dummy) if (devchr(1) .eq. 0.0) then ierr = -1 idev = 0 return end if ! ! initialize the device for graphics ! call gsdrvr(1,float(lun),dummy) ierr = int(dummy) if (ierr .ne. 0) then idev = 0 return end if ! ! set device characteristics for later use ! devid = devchr(1) xlencm = devchr(2) ylencm = devchr(3) xres = devchr(4) yres = devchr(5) ndclrs = int(devchr(6)) idvbts = int(devchr(7)) nfline = int(devchr(8)) xclipd = xlencm + 0.499/devchr(4) yclipd = ylencm + 0.499/devchr(5) ! ! now init the parameters. ! xs = 1.0 ys = 1.0 xt = 0.0 yt = 0.0 rcos = 1.0 rsin = 0.0 vxl = 0.0 vxh = xlencm vyl = 0.0 vyh = ylencm csize = 0.3 ccos = 1.0 csin = 0.0 ivis = 0 xcm0 = 0.0 ycm0 = 0.0 xcm1 = xclipd ycm1 = yclipd ilntyp = 1 do i=1,4 do j=1,13 dist(j,i) = dfdist(j,i) end do end do lcurnt = .false. return end subroutine defalf(lalpha) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! DEFALF sets the base alphabet set. ! (level 1-3, p/s) ! ! input: lalpha = character set ! character czalfl*1,czalfn*5,czalfs*5 character*(*) lalpha ! save /clevel/ save /cmxalf/ ! common /clevel/ kzlevl,kzbegn common /cmxalf/ czalfl(6),czalfn(6),czalfs ! if(kzlevl.ge.1.and.kzlevl.le.3)then czalfl(1)=')' czalfn(1)=lalpha(1:5) call capchr(czalfn(1)) else call errmes('DEFALF',1,3) end if return end subroutine devsel(newdev,lun,ierr) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! DEVSEL... ! external blkdat external blksys external inidat ! real devchr(8) real gdcomn(5) real dfdist(4,3) logical lcurnt logical linilt logical lposnd ! save /gcclip/ save /gccpos/ save /gcdchr/ save /gccpar/ save /gccpos/ save /gcdprm/ save /gcdsel/ save /gcltyp/ ! common /gcdsel/ idev common /gcdprm/ xs, ys, xt, yt, rcos, rsin, vxl, vxh, vyl, vyh common /gccpar/ csize, ccos, csin common /gcvpos/ xvpos, yvpos common /gccpos/ xapos, yapos, ivis, lcurnt common /gcclip/ xcm0, xcm1, ycm0, ycm1 common /gcdchr/ devid, xlencm, ylencm, xres, yres, & ndclrs, idvbts, nfline, xclipd, yclipd common /gcltyp/ ilntyp, dleft, dist(4,3), linilt, lposnd ! ! define default line styles ! equivalence (devid,gdcomn(1)) ! save dfdist ! data dfdist / & 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, & 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, & 0.5, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25/ ! ! Release current device ! if(idev .ne. 0) then call gsdrvr(6,dummy,dummy) end if ! ! now init. the new device ! if(newdev .le. 0) then ierr = -1 idev = 0 return end if idev = newdev ! ! get the device characteristics (and see if device there) ! devchr(8) = 1.0 call gsdrvr(7,devchr,dummy) if(devchr(1) .eq. 0.0) then ierr = -1 idev = 0 return end if ! ! initialize the device for graphics ! call gsdrvr(1,float(lun),dummy) ierr = int(dummy) if(ierr .ne. 0) then idev = 0 return end if ! ! set device characteristics for later use ! do i=1,5 gdcomn(i) = devchr(i) end do ndclrs = int(devchr(6)) idvbts = int(devchr(7)) nfline = int(devchr(8)) xclipd = xlencm + 0.499/devchr(4) yclipd = ylencm + 0.499/devchr(5) ! ! now init the parameters ! xs = 1.0 ys = 1.0 xt = 0.0 yt = 0.0 rcos = 1.0 rsin = 0.0 vxl = 0.0 vxh = xlencm vyl = 0.0 vyh = ylencm csize = goodcs(0.3) ccos = 1.0 csin = 0.0 ivis = 0 xcm0 = 0.0 ycm0 = 0.0 xcm1 = xclipd ycm1 = yclipd ilntyp = 1 do i=1,3 do j=1,4 dist(j,i) = dfdist(j,i) end do end do lcurnt = .false. return end subroutine dhatch(xvert, yvert, numpts, phi, cmspac, iflags, & xx,yy) !*********************************************************************** ! !! DHATCH provides shading for a general polygonal region. ! ! there is absolutely no assumption made about convexity. a polygon is ! specified by its vertices, given in either a clockwise or ! counter-clockwise order. ! ! The density of the shading lines (or points) and the angle for the shading ! lines are both determined by the parameters passed to the routine. ! ! the input parameters are interpreted as follows: ! ! xvert - an array of x coordinates for the polygon(s) vertices ! ! yvert - an array of y coordinates for the polygon(s) vertices ! ! note: an x value >=1e38 signals a new polygon. this allows ! filling areas that have holes where the holes are ! defined as polygons. it also allows multiple ! polygons to be filled in one call to hatch. ! ! numpts - the number of vertices in the polygon(s) including ! the seperator(s) if any. ! ! phi - the angle for the shading, measured counter-clockwise ! in degrees from the positive x-axis ! ! cmspac - the distance in virtual coordinates (cm. usually) ! between shading lines. this value may be rounded ! a bit, so some cummulative error may be apparent. ! ! iflags - general flags controlling hatch ! 0 ==> boundary not drawn, input is virtual coord. ! 1 ==> boundary drawn, input is virtual coord. ! 2 ==> boundary not drawn, input is world coord. ! 3 ==> boundary drawn, input is world coord. ! ! xx - a work array at least "numpts" long. ! ! yy - a second work array at least "numpts" long. ! integer numpts ! logical lmove real xintcp(20) real xvert(numpts) real xx(numpts) real yvert(numpts) real yy(numpts) ! save /gcdchr/ ! common /gcdchr/ devid, xlencm, ylencm, xres, yres, & ndclrs, idvbts, nfline, xclipd, yclipd ! ! this routine has to maintain an internal array of the transformed ! coordinates. this requires the passing of the two working arrays ! called "xx" and "yy". ! this routine also needs to store the intersections of the hatch ! lines with the polygon. this is done in "xintcp". ! save bignum,fact,pi180 ! ! x >= 'BIGNUM' signals the end of a polygon in the input. ! data bignum /1e38/ data fact /16.0/ data pi180 /0.017453292/ ! ! check for valid number of vertices. ! if(numpts .lt. 3) return ! ! convert all of the points to integer coordinates so that the shading ! lines are horizontal. this requires a rotation for the general case. ! the transformation from virtual to internal coordinates has the two ! or three phases: ! ! (1) convert world to virtual coord. if input in world coord. ! ! (2) rotate clockwise through the angle phi so shading is horizontal, ! ! (3) scale to integers in the range ! [0...2*fact*(device_maxy_coordinate)], forcing coordinates ! to be odd integers. ! ! the coordinates are all odd so that later tests will never have an ! outcome of "equal" since all shading lines have even coordinates. ! this greatly simplifies some of the logic. ! ! at the same time the pre-processing is being done, the input is checked ! for multiple polygons. if the x-coordinate of a vertex is >= 'BIGNUM' ! then the point is not a vertex, but rather it signifies the end of a ! particular polygon. an implied edge exists between the first and last ! vertices in each polygon. a polygon must have at least three vertices. ! illegal polygons are removed from the internal lists. ! ! compute trigonometric functions for the angle of rotation. ! cosphi = cos(pi180*phi) sinphi = sin(pi180*phi) ! ! first convert from world to virtual coord. if necessary and eliminate ! any polygons with two or fewer vertices ! itail = 1 ihead = 0 ! ! Allocate another point in the vertex list. ! do i = 1, numpts ihead = ihead + 1 ! ! a xvert >= 'BIGNUM' is a special flag. ! if ( xvert(i) .ge. bignum) then xx(ihead) = bignum if((ihead-itail) .lt. 2) ihead = itail - 1 itail = ihead + 1 go to 120 ! ! convert from world to virtual coord. if input is world coord. ! else !uni if((iflags .and. 2) .eq. 0) go to 115 if(ksyand(iflags,2).eq.0) go to 115 call scale(xvert(i),yvert(i),xx(ihead),yy(ihead)) go to 120 115 continue xx(ihead) = xvert(i) yy(ihead) = yvert(i) end if 120 continue end do if((ihead-itail) .lt. 2) ihead = itail - 1 nvert = ihead ! ! draw boundaries if desired ! !uni if((iflags .and. 1) .eq. 0) go to 138 if(ksyand(iflags,1) .eq. 0) go to 138 ihead = 0 itail = 1 lmove = .true. 130 continue ihead = ihead + 1 if(ihead .le. nvert) then if(xx(ihead) .ne. bignum) go to 135 end if 133 continue call dsdraw(xx(itail),yy(itail)) itail = ihead + 1 lmove = .true. go to 139 135 continue if(lmove) go to 137 call dsdraw(xx(ihead),yy(ihead)) go to 139 137 continue call dsmove(xx(ihead),yy(ihead)) lmove = .false. 139 continue if(ihead .le. nvert) go to 130 138 continue ! ! rotate to make shading lines horizontal ! ymin = bignum ymax = -bignum yscale = yres*fact yscal2 = 2.0*yscale do i = 1, nvert if(xx(i) .eq. bignum) go to 140 ! ! perform the rotation to achieve horizontal shading lines. ! xv1 = xx(i) xx(i) = +cosphi*xv1 + sinphi*yy(i) yy(i) = -sinphi*xv1 + cosphi*yy(i) ! ! convert to integers after scaling, and make vertices odd. in y ! yy(i) = 2.0*aint(yscale*yy(i)+0.5)+1.0 ymin = min (ymin,yy(i)) ymax = max (ymax,yy(i)) 140 continue end do ! ! Make shading start on a multiple of the step size. ! step = 2.0*aint(yres*cmspac*fact) ymin = aint(ymin/step) * step ymax = aint(ymax/step) * step ! ! after all of the coordinates for the vertices have been pre-processed ! the appropriate shading lines are drawn. these are intersected with ! the edges of the polygon and the visible portions are drawn. ! y = ymin 150 continue if(y .gt. ymax) go to 250 ! ! initially there are no known intersections. ! icount = 0 ibase = 1 ivert = 1 160 continue itail = ivert ivert = ivert + 1 ihead = ivert if(ihead .gt. nvert) go to 165 if(xx(ihead) .ne. bignum) go to 170 ! ! there is an edge from vertex n to vertex 1. ! 165 ihead = ibase ibase = ivert + 1 ivert = ivert + 1 170 continue ! ! see if the two endpoints lie on ! opposite sides of the shading line. ! yhead = y - yy(ihead) ytail = y - yy(itail) if(yhead*ytail .ge. 0.0) go to 180 ! ! they do. this is an intersection. compute x. ! icount = icount + 1 delx = xx(ihead) - xx(itail) dely = yy(ihead) - yy(itail) xintcp(icount) = (delx/dely) * yhead + xx(ihead) 180 continue if( ivert .le. nvert ) go to 160 ! ! sort the x intercept values. use a bubblesort because there ! aren't very many of them (usually only two). ! if(icount .eq. 0) go to 240 do i = 2, icount xkey = xintcp(i) k = i - 1 do j = 1, k if(xintcp(j) .gt. xkey)then xtemp = xkey xkey = xintcp(j) xintcp(j) = xtemp end if end do xintcp(i) = xkey end do ! ! all of the x coordinates for the shading segments along the ! current shading line are now known and are in sorted order. ! all that remains is to draw them. process the x coordinates ! two at a time. ! yr = y/yscal2 do i = 1, icount, 2 ! ! convert back to virtual coordinates. ! rotate through an angle of -phi to original orientation. ! then unscale from grid to virtual coord. ! xv1 = + cosphi*xintcp(i) - sinphi*yr yv1 = + sinphi*xintcp(i) + cosphi*yr xv2 = + cosphi*xintcp(i+1) - sinphi*yr yv2 = + sinphi*xintcp(i+1) + cosphi*yr ! ! draw the segment of the shading line. ! call dsmove(xv1,yv1) call dsdraw(xv2,yv2) end do 240 continue y = y + step go to 150 250 continue return end subroutine dot ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! DOT sets the line style to dot. ! level 1-3, p/s ! integer kzdot parameter (kzdot=2) ! save /clevel/ save /cline/ ! common /clevel/ kzlevl,kzbegn common /cline/ kzlsty,kzltyp,zzlthk,kzlthk,zzprx,zzpry, & zzprx1,zzprx2,zzpry1,zzpry2,uulthk,kzlncn if(kzlevl.ge.1.and.kzlevl.le.3)then kzlsty=kzdot call dsltyp(kzlsty) else call errmes('DOT',1,3) end if return end subroutine drawpq(z,izdim1) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! DRAWPQ draws the visible part of segment PC-QC. ! ! This is the sort of program that gives GO TO statements a bad name! ! integer izdim1 ! real flim(2) integer limit(2) integer phip integer phiq integer phia real z(izdim1,2) ! save /comdp/ ! common/comdp/xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,zmin,zmax,axisr(2),plotx, & ploty,pltorg(2),camxyz(3),mx,ny,fmx,fny,camwkg(6),xorg(3), & gx(3),fx(2),kscale,zorg,center(2),pqlmt, & amtx(3,3),focall ! equivalence(u,camxyz(1)),(v,camxyz(2)),(w,camxyz(3)), & (mx,limit(1)),(fmx,flim(1)) ! common/comdpa/pc(3),qc(3),p(3),q(3),enda(6),endb(6),oldq(3), & pw(3),qw(3),t(6),pk(3),qk(3),phip,phiq,phia,ibeam,icolor ! kflag=0 p(1) = pc(1) p(2) = pc(2) p(3) = pc(3) q(1) = qc(1) q(2) = qc(2) q(3) = qc(3) ! ! test if p visible ! 2 if (phip .eq. 0) go to 30 ! ! yes, test q ! 7 if (phip*phiq) 10,4,3 ! ! both visible segment drawable, plot exit ! 3 kgoto = 0 go to 300 ! ! q is invisible, find last visible point on segment pq ! 4 jgoto = 1 go to 200 ! ! give up if not found in maxcut1 bisections ! 5 if(kflag .ne. 0) go to 6 ! ! next point ! ibeam = 0 return ! ! point found ! 6 q(1) = enda(1) q(2) = enda(2) q(3) = enda(3) go to 3 ! ! gap in segment, find last point to connect p. ! 10 jgoto = 2 go to 200 ! ! if not found (cannot find point with same visibility fn). try 2nd ! 11 if(kflag .eq. 0) go to 15 ! ! save old q, reset point plot this piece. ! oldq(1) = q(1) oldq(2) = q(2) oldq(3) = q(3) q(1) = enda(1) q(2) = enda(2) q(3) = enda(3) ! ! draw first part of segment and come back here ! kgoto = 2 go to 300 ! ! restore q find lower limit of upper segment. ! limits for search ! 12 continue p(1) = q(1) p(2) = q(2) p(3) = q(3) q(1) = oldq(1) q(2) = oldq(2) q(3) = oldq(3) ! ! beam off first ! 15 ibeam = 0 jgoto = 3 go to 201 ! ! if segment too short, give up. ! 13 if(kflag .eq. 0) then return end if ! ! lower end now newly found point. ! 14 p(1) = enda(1) p(2) = enda(2) p(3) = enda(3) go to 3 ! ! p invisible, check q. if invisible, advance. ! 30 ibeam = 0 if(phiq .eq. 0) then return end if ! ! find p ! jgoto = 4 go to 201 ! ! if no point, give up. ! 31 if(kflag.eq.0)then return else go to 14 end if ! ! p visible, q invisible, find q. ! endb = invisible end of interval, enda = visible ! 200 endb(1) = q(1) endb(2) = q(2) endb(3) = q(3) enda(1) = p(1) enda(2) = p(2) enda(3) = p(3) ! ! required ivis function ! in case of gap in segment, consider point visible if its visib. ! function matches this one and update enda, else endb. ! phia = phip go to 205 ! ! p invisible, q visible. find p. ! 201 endb(1) = p(1) endb(2) = p(2) endb(3) = p(3) enda(1) = q(1) enda(2) = q(2) enda(3) = q(3) phia = phiq 205 continue kflag = 0 ! ! get projected length of segment ! pk(1) = xmin + (enda(1)-1.0)*gx(1) - camwkg(1) pk(2) = ymin + (enda(2)-1.0)*gx(2) - camwkg(2) pk(3) = enda(3)*gx(3) + zorg - camwkg(3) call rotate(pk,amtx,enda(4)) pk(1) = xmin + (endb(1)-1.0)*gx(1) - camwkg(1) pk(2) = ymin + (endb(2)-1.0)*gx(2) - camwkg(2) pk(3) = endb(3)*gx(3) + zorg - camwkg(3) call rotate(pk,amtx,endb(4)) ! ! next step ! 210 continue t(1) = (enda(1)+endb(1))/2.0 t(2) = (enda(2)+endb(2))/2.0 t(3) = (enda(3)+endb(3))/2.0 t(4) = (enda(4)+endb(4))/2.0 t(5) = (enda(5)+endb(5))/2.0 t(6) = (enda(6)+endb(6))/2.0 mflag = ivis(t(1),t(2),t(3),z,izdim1) if(mflag .eq. phia) go to 220 ! ! not visible, reset invisible end. ! endb(1) = t(1) endb(2) = t(2) endb(3) = t(3) endb(4) = t(4) endb(5) = t(5) endb(6) = t(6) ! ! check segment length (use max of x, y differences) ! 216 sl = focall* max (abs(enda(4)/enda(6)-endb(4)/endb(6)), & abs(enda(5)/enda(6)-endb(5)/endb(6))) if(sl .ge. pqlmt) go to 210 go to (5,11,13,31), jgoto ! ! record visible, update enda ! 220 kflag = mflag enda(1) = t(1) enda(2) = t(2) enda(3) = t(3) enda(4) = t(4) enda(5) = t(5) enda(6) = t(6) go to 216 ! ! draw p to q ! ! if beam is on, just move it to q. ! 300 continue ! ! move to p, beam off. ! if(ibeam .le. 0) then pk(1) = xmin + (p(1)-1.0)*gx(1) - camwkg(1) pk(2) = ymin + (p(2)-1.0)*gx(2) - camwkg(2) pk(3) = p(3)*gx(3) + zorg - camwkg(3) call rotate(pk,amtx,pw) pw(1) = (pw(1)/pw(3)-xorg(1))*focall + pltorg(1) + center(1) pw(2) = (pw(2)/pw(3)-xorg(2))*focall + pltorg(2) + center(2) call gsmove(pw(1),pw(2)) end if ! ! Move to q, beam on. beam is left and at point q. ! qk(1) = xmin + (q(1)-1.0)*gx(1) - camwkg(1) qk(2) = ymin + (q(2)-1.0)*gx(2) - camwkg(2) qk(3) = q(3)*gx(3) + zorg - camwkg(3) call rotate(qk,amtx,qw) qw(1) = (qw(1)/qw(3)-xorg(1))*focall + pltorg(1) + center(1) qw(2) = (qw(2)/qw(3)-xorg(2))*focall + pltorg(2) + center(2) call gsdraw(qw(1),qw(2)) ibeam = 1 if(kgoto .ne. 0) go to 12 return end subroutine dsdraw(x,y) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! DSDRAW... ! integer gsivis integer ivis logical lcurnt real rx(300,2) real ry(300,2) real xapos real xvpos real yapos real yvpos ! save /gccpos/ save /gcvpos/ ! common /gcvpos/ xvpos, yvpos common /gccpos/ xapos, yapos, ivis, lcurnt ! ! check if line goes through any blank area ! call zdraw(xvpos,yvpos,x,y,rx,ry,numr) ! ! draw and update current position ! do i=1,numr call dsmove(rx(i,1),ry(i,1)) xvpos = rx(i,2) yvpos = ry(i,2) call gsrst(xvpos,yvpos,x1,y1) ivis1 = gsivis(x1,y1) call dsdrw2(xapos,yapos,ivis,x1,y1,ivis1) xapos = x1 yapos = y1 ivis = ivis1 end do xvpos=x yvpos=y call gsrst(xvpos,yvpos,x1,y1) ivis1=gsivis(x1,y1) xapos=x1 yapos=y1 ivis=ivis1 return end subroutine dsdrw2(x0,y0,ivis0,x1,y1,ivis1) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! DSDRW2 clips a line to a clipping box. ! ! pass on only visible line ! segments to dsdrw3 to be drawn in the current line type. this routine also ! worries about whether the graphics device will require a "move" ! before the "draw" is done. ! logical linilt logical lposnd logical ldid1 ! save /dcltyp/ save /gcclip/ ! common /gcclip/ xcm0, xcm1, ycm0, ycm1 common /dcltyp/ ilntyp, dleft, dist(13,15), linilt, lposnd ! if(ksyand(ivis0,ivis1) .ne. 0) return if(ivis0 .ne. 0) then lposnd = .false. linilt = .true. end if ! ! calculate the number of clips necessary ! nclips = 0 if(ivis0 .ne. 0) nclips = 1 if(ivis1 .ne. 0) nclips = nclips + 1 ! ! line totally visible, just draw it ! if(nclips .eq. 0) then call dsdrw3(x0,y0,x1,y1) return end if ! ! find the intersection(s) with the clipping box edges ! ldid1 = .false. ist = 1 dx = x1-x0 if(dx .eq. 0.0) ist = 3 ifn = 4 dy = y1-y0 if(dy .eq. 0.0) ifn = 2 if(ist .gt. ifn) return ivisc = ksyor(ivis0,ivis1) ibit = 2**(ist-1) do i = ist, ifn if(ksyand(ivisc,ibit) .eq. 0) go to 200 if(i .le. 2) then xi = xcm0 if(i .eq. 2) xi = xcm1 yi = y0 + (xi-x0)*dy/dx if(yi .lt. ycm0 .or. yi .gt. ycm1) go to 200 else yi = ycm0 if(i .eq. 4) yi = ycm1 xi = x0 + (yi-y0)*dx/dy if(xi .lt. xcm0 .or. xi .gt. xcm1) go to 200 end if ! ! got an intersection. if it's the only one, the draw the line. ! if (nclips .le. 1) then if(ivis0 .ne. 0) then call dsdrw3(xi,yi,x1,y1) else call dsdrw3(x0,y0,xi,yi) end if return end if ! ! two clips necessary. if we already have one, draw the double clipped ! line, else save first clip and wait for last. ! note, if double clipped, it doesn't matter in which direction it ! is drawn. ! if (ldid1) then call dsdrw3(x2,y2,xi,yi) return end if x2 = xi y2 = yi ldid1 = .true. 200 continue ibit = 2*ibit end do ! ! segment is not visible if we drop thru to here ! return end subroutine dsdrw3(x0,y0,x1,y1) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! DSDRW3 draws a line from (x0,y0) to (x1,y1) in absolute coordinates. ! ! assumes that clipping has already been done. to suppress unnecessary ! "moves", this is the only routine that should call gsdrvr(3,,,). ! the line is drawn in the current line type. this routine does not ! set the absolute position (xapos,yapos). it is up to the caller to ! do so if necessary. ! logical linilt logical lposnd ! save /cline/ save /dcltyp/ ! common /cline/ kzlsty,kzltyp,zzlthk,kzlthk,zzprx,zzpry, & zzprx1,zzprx2,zzpry1,zzpry2,uulthk,kzlncn common /dcltyp/ ilntyp, dleft, dist(13,15), linilt, lposnd ! if (ilntyp .le. 1) then if(.not. lposnd) then call gsdrvr(3,x0,y0) end if ! ! ??? is "go to 220" equivalent to a return??? ! ! maybe not...try these two lines... ! call gsdrvr(4,x1,y1) lposnd = .true. ! ! end of dubious insertion. ! return end if ! ! segment line to make current line type ! if(.not. lposnd) call gsdrvr(3,x0,y0) if(.not. linilt) go to 100 inxtl = 1 dleft = dist(1,ilntyp-1) linilt = .false. ! if(.not. lposnd) call gsdrvr(3,x0,y0) 100 dx = x1-x0 dy = y1-y0 dl = sqrt(dx**2+dy**2) ! ! see if this segment is shorter that dist. left on line type ! if(dl .le. dleft) go to 200 ! ! segment is longer, so advance to line type break ! s = dleft/dl x0 = s*dx+x0 y0 = s*dy+y0 ! ! see if this part of the line type is drawn or skipped ! if(ksyand(inxtl,1) .eq. 0) then call gsdrvr(3,x0,y0) else call gsdrvr(4,x0,y0) end if ! ! now go to next portion of line type ! inxtl = inxtl + 1 if(inxtl .gt. dist(13,ilntyp-1)) inxtl = 1 dleft = dist(inxtl,ilntyp-1) go to 100 ! ! draw last of line if drawn ! 200 continue dleft = dleft - dl if(ksyand(inxtl,1) .eq. 0) then lposnd = .false. else call gsdrvr(4,x1,y1) lposnd = .true. end if return end subroutine dsfill(x,y,n,tx,ty) !*********************************************************************** ! !! DSFILL provides polygon fill support. ! parameter (kzmaxc=255) parameter (kzmxbs=1000) parameter (kzmxbl=200) integer gsivis logical lblank logical linilt logical lposnd real tx(n) real ty(n) real x(n) real y(n) save /cblank/ save /colorn/ save /dcltyp/ save /gcdchr/ save /gcdprm/ common /cblank/ zzblnk(kzmxbl,4),zzblks(kzmxbs,4),kzblcn,kzbscn common /colorn/ kzshd,zzhspc,zzcolr(kzmaxc,3),kznclr,kzccol common /gcdchr/ devid, xlencm, ylencm, xres, yres, & ndclrs, idvbts, nfline, xclipd, yclipd common /gcdprm/ xs, ys, xt, yt, rcos, rsin, vxl, vxh, vyl, vyh common /dcltyp/ ilntyp, dleft, dist(13,15), linilt, lposnd if(n .lt. 3) return ! ! convert to absolute coord. ! do i=1,n call gsrst(x(i),y(i),tx(i),ty(i)) end do call minmax(ty,n,ymin,ymax) call minmax(tx,n,xmin,xmax) ! ! if clipping needed or if no hardware polygon fill, use software ! if((gsivis(xmin,ymin) .ne. 0) .or. & (gsivis(xmax,ymax) .ne. 0) .or. & (ksyand(idvbts,256) .eq. 0)) go to 900 ! ! if polygon overlaps any blank area, do software fill ! if(kzbscn.gt.0)then do j=1,kzbscn do i=1,n-1 call zfill(x(i),y(i),x(i+1),y(i+1),zzblnk(j,1), & zzblnk(j,2),zzblnk(j,3),zzblnk(j,4),lblank) if(lblank) go to 900 end do call zfill(x(1),y(1),x(n),y(n),zzblnk(j,1), & zzblnk(j,2),zzblnk(j,3),zzblnk(j,4),lblank) if(lblank) go to 900 end do end if if(kzblcn.gt.4)then do j=5,kzblcn do i=1,n-1 call zfill(x(i),y(i),x(i+1),y(i+1),zzblnk(j,1), & zzblnk(j,2),zzblnk(j,3),zzblnk(j,4),lblank) if(lblank) go to 900 end do call zfill(x(1),y(1),x(n),y(n),zzblnk(j,1), & zzblnk(j,2),zzblnk(j,3),zzblnk(j,4),lblank) if(lblank) go to 900 end do end if do j=1,4 if(zzblnk(j,1).gt.-1000.0)then do i=1,n-1 call zfill(x(i),y(i),x(i+1),y(i+1),zzblnk(j,1), & zzblnk(j,2),zzblnk(j,3),zzblnk(j,4),lblank) if(lblank) go to 900 end do call zfill(x(1),y(1),x(n),y(n),zzblnk(j,1), & zzblnk(j,2),zzblnk(j,3),zzblnk(j,4),lblank) if(lblank) go to 900 end if end do ! ! if can handle concave polygons, just call driver ! if((ksyand(idvbts,512) .eq. 0) .or. & (n .eq. 3)) go to 150 ! ! if here, driver can handle convex non-intersecting polygons only, ! so make sure this polygon is convex and non-self-intersecting. ! dx1 = x(1)-x(n) dy1 = y(1)-y(n) ! ! old non-zero delta-y ! dy = dy1 ! ! number of times delta-y changes sign ! nchngs = 0 l = 1 costh = 0.0 110 continue ! ! convexity test ! dx2 = x(l+1)-x(l) dy2 = y(l+1)-y(l) a = dx1*dy2-dx2*dy1 if(a*costh .lt. 0.0) go to 900 if(costh .eq. 0.0) costh = a ! ! self intersection check - relys on "convexity" check ! if(dy .ne. 0.0) go to 120 dy = dy2 go to 130 120 continue if(dy2*dy .lt. 0.0) then dy = dy2 nchngs = nchngs + 1 if(nchngs .ge. 3) go to 900 end if 130 continue dx1 = dx2 dy1 = dy2 l = l + 1 if(l .lt. n) go to 110 150 continue call gsdrvr(1024+n,tx,ty) return ! ! software fill, fill with solid lines ! 900 continue ! ! locate long side and do cross hatch in same direction ! dx=x(1)-x(2) dy=y(1)-y(2) rlen=dx*dx+dy*dy dx1=x(2)-x(3) dy1=y(2)-y(3) rlen1=dx1*dx1+dy1*dy1 if(rlen1.gt.rlen)then dy=dy1 end if if(abs(dy).lt.0.000001)then angle=0.0 else angle=90.0 end if call dhatch(x,y,n,angle,zzhspc,1,tx,ty) return end function dslens(istrng) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! DSLENS returns the length in virtual coordinates of a string. ! ! The current character size is assumed. ! parameter (maxfnt = 18) parameter (mxstrk = maxfnt*9000) ! integer bwidth integer bxy character*1 cstr(160) integer istrng(*) ! save /gccpar/ save /gcfont/ ! common /gccpar/ csize, ccos, csin common /gcfont/ icfnsl, mxslot, & islfnt(maxfnt), ihight(maxfnt), & indx(95*maxfnt+1), bwidth(95*maxfnt), bxy(mxstrk) ! if(icfnsl .eq. 1)then dslens = 9.0*leng(istrng)*csize else call zin2ch(istrng,cstr) dslens = 0.0 ioff = 95*(icfnsl-2) - 32 do i=1,leng(istrng) jchar = ichar(cstr(i)) if(jchar .le. 32 .or. jchar .ge. 128)then jchar = 65 elseif(bwidth(jchar+ioff) .le. 0)then jchar = 65 end if iwidth = bwidth(jchar+ioff) dslens = dslens + csize*iwidth end do end if return end subroutine dsltyp(itype) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! DSLTYP sets the current line type. ! save /cline/ save /dcltyp/ ! logical linilt logical lposnd ! common /cline/ kzlsty,kzltyp,zzlthk,kzlthk,zzprx,zzpry, & zzprx1,zzprx2,zzpry1,zzpry2,uulthk,kzlncn common /dcltyp/ ilntyp, dleft, dist(13,15), linilt, lposnd ! ilntyp = itype if(ilntyp .le. 0 .or. (ilntyp .gt. kzlncn+1)) ilntyp = 1 linilt = .true. return end subroutine dsmove(x,y) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! DSMOVE moves to the point (x,y). ! ! input: x,y - coordinate of point to move to ! integer gsivis logical linilt, lposnd logical lcurnt ! save /dcltyp/ save /gccpos/ save /gcvpos/ ! common /dcltyp/ ilntyp, dleft, dist(13,15), linilt, lposnd common /gcvpos/ xvpos, yvpos common /gccpos/ xapos, yapos, ivis, lcurnt ! ! reset line style to beginning of pattern and show moved ! lposnd = .false. ! ! transform virtual coord. to absolute coord. ! xvpos = x yvpos = y call gsrst(xvpos,yvpos,xapos,yapos) ivis = gsivis(xapos,yapos) return end subroutine dspstr(istrng) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! DSPSTR strokes out a character string. ! ! The character string is a byte array with 0 as a terminator, and is ! stroked at the current position. ! integer istrng(*) character*1 cstrng(80) logical linilt, lposnd ! save /dcltyp/ save /gccoff/ save /gcvpos/ ! common /gcvpos/ xvpos, yvpos common /gccoff/ xoff, yoff common /dcltyp/ ilntyp, dleft, dist(13,15), linilt, lposnd ! ! convert input to character array ! call zin2ch(istrng,cstrng) ! ! don't draw characters in linetypes ! iold = ilntyp ilntyp = 1 nbyte = 0 100 nbyte = nbyte + 1 ! ! save the (0,0) position of the character ! xoff = xvpos yoff = yvpos ! ! get the character to stroke ! iichar = ichar(cstrng(nbyte)) ! ! stroke the character ! if (iichar.ne.0)then call dsstrk(iichar) go to 100 end if ! ! return line type to that of before ! ilntyp = iold return end subroutine dsstrk(khar) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! DSSTRK strokes out a character. ! parameter (maxfnt = 18) parameter (mxstrk = maxfnt*9000) ! integer bwidth, bxy logical lmove ! save /gcfont/ ! common /gcfont/ icfnsl, mxslot, & islfnt(maxfnt), ihight(maxfnt), & indx(95*maxfnt+1), bwidth(95*maxfnt), bxy(mxstrk) ! ! space fill all non-printing and non-defined with space size of ! a capital "a". ! jchar = (khar-32) + 95*(icfnsl-1) if(khar .le. 32 .or. khar .ge. 128) go to 800 if(icfnsl .gt. 1)then if(bwidth(jchar-95) .le. 0) go to 800 end if ! ! stroke this character ! index = indx(jchar) idone = indx(jchar+1) ! ! first position is an assumed move ! lmove = .true. ! ! get the scaled and rotated next position on the character ! 100 continue 150 if(bxy(index) .ne. -64) go to 160 lmove = .true. index = index + 1 go to 100 160 x=bxy(index) y=bxy(index+1) call gscclc(x,y,dx,dy) index = index + 2 if(lmove)then call dsmove(dx,dy) else call dsdraw(dx,dy) end if lmove = .false. if(index .lt. idone) go to 100 ! ! all done with the character, move to next character position ! 200 continue if(icfnsl .eq. 1)then width = 9.0 else width = bwidth(jchar-95) end if call gscclc(width,0.0,dx,dy) call dsmove(dx,dy) return ! ! use capital "a" for size of space and all non-printing and non-defined ! 800 continue jchar = (65-32) + 95*(icfnsl-1) go to 200 end subroutine dsymbo(isymno,symsiz) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! DSYMBO places a symbol at the current location with a given size. ! ! internal variables: ! symmov - (no. of moves) array of consecutive x,y locations to ! which line is drawn ! isymst - (no. of symbols + 1) array start of symbol move locations ! ! notes: ! cjw 7/86 new symbol definitions: ! 0> square ! 1> octagon ! 2> triangle ! 3> plus sign ! 4> 'X' ! 5> diamond ! 6> upside down triangle ! 7> square with an 'X' in it ! 8> 'X' with a horizontal line across it ! 9> diamond with a plus sign in it ! 10> octagon with a plus sign in it ! 11> double hour glass ! 12> square with a plus sign in it ! 13> octagon with a 'X' in it ! 14> square with a triangle in it ! 15> pentagon with a plus sign in it ! 16> pentagon ! 17> five pointed star ! 18> square with a diamond in it ! logical linilt logical lposnd real symmov(105) integer isymst(0:18,4) ! save symmov,isymst,nsym save /dcltyp/ save /gcvpos/ ! common /gcvpos/ xvpos, yvpos common /dcltyp/ ilntyp, dleft, dist(13,15), linilt, lposnd ! ! square: (1) ! octagon: (12) ! triangle: (31) ! up side down triangle: (40) ! horizontal line: (49) ! vertical line: (54) ! reversed slash: (59) ! slash: (64) ! diamond: (69) ! star: (80) ! pentagon: (93) ! data symmov/ & 0.5,-0.5, 0.5,0.5, -0.5,0.5, -0.5,-0.5, 0.5,-0.5, 1000.0, & 0.2071,-0.5, 0.5,-0.2071, 0.5,0.2071, 0.2071,0.5, -0.2071,0.5, & -0.5,0.2071, -0.5,-0.2071, -0.2071,-0.5, 0.2071,-0.5, 1000.0, & 0.5,-0.366, 0.0,0.5, -0.5,-0.366, 0.5,-0.366, 1000.0, & 0.5,0.366, 0.0,-0.5, -0.5,0.366, 0.5,0.366, 1000.0, & -0.5,0.0, 0.5,0.0, 1000.0, & 0.0,0.5, 0.0,-0.5, 1000.0, & -0.5,0.5, 0.5,-0.5, 1000.0, & -0.5,-0.5, 0.5,0.5, 1000.0, & 0.5,0.0, 0.0,0.5, -0.5,0.0, 0.0,-0.5, 0.5,0.0, 1000.0, & 0.5,0.2, -0.5,0.2, 0.3,-0.5, 0.0,0.5, -0.3,-0.5, & 0.5,0.2, 1000.0, & 0.5,0.0, 0.0,0.5, -0.5,0.0, -0.25,-0.5, 0.25,-0.5, & 0.5,0.0, 1000.0/ ! data isymst/ & 1,12,31,54,64,69,40,59,49,69,12,40,49,12, 1,93,93,80,69, & 0, 0, 0,49,59, 0, 0,64,64,54,54,31,54,64,31,54, 0, 0, 1, & 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1,59,49,49, 0, 1,59, 0,49, 0, 0, 0, & 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 3, 3, 2, 3, 1, 1, 2/ ! data nsym /18/ ! ! save current location ! x0 = xvpos y0 = yvpos ! ! draw symbol in proper size ! ioltyp=ilntyp ilntyp=1 if(isymno.ge.0 .and. isymno.le.nsym)then do line=1,isymst(isymno,4) iptr = isymst (isymno,line) call dsmove(x0+symsiz*symmov(iptr), & y0+symsiz*symmov(iptr+1)) do i=1,12 iptr=iptr+2 if(symmov(iptr).gt.999.0) go to 200 call dsdraw(x0+symsiz*symmov(iptr), & y0+symsiz*symmov(iptr+1)) end do 200 continue end do end if call dsmove(x0,y0) ilntyp=ioltyp return end subroutine duplex ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! DUPLEX sets the character type to duplex. ! ! level 1-3, p/s ! character czalfl*1,czalfn*5,czalfs*5 ! save /clevel/ save /cmxalf/ ! common /clevel/ kzlevl,kzbegn common /cmxalf/ czalfl(6),czalfn(6),czalfs if(kzlevl.ge.1.and.kzlevl.le.3)then czalfs='DUPLE' else call errmes('DUPLEX',1,3) end if return end subroutine endsub ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! ENDSUB terminates the current subplot. ! level 1-3,change to 1 ! save /clevel/ ! common /clevel/ kzlevl,kzbegn ! if(kzlevl.ge.1.and.kzlevl.le.3)then call zinits else call errmes('ENDSUB',1,3) end if return end subroutine entoff(ientry) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! ENTOFF deactivates an entry in the legend block. ! ! input: ientry = entry id ! ! ! parameter (kzno=222) ! save /clevel/ save /clgndn/ ! common /clevel/ kzlevl,kzbegn common /clgndn/ kzlgln,kzlgcn,kzlger,kzlgsm(50),kzlglt(50), & kzlgti(5),kzlgtl,zzlgth(50),zzlgtz,uulgtz, & zzlgtr,zzlgyl,kzlgbl,zzsrat,kzlgen(50) ! if(kzlevl.ge.1.and.kzlevl.le.3)then if(ientry.gt.50)then call errmes('ENTOFF',ientry,4) else kzlgen(ientry)=kzno end if else call errmes('ENTOFF',1,3) end if return end subroutine enton(ientry) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! ENTON reactivates an entry in the legend block. ! ! input: ientry = entry id ! parameter (kzyes=111) ! save /clevel/ save /clgndn/ ! common /clevel/ kzlevl,kzbegn common /clgndn/ kzlgln,kzlgcn,kzlger,kzlgsm(50),kzlglt(50), & kzlgti(5),kzlgtl,zzlgth(50),zzlgtz,uulgtz, & zzlgtr,zzlgyl,kzlgbl,zzsrat,kzlgen(50) ! if(kzlevl.ge.1.and.kzlevl.le.3)then if(ientry.gt.50)then call errmes('ENTON',ientry,4) else kzlgen(ientry)=kzyes end if else call errmes('ENTON',1,3) end if return end subroutine errmes(str,level1,level2) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! ERRMES writes an error message. ! ! input: str = name of calling routine ! level1 = correct level 1 of calling ! level2 = correct level 2 of calling, or ! error flag ! parameter (kzcspl=3) parameter (kzpspl=4) parameter (kzpply=5) ! character*6 str1 character*(*) str ! save /carea/ save /cdevic/ save /clevel/ save /cline/ ! common /cline/ kzlsty,kzltyp,zzlthk,kzlthk,zzprx,zzpry, & zzprx1,zzprx2,zzpry1,zzpry2,uulthk,kzlncn common /carea/ zzxaxs,zzyaxs,zzxaxr,zzyaxr,uuxaxs,uuyaxs, & zzxlft,zzxrgt,zzybot,zzytop,kzscal, & zzgrce,uugrce,zzfrme,uufrme common /cdevic/ kzsum,kzcopy,kzbyte,kznplt common /clevel/ kzlevl,kzbegn ! ! incorrect level ! 10 format(' ### error detected in routine -',a6,'-') write(*,*)' ' if(str(1:5).ne.'BLANK'.or.level2.le.4)then write(*,10)str end if if(level2.eq.0)then write(*,20)level1 20 format(' ### not called at level',i2) elseif(level2.le.3)then write(*,30)(i,i=level1,level2) 30 format(' ### not called at levels',5i2) elseif(str.eq.'ENTON')then if(level2.eq.4)then write(*,35)level1 35 format(' ### error in variable, ientry =',i5) end if elseif(str.eq.'SCALOG')then write(*,*)'### range too small.' elseif(str.eq.'SETSUB')then if(level2.eq.4)then write(*,50)zzxaxs 50 format(' ### x-axis length =',f10.2) elseif(level2.eq.5)then write(*,60)zzyaxs 60 format(' ### y-axis length =',f10.2) end if elseif(str(1:5).eq.'BLANK')then str1(1:5)=str(1:5) str1(6:6)=char(level1+48) write(*,10)str1 write(*,*)'### iframe too large' elseif(str.eq.'BLANKA')then write(*,*)'### maximum number of blank area exceeded' elseif(str(1:5).eq.'CURVE')then if(level2.eq.4)then write(*,*)' ### number of points less than or equal to 3' if(kzlsty.eq.kzcspl)then write(*,*)' ### no cubspl interpolation done' elseif(kzlsty.eq.kzpspl)then write(*,*)' ### no parametric cubspl interpolation done' elseif(kzlsty.eq.kzpply)then write(*,*)' ### no polynomial interpolation done' end if elseif(level2.eq.5)then write(*,*)' ### number of blank symbols exceeds 1000' else write(*,*)'curve reports an error.' end if elseif(str.eq.'ENTOFF')then if(level2.eq.4)then write(*,115)level1 115 format(' ### error in variable, ientry =',i5) end if elseif(str.eq.'HEADIN')then if(level2.eq.4)then write(*,160)level1 160 format(' ### error in variable, npaklin =',i5) elseif(level2.eq.5)then write(*,170)level1 170 format(' ### line number',i2,' is truncated') end if elseif(str.eq.'HRDROT')then write(*,180)level1 180 format(' ### illegal value in variable, str =',a5) elseif(str.eq.'HRDSCL')then write(*,180)level1 elseif(str.eq.'HRDDEF')then write(*,190)level1 190 format(' ### illegal value in variable, func =,', a5) elseif(str.eq.'TXTBLK')then write(*,*)' ### maximum paklin for use of txtblk exceeded' elseif(str.eq.'PAKLIN')then if(level2.eq.4)then write(*,*)'### error in array size or line size' elseif(level2.eq.5)then write(*,170)level1 end if elseif(str.eq.'MAXLIN')then if(level2.eq.4)then write(*,210)level1 210 format(' ### illegal line length =',i6) elseif(level2.eq.5)then write(*,*)'### array is too small or too large' end if elseif(str.eq.'LEGHDG')then write(*,230)level1 230 format(' ### txtblk bgnsub exceeds allowable length,',i3, & /' ### and is truncated') elseif(str(1:4).eq.'PAGE')then write(*,240)level1 240 format(' ### page is called at level',i2,',', & /' ### not set for current plot') elseif(str(1:5).eq.'RESET')then write(*,250)level1 250 format(' ### error in resetting -',a6,' -') elseif(str.eq.'BGNSUB')then if(level2.eq.4)then write(*,50)zzxaxs elseif(level2.eq.5)then write(*,60)zzyaxs elseif(level2.eq.6)then write(*,260)level1 260 format(' ### x-axis label exceeds allowable length,' & ,i3, /' ### and is truncated') elseif(level2.eq.7)then write(*,270)level1 270 format(' ### y-axis label exceeds allowable length,' & ,i3, /' ### and is truncated') elseif(level2.eq.8)then write(*,280)level1 280 format(' ### plot bgnsub exceeds allowable length,' & ,i3, /' ### and is truncated') end if elseif(str.eq.'TK4100')then write(*,285)level1 285 format(' ### device ',i4,' not supported at this time,', & /' ### assumed to be a tek 4107') elseif(str.eq.'XTRLNX')then write(*,260)level1 elseif(str.eq.'XTRLGX')then write(*,260)level1 elseif(str.eq.'XLABEL')then write(*,260)level1 elseif(str.eq.'XTRLNY')then write(*,270)level1 elseif(str.eq.'XTRLGY')then write(*,270)level1 elseif(str.eq.'YLABEL')then write(*,270)level1 elseif(str.eq.'ZMAPIT')then if(level2.eq.4)then write(*,290)level1 290 format(' ### parameter for xmarks has an illegal', & ' value of ',i8) elseif(level2.eq.5)then write(*,300)level1 300 format(' ### parameter for ymarks has an illegal', & ' value of ',i8) end if end if write(*,*)'current level=',kzlevl return end subroutine extrma(xv,yv,zv,xa,xb,ya,yb,ierr) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! EXTRMA... ! real flim(2) integer limit(2) real xs(3) real xc(3) ! save /comdp/ ! common/comdp/xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,zmin,zmax,axisr(2),plotx, & ploty,pltorg(2),camxyz(3),mx,ny,fmx,fny,camwkg(6),xorg(3), & gx(3),fx(2),kscale,zorg,center(2),pqlmt, & amtx(3,3),focall equivalence(u,camxyz(1)),(v,camxyz(2)),(w,camxyz(3)), & (mx,limit(1)),(fmx,flim(1)) ! xs(1) = xv xs(2) = yv xs(3) = zv call rotate(xs,amtx,xc) ! ! quit if point is behind camera ! if(xc(3).le.0.0)then ierr=-1 return end if xc(1) = xc(1)/xc(3) xc(2) = xc(2)/xc(3) xa = min(xa,xc(1)) xb = max(xb,xc(1)) ya = min(ya,xc(2)) yb = max(yb,xc(2)) ierr = 0 return end subroutine fcontr(z,nz,iz,mx,my,x1,xmx,y1,ymy,nl,cl) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! FCONTR produces a contour plot of a function F(X,Y) stored as a table. ! ! z(i,j) = f(x(i),y(j)). ! ! it is assumed that a call to "mapit" has already been made to establish ! the coordinate axis (x,y), with x limits covering the range ! x1 to xmx, and y limits covering the range y1 to ymy. ! ! fast version, for use with crts only ! ! arguments: ! ! input ! ! z * type: real array. ! * the values of the function to contour: ! z(i,j) = f(xi,yj) where: ! xi = x1 + (i-1)*(xmx-x1)/(mx-1) ! yj = y1 + (j-1)*(ymx-y1)/(my-1) ! ! nz * type: integer constant or variable. ! * the first dimension of the array z - not necessarily ! equal to mx, but mx <= nz. ! ! iz * type: anything - a dummy for compatibility ! * not used!!! ! ! mx * type: integer constant or variable. ! * the number of x grid points. ! ! my * type: integer constant or variable. ! * the number of y grid points. ! ! x1 * type: real constant or variable. ! * the minimum x value. ! ! xmx * type: real constant or variable. ! * the maximum x value. ! ! y1 * type: real constant or variable. ! * the minimum y value. ! ! ymy * type: real constant or variable. ! * the maximum y value. ! ! nl * type: integer constant or variable. ! * the number of contour levels. ! ! cl * type: real array. ! * the coutour levels to draw. (same units as ! f() or z().) ! integer my integer nl integer nz ! real cl(nl) real z(nz,my) real zb(4) real zmax real zmin ! save /contrf/ ! common /contrf/ x0,y0,dx,dy ! ! calc. some scaling constants needed ! dx = (xmx-x1)/(mx-1) dy = (ymy-y1)/(my-1) x0 = x1-dx y0 = y1-dy ! ! move thru array looking for contour segments in each box. ! do j=1,my-1 j2 = j+1 zb(3) = z(1,j2) zb(4) = z(1,j) do i=1,mx-1 i2 = i+1 zb(1) = zb(4) zb(2) = zb(3) zb(3) = z(i2,j2) zb(4) = z(i2,j) ! ! test for all points equal -- skip if true ! if( zb(1) .eq. zb(2) .and. zb(1) .eq. zb(3) & .and. zb(1) .eq. zb(4) ) goto 90 ! ! find extremes of box ! zmin = 1.0e30 zmax = -zmin do l=1, 4 if ( zb(l) .lt. zmin ) zmin = zb(l) if ( zb(l) .gt. zmax ) zmax = zb(l) end do ! ! if a contour falls within the box, plot it. ! do k=1,nl if( cl(k) .ge. zmin .and. cl(k) .le. zmax ) then call fsgmnt(i,j,zb,cl(k)) end if end do 90 continue end do end do return end subroutine finplt ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! FINPLT releases the graphic device. ! (level 1-3, change to 0) ! save /clevel/ save /cdevic/ save /gcdsel/ ! common /clevel/ kzlevl,kzbegn common /cdevic/ kzsum,kzcopy,kzbyte,kznplt common /gcdsel/ idev ! character*11 nplot ! if(idev .ne. 0) then call gsdrvr(6,dummy,dummy) end if idev = 0 kzlevl=0 if(kznplt.eq.1)then write(*,*)'1 plot completed.' else write(*,*)nplot,' plots completed.' end if return end subroutine frame ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! FRAME draws a frame around plot area. ! (level 2,3) ! real zzin parameter (zzin=2.54) ! save /carea/ save /clevel/ save /cpage/ save /cunit/ ! common /cunit/ zzunit common /cpage/ zzpagx,zzpagy,zzpagr,uupagx,uupagy,kzpage,kzauto common /clevel/ kzlevl,kzbegn common /carea/ zzxaxs,zzyaxs,zzxaxr,zzyaxr,uuxaxs,uuyaxs, & zzxlft,zzxrgt,zzybot,zzytop,kzscal, & zzgrce,uugrce,zzfrme,uufrme ! ! check level ! if((kzlevl.eq.2).or.(kzlevl.eq.3))then delta=0.01*zzin*zzpagr numfrm=int(zzfrme/delta+0.99) offset=(zzfrme-delta)/2.0 x1=zzxlft+offset x2=zzxrgt-offset y1=zzybot+offset y2=zzytop-offset do i=0,numfrm-1 del=delta*i tx1=x1-del tx2=x2+del ty1=y1-del ty2=y2+del call dsmove(tx1,ty1) call dsdraw(tx2,ty1) call dsdraw(tx2,ty2) call dsdraw(tx1,ty2) call dsdraw(tx1,ty1) end do else call errmes('FRAME',2,3) end if return end subroutine frmwid(thknes) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! FRMWID sets the frame thickness. ! (level 1-3, p/s) ! ! input: thknes = thickness of frame in inches ! save /carea/ save /clevel/ save /cpage/ save /cunit/ ! common /cunit/ zzunit common /cpage/ zzpagx,zzpagy,zzpagr,uupagx,uupagy,kzpage,kzauto common /clevel/ kzlevl,kzbegn common /carea/ zzxaxs,zzyaxs,zzxaxr,zzyaxr,uuxaxs,uuyaxs, & zzxlft,zzxrgt,zzybot,zzytop,kzscal, & zzgrce,uugrce,zzfrme,uufrme ! if(kzlevl.eq.1)then uufrme=thknes*zzunit elseif(kzlevl.eq.2.or.kzlevl.eq.3)then uufrme=thknes*zzunit zzfrme=uufrme*zzpagr else call errmes('FRMWID',1,3) end if return end subroutine fsgmnt(ix,jy,zb,clevel) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! FSGMNT looks for a contour segment. ! ! The search is in the box defined by ! the points (ix,jy,zb1), (ix,jy+1,zb2), (ix+1,jy+1,zb3) ! and (ix+1,jy,zb4). if found, the segment is drawn. ! real clevel integer ioff(4) integer joff(4) logical lfirst real zb(4) ! save /contrf/ save ioff save joff ! common /contrf/ x0,y0,dx,dy ! data ioff /0,0,1,1/ data joff /0,1,1,0/ ! lfirst = .true. iprevs = 4 zold = zb(iprevs) zdiff = clevel - zold do i=1,4 znew = zb(i) diff = clevel - znew if(sign(1.0,zdiff) .eq. sign(1.0,diff)) go to 90 temp = znew-zold if(temp .eq. 0.0) then pctchg = 0.0 else pctchg = zdiff/temp end if x = ix + ioff(iprevs) + (ioff(i)-ioff(iprevs))*pctchg y = jy + joff(iprevs) + (joff(i)-joff(iprevs))*pctchg call scale(x*dx+x0,y*dy+y0,vx,vy) if(.not.lfirst) then call gsdraw(vx,vy) lfirst = .true. else call gsmove(vx,vy) lfirst = .false. end if zdiff = diff zold = znew iprevs = i ! ! ??? is this where statement 90 was? ! 90 continue end do return end subroutine fulmap ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! FULMAP sets the plotting area to the whole screen. ! save /gcdprm/ ! common /gcdprm/ xs, ys, xt, yt, rcos, rsin, vxl, vxh, vyl, vyh ! call pltbox(vxl,vxh,vyl,vyh) return end subroutine gdlgi(ifxn,xa,ya) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! GDLGI is the CGM generator interface. ! parameter (maxpts=20) ! real dchar(8) real xa(8) real xray(maxpts) real ya(3) real yray(maxpts) ! save dchar save iptcnt save xlast save xray save ylast save yray ! ! make nice names for the devices resolution in x and y ! ("xgupcm" is x graphics units per centimeter) ! equivalence (dchar(4),xgupcm), (dchar(5),ygupcm) data dchar /7777.0,27.94,21.59,200.0,200.0,4095.0,127.0,1.0/ ! ! first verify we got a graphics function we can handle ! if(ifxn .le. 0 .or. ifxn .gt. 9) return ! ! now dispatch to the proper code to handle that function ! go to (100,200,300,400,500,600,700,800,900) ifxn ! ! initialize the device ! 100 continue ! ! initialize the cgm generator ! ya(1)=0.0 xlast=-1 ylast=-1 iptcnt=0 return ! ! get fresh plotting surface ! 200 continue ! ! make sure that all of the primitives have been flushed before ! we end the picture ! if(iptcnt.gt.1)then call plylin(iptcnt,xray,yray) iptcnt=0 end if call newfrm() call linclr(1) return ! ! move ! 300 continue ! ! convert cm. to virtual coordinates and then convert the ! virtual coordinates to cgm coordinates ! xnow = xa(1) * 0.035791 ynow = ya(1) * 0.035791 ! ! try to eliminate any moves that are not necessary ! if((xnow.ne.xlast).or.(ynow.ne.ylast))then ! ! if we have a polyline already, get rid of it ! if(iptcnt.gt.1)then call plylin(iptcnt,xray,yray) iptcnt=0 end if ! ! store the move coordinate in the first position ! iptcnt=1 xray(iptcnt)=xnow yray(iptcnt)=ynow xlast=xnow ylast=ynow end if return ! ! draw ! 400 continue xlast = xa(1) * 0.035791 ylast = ya(1) * 0.035791 ! ! if there are already maxpts points stored, get rid of them ! if(iptcnt.ge.maxpts)then call plylin(iptcnt,xray,yray) iptcnt=1 xray(iptcnt)=xray(maxpts) yray(iptcnt)=yray(maxpts) end if iptcnt=iptcnt+1 xray(iptcnt)= xlast yray(iptcnt)= ylast return ! ! flush graphics command buffer ! 500 continue return ! ! release the device ! 600 continue ! ! if a polyline is active, end it ! if(iptcnt.gt.1)then call plylin(iptcnt,xray,yray) end if ! ! if a picture is active, end it ! call grfcls() return ! ! return device characteristics ! ! dchar(1) = device id ! (2) = x length in cm ! (3) = y length in cm ! (4) = x resolution per cm ! (5) = y resolution per cm ! (6) = device colors ! (7) = idvbts -- device bits ! (8) = nfline ! 700 continue do i=1,8 xa(i) = dchar(i) end do return ! ! select current drawing color ! 800 continue return ! ! perform graphics input ! 900 continue return end subroutine gdlsdb ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! GDLSDB writes out the characters in a buffer. ! parameter (ibfsiz=80) character buffer ! save /gdlsr/ ! common /gdlsr/ nxtchr, buffer(ibfsiz) ! if(nxtchr .eq. 1) return write (*,'(132a)') (buffer(i), i=1,nxtchr-1) nxtchr = 1 return end subroutine gdlsin(string) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! GDLSIN... ! integer ibfsiz parameter (ibfsiz=80) ! character buffer integer i integer l integer numchr character*(*) string ! save /gdlsr/ ! common /gdlsr/ nxtchr, buffer(ibfsiz) ! l = numchr(string) if((nxtchr+l) .gt. ibfsiz) call gdlsdb do i = 1, l buffer(nxtchr) = string(i:i) nxtchr = nxtchr + 1 end do return end subroutine gdlsob ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! GDLSOB initializes the buffer to zero. ! parameter (ibfsiz=80) ! character buffer ! save /gdlsr/ ! common /gdlsr/ nxtchr, buffer(ibfsiz) ! nxtchr = 1 return end subroutine gdpost(ifxn,xa,ya) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! GDPOST is the PostScript driver. ! ! The hard copy device has 300 dots/inch ! real botmar real dpi real lftmar real psres real rtmar real topmar ! parameter (dpi = 300.0) parameter (psres = 72.0) parameter (lftmar = 0.5) parameter (rtmar = 0.25) parameter (topmar = 0.5) parameter (botmar = 0.25) parameter (paphgt = 11.0) parameter (papwid = 8.5) ! ! derived parameters ! parameter (usewid = papwid-lftmar-rtmar) parameter (usehgt = paphgt-topmar-botmar) parameter (widcm = 2.54*usewid) parameter (hgtcm = 2.54*usehgt) parameter (res = dpi/2.54) parameter (prescm = psres/2.54) parameter (xoff = psres*lftmar) parameter (yoff = psres*botmar) parameter (maxpnt = 900) ! character*15 coord character*1 eof real dchar(8) logical lnoplt logical lwide real xa(8) real ya(3) ! ! make nice names for the devices res in x and y ! ("xgupcm" is x graphics units per centimeter) ! equivalence (dchar(4),xgupcm), (dchar(5),ygupcm) ! ! diglib device characteristics words ! save dchar,coord ! data dchar /910.0, widcm, hgtcm, res, res, 1.0, 27.0, 4.0/ data coord /' '/ ! eof = char(4) lwide = .false. 10 continue ! ! first verify we got a graphics function we can handle ! if(ifxn .le. 0 .or. ifxn .gt. 7) return ! ! now dispatch to the proper code to handle that function ! go to (100,200,300,400,500,600,700) ifxn ! ! ifxn=1, initialize the device. ! 100 continue lun = int(xa(1)) ! ! show initialization worked, i.e. we opened the file. ! ya(1) = 0.0 call gdpsob call gdpsib call gdpsin('%!PS-Adobe-2.0') call gdpsdb call gdpsin('Erasepage Initgraphics 1 Setlinecap 1 Setlinejoin ') call gdpsin('/M {moveto} def /L {lineto} def ') call gdpsdb 190 continue lnoplt = .true. npoint = 0 return ! ! get fresh plotting surface ! 200 continue if(.not. lnoplt)then call gdpsin('Stroke Showpage ') end if call gdpsin('Newpath ') go to 190 ! ! **** ! move ! **** ! 300 continue ! ! draw ! 400 continue npoint = npoint + 1 if(npoint .gt. maxpnt)then call gdpsin('Stroke Newpath ') if(ifxn .eq. 4)then call gdpsin(coord) call gdpsin('M ') end if npoint = 1 end if if(lwide)then x = prescm*ya(1)+xoff y = prescm*(hgtcm-xa(1))+yoff else x = prescm*xa(1)+xoff y = prescm*ya(1)+yoff end if write(coord,451) x,y 451 format(f6.1,1x,f6.1,1x) coord(15:15) = ' ' call gdpsin(coord) if(ifxn .eq. 3)then call gdpsin('M ') else call gdpsin('L ') end if lnoplt = .false. return ! ! flush graphics command buffer ! 500 continue return ! ! release the device ! 600 continue if(.not. lnoplt)then call gdpsin('Stroke Showpage ') call gdpsin(eof) call gdpsin(' ') call gdpsdb end if !w close (unit=lun) return ! ! return device characteristics ! 700 continue do i=1,8 xa(i) = dchar(i) end do if(lwide)then xa(2) = dchar(3) xa(3) = dchar(2) end if return ! ! handle file open error ! entry gdpswd(ifxn,xa,ya) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! GDPSWD changes the PostScript device from landscape to portrait ! lwide = .true. go to 10 end subroutine gdpsdb ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! GDPSDB dumps the buffer ! parameter (ibfsiz =80) character*1 buffer ! save /gdlsr/ ! common /gdlsr/ nxtchr, buffer(ibfsiz) ! if (nxtchr .gt. 1) then write(*,'(132a1)') (buffer(i), i=1,nxtchr-1), char(13) end if nxtchr = 1 return end subroutine gdpsib ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! GDPSIB initializes the buffer ! parameter (ibfsiz =80) character*1 buffer ! save /gdlsr/ ! common /gdlsr/ nxtchr, buffer(ibfsiz) ! nxtchr = 1 return end subroutine gdpsin(string) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! GDPSIN inserts data into the buffer ! character*(*) string parameter (ibfsiz =80) character*1 buffer ! save /gdlsr/ ! common /gdlsr/ nxtchr, buffer(ibfsiz) ! l = len(string) if((nxtchr+l) .gt. ibfsiz) then call gdpsdb end if do i = 1, l buffer(nxtchr) = string(i:i) nxtchr = nxtchr + 1 end do return end subroutine gdpsob ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! GDPSOB opens the buffer. ! integer ibfsiz parameter (ibfsiz=80) ! character*1 buffer integer nxtchr ! save /gdlsr/ ! common /gdlsr/ nxtchr, buffer(ibfsiz) ! nxtchr = 1 return end subroutine gdqmsl(ifxn,xa,ya) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! GDQMSL is the QMS 800 and 1200 laser printer driver. ! ! - multiple commands, single line ! character*13 coord real dchar(8) logical lnopl logical lpenup logical lwide real xa(8) real ya(8) ! ! make nice names for the devices resolution in x and y ! ("xgupcm" is x graphics units per centimeter) ! equivalence (dchar(4),xgupcm), (dchar(5),ygupcm) ! save dchar save nplot ! data dchar /1200.0, 27.94, 21.59, 118.11, 118.11, 1.0, 27.0, 3.0/ data nplot / 0 / ! lwide = .true. 10 continue ! ! first verify we got a graphics function we can handle ! if(ifxn .le. 0 .or. ifxn .gt. 7) return ! ! now dispatch to the proper code to handle that function ! go to (100,200,300,400,500,600,700) ifxn ! ! initialize the device ! 100 continue lun = int(xa(1)) ya(1) = 0.0 190 continue call gdlsob nplot = nplot + 1 call gdlsin('^py^-') call gdlsdb call gdlsin('^iol^ij00000^it00000^ib08000^f^igv^pw03') call gdlsdb lnopl = .true. lpenup = .false. return ! ! get fresh plotting surface ! 200 continue if(lnopl) return call gdlsdb go to 190 ! ! move ! 300 continue if(lpenup) go to 450 lpenup = .true. coord(1:2) = '^u' go to 450 ! ! draw ! 400 continue if(.not. lpenup) go to 450 coord(1:2) = '^d' lpenup = .false. 450 continue if(lwide)then ix = int((10.0*xgupcm*xa(1)/3.0)+0.5) iy = int((10.0*ygupcm*(dchar(3)-ya(1))/3.0)+0.5) else ix = int((10.0*xgupcm*ya(1)/3.0) + 0.5) iy = int((10.0*ygupcm*xa(1)/3.0) + 0.5) end if write (coord(3:13),451) ix,iy 451 format(i5.5,':',i5.5) call gdlsin(coord) lnopl = .false. return ! ! flush graphics command buffer ! 500 continue call gdlsdb call gdlsin('^,') call gdlsdb return ! ! release the device ! 600 continue call gdlsin('^ige^o^iop^ij00500^it01200^ib10500') call gdlsin('^pn^-') call gdlsdb return ! ! return device characteristics ! 700 continue do i = 1,8 xa(i) = dchar(i) end do if(.not. lwide)then xa(2) = dchar(3) xa(3) = dchar(2) end if return ! ! handle file open error ! 9000 continue ya(1) = 3.0 return entry gdqmsp(ifxn,xa,ya) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! GDQMSP... ! lwide = .false. go to 10 end function goodcs(approx) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! GOODCS calculates a minimum readable character size for a given device. ! save /gcdchr/ save /gcdprm/ ! common /gcdchr/ devid, xlencm, ylencm, xres, yres, & ndclrs, idvbts, nfline, xclipd, yclipd common /gcdprm/ xs, ys, xt, yt, rcos, rsin, vxl, vxh, vyl, vyh ! size = (gschit()/yres)/ys ! ! now scale up this minimum size so that characters are about ! the size desired. ! n = int(approx/size + 0.25) ! ! must be at least n=1 ! if(n .eq. 0) n=1 ! ! now return our answer ! goodcs = n*size return end subroutine gothic ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! GOTHIC sets the character type to gothic. ! level 1-3, p/s ! save /clevel/ save /cmxalf/ ! common /clevel/ kzlevl,kzbegn common /cmxalf/ czalfl(6),czalfn(6),czalfs character czalfl*1,czalfn*5,czalfs*5 if(kzlevl.ge.1.and.kzlevl.le.3)then czalfs='GOTHI' else call errmes('GOTHIC',1,3) end if return end subroutine grafin(x,y,lflag) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! GRAFIN displays and reads the graphics cursor. ! ! It returns its position in world coordinates. ! logical lflag logical logx, logy ! save /pltcom/ save /pltsiz/ ! common /pltcom/ ux0, udx, uy0, udy, logx, logy common /pltsiz/ xvstrt, yvstrt, xvlen, yvlen ! ! get cursor position in virtual coordinates. ! call gscrsr(x,y,lflag,ierr) if(ierr .ne. 0) return x = (x-xvstrt)*udx/xvlen + ux0 if(logx) x = 10.0**x y = (y-yvstrt)*udy/yvlen + uy0 if(logy) y = 10.0**y return end subroutine grid(ix,iy) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! GRID draws grid lines. ! (level 3) ! ! input: ix,iy = number of grid lines to be drawn ! per axes step size, if less than ! than zero, it is the number of ! steps per line. ! integer kzlog parameter (kzlog=3) ! integer maxgrd parameter (maxgrd=200) ! save /carea/ save /caxis/ save /ccoord/ save /clevel/ ! common /clevel/ kzlevl,kzbegn common /carea/ zzxaxs,zzyaxs,zzxaxr,zzyaxr,uuxaxs,uuyaxs, & zzxlft,zzxrgt,zzybot,zzytop,kzscal, & zzgrce,uugrce,zzfrme,uufrme common /caxis/ kzxtyp,kzytyp,kzxnon,kzynon,kzxtck,kzytck, & zzxlba,zzylba common /ccoord/ zzxmin,zzxmax,zzxstp,zzymin,zzymax,zzystp ! if(kzlevl.eq.3)then ! ! draw border around plot area ! call zframe(zzxlft,zzxrgt,zzybot,zzytop,0.0) ! ! x grid lines ! if(ix.ne.0)then icount=1 ! ! log x ! if(kzxtyp.eq.kzlog)then delta=alog10(zzxstp) idel=nint(delta) ! ! calculate exponential increment ! if(zzxmin.le.0.0)then wx=0.0 else wx=alog10(zzxmin) end if ! ! calculate line density ! if(ix.gt.0)then nsub=ix imod=1 else nsub=1 imod=-ix end if ngrid=int((alog10(zzxmax)-wx)/delta) ! ! if number of grid lines exceeds maxgrd, ! cut it down to a reasonable number ! max=(ngrid+1)*9*nsub*idel jmod=max/maxgrd+1 if(jmod.gt.imod) imod=jmod do i=1,ngrid+1 div=10.0**wx ! ! process cycle by cycle, 'idel' is ! the number of cycle per axis label ! do m=1,idel ipwr=nint(wx+m) diff=(10.0**ipwr-10.0**(ipwr-1))/9.0 ! ! 9 grid lines per cycle ! do j=1,9 subdiv=div div=div+diff ! ! increase line density ! if(nsub.gt.1)then diff1=diff/nsub do l=1,nsub-1 icount=icount+1 subdiv=subdiv+diff1 if(mod(icount,imod).eq.0)then call scale(subdiv,zzymin,vx,vy) if(vx.gt.zzxrgt) go to 600 call dsmove(vx,zzybot) call dsdraw(vx,zzytop) end if end do end if icount=icount+1 if(mod(icount,imod).eq.0)then call scale(div,zzymin,vx,vy) if(vx.gt.zzxrgt) go to 600 call dsmove(vx,zzybot) call dsdraw(vx,zzytop) end if end do end do wx=wx+delta end do ! ! linear x ! else if(ix.gt.0)then delta=zzxstp/ix else delta=-zzxstp*ix end if wx=zzxmin ngrid=int((zzxmax-zzxmin)/delta) imod=ngrid/maxgrd+1 do i=1,ngrid wx=wx+delta icount=icount+1 if(mod(icount,imod).eq.0)then call scale(wx,zzymin,vx,vy) call dsmove(vx,zzybot) call dsdraw(vx,zzytop) end if end do end if end if ! ! y grid lines ! 600 continue if(iy.ne.0)then ! ! log y ! icount=1 if(kzytyp.eq.kzlog)then delta=alog10(zzystp) idel=nint(delta) ! ! calculate exponential increment ! if(zzymin.le.0.0)then wy=0.0 else wy=alog10(zzymin) end if ! ! calculate line density ! if(iy.gt.0)then nsub=iy imod=1 else nsub=1 imod=-iy end if ! ! if number of grid lines exceeds maxgrd, ! cut it down to a reasonable number ! ngrid=int((alog10(zzymax)-wy)/delta) max=(ngrid+1)*9*nsub*idel jmod=max/maxgrd+1 if(jmod.gt.imod) imod=jmod do i=1,ngrid+1 div=10.0**wy ! ! process cycle by cycle, 'idel' is ! the number of cycle per axis label ! do m=1,idel ipwr=nint(wy+m) diff=(10.0**ipwr-10.0**(ipwr-1))/9.0 ! ! 9 grid lines per cycle ! do j=1,9 subdiv=div div=div+diff if(nsub.gt.1)then diff1=diff/nsub ! ! increase line density ! do l=1,nsub-1 icount=icount+1 subdiv=subdiv+diff1 if(mod(icount,imod).eq.0)then call scale(zzxmin,subdiv,vx,vy) if(vy.gt.zzytop) go to 1200 call dsmove(zzxlft,vy) call dsdraw(zzxrgt,vy) end if end do end if icount=icount+1 if(mod(icount,imod).eq.0)then call scale(zzxmin,div,vx,vy) if(vy.gt.zzytop) go to 1200 call dsmove(zzxlft,vy) call dsdraw(zzxrgt,vy) end if end do end do wy=wy+delta end do ! ! linear y ! else if(iy.gt.0)then delta=zzystp/iy else delta=-zzystp*iy end if wy=zzymin ngrid=int((zzymax-zzymin)/delta) imod=ngrid/maxgrd+1 do i=1,ngrid wy=wy+delta icount=icount+1 if(mod(icount,imod).eq.0)then call scale(zzxlft,wy,vx,vy) call dsmove(zzxlft,vy) call dsdraw(zzxrgt,vy) end if end do end if end if 1200 continue ! ! if not at right level ! else call errmes('GRID',3,0) end if return end subroutine gscclc(x,y,dx,dy) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! GSCCLC does the character sizing and rotation. ! real ccos real csin real csize real dx real dy real x real xoff real xs real y real yoff real ys ! save /gccoff/ save /gccpar/ ! common /gccpar/ csize, ccos, csin common /gccoff/ xoff, yoff ! xs = x*csize ys = y*csize dx = ccos*xs + csin*ys + xoff dy = ccos*ys - csin*xs + yoff return end subroutine gsccmp(ix,iy,xoff,yoff,x,y) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! GSCCMP... ! logical lcurnt ! save /gccpar/ save /gccpos/ ! common /gccpar/ csize, ccos, csin common /gccpos/ xapos, yapos, ivis, lcurnt ! ! scale to proper size ! xs = csize*ix ys = csize*iy ! ! rotate and translate ! x = ccos*xs + csin*ys + xoff y = ccos*ys - csin*xs + yoff return end function gschit() ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! GSCHIT... ! parameter (maxfnt = 18) parameter (mxstrk = maxfnt*9000) ! integer bwidth integer bxy ! save /gcfont/ ! common /gcfont/ icfnsl, mxslot, & islfnt(maxfnt), ihight(maxfnt), & indx(95*maxfnt+1), bwidth(95*maxfnt), bxy(mxstrk) ! gschit = ihight(icfnsl) return end subroutine gscolr(icolor,ierr) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! GSCOLOR selects color "icolor" on current device. ! save /gcdchr/ ! common /gcdchr/ devid, xlencm, ylencm, xres, yres, & ndclrs, idvbts, nfline, xclipd, yclipd ! logical lnobkg ierr = 0 ! ! lnobkg set to true if no background color exists on this device ! lnobkg = ksyand(idvbts,4) .eq. 0 ! ! first, error if background color requested and device does not ! support background color write. ! if(icolor .eq. 0 .and. lnobkg) then ierr=-1 return end if ! ! second, error if color requested is larger than the number of ! foreground colors available on this device ! if(icolor .gt. ndclrs) then ierr=-1 return end if ! ! if only 1 foreground color and no background color, then ! driver will not support set color, and of course, the ! color must be color 1 to have gotten this far, so just return ! if(ndclrs .eq. 1 .and. lnobkg) return ! ! all is ok, so set the requested color ! call gsdrvr(8,float(icolor),dummy) return end subroutine gscrsr(x,y,ibutn,ierr) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! GSCRSR tries to get graphic input from the currently selected device. ! ! if the device is not capable of it, ierr=-1, else ierr=0 and: ! x = x position of cursor in virtual coordinates ! y = y position of cursor in virtual coordinates ! ibutn = new button state ! real array(3) ! save /gcdchr/ save /gcdprm/ ! common /gcdchr/ devid, xlencm, ylencm, xres, yres, & ndclrs, idvbts, nfline, xclipd, yclipd common /gcdprm/ xs, ys, xt, yt, rcos, rsin, vxl, vxh, vyl, vyh ! ! see if device supports cursor ! if(ksyand(idvbts,1024) .eq. 0) go to 900 ! ! now ask for cursor from device driver ! call gsdrvr(12,array,dummy) ! ! convert absolute cm. coord. to virtual coordinates ! call gsirst(array(2),array(3),x,y) ! ! get button state ! ibutn = int(array(1)) 120 continue ierr = 0 return ! ! device doesn't support gin ! 900 ierr = -1 return end subroutine gsdlns(iltype,on1,off1,on2,off2) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! GSDLNS defines the line style. ! logical linilt logical lposnd ! save /gcltyp/ ! common /gcltyp/ ilntyp, dleft, dist(4,3), linilt, lposnd ! if(iltype .lt. 2 .or. iltype .gt. 4) return index = iltype-1 dist(1,index) = on1 dist(2,index) = off1 dist(3,index) = on2 dist(4,index) = off2 return end subroutine gsdnam(idev,bname) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! GSDNAM returns the name of the specified device device. ! character*(*) bname integer idev ! if(idev .eq. 1) then bname ='Tek. 4014' else if(idev .eq. 2) then bname ='Tek. 4115b' else if(idev .eq. 3) then bname ='QMS-L' else if(idev .eq. 4) then bname ='QMS-P' else if(idev .eq. 5) then bname ='VT-240' else if(idev .eq. 6) then bname ='Tek. 4510' else if(idev .eq. 7) then bname ='Sel. 100xl' else if(idev .eq. 8) then bname ='PC (st-240)' else if(idev .eq. 9) then bname ='Vector file' else if(idev .eq.10) then bname ='LN03 plus - l' else if(idev .eq.11) then bname ='LN03 plus - p' else if(idev .eq.12) then bname ='Tek. 4107' else if(idev .eq.13) then bname ='Film recorder lab' else if(idev .eq.20) then bname ='Arcgraph system' else if(idev .eq.21) then bname ='CGMLIB' else bname = 'Undefined device!' end if return end subroutine gsdraw(x,y) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! GSDRAW... ! integer gsivis logical lcurnt ! save /gccpos/ save /gcvpos/ ! common /gcvpos/ xvpos, yvpos common /gccpos/ xapos, yapos, ivis, lcurnt ! ! transform virt. coor. to screen coord. ! xvpos = x yvpos = y call gsrst(xvpos,yvpos,x1,y1) ivis1 = gsivis(x1,y1) call gsdrw2(xapos,yapos,ivis,x1,y1,ivis1) xapos = x1 yapos = y1 ivis = ivis1 return end subroutine gsdrgb(icolor,red,grn,blu,ierr) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! GSDRGB defines an RGB color. ! real rgb(3) save /gcdchr/ ! common /gcdchr/ devid, xlencm, ylencm, xres, yres, & ndclrs, idvbts, nfline, xclipd, yclipd ! if( ksyand(idvbts,64) .eq. 0 .or. & (icolor .gt. ndclrs) .or. & (icolor .lt. 0)) then ierr=-1 return end if ierr = 0 rgb(1) = red rgb(2) = grn rgb(3) = blu call gsdrvr(10,float(icolor),rgb) return end subroutine gsdrvr(ifxn,x,y) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! GSDRVR... ! ! note: to add new device, please make sure the new devid is ! different from those of existing devices. ! external blkdat ! integer maxdev parameter (maxdev=21) ! save /gcdsel/ ! common /gcdsel/ idev ! ! see if device exists ! if(idev .gt. 0 .and. idev .le. maxdev) go to 10 ! ! non-existant device, so see if user is just inquiring ! if(ifxn .ne. 7) return ! ! return device type equal zero if inquiring about ! non-existant device. ! x = 0.0 return ! ! dispatch to the proper driver ! 10 continue ! devid ! ------- ! device 1 is tek. 4014 4014.0 ! device 2 is tek. 4115 4115.0 ! device 3 is QMS laser - landscape 1200.0 ! device 4 is QMS laser - portrait 1200.0 ! device 5 is vt-240 240.0 ! device 6 is tek. 4510 rasterizer 4510.0 ! device 7 is selanar hirez 100.0 ! device 8 is pc (smarterm-240 emulation) 24.0 ! device 9 is vector save 9999.0 ! device 10 is ln03 plus laser - landscape 3.0 ! device 11 is ln03 plus laser - portrait 3.0 ! device 12 is tek. 4107 4107.0 ! device 13 is film recorder lab 35.0 ! device 14 is postscript - landscape 910.0 ! device 15 is postscript - portrait 910.0 ! device 20 is local graphics interface 7777.0 ! ! if(idev .eq. 1) call gd4014(ifxn,x,y) ! if(idev .eq. 2) call gd4115(ifxn,x,y) if(idev .eq. 3) call gdqmsl(ifxn,x,y) if(idev .eq. 4) call gdqmsp(ifxn,x,y) ! if(idev .eq. 5) call gdv240(ifxn,x,y) ! if(idev .eq. 6) call gd4510(ifxn,x,y) ! if(idev .eq. 7) call gdslnr(ifxn,x,y) ! if(idev .eq. 8) call gdst24(ifxn,x,y) ! if(idev .eq. 9) call gdsave(ifxn,x,y) ! if(idev .eq.10) call gdln3l(ifxn,x,y) ! if(idev .eq.11) call gdln3p(ifxn,x,y) ! if(idev .eq.12) call gd4107(ifxn,x,y) ! if(idev .eq.13) call gdfrlb(ifxn,x,y) if(idev .eq.14) call gdpost(ifxn,x,y) if(idev .eq.15) call gdpswd(ifxn,x,y) ! if(idev .eq.13) call pcega(ifxn,x,y) if(idev .eq.20) call gdlgi(ifxn,x,y) ! return end subroutine gsdrw2(x0,y0,ivis0,x1,y1,ivis1) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! GSDRW2 clips a line to clipping box. ! ! pass on only visible line segments to ! gsdrw3 to be drawn in the current line type. this routine also ! worries about whether the graphics device will require a "move" ! before the "draw" is done. ! save /gcclip/ save /gcltyp/ ! common /gcclip/ xcm0, xcm1, ycm0, ycm1 logical linilt, lposnd common /gcltyp/ ilntyp, dleft, dist(4,3), linilt, lposnd ! logical ldid1 ! if(ksyand(ivis0,ivis1) .ne. 0) return if(ivis0 .eq. 0) go to 10 lposnd = .false. linilt = .true. 10 continue ! ! calculate the number of clips necessary ! nclips = 0 if(ivis0 .ne. 0) nclips = 1 if(ivis1 .ne. 0) nclips = nclips + 1 if(nclips .ne. 0) go to 100 ! ! line totally visible, just draw it ! call gsdrw3(x0,y0,x1,y1) return ! ! find the intersection(s) with the clipping box edges ! 100 continue ldid1 = .false. ist = 1 dx = x1-x0 if(dx .eq. 0.0) ist = 3 ifn = 4 dy = y1-y0 if(dy .eq. 0.0) ifn = 2 if(ist .gt. ifn) return ivisc = ksyor(ivis0,ivis1) ibit = 2**(ist-1) do i = ist, ifn if(ksyand(ivisc,ibit) .eq. 0) go to 200 if(i .gt. 2) go to 110 xi = xcm0 if(i .eq. 2) xi = xcm1 yi = y0 + (xi-x0)*dy/dx if(yi .lt. ycm0 .or. yi .gt. ycm1) go to 200 go to 120 110 continue yi = ycm0 if(i .eq. 4) yi = ycm1 xi = x0 + (yi-y0)*dx/dy if(xi .lt. xcm0 .or. xi .gt. xcm1) go to 200 120 continue ! ! got an intersection. if it's the only one, then draw the line. ! if(nclips .gt. 1) go to 140 if(ivis0 .eq. 0) go to 130 call gsdrw3(xi,yi,x1,y1) return 130 continue call gsdrw3(x0,y0,xi,yi) return 140 continue ! ! two clips necessary. if we already have one, draw the double clipped ! line, else save first clip and wait for last. ! note, if double clipped, it doesn't matter in which direction it ! is drawn. ! if(.not. ldid1) go to 180 call gsdrw3(x2,y2,xi,yi) return 180 continue x2 = xi y2 = yi ldid1 = .true. 200 continue ibit = 2*ibit end do ! ! segment is not visible if we drop thru to here ! return end subroutine gsdrw3(x0,y0,x1,y1) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! GSDRW3 draws a line from (x0,y0) to (x1,y1) in absolute coordinates. ! ! assumes that clipping has already been done. to suppress unnecessary ! "moves", this is the only routine that should call gsdrvr(3,,,). ! the line is drawn in the current line type. this routine does not ! set the absolute position (xapos,yapos). it is up to the caller to ! do so if necessary. ! logical linilt, lposnd ! save /gcltyp/ ! common /gcltyp/ ilntyp, dleft, dist(4,3), linilt, lposnd ! if(ilntyp .gt. 1) go to 50 if(.not. lposnd) call gsdrvr(3,x0,y0) go to 220 ! ! segment line to make current line type ! 50 continue if(.not. linilt) go to 100 inxtl = 1 dleft = dist(1,ilntyp-1) linilt = .false. if(.not. lposnd) call gsdrvr(3,x0,y0) 100 dx = x1-x0 dy = y1-y0 dl = sqrt(dx**2+dy**2) ! ! see if this segment is shorter that dist. left on line type ! if(dl .le. dleft) go to 200 ! ! segment is longer, so advance to line type break ! s = dleft/dl x0 = s*dx+x0 y0 = s*dy+y0 ! ! see if this part of the line type is drawn or skipped ! if(ksyand(inxtl,1) .ne. 0) go to 120 call gsdrvr(3,x0,y0) go to 140 120 continue call gsdrvr(4,x0,y0) 140 continue ! ! now go to next portion of line type ! inxtl = inxtl + 1 if(inxtl .gt. 4) inxtl = 1 dleft = dist(inxtl,ilntyp-1) go to 100 ! ! draw last of line if drawn ! 200 continue dleft = dleft - dl if(ksyand(inxtl,1) .ne. 0) go to 220 lposnd = .false. go to 240 220 continue call gsdrvr(4,x1,y1) lposnd = .true. 240 continue return end subroutine gsetdp(angle,xscale,yscale,xtran,ytran) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! GSETDP ... ! real pio180 parameter (pio180=1.745329252e-2) ! save /gcdprm/ ! common /gcdprm/ xs, ys, xt, yt, rcos, rsin, vxl, vxh, vyl, vyh ! ! set scale and translation factors ! xs = xscale ys = yscale xt = xtran yt = ytran ! ! set rotation factors ! rad = -angle*pio180 rcos = cos(rad) rsin = sin(rad) return end subroutine gsfill(x,y,n,tx,ty) !*********************************************************************** ! !! GSFILL fills a polygon. ! integer n integer gsivis logical left logical linilt logical lposnd real tx(n) real ty(n) real x(n) real xins(40) real y(n) save /gcdchr/ save /gcdprm/ save /gcltyp/ common /gcdchr/ devid, xlencm, ylencm, xres, yres, & ndclrs, idvbts, nfline, xclipd, yclipd common /gcdprm/ xs, ys, xt, yt, rcos, rsin, vxl, vxh, vyl, vyh common /gcltyp/ ilntyp, dleft, dist(4,3), linilt, lposnd save fact data fact /16.0/ ! ! define arithmetic statement function to mapping vertices ! ymap(yyy) = 2.0*aint(yscale*yyy+0.5)+1.0 ! if(n .lt. 3) return ! ! convert to absolute coord. ! do i=1,n call gsrst(x(i),y(i),tx(i),ty(i)) end do call minmax(ty,n,ymin,ymax) call minmax(tx,n,xmin,xmax) ! ! if clipping needed or if no hardware polygon fill, use software ! if((gsivis(xmin,ymin) .ne. 0) .or. & (gsivis(xmax,ymax) .ne. 0) .or. & (ksyand(idvbts,256) .eq. 0)) go to 200 ! ! if can handle concave polygons, just call driver ! if((ksyand(idvbts,512) .eq. 0) .or. & (n .eq. 3)) go to 150 ! ! if here, driver can handle convex non-intersecting polygons only, ! so make sure this polygon is convex and non-self-intersecting. ! dx1 = x(1)-x(n) dy1 = y(1)-y(n) ! ! dy = dy1 @old non-zero delta-y ! dy = dy1 ! ! nchngs = 0 @number of times delta-y changes sign ! nchngs = 0 l = 1 costh = 0.0 110 continue ! ! convexity test ! dx2 = x(l+1)-x(l) dy2 = y(l+1)-y(l) a = dx1*dy2-dx2*dy1 if(a*costh .lt. 0.0) go to 200 if(costh .eq. 0.0) costh = a ! ! self intersection check - relys on "convexity" check ! if(dy .ne. 0.0) go to 120 dy = dy2 go to 130 120 continue if(dy2*dy .ge. 0.0) go to 130 dy = dy2 nchngs = nchngs + 1 if(nchngs .ge. 3) go to 200 130 continue dx1 = dx2 dy1 = dy2 l = l + 1 if(l .lt. n) go to 110 150 continue call gsdrvr(1024+n,tx,ty) return ! ! software fill ! 200 continue ! ! filling a polygon is very simple if and only if the vertices of ! the polygon never lie on a scan line. we can force this to happen ! by the following trick: make all vertices lie just barely above ! the scan line they should lie on. this is done by mapping the ! vertices to a grid that is "fact" times the device resolution, ! and then doubling the grid density, and offsetting the vertices ! by 1. because we do this, we must outline the polygon. ! ! fill with solid lines ! linold = ilntyp ilntyp = 1 ! left = .true. yscale = ys*yres*fact dlines = 2.0*fact call minmax(y,n,ymin,ymax) ymin = aint(ymap(ymin)/dlines)*dlines+dlines ymax = aint(ymap(ymax)/dlines)*dlines yscan = ymin 210 continue inisec = 0 ! ! do each side of the polygon. put any x intersections ! with the scan line y=yscan in xins ! ybegin = ymap(y(n)) xbegin = x(n) do l = 1, n yend = ymap(y(l)) dy = yscan-ybegin if(dy*(yscan-yend) .gt. 0.0) go to 390 ! ! insert an intersection ! inisec = inisec + 1 xins(inisec) = dy*(x(l)-xbegin)/(yend-ybegin)+xbegin ! 390 continue ybegin = yend xbegin = x(l) end do ! ! fill if there were any intersections ! if(inisec .eq. 0) go to 500 ! ! first we must sort on x intersection. ! use bubble sort because usually only 2. ! when "left" is true, ascending sort, false is descending sort. ! do i = 1, inisec-1 xkey = xins(i) do j = i+1, inisec if(.not. left) go to 420 if(xkey .ge. xins(j)) go to 430 410 continue temp = xkey xkey = xins(j) xins(j) = temp go to 430 420 if(xkey .gt. xins(j)) go to 410 430 continue end do xins(i) = xkey end do ! ! draw fill lines now ! yy = yscan/(2.0*yscale) do i = 1, inisec, 2 call gsmove(xins(i),yy) call gsdraw(xins(i+1),yy) end do 500 continue yscan = yscan + dlines left = .not. left if(yscan .le. ymax) go to 210 ! ! finally, outline the polygon ! call gsmove(x(n),y(n)) do l=1,n call gsdraw(x(l),y(l)) end do ! ! restore line type ! ilntyp = linold return end subroutine gsfont(newfnt,ierr) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! GSFONT selects a new font, loading it if necessary ! parameter (lun=19) parameter (maxfnt = 18,maxtot = 18) parameter (mxstrk=maxfnt*9000) ! parameter (numbyt=4) ! integer bwidth integer bxy character*80 filnam integer ibias(maxtot) integer ios character*6 machin ! save /gccpar/ save /gcfont/ ! common /gcfont/ icfnsl, mxslot, & islfnt(maxfnt), ihight(maxfnt), & indx(95*maxfnt+1), bwidth(95*maxfnt), bxy(mxstrk) common /gccpar/ csize, ccos, csin ! 400 format(//, & ' ***** note: insufficient storage for font [',a,'].',//) ! if(newfnt .le. 0 .or. newfnt .gt. maxtot)then write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'GSFONT - Warning' write(*,*)' The selected font is out of range!' ierr = -1 return end if islot = 1 10 continue if(islfnt(islot) .eq. newfnt) go to 40 islot = islot + 1 if(islot .le. mxslot) go to 10 ! ! load new font ! if(islot .gt. maxfnt) islot = 2 mxslot = islot islfnt(islot) = newfnt call system2('SYST',machin) filnam='ss_mep:[mp31879.bin]smdfont.dat' !------------------------begin vax vms specific code-------------------- open (unit=lun,file=filnam,status='old',access='direct', & form='unformatted',recl=512*numbyt,err=999,iostat=ios) !-------------------------end vax vms specific code--------------------- !-----------------------------begin generic code------------------------ ! ! the recl parameter is specified in bytes ! ! open (unit=lun,file=filnam,status='old',access='direct', ! . form='unformatted',recl=512*numbyt,err=999) !------------------------------end generic code------------------------- ibias(1) = 0 read(lun,rec=1) load,(ibias(i),i=2,load) ! ! calculate offsets into tables ! ist = 1 + 95*(islot-1) iend = ist + 95 ioff = indx(ist)-1 read(lun,rec=1+ibias(newfnt)) nmchar, ihight(islot), & (indx(i),i=ist,iend),(bwidth(i), i=ist-95,iend-96) ! ! make sure it all fits ! if((ioff+nmchar) .gt. mxstrk)then write(*,400) close (unit=lun) ierr = -1 return end if ! ! now add offset to indexes ! do i=ist,iend if(indx(i) .gt. 0) indx(i) = indx(i) + ioff end do ! ! read in the strokes ! iblcks = (nmchar+511)/512 jst = ioff+1 do i=1,iblcks-1 read(lun,rec=i+1+ibias(newfnt)) (bxy(j), j=jst,jst+511) jst = jst + 512 end do if(jst .le. nmchar+ioff)then read(lun,rec=iblcks+1+ibias(newfnt)) (bxy(j), j=jst,nmchar+ioff) end if close (unit=lun) ! ! select the new font ! 40 continue oldh = gschit() icfnsl = islot csize = oldh*csize/gschit() ierr = 0 return ! ! font file not found ! 999 continue write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'GSFONT - Fatal error!' write(*,*)' open error, iostat = ',ios write(*,*)' could not find or open font file:' write(*,'(1x,a)')filnam ierr = -2 stop end subroutine gsgin(x,y,bchar,ierr) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! GSGIN tries to get graphic input (gin) from the currently selected device. ! ! if the device is not capable ! of gin, ierr=-1. for gin devices, ierr=0 and: ! x = x position of cursor in absolute screen cm. ! y = y position of cursor in absolute screen cm. ! bchar = character stuck at terminal to signal cursor has ! been positioned (character). ! real array(3) character bchar character space ! save /gcdchr/ save /gcdprm/ ! common /gcdchr/ devid, xlencm, ylencm, xres, yres, & ndclrs, idvbts, nfline, xclipd, yclipd common /gcdprm/ xs, ys, xt, yt, rcos, rsin, vxl, vxh, vyl, vyh ! save space ! data space /' '/ ! ! see if device supports gin ! if(ksyand(idvbts,128) .eq. 0) go to 30 ! ! now ask for gin from device driver ! call gsdrvr(9,array,dummy) ! ! convert absolute cm. coord. to virtual cm. coordinates ! call gsirst(array(2),array(3),x,y) ! ! get character as 7 bit ascii ! item = int(array(1)) if(item .lt. 0 .or. item .gt. 127)then bchar = space else bchar = char(item) end if ierr = 0 return ! ! device doesn't support gin ! 30 continue ierr = -1 return end function gshght() ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! GSHGHT returns the current character height in virtual coordinates. ! save /gccpar/ ! common /gccpar/ csize, ccos, csin ! gshght = csize/gschit() return end subroutine gsinpt(x,y,lflag,ierr) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! GSINPT does a generic graphics input. ! logical lflag ! character char, space ! save space ! data space /' '/ ! call gscrsr(x,y,ibutn,ierr) if(ierr .ne. 0) go to 100 lflag = (ksyand(ibutn,1) .eq. 1) return 100 continue call gsgin(x,y,char,ierr) if(ierr .ne. 0) return lflag = (char .eq. space) return end subroutine gsirst(xa,ya,xv,yv) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! GSIRST carries out an inverse rotate, scale, and then translate, ! ! It takes absolute coordinates into virtual coordinates. ! save /gcdprm/ ! common /gcdprm/ xs, ys, xt, yt, rcos, rsin, vxl, vxh, vyl, vyh ! ! convert absolute cm. coord. to virtual cm. coordinates ! xtemp = (xa-xt)/xs yv = (ya-yt)/ys xv = rcos*xtemp-rsin*yv yv = rcos*yv+rsin*xtemp return end function gsivis(x,y) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! GSIVIS ... ! integer gsivis ! save /gcclip/ ! common /gcclip/ xcm0, xcm1, ycm0, ycm1 ! ! gsivis = 0 if(x .lt. xcm0-0.00001) gsivis = 1 if(x .gt. xcm1+0.00001) gsivis = gsivis + 2 if(y .lt. ycm0-0.00001) gsivis = gsivis + 4 if(y .gt. ycm1+0.00001) gsivis = gsivis + 8 return end function gslens(bstrng) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! GSLENS returns the length in virtual coordinates of a string. ! ! the current character size is assumed. ! parameter (maxfnt = 18) parameter (mxstrk = maxfnt*9000) ! character bstrng*(*) integer bwidth integer bxy ! save /gccpar/ save /gcfont/ ! common /gccpar/ csize, ccos, csin common /gcfont/ icfnsl, mxslot, & islfnt(maxfnt), ihight(maxfnt), & indx(95*maxfnt+1), bwidth(95*maxfnt), bxy(mxstrk) ! if (icfnsl .eq. 1) then gslens = 9.0*numchr(bstrng)*csize else gslens = 0.0 ioff = 95*(icfnsl-2) - 32 do i=1,numchr(bstrng) jchar = ichar(bstrng(i:i)) if(jchar .le. 32 .or. jchar .ge. 128 & .or. bwidth(jchar+ioff) .le. 0) jchar = 65 iwidth = bwidth(jchar+ioff) gslens = gslens + csize*iwidth end do end if return end subroutine gsltyp(itype) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! GSLTYP sets the current line type. ! logical linilt, lposnd ! save /gcltyp/ ! common /gcltyp/ ilntyp, dleft, dist(4,3), linilt, lposnd ! ilntyp = itype if(ilntyp .le. 0 .or. (ilntyp .gt. 4)) ilntyp = 1 linilt = .true. return end subroutine gsmove(x,y) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! GSMOVE moves to the point (x,y). ! integer gsivis logical linilt, lposnd logical lcurnt ! save /gccpos/ save /gcltyp/ save /gcvpos/ ! common /gcltyp/ ilntyp, dleft, dist(4,3), linilt, lposnd common /gcvpos/ xvpos, yvpos common /gccpos/ xapos, yapos, ivis, lcurnt ! ! reset line style to beginning of pattern and show moved ! linilt = .true. lposnd = .false. ! ! transform virtual coord. to absolute coord. ! xvpos = x yvpos = y call gsrst(xvpos,yvpos,xapos,yapos) ivis = gsivis(xapos,yapos) return end subroutine gspoly(x,y,n) !*********************************************************************** ! !! GSPOLY draws a polygon. ! integer n integer i real x(n) real y(n) call gsmove(x(n),y(n)) do i = 1, n call gsdraw(x(i),y(i)) end do return end subroutine gspstr(bstrng) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! GSPSTR strokes out a character string. ! ! "bstrng" ia a byte array with 0 as a terminator. ! The string is drawn at the current position. ! character bstrng*(*) ! save /gccoff/ save /gcltyp/ save /gcvpos/ ! common /gcvpos/ xvpos, yvpos common /gccoff/ xoff, yoff logical linilt, lposnd common /gcltyp/ ilntyp, dleft, dist(4,3), linilt, lposnd ! ! don't draw characters in linetypes ! iold = ilntyp ilntyp = 1 ! nbyte = 0 nchar = numchr(bstrng) 100 nbyte = nbyte + 1 if(nbyte .gt. nchar) go to 200 ! ! save the (0,0) position of the character ! xoff = xvpos yoff = yvpos ! ! get the character to stroke ! jchar = ichar(bstrng(nbyte:nbyte)) ! if(jchar .eq. 0) go to 200 ! ! stroke the character ! call gsstrk(jchar) go to 100 ! ! return line type to that of before ! 200 continue ilntyp = iold return end subroutine gsrclp(area) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! GSRCLP restores a saved absolute clipping window saved by GSSCLP. ! ! no error checking is performed here!!! ! real area(4) ! save /gcclip/ ! common /gcclip/ xcm0, xcm1, ycm0, ycm1 ! xcm0 = area(1) xcm1 = area(2) ycm0 = area(3) ycm1 = area(4) return end subroutine gsrst(xv,yv,xa,ya) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! GSRST rotates, scales, and then translates coordinates. ! ! It takes virtual coordinates into screen coordinates. ! save /gcdprm/ ! common /gcdprm/ xs, ys, xt, yt, rcos, rsin, vxl, vxh, vyl, vyh xtemp = xv xa = xs*(rcos*xtemp+rsin*yv) + xt ya = ys*(rcos*yv-rsin*xtemp) + yt return end subroutine gssclp(vx0,vx1,vy0,vy1,area) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! GSSCLP saves the current absolute clipping window. ! ! It sets a new absolute clipping window given virtual coordinates. ! it makes sure that the clipping window never lies outside the ! physical device. ! real area(4) save /gcclip/ save /gcdchr/ ! common /gcclip/ xcm0, xcm1, ycm0, ycm1 common /gcdchr/ devid, xlencm, ylencm, xres, yres, & ndclrs, idvbts, nfline, xclipd, yclipd ! area(1) = xcm0 area(2) = xcm1 area(3) = ycm0 area(4) = ycm1 ! call gsrst(vx0,vy0,ax0,ay0) call gsrst(vx1,vy1,ax1,ay1) xcm0 = max ( min (ax0,ax1), 0.0) ycm0 = max ( min (ay0,ay1), 0.0) xcm1 = min (xclipd, max (ax0,ax1)) ycm1 = min (yclipd, max (ay0,ay1)) return end subroutine gssetc(size,angle) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! GSSETC sets the character height and angle. ! real pio180 parameter (pio180=1.745329252e-2) ! real angle real csize real size ! save /gccpar/ ! common /gccpar/ csize, ccos, csin ! ! set up size multiplier ! csize = size/gschit() ! ! calculate the rotation factors ! rad = -pio180*angle ccos = cos(rad) csin = sin(rad) return end subroutine gsstrk(ichar) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! GSSTRK strokes out a character. ! parameter (maxfnt = 18) parameter (mxstrk = maxfnt*9000) ! integer bwidth, bxy logical lmove ! save /gcfont/ ! common /gcfont/ icfnsl, mxslot, & islfnt(maxfnt), ihight(maxfnt), & indx(95*maxfnt+1), bwidth(95*maxfnt), bxy(mxstrk) ! ! space fill all non-printing and non-defined with space size of ! a capital "a". ! jchar = (ichar-32) + 95*(icfnsl-1) if(ichar .le. 32 .or. ichar .ge. 128) go to 800 if(icfnsl .gt. 1)then if(bwidth(jchar-95) .le. 0) go to 800 end if ! ! stroke this character ! index = indx(jchar) idone = indx(jchar+1) ! ! first position is an assumed move ! lmove = .true. ! ! get the scaled and rotated next position on the character ! 100 continue 150 if(bxy(index) .ne. -64) go to 160 lmove = .true. index = index + 1 go to 100 ! 160 x=bxy(index) y=bxy(index+1) call gscclc(x,y,dx,dy) index = index + 2 if(lmove)then call gsmove(dx,dy) else call gsdraw(dx,dy) end if lmove = .false. if(index .lt. idone) go to 100 ! ! all done with the character, move to next character position ! 200 continue if(icfnsl .eq. 1)then width = 9.0 else width = bwidth(jchar-95) end if call gscclc(width,0.0,dx,dy) call gsmove(dx,dy) return ! ! use capital "a" for size of space and all non-printing and non-defined ! 800 continue jchar = (65-32) + 95*(icfnsl-1) go to 200 end subroutine gswndo(uxl,uxh,uyl,uyh,xoff,yoff,xawdth,yahigh) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! GSWNDO provides window/viewport mechanism. ! save /gcclip/ save /gcdchr/ save /gcdprm/ ! common /gcclip/ xcm0, xcm1, ycm0, ycm1 common /gcdchr/ devid, xlencm, ylencm, xres, yres, & ndclrs, idvbts, nfline, xclipd, yclipd common /gcdprm/ xs, ys, xt, yt, rcos, rsin, vxl, vxh, vyl, vyh ! rcos = 1.0 rsin = 0.0 xs = xawdth/(uxh-uxl) ys = yahigh/(uyh-uyl) xt = xoff - xs*uxl yt = yoff - ys*uyl xcm0 = max ( min (xoff,xoff+xawdth),0.0) ycm0 = max ( min (yoff,yoff+yahigh),0.0) xcm1 = min (xclipd, max (xoff,xoff+xawdth)) ycm1 = min (yclipd, max (yoff,yoff+yahigh)) ! ! save virtual coordinate extent ! vxl = uxl vxh = uxh vyl = uyl vyh = uyh return end function gsxlcm() !*********************************************************************** ! !! GSXLCM returns the x axis length of the current device in centimeters. ! save /gcdchr/ common /gcdchr/ devid, xlencm, ylencm, xres, yres, & ndclrs, idvbts, nfline, xclipd, yclipd gsxlcm = xlencm return end function gsylcm() !*********************************************************************** ! !! GSYLCM returns the y axis length of the current device in centimeters. ! save /gcdchr/ common /gcdchr/ devid, xlencm, ylencm, xres, yres, & ndclrs, idvbts, nfline, xclipd, yclipd gsylcm = ylencm return end subroutine hatch(xvert, yvert, numpts, phi, cmspac, iflags, & xx, yy) !*********************************************************************** ! !! HATCH provides shading for a general polygonal region. ! ! there is ! absolutely no assumption made about convexity. a polygon is specified ! by its vertices, given in either a clockwise or counter-clockwise order. ! the density of the shading lines (or points) and the angle for the ! shading lines are both determined by the parameters passed to the routine. ! ! the input parameters are interpreted as follows: ! ! xvert - an array of x coordinates for the polygon(s) vertices ! ! yvert - an array of y coordinates for the polygon(s) vertices ! ! note: an x value >=1e38 signals a new polygon. this allows ! filling areas that have holes where the holes are ! defined as polygons. it also allows multiple ! polygons to be filled in one call to hatch. ! ! numpts - the number of vertices in the polygon(s) including ! the separator(s) if any. ! ! phi - the angle for the shading, measured counter-clockwise ! in degrees from the positive x-axis ! ! cmspac - the distance in virtual coordinates (cm. usually) ! between shading lines. this value may be rounded ! a bit, so some cumulative error may be apparent. ! ! iflags - general flags controlling hatch ! 0 ==> boundary not drawn, input is virtual coord. ! 1 ==> boundary drawn, input is virtual coord. ! 2 ==> boundary not drawn, input is world coord. ! 3 ==> boundary drawn, input is world coord. ! ! xx - a work array atleast "numpts" long. ! ! yy - a second work array atleast "numpts" long. ! logical lmove real xintcp(20) real xvert(numpts) real xx(numpts) real yvert(numpts) real yy(numpts) ! save /gcdchr/ ! common /gcdchr/ devid, xlencm, ylencm, xres, yres, & ndclrs, idvbts, nfline, xclipd, yclipd ! ! this routine has to maintain an internal array of the transformed ! coordinates. this requires the passing of the two working arrays ! called "xx" and "yy". ! this routine also needs to store the intersections of the hatch ! lines with the polygon. this is done in "xintcp". ! ! ! x >= 'BIGNUM' signals the end of a polygon in the input. ! save bignum,fact,pi180 ! data bignum /1e38/ data fact /16.0/ data pi180 /0.017453292/ ! ! check for valid number of vertices. ! if(numpts .lt. 3) return ! ! convert all of the points to integer coordinates so that the shading ! lines are horizontal. this requires a rotation for the general case. ! the transformation from virtual to internal coordinates has the two ! or three phases: ! ! (1) convert world to virtual coord. if input in world coord. ! ! (2) rotate clockwise through the angle phi so shading is horizontal, ! ! (3) scale to integers in the range ! [0...2*fact*(device_maxy_coordinate)], forcing coordinates ! to be odd integers. ! ! the coordinates are all odd so that later tests will never have an ! outcome of "equal" since all shading lines have even coordinates. ! this greatly simplifies some of the logic. ! ! at the same time the pre-processing is being done, the input is checked ! for multiple polygons. if the x-coordinate of a vertex is >= 'BIGNUM' ! then the point is not a vertex, but rather it signifies the end of a ! particular polygon. an implied edge exists between the first and last ! vertices in each polygon. a polygon must have at least three vertices. ! illegal polygons are removed from the internal lists. ! ! ! compute trigonometric functions for the angle of rotation. ! cosphi = cos(pi180*phi) sinphi = sin(pi180*phi) ! ! first convert from world to virtual coord. if necessary and eliminate ! any polygons with two or fewer vertices ! itail = 1 ihead = 0 do i = 1, numpts ! ! allocate another point in the vertex list. ! ihead = ihead + 1 ! ! a xvert >= 'BIGNUM' is a special flag. ! if(xvert(i) .lt. bignum) go to 110 xx(ihead) = bignum if((ihead-itail) .lt. 2) ihead = itail - 1 itail = ihead + 1 go to 120 110 continue ! ! convert from world to virtual coord. if input is world coord. ! ! if((iflags .and. 2) .eq. 0) go to 115 if(iflags .eq. 1) go to 115 if(iflags .eq. 4) go to 115 call scale(xvert(i),yvert(i),xx(ihead),yy(ihead)) go to 120 115 continue xx(ihead) = xvert(i) yy(ihead) = yvert(i) 120 continue end do if((ihead-itail) .lt. 2) ihead = itail - 1 nvert = ihead ! ! draw boundary(s) if desired ! ! if((iflags .and. 1) .eq. 0) go to 138 if(iflags .eq. 2) go to 138 if(iflags .eq. 4) go to 138 ihead = 0 itail = 1 lmove = .true. 130 continue ihead = ihead + 1 if(ihead .gt. nvert) go to 133 if(xx(ihead) .ne. bignum) go to 135 133 continue call gsdraw(xx(itail),yy(itail)) itail = ihead + 1 lmove = .true. go to 139 135 continue if(lmove) go to 137 call gsdraw(xx(ihead),yy(ihead)) go to 139 137 continue call gsmove(xx(ihead),yy(ihead)) lmove = .false. 139 continue if(ihead .le. nvert) go to 130 138 continue ! ! rotate to make shading lines horizontal ! ymin = bignum ymax = -bignum yscale = yres*fact yscal2 = 2.0*yscale do i = 1, nvert if(xx(i) .eq. bignum) go to 140 ! ! perform the rotation to achieve horizontal shading lines. ! xv1 = xx(i) xx(i) = +cosphi*xv1 + sinphi*yy(i) yy(i) = -sinphi*xv1 + cosphi*yy(i) ! ! convert to integers after scaling, and make vertices odd. in y ! yy(i) = 2.0*aint(yscale*yy(i)+0.5)+1.0 ymin = min (ymin,yy(i)) ymax = max (ymax,yy(i)) 140 continue end do ! ! make shading start on a multiple of the step size. ! step = 2.0*aint(yres*cmspac*fact) ymin = aint(ymin/step) * step ymax = aint(ymax/step) * step ! ! after all of the coordinates for the vertices have been pre-processed ! the appropriate shading lines are drawn. these are intersected with ! the edges of the polygon and the visible portions are drawn. ! y = ymin 150 continue if(y .gt. ymax) go to 250 ! ! initially there are no known intersections. ! icount = 0 ibase = 1 ivert = 1 160 continue itail = ivert ivert = ivert + 1 ihead = ivert if(ihead .gt. nvert) go to 165 if(xx(ihead) .ne. bignum) go to 170 ! ! there is an edge from vertex n to vertex 1. ! 165 ihead = ibase ibase = ivert + 1 ivert = ivert + 1 170 continue ! ! see if the two endpoints lie on ! opposite sides of the shading line. ! yhead = y - yy(ihead) ytail = y - yy(itail) if(yhead*ytail .ge. 0.0) go to 180 ! ! they do. this is an intersection. compute x. ! icount = icount + 1 delx = xx(ihead) - xx(itail) dely = yy(ihead) - yy(itail) xintcp(icount) = (delx/dely) * yhead + xx(ihead) 180 continue if( ivert .le. nvert ) go to 160 ! ! sort the x intercept values. use a bubblesort because there ! aren't very many of them (usually only two). ! if(icount .eq. 0) go to 240 do i = 2, icount xkey = xintcp(i) k = i - 1 do j = 1, k if(xintcp(j) .gt. xkey) then xtemp = xkey xkey = xintcp(j) xintcp(j) = xtemp end if end do xintcp(i) = xkey end do ! ! all of the x coordinates for the shading segments along the ! current shading line are now known and are in sorted order. ! all that remains is to draw them. process the x coordinates ! two at a time. ! yr = y/yscal2 do i = 1, icount, 2 ! ! convert back to virtual coordinates. ! rotate through an angle of -phi to original orientation. ! then unscale from grid to virtual coord. ! xv1 = + cosphi*xintcp(i) - sinphi*yr yv1 = + sinphi*xintcp(i) + cosphi*yr xv2 = + cosphi*xintcp(i+1) - sinphi*yr yv2 = + sinphi*xintcp(i+1) + cosphi*yr ! ! draw the segment of the shading line. ! call gsmove(xv1,yv1) call gsdraw(xv2,yv2) end do 240 continue y = y + step go to 150 250 continue return end subroutine headin(lhead,ihead,htmult,nlines) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! HEADIN writes heading lines above plot area. ! (level 2,3) ! ! input: lhead = heading text line ! ihead = number of characters in lhead ! htmult = character size in multiple of ! current character size ! nlines = total number of lines to be plotted ! ! character array to store the heading text ! ! kzhdmx = total number of lines in heading, max = 4 ! kzhdnl = current line ! kzhdtx = (nl-1)*18+1, text ! (nl-1)*18+17, number of characters ! (nl-1)*18+18, number of underlines ! zzhdsz = char size ! ! ------------------------------------------- ! kzhdtx: | text ... | nchar | nunderlines| ! ------------------------------------------- ! ... ! ... ! save /carea/ save /cheadc/ save /cheadn/ save /clevel/ save /cmxalf/ save /cphysr/ save /cstrng/ save /gcclip/ ! common /clevel/ kzlevl,kzbegn common /cheadn/ kzhdnl,kzhdmx,kzhdtx(72),zzhdsz(4) common /cheadc/ czhdac(4,6),czhdaf(4,6),czhdas(4) common /cstrng/ zzhite,uuhite,zzangl,kzstrm,kztmln common /carea/ zzxaxs,zzyaxs,zzxaxr,zzyaxr,uuxaxs,uuyaxs, & zzxlft,zzxrgt,zzybot,zzytop,kzscal, & zzgrce,uugrce,zzfrme,uufrme common /cphysr/ zzxor,zzyor,kzor,uuxor,uuyor common /gcclip/ xcm0, xcm1, ycm0, ycm1 common /cmxalf/ czalfl(6),czalfn(6),czalfs character czhdac*1,czhdaf*5,czhdas*5 character czalfl*1,czalfn*5,czalfs*5 ! integer lhead(*) character cflag(6)*1,cfont(6)*5,cstyle*5 equivalence (multi,rmulti) ! save jtext,jnchar,juline,maxchr ! data jtext,jnchar,juline /1,17,18/ data maxchr /64/ if(kzlevl.eq.2.or.kzlevl.eq.3)then ! ! save max number of line if this is the first call ! if(kzhdmx.eq.0)then nl=abs(nlines) if(nl.gt.4.or.nl.eq.0)then kzhdmx=-4 call errmes('HEADIN',nlines,4) else kzhdmx=nl end if end if ! ! pack heading lines ! if(kzhdmx.gt.0)then kzhdnl=kzhdnl+1 icur=(kzhdnl-1)*18 if(kzhdnl.le.kzhdmx)then kzhdtx(icur+juline)=0 ! ! store char size ! if(htmult.lt.0.0)then kzhdtx(icur+juline)=kzhdtx(icur+juline)+1 zzhdsz(kzhdnl)=-htmult*zzhite else if(htmult.lt.0.000001)then rmulti=htmult zzhdsz(kzhdnl)=zzhite*multi/2.0 else zzhdsz(kzhdnl)=htmult*zzhite end if end if ! ! adjust heading text height, if needed ! ih=abs(ihead) rlen=zxmess(lhead,ih,czalfl,czalfn,czalfs)* & abs(zzhdsz(kzhdnl))/zzhite alen=zzxrgt-zzxlft if(rlen.gt.alen)then zzhdsz(kzhdnl)=zzhdsz(kzhdnl)*alen/rlen end if ! ! store heading text ! if(ihead.lt.0)then kzhdtx(icur+juline)=kzhdtx(icur+juline)+1 end if kzhdtx(icur+jnchar)=ih itemp=maxchr call zcopys(lhead,ih,kzhdtx(icur+jtext),itemp) if(itemp.lt.0) call errmes('HEADIN',kzhdnl,5) call zloalf(cflag,cfont,cstyle,czalfl,czalfn,czalfs) do k=1,6 czhdac(kzhdnl,k)=cflag(k) czhdaf(kzhdnl,k)=cfont(k) end do czhdas(kzhdnl)=cstyle ! ! draw if all lines are packed ! if(kzhdnl.eq.kzhdmx)then yloc=ycm0+zzyor+zzyaxs*zzyaxr+ & max (zzhdsz(1),0.1*zzyaxs*zzyaxr)*(1.2-kzhdmx*0.2) xlen=zzxaxs*zzxaxr do i=kzhdmx,1,-1 icur=(i-1)*18 ! ! retrieve font ! call gssetc(zzhdsz(i),0.0) nchar=kzhdtx(icur+jnchar) do k=1,6 cflag(k)=czhdac(i,k) cfont(k)=czhdaf(i,k) end do cstyle=czhdas(i) rlen=zxmess(kzhdtx(icur+jtext),nchar, & cflag,cfont,cstyle) xp1=xcm0+zzxor+(xlen-rlen)*0.5 xp2=xp1+rlen ! ! draw second underline ! if(kzhdtx(icur+juline).ge.2)then call dsmove(xp1,yloc) call dsdraw(xp2,yloc) yloc=yloc+0.07 end if ! ! draw first underline ! if(kzhdtx(icur+juline).ge.1)then call dsmove(xp1,yloc) call dsdraw(xp2,yloc) yloc=yloc+0.14 end if ! ! draw text ! call zgetfn(cfont(1),cstyle,khar) if(khar.eq.1)then call dsmove(xp1+zzhdsz(i)*0.15,yloc) else call dsmove(xp1,yloc) end if call ztext(kzhdtx(icur+jtext),nchar, & cflag,cfont,cstyle) yloc=yloc+1.5*zzhdsz(i) end do kzhdmx=-4 end if end if end if ! ! wrong level ! else call errmes('HEADIN',2,3) end if return end subroutine height(hite) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! HEIGHT sets the character height. ! level 1-3, p/s ! ! input: hite = character height ! save /clevel/ save /cpage/ save /cstrng/ save /cunit/ ! common /clevel/ kzlevl,kzbegn common /cstrng/ zzhite,uuhite,zzangl,kzstrm,kztmln common /cunit/ zzunit common /cpage/ zzpagx,zzpagy,zzpagr,uupagx,uupagy,kzpage,kzauto ! if(kzlevl.eq.1)then uuhite=hite*zzunit call gssetc(uuhite,0.0) elseif(kzlevl.eq.2.or.kzlevl.eq.3)then uuhite=hite*zzunit zzhite=hite*zzunit*zzpagr call gssetc(zzhite,zzangl) else call errmes('HEIGHT',1,3) end if return end subroutine hrddef(switch,func) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! HRDDEF turns on hardware function. ! (level 1-3) ! ! input: switch = value indicating on/off ! func = hardware function, only autoprint ! are supported currently ! parameter (kzyes=111) ! character func*6 ! save /cdevic/ save /clevel/ ! common /clevel/ kzlevl,kzbegn common /cdevic/ kzsum,kzcopy,kzbyte,kznplt ! if(kzlevl.ge.1.and.kzlevl.le.3)then if(func(1:4).eq.'copy')then if(switch.gt.0.5) kzcopy=kzyes else call errmes('HRDDEF',istr,4) end if else call errmes('HRDDEF',1,3) end if return end subroutine hrdhsi(hue,sat,aint) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! HRDHSI sets hue, saturation and intensity for current color. ! level 1-3, p/s ! ! input: hue = hue (from 0.0 to 4.0) ! sat = saturation (from 0.0 to 1.0) ! aint = intensity (from 0.0 to 1.0) ! parameter (kzmaxc=255) ! real epslon parameter (epslon=0.01) ! character czcolr*8 real xa(8) real ya(3) ! save /clevel/ save /colorc/ save /colorn/ save /gcdchr/ save /gcvpos/ ! common /clevel/ kzlevl,kzbegn common /colorn/ kzshd,zzhspc,zzcolr(kzmaxc,3),kznclr,kzccol common /colorc/ czcolr common /gcdchr/ devid, xlencm, ylencm, xres, yres, & ndclrs, idvbts, nfline, xclipd, yclipd common /gcvpos/ xvpos, yvpos ! if(kzlevl.ge.1.and.kzlevl.le.3)then ! ! convert input ! if(sat.ge.0.0.and.sat.le.1.0)then sat1=sat*100.0 else sat1=100.0 end if if(aint.ge.0.0.and.aint.le.1.0)then aint1=aint*50.0 else aint1=50.0 end if if(hue.lt.-epslon)then hue1=0.0 sat1=100.0 aint1=0.0 elseif(hue.lt.0.25)then if(sat1.lt.99.0) sat1=0.0 hue1=hue elseif(hue.lt.0.5)then hue1=0.5 elseif(hue.lt.3.0)then hue1=hue elseif(hue.lt.3.5)then hue1=hue-3.0 elseif(hue.lt.3.75)then hue1=0.5 elseif(hue.le.4.0)then hue1=0.0 if(aint1.gt.48.0) aint1=100.0 else hue1=0.0 sat1=100.0 aint1=0.0 end if hue1=hue1*120.0 ! ! check if color is previously defined ! do i=1,kznclr-1 dhue=zzcolr(i,1)-hue1 if(abs(dhue).lt.epslon)then dsat=zzcolr(i,2)-sat1 if(abs(dsat).lt.epslon)then daint=zzcolr(i,3)-aint1 if(abs(daint).lt.epslon)then if(i.le.ndclrs)then kzccol=i elseif(i.gt.ndclrs)then kzccol=mod(i,ndclrs)+1 end if call gscolr(kzccol,ierr) return end if end if end if end do ! ! if not previously defined, define new color ! if(kznclr.le.ndclrs)then xa(1)=real(kznclr) kzccol=kznclr ya(1)=hue1 ya(2)=aint1 ya(3)=sat1 zzcolr(kznclr,1)=hue1 zzcolr(kznclr,2)=sat1 zzcolr(kznclr,3)=aint1 call gsdrvr(11,xa,ya) kznclr=kznclr+1 ! ! if maximum number of colors exceeded, pick a color randomly ! else if(kznclr.le.kzmaxc)then zzcolr(kznclr,1)=hue1 zzcolr(kznclr,2)=sat1 zzcolr(kznclr,3)=aint1 end if kzccol=mod(kznclr,ndclrs)+1 kznclr=kznclr+1 end if call gscolr(kzccol,ierr) ! ! wrong level ! else call errmes('HRDHSI',1,3) end if return end subroutine hrdinp(xdata,ydata) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! HRDINP performs graphic input. ! (level 3) ! ! output: xdata,ydata = x and y values obtained in ! currently defined coordinate system ! character ch ! save /clevel/ ! common /clevel/ kzlevl,kzbegn ! if(kzlevl.eq.3)then call cursor(xdata,ydata,ch) else call errmes('HRDINP',3,0) end if ! return end subroutine hrdrgb(red,grn,blu) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! HRDRGB sets RGB components for current color. ! level 1-3, p/s ! ! input: red = red component (0.0 - 1.0) ! grn = green component (0.0 - 1.0) ! blu = blue component (0.0 - 1.0) ! save /clevel/ ! common /clevel/ kzlevl,kzbegn ! if(kzlevl.ge.1.and.kzlevl.le.3)then ! ! the index is unimportant because a vlt is not used ! index=1 call gsdrgb(index,red,grn,blu,ierr) ! ! wrong level ! else call errmes('HRDRGB',1,3) end if return end subroutine hrdrot(str) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! HRDROT rotates the plot orientation for laser printer. ! (level 1, p/s) ! ! input: str = plot flag ! if = 'AUTO', compare page x and y length ! to decide tall or wide ! if = 'MOVIE', set to portrait ! if = 'COMIC', set to landscape ! parameter (kzyes=111) ! save /clevel/ save /cpage/ save /gcdchr/ ! common /clevel/ kzlevl,kzbegn common /cpage/ zzpagx,zzpagy,zzpagr,uupagx,uupagy,kzpage,kzauto common /gcdchr/ devid, xlencm, ylencm, xres, yres, & ndclrs, idvbts, nfline, xclipd, yclipd ! character str*(*),string*4 ! save kqms,kln03,kpost ! data kqms,kln03,kpost /1200,3,910/ ! if(kzlevl.eq.1)then kdev=int(devid) if(len(str).ge.4)then if(kdev.eq.kqms.or.kdev.eq.kln03.or.kdev.eq.kpost)then if(str(1:4).eq.'AUTO')then kzauto=kzyes elseif(str(1:4).eq.'MOVI')then call zlasap elseif(str(1:4).eq.'COMI')then call zlasal else string=str(1:4) call wch2in(string,istr) call errmes('HRDROT',istr,4) end if end if else string=str(1:4) call wch2in(string,istr) call errmes('HRDROT',istr,4) end if else call errmes('HRDROT',1,0) end if return end subroutine hrdscl(istr) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! HRDSCL scales the plot. ! (level 1, p/s) ! ! input: str = scale flag ! if = 'DOWN', scale down if plot bounds ! exceed device limits ! if = 'CLIP', clip all out of bound ! entities ! if = 'ABORT', abort current plot if ! plot not within bounds of device ! if = 'SCREEN', scale up or down to use ! full screen ! if = 'NONE', no clipping done ! parameter (kzclip=12) parameter (kzdown=13) parameter (kzscrn=14) parameter (kzabrt=15) ! parameter (numbyt=4) character*(numbyt) str ! save /carea/ save /clevel/ ! common /clevel/ kzlevl,kzbegn common /carea/ zzxaxs,zzyaxs,zzxaxr,zzyaxr,uuxaxs,uuyaxs, & zzxlft,zzxrgt,zzybot,zzytop,kzscal, & zzgrce,uugrce,zzfrme,uufrme ! itemp=istr call win2ch(itemp,str) if(kzlevl.eq.1)then if(len(str).ge.4)then if(str(1:4).eq.'DOWN')then kzscal=kzdown elseif(str(1:4).eq.'CLIP'.or.str(1:4).eq.'NONE')then kzscal=kzclip elseif(str(1:4).eq.'ABOR')then kzscal=kzabrt elseif(str(1:4).eq.'SCRE')then kzscal=kzscrn else call errmes('HRDSCL',istr,4) end if else call errmes('HRDSCL',istr,4) end if else call errmes('HRDSCL',1,0) end if return end subroutine hrdshd ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! HRDSHD sets a flag for hardware shade. ! level 1-3, p/s ! parameter (kzyes=111) parameter (kzmaxc=255) ! save /clevel/ save /colorc/ save /colorn/ ! common /clevel/ kzlevl,kzbegn common /colorn/ kzshd,zzhspc,zzcolr(kzmaxc,3),kznclr,kzccol common /colorc/ czcolr character czcolr*8 ! if(kzlevl.ge.1.and.kzlevl.le.3)then kzshd=kzyes else call errmes('HRDSHD',1,3) end if return end function ilabsz() ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! ILABSZ returns the maximum length that LINLAB will return. ! ilabsz = 6 return end subroutine intaxs ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! INTAXS sets the X and Y axes numbers to integers. ! level 1-3, p/s ! parameter (kzint=1) ! save /caxis/ save /clevel/ ! common /clevel/ kzlevl,kzbegn common /caxis/ kzxtyp,kzytyp,kzxnon,kzynon,kzxtck,kzytck, & zzxlba,zzylba if(kzlevl.ge.1.and.kzlevl.le.3)then kzxtyp=kzint kzytyp=kzint else call errmes('INTAXS',1,3) end if return end subroutine intgrx ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! INTGRX sets X axis numbers to integers. ! level 1-3, p/s ! parameter (kzint=1) ! save /caxis/ save /clevel/ ! common /clevel/ kzlevl,kzbegn common /caxis/ kzxtyp,kzytyp,kzxnon,kzynon,kzxtck,kzytck, & zzxlba,zzylba ! if(kzlevl.ge.1.and.kzlevl.le.3)then kzxtyp=kzint else call errmes('INTGRX',1,3) end if return end subroutine intgry ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! INTGRY sets Y axis numbers to integers. ! level 1-3, p/s ! parameter (kzint=1) ! save /caxis/ save /clevel/ ! common /clevel/ kzlevl,kzbegn common /caxis/ kzxtyp,kzytyp,kzxnon,kzynon,kzxtck,kzytck, & zzxlba,zzylba ! if(kzlevl.ge.1.and.kzlevl.le.3)then kzytyp=kzint else call errmes('INTGRY',1,3) end if return end subroutine intno(ival,xpos,ypos) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! INTNO writes a character string on screen. ! (level 2-3) ! ! nput: xpos,ypos = x and y position in inches ! from physical origin ! if = 'ABUT', use current cursor ! position ! parameter (numbyt=4) ! character czalfl*1,czalfn*5,czalfs*5 integer imessa(16/numbyt) character cmess*16,khar*(numbyt) ! save /clevel/ save /cmxalf/ save /cmess/ save /cpage/ save /cphysr/ save /cunit/ save /gcclip/ save /gcvpos/ ! common /clevel/ kzlevl,kzbegn common /cphysr/ zzxor,zzyor,kzor,uuxor,uuyor common /cmess/ zzabux,zzabuy,kzlbeg,kzmov common /cmxalf/ czalfl(6),czalfn(6),czalfs common /cunit/ zzunit common /cpage/ zzpagx,zzpagy,zzpagr,uupagx,uupagy,kzpage,kzauto common /gcvpos/ xvpos, yvpos common /gcclip/ xcm0, xcm1, ycm0, ycm1 ! 10 format(i11) if(kzlevl.eq.2.or.kzlevl.eq.3)then ! ! calculate virtual coordinate ! temp=xpos call win2ch(temp,khar) if(khar.eq.'ABUT')then vx=zzabux else vx=xcm0+zzxor+xpos*zzunit*zzpagr end if temp=ypos call win2ch(temp,khar) if(khar.eq.'ABUT')then vy=zzabuy else vy=ycm0+zzyor+ypos*zzunit*zzpagr end if ! ! draw integer ! call dsmove(vx,vy) write(cmess,10)ival ! ! call sybyt4('N',imessa(3),4,0) ! ! it is time to pack the characters into an integer array ! iloop=(12-1)/numbyt+1 icnt=1 do i=1,iloop call wch2in(cmess(icnt:icnt+numbyt-1),imessa(i)) icnt=icnt+numbyt end do icnt=mod(12-1,numbyt)+1 call sybyt4('N',imessa(iloop),icnt,0) call zstrbl(imessa) ln=leng(imessa) call ztext(imessa,ln,czalfl,czalfn,czalfs) zzabux=xvpos zzabuy=yvpos else call errmes('INTNO',3,0) end if return end function ivis(xi,eta,zeta,z,izdim1) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! IVIS determines if a point is visible with respect to a surface. ! ! point is given by xi, eta, zin ! and visibility is tested with respect to surface z(x,y) ! xi, eta coordinates expressed as indices of array z, but need not ! be integers in general. for entry ivis, they must be. ! real flim(2) integer limit(2) logical lsolid real z(izdim1,2) ! save /comdp/ ! common/comdp/xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,zmin,zmax,axisr(2),plotx, & ploty,pltorg(2),camxyz(3),mx,ny,fmx,fny,camwkg(6),xorg(3), & gx(3),fx(2),kscale,zorg,center(2),pqlmt, & amtx(3,3),focall common /comdp1/ lsolid ! equivalence(u,camxyz(1)),(v,camxyz(2)),(w,camxyz(3)), & (mx,limit(1)),(fmx,flim(1)) equivalence (cx,cy), (dxi,deta), (xiw,etaw), & (xiend,etaend), (kdxi,kdeta), (kxiend,ketend), & (dx,dy) ! ! initial p function ! 5 ivis = 0 r = u-xi s = v-eta t = w-zeta ! ! test if we check along x ! if(abs(r) .lt. 1.0) go to 20 ! ! constants for y(x),z(x) ! cy = s/r cz = t/r dxi = sign(1.0,r) ! ! initial point. take aint(xi) if .ne. xi and steps in right directi ! xiw = aint(xi) if((xiw-xi)*dxi .le. 0.0) xiw = xiw+dxi ! ! skip if off limits (we are on edge of plot region) ! if((xiw-1.0)*(xiw-fmx) .gt. 0.0) go to 20 ! ! final point. take aint(u) if it moves opposite dxi, else round ! xiend = aint(u) if((xiend-u)*dxi .ge. 0.0) xiend = xiend-dxi ! ! but do not go beyond edges ! xiend = max (1.0, min (xiend,fmx)) ! ! after testing, re-order these statements ! j = ifix(xiw) kdxi = ifix(dxi) kxiend = ifix(xiend) xw = xiw-u ! ! if limits cross, no test ! if((xiend-xiw)*dxi .le. 0.0) go to 20 ! ! get y(x) ! 3 yw = v + xw*cy ! ! if y is off limits, done ! if((yw-1.0)*(yw-fny)) 21,25,20 ! ! on edge exactly, no interpolation ! 25 k = ifix(yw) if(w + xw*cz - z(j,k)) 4,10,7 ! ! index for lower y of interval ! 21 k = ifix(yw) dy = yw-float(k) ! ! test z of line - z of surface. accept zero difference. ! if((w + xw*cz)-(z(j,k) + dy*(z(j,k+1)-z(j,k)))) 4,10,7 ! ! negative. ok if ivis neg. or zero, else reject ! 4 if(ivis) 10,6,40 ! ! ivis was zero, set neg. ! 6 ivis = -1 go to 10 ! ! plus. ok if ivis + or zero, else, reject ! 7 if(ivis) 40,8,10 ! ! set plus ! 8 ivis = 1 ! ! test if done. advance if not ! 10 if(j .eq. kxiend) go to 20 j = j+kdxi xw = xw+dxi go to 3 ! ! check if we test in y direction ! 20 if(abs(s) .lt. 1.0) go to 45 ! ! constants for x(y),z(y) ! cx = r/s cz = t/s deta = sign(1.0,s) etaw = aint(eta) if((etaw-eta)*deta .le. 0.0) etaw = etaw+deta ! ! check whether on limits ! if((etaw-1.0)*(etaw-fny) .gt. 0.0) go to 45 etaend = aint(v) if((etaend-v)*deta .ge. 0.0) etaend = etaend-deta etaend = max (1.0, min (fny,etaend)) k = ifix(etaw) kdeta = ifix(deta) yw = etaw-v ketend = ifix(etaend) ! ! if limits cross, no test, but test single point if we have already ! tested x ! a = etaend-etaw if(a*deta .lt. 0.0) go to 45 if(a .eq. 0.0 .and. ivis .eq. 0) go to 45 ! ! get x(y) ! 23 xw = u + yw*cx ! ! if x off limits, done ! if((xw-1.0)*(xw-fmx)) 44,46,45 46 j = ifix(xw) if(w + yw*cz - z(j,k)) 24,30,27 44 j = ifix(xw) dx = xw-float(j) if((w + yw*cz) - (z(j,k)+dx*(z(j+1,k)-z(j,k)))) 24,30,27 ! ! neg., ivis must be neg or zero else rejct ! 24 if(ivis) 30,26,40 ! ! set ivis neg ! 26 ivis = -1 go to 30 ! ! pos, ivis must be zero or + else reject ! 27 if(ivis) 40,28,30 28 ivis = 1 ! ! test if done, advance if not. ! 30 if(k .eq. ketend) go to 45 k = k+kdeta yw = yw+deta go to 23 ! ! reject this point, return zero. ! 40 ivis = 0 return ! ! accept. return +/- 1 ! if ivis zero, camera was right over xi, eta. ! 45 if(ivis .eq. 0) ivis = isign(1,ifix(t)) if(lsolid .and. (ivis .eq. -1)) go to 40 return end integer function ksyand(ival1,ival2) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! KSYAND performs the AND operation on two integer words. ! !-----------------------begin cray specific code------------------------ ! ksyand=ival1.and.ival2 !------------------------end cray specific code------------------------- !---------------------begin vax vms specific code----------------------- ksyand=iand(ival1,ival2) !----------------------end vax vms specific code------------------------ !---------------------begin convex specific code------------------------ ! ksyand=iand(ival1,ival2) !----------------------end convex specific code------------------------- !--------------------begin alliant specific code------------------------ ! ksyand=iand(ival1,ival2) !---------------------end alliant specific code------------------------- !--------------------begin sgi iris specific code----------------------- ! ksyand=iand(ival1,ival2) !---------------------end sgi iris specific code------------------------ !-------------------------begin generic code---------------------------- ! ksyand=and(ival1,ival2) !--------------------------end generic code----------------------------- return end integer function ksyor(ival1,ival2) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! KSYOR performs the OR operation on two integer words. ! !-----------------------begin cray specific code------------------------ ! ksyor=ival1.or.ival2 !------------------------end cray specific code------------------------- !---------------------begin vax vms specific code----------------------- ksyor=ior(ival1,ival2) !----------------------end vax vms specific code------------------------ !---------------------begin convex specific code------------------------ ! ksyor=ior(ival1,ival2) !----------------------end convex specific code------------------------- !--------------------begin alliant specific code------------------------ ! ksyor=ior(ival1,ival2) !---------------------end alliant specific code------------------------- !--------------------begin sgi iris specific code----------------------- ! ksyor=ior(ival1,ival2) !---------------------end sgi iris specific code------------------------ !-------------------------begin generic code---------------------------- ! ksyor=or(ival1,ival2) !--------------------------end generic code----------------------------- return end integer function ksyshl(item,jtem) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! KSYSHL shifts an integer word left. ! !-----------------------begin cray specific code------------------------ ! ksyshl=ishft(item,jtem) !------------------------end cray specific code------------------------- !---------------------begin vax vms specific code----------------------- ksyshl=ishft(item,jtem) !----------------------end vax vms specific code------------------------ !---------------------begin convex specific code------------------------ ! ksyshl=ishft(item,jtem) !----------------------end convex specific code------------------------- !--------------------begin alliant specific code------------------------ ! ksyshl=ishft(item,jtem) !---------------------end alliant specific code------------------------- !--------------------begin sgi iris specific code----------------------- ! ksyshl=ishft(item,jtem) !---------------------end sgi iris specific code------------------------ !-------------------------begin generic code---------------------------- ! ksyshl=lshift(item,jtem) !--------------------------end generic code----------------------------- return end integer function ksyshr(item,jtem) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! KSYSHR shifts an integer word right. ! !-----------------------begin cray specific code------------------------ ! ksyshr=ishftc(item,64-jtem,64) !------------------------end cray specific code------------------------- !---------------------begin vax vms specific code----------------------- ksyshr=ishftc(item,32-jtem,32) !----------------------end vax vms specific code------------------------ !---------------------begin convex specific code------------------------ ! ksyshr=ishftc(item,32-jtem,32) !----------------------end convex specific code------------------------- !--------------------begin alliant specific code------------------------ ! ksyshr=ishftc(item,32-jtem,32) !---------------------end alliant specific code------------------------- !--------------------begin sgi iris specific code----------------------- ! ksyshr=ishft(item,-jtem) !---------------------end sgi iris specific code------------------------ !-------------------------begin generic code---------------------------- ! ksyshr=rshift(item,jtem) !--------------------------end generic code----------------------------- return end integer function ksyxor(item,jtem) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! KSYXOR performs the EXCLUSIVE OR of two integer words. ! integer item integer jtem integer ksyxor ! ! For Cray UNICOS, VAX/VMS: ! ksyxor = ieor ( item, jtem ) ! ! Generic code: ! ! ksyxor = xor ( item, jtem ) return end subroutine laxis(alow,ahigh,maxtck,bmin,bmax,btick) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! LAXIS finds a suitable tick for logarithmic axes. ! smlrel = 1.1754944E-38 ! blow = alog10( max (smlrel, min (ahigh,alow))) bhigh = alog10( max (alow,ahigh,100.0*smlrel)) range = bhigh-blow if ( range .le. 0.01 ) range = 1.0 istrt = 1 imax = 5 30 continue do i=istrt,imax,istrt ntcks = int(range/i + 0.999) if(ntcks .le. maxtck) go to 60 end do istrt = 10 imax = 80 go to 30 60 btick = i bmin = btick*aint(blow/btick) bmax = btick*aint(bhigh/btick) if((bmin-blow)/range .gt. 0.001) bmin = bmin - btick if((bhigh-bmax)/range .gt. 0.001) bmax = bmax + btick return end subroutine lbtext (text, line1, line2, deltay, xcornr, ycornr, & hite) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! LBTEXT displays a left justified text block. ! (level 2-3) ! ! lbtext composes a left justified text block and displays it at a specified ! position. character height and line spacing are assumed constant within ! the indicated lines of text. ! ! lbtext was developed as part of the txtleg alternative to the original ! legend utility (txtblk), and may be used in turn as an alternative to ! btextl. ! ! arguments: ! arg dim type i/o/s description ! text (*) * (*) c i character array containing text ! with trailing '$'s. elements ! line1:line2 will be displayed. ! line1 - i i first line of text to display. ! line2 - i i last line of text to display. ! deltay - r i space between lines in inches. ! xcornr - r i horizontal position of lower left ! hand corner of text block in inches. ! ycornr - r i vertical position of lower left hand ! corner of text block in inches. ! hite - r i text character height in inches. ! ! method: ! lbtext works with a simple array of variable length character strings, ! unlike btextl's packed data structure. position units are converted ! from plot inches to virtual units using the utility common block ! variables. dsmove and ztext do the rest. ! character text (*) * (*) integer line1 integer line2 real deltay, hite, xcornr, ycornr integer kzlevl, kzbegn, kzor real zzunit, zzpagx, zzpagy, zzpagr, uupagx, uupagy real kzpage, kzauto, zzxor, zzyor, uuxor, uuyor, xcm0, xcm1 real ycm0, ycm1 character czalfl * 1, czalfn * 5, czalfs * 5 integer i real factor real gap real vxc real vy real vyc ! save /clevel/ save /cmxalf/ save /cpage/ save /cphysr/ save /cunit/ save /gcclip/ ! common /clevel/ kzlevl, kzbegn common /cmxalf/ czalfl (6), czalfn (6), czalfs common /cunit/ zzunit common /cpage/ zzpagx, zzpagy, zzpagr, uupagx, uupagy, kzpage, & kzauto common /cphysr/ zzxor, zzyor, kzor, uuxor, uuyor common /gcclip/ xcm0, xcm1, ycm0, ycm1 ! if(kzlevl .lt. 2) then call errmes ('LBTEXT', 2, 3) return end if ! ! convert inches to graphical units. ! factor = zzunit * zzpagr vxc = xcornr * factor + zzxor + xcm0 vyc = ycornr * factor + zzyor + ycm0 gap = (deltay + hite) * factor ! ! start with upper left hand corner of text block. ! vy = vyc + (line2 - line1) * gap do i = line1, line2 call dsmove (vxc, vy) !-----------------------------begin generic code------------------------ ! call ztext (text (i), 100, czalfl, czalfn, czalfs) !------------------------------end generic code------------------------- ! !----------------------------begin unicos specific code----------------- ! ktext = text(i) ! read (ktext,'(20a8)') itext ! call ztext (itext, 100, czalfl, czalfn, czalfs) !------------------------------end unicos specific code----------------- ! !------------------------begin vax vms specific code-------------------- call ztext (%ref(text (i)), 100, czalfl, czalfn, czalfs) !-------------------------end vax vms specific code--------------------- vy = vy - gap end do return end function ldivds(anumer,adenom) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! LDIVDS ... ! logical ldivds ! if(anumer/adenom .eq. aint(anumer/adenom)) go to 10 ldivds = .false. return 10 ldivds = .true. return end subroutine leghdg(legnam,ilgchr) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! LEGHDG changes the legend title. ! (level 1-3, p/s) ! ! input: legnam = title text ! ilgchr = number of characters in legnam ! save /clevel/ save /clgndc/ save /clgndn/ save /cmxalf/ save /cstrng/ save /gcdchr/ ! common /clevel/ kzlevl,kzbegn common /gcdchr/ devid, xlencm, ylencm, xres, yres, & ndclrs, idvbts, nfline, xclipd, yclipd common /clgndn/ kzlgln,kzlgcn,kzlger,kzlgsm(50),kzlglt(50), & kzlgti(5),kzlgtl,zzlgth(50),zzlgtz,uulgtz, & zzlgtr,zzlgyl,kzlgbl,zzsrat,kzlgen(50) common /clgndc/ czlgac(50,6),czlgaf(50,6),czlgas(50),czlgtc(6), & czlgtf(6),czlgts common /cstrng/ zzhite,uuhite,zzangl,kzstrm,kztmln common /cmxalf/ czalfl(6),czalfn(6),czalfs character czalfl*1,czalfn*5,czalfs*5 character czlgac*1,czlgaf*5,czlgas*5,czlgtc*1,czlgtf*5,czlgts*5 ! integer legnam(*) ! if(kzlevl.ge.1.and.kzlevl.le.3)then kzlgtl=20 call zcopys(legnam,ilgchr,kzlgti,kzlgtl) if(kzlgtl.lt.0)then kzlgtl=-kzlgtl call errmes('LEGHDG',20,4) end if if(kzlevl.eq.1)then uulgtz=uuhite else zzlgtz=zzhite end if zzlgtr=zzsrat call zloalf(czlgtc,czlgtf,czlgts,czalfl,czalfn,czalfs) else call errmes('LEGHDG',1,3) end if return end function leng(lstr) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! LENG finds the character length of a Hollerith string. ! ! input: lstr = input string ! ! output: leng = length of string in number of characters ! parameter (numbyt=4) ! integer lstr(*) ! i=1 j=1 do k=1,100 call sybyt4('X',lstr(i),j,num) if(num.eq.0)then leng=(i-1)*numbyt+j-1 return else j=j+1 if(j.eq.(numbyt+1))then j=1 i=i+1 end if end if end do leng=(i-1)*numbyt+j-1 return end subroutine lindef(tleng,nmrksp,ratray) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! LINDEF defines a new line style. ! level 1-3, p/s ! ! input: tleng = overall length in inches ! mnrksp = total number of marks and spaces ! (limited to maximum of 12 in dissim) ! ratray = array containing ratios of marks and ! spaces to overall length ! real zzin parameter (zzin=2.54) ! logical linilt, lposnd, lnew real ratray(*) ! save /clevel/ save /cline/ save /cpage/ save /cunit/ save /dcltyp/ ! common /clevel/ kzlevl,kzbegn common /cunit/ zzunit common /cpage/ zzpagx,zzpagy,zzpagr,uupagx,uupagy,kzpage,kzauto common /dcltyp/ ilntyp, dleft, dist(13,15), linilt, lposnd common /cline/ kzlsty,kzltyp,zzlthk,kzlthk,zzprx,zzpry, & zzprx1,zzprx2,zzpry1,zzpry2,uulthk,kzlncn ! if(kzlevl.ge.1.and.kzlevl.le.3)then kzlncn=kzlncn+1 if(kzlncn.gt.15) kzlncn=15 sum=0.0 nval=min(12,abs(nmrksp)) do i=1,nval sum=sum+ratray(i) end do if(kzlevl.eq.1)then factor=tleng*zzin else if(mod(nmrksp,2).eq.1) sum=sum+ratray(2) factor=tleng*zzin*zzpagr/sum end if ! ! define marks and spaces in dist() ! do i=1,nval dist(i,kzlncn)=ratray(i)*factor end do if(mod(nval,2).eq.1)then nval=nval+1 dist(nval,kzlncn)=dist(2,kzlncn) end if ! ! enforce minimum allowable space ! do i=1,nval if(dist(i,kzlncn).lt.0.0254)then dist(i,kzlncn)=0.0254 end if end do dist(13,kzlncn)=nval ! ! for pen down first ! if(nmrksp.lt.0)then temp=dist(1,kzlncn) do i=1,nval-1 dist(i,kzlncn)=dist(i+1,kzlncn) end do dist(nval,kzlncn)=temp end if ! ! check if line style exists ! lnew=.true. if(kzlncn.ne.5)then do j=5,kzlncn-1 do i=1,13 lnew=lnew.and. & (abs(dist(i,kzlncn)-dist(i,j)).lt.0.00005) end do if(lnew)then kzlncn=j go to 700 end if end do end if 700 continue ilntyp=kzlncn+1 linilt=.true. else call errmes('LINDEF',1,3) end if return end subroutine linlab(num,iexp,strng,lrmtex) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! LINLAB... ! character bzero(4) logical lrmtex character*(*) strng ! save bzero ! data bzero /'0', '.', '0', '0'/ ! lrmtex = .true. nval = num if(iexp .ge. -2 .and. iexp .le. 2) lrmtex = .false. if(iexp .gt. 0 .and. (.not. lrmtex)) nval = nval*10**iexp call numstr(nval,strng) if((nval .eq. 0) .or. lrmtex .or. (iexp .ge. 0)) return ! ! number is in range 10**-1 or 10**-2, so format pretty ! n = -iexp l = numchr(strng) izbgn = 1 nin = 3 if(n .eq. l) nin = 2 ! ! if n| ! parameter (kzyes=111) ! save /cdevic/ save /clevel/ save /clgndc/ save /clgndn/ save /cmxalf/ save /cstrng/ ! common /cdevic/ kzsum,kzcopy,kzbyte,kznplt common /clevel/ kzlevl,kzbegn common /cstrng/ zzhite,uuhite,zzangl,kzstrm,kztmln common /clgndn/ kzlgln,kzlgcn,kzlger,kzlgsm(50),kzlglt(50), & kzlgti(5),kzlgtl,zzlgth(50),zzlgtz,uulgtz, & zzlgtr,zzlgyl,kzlgbl,zzsrat,kzlgen(50) common /clgndc/ czlgac(50,6),czlgaf(50,6),czlgas(50),czlgtc(6), & czlgtf(6),czlgts common /cmxalf/ czalfl(6),czalfn(6),czalfs character czalfl*1,czalfn*5,czalfs*5 character czlgac*1,czlgaf*5,czlgas*5,czlgtc*1,czlgtf*5,czlgts*5 ! dimension istr(*),ip(*) character cflag(6)*1 character*5 cfont(6),cstyle equivalence (iyrat,yrat),(hite,ihite) ! save jtext,jhite,jyrat data jtext,jhite,jyrat/1,-2,-1/ hite=zzhite yrat=zzsrat if(kzlevl.ge.1.and.kzlevl.le.3)then ! ! array not big enough ! if(ip(2).eq.kzyes)then call errmes('PAKLIN',0,4) return end if ! ! calculate line length ! if(ip(1).eq.kzyes)then iplen=ip(2)/1000 llen=ip(2)-iplen*1000 else llen=40 end if ! ! copy to array the current spacing parameter character height, ! character font and the character string ! nword=(llen-1)/kzbyte+5 icur=(iseq-1)*nword+2 call zcopys(istr,100,ip(icur+jtext),llen) if(llen.lt.0) call errmes('PAKLIN',iseq,5) icur1=icur+nword ip(icur1+jhite)=ihite ip(icur1+jyrat)=iyrat call zloalf(cflag,cfont,cstyle,czalfl,czalfn,czalfs) do i=1,6 czlgac(iseq,i)=cflag(i) czlgaf(iseq,i)=cfont(i) end do czlgas(iseq)=cstyle else call errmes('PAKLIN',1,3) end if return end subroutine plegnd (text, line1, line2, dy, xcornr, ycornr, leginf, & hite, seg, gap, box) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! PLEGND is a portable plot legend utility. ! (level 3) ! ! purpose: ! ! plegnd composes a plot legend and displays it at a specified position. ! if the number of legend entries is large and the texts are suitably short, ! plegnd may be called more than once to position different sections of the ! legend alongside each other. (such positioning is up to the calling ! program.) character height and line spacing are assumed constant for ! each call to plegnd. an optional box may be drawn around the legend. ! ! plegnd was developed for the following reasons: ! ! (1) rather than underlining the text with the line pattern, the following ! form is provided: ---o--- description ! (2) character-type text is expected instead of an awkward packed-integer ! array data structure; ! (3) any implicit connection between curve-drawing and updating the legend ! is avoided, since this has required work-arounds in the past. ! ! warning: if the legend is to be drawn outside the plotting area, a ! suitable grace margin should be defined before the call to plegnd. ! ! arguments: ! ! arg dim type i/o/s description ! text (*) * (*) c i character array containing legend ! text with trailing '$'s. elements ! line1:line2 will be displayed in the ! current color (as opposed to the color ! associated with each line/symbol). ! line1 - i i first line of legend text to display. ! line2 - i i last line of legend text to display. ! dy - r i space between lines in inches. ! xcornr - r i horizontal position of lower left hand ! corner of legend in inches. ! ycornr - r i vertical position of lower left hand ! corner of legend in inches. ! leginf (3, *) i i integer array containing codes for ! (1) line type, (2) symbol, and (3) color. ! see polylin for the code definitions. ! hite - r i text character height in inches. ! seg - r i length of legend line segment in inches. ! gap - r i length of gap between legend line segment ! and text in inches. ! box - l i draws box around legend if .true. ! ! method: ! the symbol/line drawing is handled separately from the text writing. ! the latter task was modularized when it was found to be a potentially ! reusable function (subroutine lbtext) while the former is done with the ! standard curve drawing routine, polylin, after appropriate conversion ! of units from inches to data units via xinvrs and yinvrs. ! ! procedures: ! lbtext writes left justified block of text ! xdimtb finds length of imaginary rectangle around a text block ! xinvrs converts location of a point from inches to data units ! yinvrs " " " " " ! polylin draws a curve using lines and/or symbols ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! logical box character text (*) * (*) integer leginf (3, *), line1, line2 real dy, hite, xcornr, ycornr real half parameter (half = 0.5) integer color, i, line, symbol real gap, mar, seg, x (5), xblen, y (5), yblen, ypos, ier real xdimtb, xinvrs, yinvrs external xdimtb, xinvrs, yinvrs ! ! display the legend text in current color. units are inches. ! call lbtext (text, line1, line2, dy, xcornr + seg + gap, ycornr, & hite) ! ! draw a symbol and/or line segment for each legend entry. ! polylin applies if positions in inches are converted to data units. ! any grace margin needed for a legend outside the plot area is left ! to the application program, since there is no way of restoring the ! input setting here if it is temporarily adjusted. ! ! note that the polar plot case (not to mention general rotated coordinate ! systems) forces all conversions from inches to stay inside the loop ! (where some would be constant otherwise). ! ! start with the upper left corner. ! ypos = ycornr + (line2 - line1) * (hite + dy) + half * hite do i = line1, line2 x (1) = xinvrs (xcornr) y (1) = yinvrs (ypos) x (2) = xinvrs (xcornr + seg) y (2) = yinvrs (ypos) line = leginf (1, i) symbol = leginf (2, i) color = leginf (3, i) if(line .ne. 2)then ! ! draw the line segment. ! call polylin (2, x, y, line, -1, color, ier) end if if(symbol .gt. -1)then ! ! draw the symbol in the middle of the segment. ! x (1) = xinvrs (xcornr + half * seg) y (1) = yinvrs (ypos) call polylin (1, x (1), y (1), 2, symbol, color, ier) end if ypos = ypos - (hite + dy) end do if(box)then ! ! pick a reasonable box margin. ! mar = .6 * gap ! ! calculate the dimensions of the legend block (inches). ! xblen = seg + gap + xdimtb (text, line1, line2) yblen = (line2 - line1) * (hite + dy) + hite ! ! draw the box starting from the lower left corner. ! x (1) = xinvrs (xcornr - mar) y (1) = yinvrs (ycornr - mar) x (2) = xinvrs (xcornr + mar + xblen) y (2) = yinvrs (ycornr - mar) x (3) = xinvrs (xcornr + mar + xblen) y (3) = yinvrs (ycornr + mar + yblen) x (4) = xinvrs (xcornr - mar) y (4) = yinvrs (ycornr + mar + yblen) x (5) = x (1) y (5) = y (1) call polylin (5, x, y, 3, -1, 0, ier) end if return end subroutine pltbox(xleft,xright,ybot,ytop) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! PLTBOX... ! real csize real goodcs real xleft real xright real ybot real ytop ! csize = goodcs( min (ytop-ybot,xright-xleft)/80.0) call mapprm(xleft,xright,ybot,ytop,csize,0.9*csize,.false.) return end subroutine pltbx2(xleft,xright,ybot,ytop) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! PLTBX2... ! real csize real goodcs real xleft real xright real ybot real ytop ! csize = goodcs( min (ytop-ybot,xright-xleft)/80.0) call mapprm(xleft,xright,ybot,ytop,csize,0.9*csize,.true.) return end subroutine pointc(x,y,npts) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! POINTC plots the visible points on the screen. ! integer npts ! real area(4) integer i real x(npts) real y(npts) ! save /pltsiz/ ! common /pltsiz/ xvstrt, yvstrt, xvlen, yvlen ! call gssclp(xvstrt,xvstrt+xvlen,yvstrt,yvstrt+yvlen,area) do i=1,npts call scale(x(i),y(i),vx,vy) call gsmove(vx,vy) call symbol(3,0.3) end do call gsrclp(area) return end subroutine points(x,y,npts) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! POINTS is used to plot points on the screen. ! dimension x(npts),y(npts) ! do i=1, npts call scale(x(i),y(i),vx,vy) call gsmove(vx,vy) call symbol(3,0.3) end do return end subroutine poly3 ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! POLY3 sets the interpolation flag to polynomial. ! level 1-3, p/s ! parameter (kzpply=5) ! save /clevel/ save /cline/ ! common /clevel/ kzlevl,kzbegn common /cline/ kzlsty,kzltyp,zzlthk,kzlthk,zzprx,zzpry, & zzprx1,zzprx2,zzpry1,zzpry2,uulthk,kzlncn ! if(kzlevl.ge.1.and.kzlevl.le.3)then kzltyp=kzpply else call errmes('POLY3',1,3) end if return end subroutine polylin(n, x, y, line, symbol, color, ier) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! POLYLIN connects points with a line of given pattern, symbol, color. ! (level 3) ! ! description and usage: ! ! polylin is a high-level "curve" drawing routine with a generic ! programmer interface. it isolates at least some of the details of ! the specific graphics library in use. (plot set-up functions still ! have to be translated elsewhere when switching to another library.) ! ! note that any effect polylin might have on the plot legend (via ! its call to curve) is up to the application. the original ! approach would initiate this by calling savlin, maxlin, and paklin prior ! to any call to polylin. the alternative legend handling via plegnd ! eliminates any "hidden" connections between polylin/curve and the legend, ! so that awkward work-arounds for (say) certain curve fitting methods are ! no longer needed. ! ! arguments: ! ! name dimension type i/o/s description ! n i i number of points to be plotted. ! ! x n r i array of abscissas. ! ! y n r i array of ordinates. ! ! line n i i line type code. ! 1 = connected symbols ! 2 = symbols alone ! 3 = solid line ! 4 = dots ! 5 = dashes ! 6 = chaindots ! 7 = chaindashes ! 8 = longdashes (user-defined type) ! 9 = unused ! 10 = unused ! 11 = unused ! 12 = unused ! 13 = thick solid line ! 14 = thick dots ! 15 = thick dashes ! 16 = thick chaindots ! 17 = thick chaindashes ! 18 = thick longdashes ! 19 = unused ! 20 = unused ! 21 = unused ! 22 = unused ! ! symbol n i i symbol type code. (it is not clear ! that values > 18 wrap around ...) ! < 0 - no symbol ! 0 - square ! 1 - octagon ! 2 - triangle ! 3 - '+' ! 4 - 'X' ! 5 - diamond ! 6 - upside down triangle ! 7 - square with an 'X' in it ! 8 - 'X' plus a horizontal line ! 9 - diamond with a '+' in it ! 10 - octagon with a '+' in it ! 11 - double hour glass ! 12 - square with a '+' in it ! 13 - octagon with a 'X' in it ! 14 - square with a triangle in it ! 15 - pentagon with a '+' in it ! 16 - pentagon ! 17 - five pointed star ! 18 - square with a diamond in it ! ! color i i color code: ! 0 = white ! 1 = black ! 2 = magenta ! 3 = red ! 4 = yellow ! 5 = green ! 6 = cyan ! 7 = blue ! ! ier i o error flag: ! 0 = no problems ! 1 = n is not positive ! 2 = no line and no symbol asked for ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! integer n ! integer color character*7 colors(0:7) integer ier integer line real ratio(2) integer symbol integer type real x(n) real y(n) ! save colors save ratio ! data colors & /'WHITE', & 'BLACK', & 'MAGENTA', & 'RED', & 'YELLOW', & 'GREEN', & 'CYAN', & 'BLUE'/ data ratio & /0.7, 0.3/ ! ier = 0 ! ! simple-minded error checking. these are not necessarily fatal, so ! just return with error flag set. ! if(n .le. 0)then ! ! no plot data? ! ier = 1 else if (line .eq. 2 .and. symbol .lt. 0)then ! ! invisible line!? ! ier = 2 end if if(ier .ne. 0) return ! ! preset to "defaults" (in case of bad inputs?). note that 'WHITE' ! actually shows up as black in hardcopy. resetting 'DOT' takes care ! of all the patterns. ! call reset('CLRSET') call reset('CRVWID') call reset('DOT') ! ! set line pattern. ! ! define "longdash" type: ! if(line .eq. 8 .or. line .eq. 18)then call lindef (0.2, 2, ratio) end if ! ! ! if(line .le. 12)then call dsltyp (line - 2) else call crvwid (0.02) call dsltyp (line - 12) end if ! ! set point marker type. ! ! note that marker will look for a custom symbol if called with a ! negative argument, so we have to test first. ! if(symbol .ge. 0)then ! call marker (symbol) ! ! set curve's type flag for symbols and/or lines. ! if(line .ne. 2)then ! ! line plus symbols at every 1th point. ! type = +1 else ! ! symbols alone. ! type = -1 end if else ! ! no symbol - line only ! type = 0 end if ! ! set line color. ! if(color .ge. 1 .and. color .le. 7)then call clrset (colors (color)) end if ! ! plot the curve, then reset everything. ! call curve(x, y, n, type) ! call reset ('CLRSET') call reset ('CRVWID') call reset ('DOT') ! ! termination. ! return end subroutine postsc(iunit,orient) ! !**************************************************************************** ! !! POSTSC initializes the postscript device driver. ! ! POSTC calls ZINIT to initialize all system variables. ! ! ! Input, integer IUNIT, the fortran unit number on which the postscript ! output file should be opened. IUNIT should have a value between 0 and 99, ! and should probably not equal 0, 5, or 6. ! ! Input, character*1 ORIENT, sets the page orientation: ! 'L' for landscape, ! 'P' for portrait. ! integer ierr integer iunit integer lun integer newdrv character*1 orient ! if ( orient(1:1).eq.'l'.or.orient(1:1).eq.'L')then newdrv=14 else if (orient(1:1).eq.'p'.or.orient(1:1).eq.'P')then newdrv=15 else write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'POSTC - Fatal error!' write(*,*)' Illegal input option for orientation:' write(*,'(1x,a)')orient write(*,*)' Legal options are "l" or "L" or "p" or "P".' ierr=1 return end if if(iunit.lt.0.or.iunit.gt.99)then lun=30 else lun=iunit end if call ddevsl(newdrv,lun,ierr) call zinit return end subroutine prmspl ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! PRMSPL sets the interpolation flag to parametric spline. ! level 1-3, p/s ! integer kzpspl parameter (kzpspl=4) ! save /clevel/ save /cline/ ! common /clevel/ kzlevl,kzbegn common /cline/ kzlsty,kzltyp,zzlthk,kzlthk,zzprx,zzpry, & zzprx1,zzprx2,zzpry1,zzpry2,uulthk,kzlncn ! if(kzlevl.ge.1.and.kzlevl.le.3)then kzltyp=kzpspl else call errmes('PRMSPL',1,3) end if return end subroutine psccgm ( dev, filnam ) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! PSCCGM selects PSC CGM graphics. ! ! dev name of device to be used ! ! filnam for output to file, the file name. ! character*(*) dev character*10 devnam character*(*) filnam external inidat ! newdev=20 lun=4 ! devnam=dev call capchr(devnam) if(devnam.eq.' ')then devnam='CGMB' elseif(devnam.eq.'CGM')then devnam='CGMB' end if call device(devnam) if(devnam.eq.'CGMB'.or. & devnam.eq.'CGMC'.or. & devnam.eq.'PS')then call outfil ( filnam ) end if call setctb(3) call grfini() call linclr(1) call ddevsl(newdev,lun,ierr) call zinit return end subroutine ptcsym(x,y,npts,isymno) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! PTCSYM plots visible points on screen using symbol ISYMNO. ! dimension x(npts),y(npts) ! save /pltsiz/ ! common /pltsiz/ xvstrt, yvstrt, xvlen, yvlen ! dimension area(4) ! call gssclp(xvstrt,xvstrt+xvlen,yvstrt,yvstrt+yvlen,area) do i=1,npts call scale (x(i),y(i),vx,vy) call gsmove(vx,vy) call symbol(isymno,0.2) end do call gsrclp(area) return end subroutine purjoy(z,izdim1,iz,kx,ky,camloc,xylim, & xlab,ylab,zlab,csize,marplt) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! PURJOY plots a function z=f(x,y) as a lined surface. ! ! the function must be defined on a regular grid. this routine ! will optionally remove hidden lines. ! ! arguments: ! ! input ! ! z * type: real array. ! * the function values: z(i,j)=f(xi,yj), where ! xi = xmin + (i-1)*(xmax-xmin)/(kx-1) ! yj = ymin + (j-1)*(ymax-ymin)/(ky-1) ! ! izdim1 * type: integer constant or variable. ! * the first dimension of the z array - not ! necessarily the number of x values. ! ! iz * type: byte array. ! * a working array of bytes dimensioned atleast ! kx*ky long. ! ! kx * type: integer constant or variable. ! * the number of x values in the z array. ! kx <= izdim1 ofcourse. ! ! ky * type: integer constant or variable. ! * the number of y values in the z array. ! ! camloc * type: real array. ! * the relative location of the viewer in space. ! the viewer always faces toward the center ! of the surface. ! camloc(1) = distance from surface in units ! the same as those of z. ! camloc(2) = angle between the viewer and the ! x axis in degrees. usually, multiples of ! 30 or 45 degrees are best. ! camloc(3) = angle between the viewer and the ! xy plane located at z=(zmin+zmax)/2 in ! degrees. thus 90 degrees is directly above ! the surface - an unexciting picture! usually ! the angle is selected near 45 degrees. ! ! xylim * type: real two dimensional array dimensioned (2,6). ! * general parameters: ! xylim(1,1) = xmin ==> the minimum value of x. ! xylim(2,1) = xmax ==> the maximum value of x. ! xylim(1,2) = ymin ==> the minimum value of y. ! xylim(2,2) = ymax ==> the maximum value of y. ! note: z(i,j) = f(xi,yj) where: ! xi = xmin + (i-1)*(xmax-xmin)/(kx-1) ! yj = ymin + (j-1)*(ymax-ymin)/(ky-1) ! xylim(1,3) = zmin ==> the minimum value of z. ! xylim(2,3) = zmax ==> the maximum value of z. ! these z values define the range of z values ! to fit on the screen. it is strongly ! advised that zmin and zmax bound z(i,j). ! xylim(1,4) = x/z axis length ratio. if this ! parameter is 0, then x and z are assumed to ! have the same units, so their relative ! lengths will be in proportion to their ! ranges. if this parameter is nonzero, then ! the x axis will be xylim(1,4) times as long ! as the z axis. ! xylim(2,4) = y/z axis length ratio. same as ! xylim(1,4), but for y axis. ! xylim(1,5) = plot width in virtual coordinates ! xylim(2,5) = plot height in virtual coord. ! note: the plot is expanded/contracted until ! it all fits within the box defined by ! xylim(1,5) and xylim(2,5). ! xylim(1,6) = virtual x coord. of the lower ! left corner of the plot box. ! xylim(2,6) = virtual y coord. of the lower ! left corner of the box. ! ! xlab * type: string constant or variable. ! * the x axis label. ! ! ylab * type: string constant or variable. ! * the y axis label. ! ! zlab * type: string constant or variable. ! * the z axis label. ! ! csize * type: real constant or variable. ! * the character size in virtual coord. for the tick ! mark labels and the axis labels. ! ! marplt * type: integer constant or variable. ! * hidden line flag: ! 0 ==> draw all lines, hidden or not. ! 1 ==> suppress all lines hidden by the surface, but ! display both the top and bottom of the surface ! 3 ==> suppress all lines hidden by the surface, and ! all lines showing the bottom of the surface. ! add 4 to marplt if you do not want the axes nor the ! ticks labeled. this is useful on small plots. ! save /comdp/ save /comdp1/ save /dbase/ save /gcdchr/ ! common /gcdchr/ devid, xlencm, ylencm, xres, yres, & ndclrs, idvbts, nfline, xclipd, yclipd dimension z(izdim1,ky), camloc(3), xylim(2,6) character xlab*2, ylab*2, zlab*2 dimension iz(kx,ky) ! common/comdp/xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,zmin,zmax,axisr(2),plotx, & ploty,pltorg(2),camxyz(3),mx,ny,fmx,fny,camwkg(6),xorg(3), & gx(3),fx(2),kscale,zorg,center(2),pqlmt, & amtx(3,3),focall dimension limit(2),flim(2) equivalence(u,camxyz(1)),(v,camxyz(2)),(w,camxyz(3)), & (mx,limit(1)),(fmx,flim(1)) ! logical lsolid common /comdp1/ lsolid dimension xmina(2,6) logical llable equivalence(xmin,xmina(1,1)) common /dbase/vx,vy,voldx,voldy,cxsize,cysize ! ! pick up xy limits, box sizes, etc. ! do j=1,6 xmina(1,j) = xylim(1,j) xmina(2,j) = xylim(2,j) end do ! ! now set up limits if axis ratios are requested ! if(axisr(1) .eq. 0.0) go to 260 do i=1,2 xmina(1,i)=axisr(i)*zmin end do 260 if(axisr(2) .eq. 0.0) go to 266 do i=1,2 xmina(2,i)=axisr(i)*zmax end do ! ! set tolerance for visible tests = half plotter step size ! 266 pqlmt = min (0.5/xres,0.5/yres) ! ! convert r, phi, theta to dx, dy, dz ! rad = 3.14159/180.0 phi = camloc(2)*rad theta = camloc(3)*rad camwkg(1)=camloc(1)*cos(phi)*cos(theta) camwkg(2)=camloc(1)*sin(phi)*cos(theta) camwkg(3)=camloc(1)*sin(theta) ! ! pick up camera data ! do j=1,3 camwkg(j+3)=(xmina(1,j)+xmina(2,j))/2.0 camwkg(j)=camwkg(j+3)+camwkg(j) end do call camrot mx=kx fmx=float(kx) ny=ky fny=float(ny) ! ! option for scaling z ! scale factors to convert user values to indices ! gx(1) = (xmax-xmin)/(fmx-1.0) gx(2) = (ymax-ymin)/(fny-1.0) ! ! find z scale factor ! gx(3)=1.0 zorg=0.0 ! ! find scale factors for plot ! cysize = csize cxsize = 9.0*cysize/8.0 xa=1.0e30 xb=-1.0e30 ya=1.0e30 yb=-1.0e30 if(camwkg(3) .lt. camwkg(6)) go to 16 dx=float(mx-1)/20.0 dy=float(ny-1)/20.0 if=mx ! xz = xmax ib=1 jf=ny ! yz = ymin jb=1 if(camwkg(1) .ge. camwkg(4)) go to 120 if=1 ! xz = xmin ib=mx dx=-dx 120 if(camwkg(2) .ge. camwkg(5)) go to 130 jf=1 ! yz = ymax jb=ny dy=-dy 130 frx=if bkx=ib fry=jf bky=jb vx = xmin + (frx-1.0)*gx(1) - camwkg(1) vy = ymin + (bky-1.0-dy)*gx(2) - camwkg(2) call extrma(vx,vy,zmax-camwkg(3),xa,xb,ya,yb,ierr) if(ierr .ne. 0) go to 50 temp = zmin - camwkg(3) call extrma(vx,vy,temp,xa,xb,ya,yb,ierr) if(ierr .ne. 0) go to 50 vy = ymin + (fry-1.0+dy)*gx(2) - camwkg(2) call extrma(vx,vy,temp,xa,xb,ya,yb,ierr) if(ierr .ne. 0) go to 50 call extrma(xmin+(bkx-1.0)*gx(1)-camwkg(1),vy,temp, & xa,xb,ya,yb,ierr) if(ierr .ne. 0) go to 50 vx = vx + dx*gx(1) call extrma(vx,ymin+(bky-1.0)*gx(2)-camwkg(2),temp, & xa,xb,ya,yb,ierr) if(ierr .ne. 0) go to 50 call extrma(vx,vy-dy*gx(2),temp,xa,xb,ya,yb,ierr) if(ierr .ne. 0) go to 50 16 continue do j=1,ny vy = ymin + (j-1)*gx(2) - camwkg(2) do i=1,mx vx = xmin + (i-1)*gx(1) - camwkg(1) call extrma(vx,vy,z(i,j)-camwkg(3),xa,xb,ya,yb,ierr) if(ierr .ne. 0) go to 50 end do end do ! ! scale x and y ranges to fit on plot ! temp = 12.5*cxsize llable = .true. ! ! mtemp = marplt ! ! ! if((mtemp .and. 4) .ne. 0) llable = .false. if(mtemp .ge. 4)then mtemp = mtemp - 4 llable = .false. else end if if(.not. llable) temp = 0.0 fx(1) = (plotx-temp)/(xb-xa) temp = 2.0*cysize if(.not. llable) temp = 0.0 fx(2) = (ploty-temp)/(yb-ya) ! ! choose minimum focal length of the two ! focall = min (fx(1),fx(2)) ! ! set x,y origins (before scaling to focal length) ! xorg(1) = xa xorg(2) = ya ! ! sizes in x,y (not including out-of-box poiints that get in pic) ! xb = (xb-xa)*focall yb = (yb-ya)*focall ! ! center for now, but later make optional ! center(1) = (plotx-xb)/2.0 center(2) = (ploty-yb)/2.0 ! ! camera location expressed as xy indices ! u = 1.0+(fmx-1.0)*(camwkg(1)-xmin)/(xmax-xmin) v = 1.0+(fny-1.0)*(camwkg(2)-ymin)/(ymax-ymin) ! ! for visibility checking, scale camera z coordinate opposite to the ! way z will be scaled for plotting - rather than scaling all the ! z-s on the surface when checking. ! w = (camwkg(3)-zorg)/gx(3) ! ! calculate visibilities ! ! if lsb of marplt is set, supress all hidden lines ! ! if((mtemp .and. 1) .ne. 0) go to 7 ! if(mtemp .eq. 1) go to 7 if(mtemp .eq. 3) go to 7 do k = 1,ny do j = 1,mx iz(j,k)=0 end do end do go to 40 7 lsolid = .false. ! ! if((mtemp .and. 2) .ne. 0) lsolid = .true. ! if(mtemp .eq. 2) lsolid = .true. if(mtemp .eq. 3) lsolid = .true. dok = 1,ny eta = float(k) do j =1,mx l = ivis(float(j),eta,z(j,k),z,izdim1)+1 iz(j,k)=l end do end do ! ! now plot ! 40 call qdrw3d(z,izdim1,iz,kx) if(camwkg(3) .lt. camwkg(6)) go to 45 call gssetc(cysize,0.0) call gscolr(1,jer) call xyprm(frx,bky,zmax,0) voldx=vx voldy=vy vxt=vx vyt=vy call xyprm(frx,bky-dy,zmax,1) if(llable) call tickl(zmax,-0.5) call gsmove(vxt,vyt) call xyprm(frx,bky,zmin,1) voldx=vx voldy=vy call xyprm(frx,bky-dy,zmin,1) if(.not. llable) go to 140 call tickl(zmin,0.25) temp = max (voldx,vxt)+1.5*cysize if(vx .lt. voldx) temp = min (voldx,vxt)-0.5*cysize call gsmove(temp,(voldy+vyt-cxsize*numchr(zlab))/2.0) call gssetc(cysize,90.0) call gspstr(zlab) call gssetc(cysize,0.0) 140 call gsmove(voldx,voldy) call xyprm(frx+dx,bky,zmin,1) if(llable) call tickl(xylim(1+jb/ny,2),-0.5) call gsmove(voldx,voldy) call xyprm(frx,fry+dy,zmin,1) if(.not. llable) go to 150 call tickl(xylim(1+if/mx,1),-0.5) temp = cxsize*(numchr(ylab)+0.25) if(vx .lt. voldx) temp = -0.25*cxsize call gsmove((vx+voldx)/2.0-temp,(vy+voldy)/2.0-cysize) call gspstr(ylab) 150 call xyprm(frx,fry,z(if,jf),-1) call gsmove(vx,vy) call xyprm(frx,fry,zmin,1) voldx=vx voldy=vy call xyprm(frx+dx,fry,zmin,1) if(llable) call tickl(xylim(1+jf/ny,2),-0.5) call gsmove(voldx,voldy) call xyprm(bkx,fry,zmin,1) if(.not. llable) go to 160 temp = cxsize*(numchr(xlab)+0.25) if(vx .gt. voldx) temp = -0.25*cxsize call gsmove((vx+voldx)/2.0-temp,(vy+voldy)/2.0-cysize) call gspstr(xlab) 160 voldx=vx voldy=vy call gsmove(vx,vy) call xyprm(bkx,fry+dy,zmin,1) if(llable) call tickl(xylim(1+ib/mx,1),-0.5) call gsmove(voldx,voldy) call xyprm(bkx,fry,z(ib,jf),1) 45 return ! ! point on the surface is behind the camera. quit. ! 50 write(*,603) return ! ! z is a flat plane, do not draw (for now) ! 60 continue write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'PURJOY - Warning!' write(*,*)' All function values are equal, no contours!' return ! ! 503 format(' z multiplier',e15.6,', z origin shift',e15.6) !504 format('0x limits',2f10.3/' y limits',2f10.3/' z limits',2f10.3/ ! 1' z cutoff',2e15.6/ ! 2 ' plot size',2f10.3/' plot origin',2f10.3) ! 602 format('0focal lengths to fill x,y plotter space',2e15.6, ! 1 ', lesser value chosen'/'0picture size in x,y =',2f9.3, ! 2 ', requested sizes',2f9.3/' centers = ',2g14.7) 603 format('0part of surface is behind the camera, unable to plot. sor &ry.') end subroutine qdrw3d(z,izdim1,iz,kx) !*********************************************************************** ! !! QDRW3D draws a plot. ! dimension z(izdim1,2) dimension iz(kx,2) ! ! common storage descriptor ! save /comdp/ save /comdpa/ common/comdp/xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,zmin,zmax,axisr(2),plotx, & ploty,pltorg(2),camxyz(3),mx,ny,fmx,fny,camwkg(6),xorg(3), & gx(3),fx(2),kscale,zorg,center(2),pqlmt, & amtx(3,3),focall dimension limit(2),flim(2) equivalence(u,camxyz(1)),(v,camxyz(2)),(w,camxyz(3)), & (mx,limit(1)),(fmx,flim(1)) ! end cde ! ! ! cde package for draw3d,drawpq common/comdpa/pc(3),qc(3),p(3),q(3),enda(6),endb(6),oldq(3), & pw(3),qw(3),t(6),pk(3),qk(3),phip,phiq,phia,ibeam,icolor integer phip,phiq,phia ! end of cde package ! end of cde package ! ! save z dimension in common to pass along through drawpq to ivis ! scan along x first at constant y ! ! index of coordinate being stepped along a line kscan = 1 ! index of coordinate being held fixed kfix = 2 ! set fixed coordinate increment pc(kfix) = 1.0 delfix = 1.0 ! set roving coordinate increment initially delscn = 1.0 qc(kscan) = 1.0 ! begin scanning a line 101 qc(kfix) = pc(kfix) ibeam = 0 ! next point in line scan 102 pc(kscan) = qc(kscan) qc(kscan) = pc(kscan) + delscn ! working indices jpc = ifix(pc(1)) kpc = ifix(pc(2)) jqc = ifix(qc(1)) kqc = ifix(qc(2)) ! phi functions pc(3)=z(jpc,kpc) qc(3)=z(jqc,kqc) phip=iz(jpc,kpc)-1 phiq=iz(jqc,kqc)-1 200 call drawpq(z,izdim1) ! test if line is done if((qc(kscan)-1.0)*(qc(kscan)-flim(kscan)) .lt. 0.0) go to 102 ! line done. advance fixed coordinate. pc(kfix) = pc(kfix) + delfix ! test if fixed coordinate now off limits if((pc(kfix)-1.0)*(pc(kfix)-flim(kfix)) .gt. 0.0) go to 55 ! flip increment. scan begins at qc of previous line. delscn = -delscn go to 101 ! ! test if we have done y scan yet. ! 55 if(kscan .eq. 2) return ! no, scan y direction at fixed x. kscan = 2 kfix = 1 ! start fixed x at x of last traverse pc(1) = qc(1) ! then step x in opposite direction delfix = -delscn ! we ended up at max. y, so first y scan goes backwards delscn = -1.0 ! initial y for first line qc(2) = fny go to 101 end subroutine qms(iunit) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! QMS initializes the QMS laser printer. ! ! input: iunit = output logical unit, if not legal ! zero then use default, 31 ! integer iunit integer newdev ! newdev=3 if(iunit.le.0.or.iunit.gt.99)then lun=31 else lun=iunit end if ! ! select the device. ! call ddevsl(newdev,lun,ierr) ! ! initialize all data. ! call zinit return end subroutine realno(anum,iplace,xpos,ypos) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! REALNO writes a real number on the screen. ! (level 2-3) ! ! input: anum = real number ! iplace = format flag ! if > 100, free point, iplace-100 digits ! total ! if > 0, floating point, with iplace ! decimal places after decimal point ! if < 0, exponent form, iplace decimal ! places after decimal point ! ! xpos,ypos = distance from physical origin in inches ! parameter (numbyt=4) ! integer lmessa(80/numbyt) character czalfl*1 character czalfn*5 character czalfs*5 character khar*(numbyt) ! save /clevel/ save /cmxalf/ save /cmess/ save /cpage/ save /cphysr/ save /cstrng/ save /cunit/ save /gcclip/ save /gccpar/ save /gcvpos/ ! common /clevel/ kzlevl,kzbegn common /cmess/ zzabux,zzabuy,kzlbeg,kzmov common /cphysr/ zzxor,zzyor,kzor,uuxor,uuyor common /cunit/ zzunit common /cpage/ zzpagx,zzpagy,zzpagr,uupagx,uupagy,kzpage,kzauto common /cmxalf/ czalfl(6),czalfn(6),czalfs common /cstrng/ zzhite,uuhite,zzangl,kzstrm,kztmln common /gcvpos/ xvpos, yvpos common /gccpar/ csize, ccos, csin common /gcclip/ xcm0, xcm1, ycm0, ycm1 ! if(kzlevl.eq.2.or.kzlevl.eq.3)then ! ! calculate virtual coordinates ! temp=xpos call win2ch(temp,khar) if(khar(1:4).eq.'ABUT')then vx=zzabux else vx=xcm0+zzxor+xpos*zzunit*zzpagr end if temp=ypos call win2ch(temp,khar) if(khar(1:4).eq.'ABUT')then vy=zzabuy else vy=ycm0+zzyor+ypos*zzunit*zzpagr end if ! ! draw character string ! call dsmove(vx,vy) call zreal(anum,iplace,lmessa,lpower) ln=leng(lmessa) call ztext(lmessa,ln,czalfl,czalfn,czalfs) zzabux=xvpos zzabuy=yvpos ! ! draw exponent if desired ! if(lpower.ne.0)then tx=0.7*zzhite*csin ty=0.7*zzhite*ccos call dsmove(zzabux+tx,zzabuy+ty) call gssetc(0.6*zzhite,zzangl) ln=leng(lpower) call ztext(lpower,ln,czalfl,czalfn,czalfs) zzabux=xvpos-tx zzabuy=yvpos-ty call gssetc(zzhite,zzangl) end if ! ! wrong level ! else call errmes('REALNO',3,0) end if return end subroutine relint(ival,xval,yval) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! RELINT converts an integer to a string with no leading spaces. ! ! input: ival = input integer ! xval,yval = x and y values in current coordinate ! system ! parameter (numbyt=4) ! character czalfl*1,czalfn*5,czalfs*5 integer imessa(16/numbyt) character cmess*16,kharx*(numbyt),khary*(numbyt) ! save /clevel/ save /cmxalf/ save /cmess/ save /gcvpos/ ! common /clevel/ kzlevl,kzbegn common /cmess/ zzabux,zzabuy,kzlbeg,kzmov common /cmxalf/ czalfl(6),czalfn(6),czalfs common /gcvpos/ xvpos, yvpos ! 10 format(i11) if(kzlevl.eq.3)then tempx=xval ! ! calculate virtual coordinate ! call win2ch(tempx,kharx) if(kharx(1:4).eq.'ABUT')then xt=1.0 else xt=xval end if tempy=yval call win2ch(tempy,khary) if(khary(1:4).eq.'ABUT')then yt=1.0 else yt=yval end if call scale(xt,yt,vx,vy) if(kharx(1:4).eq.'ABUT') vx=zzabux if(khary(1:4).eq.'ABUT') vy=zzabuy ! ! draw integer ! call dsmove(vx,vy) write(cmess,'(i11)')ival cmess(12:12)=char(0) do i=1,16/numbyt call wch2in(cmess((i-1)*numbyt+1:i*numbyt),imessa(i)) end do call zstrbl(imessa) ln=leng(imessa) call ztext(imessa,ln,czalfl,czalfn,czalfs) zzabux=xvpos zzabuy=yvpos else call errmes('RELINT',3,0) end if return end subroutine relmsg(lmess,imess,xval,yval) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! RELMSG writes a Hollerith string on the screen. ! (level 3) ! ! input: lmess = character string ! imess = number of characters in lmess ! xval,yval = x and y values in current coordinate ! system ! parameter (numbyt=4) ! integer lmess(*) character czalfl*1,czalfn*5,czalfs*5,kharx*(numbyt) character khary*(numbyt) ! save /clevel/ save /cmess/ save /cmxalf/ save /gcvpos/ ! common /clevel/ kzlevl,kzbegn common /cmess/ zzabux,zzabuy,kzlbeg,kzmov common /cmxalf/ czalfl(6),czalfn(6),czalfs common /gcvpos/ xvpos, yvpos ! if(kzlevl.eq.3)then ! ! calculate virtual coordinate ! tempx=xval call win2ch(tempx,kharx) if(kharx(1:4).eq.'ABUT')then xt=1.0 else xt=xval end if tempy=yval call win2ch(tempy,khary) if(khary(1:4).eq.'ABUT')then yt=1.0 else yt=yval end if call scale(xt,yt,vx,vy) if(kharx(1:4).eq.'ABUT') vx=zzabux if(khary(1:4).eq.'ABUT') vy=zzabuy ! ! draw messag ! call dsmove(vx,vy) call ztext(lmess,imess,czalfl,czalfn,czalfs) zzabux=xvpos zzabuy=yvpos else call errmes('RELMSG',3,0) end if return end subroutine relrno(anum,iplace,xval,yval) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! RELRNO converts a real number to a string. ! ! input: anum = input real number ! iplace = format flag ! if > 100,free point, iplace-100 digits ! total ! if > 0, floating point, with iplace ! decimal places after decimal point ! if < 0, exponent form, iplace decimal ! places after decimal point ! xval,yval = x and y value in current coordinate ! system ! parameter (numbyt=4) ! integer lmessa(80/numbyt) character czalfl*1,czalfn*5,czalfs*5,kharx*(numbyt) character khary*(numbyt) ! save /clevel/ save /cmess/ save /cmxalf/ save /cstrng/ save /gccpar/ save /gcvpos/ ! common /clevel/ kzlevl,kzbegn common /cmess/ zzabux,zzabuy,kzlbeg,kzmov common /cstrng/ zzhite,uuhite,zzangl,kzstrm,kztmln common /cmxalf/ czalfl(6),czalfn(6),czalfs common /gcvpos/ xvpos, yvpos common /gccpar/ csize, ccos, csin ! if(kzlevl.eq.3)then ! ! calculate virtual coordinates ! tempx=xval call win2ch(tempx,kharx) if(kharx(1:4).eq.'ABUT')then xt=1.0 else xt=xval end if tempy=yval call win2ch(tempy,khary) if(khary(1:4).eq.'ABUT')then yt=1.0 else yt=yval end if call scale(xt,yt,vx,vy) if(kharx(1:4).eq.'ABUT') vx=zzabux if(khary(1:4).eq.'ABUT') vy=zzabuy ! ! draw character string ! call dsmove(vx,vy) call zreal(anum,iplace,lmessa,lpower) ln=leng(lmessa) call ztext(lmessa,ln,czalfl,czalfn,czalfs) zzabux=xvpos zzabuy=yvpos ! ! if exponential desired, draw it ! if(lpower.ne.0)then tx=0.7*zzhite*csin ty=0.7*zzhite*ccos call dsmove(zzabux+tx,zzabuy+ty) call gssetc(0.6*zzhite,zzangl) ln=leng(lpower) call ztext(lpower,ln,czalfl,czalfn,czalfs) zzabux=xvpos-tx zzabuy=yvpos-ty call gssetc(zzhite,zzangl) end if ! ! wrong level ! else call errmes('RELRNO',3,0) end if return end subroutine relvec(xfrom,yfrom,xto,yto,ivec) !*********************************************************************72 ! !! RELVEC draws a vector with or without an arrow head. ! level 3 ! ! input: xfrom,yfrom = first point of vector ! xto,yto = second point of vector ! ivec(wxyz) = arrow type and size flag ! common /clevel/ kzlevl,kzbegn ! if(kzlevl.eq.3)then call scale(xfrom,yfrom,vxfrom,vyfrom) call scale(xto,yto,vxto,vyto) call zvectr(vxfrom,vyfrom,vxto,vyto,ivec) else call errmes('RELVEC',3,0) end if return end subroutine reset(param) !*********************************************************************72 ! !! RESET resets to default. ! ! no effect on 'setout' and hardware calls ! ! input: param = parameter indicator ! parameter (kzyes=111) parameter (kzno=222) parameter (kzdown=13) parameter (kzlin=2) parameter (kzsoli=1) parameter (kzreal=2) parameter (kzmxbs=1000) parameter (kzmxbl=200) parameter (kzmaxc=255) parameter (zzin=2.54) ! save /carea/ save /caxis/ save /cblank/ save /cborch/ save /cdevic/ save /clabel/ save /clevel/ save /clgndc/ save /clgndn/ save /cline/ save /cmxalf/ save /colorc/ save /colorn/ save /cpage/ save /csetunt/ save /cstrng/ save /dcltyp/ ! common /clevel/ kzlevl,kzbegn common /cmxalf/ czalfl(6),czalfn(6),czalfs common /cdevic/ kzsum,kzcopy,kzbyte,kznplt common /carea/ zzxaxs,zzyaxs,zzxaxr,zzyaxr,uuxaxs,uuyaxs, & zzxlft,zzxrgt,zzybot,zzytop,kzscal, & zzgrce,uugrce,zzfrme,uufrme common /cline/ kzlsty,kzltyp,zzlthk,kzlthk,zzprx,zzpry, & zzprx1,zzprx2,zzpry1,zzpry2,uulthk,kzlncn common /caxis/ kzxtyp,kzytyp,kzxnon,kzynon,kzxtck,kzytck, & zzxlba,zzylba common /cblank/ zzblnk(kzmxbl,4),zzblks(kzmxbs,4),kzblcn,kzbscn common /clgndn/ kzlgln,kzlgcn,kzlger,kzlgsm(50),kzlglt(50), & kzlgti(5),kzlgtl,zzlgth(50),zzlgtz,uulgtz, & zzlgtr,zzlgyl,kzlgbl,zzsrat,kzlgen(50) common /clgndc/ czlgac(50,6),czlgaf(50,6),czlgas(50),czlgtc(6), & czlgtf(6),czlgts common /colorn/ kzshd,zzhspc,zzcolr(kzmaxc,3),kznclr,kzccol common /colorc/ czcolr common /cborch/ kzbrdr,kzchek common /cstrng/ zzhite,uuhite,zzangl,kzstrm,kztmln common /clabel/ kzxlab(20),kzxaln,kzylab(20),kzyaln,kztitl(20), & kztiln,kzxnfl,kzynfl common /cpage/ zzpagx,zzpagy,zzpagr,uupagx,uupagy,kzpage,kzauto common /csetunt/ zzsetunt common /dcltyp/ ilntyp, dleft, dist(13,15), linilt, lposnd ! logical linilt, lposnd character czcolr*8 character czlgac*1,czlgaf*5,czlgas*5,czlgtc*1,czlgtf*5,czlgts*5 character czalfl*1,czalfn*5,czalfs*5 ! character*(*) param character sub4*4 character*6 sub ! ncmax = len(param) if(ncmax .gt. 6) ncmax = 6 sub=' ' sub(1:ncmax) = param call capchr(sub) ! ! for all reset ! if(sub(1:3).eq.'ALL')then zzangl=0.0 zzhite=0.14*zzin*zzpagr call gssetc(zzhite,zzangl) kzlsty=kzsoli call dsltyp(kzlsty) do i=1,kzblcn do j=1,4 zzblnk(i,j)=-1100.0 end do end do kzblcn=4 if(kzbscn.gt.0)then do i=1,kzbscn do j=1,4 zzblks(i,j)=-1100.0 end do end do kzbscn=-1 end if uugrce=0.5*zzsetunt zzgrce=uugrce*zzpagr ! ! kzshd=kzno ! zzsrat=1.5 czalfl(1)=' ' czalfn(1)='STAND' czalfs='DEFAU' call zscopy('TXTBLK',kzlgti) kzlgln=kzno zzlgtz=-1.0 ! ! kzlgtf=1 ! zzlgtr=-1.0 kzchek=kzyes kzbrdr=kzyes call sizmrk(1.0) czcolr='WHITE' call gscolr(1,ierr) call wch2in ( '$', kzstrm ) kztmln=1 kzltyp=kzlin kzlthk=kzno zzsetunt=zzin zzxlba=0.0 kzxtyp=kzreal kzytyp=kzreal zzylba=90.0 kzxnon=kzno kzynon=kzno kzxtck=1 kzytck=1 uufrme=0.01*zzin zzfrme=uufrme*zzpagr call gsfont(1,ierr) elseif(sub(1:5).eq.'ANGLE')then zzangl=0.0 call gssetc(zzhite,zzangl) elseif(sub.eq.'BLANK1')then do i=1,4 zzblnk(1,i)=-1100.0 end do elseif(sub.eq.'BLANK2')then do i=1,4 zzblnk(2,i)=-1100.0 end do elseif(sub.eq.'BLANK3')then do i=1,4 zzblnk(3,i)=-1100.0 end do elseif(sub.eq.'BLANK4')then do i=1,4 zzblnk(4,i)=-1100.0 end do elseif(sub.eq.'BLNKAL')then do i=1,kzblcn do j=1,4 zzblnk(i,j)=-1100.0 end do end do kzblcn=4 if(kzbscn.gt.0)then do i=1,kzbscn do j=1,4 zzblks(i,j)=-1100.0 end do end do kzbscn=-1 end if elseif(sub.eq.'BLANKS')then if(kzbscn.gt.0)then do i=1,kzbscn do j=1,4 zzblks(i,j)=-1100.0 end do end do kzbscn=-1 end if elseif(sub(1:3).eq.'DOT'.or.sub.eq.'LINDEF'.or. & sub(1:4).eq.'DASH'.or.sub.eq.'CHNDOT'.or. & sub.eq.'CHNDSH')then kzlsty=kzsoli call dsltyp(kzlsty) elseif(sub.eq.'MARGIN')then uugrce=0.5*zzsetunt zzgrce=uugrce*zzpagr elseif(sub.eq.'HEIGHT')then uuhite=0.14*zzin zzhite=uuhite*zzpagr call gssetc(zzhite,zzangl) elseif(sub.eq.'HRDSHD')then kzshd=kzno elseif(sub.eq.'HRDSCL')then kzscal=kzdown elseif(sub.eq.'SAVLIN')then kzlgln=kzno elseif(sub.eq.'VSPACE')then zzsrat=1.5 elseif(sub.eq.'DEFALF'.or.sub.eq.'ALPHA1')then czalfl(1)=' ' czalfn(1)='STAND' elseif(sub.eq.'MIXALF'.or.sub.eq.'ALPHA2')then czalfl(2)=' ' elseif(sub.eq.'ALPHA3')then czalfl(3)=' ' elseif(sub.eq.'ALPHA4')then czalfl(4)=' ' elseif(sub.eq.'ALPHA5')then czalfl(5)=' ' elseif(sub.eq.'ALPHA6')then czalfl(6)=' ' elseif(sub.eq.'LEGHDG')then call zscopy('TXTBLK',kzlgti) zzlgtz=-1.0 ! kzlgtf=1 zzlgtr=-1.0 elseif(sub.eq.'NOCHEK')then kzchek=kzyes elseif(sub.eq.'NOBORD')then kzbrdr=kzyes elseif(sub.eq.'SIZMRK')then call sizmrk(1.0) elseif(sub.eq.'CLRSET')then czcolr='WHITE' call gscolr(1,ierr) elseif(sub.eq.'SETOUT')then kzsum=6 elseif(sub.eq.'TRMCHR')then call wch2in ( '$', kzstrm ) kztmln=1 elseif(sub.eq.'CUBSPL'.or.sub.eq.'PRMSPL'.or. & sub(1:5).eq.'POLY3')then kzltyp=kzlin elseif(sub.eq.'CRVWID')then kzlthk=kzno elseif(sub.eq.'FRMWID')then uufrme=0.01*zzin zzfrme=uufrme*zzpagr elseif(sub.eq.'TRIPLX'.or. & sub.eq.'CARTOG'.or.sub.eq.'SIMPLX'.or. & sub.eq.'CMPLX2'.or.sub.eq.'COMPLX'.or. & sub.eq.'GOTHIC'.or.sub.eq.'DUPLEX')then czalfs='DEFAU' else if(sub(1:4).eq.'SETUNT')then zzsetunt=zzin elseif(sub.eq.'XANGLE')then zzxlba=0.0 elseif(sub.eq.'INTGRX')then kzxtyp=kzreal elseif(sub.eq.'XLABEL')then kzxaln=0 elseif(sub.eq.'NOXLBL')then kzxnon=kzno elseif(sub.eq.'XMARKS')then kzxtck=1 elseif(sub.eq.'YANGLE')then zzylba=90.0 elseif(sub.eq.'INTGRY')then kzytyp=kzreal elseif(sub.eq.'YLABEL')then kzyaln=0 elseif(sub.eq.'NOYLBL')then kzynon=kzno elseif(sub.eq.'YMARKS')then kzytck=1 else sub4=sub(1:4) call wch2in(sub4,isub) call errmes('RESET',isub,4) end if return end subroutine rotate(xin,a,xout) !*********************************************************************72 ! !! ROTATE rotates vector XIN by matrix A to get XOUT. ! real a(9) real xin(3) real xout(3) ! xout(1) = a(1)*xin(1) + a(4)*xin(2) + a(7)*xin(3) xout(2) = a(2)*xin(1) + a(5)*xin(2) + a(8)*xin(3) xout(3) = a(3)*xin(1) + a(6)*xin(2) + a(9)*xin(3) return end subroutine rstmap(area) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! RSTMAP restores the mapping parameters saved by SAVMAP. ! real area(14) logical logx, logy ! save /pltclp/ save /pltcom/ save /pltsiz/ ! common /pltclp/ xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax common /pltcom/ ux0, udx, uy0, udy, logx, logy common /pltsiz/ xvstrt, yvstrt, xvlen, yvlen ! ! restore the mapit clipping limits ! xmin = area(1) xmax = area(2) ymin = area(3) ymax = area(4) ! ! save world to virtual coord. transformation const. ! ux0 = area(5) udx = area(6) uy0 = area(7) udy = area(8) logx = .false. if(area(9) .ne. 0.0) logx = .true. logy = .false. if(area(10) .ne. 0.0) logy = .true. ! ! restore virt. coord. of axes ! xvstrt = area(11) yvstrt = area(12) xvlen = area(13) yvlen = area(14) ! ! all done ! return end subroutine savlin ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! SAVLIN sets a flag to save the line style every time CURVE is called. ! (level 1-3, p/s) ! parameter (kzyes=111) ! save /clevel/ save /clgndc/ save /clgndn/ ! common /clevel/ kzlevl,kzbegn common /clgndn/ kzlgln,kzlgcn,kzlger,kzlgsm(50),kzlglt(50), & kzlgti(5),kzlgtl,zzlgth(50),zzlgtz,uulgtz, & zzlgtr,zzlgyl,kzlgbl,zzsrat,kzlgen(50) common /clgndc/ czlgac(50,6),czlgaf(50,6),czlgas(50),czlgtc(6), & czlgtf(6),czlgts character czlgac*1,czlgaf*5,czlgas*5,czlgtc*1,czlgtf*5,czlgts*5 if(kzlevl.ge.1.and.kzlevl.le.3)then kzlgln=kzyes else call errmes('SAVLIN',1,3) end if return end subroutine savmap(area) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! SAVMAP saves the status from the last MAPPRM-MAPIT calls. ! ! when used in conjuction "rstmap", the user can switch around between ! multiple graphic regions on the screen created with "mapit". ! real area(15) logical logx, logy ! save /pltclp/ save /pltcom/ save /pltsiz/ ! common /pltclp/ xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax common /pltcom/ ux0, udx, uy0, udy, logx, logy common /pltsiz/ xvstrt, yvstrt, xvlen, yvlen ! ! save the mapit clipping limits ! area(1) = xmin area(2) = xmax area(3) = ymin area(4) = ymax ! ! save world to virtual coord. transformation const. ! area(5) = ux0 area(6) = udx area(7) = uy0 area(8) = udy area(9) = 0.0 if(logx) area(9) = 1.0 area(10) = 0.0 if(logy) area(10) = 1.0 ! ! now save virt. coord. location of axes ! area(11) = xvstrt area(12) = yvstrt area(13) = xvlen area(14) = yvlen ! ! all done ! return end subroutine scale(x,y,vx,vy) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! SCALE converts from world coordinates to virtual coordinates. ! ! X,Y, input, the world coordinates. ! VX, VY, output, the corresponding virtual coordinates. ! real smllog parameter (smllog=-100.0) ! logical logx logical logy ! save /pltcom/ save /pltsiz/ ! common /pltcom/ ux0, udx, uy0, udy, logx, logy common /pltsiz/ xvstrt, yvstrt, xvlen, yvlen ! xx = x if (logx) then if(x .gt. 0.0) then xx = alog10(x) else xx = smllog end if end if yy = y if ( logy ) then if(y .gt. 0.0) then yy = alog10(y) else yy = smllog end if end if vx = xvstrt + xvlen*(xx-ux0)/udx vy = yvstrt + yvlen*(yy-uy0)/udy return end subroutine scalin(amin,amax,axmax,orig,step,raxis) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! SCALIN calculates rounded linear axis limits. ! level 1-3 ! ! input: amin,amax = range of data ! axmax = maximum axis length (inches) ! ! output: orig = rounded value at origin ! step = rounded step size ! axis = rounded minimum axis length ! in inches ! logical l1,l2 ! save /clevel/ save /cpage/ save /cunit/ save /pltprm/ save /pltsiz/ ! common /clevel/ kzlevl,kzbegn common /cunit/ zzunit common /cpage/ zzpagx,zzpagy,zzpagr,uupagx,uupagy,kzpage,kzauto common /pltsiz/ xvstrt, yvstrt, xvlen, yvlen common /pltprm/ cxsize, cysize, tickln, yvini l1=.false. l2=.false. if(kzlevl.ge.1.and.kzlevl.le.3)then if(kzlevl.eq.1)then size=0.3556 else size=cxsize end if numtk=min0(10,int(axmax*zzunit*zzpagr/ & ((ilabsz()+1.0)*size))) call axis(amin,amax,numtk,l1,l2,bmin,bmax, & btmin,btmax,btick,ipow) orig=bmin step=btick*10.0**ipow perin=step*axmax/(bmax-bmin) if(perin.gt.1.8) step=step/2.0 raxis=(bmax-bmin)/step else call errmes('SCALIN',1,3) end if return end subroutine scalog(alow,ahi,axis,origin,cycle) ! !*********************************************************************** ! ! SCALOG calculates the origin and cycle for logarithmic axes. ! (level 1-3) ! ! input: alow = lower limit of data ! ahi = higher limit of data ! axis = axis length ! ! output: origin = calculated lower limit of data ! cycle = cycle length in inches ! save /clevel/ save /cunit/ save /pltprm/ ! common /cunit/ zzunit common /clevel/ kzlevl,kzbegn common /pltprm/ cxsize, cysize, tickln, yvini ! if(kzlevl.ge.1.and.kzlevl.le.3)then raxis=axis*zzunit ! ! cxsize may not be initialized ! maxtk=min0(10,int(raxis/((ilabsz()+1.0)*cxsize))) ! maxtk=min0(10,int(raxis/((ilabsz()+1.0)*gslens('0')))) call laxis(alow,ahi,maxtk,bmin,bmax,btick) origin=bmin delta=bmax-bmin if(delta.lt.0.00005)then cycle=-1.0 call errmes('SCALOG',0,4) else cycle=axis/delta end if else call errmes('SCALOG',1,3) end if return end subroutine segmnt(ici,icj,iseg) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! SEGMNT... ! save /contr/ ! common /contr/ clevel,iold,jold,in,jn, & nx,ny,xl,dx,yl,dy ici=min(iold,in) icj=min(jold,jn) iseg=1 if(iold .eq. in) iseg=2 return end subroutine setout(isum) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! SETOUT sets the output device. ! (level 1-3, p/s) ! ! input ! isum = output unit for plot summary ! save /cdevic/ ! common /cdevic/ kzsum,kzcopy,kzbyte,kznplt ! kzsum=isum return end subroutine setsub(ax,ay) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! SETSUB defines a subplot area and system parameters, and draws a frame. ! (level 1, raised to 2) ! ! input: ax,ay = lengths of x and y axes ! parameter (kzyes=111) parameter (kzno=222) parameter (kzclip=12) parameter (kzdown=13) parameter (kzscrn=14) parameter (kzabrt=15) parameter (zzin=2.54) ! save /carea/ save /cborch/ save /ciount/ save /clevel/ save /clgndc/ save /clgndn/ save /cline/ save /cpage/ save /cphysr/ save /csymbo/ save /cstrng/ save /cunit/ save /gcclip/ save /gcdchr/ ! common /clevel/ kzlevl,kzbegn common /carea/ zzxaxs,zzyaxs,zzxaxr,zzyaxr,uuxaxs,uuyaxs, & zzxlft,zzxrgt,zzybot,zzytop,kzscal, & zzgrce,uugrce,zzfrme,uufrme common /cpage/ zzpagx,zzpagy,zzpagr,uupagx,uupagy,kzpage,kzauto common /cline/ kzlsty,kzltyp,zzlthk,kzlthk,zzprx,zzpry, & zzprx1,zzprx2,zzpry1,zzpry2,uulthk,kzlncn common /csymbo/ kzsym,kznsym,zzsmsz,uusmsz common /cstrng/ zzhite,uuhite,zzangl,kzstrm,kztmln common /clgndn/ kzlgln,kzlgcn,kzlger,kzlgsm(50),kzlglt(50), & kzlgti(5),kzlgtl,zzlgth(50),zzlgtz,uulgtz, & zzlgtr,zzlgyl,kzlgbl,zzsrat,kzlgen(50) common /clgndc/ czlgac(50,6),czlgaf(50,6),czlgas(50),czlgtc(6), & czlgtf(6),czlgts common /cunit/ zzunit common /cphysr/ zzxor,zzyor,kzor,uuxor,uuyor common /cborch/ kzbrdr,kzchek common /ciount/ kziunt, kzount common /gcclip/ xcm0, xcm1, ycm0, ycm1 common /gcdchr/ devid, xlencm, ylencm, xres, yres, & ndclrs, idvbts, nfline, xclipd, yclipd character czlgac*1,czlgaf*5,czlgas*5,czlgtc*1,czlgtf*5,czlgts*5 ! save kqms,kln03,kpost data kqms,kln03,kpost /1200,3,910/ ! ! check level ! if(kzlevl.eq.1)then ! ! rotate plot if desired ! kdev=int(devid) if((kdev.eq.kqms.or.kdev.eq.kln03.or.kdev.eq.kpost) & .and.kzauto.eq.kzyes)then if(uupagx.lt.uupagy)then call zlasap else call zlasal end if end if ! ! erase screen for new plot ! if(kzbegn.ne.kzyes)then ! call gsdrvr(2,dummy,dummy) kzbegn=kzyes end if ! ! convert to system unit ! rx=xlencm/uupagx ry=ylencm/uupagy if(rx.lt.ry)then zzpagr=rx else zzpagr=ry end if if(kzscal.eq.kzdown)then if(zzpagr.gt.1.0)then zzpagr=1.0 end if zzpagx=uupagx*zzpagr zzpagy=uupagy*zzpagr elseif(kzscal.eq.kzscrn)then zzpagx=uupagx*zzpagr zzpagy=uupagy*zzpagr elseif(kzscal.eq.kzclip)then zzpagx=uupagx zzpagy=uupagy zzpagr=1.0 elseif(kzscal.eq.kzabrt)then if(rx.lt.1.0.or.ry.lt.1.0)then kzlevl=1 return else zzpagx=uupagx zzpagy=uupagy zzpagr=1.0 end if end if if(kzlthk.eq.kzyes) zzlthk=uulthk*zzpagr zzsmsz=uusmsz*zzpagr zzgrce=uugrce*zzpagr zzhite=uuhite*zzpagr call gssetc(zzhite,zzangl) !w zzlgtz=uulgtz*zzpagr zzsmsz=uusmsz*zzpagr uuyaxs=ay*zzunit uuxaxs=ax*zzunit zzxaxs=uuxaxs*zzpagr zzyaxs=uuyaxs*zzpagr zzfrme=uufrme*zzpagr ! ! check if ORIGIN is called ! if(kzor.ne.kzyes)then dx=uupagx-uuxaxs dy=uupagy-uuyaxs if(dx.gt.1.0)then uuxor=dx/2.0 else uuxor=0.5*zzin if(dx.lt.0.5)then call errmes('SETSUB',0,4) end if end if if(dy.gt.1.0)then uuyor=dy/2.0 else uuyor=0.5*zzin if(dy.lt.0.5)then call errmes('SETSUB',0,5) end if end if end if zzxor=uuxor*zzpagr zzyor=uuyor*zzpagr ! ! calculate frame ! pxmin=(xlencm-zzpagx)/2.0 pymin=(ylencm-zzpagy)/2.0 pxmax=pxmin+zzpagx pymax=pymin+zzpagy xcm0=pxmin xcm1=pxmax ycm0=pymin ycm1=pymax ! ! check if NOBORD is called ! if(kzbrdr.ne.kzno)then call dsmove(pxmin,pymin) call dsdraw(pxmin,pymax) call dsdraw(pxmax,pymax) call dsdraw(pxmax,pymin) call dsdraw(pxmin,pymin) end if ! ! set plot area parameters ! zzxlft=pxmin+zzxor zzxaxr=(pxmax-zzxlft)/zzxaxs if(zzxaxr.gt.1.0)then zzxaxr=1.0 zzxrgt=zzxlft+zzxaxs else zzxrgt=pxmax end if zzybot=pymin+zzyor zzyaxr=(pymax-zzybot)/zzyaxs if(zzyaxr.gt.1.0)then zzyaxr=1.0 zzytop=zzybot+zzyaxs else zzytop=pymax end if tick=0.6*zzhite call zmaprm(zzxlft,zzxrgt,zzybot,zzytop,zzhite,tick) kzlevl=2 else call errmes('SETSUB',1,0) end if return end subroutine setunt(scale) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! SETUNT sets the input unit converting scale. ! ! (level 1-3, p/s) ! ! input: scale = scale flag ! if = 'in', in inches, default ! if = 'cm' or 'cent', centimeter ! if = 'MM' or 'MILL',millimeter ! parameter (zzin=2.54) parameter (zzcm=1.00) parameter (zzmm=10.0) parameter (numbyt=4) ! character*(numbyt) cscale real rscale real scale ! save /cunit/ ! common /cunit/ zzunit ! rscale=scale call win2ch(rscale,cscale) call capchr(cscale) if(cscale(1:2).eq.'IN')then zzunit=zzin elseif(cscale(1:2).eq.'CM'.or.cscale.eq.'CENT')then zzunit=zzcm elseif(cscale(1:2).eq.'MM'.or.cscale.eq.'MILL')then zzunit=zzmm else zzunit=scale end if return end subroutine shade(x,y,npts,angle,garay) !*********************************************************************** ! !! SHADE carries out polygon fill. ! ! level 3 ! ! input: x,y = x and y values of polygon vertices ! npts = number of x y pairs in x and y ! angle = cross hatching line angle ! garay = gap array, only one value is used ! in dissim ! parameter (kzyes=111) parameter (kzmaxc=255) parameter (maxpts=1000) parameter (max1=maxpts+1) parameter (max2=maxpts+2) character czcolr*8 real x(*) real y(*),xx(max2),yy(max2),tx(max2),ty(max2) save /clevel/ save /colorc/ save /colorn/ save /cpage/ save /cunit/ common /clevel/ kzlevl,kzbegn common /colorn/ kzshd,zzhspc,zzcolr(kzmaxc,3),kznclr,kzccol common /colorc/ czcolr common /cunit/ zzunit common /cpage/ zzpagx,zzpagy,zzpagr,uupagx,uupagy,kzpage,kzauto if(kzlevl.eq.3)then ! ! if hardware shade is turned on ! if(kzshd.eq.kzyes)then nround=npts/maxpts ! ! if number of points is greater than 'maxpts', do it piece by piece ! if(nround.gt.0)then j1=1-maxpts call scale(x(1),y(1),xx(max1),yy(max1)) do j=1,nround j1=j1+maxpts j2=j1+maxpts-1 j11=j1-1 do k=j1,j2 k1=k-j11 call scale(x(k),y(k),xx(k1),yy(k1)) end do if(j1.le.1)then call dsfill(xx,yy,maxpts,tx,ty) else xx(max2)=xx(j1-1) yy(max2)=yy(j1-1) call dsfill(xx,yy,max2,tx,ty) end if end do if(j2.lt.npts)then xx(1)=xx(max1) yy(1)=yy(max1) xx(2)=xx(maxpts) yy(2)=yy(maxpts) j3=j2-2 do i=j2+1,npts i1=i-j3 call scale(x(i),y(i),xx(i1),yy(i1)) end do call dsfill(xx,yy,npts-j3,tx,ty) end if ! ! if number of points is less or equal to 'maxpts' do it in one piece ! else do i=1,npts call scale(x(i),y(i),xx(i),yy(i)) end do call dsfill(xx,yy,npts,tx,ty) end if ! ! hardware shade not turned on, do software fill ! else if(npts.le.max2)then gap=garay*zzunit*zzpagr call dhatch(x,y,npts,angle,gap,2,tx,ty) else call errmes('SHADE',0,4) end if end if else call errmes('SHADE',3,0) end if return end subroutine simplx ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! SIMPLX sets the character type to simplex. ! level 1-3, p/s ! save /clevel/ save /cmxalf/ ! common /clevel/ kzlevl,kzbegn common /cmxalf/ czalfl(6),czalfn(6),czalfs character czalfl*1,czalfn*5,czalfs*5 ! if(kzlevl.ge.1.and.kzlevl.le.3)then czalfs='SIMPL' else call errmes('SIMPLX',1,3) end if return end function slngth(lmess,imess) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! SLNGTH returns the length of a string in inches. ! (level 1-3) ! ! input: lmess = character string ! imess = number of character in lmess ! ! output: slngth = length of input string in inches ! character czalfl*1,czalfn*5,czalfs*5 character*(*) lmess(*) dimension lmessa(38) ! save /clevel/ save /cmxalf/ save /cpage/ save /cunit/ ! common /clevel/ kzlevl,kzbegn common /cmxalf/ czalfl(6),czalfn(6),czalfs common /cpage/ zzpagx,zzpagy,zzpagr,uupagx,uupagy,kzpage,kzauto common /cunit/ zzunit ! if(kzlevl.ge.1.and.kzlevl.le.3)then ! ! if length excluding trailing blanks is desired ! if(imess.lt.0)then call zstrbt(lmess) end if ! ! call routine to calculate slngth ! slngth=zxmess(lmess,abs(imess),czalfl,czalfn,czalfs) if(kzlevl.eq.1)then slngth=slngth/zzunit else slngth=slngth/zzunit/zzpagr end if length=leng(lmessa) ! ! if input is in character format ! if(length.eq.1.and.length.ne.imess)then slngth=slngth*real(imess) end if ! ! wrong level ! else slngth=0.0 call errmes('SLNGTH',1,3) end if return end subroutine sizmrk(fac) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! SIZMRK sets the symbol size. ! level 1-3, p/s ! ! input: fac = multiple of basic size, which is 0.08 inch ! parameter (zzin=2.54) ! save /clevel/ save /cpage/ save /csymbo/ ! common /cpage/ zzpagx,zzpagy,zzpagr,uupagx,uupagy,kzpage,kzauto common /clevel/ kzlevl,kzbegn common /csymbo/ kzsym,kznsym,zzsmsz,uusmsz ! if(kzlevl.ge.1.and.kzlevl.le.3)then uusmsz=fac*0.08*zzin if(kzlevl.eq.2.or.kzlevl.eq.3)then zzsmsz=fac*0.08*zzin*zzpagr end if else call errmes('SIZMRK',1,3) end if return end subroutine stoplt ! !*********************************************************************72 ! !! STOPLT terminates the current plot. ! (level 2,3, change to 1) ! parameter (kzyes=111) ! save /cdevic/ save /ciount/ save /gcdchr/ ! common /ciount/ kziunt, kzount common /cdevic/ kzsum,kzcopy,kzbyte,kznplt common /gcdchr/ devid, xlencm, ylencm, xres, yres, & ndclrs, idvbts, nfline, xclipd, yclipd dummy = 0.0 ! ! determine auto-copy option setting. ! if(kzcopy.eq.kzyes) dummy = 1.0 call gsdrvr(5,dummy,dummy) kznplt=kznplt+1 call zinit return end subroutine syaxis(ylow,yhigh,ylab,iaxes) ! !*********************************************************************72 ! !! SYAXIS... ! character ylab*2 character numbr*14 character nequiv(14) logical logyy, logt, lrmtex, lshort, lraggd dimension zlog(8) logical logx, logy ! save /pltclp/ save /pltcom/ save /pltprm/ save /pltsiz/ ! common /pltcom/ ux0, udx, uy0, udy, logx, logy common /pltsiz/ xvstrt, yvstrt, xvlen, yvlen common /pltclp/ xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax common /pltprm/ cxsize, cysize, tickln, yvini ! ! external len equivalence(numbr,nequiv) ! save zlog,tminld,shortf ! data zlog /0.3010, 0.4771, 0.6021, 0.6990, 0.7782, 0.8451, & 0.9031, 0.9542 / data tminld /0.1/ data shortf /2.0/ ! delmx=0 yvlen = yvini ! ! set logy to false for our usage of scale ! logy = .false. ! ! see what type of axis is desired ! logyy = ksyand(iaxes,2) .ne. 0 lraggd = ksyand(iaxes,256) .ne. 0 ! ! do the axes scaling ! numtk = min0(10,int(yvlen/(3.0*cysize))) if(.not.logyy) then lshort = ksyand(iaxes,32) .ne. 0 call axis(ylow,yhigh,numtk,lshort,lraggd,ymin,ymax,ytmin,ytmax, & ytick,iypwr) else call laxis(ylow,yhigh,numtk,ymin,ymax,ytick) ytmin = ymin ytmax = ymax iypwr = 0 end if ! ! set up temporary scaling factors ! uy0 = ymin udy = ymax - ymin ! ! draw y axes ! call gssetc(cysize,0.0) logt = .false. if(.not. logyy .or. ytick .ne. 1.0) go to 90 call scale(xmin,ymin,vx,temp) call scale(xmin,ymin+1.0-zlog(8),vx,vy) if((vy-temp) .ge. tminld) logt = .true. 90 continue ! ! draw y axis line ! tenexp = 10.0**iypwr x = xmax ticksp = max (0.0,tickln) if(ksyand(iaxes,64) .ne. 0) yvlen = yvlen - ticksp tcksgn = -tickln 100 continue call scale(x,ymax,vx,vy) call gsmove(vx,vy) call scale(x,ymin,vx,vy) call gsdraw(vx,vy) ! ! draw and label y axis ticks ! y = ytmin n = (ytmax-ytmin)/ytick + 1.1 110 continue call scale(x,y*tenexp,vx,vy) call gsmove(vx,vy) call gsdraw(vx+tickln,vy) ! ! place the appropiate label ! if(ksyand(iaxes,1024) .ne. 0) go to 183 if(logyy) go to 160 call linlab(int(y),iypwr,numbr,lrmtex) go to 180 160 call loglab(int(y),numbr) 180 del = gslens(numbr) delmx = max (del,delmx) call gsmove(vx+ticksp+0.5*cxsize,vy-cysize/2.0) call gspstr(numbr) 183 continue ! ! add grid line at tick if desired ! if(ksyand(iaxes,8) .eq. 0) go to 185 call gsltyp(3) call gsmove(vx,vy) call scale(xmin,y*tenexp,vx,vy) call gsdraw(vx,vy) call gsltyp(1) 185 continue ! ! do extra ticking if extra ticks will be far enough apart ! if((.not. logt) .or. (y .eq. ytmax)) go to 200 do j = 1, 8 call scale(x,y+zlog(j),vx,vy) call gsmove(vx,vy) call gsdraw(vx+tickln/shortf,vy) end do 200 continue y = y + ytick n = n-1 if(n .gt. 0) go to 110 ! ! if linear axis, place remote exponent if needed ! if(logyy .or. (.not. lrmtex)) go to 260 if(ksyand(iaxes,1024) .ne. 0) go to 260 call scale(xmax,(ytmin+ytick/2.0)*tenexp,vx,vy) call zscopy('E',numbr) call numstr(iypwr,nequiv(2)) call gsmove(vx+0.5*cxsize,vy-cysize/2.0) call gspstr(numbr) ! ! now place y label ! 260 call scale(x,(ymin+ymax)/2.0,vx,vy) call gsmove(vx+0.5*cxsize+delmx+ticksp+1.5*cysize, & vy-gslens(ylab)/2.0) call gssetc(cysize,90.0) call gspstr(ylab) call gssetc(cysize,0.0) 300 continue ! ! tell user the scaling limits ! if(.not. logyy) go to 320 ymin = 10.0**ymin ymax = 10.0**ymax 320 continue ! ! tell scale about log axis scaling now ! logy = logyy return end subroutine symbol(isymno,symsiz) ! !*********************************************************************72 ! !! SYMBOL displays a symbol of a given size, at a given plot location. ! ! internal variables: ! symmov (no. of moves) array of consecutive x,y locations to ! which line is drawn ! isymst (no. of symbols + 1) array start of symbol move locations ! ! Symbol definitions: ! 1> square ! 2> octagon ! 3> triangle ! 4> plus sign ! 5> 'X' ! 6> diamond ! 7> upside down triangle ! 8> square with an 'X' in it ! 9> 'X' with a horizontal line across it ! 10> diamond with a plus sign in it ! 11> octagon with a plus sign in it ! 12> double hour glass ! 13> square with a plus sign in it ! 14> octagon with a 'X' in it ! 15> square with a triangle in it ! 16> pentagon with a plus sign in it ! 17> pentagon ! 18> five pointed star ! 19> square with a diamond in it ! save /gcvpos/ ! common /gcvpos/ xvpos, yvpos dimension symmov(105),isymst(1:19,4) ! save symmov,isymst,nsym ! ! square: (1) ! octagon: (12) ! triangle: (31) ! upside down triangle: (40) ! horizontal line: (49) ! vertical line: (54) ! reversed slash: (59) ! slash: (64) ! diamond: (69) ! star: (80) ! pentagon: (93) ! data symmov/ & 0.5,-0.5, 0.5,0.5, -0.5,0.5, -0.5,-0.5, 0.5,-0.5, 1000.0, & 0.2071,-0.5, 0.5,-0.2071, 0.5,0.2071, 0.2071,0.5, -0.2071,0.5, & -0.5,0.2071, -0.5,-0.2071, -0.2071,-0.5, 0.2071,-0.5, 1000.0, & 0.5,-0.5, 0.0,0.5, -0.5,-0.5, 0.5,-0.5, 1000.0, & 0.5,0.5, 0.0,-0.5, -0.5,0.5, 0.5,0.5, 1000.0, & -0.5,0.0, 0.5,0.0, 1000.0, & 0.0,0.5, 0.0,-0.5, 1000.0, & -0.5,0.5, 0.5,-0.5, 1000.0, & -0.5,-0.5, 0.5,0.5, 1000.0, & 0.5,0.0, 0.0,0.5, -0.5,0.0, 0.0,-0.5, 0.5,0.0, 1000.0, & 0.5,0.2, -0.5,0.2, 0.3,-0.5, 0.0,0.5, -0.3,-0.5, & 0.5,0.2, 1000.0, & 0.5,0.0, 0.0,0.5, -0.5,0.0, -0.25,-0.5, 0.25,-0.5, & 0.5,0.0, 1000.0/ data isymst/ & 1,12,31,54,64,69,40,59,49,69,12,40,49,12, 1,93,93,80,69, & 0, 0, 0,49,59, 0, 0,64,64,54,54,31,54,64,31,54, 0, 0, 1, & 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1,59,49,49, 0, 1,59, 0,49, 0, 0, 0, & 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 3, 3, 2, 3, 1, 1, 2/ data nsym /19/ ! ! save current location ! x0 = xvpos y0 = yvpos ! ! draw symbol in proper size ! if(isymno.ge.1 .and. isymno.le.nsym)then do line=1,isymst(isymno,4) iptr = isymst (isymno,line) call gsmove(x0+symsiz*symmov(iptr), & y0+symsiz*symmov(iptr+1)) do i=1,12 iptr=iptr+2 if(symmov(iptr).gt.999.0) go to 200 call gsdraw(x0+symsiz*symmov(iptr), & y0+symsiz*symmov(iptr+1)) end do 200 continue end do end if call gsmove(x0,y0) return end subroutine system2(func,str1) ! !*********************************************************************72 ! !! SYSTEM2 returns the current host system information. ! ! SYSTEM2 also performs system calls. ! ! installation notes: ! 1) this is a system specific routine. all statements ! for current system should be un-commented at the ! time of installation. hint: save a backup copy and ! use global substitute. ! 2) if you cannot find any statement for your system, ! un-comment the 'unknown' ones. or you can add the ! part for your system. we do appreciate it if you ! could send your modified version to either ! j.e. rogers/es2, johnson space center, houston, ! texas 77058 or c.j. wong/b14, lockheed emsco, ! p.o. box 58561, houston, texas 77258. we will ! include it in the next release. ! ! system id - return system type ! calling sequence: call system2('SYSTEM',str1) ! input: func = 'SYSTEM' ! output: str1 - system type, character*6 ! ! current date - return current date ! calling sequence: call system2('date',str1) ! input: func = 'DATE' ! output: str1 - current date, character*8 ! ! sybyt4 - extract or insert character from integer array ! calling sequence: call sybyt4(cflag,inp,ipos,jchar) ! input: cflag = operation identifier ! if = 'X', to extract ! if = 'N', to insert ! inp = integer array to be extracted from ! ipos = byte position of interest ! jchar = ascii equivalence of char to be inserted ! output: inp = modified integer array after insertion ! jchar = ascii equivalence of extracted char ! ! syfchk - perform file name verification ! calling sequence: call syfchk(str1,str2) ! input: str1 - input file name and output file name ! str2 - file suffix ! this checking can either be dummied or can contain ! any type of format checking desired. ! a) for the vax, the file name is checked to determine ! if an extension has been used with the name. if it ! has, the name is returned intact; however, if no ! extension has been specified, the one contained in ! the argument "suffix" is appended to the name. ! ! syfnsh - close system output channel ! calling sequence: call syfnsh(relstr) ! input: relstr = string required to close output channel ! ! syinit - initialize system input channel ! calling sequence: call syinit(khar,endstr,ierr) ! input: khar = ! endstr = character string required at end of ! each buffer dump ! ierr = status of operation ! ! sywait - perform system wait ! calling sequence: call sywait(milli) ! input: milli - number of milliseconds to wait ! parameter (ibfsiz=79) ! parameter (numbyt=4) ! character buffer character trmchr character begstr character cflag character*8 date character*(*) endstr character*4 func integer inp(*) character*(*) khar character kode*11 logical luterm character ndstng character*(*) relstr character*(*) str1 character*(*) str2 character*10 time ! save /cbyte4/ save /cdevic/ save /gbbufc/ save /gbbufr/ ! common /gbbufr/ ibfptr, ndlnth, ibegln,iochan, luterm common /gbbufc/ buffer(ibfsiz),ndstng(10),begstr(10),trmchr common /cdevic/ kzsum,kzcopy,kzbyte,kznplt common /cbyte4/ kzmask(8),kzcpos(8) ! ! return system type ! call capchr(func) if(func.eq.'SYST')then str1 = 'Mac OSX' ! ! return current date ! else if ( func.eq.'DATE' ) then call date_and_time ( date, time ) read ( date, '(i4,i2,i2)' ) iyear, imon, iday end if return entry sybyt4(cflag,inp,ipos,jchar) ! !*********************************************************************72 ! !! SYBYT4 extracts or inserts a character from or into a 4 byte integer. ! ! ! note: 1. this subroutine is tested on ! vax/vms, and ibm/pc. kzmask and kzcpos are ! in common block 'cbyte4', initialized in ! 'zinit'. ! 2. kzmask is the mask to zero out the byte to ! which a character is to be inserted. for ! example, when an integer is 'and'ed with a ! mask of 7f7f7f00 hex, the least significant ! byte is zeroed. ! 3. kznpos is position of the byte of interest. ! for extraction, kznpos is the bits to shift ! right to place the desired byte in the least ! significant position. for insertion, kznpos ! is the bits to shift left to place the byte ! to be inserted in the right position. ! ! ! calculate the exact location ! if(ipos.gt.kzbyte)then is=(ipos-1)/kzbyte iptr=is+1 ip=ipos-is*kzbyte else iptr=1 ip=ipos end if ! ! to extract a character ! if(cflag.eq.'X')then !-------------------------begin vax vms specific code---------------------- jchar=ibits(inp(iptr),(ip-1)*8,7) !--------------------------end vax vms specific code----------------------- !-------------------------begin cray specific code------------------------- ! jchar=ibits(inp(iptr),56-(ip-1)*8,7) !--------------------------end cray specific code-------------------------- !-------------------------begin iris specific code------------------------- ! jchar=ibits(inp(iptr),24-(ip-1)*8,7) !--------------------------end iris specific code-------------------------- ! !-------------------------begin cms-dos specific code---------------------- ! if(inp(iptr).lt.0)then ! is=ksyand(maxint,inp(iptr)) ! else ! is=inp(iptr) ! end if ! jchar=ksyand(is/kzcpos(ip),127) !--------------------------end cms-dos specific code----------------------- !------------------------begin vax unix specific code---------------------- ! if(inp(iptr).lt.0)then ! is=ksyand(maxint,inp(iptr)) ! else ! is=inp(iptr) ! end if ! jchar=ksyand(ksyshr(is,(ip-1)*8),127) !-------------------------end vax unix specific code----------------------- !-----------------------------begin generic code--------------------------- ! if(inp(iptr).lt.0)then ! is=ksyand(maxint,inp(iptr)) ! else ! is=inp(iptr) ! end if ! jchar=ksyand(ksyshr(is,(numbyt-ip)*8),127) !------------------------------end generic code---------------------------- ! ! to insert a character ! else !-------------------------begin vax vms specific code---------------------- call mvbits(jchar,0,7,inp(iptr),(ip-1)*8) !--------------------------end vax vms specific code----------------------- !-------------------------begin cray specific code------------------------- ! call mvbits(jchar,0,7,inp(iptr),56-(ip-1)*8) !--------------------------end cray specific code-------------------------- !-------------------------begin iris specific code------------------------- ! call mvbits(jchar,0,7,inp(iptr),24-(ip-1)*8) !--------------------------end iris specific code-------------------------- !-------------------------begin cms-dos specific code---------------------- ! inp(iptr)=ksyand(inp(iptr),kzmask(ip))+jchar*kzcpos(ip) !--------------------------end cms-dos specific code----------------------- !------------------------begin vax unix specific code---------------------- ! inp(iptr)=ksyor(ksyand(inp(iptr),kzmask(ip)), ! . ksyshl(jchar,(ip-1)*8)) !-------------------------end vax unix specific code----------------------- !-----------------------------begin generic code--------------------------- ! inp(iptr)=ksyor(ksyand(inp(iptr),kzmask(numbyt-(ip-1))), ! . ksyshl(jchar,(numbyt-ip)*8)) !------------------------------end generic code---------------------------- end if return entry syfchk(str1,str2) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! SYFCHK performs file name verification. ! ! !-----------------------------begin generic code--------------------------- nc = numchr(str1) ln = numchr(str2) is = 0 do i=1,nc if(str1(i:i) .eq. ']') is = i end do is = is + 1 do i=is,nc if(str1(i:i) .eq. '.')then if(nc .gt. i) return nc = i go to 40 end if end do nc = nc + 1 str1(nc:nc) = '.' 40 continue str1(i+1:i+ln) = str2(1:ln) !------------------------------end generic code---------------------------- return entry syfnsh(relstr) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! SYFNSH releases the i/o channal to the output device. ! ! if(numchr(relstr) .ne. 0)then ! ! call gbmpty ! call gbinst(relstr) ! call gbmpty ! end if return entry syinit(khar,endstr,ierr) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! SYINIT initializes the graphics drivers buffering routines. ! ! ierr = 0 trmchr = khar ndlnth = numchr(endstr) do i=1,ndlnth ndstng(i) = endstr(i:i) end do begstr(1) = char(0) ibegln = 0 return entry sywait(milli) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! SYWAIT performs a system wait. ! 500 format(' 0 ::',f5.2) id = 0 sec = milli/1000. if(sec .le. 0.) return 600 continue one = sec if(one .gt. 59.99) one = 59.99 write(kode,500) one ! ! vax/vms device driver code ! ! istat = sys$bintim(kode,iwait) ! if(.not. istat) call lib$stop(%val(istat)) ! istat = sys$setimr(%val(id),iwait,,) ! if(.not. istat) call lib$stop(%val(istat)) ! istat = sys$waitfr(%val(id)) ! if(.not. istat) call lib$stop(%val(istat)) ! sec = sec - 59.99 if(sec .gt. 0) go to 600 return end subroutine tickl(anum,up) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! TICKL... ! save /dbase/ ! common /dbase/vx,vy,voldx,voldy,cxsize,cysize character numbr*6 ! write(numbr,'(f6.2)') anum do i=1,6 if(numbr(1:1) .ne. ' ') go to 30 numbr(1:5) = numbr(2:6) numbr(6:6) = ' ' end do 30 continue is = numchr(numbr) temp = cxsize*((7-is)+0.25) if(vx .gt. voldx) temp = -0.25*cxsize call gsmove(vx-temp,vy+up*cysize) call gspstr(numbr) return end subroutine traccy(xmin,xmax,y,npts) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! TRACCY traces the line from x(1),y(1) to x(npts),y(npts) with clipping. ! ! use this routine when clipping is desired and the ! independant variable is implied by the subscript ! using equal intervals from xmin to xmax. ! integer npts ! real y(npts) ! save /pltsiz/ ! common /pltsiz/ xvstrt, yvstrt, xvlen, yvlen ! dimension area(4) ! call gssclp(xvstrt,xvstrt+xvlen,yvstrt,yvstrt+yvlen,area) call scale(xmin,y(1),vx,vy) call gsmove(vx,vy) dx = (xmax-xmin)/(npts-1) do i=2,npts call scale(xmin+(i-1)*dx,y(i),vx,vy) call gsdraw(vx,vy) end do call gsrclp(area) return end subroutine trace(x,y,npts) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! TRACE plots data on the screen as a continous line. ! integer npts ! real x(npts) real y(npts) ! call scale(x(1),y(1),vx,vy) call gsmove(vx,vy) ! do i=2,npts call scale(x(i),y(i),vx,vy) call gsdraw(vx,vy) end do return end subroutine tracec(x,y,npts) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! TRACEC traces the line from x(1),y(1) to x(npts),y(npts) with clipping. ! integer npts ! real area(4) real x(npts) real y(npts) ! save /pltsiz/ ! common /pltsiz/ xvstrt, yvstrt, xvlen, yvlen ! call gssclp(xvstrt,xvstrt+xvlen,yvstrt,yvstrt+yvlen,area) call scale(x(1),y(1),vx,vy) call gsmove(vx,vy) do i=2,npts call scale(x(i),y(i),vx,vy) call gsdraw(vx,vy) end do call gsrclp(area) return end subroutine tracey(xmin,xmax,y,npts) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! TRACEY plots data as a continous line, given the y array and xmin and xmax. ! dimension y(2) call scale(xmin,y(1),vx,vy) call gsmove(vx,vy) xinc = (xmax-xmin)/(npts-1) x = xmin ! do i=2,npts x = x + xinc call scale(x,y(i),vx,vy) call gsdraw(vx,vy) end do return end subroutine triplx ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! TRIPLX sets the character type to triplex. ! level 1-3, p/s ! save /clevel/ save /cmxalf/ ! common /clevel/ kzlevl,kzbegn common /cmxalf/ czalfl(6),czalfn(6),czalfs character czalfl*1,czalfn*5,czalfs*5 ! if(kzlevl.ge.1.and.kzlevl.le.3)then czalfs='TRIPL' else call errmes('TRIPLX',1,3) end if return end subroutine trmchr(istr,length) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! TRMCHR sets the character string terminator. ! level 1-3, p/s ! ! input: istr = new string terminator ! length = number of characters in istr ! save /clevel/ save /cstrng/ ! common /clevel/ kzlevl,kzbegn common /cstrng/ zzhite,uuhite,zzangl,kzstrm,kztmln ! if(kzlevl.ge.1.and.kzlevl.le.3)then kzstrm=istr kztmln=length else call errmes('TRMCHR',1,3) end if return end subroutine txtblk(ip,nlines,xpos,ypos) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! TXTBLK writes a packed character array and plot symbols in legend format. ! It can also draw a line if desired. ! (level 3) ! ! input: ip = packed array of characters ! nlines = number of lines in packed array ! xpos = x value from physical origin in inches ! ypos = y value from physical origin in inches ! parameter (kzyes=111) ! save /cdevic/ save /clevel/ save /clgndc/ save /clgndn/ save /cline/ save /cpage/ save /cphysr/ save /cstrng/ save /csymbo/ save /cunit/ save /gcclip/ ! common /cdevic/ kzsum,kzcopy,kzbyte,kznplt common /clevel/ kzlevl,kzbegn common /clgndn/ kzlgln,kzlgcn,kzlger,kzlgsm(50),kzlglt(50), & kzlgti(5),kzlgtl,zzlgth(50),zzlgtz,uulgtz, & zzlgtr,zzlgyl,kzlgbl,zzsrat,kzlgen(50) common /clgndc/ czlgac(50,6),czlgaf(50,6),czlgas(50),czlgtc(6), & czlgtf(6),czlgts common /cline/ kzlsty,kzltyp,zzlthk,kzlthk,zzprx,zzpry, & zzprx1,zzprx2,zzpry1,zzpry2,uulthk,kzlncn common /csymbo/ kzsym,kznsym,zzsmsz,uusmsz common /cstrng/ zzhite,uuhite,zzangl,kzstrm,kztmln common /cunit/ zzunit common /cpage/ zzpagx,zzpagy,zzpagr,uupagx,uupagy,kzpage,kzauto common /cphysr/ zzxor,zzyor,kzor,uuxor,uuyor common /gcclip/ xcm0, xcm1, ycm0, ycm1 character czlgac*1,czlgaf*5,czlgas*5,czlgtc*1,czlgtf*5,czlgts*5 character ceqsgn*1 ! dimension ip(*),x(4),y(4) character*5 cflag(6)*1,cfont(6),cstyle logical wasthk,lshift ! equivalence (ival,rval) ! save ceqsgn,jtext,jhite,jyrat,jave,jsymsp data ceqsgn /'='/ data jtext,jhite,jyrat,jave,jsymsp /1,-2,-1,2*0/ if(kzlevl.eq.3)then ! ! save old text parameters ! if(kzlger.eq.kzyes) call errmes('ERRMES',0,4) ohite=zzhite oangle=zzangl if(kzlthk.eq.kzyes)then oldthk=zzlthk/zzunit/zzpagr wasthk=.true. else wasthk=.false. end if call reset('CRVWID') ! ! calculate virtual coordinates and length of character string ! vx=zzxor+xcm0+xpos*zzunit*zzpagr vy=zzyor+ycm0+ypos*zzunit*zzpagr if(ip(1).eq.kzyes)then iplen=ip(2)/1000 llen=ip(2)-iplen*1000 else llen=40 end if nword=(llen-1)/kzbyte+5 xlen=xlnleg(ip,nlines)*zzunit*zzpagr ylen=ylnleg(ip,nlines) ylen=zzlgyl icur=2+nword ival=ip(icur+jave) ave=rval ival=ip(icur+nword+jsymsp) symsp=rval ! ! plot title of legend ! if(zzlgtz.lt.0.0)then call gssetc(zzhite,0.0) vy=vy+ylen-zzhite else call gssetc(zzlgtz,0.0) vy=vy+ylen-zzlgtz end if rlen=zxmess(kzlgti,kzlgtl,czlgtc,czlgtf,czlgts) call dsmove(vx+(xlen-rlen)*0.5,vy) call ztext(kzlgti,kzlgtl,czlgtc,czlgtf,czlgts) if(zzlgtr.lt.-0.0)then vy=vy-ave*.25 else vy=vy-ave*(max(0.0,zzlgtr-1.0))/2.0 end if ! ! for each line in array: ! retrieve line space parameter, character ! height, and character font, set to current ! and draw to output device ! icur=2 ! ! need lines in legend block ! if(kzlgln.eq.kzyes)then iolsty=kzlsty ! ! see if at least one symbol drawn ! lshift=.true. do i=1,nlines lshift=lshift.and.(kzlgsm(i).lt.0) end do if(lshift) symsp=symsp/2.0 do i=1,nlines icur=icur+nword if(kzlgen(i).eq.kzyes.and. & (kzlglt(i).ne.0.or.kzlgsm(i).ge.0))then ival=ip(icur+jyrat) yrat=rval if(yrat.lt.1.0) yrat=1.0 ival=ip(icur+jhite) hite=rval delta=(yrat-1.0)*ave/2.0 vy=vy-delta-hite if(kzlgsm(i).ge.0)then call dsmove(vx+0.375*symsp,vy+hite*0.5) call dsymbo(kzlgsm(i),zzsmsz) end if ! ! draw thick line ! vy=vy-delta if(kzlglt(i).gt.10)then if(zzlgth(i).gt.delta)then call crvwid(delta/zzpagr/zzunit) else call crvwid(zzlgth(i)/zzpagr/zzunit) end if call dsltyp(kzlglt(i)-10) x(1)=vx x(2)=vx+xlen y(1)=vy y(2)=vy call zcurve(x,y,-2) call reset('CRVWID') ! ! draw regular line ! elseif(kzlglt(i).ne.0)then call dsltyp(kzlglt(i)) call dsmove(vx,vy) call dsdraw(vx+xlen,vy) end if ! ! draw text ! do k=1,6 cflag(k)=czlgac(i,k) cfont(k)=czlgaf(i,k) end do cstyle=czlgas(i) call gssetc(hite,0.0) call dsmove(vx+symsp,vy+delta) call ztext(ip(icur-nword+jtext),100,cflag,cfont,cstyle) end if end do call dsltyp(iolsty) ! ! text in legend block only ! else do i=1,nlines icur=icur+nword if(kzlgen(i).eq.kzyes)then if(kzlgsm(i).ge.0)then ival=ip(icur+jyrat) yrat=rval if(yrat.lt.1.0) yrat=1.0 ival=ip(icur+jhite) hite=rval delta=(yrat-1.0)*ave/2.0 vy=vy-delta-hite call dsmove(vx+0.25*symsp,vy+hite*0.5) call dsymbo(kzlgsm(i),zzsmsz) call gssetc(hite,0.0) call dsmove(vx+symsp*0.5,vy) do k=1,6 cflag(k)=czlgac(i,k) cfont(k)=czlgaf(i,k) end do cstyle=czlgas(i) call wch2in(ceqsgn,ieqsgn) call ztext(ieqsgn,1,cflag,cfont,cstyle) call dsmove(vx+symsp,vy) call ztext(ip(icur-nword+jtext),100,cflag,cfont,cstyle) vy=vy-delta end if end if end do end if call gssetc(ohite,oangle) if(wasthk) call crvwid(oldthk) ! ! wrong level ! else call errmes('TXTBLK',2,3) end if return end subroutine vector(xfrom,yfrom,xto,yto,ivec) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! VECTOR draws a vector with or without an arrow head. ! ! level 2-3 ! ! input: xfrom,yfrom = first point of vector ! xto,yto = second point of vector ! ivec(wxyz) = arrow type and size flag ! save /clevel/ save /cpage/ save /cphysr/ save /cunit/ save /gcclip/ ! common /clevel/ kzlevl,kzbegn common /cphysr/ zzxor,zzyor,kzor,uuxor,uuyor common /cpage/ zzpagx,zzpagy,zzpagr,uupagx,uupagy,kzpage,kzauto common /cunit/ zzunit common /gcclip/ xcm0, xcm1, ycm0, ycm1 ! if(kzlevl.eq.2.or.kzlevl.eq.3)then vxfrom=xcm0+zzxor+xfrom*zzunit*zzpagr vyfrom=ycm0+zzyor+yfrom*zzunit*zzpagr vxto=xcm0+zzxor+xto*zzunit*zzpagr vyto=ycm0+zzyor+yto*zzunit*zzpagr call zvectr(vxfrom,vyfrom,vxto,vyto,ivec) else call errmes('VECTOR',3,0) end if return end subroutine vspace(yratio) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! VSPACE sets line space ratio for character packing. ! (level 1-3) ! ! input: yratio = space ratio ! save /clevel/ save /clgndn/ ! common /clevel/ kzlevl,kzbegn common /clgndn/ kzlgln,kzlgcn,kzlger,kzlgsm(50),kzlglt(50), & kzlgti(5),kzlgtl,zzlgth(50),zzlgtz,uulgtz, & zzlgtr,zzlgyl,kzlgbl,zzsrat,kzlgen(50) ! if(kzlevl.ge.1.and.kzlevl.le.3)then zzsrat=yratio else call errmes('VSPACE',1,3) end if return end subroutine wch2in(strng,iword) !*********************************************************************** ! !! WCH2IN stores the contents of a string into an integer variable. ! integer numbyt parameter (numbyt=4) ! integer i integer iword integer khar character*1 strng(numbyt) ! do i=1,numbyt khar=ichar(strng(i)) call sybyt4('N',iword,i,khar) end do return end subroutine win2ch(iword,strng) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! WIN2CH stores the contents of an integer word into a character variable. ! integer numbyt parameter (numbyt=4) ! integer i character*1 strng(numbyt) ! do i=1,numbyt call sybyt4('X',iword,i,khar) strng(i)=char(khar) end do return end subroutine xangle(ang) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! XANGLE sets the angle of x axis values. ! ! level 1-3, p/s ! ! input: ang = text angle for axis labels ! save /caxis/ save /clevel/ ! common /clevel/ kzlevl,kzbegn common /caxis/ kzxtyp,kzytyp,kzxnon,kzynon,kzxtck,kzytck, & zzxlba,zzylba ! if(kzlevl.ge.1.and.kzlevl.le.3)then temp=mod(ang,360.0) if(temp.lt.0.0) temp=360.0+temp if(temp.gt.90.0.and.temp.le.270.0)then zzxlba=abs(temp-180.0) else zzxlba=temp end if else call errmes('XANGLE',1,3) end if return end function xbtext(ip,nlines) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! XBTEXT returns the x length of a packed array in inches. ! ! (level 1-3) ! ! input: ip = packed character array ! nlines = number of lines in ip ! ! output: xbtext = length in inches ! parameter (kzyes=111) ! save /cdevic/ save /clevel/ save /clgndc/ save /clgndn/ save /cpage/ save /cstrng/ save /cunit/ ! common /cdevic/ kzsum,kzcopy,kzbyte,kznplt common /clevel/ kzlevl,kzbegn common /cstrng/ zzhite,uuhite,zzangl,kzstrm,kztmln common /cunit/ zzunit common /cpage/ zzpagx,zzpagy,zzpagr,uupagx,uupagy,kzpage,kzauto common /clgndn/ kzlgln,kzlgcn,kzlger,kzlgsm(50),kzlglt(50), & kzlgti(5),kzlgtl,zzlgth(50),zzlgtz,uulgtz, & zzlgtr,zzlgyl,kzlgbl,zzsrat,kzlgen(50) common /clgndc/ czlgac(50,6),czlgaf(50,6),czlgas(50),czlgtc(6), & czlgtf(6),czlgts character czlgac*1,czlgaf*5,czlgas*5,czlgtc*1,czlgtf*5,czlgts*5 ! dimension ip(*) character*1 cflag(6) character*5 cfont(6),cstyle equivalence (rval,ival) ! save jtext,jhite data jtext,jhite /1,-2/ if(kzlevl.ge.1.and.kzlevl.le.3)then ! ! save old set up ! ohite=zzhite oangle=zzangl if(ip(1).eq.kzyes)then iplen=ip(2)/1000 llen=ip(2)-iplen*1000 else llen=40 end if nword=(llen-1)/kzbyte+5 ! ! init maximum for line length ! icur=2+nword do i=1,6 cflag(i)=czlgac(1,i) cfont(i)=czlgaf(1,i) end do cstyle=czlgas(1) ival=ip(icur+jhite) call gssetc(rval,0.0) rmax=zxmess(ip(3),100,cflag,cfont,cstyle) ! ! find maximum line length ! do i=2,nlines icur=icur+nword ival=ip(icur+jhite) call gssetc(rval,0.0) do k=1,6 cflag(k)=czlgac(i,k) cfont(k)=czlgaf(i,k) end do cstyle=czlgas(i) rlen=zxmess(ip(icur-nword+jtext),100, & cflag,cfont,cstyle) if(rlen.gt.rmax) rmax=rlen end do ! ! assign 'Xbtext' as maximum line length in current unit and ! restore old set up ! xbtext=rmax/zzunit/zzpagr zzhite=ohite zzangl=oangle call gssetc(ohite,oangle) ! ! wrong level ! else xbtext=0.0 call errmes('XBTEXT',1,3) end if return end function xcoord(xval) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! XCOORD returns the X position in inches. ! ! (level 3) ! ! input: xval = x value in current coordinate system ! parameter (numbyt=4) ! character khar*(numbyt) real xval ! save /clevel/ save /cpage/ save /cphysr/ save /cunit/ save /gcclip/ save /pltsiz/ ! common /clevel/ kzlevl,kzbegn common /cunit/ zzunit common /cpage/ zzpagx,zzpagy,zzpagr,uupagx,uupagy,kzpage,kzauto common /cphysr/ zzxor,zzyor,kzor,uuxor,uuyor common /gcclip/ xcm0, xcm1, ycm0, ycm1 common /pltsiz/ xvstrt, yvstrt, xvlen, yvlen ! if(kzlevl.eq.3)then rx=xval call win2ch(rx,khar) call capchr(khar) if(khar(1:4).eq.'LEFT')then xcoord=-zzxor elseif(khar(1:4).eq.'RIGH')then xcoord=xcm1-xcm0-zzxor else yt=1.0 call scale(xval,yt,vx,vy) xcoord=vx-xcm0-zzxor end if xcoord=xcoord/zzunit/zzpagr else xcoord=0.0 call errmes('XCOORD',3,0) end if return end real function xdimtb(text,line1,line2) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! XDIMTB calculates the length of a text block in inches. ! ! xdimtb may be called at levels 1, 2 or 3. ! ! xdimtb finds the length in inches of an imaginary rectangle ! enclosing a block of text. this routine may be used as an ! alternative to xbtext, for handling data in character array ! format. ! ! the character size and font are assumed to be set outside the ! routine and hence constant within the indicated lines of text. ! ! xdimtb was introduced when it was realized that txtleg needs ! such a function, both prior to calling txtleg, for positioning ! the legend and within txtleg, for the optional box. ! ! the size of the block is the length of the longest line in the ! block. the slngth utility, with its self counting option is ! used for finding the length of a string. ! ! text input, character*(*) text(*), the text block, with ! trailing '$' signs used to mark the end of strings. ! elements line1:line2 are processed. ! ! line1, ! line2 input, integer line1, line2, the first and last lines ! of text to be processed. ! ! xdimtb output, real xdimtb, the length of the block in inches. ! integer i integer kzbegn integer kzlevl integer line1 integer line2 real slngth character*(*) text(*) ! save /clevel/ ! common /clevel/ kzlevl, kzbegn ! external slngth ! if(kzlevl.lt.1)then write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'XDIMTB - Fatal error!' write(*,*)' XDIMTB must be called at level 1, 2 or 3.' write(*,*)' However, the current level is ',kzlevl stop else xdimtb=0.0 do i=line1,line2 xdimtb = max(xdimtb,slngth(text(i),100)) end do end if return end real function xinvrs(xinch) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! XINVRS converts the location of a point from inches to data units. ! (level 3) ! ! purpose: ! xinvrs may be used (along with its analog yinvrs) to convert the ! location of a point given in inches from the physical origin to a ! value in units of the current coordinate system. ! ! arguments: ! name dimension type i/o/s description ! xinch - r i x position from the physical origin ! ! method: ! the routine makes the conversion by the use of parameters passed via ! internal common blocks. this requires that the plot parameters be ! defined before this routine is called. ! ! conversions are made for both linear and log axis systems. ! ! notes: ! 1) a polar system conversion will be developed when appropriate. ! 2) two arguments are needed to handle the general case of a rotated ! coordinate system. ! ! author: ! michael d. wong, sterling software, nasa ames research center ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! real xinch integer kzpage, kzauto, kzor, kzlevl, kzbegn logical logx, logy real & udx, udy, ux0, uy0, uupagx, uupagy, uuxor, uuyor, xcm0, & xcm1, xvstrt, xvlen, ycm0, ycm1, yvlen, yvstrt, zzpagx, & zzpagy, zzpagr, zzunit, zzxor, zzyor ! save /clevel/ save /cpage/ save /cphysr/ save /cunit/ save /gcclip/ save /pltcom/ save /pltsiz/ ! common /clevel/ kzlevl, kzbegn common /cpage/ zzpagx, zzpagy, zzpagr, uupagx, uupagy, & kzpage, kzauto common /cphysr/ zzxor, zzyor, kzor, uuxor, uuyor common /cunit/ zzunit common /gcclip/ xcm0, xcm1, ycm0, ycm1 common /pltcom/ ux0, udx, uy0, udy, logx, logy common /pltsiz/ xvstrt, yvstrt, xvlen, yvlen ! if(kzlevl .ne. 3) go to 900 xinvrs = (((zzxor + xcm0 + (xinch * zzunit * zzpagr)) - xvstrt) & * udx / xvlen) + ux0 if(logx) xinvrs = 10 ** (xinvrs) return 900 call errmes ('XINVRS', 3, 3) return end subroutine xlabel(lxname,ixname) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! XLABEL defines the X axis label. ! ! level 2 or 3, p/s ! ! input: lxname = character string ! ixname = number of characters in lxname ! parameter (kzyes=111) ! save /clabel/ save /clevel/ ! common /clevel/ kzlevl,kzbegn common /clabel/ kzxlab(20),kzxaln,kzylab(20),kzyaln,kztitl(20), & kztiln,kzxnfl,kzynfl ! dimension lxname(2) ! if((kzlevl.eq.2).or.(kzlevl.eq.3))then kzxnfl=kzyes if(ixname.eq.0)then kzxaln=0 else kzxaln=80 call zcopys(lxname,ixname,kzxlab,kzxaln) if(kzxaln.lt.0)then kzxaln=-kzxaln call errmes('XLABEL',80,4) end if end if else call errmes('XLABEL',2,3) end if return end function xlnleg(ip,nlines) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! XLNLEG returns the X length of a packed array in inches. ! ! (level 1-3) ! ! input: ip = packed character array ! nlines = number of lines in ip ! ! output: xlnleg = length in inches ! parameter (kzyes=111) ! save /cdevic/ save /clevel/ save /clgndc/ save /clgndn/ save /cmxalf/ save /cpage/ save /cstrng/ save /cunit/ ! common /cdevic/ kzsum,kzcopy,kzbyte,kznplt common /clevel/ kzlevl,kzbegn common /cmxalf/ czalfl(6),czalfn(6),czalfs common /cstrng/ zzhite,uuhite,zzangl,kzstrm,kztmln common /cunit/ zzunit common /cpage/ zzpagx,zzpagy,zzpagr,uupagx,uupagy,kzpage,kzauto common /clgndn/ kzlgln,kzlgcn,kzlger,kzlgsm(50),kzlglt(50), & kzlgti(5),kzlgtl,zzlgth(50),zzlgtz,uulgtz, & zzlgtr,zzlgyl,kzlgbl,zzsrat,kzlgen(50) common /clgndc/ czlgac(50,6),czlgaf(50,6),czlgas(50),czlgtc(6), & czlgtf(6),czlgts character czalfl*1,czalfn*5,czalfs*5 character czlgac*1,czlgaf*5,czlgas*5,czlgtc*1,czlgtf*5,czlgts*5 ! dimension ip(*) character*1 cflag(6),cm4*4 character*5 cfont(6),cstyle equivalence (rval,ival) ! save jtext,jhite,cm4 data jtext,jhite /1,-2/ data cm4 /'MMMM'/ if(kzlevl.ge.1.and.kzlevl.le.3)then ! ! save old set up ! ohite=zzhite oangle=zzangl if(ip(1).eq.kzyes)then iplen=ip(2)/1000 llen=ip(2)-iplen*1000 else llen=40 end if nword=(llen-1)/kzbyte+5 ! ! init maximum for line length ! icur=2 smax=0.0 rmax=0.0 ! ! calculate legend title length ! if(zzlgtz.lt.0.0)then call gssetc(zzhite,0.0) else call gssetc(zzlgtz,0.0) end if rtitle=zxmess(kzlgti,kzlgtl,czalfl,czalfn,czalfs) ! ! find maximum line length for all activated entries in packed array ! do i=1,nlines icur=icur+nword if(kzlgen(i).eq.kzyes)then ival=ip(icur+jhite) call gssetc(rval,0.0) do k=1,6 cflag(k)=czlgac(i,k) cfont(k)=czlgaf(i,k) end do cstyle=czlgas(i) call wch2in(cm4,m4) slen=zxmess(m4,4,cflag,cfont,cstyle) rlen=zxmess(ip(icur-nword+jtext),100, & cflag,cfont,cstyle) if(rlen.gt.rmax) rmax=rlen if(slen.gt.smax) smax=slen end if end do ! ! assign xlnleg as maximum line length in current unit and ! restore old set up ! if(smax+rmax.gt.rtitle)then xlnleg=(smax+rmax)/zzunit/zzpagr else xlnleg=rtitle/zzunit/zzpagr end if rval=smax ip(2+2*nword)=ival zzhite=ohite zzangl=oangle call gssetc(ohite,oangle) ! ! wrong level ! else call errmes('XLNLEG',1,3) end if return end subroutine xlog(xorign,xcycle,yorign,ystep) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! XLOG sets up a coordinate system for log x and linear y. ! ! (level 2, raise to level 3) ! ! input: xorign = lower limit of x axis ! xcycle = cycle length per inches ! yorign = lower limit of y axis ! ystep = step size per inch for yaxis ! parameter (kzlog=3) ! save /carea/ save /caxis/ save /ccoord/ save /clabel/ save /clevel/ save /cpage/ save /cunit/ save /pltcom/ ! common /carea/ zzxaxs,zzyaxs,zzxaxr,zzyaxr,uuxaxs,uuyaxs, & zzxlft,zzxrgt,zzybot,zzytop,kzscal, & zzgrce,uugrce,zzfrme,uufrme common /caxis/ kzxtyp,kzytyp,kzxnon,kzynon,kzxtck,kzytck, & zzxlba,zzylba common /ccoord/ zzxmin,zzxmax,zzxstp,zzymin,zzymax,zzystp common /clabel/ kzxlab(20),kzxaln,kzylab(20),kzyaln,kztitl(20), & kztiln,kzxnfl,kzynfl common /clevel/ kzlevl,kzbegn common /cpage/ zzpagx,zzpagy,zzpagr,uupagx,uupagy,kzpage,kzauto common /pltcom/ ux0, udx, uy0, udy, logx, logy common /cunit/ zzunit logical logx, logy if(kzlevl.eq.2)then ! ! init iaxes to define linear y axis and draw title ! logx=.false. logy=.false. iaxes=19 xmin=xorign ymin=yorign xmax=xmin*10.0**(xcycle*zzxaxs/zzunit/zzpagr) ymax=ymin+ystep*zzyaxs/zzunit/zzpagr zzxstp=(xmax-xmin)/2.0 zzystp=ystep call zmapit(xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,0,0, & kzylab,kzyaln,0.0,0.0,iaxes) ! ! define log x axis ! dummy=0.0 kzxtyp=kzlog lflag=1 xpos=0.0 ypos=0.0 call scalog(xmin,xmax,zzxaxs,xor,xcyc) call zdrlog(xor,xcyc,dummy,dummy,zzxaxs,dummy,xpos,ypos,lflag) kzlevl=3 else call errmes('XLOG',2,0) end if return end subroutine xmarks(iticks) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! XMARKS sets the number of ticks on the X axis. ! ! level 1-3, p/s ! ! input: iticks = number of ticks per step ! save /caxis/ save /clevel/ ! common /clevel/ kzlevl,kzbegn common /caxis/ kzxtyp,kzytyp,kzxnon,kzynon,kzxtck,kzytck, & zzxlba,zzylba ! if(kzlevl.ge.1.and.kzlevl.le.3)then kzxtck=iticks else call errmes('XMARKS',1,3) end if return end subroutine xtrlgx(xor,xcyc,xaxis,labx,lxlab,xpos,ypos) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! XTRLGX sets up a log X axis. ! ! (level 3) ! ! input: xor = lower limit of x axis ! xcyc = cycle length in inches ! xaxis = x axis length in inches ! labx = x axis label ! lxlab = number of characters in labx ! xpos,ypos = location of subplot from lower ! left corner of page ! parameter (kzlog=3) ! save /carea/ save /caxis/ save /clabel/ save /clevel/ save /cpage/ save /cphysr/ save /cunit/ save /gcclip/ save /pltcom/ save /pltprm/ save /pltsiz/ ! common /clevel/ kzlevl,kzbegn common /carea/ zzxaxs,zzyaxs,zzxaxr,zzyaxr,uuxaxs,uuyaxs, & zzxlft,zzxrgt,zzybot,zzytop,kzscal, & zzgrce,uugrce,zzfrme,uufrme common /caxis/ kzxtyp,kzytyp,kzxnon,kzynon,kzxtck,kzytck, & zzxlba,zzylba common /clabel/ kzxlab(20),kzxaln,kzylab(20),kzyaln,kztitl(20), & kztiln,kzxnfl,kzynfl common /cpage/ zzpagx,zzpagy,zzpagr,uupagx,uupagy,kzpage,kzauto common /cphysr/ zzxor,zzyor,kzor,uuxor,uuyor common /cunit/ zzunit common /pltcom/ ux0, udx, uy0, udy, logx, logy common /gcclip/ xcm0, xcm1, ycm0, ycm1 common /pltsiz/ xvstrt, yvstrt, xvlen, yvlen common /pltprm/ cxsize, cysize, tickln, yvini logical logx, logy ! dimension labx(*) ! if(kzlevl.eq.3)then logx=.false. dummy=0.0 kzxtyp=kzlog lflag=1 if(lxlab.eq.0)then kzxaln=0 else kzxaln=80 call zcopys(labx,lxlab,kzxlab,kzxaln) if(kzxaln.lt.0)then kzxaln=-kzxaln call errmes('XTRLGX',80,4) end if end if zzxaxs=xaxis*zzunit*zzpagr zzxlft=xcm0+zzxor zzxaxr=(xcm1-zzxlft)/zzxaxs if(zzxaxr.gt.1.0)then zzxaxr=1.0 zzxrgt=zzxlft+zzxaxs else zzxrgt=xcm1 end if ! xvstrt=zzxlft xvlen=zzxrgt-zzxlft call zdrlog(xor,xcyc,dummy,dummy,xaxis,dummy,xpos,ypos,lflag) else call errmes('XTRLGX',3,0) end if return end subroutine xtrlgy(yor,ycyc,yaxis,laby,lylab,xpos,ypos) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! XTRLGY sets up a log Y axis. ! ! (level 3) ! ! input: yor = lower limit of y axis ! ycyc = cycle length in inches ! yaxis = y axis length in inches ! laby = y axis label ! lylab = number of characters in laby ! xpos,ypos = location of subplot from lower ! left corner of page ! parameter (kzlog=3) ! save /carea/ save /caxis/ save /clabel/ save /clevel/ save /cpage/ save /cphysr/ save /cunit/ save /gcclip/ save /pltcom/ save /pltprm/ save /pltsiz/ ! common /clevel/ kzlevl,kzbegn common /caxis/ kzxtyp,kzytyp,kzxnon,kzynon,kzxtck,kzytck, & zzxlba,zzylba common /carea/ zzxaxs,zzyaxs,zzxaxr,zzyaxr,uuxaxs,uuyaxs, & zzxlft,zzxrgt,zzybot,zzytop,kzscal, & zzgrce,uugrce,zzfrme,uufrme common /clabel/ kzxlab(20),kzxaln,kzylab(20),kzyaln,kztitl(20), & kztiln,kzxnfl,kzynfl common /cpage/ zzpagx,zzpagy,zzpagr,uupagx,uupagy,kzpage,kzauto common /cphysr/ zzxor,zzyor,kzor,uuxor,uuyor common /cunit/ zzunit common /pltcom/ ux0, udx, uy0, udy, logx, logy common /gcclip/ xcm0, xcm1, ycm0, ycm1 common /pltsiz/ xvstrt, yvstrt, xvlen, yvlen common /pltprm/ cxsize, cysize, tickln, yvini logical logx, logy ! dimension laby(*) if(kzlevl.eq.3)then logy=.false. dummy=0.0 kzytyp=kzlog iaxes=2 if(lylab.eq.0)then kzyaln=0 else kzyaln=80 call zcopys(laby,lylab,kzylab,kzyaln) if(kzyaln.lt.0)then kzyaln=-kzyaln call errmes('XTRLGY',80,4) end if end if zzyaxs=yaxis*zzunit*zzpagr zzybot=ycm0+zzyor zzyaxr=(ycm1-zzybot)/zzyaxs if(zzyaxr.gt.1.0)then zzyaxr=1.0 zzytop=zzybot+zzyaxs else zzytop=ycm1 end if ! yvstrt=zzybot yvini=zzytop-zzybot call zdrlog(dummy,dummy,yor,ycyc,dummy,yaxis,xpos,ypos,iaxes) else call errmes('XTRLGY',3,0) end if return end subroutine xtrlnx(xmin,xstp,xmax,xaxis,lxname,ixname, & xpos,ypos) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! XTRLNX sets up a linear X coordinate system. ! ! level 3 ! ! input: xmin,xmax = range of x axis ! xstp = step size, if = 'SCAL', ! a step size is assigned ! xaxis = length of axis in inches ! lxname,ixname = axis label and length ! xpos,ypos = offset from origin ! save /carea/ save /ccoord/ save /clabel/ save /clevel/ save /cpage/ save /cphysr/ save /cunit/ save /gcclip/ save /pltsiz/ ! common /carea/ zzxaxs,zzyaxs,zzxaxr,zzyaxr,uuxaxs,uuyaxs, & zzxlft,zzxrgt,zzybot,zzytop,kzscal, & zzgrce,uugrce,zzfrme,uufrme common /clabel/ kzxlab(20),kzxaln,kzylab(20),kzyaln,kztitl(20), & kztiln,kzxnfl,kzynfl common /clevel/ kzlevl,kzbegn common /cpage/ zzpagx,zzpagy,zzpagr,uupagx,uupagy,kzpage,kzauto common /cunit/ zzunit common /ccoord/ zzxmin,zzxmax,zzxstp,zzymin,zzymax,zzystp common /cphysr/ zzxor,zzyor,kzor,uuxor,uuyor common /gcclip/ xcm0, xcm1, ycm0, ycm1 common /pltsiz/ xvstrt, yvstrt, xvlen, yvlen ! integer lxname(*) character cxstr*4 ! ! equivalence (cxstr,xstep) ! ! check level ! if(kzlevl.eq.3)then ! ! init iaxes to define x and y axis and draw title ! iaxes=1 xstep=xstp ! call win2ch(xstep,cxstr) ! call capchr(cxstr) if(cxstr.eq.'SCAL')then iaxes=iaxes+4 else zzxstp=xstp end if zzxaxs=xaxis*zzunit*zzpagr zzxlft=xcm0+zzxor zzxaxr=(xcm1-zzxlft)/zzxaxs if(zzxaxr.gt.1.0)then zzxaxr=1.0 zzxrgt=zzxlft+zzxaxs else zzxrgt=xcm1 end if xvstrt=zzxlft xvlen=zzxrgt-zzxlft kzxaln=80 call zcopys(lxname,ixname,kzxlab,kzxaln) if(kzxaln.lt.0)then kzxaln=-kzxaln call errmes('XTRLNX',80,4) end if call zmapit(xmin,xmax,dum,dum,kzxlab,kzxaln, & kzylab,kzyaln,xpos,ypos,iaxes) else call errmes('XTRLNX',3,0) end if return end subroutine xtrlny(ymin,ystp,ymax,yaxis,lyname,iyname, & xpos,ypos) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! XTRLNY sets up a linear Y coordinate system. ! ! (level 3) ! ! input: ymin,ymax = range of y axis ! ystp = step size, if = 'SCAL', ! a step size is assigned ! yaxis = length of axis in inches ! lyname,iyname = axis label and length ! xpos,ypos = offset from origin ! parameter (numbyt=4) ! integer lyname(*) character*(numbyt) cystr ! save /carea/ save /ccoord/ save /clabel/ save /clevel/ save /cpage/ save /cphysr/ save /cunit/ save /gcclip/ save /pltsiz/ ! common /carea/ zzxaxs,zzyaxs,zzxaxr,zzyaxr,uuxaxs,uuyaxs, & zzxlft,zzxrgt,zzybot,zzytop,kzscal, & zzgrce,uugrce,zzfrme,uufrme common /ccoord/ zzxmin,zzxmax,zzxstp,zzymin,zzymax,zzystp common /clabel/ kzxlab(20),kzxaln,kzylab(20),kzyaln,kztitl(20), & kztiln,kzxnfl,kzynfl common /clevel/ kzlevl,kzbegn common /cpage/ zzpagx,zzpagy,zzpagr,uupagx,uupagy,kzpage,kzauto common /cphysr/ zzxor,zzyor,kzor,uuxor,uuyor common /cunit/ zzunit common /gcclip/ xcm0, xcm1, ycm0, ycm1 common /pltsiz/ xvstrt, yvstrt, xvlen, yvlen common /pltprm/ cxsize, cysize, tickln, yvini ! ! check level ! if(kzlevl.eq.3)then ! ! init iaxes to define x and y axis ! and draw title ! iaxes=2 iystr=int(ystp) call win2ch(iystr,cystr) call capchr(cystr) if(cystr(1:4).eq.'SCAL')then iaxes=iaxes+8 else zzystp=ystp end if zzyaxs=yaxis*zzunit*zzpagr zzybot=ycm0+zzyor zzyaxr=(ycm1-zzybot)/zzyaxs if(zzyaxr.gt.1.0)then zzyaxr=1.0 zzytop=zzybot+zzyaxs else zzytop=ycm1 end if yvstrt=zzybot yvini=zzytop-zzybot kzyaln=80 call zcopys(lyname,iyname,kzylab,kzyaln) if(kzyaln.lt.0)then kzyaln=-kzyaln call errmes('XTRLNY',80,4) end if call zmapit(dum,dum,ymin,ymax,kzxlab,kzxaln, & kzylab,kzyaln,xpos,ypos,iaxes) else call errmes('XTRLNY',3,0) end if return end subroutine xyprm(x,y,zeta,iline) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! XYPRM... ! save /comdp/ save /dbase/ ! common/comdp/xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,zmin,zmax,axisr(2),plotx, & ploty,pltorg(2),camxyz(3),mx,ny,fmx,fny,camwkg(6),xorg(3), & gx(3),fx(2),kscale,zorg,center(2),pqlmt, & amtx(3,3),focall dimension limit(2),flim(2) equivalence(u,camxyz(1)),(v,camxyz(2)),(w,camxyz(3)), & (mx,limit(1)),(fmx,flim(1)) ! common /dbase/vx,vy,voldx,voldy,cxsize,cysize dimension xs(3),xc(3) ! xs(1)=xmin+(x-1.0)*gx(1)-camwkg(1) xs(2)=ymin+(y-1.0)*gx(2)-camwkg(2) xs(3)=zorg + zeta*gx(3)-camwkg(3) call rotate(xs,amtx,xc) vx=(xc(1)/xc(3)-xorg(1))*focall+pltorg(1)+center(1) vy=(xc(2)/xc(3)-xorg(2))*focall+pltorg(2)+center(2) if(iline) 30, 20, 10 10 call gsdraw(vx,vy) go to 30 20 call gsmove(vx,vy) 30 return end subroutine yangle(ang) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! YANGLE sets the angle of Y axis values. ! ! level 1-3, p/s ! ! input: ang = text angle for axis label ! save /caxis/ save /clevel/ ! common /clevel/ kzlevl,kzbegn common /caxis/ kzxtyp,kzytyp,kzxnon,kzynon,kzxtck,kzytck, & zzxlba,zzylba ! if(kzlevl.ge.1.and.kzlevl.le.3)then temp=mod(ang,360.0) if(temp.lt.0.0) temp=360.0+temp if(temp.gt.90.0.and.temp.le.270.0)then zzylba=abs(temp-180.0) else zzylba=temp end if else call errmes('YANGLE',1,3) end if return end function ybtext(ip,nlines) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! YBTEXT returns the Y length of a packed array in inches. ! ! (level 1-3) ! ! input: ip = packed character array ! nlines = number of lines in ip ! ! output: ybtext = length in inches ! parameter (kzyes=111) ! save /cdevic/ save /clevel/ save /cpage/ save /cunit/ ! common /cdevic/ kzsum,kzcopy,kzbyte,kznplt common /clevel/ kzlevl,kzbegn common /cpage/ zzpagx,zzpagy,zzpagr,uupagx,uupagy,kzpage,kzauto common /cunit/ zzunit ! dimension ip(*) equivalence (ival,rval) ! save jhite,jyrat data jhite,jyrat /-2,-1/ if(kzlevl.ge.1.or.kzlevl.le.3)then ! ! retrieve array info from ip ! if(ip(1).eq.kzyes)then iplen=ip(2)/1000 llen=ip(2)-iplen*1000 else llen=40 end if nword=(llen-1)/kzbyte+5 ! ! find inter-line space for 1-st and last line ! icur=2+nword ival=ip(icur+jyrat) yrat1=rval if(yrat1.lt.1.0) yrat1=1.0 ival=ip(icur+(nlines-1)*nword+jyrat) yratn=rval if(yratn.lt.1.0) yratn=1.0 ! ! loop to sum char height and inter-line space factor ! icur=2 sum=0.0 ratsum=0.0 do i=1,nlines icur=icur+nword ival=ip(icur+jhite) sum=sum+rval ival=ip(icur+jyrat) yrat=rval if(yrat.lt.1.0) yrat=1.0 ratsum=ratsum+yrat end do ave=sum/nlines ybtext=(ratsum-(yrat1+yratn-2.0)/2.0)*ave/zzunit/zzpagr rval=ave ip(nword+2)=ival ! ! wrong level ! else ybtext=0.0 call errmes('YBTEXT',2,3) end if return end function ycoord(yval) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! YCOORD returns the Y position in inches. ! ! (level 3) ! ! input: yval = y value in current coordinate system ! ! output: ycoord = length in inches from physical ! origin ! parameter (numbyt=4) ! character khar*(numbyt) real yval ! save /clevel/ save /cpage/ save /cphysr/ save /cunit/ save /gcclip/ save /pltsiz/ ! common /clevel/ kzlevl,kzbegn common /cpage/ zzpagx,zzpagy,zzpagr,uupagx,uupagy,kzpage,kzauto common /cphysr/ zzxor,zzyor,kzor,uuxor,uuyor common /cunit/ zzunit common /gcclip/ xcm0, xcm1, ycm0, ycm1 common /pltsiz/ xvstrt, yvstrt, xvlen, yvlen ! if(kzlevl.eq.3)then ry=yval call win2ch(ry,khar) call capchr(khar) if(khar(1:4).eq.'LOWE')then ycoord=-zzyor elseif(khar(1:4).eq.'UPPE')then ycoord=ycm1-ycm0-zzyor else xt=1.0 call scale(xt,yval,vx,vy) ycoord=vy-ycm0-zzyor end if ycoord=ycoord/zzunit/zzpagr else ycoord=0.0 call errmes('YCOORD',3,0) end if return end real function yinvrs(yinch) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! YINVRS converts the location of a point from inches to data units. ! ! (level 3) ! ! purpose: ! yinvrs may be used (along with its analog xinvrs) to convert the ! location of a point given in inches from the physical origin to a ! value in units of the current coordinate system. ! ! arguments: ! name dimension type i/o/s description ! yinch - r i y position from the physical origin ! ! method: ! the routine makes the conversion by the use of parameters passed via ! internal common blocks. this requires that the plot parameters be ! defined before this routine is called. ! ! conversions are made for both linear and log axis systems. ! ! notes: ! 1) a polar system conversion will be developed when appropriate. ! 2) two arguments are needed to handle the general case of a rotated ! coordinate system. ! ! author: ! michael d. wong, sterling software, nasa ames research center ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! arguments ! --------- ! real yinch ! integer & kzpage, kzauto, kzor, kzlevl, kzbegn logical & logx, logy real & udx, udy, ux0, uy0, uupagx, uupagy, uuxor, uuyor, xcm0, & xcm1, xvstrt, xvlen, ycm0, ycm1, yvlen, yvstrt, zzpagx, & zzpagy, zzpagr, zzunit, zzxor, zzyor ! save /clevel/ save /cphysr/ save /cpage/ save /cunit/ save /gcclip/ save /pltcom/ save /pltsiz/ ! common /clevel/ kzlevl, kzbegn common /cpage/ zzpagx, zzpagy, zzpagr, uupagx, uupagy, & kzpage, kzauto common /cphysr/ zzxor, zzyor, kzor, uuxor, uuyor common /cunit/ zzunit common /gcclip/ xcm0, xcm1, ycm0, ycm1 common /pltcom/ ux0, udx, uy0, udy, logx, logy common /pltsiz/ xvstrt, yvstrt, xvlen, yvlen ! if(kzlevl .ne. 3) then call errmes ('YINVRS', 3, 3) else yinvrs = (((zzyor + ycm0+(yinch * zzunit * zzpagr)) - yvstrt) & * udy / yvlen) + uy0 if(logy) yinvrs = 10 ** (yinvrs) end if return end subroutine ylabel(lyname,iyname) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! YLABEL sets the Y axis label. ! ! level 2 or 3, p/s ! callable from level 2 or 3 ! ! input: lyname = y-axis label ! iyname = number of characters in lyname ! parameter (kzyes=111) ! save /clabel/ save /clevel/ ! common /clevel/ kzlevl,kzbegn common /clabel/ kzxlab(20),kzxaln,kzylab(20),kzyaln,kztitl(20), & kztiln,kzxnfl,kzynfl dimension lyname(2) ! if((kzlevl.eq.2).or.(kzlevl.eq.3))then kzynfl=kzyes if(iyname.eq.0)then kzyaln=0 else kzyaln=80 call zcopys(lyname,iyname,kzylab,kzyaln) if(kzyaln.lt.0)then kzyaln=-kzyaln call errmes('YLABEL',80,4) end if end if else ! callable from level 2 or 3 ! call errmes('YLABEL',2,0) call errmes('YLABEL',2,3) end if return end function ylnleg(ip,nlines) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! YLNLEG returns the Y length of a packed array in inches. ! (level 1-3) ! ! input: ip = packed character array ! nlines = number of lines in ip ! ! output: ylnleg = length in inches ! parameter (kzyes=111) parameter (kzno=222) ! save /cdevic/ save /clevel/ save /clgndc/ save /clgndn/ save /cpage/ save /cstrng/ save /cunit/ ! common /cdevic/ kzsum,kzcopy,kzbyte,kznplt common /clevel/ kzlevl,kzbegn common /cpage/ zzpagx,zzpagy,zzpagr,uupagx,uupagy,kzpage,kzauto common /clgndn/ kzlgln,kzlgcn,kzlger,kzlgsm(50),kzlglt(50), & kzlgti(5),kzlgtl,zzlgth(50),zzlgtz,uulgtz, & zzlgtr,zzlgyl,kzlgbl,zzsrat,kzlgen(50) common /clgndc/ czlgac(50,6),czlgaf(50,6),czlgas(50),czlgtc(6), & czlgtf(6),czlgts common /cstrng/ zzhite,uuhite,zzangl,kzstrm,kztmln common /cunit/ zzunit character czlgac*1,czlgaf*5,czlgas*5,czlgtc*1,czlgtf*5,czlgts*5 ! dimension ip(*) equivalence (ival,rval) ! save jhite,jyrat data jhite,jyrat /-2,-1/ if(kzlevl.ge.1.and.kzlevl.le.3)then ! ! retrieve array info from ip ! if(ip(1).eq.kzyes)then iplen=ip(2)/1000 llen=ip(2)-iplen*1000 else llen=40 end if nword=(llen-1)/kzbyte+5 ! ! find inter-line space for 1-st and last line ! if(zzlgtr.lt.1.0) zzlgtr=1.0 ! ! loop to sum char height and inter-line space factor ! icur=2 kzlgbl=0 blksum=0.0 if(zzlgtz.lt.0.0)then hitsum=zzhite else hitsum=zzlgtz end if if(zzlgtr.lt.0.0)then ratsum=1.5 else ratsum=zzlgtr end if do i=1,nlines icur=icur+nword ival=ip(icur+jhite) hitsum=hitsum+rval ival=ip(icur+jyrat) yrat=rval if(yrat.lt.1.0) yrat=1.0 ! ! ignore if current legend line has ! 1. no point connected, no symbol, savlin on ! or 2. no symbol, savlin off ! or 3. no text entered ! if((kzlglt(i).eq.0.and.kzlgsm(i).lt.0.and. & kzlgln.eq.kzyes).or. & (kzlgsm(i).lt.0.and.kzlgln.eq.kzno).or. & (kzlgen(i).eq.kzno))then blksum=blksum+yrat !w kzlgbl=kzlgbl+1 end if ratsum=ratsum+yrat end do ave=hitsum/(nlines+1) !w ylnleg=(ratsum-(zzlgtr-1.0)/2.0)*ave/zzunit/zzpagr !w zzlgyl=(ratsum-(zzlgtr-1.0)/2.0-blksum)*ave ylnleg=ratsum*ave/zzunit/zzpagr zzlgyl=(ratsum-blksum)*ave ! ! save average size for call from routine 'txtblk' ! rval=ave ip(nword+2)=ival ! ! wrong level ! else ylnleg=0.0 call errmes('YLNLEG',2,3) end if return end subroutine ylog(xorign,xstep,yorign,ycycle) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! YLOG sets up the coordinate system for linear x and log y. ! ! (level 2, raise to level 3) ! ! input: xorign = lower limit of x axis ! xstep = step size per inch for xaxis ! yorign = lower limit of y axis ! ycycle = cycle length per inches ! parameter (kzlog=3) ! save /carea/ save /caxis/ save /ccoord/ save /clabel/ save /clevel/ save /cpage/ save /cunit/ save /pltcom/ ! common /carea/ zzxaxs,zzyaxs,zzxaxr,zzyaxr,uuxaxs,uuyaxs, & zzxlft,zzxrgt,zzybot,zzytop,kzscal, & zzgrce,uugrce,zzfrme,uufrme common /caxis/ kzxtyp,kzytyp,kzxnon,kzynon,kzxtck,kzytck, & zzxlba,zzylba common /ccoord/ zzxmin,zzxmax,zzxstp,zzymin,zzymax,zzystp common /clabel/ kzxlab(20),kzxaln,kzylab(20),kzyaln,kztitl(20), & kztiln,kzxnfl,kzynfl common /clevel/ kzlevl,kzbegn common /cpage/ zzpagx,zzpagy,zzpagr,uupagx,uupagy,kzpage,kzauto common /pltcom/ ux0, udx, uy0, udy, logx, logy common /cunit/ zzunit logical logx, logy ! if(kzlevl.eq.2)then ! ! init iaxes to define linear x axis and draw title ! logx=.false. logy=.false. iaxes=19 xmin=xorign ymin=yorign ymax=ymin*10.0**(ycycle*zzyaxs/zzunit/zzpagr) xmax=xmin+xstep*zzxaxs/zzunit/zzpagr zzystp=(ymax-ymin)/2.0 zzxstp=xstep call zmapit(xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,kzxlab,kzxaln, & 0,0,0.0,0.0,iaxes) ! ! define log y axis ! dummy=0.0 kzytyp=kzlog lflag=2 xpos=0.0 ypos=0.0 call scalog(ymin,ymax,zzyaxs,yor,ycyc) call zdrlog(dummy,dummy,yor,ycyc,dummy,zzyaxs,xpos,ypos,lflag) kzlevl=3 else call errmes('YLOG',2,0) end if return end subroutine ymarks(iticks) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! YMARKS sets the number of ticks on the Y axis. ! ! level 1-3, p/s ! ! input: iticks = number of ticks per step ! if = 0, no tick drawn ! save /caxis/ save /clevel/ ! common /clevel/ kzlevl,kzbegn common /caxis/ kzxtyp,kzytyp,kzxnon,kzynon,kzxtck,kzytck, & zzxlba,zzylba ! if(kzlevl.ge.1.and.kzlevl.le.3)then kzytck=iticks else call errmes('YMARKS',1,3) end if return end subroutine zaxis(blow,bhigh,step,btmin,btmax,btick,ipwr) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! ZAXIS determines a suitable tick distance over a range. ! ! The range is specified as between ! alow and ahigh. it outputs the axis range bmin,bmax ! and the tick distance btick stripped of their power of ! ten. the power of ten is returned in the var. ipwr. ! logical lisneg ! if(bhigh .ge. blow)then bmax = bhigh bmin = blow lisneg = .false. else bmax = blow bmin = bhigh lisneg = .true. end if temp = max (abs(bmin),abs(bmax)) ipwr=int(alog10(temp)) ! ! if(ipwr.gt.1) ipwr=ipwr-1 ! tenexp=10.0**ipwr btick=step/tenexp btmin = bmin/tenexp btmax = bmax/tenexp ! ! switch back to backwards ! if (lisneg) then call zzswap(btmin,btmax) end if return end subroutine zblank(xpos1,xpos2,ypos1,ypos2,id,iframe) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! ZBLANK sets a blank area. ! ! input: xpos1 xpos2 = x limits of blank area ! ypos1 ypos2 = y limits of blnak area ! id = area id, max = 4 ! iframe = thickness of frame ! parameter (kzmxbs=1000) parameter (kzmxbl=200) ! save /cblank/ save /cpage/ save /cphysr/ save /cunit/ save /gcclip/ ! common /gcclip/ xcm0, xcm1, ycm0, ycm1 common /cpage/ zzpagx,zzpagy,zzpagr,uupagx,uupagy,kzpage,kzauto common /cunit/ zzunit common /cphysr/ zzxor,zzyor,kzor,uuxor,uuyor common /cblank/ zzblnk(kzmxbl,4),zzblks(kzmxbs,4),kzblcn,kzbscn ! r=zzunit*zzpagr if(iframe.lt.0)then jframe=-iframe delta=-0.01*r else jframe=iframe delta=0.01*r end if numfrm=jframe ! ! force min and max for iframe ! if(jframe.gt.4.and.id.lt.5)then numfrm=4 call errmes('BLNK',id,5) end if ! ! calculate virtual coordinates ! x1=xpos1*r+xcm0+zzxor x2=xpos2*r+xcm0+zzxor y1=ypos1*r+ycm0+zzyor y2=ypos2*r+ycm0+zzyor if(xpos1.gt.xpos2)then zzblnk(id,1)=x1 zzblnk(id,2)=x2 else zzblnk(id,1)=x2 zzblnk(id,2)=x1 end if if(ypos1.gt.ypos2)then zzblnk(id,3)=y1 zzblnk(id,4)=y2 else zzblnk(id,3)=y2 zzblnk(id,4)=y1 end if ! ! draw frames ! if(numfrm.ne.0)then do i=1,numfrm del=-delta*(i-1) call zframe(zzblnk(id,2),zzblnk(id,1),zzblnk(id,4), & zzblnk(id,3),del) end do end if return end subroutine zbyte4(cflag,inp,ipos,khar) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! ZBYTE4 extracts a character from a 4 byte integer, or inserts one. ! ! note: 1. this routine is tested on ! vax/vms, and ibm/pc. kzmask and kzcpos are ! in common block 'cbyte4', initialized in ! 'zinit'. ! 2. kzmask is the mask to zero out the byte to ! which a character is to be inserted. for ! example, when an integer is 'and'ed with a ! mask of 7f7f7f00 hex, the least significant ! byte is zeroed. ! 3. kznpos is position of the byte of interest. ! for extraction, kznpos is the bits to shift ! right to place the desired byte in the least ! significant position. for insertion, kznpos ! is the bits to shift left to place the byte ! to be inserted in the right position. ! save /cbyte4/ save /cdevic/ ! common /cdevic/ kzsum,kzcopy,kzbyte,kznplt common /cbyte4/ kzmask(8),kzcpos(8) character cflag integer inp(*) ! ! calculate the exact location ! if(ipos.gt.kzbyte)then itemp=(ipos-1)/kzbyte iptr=itemp+1 ip=ipos-itemp*kzbyte else iptr=1 ip=ipos end if ! ! to extract a character ! if(cflag.eq.'X')then khar=ksyand(inp(iptr)/kzcpos(ip),127) ! ! to insert a character ! else inp(iptr)=ksyand(inp(iptr),kzmask(ip))+khar*kzcpos(ip) end if return end subroutine zch2in(cstr,lstr) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! ZCH2IN converts a character array to an integer array. ! ! input: cstr character array ! ! output: lstr integer array ! integer lstr(*) character*1 cstr(1) length=nchray(cstr) do i=1,length+1 khar=ichar(cstr(i)) call sybyt4('N',lstr,i,khar) end do return end subroutine zcopys(lfrom,nfrom,lto,nto) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! ZCOPYS copies a string. ! ! input: lfrom = original string ! nfrom = number of characters in lfrom ! ! output: lto = destination string ! nto = number of characters in nto; if return ! negative value, string truncated ! parameter (numbyt=4) parameter (maxchr=160) parameter (maxint=maxchr/numbyt) ! integer lfrom(*),lto(*),kfrom(maxint) character sfrom*160 character czalfl*1,czalfn*5,czalfs*5 ! save /cmxalf/ ! common /cmxalf/ czalfl(6),czalfn(6),czalfs ! save kfrom ! data kfrom /maxint*0/ ! ! for self terminating string ! if(abs(nfrom).eq.100)then nchar=nzchar(lfrom,czalfl) if(nchar.lt.0) nchar=nto if(nchar.ge.nto)then num=(nto+(numbyt-1))/numbyt do i=1,num lto(i)=lfrom(i) end do call sybyt4('N',lto(nto),4,0) nto=-(nto-1) else ! ! num=(nchar+3)/4 ! num=(nchar+(numbyt-1))/numbyt do i=1,num lto(i)=lfrom(i) end do nto=100 end if ! ! all others ! else if(nfrom.ge.nto)then ! ! num=(nto+3)/4 ! num=(nto+(numbyt-1))/numbyt loc=nto nto=-nto else ! ! num=(nfrom+3)/4 ! num=(nfrom+(numbyt-1))/numbyt nto=nfrom loc=nfrom+1 end if k=1 do i=1,num call win2ch(kfrom(i),sfrom(k:k+numbyt-1)) k=k+numbyt end do sfrom(loc:loc)=char(0) k=1 do i=1,num call wch2in(sfrom(k:k+numbyt-1),lto(i)) k=k+numbyt end do end if return end subroutine zcostr(lfrom,nf,lto,nt) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! ZCOSTR copies a string, and calculates its length if not provided. ! ! input: lfrom = input string ! nf = number of characters in lfrom ! ! output: lto = output string ! nt = number of characters in lto ! parameter (maxchr=160) parameter (numbyt=4) parameter (maxint=maxchr/numbyt) ! integer lfrom(*),lto(*) character sfrom*160,s1*1,s2*2,s3*3,s4*4,sterm*(numbyt) ! save /cstrng/ ! common /cstrng/ zzhite,uuhite,zzangl,kzstrm,kztmln ! jterm=kzstrm call win2ch(jterm,sterm) ! ! if string terminator is used, locate terminator and replace it ! with a null character ! if(abs(nf).eq.100)then k=1 do i=1,maxint call win2ch(lfrom(i),sfrom(k:k+numbyt-1)) k=k+numbyt end do if(kztmln.eq.1)then s1=sterm(1:1) loc=index(sfrom,s1) elseif(kztmln.eq.2)then s2=sterm(1:2) loc=index(sfrom,s2) elseif(kztmln.eq.3)then s3=sterm(1:3) loc=index(sfrom,s3) elseif(kztmln.eq.4)then s4=sterm loc=index(sfrom,s4) end if if(loc.gt.maxchr)then loc=maxchr end if if(loc.ge.nf+1)then loc=nf+1 end if sfrom(loc:loc)=char(0) k=1 do i=1,maxint call wch2in(sfrom(k:k+numbyt-1),lto(i)) k=k+numbyt end do ! ! if terminator is not used ! else num=(nf+(numbyt-1))/numbyt k=1 do i=1,num call win2ch(lfrom(i),sfrom(k:k+numbyt-1)) k=k+numbyt end do loc=nf+1 if(loc.gt.maxchr)then loc=maxchr end if sfrom(loc:loc)=char(0) k=1 do i=1,maxint call wch2in(sfrom(k:k+numbyt-1),lto(i)) k=k+numbyt end do end if nt=loc-1 return end subroutine zcurcs(xx,yy,npts) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! ZCURCS draws a curve using cubic spline interpolation. ! ! input: xx,yy = array of points ! npts = number of coordinate pairs in xx ! and yy ! parameter (kzyes=111) parameter (kzno=222) parameter (kzcspl=3) ! real area(4) logical bad real c(4,104) logical logx logical logy real tau(104) real x(102) real xx(*) real y(102) real yy(*) ! save /cline/ save /cmess/ save /pltcom/ save /pltsiz/ ! common /cmess/ zzabux,zzabuy,kzlbeg,kzmov common /cline/ kzlsty,kzltyp,zzlthk,kzlthk,zzprx,zzpry, & zzprx1,zzprx2,zzpry1,zzpry2,uulthk,kzlncn common /pltcom/ ux0, udx, uy0, udy, logx, logy common /pltsiz/ xvstrt, yvstrt, xvlen, yvlen ! ! if non-increasing x exists, use parametric polynomial interpolation ! do i=1,npts call scale(xx(i),yy(i),x(i),y(i)) end do call zgsclp(area) do i=1,npts-1 if(x(i+1).le.x(i))then if(npts.le.51)then call zcurps(xx,yy,npts) else call zcurpp('V',x,y,npts) end if return end if end do ! ! add extra points at both ends to control boundary slope ! tau(1)=2.0*x(1)-x(2) c(1,1)=2.0*y(1)-y(2) tau(npts+2)=2.0*x(npts)-x(npts-1) c(1,npts+2)=2.0*y(npts)-y(npts-1) do i=2,npts+1 tau(i)=x(i-1) c(1,i)=y(i-1) end do ! ! calculate cubic spline matrix c ! call zcuspl(tau,c,npts+2,0,0,bad) if(bad)then if(npts.le.51)then call zcurps(xx,yy,npts) else call zcurpp('V',x,y,npts) end if return end if ! ! draw the interpolated curve ! call dsmove(x(1),y(1)) kzlbeg=kzyes kzmov=kzno zzprx=x(1) zzpry=y(1) zzprx1=x(1) zzpry1=y(1) zzprx2=x(1) zzpry2=y(1) do i=2,npts dt=x(i)-x(i-1) call zcurev(kzcspl,x(i-1),y(i-1),x(i),y(i),0.0,dt, & 0.0,0.0,1.0,x(i-1), & c(4,i),c(3,i),c(2,i),c(1,i)) end do call gsrclp(area) return end subroutine zcurdr(x,y,ilnold) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! ZCURDR draws a line from (x0,y0) to (x1,y1) in absolute coordinates. ! ! assumes that clipping has already been done. to suppress unnecessary ! "moves", this is the only routine that should ! call gsdrvr(3,,,). the line is drawn in the ! current line type. this routine does not ! set the absolute position (xapos,yapos). it ! is up to the caller to do so if necessary. ! ! input: x,y = arrays of points ! npts = number of coordinate pairs in x and y ! parameter (kzyes=111) parameter (kzno=222) parameter (kzsoli=1) save /cline/ save /cmess/ save /dcltyp/ common /cmess/ zzabux,zzabuy,kzlbeg,kzmov common /dcltyp/ ilntyp, dleft, dist(13,15), linilt, lposnd common /cline/ kzlsty,kzltyp,zzlthk,kzlthk,zzprx,zzpry, & zzprx1,zzprx2,zzpry1,zzpry2,uulthk,kzlncn logical linilt, lposnd dimension x(*),y(*),tx(4),ty(4),hx(4),hy(4) ! ! locate long side and do cross hatch in same direction ! dx=x(1)-x(2) dy=y(1)-y(2) rlen=dx*dx+dy*dy dx1=x(2)-x(3) dy1=y(2)-y(3) rlen1=dx1*dx1+dy1*dy1 if(rlen1.gt.rlen)then dx=dx1 dy=dy1 end if ! ! for solid line, cross hatch the input polygon ! if(ilnold.eq.kzsoli)then call dsfill(x,y,4,tx,ty) ! ! otherwise, do it according to current line style ! else x0=x(1) y0=y(1) x1=x(4) y1=y(4) hx(1)=x(1) hy(1)=y(1) hx(4)=x(4) hy(4)=y(4) ! ! segment line to make current line type ! if(kzlbeg.ne.kzno)then inxtl = 1 dleft = dist(1,ilnold-1) kzlbeg = kzno end if 100 continue dx = x(2)-x0 dy = y(2)-y0 dl = sqrt(dx**2+dy**2) ! ! see if this segment is shorter that dist. left on line type ! if(dl .gt. dleft)then ! ! segment is longer, so advance to line type break ! s = dleft/dl x0 = s*dx+x0 y0 = s*dy+y0 x1 = s*dx+x1 y1 = s*dy+y1 ! ! see if this part of the line type is drawn or skipped ! if(ksyand(inxtl,1) .ne. 0)then dx1=hx(1)-x0 dy1=hy(1)-y0 rlen1=dx1*dx1+dy1*dy1 dx1=hx(4)-x0 dy1=hy(4)-y0 rlen2=dx1*dx1+dy1*dy1 if(rlen1.lt.rlen2)then hx(2)=x0 hy(2)=y0 hx(3)=x1 hy(3)=y1 else hx(2)=x1 hy(2)=y1 hx(3)=x0 hy(3)=y0 end if call dsfill(hx,hy,4,tx,ty) hx(1)=hx(2) hy(1)=hy(2) hx(4)=hx(3) hy(4)=hy(3) else hx(1)=x0 hy(1)=y0 hx(4)=x1 hy(4)=y1 end if ! ! now go to next portion of line type ! inxtl = inxtl + 1 if(inxtl .gt. dist(13,ilnold-1)) inxtl = 1 dleft = dist(inxtl,ilnold-1) go to 100 ! ! draw last of line if drawn ! end if dleft = dleft - dl if(ksyand(inxtl,1) .ne. 0)then dx1=hx(1)-x(2) dy1=hy(1)-y(2) rlen1=dx1*dx1+dy1*dy1 dx1=hx(4)-x(2) dy1=hy(4)-y(2) rlen2=dx1*dx1+dy1*dy1 if(rlen1.lt.rlen2)then hx(2)=x(2) hy(2)=y(2) hx(3)=x(3) hy(3)=y(3) else hx(2)=x(3) hy(2)=y(3) hx(3)=x(2) hy(3)=y(2) end if call dsfill(hx,hy,4,tx,ty) kzmov = kzyes else kzmov = kzno end if end if return end subroutine zcurev(iflag,x1,y1,x2,y2,t,dt,ax1,bx1,cx,dx, & ay1,by1,cy,dy) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! ZCUREV draws a segment by increment tau. ! ! input: iflag = line style ! x1,y1 = starting point ! x2,y2 = ending point ! t = starting value of tau ! dt = increment of tau ! ax1,bx1,cx,dx = parametric coef. of x ! ay1,by1,cy,dy = parametric coef. of y ! ! note: iflag = kzcspl or kzpspl, for parametric ! spline interpolation ! iflag = kzpply, for parametric polynomial ! interpolation ! parameter (kzno=222) parameter (kzcspl=3) parameter (kzpspl=4) ! save /cline/ save /pltcom/ save /pltsiz/ ! common /cline/ kzlsty,kzltyp,zzlthk,kzlthk,zzprx,zzpry, & zzprx1,zzprx2,zzpry1,zzpry2,uulthk,kzlncn common /pltcom/ ux0, udx, uy0, udy, logx, logy common /pltsiz/ xvstrt, yvstrt, xvlen, yvlen logical logx, logy ! if(iflag.eq.kzcspl.or.iflag.eq.kzpspl)then ax=ax1/6.0 bx=bx1/2.0 ay=ay1/6.0 by=by1/2.0 else ax=ax1 bx=bx1 ay=ay1 by=by1 end if dlen=sqrt((x1-x2)**2+(y1-y2)**2) idiv=int(dlen/0.3)+1 dtau=dt/real(idiv) h=t if(kzlthk.eq.kzno)then do j=1,idiv h=h+dtau xt=dx+h*(cx+h*(bx+h*ax)) yt=dy+h*(cy+h*(by+h*ay)) call dsdraw(xt,yt) end do else do j=1,idiv h=h+dtau xt=dx+h*(cx+h*(bx+h*ax)) yt=dy+h*(cy+h*(by+h*ay)) call zcurth(xt,yt) end do end if return end subroutine zcurpp(cflag,x,y,npts) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! ZCURPP draws a curve using parametric cubic polynomial interpolation. ! ! input: cflag = flag for coordinate system ! if 'W', input are in world coordinate ! units, otherwise virtual coordinate ! x,y = array of points ! npts = number of points in x and y ! parameter (kzyes=111) parameter (kzno=222) parameter (kzpply=5) ! save /cline/ save /cmess/ save /pltcom/ save /pltsiz/ ! common /cline/ kzlsty,kzltyp,zzlthk,kzlthk,zzprx,zzpry, & zzprx1,zzprx2,zzpry1,zzpry2,uulthk,kzlncn common /cmess/ zzabux,zzabuy,kzlbeg,kzmov common /pltcom/ ux0, udx, uy0, udy, logx, logy common /pltsiz/ xvstrt, yvstrt, xvlen, yvlen logical logx, logy ! dimension x(*),y(*) dimension area(4) character cflag call zgsclp(area) ! ! if inputs are in world coor ! if(cflag.eq.'W')then ! ! do curve connecting first 3 points ! call scale(x(1),y(1),vx1,vy1) call scale(x(2),y(2),vx2,vy2) call scale(x(3),y(3),vx3,vy3) call scale(x(4),y(4),vx4,vy4) call zppoly(vx1,vx2,vx3,vx4,ax,bx,cx,dx) call zppoly(vy1,vy2,vy3,vy4,ay,by,cy,dy) call dsmove(vx1,vy1) kzlbeg=kzyes kzmov=kzno zzprx=vx1 zzpry=vy1 zzprx1=vx1 zzpry1=vy1 zzprx2=vx1 zzpry2=vy1 call zcurev(kzpply,vx1,vy1,vx2,vy2,0.0,1.0, & ax,bx,cx,dx,ay,by,cy,dy) call zcurev(kzpply,vx2,vy2,vx3,vy3,1.0,1.0, & ax,bx,cx,dx,ay,by,cy,dy) vx1=vx2 vx2=vx3 vx3=vx4 vy1=vy2 vy2=vy3 vy3=vy4 ! ! process from 4-th point on ! if(npts.ge.5)then do i=3,npts-2 call scale(x(i+2),y(i+2),vx4,vy4) call zppoly(vx1,vx2,vx3,vx4,ax,bx,cx,dx) call zppoly(vy1,vy2,vy3,vy4,ay,by,cy,dy) call zcurev(kzpply,vx2,vy2,vx3,vy3,1.0,1.0, & ax,bx,cx,dx,ay,by,cy,dy) vx1=vx2 vx2=vx3 vx3=vx4 vy1=vy2 vy2=vy3 vy3=vy4 end do end if ! ! do last segment ! call zcurev(kzpply,vx2,vy2,vx3,vy3, & 2.0,1.0,ax,bx,cx,dx,ay,by,cy,dy) ! ! if inputs are in virtual coor ! else ! ! connect first 3 points ! call zppoly(x(1),x(2),x(3),x(4),ax,bx,cx,dx) call zppoly(y(1),y(2),y(3),y(4),ay,by,cy,dy) call dsmove(x(1),y(1)) kzlbeg=kzyes kzmov=kzno zzprx=x(1) zzpry=y(1) zzprx1=x(1) zzpry1=y(1) zzprx2=x(1) zzpry2=y(1) call zcurev(kzpply,x(1),y(1),x(2),y(2),0.0,1.0, & ax,bx,cx,dx,ay,by,cy,dy) call zcurev(kzpply,x(2),y(2),x(3),y(3),1.0,1.0, & ax,bx,cx,dx,ay,by,cy,dy) ! ! do 4-th point and on ! if(npts.ge.5)then do i=3,npts-2 call zppoly(x(i-1),x(i),x(i+1),x(i+2),ax,bx,cx,dx) call zppoly(y(i-1),y(i),y(i+1),y(i+2),ay,by,cy,dy) call zcurev(kzpply,x(i),y(i),x(i+1),y(i+1),1.0,1.0, & ax,bx,cx,dx,ay,by,cy,dy) end do end if ! ! last segment ! call zcurev(kzpply,x(npts-1),y(npts-1),x(npts),y(npts), & 2.0,1.0,ax,bx,cx,dx,ay,by,cy,dy) end if call gsrclp(area) return end subroutine zcurps(xx,yy,npts) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! ZCURPS draws a curve using cubic spline interpolation. ! ! input: xx,yy arrays of points ! npts number of coordinate pairs in xx ! and yy ! parameter (kzyes=111) parameter (kzno=222) parameter (kzpspl=4) ! save /cline/ save /cmess/ save /pltcom/ save /pltsiz/ ! common /cmess/ zzabux,zzabuy,kzlbeg,kzmov common /cline/ kzlsty,kzltyp,zzlthk,kzlthk,zzprx,zzpry, & zzprx1,zzprx2,zzpry1,zzpry2,uulthk,kzlncn common /pltcom/ ux0, udx, uy0, udy, logx, logy common /pltsiz/ xvstrt, yvstrt, xvlen, yvlen logical logx, logy ! dimension tau(53),cx(4,53),cy(4,53),xx(*),yy(*) dimension area(4),x(51),y(51) logical bad ! ! add extra points at both ends to control boundary slope ! do i=1,npts call scale(xx(i),yy(i),x(i),y(i)) end do call zgsclp(area) tau(1)=0.0 cx(1,1)=2.0*x(1)-x(2) cy(1,1)=2.0*y(1)-y(2) tau(npts+2)=real(npts+1) cx(1,npts+2)=2.0*x(npts)-x(npts-1) cy(1,npts+2)=2.0*y(npts)-y(npts-1) do i=2,npts+1 cx(1,i)=x(i-1) cy(1,i)=y(i-1) tau(i)=real(i-1) end do call zcuspl(tau,cx,npts+2,0,0,bad) call zcuspl(tau,cy,npts+2,0,0,bad) call dsmove(x(1),y(1)) kzlbeg=kzyes kzmov=kzno zzprx=x(1) zzpry=y(1) zzprx1=x(1) zzpry1=y(1) zzprx2=x(1) zzpry2=y(1) do i=2,npts call zcurev(kzpspl,x(i-1),y(i-1),x(i),y(i),0.0,1.0, & cx(4,i),cx(3,i),cx(2,i),cx(1,i), & cy(4,i),cy(3,i),cy(2,i),cy(1,i)) end do call gsrclp(area) return end subroutine zcurth(xx,yy) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! ZCURTH draws a thick line. ! ! input: xx,yy - coordinate to draw to (absolute) ! parameter (kzyes=111) parameter (kzlin=2) parameter (kzmaxc=255) ! save /cline/ save /cmess/ save /colorc/ save /colorn/ save /dcltyp/ save /gccpos/ save /gcvpos/ ! common /cline/ kzlsty,kzltyp,zzlthk,kzlthk,zzprx,zzpry, & zzprx1,zzprx2,zzpry1,zzpry2,uulthk,kzlncn common /colorn/ kzshd,zzhspc,zzcolr(kzmaxc,3),kznclr,kzccol common /colorc/ czcolr common /cmess/ zzabux,zzabuy,kzlbeg,kzmov common /gcvpos/ xvpos, yvpos common /gccpos/ xapos, yapos, ivis, lcurnt common /dcltyp/ ilntyp, dleft, dist(13,15), linilt, lposnd character czcolr*8 logical lcurnt logical linilt, lposnd ! integer gsivis dimension x(4),y(4),tx(4),ty(4),ax(4),ay(4) ! save epslon data epslon /0.0001/ ! ! calculate 4 corners of area to be filled ! ilnold=ilntyp ilntyp=1 thick2=zzlthk/2.0 x1=xvpos y1=yvpos x2=xx y2=yy dirx2=x2-x1 diry2=y2-y1 ! ! for vertical line ! if(abs(dirx2).lt.epslon)then ax(1)=x1+thick2 ax(2)=ax(1) ax(3)=x1-thick2 ax(4)=ax(3) ay(1)=y1 ay(2)=y2 ay(3)=y2 ay(4)=y1 ! ! non-vertical line ! else tanval=diry2/dirx2 theta=atan(tanval) if(dirx2.lt.0.0)then cost=-cos(theta) sint=-sin(theta) else cost=cos(theta) sint=sin(theta) end if if(diry2.lt.0.0)then dy=-thick2*cost dx=thick2*sint else dy=thick2*cost dx=-thick2*sint end if ax(1)=x1+dx ax(4)=x1-dx ay(1)=y1+dy ay(4)=y1-dy ax(2)=x2+dx ax(3)=x2-dx ay(2)=y2+dy ay(3)=y2-dy end if ! ! fill in inter-line space ! if(kzmov.eq.kzyes)then dirpx=zzprx1-x1 dirpy=zzpry1-y1 dotprd=dirpx*dirx2+dirpy*diry2 if(dotprd.gt.0.0)then x(3)=zzprx2 y(3)=zzpry2 else x(3)=zzprx1 y(3)=zzpry1 end if dirx1=zzprx-x1 diry1=zzpry-y1 dirpx=ax(1)-x1 dirpy=ay(1)-y1 dotprd=dirpx*dirx1+dirpy*diry1 if(dotprd.gt.0.0)then x(1)=ax(4) y(1)=ay(4) else x(1)=ax(1) y(1)=ay(1) end if x(2)=x1 y(2)=y1 if(kzltyp.eq.kzlin)then numpt=4 if(abs(dirx1).lt.epslon)then if(abs(dirx2).lt.epslon)then numpt=0 elseif(abs(diry2).lt.epslon)then x(4)=x(3) y(4)=y(1) else s2=diry2/dirx2 y(4)=(x(3)-x(1))*s2+y(1) x(4)=(y(4)-y(1))/s2+x(1) end if elseif(abs(diry1).lt.epslon)then y(4)=y(3) if(abs(dirx2).lt.epslon)then x(4)=x(1) elseif(abs(diry2).lt.epslon)then numpt=0 else s2=diry2/dirx2 x(4)=(y(4)-y(1))/s2+x(1) end if else s1=diry1/dirx1 if(abs(dirx2).lt.epslon)then x(4)=x(1) y(4)=(x(4)-x(3))*s1+y(3) elseif(abs(diry2).lt.epslon)then y(4)=y(1) x(4)=(y(4)-y(3))/s1+x(3) else s2=diry2/dirx2 ds=s2-s1 if(abs(ds).lt.epslon)then numpt=0 else b1=y(3)-x(3)*s1 b2=y(1)-x(1)*s2 x(4)=(b1-b2)/ds y(4)=x(4)*s1+b1 end if end if end if if(numpt.ne.0) call dhatch(x,y,4,90.0,zzhspc,1,tx,ty) ! ! draw smooth corner in inter-line space ! else call dhatch(x,y,3,90.0,zzhspc,1,tx,ty) end if end if call zcurdr(ax,ay,ilnold) zzprx=x1 zzpry=y1 zzprx1=ax(2) zzpry1=ay(2) zzprx2=ax(3) zzpry2=ay(3) xvpos = xx yvpos = yy call gsrst(xvpos,yvpos,xa1,ya1) ivis1 = gsivis(xa1,ya1) xapos = xa1 yapos = ya1 ivis = ivis1 ilntyp=ilnold return end subroutine zcurve(x,y,numpts) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! ZCURVE draws a line with appropriate clipping. ! ! The line is from x(1),y(1) to x(npts),y(npts). ! parameter (kzyes=111) parameter (kzno=222) ! save /cline/ save /cmess/ ! common /cline/ kzlsty,kzltyp,zzlthk,kzlthk,zzprx,zzpry, & zzprx1,zzprx2,zzpry1,zzpry2,uulthk,kzlncn common /cmess/ zzabux,zzabuy,kzlbeg,kzmov ! dimension area(4) dimension x(*), y(*) call zgsclp(area) npts=abs(numpts) if(npts .gt. 1)then if(numpts.lt.0)then vx=x(1) vy=y(1) else call scale(x(1),y(1),vx,vy) end if call dsmove(vx,vy) kzmov=kzno kzlbeg=kzyes zzprx=vx zzpry=vy zzprx1=vx zzpry1=vy zzprx2=vx zzpry2=vy ! ! in virtual coordinates ! if(numpts.lt.0)then if(kzlthk.eq.kzno)then do i=2,npts call dsdraw(x(i),y(i)) end do else do i=2,npts call zcurth(x(i),y(i)) end do end if ! ! in world coordinates ! else if(kzlthk.eq.kzno)then do i=2,npts call scale(x(i),y(i),vx,vy) call dsdraw(vx,vy) end do else do i=2,npts call scale(x(i),y(i),vx,vy) call zcurth(vx,vy) end do end if end if end if call gsrclp(area) return end subroutine zcuspl ( tau, c, n, ibcbeg, ibcend ,bad) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! ZCUSPL determines a cubic interpolating spline. ! ! from * a practical guide to splines * by c. de boor ! ! input ! ! n = number of data points. assumed to be .ge. 2. ! (tau(i), c(1,i), i=1,...,n) = abscissae and ordinates of the ! data points. tau is assumed to be strictly increasing. ! ibcbeg, ibcend = boundary condition indicators, and ! c(2,1), c(2,n) = boundary condition information. specifically, ! ibcbeg = 0 means no boundary condition at tau(1) is given. ! in this case, the not-a-knot condition is used, i.e. the ! jump in the third derivative across tau(2) is forced to ! zero, thus the first and the second cubic polynomial pieces ! are made to coincide.) ! ibcbeg = 1 means that the slope at tau(1) is made to equal ! c(2,1), supplied by input. ! ibcbeg = 2 means that the second derivative at tau(1) is ! made to equal c(2,1), supplied by input. ! ibcend = 0, 1, or 2 has analogous meaning concerning the ! boundary condition at tau(n), with the additional infor- ! mation taken from c(2,n). ! ! output ! ! c(j,i), j=1,...,4; i=1,...,l (= n-1) = the polynomial coefficients ! of the cubic interpolating spline with interior knots (or ! joints) tau(2), ..., tau(n-1). precisely, in the interval ! interval (tau(i), tau(i+1)), the spline f is given by ! f(x) = c(1,i)+h*(c(2,i)+h*(c(3,i)+h*c(4,i)/3.)/2.) ! where h = x - tau(i). the function program *ppvalu* may be ! used to evaluate f or its derivatives from tau,c, l = n-1, ! and k=4. ! logical bad integer ibcbeg,ibcend,n, i,j,l,m real c(4,n),tau(n), divdf1,divdf3,dtau,g ! ! a tridiagonal linear system for the unknown slopes s(i) of ! f at tau(i), i=1,...,n, is generated and then solved by gauss elim- ! ination, with s(i) ending up in c(2,i), all i. ! c(3,.) and c(4,.) are used initially for temporary storage. ! save epslon data epslon /0.000001/ bad = .false. l = n-1 ! ! compute first differences of tau sequence and store in c(3,.). also, ! compute first divided difference of data and store in c(4,.). ! do m=2,n c(3,m) = tau(m) - tau(m-1) if(abs(c(3,m)).le.epslon)then bad=.true. return end if c(4,m) = (c(1,m) - c(1,m-1))/c(3,m) end do ! ! construct first equation from the boundary condition, of the form ! c(4,1)*s(1) + c(3,1)*s(2) = c(2,1) ! if(ibcbeg-1) 11,15,16 11 if(n .gt. 2) go to 12 ! ! no condition at left end and n = 2. ! c(4,1) = 1. c(3,1) = 1. c(2,1) = 2.*c(4,2) go to 25 ! ! not-a-knot condition at left end and n .gt. 2. ! 12 c(4,1) = c(3,3) c(3,1) = c(3,2) + c(3,3) if(abs(c(3,1)).le.epslon)then bad=.true. return end if c(2,1) =((c(3,2)+2.*c(3,1))*c(4,2)*c(3,3)+c(3,2)**2*c(4,3))/c(3,1) go to 19 ! ! slope prescribed at left end. ! 15 c(4,1) = 1. c(3,1) = 0. go to 18 ! ! second derivative prescribed at left end. ! 16 c(4,1) = 2. c(3,1) = 1. if(abs(c(2,1)).le.epslon)then bad=.true. return end if c(2,1) = 3.*c(4,2) - c(3,2)/2.*c(2,1) 18 if(n .eq. 2) go to 25 ! ! if there are interior knots, generate the corresp. equations and car- ! ry out the forward pass of gauss elimination, after which the m-th ! equation reads c(4,m)*s(m) + c(3,m)*s(m+1) = c(2,m). ! 19 continue do m=2,l if(abs(c(4,m-1)).le.epslon)then bad=.true. return end if g = -c(3,m+1)/c(4,m-1) c(2,m) = g*c(2,m-1) + 3.*(c(3,m)*c(4,m+1)+c(3,m+1)*c(4,m)) c(4,m) = g*c(3,m-1) + 2.*(c(3,m) + c(3,m+1)) end do ! ! construct last equation from the second boundary condition, of the form ! (-g*c(4,n-1))*s(n-1) + c(4,n)*s(n) = c(2,n) ! if slope is prescribed at right end, one can go directly to back- ! substitution, since c array happens to be set up just right for it ! at this point. ! if(ibcend-1) 21,30,24 21 if(n .eq. 3 .and. ibcbeg .eq. 0) go to 22 ! ! not-a-knot and n .ge. 3, and either n.gt.3 or also not-a-knot at ! left end point. ! g = c(3,n-1) + c(3,n) if(abs(c(3,n-1)).le.epslon.or.abs(g).le.epslon.or. & abs(c(4,n-1)).le.epslon)then bad=.true. return end if c(2,n) = ((c(3,n)+2.*g)*c(4,n)*c(3,n-1) & + c(3,n)**2*(c(1,n-1)-c(1,n-2))/c(3,n-1))/g g = -g/c(4,n-1) c(4,n) = c(3,n-1) go to 29 ! ! either (n=3 and not-a-knot also at left) or (n=2 and not not-a- ! knot at left end point). ! 22 c(2,n) = 2.*c(4,n) c(4,n) = 1. go to 28 ! ! second derivative prescribed at right endpoint. ! 24 if(abs(c(2,n)).le.epslon)then bad=.true. return end if c(2,n) = 3.*c(4,n) + c(3,n)/2.*c(2,n) c(4,n) = 2. go to 28 25 if(ibcend-1) 26,30,24 26 if(ibcbeg .gt. 0) go to 22 ! ! not-a-knot at right endpoint and at left endpoint and n = 2. ! c(2,n) = c(4,n) go to 30 28 if(abs(c(4,n-1)).le.epslon)then bad=.true. return end if g = -1./c(4,n-1) ! ! complete forward pass of gauss elimination. ! 29 c(4,n) = g*c(3,n-1) + c(4,n) if(abs(c(4,n)).le.epslon)then bad=.true. return end if c(2,n) = (g*c(2,n-1) + c(2,n))/c(4,n) ! ! Carry out back substitution ! 30 j = l if(abs(c(4,j)).le.epslon)then bad=.true. return end if 40 c(2,j) = (c(2,j) - c(3,j)*c(2,j+1))/c(4,j) j = j - 1 if(j .gt. 0) go to 40 ! ! generate cubic coefficients in each interval, i.e., the deriv.s ! at its left endpoint, from value and slope at its endpoints. ! do i=2,n if(abs(c(3,i)).le.epslon)then bad=.true. return end if dtau = c(3,i) divdf1 = (c(1,i) - c(1,i-1))/dtau divdf3 = c(2,i-1) + c(2,i) - 2.*divdf1 c(3,i-1) = 2.*(divdf1 - c(2,i-1) - divdf3)/dtau c(4,i-1) = (divdf3/dtau)*(6./dtau) end do return end subroutine zdispt(x1,y1,x2,y2,rlen,xp,yp) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! ZDISPT finds a point RLEN units from (x2,y2) on the line to (x1,y1). ! ! input: x1,y1 = point 1 ! x2,y2 = point 2 ! rlen = distance from point2 ! if positive, distance measured towards ! point 1, otherwise, away from point 1 ! ! output: xp,yp = located point ! ! save epslon data epslon /0.0001/ ! dx=x2-x1 dy=y2-y1 ! ! for vertical lines ! if(abs(dx).lt.epslon)then xp=x1 yp=y2-rlen*dy/abs(dy) ! ! for non-vertical lines ! else tanval=dy/dx theta=atan(tanval) if(dx.lt.0.0)then cost=-cos(theta) sint=-sin(theta) else cost=cos(theta) sint=sin(theta) end if yp=y2-sint*rlen xp=x2-cost*rlen end if return end subroutine zdraw(ax1,ay1,ax2,ay2,rx,ry,numr) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! ZDRAW checks if a line goes through any blanked areas. ! ! if part(s) of line is blanked, return unclipped portions ! ! input: ax1,ay1 = coordinates of point 1 ! ax2,ay2 = coordinates of point 2 ! ! output: rx,ry = array for coordinates of clipped lines ! numr = number of coordinates in array rx and ry ! parameter (kzmxbs=1000) parameter (kzmxbl=200) ! save /cblank/ ! common /cblank/ zzblnk(kzmxbl,4),zzblks(kzmxbs,4),kzblcn,kzbscn dimension rx(300,2),ry(300,2) logical visibo(300) ! ! init visibo to false ! do k=1,300 visibo(k)=.false. end do ! ! load input line into rx and ry ! rx(1,1)=ax1 rx(1,2)=ax2 ry(1,1)=ay1 ry(1,2)=ay2 numr=1 visibo(1)=.true. ! ! go thru each and every blank symbol ! to check if line is blocked ! if(kzbscn.gt.0)then do i=1,kzbscn if(zzblks(i,1).gt.-1000.0.and.numr.gt.0)then call zdraw3(rx,ry,visibo,numr,zzblks(i,1), & zzblks(i,2),zzblks(i,3),zzblks(i,4)) end if end do end if ! ! go thru each and every blank area ! to check if line is blocked ! do i=1,kzblcn if(zzblnk(i,1).gt.-1000.0.and.numr.gt.0)then call zdraw3(rx,ry,visibo,numr,zzblnk(i,1), & zzblnk(i,2),zzblnk(i,3),zzblnk(i,4)) end if end do return end subroutine zdraw1(x1,y1,x2,y2,rx,ry,visibo,iptr) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! ZDRAW1 copies two endpoints to arrays, rx, ry. ! ! input: x1,y1 = coord for point 1 ! x2,y2 = coord for point 2 ! iptr = current pointer of rx and ry ! ! output: rx,ry = arrays of coord ! visibo = logical array for visibility of corresponding ! point in rx and ry ! real rx(300,2) real ry(300,2) logical visibo(*) ! iptr=iptr+1 rx(iptr,1)=x1 rx(iptr,2)=x2 ry(iptr,1)=y1 ry(iptr,2)=y2 visibo(iptr)=.true. return end subroutine zdraw2(type,x1,y1,x2,y2,bound,rmax,rmin,xf,yf,iptr) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! ZDRAW2 finds the intersection of a line and a vertical or horizontal line. ! ! The vertical line is x=bound or the horizontal line is y=bound ! ! input: type = indicator of slope for line 1 ! if = 'X' then find intersection with ! a vertical line, else find intersection ! with a horizontal line. ! x1,y1 = point 1 of line 2 ! x2,y2 = point 2 of line 2 ! bound = location of line 1 ! rmax,rmin = endpoints of line 1 ! ! output: xf,yf = intersection coord ! iptr = counter to increment if xf and yf located ! real epslon parameter (epslon=0.00001) ! real xf(*),yf(*) character type ! ip=iptr slope=(y2-y1)/(x2-x1) ! ! find intersection with a vertical line ! x=bound ! if(type.eq.'X')then if(y1.gt.y2)then ymax=y1+epslon ymin=y2-epslon else ymax=y2+epslon ymin=y1-epslon end if yt=slope*(bound-x1)+y1 if(yt.le.ymax.and.yt.ge.ymin.and. & yt.le.rmax.and.yt.ge.rmin)then iptr=iptr+1 yf(iptr)=yt xf(iptr)=bound end if ! ! find intersection with a horizontal line ! y=bound ! else if(x1.gt.x2)then xmax=x1+epslon xmin=x2-epslon else xmax=x2+epslon xmin=x1-epslon end if xt=(bound-y1)/slope+x1 if(xt.le.xmax.and.xt.ge.xmin.and. & xt.le.rmax.and.xt.ge.rmin)then iptr=iptr+1 xf(iptr)=xt yf(iptr)=bound end if end if if(iptr.ne.ip)then do i=1,ip if(abs(xf(i)-xf(iptr)).lt.epslon.and. & abs(yf(i)-yf(iptr)).lt.epslon)then iptr=iptr-1 return end if end do end if 99 continue return end subroutine zdraw3(rx,ry,visibo,numr,rxmax,rxmin,rymax,rymin) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! ZDRAW3 checks if a line goes throgh a blank area. ! ! if part(s) of line is blanked, return unclipped ! portions ! ! input: rx,ry = arrays of coordinate pairs ! visibo = logical array indicating visibility of ! corresponding points ! numr = number of points in rx and ry ! rxmax,rxmin,rymax,rymin = bounds of blank area ! ! output: rx,ry = array for coordinates of clipped lines ! numr = number of coordinates in array rx and ry ! real epslon parameter (epslon = 0.0001) ! dimension rx(300,2),ry(300,2),xf(10) real yf(10) logical visibo(300) ! ! if blank area exists, retrieve boundaries ! iptr=numr do j=1,numr x1=rx(j,1) x2=rx(j,2) y1=ry(j,1) y2=ry(j,2) dx=x2-x1 dy=y2-y1 ! ! for vertical lines ! if(abs(dx).lt.epslon)then if(y1.gt.y2) then call zzswap(y1,y2) end if if(x1.lt.rxmax.and.x1.gt.rxmin)then if(y1.lt.rymin)then if(y2.gt.rymin)then call zdraw1(x1,y1,x1,rymin,rx,ry,visibo,iptr) visibo(j)=.false. if(y2.gt.rymax)then call zdraw1(x1,rymax,x1,y2,rx,ry,visibo,iptr) end if end if elseif(y1.lt.rymax)then visibo(j)=.false. if(y2.gt.rymax)then call zdraw1(x1,rymax,x1,y2,rx,ry,visibo,iptr) end if end if end if ! ! for horizontal lines ! elseif(abs(dy).lt.epslon)then if(y1.lt.rymax.and.y1.gt.rymin)then if(x1.gt.x2) then call zzswap(x1,x2) end if if(x1.lt.rxmin)then if(x2.gt.rxmin)then call zdraw1(x1,y1,rxmin,y1,rx,ry,visibo,iptr) visibo(j)=.false. if(x2.gt.rxmax)then call zdraw1(rxmax,y1,x2,y1,rx,ry,visibo,iptr) end if end if elseif(x1.lt.rxmax)then visibo(j)=.false. if(x2.gt.rxmax)then call zdraw1(rxmax,y1,x2,y1,rx,ry,visibo,iptr) end if end if end if ! ! for all other lines ! else ic=0 call zdraw2('X',x1,y1,x2,y2,rxmin,rymax,rymin,xf,yf,ic) call zdraw2('X',x1,y1,x2,y2,rxmax,rymax,rymin,xf,yf,ic) call zdraw2('Y',x1,y1,x2,y2,rymin,rxmax,rxmin,xf,yf,ic) call zdraw2('Y',x1,y1,x2,y2,rymax,rxmax,rxmin,xf,yf,ic) if(ic.eq.0)then xmid=(x1+x2)/2.0 ymid=(y1+y2)/2.0 if(xmid.gt.rxmin.and.xmid.lt.rxmax.and. & ymid.gt.rymin.and.ymid.lt.rymax)then visibo(j)=.false. end if elseif(ic.eq.1)then visibo(j)=.false. if(abs(x1-rxmin).lt.epslon.or. & abs(x1-rxmax).lt.epslon.or. & abs(y1-rymin).lt.epslon.or. & abs(y1-rymax).lt.epslon)then if(x2.gt.rxmin.and.x2.lt.rxmax.and. & y2.gt.rymin.and.y2.lt.rymax)then call zdraw1(xf(1),yf(1),x1,y1,rx,ry,visibo,iptr) else call zdraw1(x2,y2,xf(1),yf(1),rx,ry,visibo,iptr) end if else if(x1.gt.rxmin.and.x1.lt.rxmax.and. & y1.gt.rymin.and.y1.lt.rymax)then call zdraw1(xf(1),yf(1),x2,y2,rx,ry,visibo,iptr) else call zdraw1(x1,y1,xf(1),yf(1),rx,ry,visibo,iptr) end if end if elseif(ic.eq.2)then visibo(j)=.false. if(xf(1).gt.xf(2))then call zzswap(xf(1),xf(2)) call zzswap(yf(1),yf(2)) end if if(dx.gt.0.0)then call zdraw1(x1,y1,xf(1),yf(1),rx,ry,visibo,iptr) call zdraw1(xf(2),yf(2),x2,y2,rx,ry,visibo,iptr) else call zdraw1(x1,y1,xf(2),yf(2),rx,ry,visibo,iptr) call zdraw1(xf(1),yf(1),x2,y2,rx,ry,visibo,iptr) end if end if end if end do ! ! garbage clean up in arrays rx and ry ! ioff=0 do k=1,iptr if(.not.visibo(k))then ioff=ioff+1 else do l=1,2 rx(k-ioff,l)=rx(k,l) ry(k-ioff,l)=ry(k,l) visibo(k)=.false. visibo(k-ioff)=.true. end do end if end do iptr=iptr-ioff numr=iptr return end subroutine zdrlog(xor,xcyc,yor,ycyc,xaxis,yaxis,xpos,ypos,iaxes) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! ZDRLOG ... ! parameter (kzno=222) ! integer numbr(14) logical logx, logy logical logxx, logyy, logt logical lhead,lfirst dimension qlog(9) ! save /caxis/ save /ccoord/ save /clabel/ save /cmxalf/ save /cpage/ save /cstrng/ save /cunit/ save /pltclp/ save /pltcom/ save /pltprm/ save /pltsiz/ ! common /caxis/ kzxtyp,kzytyp,kzxnon,kzynon,kzxtck,kzytck, & zzxlba,zzylba common /ccoord/ zzxmin,zzxmax,zzxstp,zzymin,zzymax,zzystp common /clabel/ kzxlab(20),kzxaln,kzylab(20),kzyaln,kztitl(20), & kztiln,kzxnfl,kzynfl common /cmxalf/ czalfl(6),czalfn(6),czalfs common /cpage/ zzpagx,zzpagy,zzpagr,uupagx,uupagy,kzpage,kzauto common /cstrng/ zzhite,uuhite,zzangl,kzstrm,kztmln common /cunit/ zzunit common /pltcom/ ux0, udx, uy0, udy, logx, logy common /pltsiz/ xvstrt, yvstrt, xvlen, yvlen common /pltclp/ xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax common /pltprm/ cxsize, cysize, tickln, yvini character czalfl*1,czalfn*5,czalfs*5 ! save pio180,qlog,tminld ! data pio180 /1.745329252e-2/ data qlog /0.3010, 0.4771, 0.6021, 0.6990, 0.7782, 0.8451, & 0.9031, 0.9542, 1.0/ ! ! minimum distance between short ticks (1 mm) ! data tminld /0.1/ ! ! calculate axis label and origin offset ! !w call zscopy('10',iten) tickln=0.6*zzhite call sybyt4('N',iten,2,48) call sybyt4('N',iten,1,49) call gssetc(0.9*zzhite,0.0) tenlen=zxmess(iten,2,czalfl,czalfn,czalfs)*1.4 dx=xpos*zzunit*zzpagr dy=ypos*zzunit*zzpagr ! ! protect mapprm info this way ! yvlen = yvini ! ! see what type of axes are desired ! logxx=ksyand(iaxes,1).ne.0 logyy=ksyand(iaxes,2).ne.0 lhead=ksyand(iaxes,16).ne.0 ! ! do the axes scaling ! if(logxx)then xmin=xor xmax=xaxis/xcyc+xmin zzxmin=10.0**xor zzxmax=10.0**(xaxis/xcyc+xor) xtmin = xmin xtmax = xmax xl=10.0**xmin xh=10.0**xmax raxis=xaxis*zzunit numtks=min0(10,int(raxis/((ilabsz()+1.0)*cxsize))) call laxis(xl,xh,numtks,xmn,xmx,xtick) zzxstp=10.0**xtick ux0 = xmin udx = xmax - xmin end if if(logyy)then ymin=yor ymax=yaxis/ycyc+ymin zzymin=10.0**yor zzymax=10.0**(yaxis/ycyc+yor) ytmin = ymin ytmax = ymax yl=10.0**ymin yh=10.0**ymax raxis=yaxis*zzunit ! ! JVB ! Replaced "cxsize" by "gslens('0') ! numtks=min0(10,int(raxis/((ilabsz()+1.0)*gslens('0')))) call laxis(yl,yh,numtks,ymn,ymx,ytick) zzystp=10.0**ytick uy0 = ymin udy = ymax - ymin end if ! ! draw x axis ! if(logxx.and.kzxaln.ne.0)then logt = .false. if(xtick .eq. 1.0)then call scale(xmin,ymin,temp,vy) call scale(xmin+1.0-qlog(8),ymin,vx,vy) if((vx-temp) .ge. tminld) logt = .true. end if ! ! draw x axis line ! y = ymin call scale(xmin,y,vx,vy) vxold=vx lfirst=.true. ! ! draw and label x axis ticks ! angx=cos(zzxlba*pio180)*tenlen angy=sin(zzxlba*pio180)*tenlen angmax=0.0 epslon=xtick*0.1 x = xtmin 400 continue if(kzxtck.ne.0)then call dsmove(vxold,vy) if(lfirst)then lfirst=.false. call dsdraw(vx+dx,vy-tickln*1.2+dy) else call scale(x,y,vx,vy) call dsdraw(vx+dx,vy+dy) call dsdraw(vx+dx,vy-tickln*1.2+dy) vxold=vx end if else call scale(x,y,vx,vy) end if if(kzxnon.eq.kzno)then if(zzxlba.lt.3.0)then angx1=angx*0.5 angy1=2.4*zzhite angmax=angy1 elseif(zzxlba.lt.270.0)then angx1=angx-0.45*zzhite angy1=angy+1.3*zzhite+1.1*zzhite*cos(zzylba*pio180) if(angmax.lt.angy1) angmax=angy1 else angx1=0.45*zzhite angy1=1.3*zzhite+1.1*zzhite*cos(zzylba*pio180) temp=angy1-angy if(angmax.lt.temp) angmax=temp end if call gssetc(0.9*zzhite,zzxlba) numbr(1)=-1 call znmstr(x,numbr) call dsmove(vx-angx1+dx,vy-angy1+dy) call ztext(iten,2,czalfl,czalfn,czalfs) call gssetc(0.7*zzhite,zzxlba) call dsmove(vx-angx1+angx/1.4-0.5*zzhite* & sin(zzxlba*pio180)+dx, & vy-angy1+angy/1.4+0.5*zzhite* & cos(zzxlba*pio180)+dy) ln=leng(numbr) call ztext(numbr,ln,czalfl,czalfn,czalfs) else angmax=2.4*zzhite end if ! ! do extra ticking if extra ticks will be far enough apart ! if(x+epslon .lt. xtmax)then if(logt)then do j = 1, 9 if(kzxtck.gt.1)then rincr=1.0/kzxtck do k=1,kzxtck-1 call scale(x+alog10(j+rincr*k),y,vx,vy) call dsmove(vx+dx,vy+dy) call dsdraw(vx+dx,vy-tickln*0.6+dy) end do end if if(kzxtck.ne.0.and.j.ne.9)then call scale(x+qlog(j),y,vx,vy) call dsmove(vx+dx,vy+dy) call dsdraw(vx+dx,vy-tickln*0.9+dy) end if end do else if(xtick.gt.1.0)then do j=1,int(xtick) if(j.ne.int(xtick))then call scale(x+j,ymin,vx,vy) if(kzxtck.ne.0)then call dsmove(vx+dx,vy+dy) call dsdraw(vx+dx,vy+dy-tickln*1.2) end if if(kzxnon.eq.kzno)then call gssetc(0.9*zzhite,zzxlba) numbr(1)=-1 call znmstr(x+real(j),numbr) call dsmove(vx-angx1+dx,vy-angy1+dy) call ztext(iten,2,czalfl,czalfn,czalfs) call gssetc(0.7*zzhite,zzxlba) call dsmove(vx-angx1+angx/1.4-0.5*zzhite* & sin(zzxlba*pio180)+dx, & vy-angy1+angy/1.4+0.5*zzhite* & cos(zzxlba*pio180)+dy) ln=leng(numbr) call ztext(numbr,ln,czalfl,czalfn,czalfs) end if end if if(kzxtck.gt.1)then rincr=10.0/kzxtck do k=1,kzxtck-1 call scale(x+j-1.0+alog10(rincr*k),y,vx,vy) call dsmove(vx+dx,vy+dy) call dsdraw(vx+dx,vy-tickln*0.6+dy) end do end if end do end if end if end if x = x + xtick if(x-epslon.le.xmax) go to 400 call gssetc(zzhite,0.0) ! ! now place x axis label ! call scale((xmin+xmax)/2.0,ymin,vx,vy) rlen=zxmess(kzxlab,kzxaln,czalfl,czalfn,czalfs) call dsmove(vx-rlen/2.0+dx,vy-angmax-1.7*zzhite+dy) call ztext(kzxlab,kzxaln,czalfl,czalfn,czalfs) if(kzxnfl.eq.kzno) kzxaln=0 end if ! ! draw y axes ! if(logyy.and.kzyaln.ne.0)then call gssetc(0.7*zzhite,90.0) logt = .false. if(ytick .eq. 1.0)then call scale(xmin,ymin,vx,temp) call scale(xmin,ymin+1.0-qlog(8),vx,vy) if((vy-temp) .ge. tminld) logt = .true. end if ! ! draw y axis line ! x = xmin call scale(x,ymin,vx,vy) vyold=vy lfirst=.true. ! ! draw and label y axis ticks ! angx=cos(zzylba*pio180)*tenlen angy=sin(zzylba*pio180)*tenlen angmax=0.0 epslon=ytick*0.1 y = ytmin 110 continue if(kzytck.ne.0)then call dsmove(vx+dx,vyold+dy) if(lfirst)then lfirst=.false. else call scale(x,y,vx,vy) call dsdraw(vx+dx,vy+dy) end if call dsdraw(vx-tickln*1.2+dx,vy+dy) vyold=vy else call scale(x,y,vx,vy) end if ! ! place the appropiate label ! if(kzynon.eq.kzno)then if(zzylba.gt.87.0.and.zzylba.lt.93.0)then angy1=angy*0.5 angx1=1.3*zzhite angmax=2.5*zzhite elseif(zzylba.le.270)then angy1=angy+0.45*zzhite angx1=angx+1.3*zzhite temp=angx1+1.1*zzhite*sin(zzylba*pio180) if(angmax.lt.temp) angmax=temp else angy1=angy+0.45*zzhite angx1=angx+1.3*zzhite-1.1*zzhite*sin(zzylba*pio180) if(angmax.lt.angx1) angmax=angx1 end if call gssetc(0.9*zzhite,zzylba) numbr(1)=-1 call znmstr(y,numbr) call dsmove(vx-angx1+dx,vy-angy1+dy) call ztext(iten,2,czalfl,czalfn,czalfs) call gssetc(0.7*zzhite,zzylba) call dsmove(vx-angx1+angx/1.4-0.5*zzhite* & sin(zzylba*pio180)+dx, & vy-angy1+angy/1.4+0.5*zzhite* & cos(zzylba*pio180)+dy) ln=leng(numbr) call ztext(numbr,ln,czalfl,czalfn,czalfs) else angmax=2.5*zzhite end if ! ! do extra ticking if extra ticks will be far enough apart ! if(y+epslon.lt. ytmax)then if(logt)then do j = 1, 9 if(kzytck.gt.1)then rincr=1.0/kzytck do k=1,kzytck-1 call scale(x,y+alog10(j+rincr*k),vx,vy) call dsmove(vx+dx,vy+dy) call dsdraw(vx-tickln*0.6+dx,vy+dy) end do end if if(kzytck.ne.0.and.j.ne.9)then call scale(x,y+qlog(j),vx,vy) call dsmove(vx+dx,vy+dy) call dsdraw(vx-tickln*0.9+dx,vy+dy) end if end do else if(ytick.gt.1.0)then do j=1,int(ytick) if(j.ne.int(ytick))then call scale(xmin,y+j,vx,vy) if(kzytck.ne.0)then call dsmove(vx+dx,vy+dy) call dsdraw(vx-tickln*1.2+dx,vy+dy) end if if(kzynon.eq.kzno)then call gssetc(0.9*zzhite,zzylba) numbr(1)=-1 call znmstr(y+real(j),numbr) call dsmove(vx-angx1+dx,vy-angy1+dy) call ztext(iten,2,czalfl,czalfn,czalfs) call gssetc(0.7*zzhite,zzylba) call dsmove(vx-angx1+angx/1.4-0.5*zzhite* & sin(zzylba*pio180)+dx, & vy-angy1+angy/1.4+0.5*zzhite* & cos(zzylba*pio180)+dy) ln=leng(numbr) call ztext(numbr,ln,czalfl,czalfn,czalfs) end if end if if(kzytck.gt.1)then rincr=10.0/kzytck do k=1,kzytck-1 call scale(x,y+j-1.0+alog10(rincr*k),vx,vy) call dsmove(vx+dx,vy+dy) call dsdraw(vx-tickln*0.6+dx,vy+dy) end do end if end do end if end if end if y = y + ytick ! if(y-epslon.le.ymax) go to 110 ! ! now place y label ! call gssetc(zzhite,90.0) call scale(xmin,(ymin+ymax)/2.0,vx,vy) rlen=zxmess(kzylab,kzyaln,czalfl,czalfn,czalfs) call dsmove(vx-angmax-0.7*zzhite+dx, vy-rlen/2.0+dy) call ztext(kzylab,kzyaln,czalfl,czalfn,czalfs) call gssetc(zzhite,0.0) if(kzynfl.eq.kzno) kzyaln=0 end if ! ! write title of plot ! if(lhead.and.kztiln.ne.0)then call gssetc(1.46*zzhite,0.0) space= max (zzhite,0.1*yvlen) call scale((xmin+xmax)/2.0,ymax,vx,vy) rlen=zxmess(kztitl,kztiln,czalfl,czalfn,czalfs) call dsmove(vx-rlen/2.0+dx,vy+space+dy) call ztext(kztitl,kztiln,czalfl,czalfn,czalfs) call gssetc(zzhite,0.0) end if ! ! make sure "pltclp" contains limits ! picked by mapit. only maintained ! for callers info. ! if(logxx)then xmin = 10.0**xmin xmax = 10.0**xmax logx = .true. end if if(logyy)then ymin = 10.0**ymin ymax = 10.0**ymax logy = .true. end if return end subroutine zfill(ax1,ay1,ax2,ay2,rxmax,rxmin,rymax,rymin,lblank) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! ZFILL checks if a line goes through a blank area. ! ! if part(s) of line is blanked, return status. ! ! input: x1,y1 = point 1 ! x2,y2 = point 2 ! rxmax,rxmin,rymax,rymin = bounds of blank area ! ! output: lblank = logical status flag, 'true' if the line ! goes through a blank area ! logical lblank ! save epslon data epslon /0.0001/ ! ! if blank area exists, retrieve boundaries ! lblank=.false. x1=ax1 y1=ay1 x2=ax2 y2=ay2 dx=x2-x1 dy=y2-y1 ! ! for vertical lines ! if(abs(dx).lt.epslon)then if(x1.lt.rxmax.and.x1.gt.rxmax)then if((y1.gt.rymin.and.y1.lt.rymin).or. & (y2.gt.rymin.and.y2.lt.rymax))then lblank=.true. return end if end if ! ! for horizontal lines ! elseif(abs(dy).lt.epslon)then if(y1.lt.rymax.and.y1.gt.rymin)then if((x1.gt.rxmin.and.x1.lt.rxmax).or. & (x2.gt.rxmin.and.x2.lt.rxmax))then lblank=.true. return end if end if ! ! for all other lines ! else ic=0 call zdraw2('X',x1,y1,x2,y2,rxmin,rymax,rymin,xf,yf,ic) call zdraw2('X',x1,y1,x2,y2,rxmax,rymax,rymin,xf,yf,ic) call zdraw2('Y',x1,y1,x2,y2,rymin,rxmax,rxmin,xf,yf,ic) call zdraw2('Y',x1,y1,x2,y2,rymax,rxmax,rxmin,xf,yf,ic) if(ic.eq.0)then xmid=(x1+x2)/2.0 ymid=(y1+y2)/2.0 if(xmid.gt.rxmin.and.xmid.lt.rxmax.and. & ymid.gt.rymin.and.ymid.lt.rymax)then lblank=.true. return end if elseif(ic.eq.1.or.ic.eq.2)then lblank=.true. return end if end if return end subroutine zframe(xa,xb,ya,yb,delta) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! ZFRAME draws a frame with an offset. ! ! input: xa,xb,ya,yb = frame boundaries ! delta = offset of frame ! parameter (kzsoli=1) logical linilt, lposnd ! save /dcltyp/ ! common /dcltyp/ ilntyp, dleft, dist(13,15), linilt, lposnd ! x1=xa-delta x2=xb+delta y1=ya-delta y2=yb+delta ioline=ilntyp ilntyp=kzsoli call dsmove(x1,y1) call dsdraw(x1,y2) call dsdraw(x2,y2) call dsdraw(x2,y1) call dsdraw(x1,y1) ilntyp=ioline return end subroutine zgetfn(cfont,cstyle,ifont) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! ZGETFN assigns a font. ! ! The foint is assigned according to current font style and input ! character set. ! ! input: cfont = font type ! cstyle = character style ! ! output: ifont = font id associated with cfont and cstyle ! character cfont*(*),cstyle*(*) integer lisfnt(40) ! -cfont- ! stand itali greek scrip math -cstyle- ! default ! save lisfnt ! ! cartog ! simplx ! cmplx2 ! complx ! duplex ! triplx ! gothic ! data lisfnt / 1, 18, 13, 5, 16, & 11, 18, 13, 5, 16, & 15, 18, 13, 5, 16, & 12, 14, 8, 6, 16, & 12, 14, 17, 6, 16, & 3, 14, 17, 6, 16, & 2, 4, 17, 6, 16, & 9, 7, 8, 10, 16/ ! if(cstyle(1:5).eq.'CARTO')then ii=1 elseif(cstyle(1:5).eq.'SIMPL')then ii=2 elseif(cstyle(1:5).eq.'CMPLX')then ii=3 elseif(cstyle(1:5).eq.'COMPL')then ii=4 elseif(cstyle(1:5).eq.'DUPLE')then ii=5 elseif(cstyle(1:5).eq.'TRIPL')then ii=6 elseif(cstyle(1:5).eq.'GOTHI')then ii=7 else ii=0 end if if(cfont(1:5).eq.'ITALI'.or.cfont(1:5).eq.'L/CIT')then jj=2 elseif(cfont(1:5).eq.'GREEK'.or.cfont(1:5).eq.'L/CGR')then jj=3 elseif(cfont(1:5).eq.'SCRIP'.or.cfont(1:5).eq.'L/CSC')then jj=4 elseif(cfont(1:5).eq.'MATHE')then jj=5 else jj=1 end if ifont=lisfnt(ii*5+jj) return end subroutine zgsclp(area) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! ZGSCLP saves the current absolute clipping window and sets a new one. ! ! The new absolute clipping window is set given virtual coordinates. ! it makes sure that the clipping window never lies outside the ! physical device. ! real area(4) ! save /carea/ save /gcclip/ save /gcdchr/ save /pltsiz/ ! common /pltsiz/ xvstrt, yvstrt, xvlen, yvlen common /gcclip/ xcm0, xcm1, ycm0, ycm1 common /gcdchr/ devid, xlencm, ylencm, xres, yres, & ndclrs, idvbts, nfline, xclipd, yclipd common /carea/ zzxaxs,zzyaxs,zzxaxr,zzyaxr,uuxaxs,uuyaxs, & zzxlft,zzxrgt,zzybot,zzytop,kzscal, & zzgrce,uugrce,zzfrme,uufrme ! area(1) = xcm0 area(2) = xcm1 area(3) = ycm0 area(4) = ycm1 tvx0=xvstrt-zzgrce tvx1=xvstrt+xvlen+zzgrce tvy0=yvstrt-zzgrce tvy1=yvstrt+yvlen+zzgrce ! call gsrst(tvx0,tvy0,ax0,ay0) call gsrst(tvx1,tvy1,ax1,ay1) xcm0 = max ( min (ax0,ax1),0.0) ycm0 = max ( min (ay0,ay1),0.0) xcm1 = min (xclipd, max (ax0,ax1)) ycm1 = min (yclipd, max (ay0,ay1)) return end subroutine zin2ch(lstr,cstr) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! ZIN2CH converts an integer array to a character array. ! ! input: lstr = integer array ! ! output: cstr = character array ! integer lstr(*) character*1 cstr(*) ! length=leng(lstr) do i=1,length+1 call sybyt4('X',lstr,i,khar) cstr(i)=char(khar) end do return end subroutine zinit ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! ZINIT initializes all system variables. ! ! It should be called immediately after a call to ddevsl that selects ! a graphics output device. ! ! zinit is called at level 0, and moves the graphics state to level 1. ! parameter (kzyes=111) parameter (kzno=222) parameter (zzin=2.54) parameter (kzreal=2) parameter (kzlin=2) parameter (kzsoli=1) parameter (kzmxbs=1000) parameter (kzmxbl=200) parameter (kzmaxc=255) character czcolr*8,czalfl*1,czalfn*5,czalfs*5,czlgac*1, & czlgaf*5,czlgas*5,czlgtc*1,czlgtf*5,czlgts*5, & czhdac*1,czhdaf*5,czhdas*5 ! save /carea/ save /caxis/ save /cblank/ save /cborch/ save /cdevic/ save /cheadc/ save /cheadn/ save /clabel/ save /clevel/ save /clgndc/ save /clgndn/ save /cline/ save /cmess/ save /cmxalf/ save /colorc/ save /colorn/ save /cpage/ save /cphysr/ save /cstrng/ save /csymbo/ save /cunit/ save /gcdchr/ ! common /carea/ zzxaxs,zzyaxs,zzxaxr,zzyaxr,uuxaxs,uuyaxs, & zzxlft,zzxrgt,zzybot,zzytop,kzscal, & zzgrce,uugrce,zzfrme,uufrme common /caxis/ kzxtyp,kzytyp,kzxnon,kzynon,kzxtck,kzytck, & zzxlba,zzylba common /cblank/ zzblnk(kzmxbl,4),zzblks(kzmxbs,4),kzblcn,kzbscn common /cborch/ kzbrdr,kzchek common /colorn/ kzshd,zzhspc,zzcolr(kzmaxc,3),kznclr,kzccol common /colorc/ czcolr common /cdevic/ kzsum,kzcopy,kzbyte,kznplt common /cheadn/ kzhdnl,kzhdmx,kzhdtx(72),zzhdsz(4) common /cheadc/ czhdac(4,6),czhdaf(4,6),czhdas(4) common /clabel/ kzxlab(20),kzxaln,kzylab(20),kzyaln,kztitl(20), & kztiln,kzxnfl,kzynfl common /clgndn/ kzlgln,kzlgcn,kzlger,kzlgsm(50),kzlglt(50), & kzlgti(5),kzlgtl,zzlgth(50),zzlgtz,uulgtz, & zzlgtr,zzlgyl,kzlgbl,zzsrat,kzlgen(50) common /clgndc/ czlgac(50,6),czlgaf(50,6),czlgas(50),czlgtc(6), & czlgtf(6),czlgts common /clevel/ kzlevl,kzbegn common /cline/ kzlsty,kzltyp,zzlthk,kzlthk,zzprx,zzpry, & zzprx1,zzprx2,zzpry1,zzpry2,uulthk,kzlncn common /cmess/ zzabux,zzabuy,kzlbeg,kzmov common /cmxalf/ czalfl(6),czalfn(6),czalfs common /cpage/ zzpagx,zzpagy,zzpagr,uupagx,uupagy,kzpage,kzauto common /cphysr/ zzxor,zzyor,kzor,uuxor,uuyor common /cstrng/ zzhite,uuhite,zzangl,kzstrm,kztmln common /csymbo/ kzsym,kznsym,zzsmsz,uusmsz common /cunit/ zzunit common /gcdchr/ devid, xlencm, ylencm, xres, yres, & ndclrs, idvbts, nfline, xclipd, yclipd ! ! set level ! kzlevl=1 kzbegn=kzno ! ! color to white ! czcolr='BLACK' ! ! no hardwareshading. ! kzshd=kzno kznclr=2 zzcolr(1,1)=0.0 zzcolr(1,2)=0.0 zzcolr(1,3)=100.0 call gscolr(1,ierr) ! ! linear real axis, and no axis label suppressed ! kzxtyp=kzreal kzytyp=kzreal kzxnon=kzno kzynon=kzno kzxtck=1 kzytck=1 zzxlba=0.0 zzylba=90.0 ! ! line style set up, no interpolation and line thickness ! kzlncn=4 kzlsty=kzsoli call dsltyp(kzlsty) kzltyp=kzlin zzlthk=0.01*zzin kzlthk=kzno zzhspc=real(nfline)/yres*.75 ! ! "unit" set up ! zzunit=zzin ! ! "page" set up ! kzauto=kzno if(kzpage.ne.kzyes)then uupagx=8.5*zzin uupagy=11.0*zzin zzpagx=uupagx zzpagy=uupagy zzpagr=1.0 end if ! ! symbol parameter set up ! kzsym=0 kznsym=18 uusmsz=0.08*zzin zzsmsz=uusmsz ! ! "angle" and "chrsiz" and ! character font type set up ! zzangl=0.0 uuhite=0.14*zzin zzhite=uuhite call gssetc(uuhite,0.0) ! ! ! "txtblk" set up ! call zscopy('LEGEND',kzlgti) kzlgtl=6 kzlgln=kzno kzlgcn=0 kzlger=kzno uulgtz=uuhite zzlgtz=-1.0 zzlgtr=-1.0 ! ! string terminator set up ! call wch2in ( '$', kzstrm ) kztmln=1 kzhdnl=0 kzhdmx=0 ! ! abutment of character strings ! zzabux=0.0 zzabuy=0.0 ! ! "margin" set up ! uugrce=0.5*zzin zzgrce=uugrce ! "frmwid", "nochek" and "nobord" set up ! uufrme=0.03*zzin zzfrme=uufrme kzchek=kzyes kzbrdr=kzyes ! ! "xlabel", "ylabel" and "headin" set up ! kzxnfl=kzno kzxaln=0 kzyaln=0 kztiln=0 ! ! "origin" set up ! kzor=kzno ! ! "setout" set up ! kzsum=6 kzcopy=kzno ! ! "blanki" and story height space set up ! kzbscn=-1 kzblcn=4 zzsrat=1.5 do i=1,kzmxbl do j=1,4 zzblnk(i,j)=-1100.0 end do end do do i=1,kzmxbs do j=1,4 zzblks(i,j)=-1100.0 end do end do return end subroutine zinits ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! ZINITS initializes all system variables. ! ! (level 0, set level to 1) ! parameter (kzno=222) parameter (zzin=2.54) ! save /cborch/ save /cheadc/ save /cheadn/ save /clabel/ save /clevel/ save /clgndc/ save /clgndn/ save /cstrng/ save /csymbo/ ! common /clevel/ kzlevl,kzbegn common /clgndn/ kzlgln,kzlgcn,kzlger,kzlgsm(50),kzlglt(50), & kzlgti(5),kzlgtl,zzlgth(50),zzlgtz,uulgtz, & zzlgtr,zzlgyl,kzlgbl,zzsrat,kzlgen(50) common /clgndc/ czlgac(50,6),czlgaf(50,6),czlgas(50),czlgtc(6), & czlgtf(6),czlgts common /cstrng/ zzhite,uuhite,zzangl,kzstrm,kztmln common /csymbo/ kzsym,kznsym,zzsmsz,uusmsz common /cheadn/ kzhdnl,kzhdmx,kzhdtx(72),zzhdsz(4) common /cheadc/ czhdac(4,6),czhdaf(4,6),czhdas(4) common /cborch/ kzbrdr,kzchek common /clabel/ kzxlab(20),kzxaln,kzylab(20),kzyaln,kztitl(20), & kztiln,kzxnfl,kzynfl character czhdac*1,czhdaf*5,czhdas*5 character czlgac*1,czlgaf*5,czlgas*5,czlgtc*1,czlgtf*5,czlgts*5 ! do i=1,50 kzlgsm(i)=-1 kzlglt(i)=0 do k=1,6 czlgac(i,k)=' ' czlgaf(i,k)=' ' end do czlgas(i)=' ' end do czlgtc(1)=' ' czlgtf(1)='STAND' czlgts='DEFAU' do i=2,6 czlgtc(i)=' ' czlgtf(i)=' ' end do do i=1,4 do k=1,6 czhdac(i,k)=' ' czhdaf(i,k)=' ' end do czhdas(i)=' ' end do ! ! set level ! kzlevl=1 ! ! symbol parameter set up ! kzsym=0 uusmsz=0.08*zzin ! ! "txtblk" set up ! call zscopy('LEGEND',kzlgti) kzlgtl=6 kzlgln=kzno kzlgcn=0 kzlger=kzno uulgtz=uuhite zzlgtr=1.5 ! ! string terminator set up ! kzhdnl=0 kzhdmx=0 ! ! "margin" set up ! kzbrdr=kzno ! ! "xlabel", "ylabel" and "headin" set up ! kztiln=0 return end subroutine zlasal ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! ZLASAL initializes the QMS laserprinter for landscape output. ! save /gcdchr/ save /gcdsel/ ! common /gcdchr/ devid, xlencm, ylencm, xres, yres, & ndclrs, idvbts, nfline, xclipd, yclipd common /gcdsel/ idev ! save kqms,kln03,kpost data kqms,kln03,kpost /1200,3,910/ kdev=int(devid) if(kdev.eq.kqms)then idev=3 elseif(kdev.eq.kln03)then idev=10 elseif(kdev.eq.kpost)then idev=14 end if if(xlencm.lt.ylencm)then call zzswap(xlencm,ylencm) call zzswap(xres,yres) call zzswap(xclipd,yclipd) end if return end subroutine zlasap ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! ZLASAP initializes the QMS printer for portrait output. ! save /gcdchr/ save /gcdsel/ ! common /gcdchr/ devid, xlencm, ylencm, xres, yres, & ndclrs, idvbts, nfline, xclipd, yclipd common /gcdsel/ idev ! save kqms,kln03,kpost data kqms,kln03,kpost /1200,3,910/ kdev=int(devid) if(kdev.eq.kqms)then idev=4 elseif(kdev.eq.kln03)then idev=11 elseif(kdev.eq.kpost)then idev=15 end if if(xlencm.gt.ylencm)then call zzswap(xlencm,ylencm) call zzswap(xres,yres) call zzswap(xclipd,yclipd) end if return end subroutine zlnlab(cflag,rnum,iexp,istrng,lrmtex) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! ZLNLAB ... ! logical lrmtex integer istrng(*) integer itemp(20) character*1 cflag,strng(8),bminus, bzero(6),ctemp(80) ! save bminus data bminus /'-'/ bzero(1)='0' bzero(2)='.' bzero(3)='0' bzero(4)='0' bzero(5)='0' bzero(6)=char(0) lrmtex = .true. num=int(rnum) ! ! work with absolute value as it is easier to put sign in now ! if(rnum .ge. 0.0)then val = rnum nval=num istart = 1 else val = -rnum nval= -num istart = 2 strng(1) = bminus end if ! if(cflag.eq.'R')then if(iexp .ge. -3 .and. iexp .le. 3)then lrmtex = .false. val = val*10.0**iexp end if itemp(1)=1 call znmstr(val,itemp) call zin2ch(itemp,ctemp) nchr=nchray(ctemp) do k=1,nchr+1 strng(istart+k-1)=ctemp(k) end do else if(iexp .ge. -4 .and. iexp .le. 4) lrmtex = .false. if(iexp .gt. 0 .and. (.not. lrmtex))then val = val*10.0**iexp nval=int(val+0.001) end if temp=val-real(nval) if(abs(temp).gt.0.01)then itemp(1)=1 call znmstr(val,itemp) else itemp(1)=-1 call znmstr(val,itemp) end if call zin2ch(itemp,ctemp) nchr=nchray(ctemp) do k=1,nchr+1 strng(istart+k-1)=ctemp(k) end do if((nval .eq. 0) .or. lrmtex .or. (iexp .ge. 0)) go to 800 ! ! number is in range 10**-1 or 10**-2, so format pretty ! n = -iexp l=nchr ! l = len(strng(istart)) izbgn = 1 nin = 5 if(n .eq. l) nin = 4 ! ! if n 100.0 then fixed length format ! if < 100.0 and > 0.0 then floating point ! format with iplace decimal places ! if < 0.0 then exponential number with ! -iplace decimal point ! ! output: lmess = character string of tnum ! lpower = character string of power, if any ! parameter (numbyt=4) parameter (numwrd=80/numbyt) integer lmess(*),lmessa(numwrd),lmessb(numwrd),lpow(8/numbyt) character cmessa*80,cmessb*80,cpower*8 ! save epslon data epslon /1.0e-20/ ! lpower=0 rnum=abs(tnum) npow = 0 ! ! calculate power of input value ! if(rnum.le.epslon) go to 600 if(rnum .lt. 0.9999995)then 200 continue rnum = rnum*10.0 npow = npow-1 if(rnum .lt. 0.9999995) go to 200 elseif(rnum.gt.9.999995)then 100 continue rnum = rnum/10.0 npow = npow+1 if(rnum.gt.9.999995) go to 100 end if ! ! roundoff input value ! 600 continue if(rnum.lt.0.0000005)then rnum=0.0 else rnum=rnum+0.0000005 end if anum=rnum*10.0**npow if(tnum.lt.0.0)then cmessb(1:1)='-' else cmessb(1:1)=' ' end if ! ! fixed length format ! if(iplace.gt.100)then ip=iplace-100 ip1=ip+1 ip2=ip+2 ip3=ip+3 ip5=ip+5 ip6=ip+6 num=10 ! ! floating point number of fixed length ! if(abs(npow).lt.ip)then write(cmessa,10)anum 10 format(1x,f79.39) do i=1,numwrd call wch2in(cmessa((i-1)*numbyt+1:i*numbyt),lmessa(i)) end do call zstrbl(lmessa) do i=1,numwrd call win2ch(lmessa(i),cmessa((i-1)*numbyt+1:i*numbyt)) end do cmessb(2:ip2)=cmessa(1:ip1) cmessb(ip3:ip3)=char(0) if(npow.ge.7) num=9 if(ip2.ge.num)then do i=ip2,num,-1 if(cmessb(i:i).ne.'.') cmessb(i:i)='0' end do end if do i=1,numwrd call wch2in(cmessb((i-1)*numbyt+1:i*numbyt),lmessb(i)) end do call zscopy(lmessb,lmess) ! ! number with exponetial in fixed format ! else write(cmessa,10)rnum do i=1,numwrd call wch2in(cmessa((i-1)*numbyt+1:i*numbyt),lmessa(i)) end do call zstrbl(lmessa) do i=1,numwrd call win2ch(lmessa(i),cmessa((i-1)*numbyt+1:i*numbyt)) end do cmessb(2:ip2)=cmessa(1:ip1) cmessb(ip3:ip5)='*10' cmessb(ip6:ip6)=char(0) if(ip2.ge.num)then do i=ip2,num,-1 if(cmessb(i:i).ne.'.') cmessb(i:i)='0' end do end if do i=1,numwrd call wch2in(cmessb((i-1)*numbyt+1:i*numbyt),lmessb(i)) end do call zscopy(lmessb,lmess) write(cpower,20)npow 20 format(1x,i3) do i=1,8/numbyt call wch2in(cpower((i-1)*numbyt+1:i*numbyt),lpow(i)) end do call zstrbl(lpow) do i=1,8/numbyt call win2ch(lpow(i),cpower((i-1)*numbyt+1:i*numbyt)) end do cpower(4:4)=char(0) do i=1,8/numbyt call wch2in(cpower((i-1)*numbyt+1:i*numbyt),lpow(i)) end do call zstrbt(lpow) call zscopy(lpow,lpower) end if ! ! floating point number ! elseif(iplace.ge.0)then write(cmessa,10)anum do i=1,numwrd call wch2in(cmessa((i-1)*numbyt+1:i*numbyt),lmessa(i)) end do call zstrbl(lmessa) do i=1,numwrd call win2ch(lmessa(i),cmessa((i-1)*numbyt+1:i*numbyt)) end do do j=1,40 if(cmessa(j:j).eq.'.') go to 500 end do 500 continue ip=iplace+j+1 cmessb(2:ip)=cmessa(1:ip-1) cmessb(ip+1:ip+1)=char(0) if(npow.ge.7)then num=9 else num=10 end if if(npow.le.0)then ip=ip+npow ioff=-npow else ioff=0 end if if(ip.ge.num)then do i=ip+ioff,num+ioff,-1 if(cmessb(i:i).ne.'.') cmessb(i:i)='0' end do end if do i=1,numwrd call wch2in(cmessb((i-1)*numbyt+1:i*numbyt),lmessb(i)) end do call zscopy(lmessb,lmess) ! ! number with exponential ! else ip=-iplace write(cmessa,10)rnum do i=1,numwrd call wch2in(cmessa((i-1)*numbyt+1:i*numbyt),lmessa(i)) end do call zstrbl(lmessa) do i=1,numwrd call win2ch(lmessa(i),cmessa((i-1)*numbyt+1:i*numbyt)) end do do j=1,40 if(cmessa(j:j).eq.'.') go to 800 end do 800 continue ip=ip+j+1 cmessb(2:ip)=cmessa(1:ip-1) cmessb(ip+1:ip+3)='*10' cmessb(ip+4:ip+4)=char(0) if(ip.ge.10)then do i=ip,10,-1 if(cmessb(i:i).ne.'.')cmessb(i:i)='0' end do end if do i=1,numwrd call wch2in(cmessb((i-1)*numbyt+1:i*numbyt),lmessb(i)) end do call zscopy(lmessb,lmess) write(cpower,20)npow do i=1,8/numbyt call wch2in(cpower((i-1)*numbyt+1:i*numbyt),lpow(i)) end do call zstrbl(lpow) cpower(4:4)=char(0) do i=1,8/numbyt call wch2in(cpower((i-1)*numbyt+1:i*numbyt),lpow(i)) end do call zstrbt(lpow) call zscopy(lpow,lpower) end if return end subroutine zscopy(kin,kout) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! ZSCOPY copies a string. ! ! input: kin = original string ! ! output: kout = output string ! !----------------------------begin 32-bit specific code------------------- parameter (numbyt=4) !-----------------------------end 32-bit specific code-------------------- !----------------------------begin 64-bit specific code------------------- ! parameter (numbyt=8) !-----------------------------end 64-bit specific code-------------------- dimension kin(*) dimension kout(*) ! last=leng(kin) ! num=last/numbyt do i=1,num kout(i)=kin(i) end do iend=mod(last,numbyt) num=num+1 do i=1,iend call sybyt4('X',kin(num),i,nchar) call sybyt4('N',kout(num),i,nchar) end do call sybyt4('N',kout(num),iend+1,0) return end subroutine zstop ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! ZSTOP stops for fatal errors. ! save /clevel/ ! common /clevel/ kzlevl,kzbegn ! write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'ZSTOP - Fatal error!' write(*,*)' Stopped at level ',kzlevl return end subroutine zstrbl(istr) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! ZSTRBL strips leading blanks in a string. ! ! input: istr = input string ! ! ! character cmess*152 ! dimension istr(*),imessa(38) ! equivalence (imessa,cmess) !-------------------------begin 32-bit specific code---------------------- parameter (numbyt=4) !--------------------------end 32-bit specific code----------------------- !-------------------------begin 64-bit specific code---------------------- ! parameter (numbyt=8) !--------------------------end 64-bit specific code----------------------- character cmess*160 dimension istr(*),imessa(160/numbyt) ! length=leng(istr) call zscopy(istr,imessa) ! do i=1,(length-1)/numbyt+1 call win2ch(imessa(i),cmess((i-1)*numbyt+1:i*numbyt)) end do i=1 1 continue if(i.ge.length.or.cmess(i:i).ne.' ')then do j=i,length+1 k=j-i+1 cmess(k:k)=cmess(j:j) end do ! ! null out the remainder of the string that may have been moved ! and then convert character string back to integer array ! do i=k+1,length cmess(i:i)=char(0) end do do i=1,(length-1)/numbyt+1 call wch2in(cmess((i-1)*numbyt+1:i*numbyt),imessa(i)) end do call zscopy(imessa,istr) return else i=i+1 end if go to 1 end subroutine zstrbt(lmess) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! ZSTRBT strips trailing blanks. ! ! input: lmess = input string ! !-------------------------begin 32-bit specific code---------------------- parameter (numbyt=4) !--------------------------end 32-bit specific code----------------------- !-------------------------begin 64-bit specific code---------------------- ! parameter (numbyt=8) !--------------------------end 64-bit specific code----------------------- dimension lmess(*) imess=leng(lmess) ! indx=(imess-1)/numbyt+1 ipos=imess-numbyt*(indx-1) ! do i=ipos,1,-1 call sybyt4('X',lmess(indx),i,khar) if(khar.eq.32)then call sybyt4('N',lmess(indx),i,0) else return end if end do do i=indx-1,1,-1 do j=numbyt,1,-1 call sybyt4('X',lmess(i),j,khar) if(khar.eq.32)then call sybyt4('N',lmess(i),j,0) else return end if end do end do return end subroutine zzswap(a,b) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! ZZSWAP swaps two real numbers. ! ! input: a,b numbers to be swapped ! ! this routine was originally named "zswap", but was ! renamed "zzswap" to avoid a name conflict on the vax. ! real a real b real t ! t=a a=b b=t return end subroutine ztext(lmess,imess,cflag,cfont,cstyle) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! ZTEXT writes a graphic text string in mixed alphabets. ! ! input: lmess = input string ! imess = number of characters in lmes ! cflag = font indicators ! cfont = font setting ! cstyle = character style ! save /cstrng/ ! common /cstrng/ zzhite,uuhite,zzangl,kzstrm,kztmln ! integer lmess1(40),lmess(*),kfont(6) character*1 ch(160),buf(160),cflag(6) character*5 cfont(6),cstyle logical finis,first ! ! mix alphabet not active, write string ! if(cflag(1).eq.' ')then call zgetfn(cfont(1),cstyle,kfont(1)) call gsfont(kfont(1),ierr) call zcostr(lmess,imess,lmess1,imess1) call dspstr(lmess1) ! ! process using flags set by mix ! alphabet routines ! else do i=1,6 call zgetfn(cfont(i),cstyle,kfont(i)) end do call zin2ch(lmess,ch) iptr=1 icur=1 nbuf=0 first=.true. call gsfont(kfont(1),ierr) do i=1,imess ! ! look for string terminator ! if(imess.eq.100)then finis=.true. do j=1,kztmln call sybyt4('X',kzstrm,j,khar) finis=finis.and.(ichar(ch(i+j-1)).eq.khar) end do ! ! if found, empty buffer and return ! if(iptr.eq.1.and.finis)then if(nbuf.gt.0)then buf(nbuf+1)=char(0) call zch2in(buf,lmess1) call dspstr(lmess1) end if return end if end if ! ! look for mixalf flags ! 300 continue if(ch(i).eq.cflag(icur).and.ch(i).ne.' '.and. & (icur.ne.iptr.or.first))then if(nbuf.gt.0)then buf(nbuf+1)=char(0) call zch2in(buf,lmess1) call dspstr(lmess1) nbuf=0 end if call gsfont(kfont(icur),ierr) first=.false. iptr=icur icur=icur+1 if(icur.gt.6) icur=1 go to 200 else icur=icur+1 if(icur.gt.6) icur=1 if(icur.ne.iptr) go to 300 ! ! save text in buffer ! nbuf=nbuf+1 buf(nbuf)=ch(i) end if 200 continue end do ! ! end while ! if(nbuf.ne.0)then buf(nbuf+1)=char(0) call zch2in(buf,lmess1) call dspstr(lmess1) end if end if return end subroutine zvectr(vxfrom,vyfrom,vxto,vyto,ivec) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! ZVECTR draws a vector with or without an arrow head. ! ! input: vxfrom,vyfrom = first point of vector ! vxto,vyto = second point of vector ! ivec(wxyz) = arrow type and size flag ! save /cline/ save /cstrng/ save /gcclip/ ! common /cline/ kzlsty,kzltyp,zzlthk,kzlthk,zzprx,zzpry, & zzprx1,zzprx2,zzpry1,zzpry2,uulthk,kzlncn common /cstrng/ zzhite,uuhite,zzangl,kzstrm,kztmln common /gcclip/ xcm0, xcm1, ycm0, ycm1 ! dimension x(4),y(4),tx(4),ty(4) ! save epslon,runit data epslon /0.0001/ data runit /0.12/ iflag1=mod(ivec,10) iflag2=mod(ivec/10,10) iflag3=mod(ivec/100,10) iflag4=ivec/1000 ! ! if arrow head desired ! if(iflag1.ne.0)then ! ! set arrow size ! if(iflag3.eq.0)then rlen=zzhite else rlen=real(iflag3)*runit end if ! ! set cross line length ! cross=real(iflag4+1)*rlen/6.0 dx=vxto-vxfrom dy=vyto-vyfrom ! ! locate vertices of arrowhead ! if(abs(dx).lt.epslon)then xm=0.0 ym=rlen*dy/abs(dy) fx2=cross fx3=-cross fy2=0.0 fy3=0.0 else tanval=dy/dx theta=atan(tanval) if(dx.lt.0.0)then cost=-cos(theta) sint=-sin(theta) else cost=cos(theta) sint=sin(theta) end if ym=sint*rlen xm=cost*rlen if(dy.lt.0.0)then dely=-cross*cost delx=cross*sint else dely=cross*cost delx=-cross*sint end if fx2=delx fx3=-delx fy2=dely fy3=-dely end if x(1)=vxto-xm+fx2 x(2)=vxto x(3)=vxto-xm+fx3 x(4)=x(1) y(1)=vyto-ym+fy2 y(2)=vyto y(3)=vyto-ym+fy3 y(4)=y(1) call zdispt(vxto,vyto,vxfrom,vyfrom,rlen,xp,yp) numpt=4 ! ! find endpoints of vector ! if(iflag2.eq.1)then if(iflag1.eq.1)then call dsmove(vxfrom,vyfrom) else call dsmove(xp,yp) end if call dsdraw(vxto-xm,vyto-ym) else if(iflag2.eq.2) numpt=3 call dsmove(vxfrom,vyfrom) call dsdraw(vxto,vyto) end if ! ! draw arrowhead ! call dsltyp(1) if(iflag2.eq.0)then call dsfill(x,y,3,tx,ty) else call dsmove(x(1),y(1)) do j=2,numpt call dsdraw(x(j),y(j)) end do end if call dsltyp(kzlsty) ! ! if second arrowhead desired, ! locate vertices ! if(iflag1.eq.2.or.iflag1.eq.3)then if(iflag1.eq.2)then xx=xp yy=yp xtip=vxfrom ytip=vyfrom else xx=vxfrom yy=vyfrom xtip=xp ytip=yp end if x(1)=xx+fx2 x(2)=xtip x(3)=xx+fx3 x(4)=x(1) y(1)=yy+fy2 y(2)=ytip y(3)=yy+fy3 y(4)=y(1) ! ! draw second arrowhead ! call dsltyp(1) if(iflag2.eq.0)then call dsfill(x,y,3,tx,ty) else call dsmove(x(1),y(1)) do j=2,numpt call dsdraw(x(j),y(j)) end do end if call dsltyp(kzlsty) end if ! ! if vector only, draw vector ! else call dsmove(vxfrom,vyfrom) call dsdraw(vxto,vyto) end if return end function zxmess(lmess,imess,cflag,cfont,cstyle) ! !*********************************************************************** ! !! ZXMESS writes a graphic text string in mixed alphabets. ! ! input: lmess input string ! imess number of characters in lmess ! cflag font indicators ! cfont font setting ! cstyle character style ! save /cstrng/ ! common /cstrng/ zzhite,uuhite,zzangl,kzstrm,kztmln ! integer lmess1(40) integer lmess(*) integer kfont(6) character*1 ch(160),buf(160),cflag(6) character*5 cfont(6),cstyle logical finis,first ! ! mix alphabet not active, write string ! if(cflag(1).eq.' ')then call zgetfn(cfont(1),cstyle,kfont(1)) call gsfont(kfont(1),ierr) imess1=160 call zcostr(lmess,imess,lmess1,imess1) zxmess=dslens(lmess1) ! ! process using flags set by mix ! alphabet routines ! else do i=1,6 call zgetfn(cfont(i),cstyle,kfont(i)) end do call zin2ch(lmess,ch) iptr=1 icur=1 nbuf=0 first=.true. zxmess=0.0 call gsfont(kfont(1),ierr) do i=1,imess ! ! look for string terminator ! if(imess.eq.100)then finis=.true. do j=1,kztmln call sybyt4('X',kzstrm,j,khar) finis=finis.and.(ichar(ch(i+j-1)).eq.khar) end do ! ! if found, empty buffer and return ! if(iptr.eq.1.and.finis)then if(nbuf.gt.0)then buf(nbuf+1)=char(0) call zch2in(buf,lmess1) zxmess=zxmess+dslens(lmess1) end if return end if end if ! ! look for mixalf flags ! 300 continue if(ch(i).eq.cflag(icur).and.ch(i).ne.' '.and. & (icur.ne.iptr.or.first))then if(nbuf.gt.0)then buf(nbuf+1)=char(0) call zch2in(buf,lmess1) zxmess=zxmess+dslens(lmess1) nbuf=0 end if call gsfont(kfont(icur),ierr) first=.false. iptr=icur icur=icur+1 if(icur.gt.6) icur=1 go to 200 else icur=icur+1 if(icur.gt.6) icur=1 if(icur.ne.iptr) go to 300 ! ! save text in buffer ! nbuf=nbuf+1 buf(nbuf)=ch(i) end if 200 continue end do ! ! end while ! if(nbuf.ne.0)then buf(nbuf+1)=char(0) call zch2in(buf,lmess1) zxmess=zxmess+dslens(lmess1) end if end if return end block data inidat ! !*********************************************************************** ! ! data initialization ! parameter (kzno=222) parameter (kzyes=111) parameter (kzdown=13) !-------------------------begin 32-bit specific code---------------------- integer numbyt parameter (numbyt=4) !--------------------------end 32-bit specific code----------------------- !-------------------------begin 64-bit specific code---------------------- ! parameter (numbyt=8) !--------------------------end 64-bit specific code----------------------- character czalfl*1,czalfn*5,czalfs*5,czlgac*1, & czlgaf*5,czlgas*5,czlgtc*1,czlgtf*5,czlgts*5, & czhdac*1,czhdaf*5,czhdas*5 ! save /carea/ save /cdevic/ save /cheadn/ save /cheadc/ save /ciunit/ save /clgndn/ save /clgndc/ save /cmxalf/ save /cpage/ ! common /carea/ zzxaxs,zzyaxs,zzxaxr,zzyaxr,uuxaxs,uuyaxs, & zzxlft,zzxrgt,zzybot,zzytop,kzscal, & zzgrce,uugrce,zzfrme,uufrme common /cdevic/ kzsum,kzcopy,kzbyte,kznplt common /cheadn/ kzhdnl,kzhdmx,kzhdtx(72),zzhdsz(4) common /cheadc/ czhdac(4,6),czhdaf(4,6),czhdas(4) common /ciunit/ kziunt,kzount common /clgndn/ kzlgln,kzlgcn,kzlger,kzlgsm(50),kzlglt(50), & kzlgti(5),kzlgtl,zzlgth(50),zzlgtz,uulgtz, & zzlgtr,zzlgyl,kzlgbl,zzsrat,kzlgen(50) common /clgndc/ czlgac(50,6),czlgaf(50,6),czlgas(50),czlgtc(6), & czlgtf(6),czlgts common /cmxalf/ czalfl(6),czalfn(6),czalfs common /cpage/ zzpagx,zzpagy,zzpagr,uupagx,uupagy,kzpage,kzauto ! data kzbyte,kznplt,kzpage,kzscal /numbyt,0,kzno,kzdown/ data kziunt,kzount /5,6/ data kzlgsm,kzlglt/50*-1,50*0/ data czlgtc,czlgtf,czlgts /6*' ','STAND',5*' ', & 'DEFAU'/ data czlgac,czlgaf,czlgas /300*' ',350*' '/ data kzlgen /50*kzyes/ data czhdac,czhdaf,czhdas /24*' ',28*' '/ data czalfl,czalfn,czalfs /6*' ','STAND',5*' ','DEFAU'/ end block data blksys ! !*********************************************************************** ! ! init character mask for 'zbyte4' ! ! - return mask for 'zbyte4' ! calling sequence: call symask(mask,npos) ! input: mask - mask to zero out byte of interest ! npos - position of byte of interest ! this routine provides communication between integer ! and character. data returned is tested good for ! vax/vms and ibm pc. ! save /cbyte4/ ! common /cbyte4/ kzmask(8),kzcpos(8) !4x9bitsreverse data kzmask/33357439,17045716607, !4x9bitsreverse . 17078943871,17079008768,0,0,0,0/ !4x9bitsreverse data kzcpos/134217728,262144,512,1,0,0,0,0/ ! !-------------------------begin vax vms specific code--------------------- data kzmask/2139062016,2139029631,2130739071,8355711,4*0/ data kzcpos/1,256,65536,16777216,4*0/ !--------------------------end vax vms specific code---------------------- !--------------------------begin cray specific code----------------------- ! data kzmask/1777777777777777777400b,1777777777777777600377b, ! . 1777777777777700177777b,1777777777740077777777b, ! . 1777777760037777777777b,1777770017777777777777b, ! . 1774007777777777777777b,0003777777777777777777b/ ! data kzcpos/8*0/ !---------------------------end cray specific code------------------------ !-----------------------------begin generic code-------------------------- ! data kzmask/2139062016,2139029631,2130739071,8355711,4*0/ ! data kzcpos/1,256,65536,16777216,4*0/ !------------------------------end generic code--------------------------- end block data blkdat ! !*********************************************************************** ! ! this blockdata routine initializes the named common blocks ! integer maxfnt parameter (maxfnt = 18) ! integer mxstrk parameter (mxstrk = maxfnt*9000) ! integer numz parameter (numz = maxfnt-1) ! integer bwidth integer bxy ! save /gccpar/ save /gcfont/ ! common /gcfont/ icfnsl, mxslot, & islfnt(maxfnt), ihight(maxfnt), & indx(95*maxfnt+1), bwidth(95*maxfnt), bxy(mxstrk) common /gccpar/ csize, ccos, csin ! data icfnsl /1/ data mxslot /1/ data islfnt /1,numz*0/ data ihight(1) /8/ ! data indx( 1),indx( 2),indx( 3),indx( 4)/ 1, 17, 27, 47/ data indx( 5),indx( 6),indx( 7),indx( 8)/ 73, 100, 125, 138/ data indx( 9),indx( 10),indx( 11),indx( 12)/ 147, 156, 171, 181/ data indx( 13),indx( 14),indx( 15),indx( 16)/ 194, 199, 210, 215/ data indx( 17),indx( 18),indx( 19),indx( 20)/ 236, 248, 269, 297/ data indx( 21),indx( 22),indx( 23),indx( 24)/ 306, 325, 346, 359/ data indx( 25),indx( 26),indx( 27),indx( 28)/ 395, 416, 438, 462/ data indx( 29),indx( 30),indx( 31),indx( 32)/ 469, 479, 486, 514/ data indx( 33),indx( 34),indx( 35),indx( 36)/ 543, 560, 587, 604/ data indx( 37),indx( 38),indx( 39),indx( 40)/ 621, 635, 646, 667/ data indx( 41),indx( 42),indx( 43),indx( 44)/ 681, 696, 712, 725/ data indx( 45),indx( 46),indx( 47),indx( 48)/ 732, 747, 758, 777/ data indx( 49),indx( 50),indx( 51),indx( 52)/ 791, 815, 834, 859/ data indx( 53),indx( 54),indx( 55),indx( 56)/ 869, 882, 893, 909/ data indx( 57),indx( 58),indx( 59),indx( 60)/ 926, 942, 955, 964/ data indx( 61),indx( 62),indx( 63),indx( 64)/ 969, 978, 985, 990/ data indx( 65),indx( 66),indx( 67),indx( 68)/1003,1029,1050,1067/ data indx( 69),indx( 70),indx( 71),indx( 72)/1089,1108,1124,1152/ data indx( 73),indx( 74),indx( 75),indx( 76)/1167,1190,1214,1228/ data indx( 77),indx( 78),indx( 79),indx( 80)/1240,1261,1276,1295/ data indx( 81),indx( 82),indx( 83),indx( 84)/1317,1339,1352,1375/ data indx( 85),indx( 86),indx( 87),indx( 88)/1391,1407,1418,1442/ data indx( 89),indx( 90),indx( 91),indx( 92)/1451,1473,1482,1501/ data indx( 93),indx( 94),indx( 95),indx( 96)/1506,1525,1538,1555/ data bxy( 1),bxy( 2),bxy( 3),bxy( 4)/-64, 3, 8, 3/ data bxy( 5),bxy( 6),bxy( 7),bxy( 8)/ 3,-64, 3, 0/ data bxy( 9),bxy( 10),bxy( 11),bxy( 12)/ 2, 0, 2, 1/ data bxy( 13),bxy( 14),bxy( 15),bxy( 16)/ 3, 1, 3, 0/ data bxy( 17),bxy( 18),bxy( 19),bxy( 20)/-64, 2, 8, 2/ data bxy( 21),bxy( 22),bxy( 23),bxy( 24)/ 6,-64, 4, 8/ data bxy( 25),bxy( 26),bxy( 27),bxy( 28)/ 4, 6,-64, 2/ data bxy( 29),bxy( 30),bxy( 31),bxy( 32)/ 8, 2, 0,-64/ data bxy( 33),bxy( 34),bxy( 35),bxy( 36)/ 4, 8, 4, 0/ data bxy( 37),bxy( 38),bxy( 39),bxy( 40)/-64, 6, 5, 0/ data bxy( 41),bxy( 42),bxy( 43),bxy( 44)/ 5,-64, 0, 3/ data bxy( 45),bxy( 46),bxy( 47),bxy( 48)/ 6, 3,-64, 6/ data bxy( 49),bxy( 50),bxy( 51),bxy( 52)/ 7, 1, 7, 0/ data bxy( 53),bxy( 54),bxy( 55),bxy( 56)/ 6, 0, 5, 1/ data bxy( 57),bxy( 58),bxy( 59),bxy( 60)/ 4, 5, 4, 6/ data bxy( 61),bxy( 62),bxy( 63),bxy( 64)/ 3, 6, 2, 5/ data bxy( 65),bxy( 66),bxy( 67),bxy( 68)/ 1, 0, 1,-64/ data bxy( 69),bxy( 70),bxy( 71),bxy( 72)/ 3, 8, 3, 0/ data bxy( 73),bxy( 74),bxy( 75),bxy( 76)/-64, 1, 8, 0/ data bxy( 77),bxy( 78),bxy( 79),bxy( 80)/ 7, 1, 6, 2/ data bxy( 81),bxy( 82),bxy( 83),bxy( 84)/ 7, 1, 8,-64/ data bxy( 85),bxy( 86),bxy( 87),bxy( 88)/ 6, 7, 0, 1/ data bxy( 89),bxy( 90),bxy( 91),bxy( 92)/-64, 5, 2, 4/ data bxy( 93),bxy( 94),bxy( 95),bxy( 96)/ 1, 5, 0, 6/ data bxy( 97),bxy( 98),bxy( 99),bxy( 100)/ 1, 5, 2,-64/ data bxy( 101),bxy( 102),bxy( 103),bxy( 104)/ 6, 3, 3, 0/ data bxy( 105),bxy( 106),bxy( 107),bxy( 108)/ 1, 0, 0, 1/ data bxy( 109),bxy( 110),bxy( 111),bxy( 112)/ 0, 2, 4, 6/ data bxy( 113),bxy( 114),bxy( 115),bxy( 116)/ 4, 7, 3, 8/ data bxy( 117),bxy( 118),bxy( 119),bxy( 120)/ 1, 8, 0, 7/ data bxy( 121),bxy( 122),bxy( 123),bxy( 124)/ 0, 6, 6, 0/ data bxy( 125),bxy( 126),bxy( 127),bxy( 128)/-64, 4, 7, 3/ data bxy( 129),bxy( 130),bxy( 131),bxy( 132)/ 7, 3, 8, 4/ data bxy( 133),bxy( 134),bxy( 135),bxy( 136)/ 8, 4, 7, 2/ data bxy( 137),bxy( 138),bxy( 139),bxy( 140)/ 5,-64, 4, 8/ data bxy( 141),bxy( 142),bxy( 143),bxy( 144)/ 2, 6, 2, 2/ data bxy( 145),bxy( 146),bxy( 147),bxy( 148)/ 4, 0,-64, 2/ data bxy( 149),bxy( 150),bxy( 151),bxy( 152)/ 8, 4, 6, 4/ data bxy( 153),bxy( 154),bxy( 155),bxy( 156)/ 2, 2, 0,-64/ data bxy( 157),bxy( 158),bxy( 159),bxy( 160)/ 1, 2, 5, 6/ data bxy( 161),bxy( 162),bxy( 163),bxy( 164)/-64, 3, 7, 3/ data bxy( 165),bxy( 166),bxy( 167),bxy( 168)/ 1,-64, 1, 6/ data bxy( 169),bxy( 170),bxy( 171),bxy( 172)/ 5, 2,-64, 3/ data bxy( 173),bxy( 174),bxy( 175),bxy( 176)/ 7, 3, 1,-64/ data bxy( 177),bxy( 178),bxy( 179),bxy( 180)/ 0, 4, 6, 4/ data bxy( 181),bxy( 182),bxy( 183),bxy( 184)/-64, 3, 0, 2/ data bxy( 185),bxy( 186),bxy( 187),bxy( 188)/ 0, 2, 1, 3/ data bxy( 189),bxy( 190),bxy( 191),bxy( 192)/ 1, 3, 0, 1/ data bxy( 193),bxy( 194),bxy( 195),bxy( 196)/ -2,-64, 0, 4/ data bxy( 197),bxy( 198),bxy( 199),bxy( 200)/ 6, 4,-64, 3/ data bxy( 201),bxy( 202),bxy( 203),bxy( 204)/ 0, 2, 0, 2/ data bxy( 205),bxy( 206),bxy( 207),bxy( 208)/ 1, 3, 1, 3/ data bxy( 209),bxy( 210),bxy( 211),bxy( 212)/ 0,-64, 0, 1/ data bxy( 213),bxy( 214),bxy( 215),bxy( 216)/ 6, 7,-64, 6/ data bxy( 217),bxy( 218),bxy( 219),bxy( 220)/ 7, 6, 1, 5/ data bxy( 221),bxy( 222),bxy( 223),bxy( 224)/ 0, 1, 0, 0/ data bxy( 225),bxy( 226),bxy( 227),bxy( 228)/ 1, 0, 7, 1/ data bxy( 229),bxy( 230),bxy( 231),bxy( 232)/ 8, 5, 8, 6/ data bxy( 233),bxy( 234),bxy( 235),bxy( 236)/ 7, 0, 1,-64/ data bxy( 237),bxy( 238),bxy( 239),bxy( 240)/ 1, 6, 3, 8/ data bxy( 241),bxy( 242),bxy( 243),bxy( 244)/ 3, 0,-64, 1/ data bxy( 245),bxy( 246),bxy( 247),bxy( 248)/ 0, 5, 0,-64/ data bxy( 249),bxy( 250),bxy( 251),bxy( 252)/ 0, 7, 1, 8/ data bxy( 253),bxy( 254),bxy( 255),bxy( 256)/ 5, 8, 6, 7/ data bxy( 257),bxy( 258),bxy( 259),bxy( 260)/ 6, 6, 4, 4/ data bxy( 261),bxy( 262),bxy( 263),bxy( 264)/ 2, 4, 0, 2/ data bxy( 265),bxy( 266),bxy( 267),bxy( 268)/ 0, 0, 6, 0/ data bxy( 269),bxy( 270),bxy( 271),bxy( 272)/-64, 0, 7, 1/ data bxy( 273),bxy( 274),bxy( 275),bxy( 276)/ 8, 5, 8, 6/ data bxy( 277),bxy( 278),bxy( 279),bxy( 280)/ 7, 6, 5, 5/ data bxy( 281),bxy( 282),bxy( 283),bxy( 284)/ 4, 1, 4,-64/ data bxy( 285),bxy( 286),bxy( 287),bxy( 288)/ 5, 4, 6, 3/ data bxy( 289),bxy( 290),bxy( 291),bxy( 292)/ 6, 1, 5, 0/ data bxy( 293),bxy( 294),bxy( 295),bxy( 296)/ 1, 0, 0, 1/ data bxy( 297),bxy( 298),bxy( 299),bxy( 300)/-64, 5, 0, 5/ data bxy( 301),bxy( 302),bxy( 303),bxy( 304)/ 8, 0, 3, 6/ data bxy( 305),bxy( 306),bxy( 307),bxy( 308)/ 3,-64, 0, 1/ data bxy( 309),bxy( 310),bxy( 311),bxy( 312)/ 1, 0, 4, 0/ data bxy( 313),bxy( 314),bxy( 315),bxy( 316)/ 6, 2, 6, 3/ data bxy( 317),bxy( 318),bxy( 319),bxy( 320)/ 4, 5, 0, 5/ data bxy( 321),bxy( 322),bxy( 323),bxy( 324)/ 0, 8, 6, 8/ data bxy( 325),bxy( 326),bxy( 327),bxy( 328)/-64, 5, 8, 2/ data bxy( 329),bxy( 330),bxy( 331),bxy( 332)/ 8, 0, 6, 0/ data bxy( 333),bxy( 334),bxy( 335),bxy( 336)/ 1, 1, 0, 5/ data bxy( 337),bxy( 338),bxy( 339),bxy( 340)/ 0, 6, 1, 6/ data bxy( 341),bxy( 342),bxy( 343),bxy( 344)/ 3, 5, 4, 0/ data bxy( 345),bxy( 346),bxy( 347),bxy( 348)/ 4,-64, 0, 7/ data bxy( 349),bxy( 350),bxy( 351),bxy( 352)/ 0, 8, 6, 8/ data bxy( 353),bxy( 354),bxy( 355),bxy( 356)/ 6, 7, 2, 3/ data bxy( 357),bxy( 358),bxy( 359),bxy( 360)/ 2, 0,-64, 6/ data bxy( 361),bxy( 362),bxy( 363),bxy( 364)/ 7, 5, 8, 1/ data bxy( 365),bxy( 366),bxy( 367),bxy( 368)/ 8, 0, 7, 0/ data bxy( 369),bxy( 370),bxy( 371),bxy( 372)/ 5, 1, 4, 5/ data bxy( 373),bxy( 374),bxy( 375),bxy( 376)/ 4, 6, 3, 6/ data bxy( 377),bxy( 378),bxy( 379),bxy( 380)/ 1, 5, 0, 1/ data bxy( 381),bxy( 382),bxy( 383),bxy( 384)/ 0, 0, 1, 0/ data bxy( 385),bxy( 386),bxy( 387),bxy( 388)/ 3, 1, 4,-64/ data bxy( 389),bxy( 390),bxy( 391),bxy( 392)/ 5, 4, 6, 5/ data bxy( 393),bxy( 394),bxy( 395),bxy( 396)/ 6, 7,-64, 1/ data bxy( 397),bxy( 398),bxy( 399),bxy( 400)/ 0, 4, 0, 6/ data bxy( 401),bxy( 402),bxy( 403),bxy( 404)/ 2, 6, 7, 5/ data bxy( 405),bxy( 406),bxy( 407),bxy( 408)/ 8, 1, 8, 0/ data bxy( 409),bxy( 410),bxy( 411),bxy( 412)/ 7, 0, 5, 1/ data bxy( 413),bxy( 414),bxy( 415),bxy( 416)/ 4, 6, 4,-64/ data bxy( 417),bxy( 418),bxy( 419),bxy( 420)/ 3, 4, 2, 4/ data bxy( 421),bxy( 422),bxy( 423),bxy( 424)/ 2, 5, 3, 5/ data bxy( 425),bxy( 426),bxy( 427),bxy( 428)/ 3, 4,-64, 3/ data bxy( 429),bxy( 430),bxy( 431),bxy( 432)/ 0, 2, 0, 2/ data bxy( 433),bxy( 434),bxy( 435),bxy( 436)/ 1, 3, 1, 3/ data bxy( 437),bxy( 438),bxy( 439),bxy( 440)/ 0,-64, 3, 4/ data bxy( 441),bxy( 442),bxy( 443),bxy( 444)/ 2, 4, 2, 5/ data bxy( 445),bxy( 446),bxy( 447),bxy( 448)/ 3, 5, 3, 4/ data bxy( 449),bxy( 450),bxy( 451),bxy( 452)/-64, 3, 0, 2/ data bxy( 453),bxy( 454),bxy( 455),bxy( 456)/ 0, 2, 1, 3/ data bxy( 457),bxy( 458),bxy( 459),bxy( 460)/ 1, 3, 0, 1/ data bxy( 461),bxy( 462),bxy( 463),bxy( 464)/ -2,-64, 4, 8/ data bxy( 465),bxy( 466),bxy( 467),bxy( 468)/ 0, 4, 4, 0/ data bxy( 469),bxy( 470),bxy( 471),bxy( 472)/-64, 5, 5, 1/ data bxy( 473),bxy( 474),bxy( 475),bxy( 476)/ 5,-64, 1, 3/ data bxy( 477),bxy( 478),bxy( 479),bxy( 480)/ 5, 3,-64, 2/ data bxy( 481),bxy( 482),bxy( 483),bxy( 484)/ 8, 6, 4, 2/ data bxy( 485),bxy( 486),bxy( 487),bxy( 488)/ 0,-64, 0, 7/ data bxy( 489),bxy( 490),bxy( 491),bxy( 492)/ 1, 8, 5, 8/ data bxy( 493),bxy( 494),bxy( 495),bxy( 496)/ 6, 7, 6, 5/ data bxy( 497),bxy( 498),bxy( 499),bxy( 500)/ 5, 4, 3, 4/ data bxy( 501),bxy( 502),bxy( 503),bxy( 504)/ 3, 3,-64, 3/ data bxy( 505),bxy( 506),bxy( 507),bxy( 508)/ 0, 2, 0, 2/ data bxy( 509),bxy( 510),bxy( 511),bxy( 512)/ 1, 3, 1, 3/ data bxy( 513),bxy( 514),bxy( 515),bxy( 516)/ 0,-64, 4, 3/ data bxy( 517),bxy( 518),bxy( 519),bxy( 520)/ 4, 5, 3, 5/ data bxy( 521),bxy( 522),bxy( 523),bxy( 524)/ 2, 4, 2, 3/ data bxy( 525),bxy( 526),bxy( 527),bxy( 528)/ 5, 3, 6, 4/ data bxy( 529),bxy( 530),bxy( 531),bxy( 532)/ 6, 7, 5, 8/ data bxy( 533),bxy( 534),bxy( 535),bxy( 536)/ 2, 8, 0, 6/ data bxy( 537),bxy( 538),bxy( 539),bxy( 540)/ 0, 2, 2, 0/ data bxy( 541),bxy( 542),bxy( 543),bxy( 544)/ 5, 0, 0, 0/ data bxy( 545),bxy( 546),bxy( 547),bxy( 548)/ 0, 6, 2, 8/ data bxy( 549),bxy( 550),bxy( 551),bxy( 552)/ 4, 8, 6, 6/ data bxy( 553),bxy( 554),bxy( 555),bxy( 556)/ 6, 0,-64, 0/ data bxy( 557),bxy( 558),bxy( 559),bxy( 560)/ 3, 6, 3, 0/ data bxy( 561),bxy( 562),bxy( 563),bxy( 564)/ 0, 5, 0, 6/ data bxy( 565),bxy( 566),bxy( 567),bxy( 568)/ 1, 6, 3, 5/ data bxy( 569),bxy( 570),bxy( 571),bxy( 572)/ 4, 1, 4,-64/ data bxy( 573),bxy( 574),bxy( 575),bxy( 576)/ 5, 4, 6, 5/ data bxy( 577),bxy( 578),bxy( 579),bxy( 580)/ 6, 7, 5, 8/ data bxy( 581),bxy( 582),bxy( 583),bxy( 584)/ 0, 8, 1, 8/ data bxy( 585),bxy( 586),bxy( 587),bxy( 588)/ 1, 0,-64, 6/ data bxy( 589),bxy( 590),bxy( 591),bxy( 592)/ 7, 5, 8, 2/ data bxy( 593),bxy( 594),bxy( 595),bxy( 596)/ 8, 0, 6, 0/ data bxy( 597),bxy( 598),bxy( 599),bxy( 600)/ 2, 2, 0, 5/ data bxy( 601),bxy( 602),bxy( 603),bxy( 604)/ 0, 6, 1, 0/ data bxy( 605),bxy( 606),bxy( 607),bxy( 608)/ 0, 4, 0, 6/ data bxy( 609),bxy( 610),bxy( 611),bxy( 612)/ 2, 6, 6, 4/ data bxy( 613),bxy( 614),bxy( 615),bxy( 616)/ 8, 0, 8,-64/ data bxy( 617),bxy( 618),bxy( 619),bxy( 620)/ 1, 8, 1, 0/ data bxy( 621),bxy( 622),bxy( 623),bxy( 624)/-64, 6, 0, 0/ data bxy( 625),bxy( 626),bxy( 627),bxy( 628)/ 0, 0, 8, 6/ data bxy( 629),bxy( 630),bxy( 631),bxy( 632)/ 8,-64, 3, 4/ data bxy( 633),bxy( 634),bxy( 635),bxy( 636)/ 0, 4, 0, 0/ data bxy( 637),bxy( 638),bxy( 639),bxy( 640)/ 0, 8, 6, 8/ data bxy( 641),bxy( 642),bxy( 643),bxy( 644)/-64, 3, 4, 0/ data bxy( 645),bxy( 646),bxy( 647),bxy( 648)/ 4,-64, 6, 7/ data bxy( 649),bxy( 650),bxy( 651),bxy( 652)/ 5, 8, 2, 8/ data bxy( 653),bxy( 654),bxy( 655),bxy( 656)/ 0, 6, 0, 2/ data bxy( 657),bxy( 658),bxy( 659),bxy( 660)/ 2, 0, 5, 0/ data bxy( 661),bxy( 662),bxy( 663),bxy( 664)/ 6, 1, 6, 3/ data bxy( 665),bxy( 666),bxy( 667),bxy( 668)/ 3, 3, 0, 0/ data bxy( 669),bxy( 670),bxy( 671),bxy( 672)/ 0, 8,-64, 0/ data bxy( 673),bxy( 674),bxy( 675),bxy( 676)/ 4, 6, 4,-64/ data bxy( 677),bxy( 678),bxy( 679),bxy( 680)/ 6, 8, 6, 0/ data bxy( 681),bxy( 682),bxy( 683),bxy( 684)/-64, 1, 0, 5/ data bxy( 685),bxy( 686),bxy( 687),bxy( 688)/ 0,-64, 3, 0/ data bxy( 689),bxy( 690),bxy( 691),bxy( 692)/ 3, 8,-64, 1/ data bxy( 693),bxy( 694),bxy( 695),bxy( 696)/ 8, 5, 8,-64/ data bxy( 697),bxy( 698),bxy( 699),bxy( 700)/ 0, 1, 1, 0/ data bxy( 701),bxy( 702),bxy( 703),bxy( 704)/ 3, 0, 4, 1/ data bxy( 705),bxy( 706),bxy( 707),bxy( 708)/ 4, 8,-64, 2/ data bxy( 709),bxy( 710),bxy( 711),bxy( 712)/ 8, 6, 8, 0/ data bxy( 713),bxy( 714),bxy( 715),bxy( 716)/ 0, 0, 8,-64/ data bxy( 717),bxy( 718),bxy( 719),bxy( 720)/ 6, 8, 0, 2/ data bxy( 721),bxy( 722),bxy( 723),bxy( 724)/ 2, 4, 6, 0/ data bxy( 725),bxy( 726),bxy( 727),bxy( 728)/-64, 0, 8, 0/ data bxy( 729),bxy( 730),bxy( 731),bxy( 732)/ 0, 6, 0, 0/ data bxy( 733),bxy( 734),bxy( 735),bxy( 736)/ 0, 0, 8, 3/ data bxy( 737),bxy( 738),bxy( 739),bxy( 740)/ 5, 3, 4,-64/ data bxy( 741),bxy( 742),bxy( 743),bxy( 744)/ 3, 5, 6, 8/ data bxy( 745),bxy( 746),bxy( 747),bxy( 748)/ 6, 0, 0, 0/ data bxy( 749),bxy( 750),bxy( 751),bxy( 752)/ 0, 8, 6, 2/ data bxy( 753),bxy( 754),bxy( 755),bxy( 756)/-64, 6, 8, 6/ data bxy( 757),bxy( 758),bxy( 759),bxy( 760)/ 0,-64, 6, 2/ data bxy( 761),bxy( 762),bxy( 763),bxy( 764)/ 6, 6, 4, 8/ data bxy( 765),bxy( 766),bxy( 767),bxy( 768)/ 2, 8, 0, 6/ data bxy( 769),bxy( 770),bxy( 771),bxy( 772)/ 0, 2, 2, 0/ data bxy( 773),bxy( 774),bxy( 775),bxy( 776)/ 4, 0, 6, 2/ data bxy( 777),bxy( 778),bxy( 779),bxy( 780)/ 0, 0, 0, 8/ data bxy( 781),bxy( 782),bxy( 783),bxy( 784)/ 5, 8, 6, 7/ data bxy( 785),bxy( 786),bxy( 787),bxy( 788)/ 6, 5, 5, 4/ data bxy( 789),bxy( 790),bxy( 791),bxy( 792)/ 0, 4,-64, 6/ data bxy( 793),bxy( 794),bxy( 795),bxy( 796)/ 2, 6, 6, 4/ data bxy( 797),bxy( 798),bxy( 799),bxy( 800)/ 8, 2, 8, 0/ data bxy( 801),bxy( 802),bxy( 803),bxy( 804)/ 6, 0, 2, 2/ data bxy( 805),bxy( 806),bxy( 807),bxy( 808)/ 0, 4, 0, 6/ data bxy( 809),bxy( 810),bxy( 811),bxy( 812)/ 2,-64, 3, 3/ data bxy( 813),bxy( 814),bxy( 815),bxy( 816)/ 6, 0, 0, 0/ data bxy( 817),bxy( 818),bxy( 819),bxy( 820)/ 0, 8, 5, 8/ data bxy( 821),bxy( 822),bxy( 823),bxy( 824)/ 6, 7, 6, 5/ data bxy( 825),bxy( 826),bxy( 827),bxy( 828)/ 5, 4, 0, 4/ data bxy( 829),bxy( 830),bxy( 831),bxy( 832)/-64, 2, 4, 6/ data bxy( 833),bxy( 834),bxy( 835),bxy( 836)/ 0,-64, 6, 7/ data bxy( 837),bxy( 838),bxy( 839),bxy( 840)/ 5, 8, 1, 8/ data bxy( 841),bxy( 842),bxy( 843),bxy( 844)/ 0, 7, 0, 5/ data bxy( 845),bxy( 846),bxy( 847),bxy( 848)/ 1, 4, 5, 4/ data bxy( 849),bxy( 850),bxy( 851),bxy( 852)/ 6, 3, 6, 1/ data bxy( 853),bxy( 854),bxy( 855),bxy( 856)/ 5, 0, 1, 0/ data bxy( 857),bxy( 858),bxy( 859),bxy( 860)/ 0, 1,-64, 0/ data bxy( 861),bxy( 862),bxy( 863),bxy( 864)/ 8, 6, 8,-64/ data bxy( 865),bxy( 866),bxy( 867),bxy( 868)/ 3, 0, 3, 8/ data bxy( 869),bxy( 870),bxy( 871),bxy( 872)/-64, 6, 8, 6/ data bxy( 873),bxy( 874),bxy( 875),bxy( 876)/ 1, 5, 0, 1/ data bxy( 877),bxy( 878),bxy( 879),bxy( 880)/ 0, 0, 1, 0/ data bxy( 881),bxy( 882),bxy( 883),bxy( 884)/ 8,-64, 0, 8/ data bxy( 885),bxy( 886),bxy( 887),bxy( 888)/ 0, 6, 3, 0/ data bxy( 889),bxy( 890),bxy( 891),bxy( 892)/ 6, 6, 6, 8/ data bxy( 893),bxy( 894),bxy( 895),bxy( 896)/-64, 0, 8, 0/ data bxy( 897),bxy( 898),bxy( 899),bxy( 900)/ 0, 3, 3, 3/ data bxy( 901),bxy( 902),bxy( 903),bxy( 904)/ 4,-64, 3, 3/ data bxy( 905),bxy( 906),bxy( 907),bxy( 908)/ 6, 0, 6, 8/ data bxy( 909),bxy( 910),bxy( 911),bxy( 912)/ 0, 0, 0, 1/ data bxy( 913),bxy( 914),bxy( 915),bxy( 916)/ 6, 7, 6, 8/ data bxy( 917),bxy( 918),bxy( 919),bxy( 920)/-64, 0, 8, 0/ data bxy( 921),bxy( 922),bxy( 923),bxy( 924)/ 7, 6, 1, 6/ data bxy( 925),bxy( 926),bxy( 927),bxy( 928)/ 0,-64, 0, 8/ data bxy( 929),bxy( 930),bxy( 931),bxy( 932)/ 0, 7, 3, 4/ data bxy( 933),bxy( 934),bxy( 935),bxy( 936)/ 6, 7, 6, 8/ data bxy( 937),bxy( 938),bxy( 939),bxy( 940)/-64, 3, 4, 3/ data bxy( 941),bxy( 942),bxy( 943),bxy( 944)/ 0,-64, 0, 8/ data bxy( 945),bxy( 946),bxy( 947),bxy( 948)/ 6, 8, 6, 7/ data bxy( 949),bxy( 950),bxy( 951),bxy( 952)/ 0, 1, 0, 0/ data bxy( 953),bxy( 954),bxy( 955),bxy( 956)/ 6, 0,-64, 4/ data bxy( 957),bxy( 958),bxy( 959),bxy( 960)/ 8, 2, 8, 2/ data bxy( 961),bxy( 962),bxy( 963),bxy( 964)/ 0, 4, 0,-64/ data bxy( 965),bxy( 966),bxy( 967),bxy( 968)/ 0, 7, 6, 1/ data bxy( 969),bxy( 970),bxy( 971),bxy( 972)/-64, 3, 8, 5/ data bxy( 973),bxy( 974),bxy( 975),bxy( 976)/ 8, 5, 0, 3/ data bxy( 977),bxy( 978),bxy( 979),bxy( 980)/ 0,-64, 0, 5/ data bxy( 981),bxy( 982),bxy( 983),bxy( 984)/ 3, 8, 6, 5/ data bxy( 985),bxy( 986),bxy( 987),bxy( 988)/-64, 0, -2, 6/ data bxy( 989),bxy( 990),bxy( 991),bxy( 992)/ -2,-64, 2, 7/ data bxy( 993),bxy( 994),bxy( 995),bxy( 996)/ 3, 7, 3, 8/ data bxy( 997),bxy( 998),bxy( 999),bxy(1000)/ 2, 8, 2, 7/ data bxy(1001),bxy(1002),bxy(1003),bxy(1004)/ 4, 5,-64, 5/ data bxy(1005),bxy(1006),bxy(1007),bxy(1008)/ 3, 1, 3, 0/ data bxy(1009),bxy(1010),bxy(1011),bxy(1012)/ 2, 0, 1, 1/ data bxy(1013),bxy(1014),bxy(1015),bxy(1016)/ 0, 4, 0, 5/ data bxy(1017),bxy(1018),bxy(1019),bxy(1020)/ 1,-64, 1, 5/ data bxy(1021),bxy(1022),bxy(1023),bxy(1024)/ 4, 5, 5, 4/ data bxy(1025),bxy(1026),bxy(1027),bxy(1028)/ 5, 1, 6, 0/ data bxy(1029),bxy(1030),bxy(1031),bxy(1032)/ 0, 0, 0, 8/ data bxy(1033),bxy(1034),bxy(1035),bxy(1036)/-64, 0, 3, 2/ data bxy(1037),bxy(1038),bxy(1039),bxy(1040)/ 5, 5, 5, 6/ data bxy(1041),bxy(1042),bxy(1043),bxy(1044)/ 4, 6, 1, 5/ data bxy(1045),bxy(1046),bxy(1047),bxy(1048)/ 0, 2, 0, 0/ data bxy(1049),bxy(1050),bxy(1051),bxy(1052)/ 2,-64, 5, 4/ data bxy(1053),bxy(1054),bxy(1055),bxy(1056)/ 4, 5, 1, 5/ data bxy(1057),bxy(1058),bxy(1059),bxy(1060)/ 0, 4, 0, 1/ data bxy(1061),bxy(1062),bxy(1063),bxy(1064)/ 1, 0, 4, 0/ data bxy(1065),bxy(1066),bxy(1067),bxy(1068)/ 5, 1,-64, 5/ data bxy(1069),bxy(1070),bxy(1071),bxy(1072)/ 8, 5, 0,-64/ data bxy(1073),bxy(1074),bxy(1075),bxy(1076)/ 5, 2, 3, 0/ data bxy(1077),bxy(1078),bxy(1079),bxy(1080)/ 1, 0, 0, 1/ data bxy(1081),bxy(1082),bxy(1083),bxy(1084)/ 0, 4, 1, 5/ data bxy(1085),bxy(1086),bxy(1087),bxy(1088)/ 3, 5, 5, 3/ data bxy(1089),bxy(1090),bxy(1091),bxy(1092)/-64, 0, 3, 6/ data bxy(1093),bxy(1094),bxy(1095),bxy(1096)/ 3, 6, 4, 5/ data bxy(1097),bxy(1098),bxy(1099),bxy(1100)/ 5, 1, 5, 0/ data bxy(1101),bxy(1102),bxy(1103),bxy(1104)/ 4, 0, 1, 1/ data bxy(1105),bxy(1106),bxy(1107),bxy(1108)/ 0, 5, 0,-64/ data bxy(1109),bxy(1110),bxy(1111),bxy(1112)/ 2, 0, 2, 7/ data bxy(1113),bxy(1114),bxy(1115),bxy(1116)/ 3, 8, 4, 8/ data bxy(1117),bxy(1118),bxy(1119),bxy(1120)/ 5, 7,-64, 0/ data bxy(1121),bxy(1122),bxy(1123),bxy(1124)/ 4, 4, 4,-64/ data bxy(1125),bxy(1126),bxy(1127),bxy(1128)/ 5, 2, 3, 0/ data bxy(1129),bxy(1130),bxy(1131),bxy(1132)/ 1, 0, 0, 1/ data bxy(1133),bxy(1134),bxy(1135),bxy(1136)/ 0, 4, 1, 5/ data bxy(1137),bxy(1138),bxy(1139),bxy(1140)/ 3, 5, 5, 3/ data bxy(1141),bxy(1142),bxy(1143),bxy(1144)/-64, 5, 5, 5/ data bxy(1145),bxy(1146),bxy(1147),bxy(1148)/ -3, 4, -4, 1/ data bxy(1149),bxy(1150),bxy(1151),bxy(1152)/ -4, 0, -3, 0/ data bxy(1153),bxy(1154),bxy(1155),bxy(1156)/ 0, 0, 8,-64/ data bxy(1157),bxy(1158),bxy(1159),bxy(1160)/ 0, 3, 2, 5/ data bxy(1161),bxy(1162),bxy(1163),bxy(1164)/ 5, 5, 6, 4/ data bxy(1165),bxy(1166),bxy(1167),bxy(1168)/ 6, 0,-64, 2/ data bxy(1169),bxy(1170),bxy(1171),bxy(1172)/ 0, 4, 0,-64/ data bxy(1173),bxy(1174),bxy(1175),bxy(1176)/ 3, 0, 3, 5/ data bxy(1177),bxy(1178),bxy(1179),bxy(1180)/ 2, 5,-64, 2/ data bxy(1181),bxy(1182),bxy(1183),bxy(1184)/ 7, 3, 7, 3/ data bxy(1185),bxy(1186),bxy(1187),bxy(1188)/ 8, 2, 8, 2/ data bxy(1189),bxy(1190),bxy(1191),bxy(1192)/ 7,-64, 5, 7/ data bxy(1193),bxy(1194),bxy(1195),bxy(1196)/ 5, 8, 4, 8/ data bxy(1197),bxy(1198),bxy(1199),bxy(1200)/ 4, 7, 5, 7/ data bxy(1201),bxy(1202),bxy(1203),bxy(1204)/-64, 4, 5, 5/ data bxy(1205),bxy(1206),bxy(1207),bxy(1208)/ 5, 5, -3, 4/ data bxy(1209),bxy(1210),bxy(1211),bxy(1212)/ -4, 2, -4, 1/ data bxy(1213),bxy(1214),bxy(1215),bxy(1216)/ -3, 0, 0, 0/ data bxy(1217),bxy(1218),bxy(1219),bxy(1220)/ 8,-64, 4, 5/ data bxy(1221),bxy(1222),bxy(1223),bxy(1224)/ 0, 1,-64, 2/ data bxy(1225),bxy(1226),bxy(1227),bxy(1228)/ 3, 5, 0,-64/ data bxy(1229),bxy(1230),bxy(1231),bxy(1232)/ 2, 0, 4, 0/ data bxy(1233),bxy(1234),bxy(1235),bxy(1236)/-64, 3, 0, 3/ data bxy(1237),bxy(1238),bxy(1239),bxy(1240)/ 8, 2, 8, 0/ data bxy(1241),bxy(1242),bxy(1243),bxy(1244)/ 0, 0, 5, 2/ data bxy(1245),bxy(1246),bxy(1247),bxy(1248)/ 5, 3, 4, 3/ data bxy(1249),bxy(1250),bxy(1251),bxy(1252)/ 0,-64, 3, 4/ data bxy(1253),bxy(1254),bxy(1255),bxy(1256)/ 4, 5, 5, 5/ data bxy(1257),bxy(1258),bxy(1259),bxy(1260)/ 6, 4, 6, 0/ data bxy(1261),bxy(1262),bxy(1263),bxy(1264)/ 0, 0, 0, 5/ data bxy(1265),bxy(1266),bxy(1267),bxy(1268)/-64, 0, 3, 2/ data bxy(1269),bxy(1270),bxy(1271),bxy(1272)/ 5, 4, 5, 5/ data bxy(1273),bxy(1274),bxy(1275),bxy(1276)/ 4, 5, 0,-64/ data bxy(1277),bxy(1278),bxy(1279),bxy(1280)/ 5, 4, 4, 5/ data bxy(1281),bxy(1282),bxy(1283),bxy(1284)/ 1, 5, 0, 4/ data bxy(1285),bxy(1286),bxy(1287),bxy(1288)/ 0, 1, 1, 0/ data bxy(1289),bxy(1290),bxy(1291),bxy(1292)/ 4, 0, 5, 1/ data bxy(1293),bxy(1294),bxy(1295),bxy(1296)/ 5, 4,-64, 0/ data bxy(1297),bxy(1298),bxy(1299),bxy(1300)/ -4, 0, 5,-64/ data bxy(1301),bxy(1302),bxy(1303),bxy(1304)/ 0, 3, 2, 5/ data bxy(1305),bxy(1306),bxy(1307),bxy(1308)/ 4, 5, 5, 4/ data bxy(1309),bxy(1310),bxy(1311),bxy(1312)/ 5, 1, 4, 0/ data bxy(1313),bxy(1314),bxy(1315),bxy(1316)/ 2, 0, 0, 2/ data bxy(1317),bxy(1318),bxy(1319),bxy(1320)/-64, 5, -4, 5/ data bxy(1321),bxy(1322),bxy(1323),bxy(1324)/ 5,-64, 5, 2/ data bxy(1325),bxy(1326),bxy(1327),bxy(1328)/ 3, 0, 1, 0/ data bxy(1329),bxy(1330),bxy(1331),bxy(1332)/ 0, 1, 0, 4/ data bxy(1333),bxy(1334),bxy(1335),bxy(1336)/ 1, 5, 3, 5/ data bxy(1337),bxy(1338),bxy(1339),bxy(1340)/ 5, 3, 0, 0/ data bxy(1341),bxy(1342),bxy(1343),bxy(1344)/ 0, 5,-64, 0/ data bxy(1345),bxy(1346),bxy(1347),bxy(1348)/ 3, 2, 5, 4/ data bxy(1349),bxy(1350),bxy(1351),bxy(1352)/ 5, 5, 4,-64/ data bxy(1353),bxy(1354),bxy(1355),bxy(1356)/-64,-64, 0, 1/ data bxy(1357),bxy(1358),bxy(1359),bxy(1360)/ 1, 0, 4, 0/ data bxy(1361),bxy(1362),bxy(1363),bxy(1364)/ 5, 1, 4, 2/ data bxy(1365),bxy(1366),bxy(1367),bxy(1368)/ 1, 3, 0, 4/ data bxy(1369),bxy(1370),bxy(1371),bxy(1372)/ 1, 5, 4, 5/ data bxy(1373),bxy(1374),bxy(1375),bxy(1376)/ 5, 4,-64, 2/ data bxy(1377),bxy(1378),bxy(1379),bxy(1380)/ 8, 2, 1, 3/ data bxy(1381),bxy(1382),bxy(1383),bxy(1384)/ 0, 4, 0, 5/ data bxy(1385),bxy(1386),bxy(1387),bxy(1388)/ 1,-64, 0, 5/ data bxy(1389),bxy(1390),bxy(1391),bxy(1392)/ 4, 5,-64, 0/ data bxy(1393),bxy(1394),bxy(1395),bxy(1396)/ 5, 0, 1, 1/ data bxy(1397),bxy(1398),bxy(1399),bxy(1400)/ 0, 4, 0, 5/ data bxy(1401),bxy(1402),bxy(1403),bxy(1404)/ 1,-64, 5, 5/ data bxy(1405),bxy(1406),bxy(1407),bxy(1408)/ 5, 0,-64, 0/ data bxy(1409),bxy(1410),bxy(1411),bxy(1412)/ 5, 0, 3, 3/ data bxy(1413),bxy(1414),bxy(1415),bxy(1416)/ 0, 6, 3, 6/ data bxy(1417),bxy(1418),bxy(1419),bxy(1420)/ 5,-64, 0, 5/ data bxy(1421),bxy(1422),bxy(1423),bxy(1424)/ 0, 1, 1, 0/ data bxy(1425),bxy(1426),bxy(1427),bxy(1428)/ 2, 0, 3, 1/ data bxy(1429),bxy(1430),bxy(1431),bxy(1432)/ 3, 4,-64, 3/ data bxy(1433),bxy(1434),bxy(1435),bxy(1436)/ 1, 4, 0, 5/ data bxy(1437),bxy(1438),bxy(1439),bxy(1440)/ 0, 6, 1, 6/ data bxy(1441),bxy(1442),bxy(1443),bxy(1444)/ 5, 0, 0, 5/ data bxy(1445),bxy(1446),bxy(1447),bxy(1448)/ 5,-64, 0, 5/ data bxy(1449),bxy(1450),bxy(1451),bxy(1452)/ 5, 0,-64, 0/ data bxy(1453),bxy(1454),bxy(1455),bxy(1456)/ 5, 0, 1, 1/ data bxy(1457),bxy(1458),bxy(1459),bxy(1460)/ 0, 4, 0, 5/ data bxy(1461),bxy(1462),bxy(1463),bxy(1464)/ 1,-64, 5, 5/ data bxy(1465),bxy(1466),bxy(1467),bxy(1468)/ 5, -3, 4, -4/ data bxy(1469),bxy(1470),bxy(1471),bxy(1472)/ 1, -4, 0, -3/ data bxy(1473),bxy(1474),bxy(1475),bxy(1476)/-64, 0, 5, 5/ data bxy(1477),bxy(1478),bxy(1479),bxy(1480)/ 5, 0, 0, 5/ data bxy(1481),bxy(1482),bxy(1483),bxy(1484)/ 0,-64, 3, 8/ data bxy(1485),bxy(1486),bxy(1487),bxy(1488)/ 2, 8, 1, 7/ data bxy(1489),bxy(1490),bxy(1491),bxy(1492)/ 1, 5, 0, 4/ data bxy(1493),bxy(1494),bxy(1495),bxy(1496)/ 1, 3, 1, 1/ data bxy(1497),bxy(1498),bxy(1499),bxy(1500)/ 2, 0, 3, 0/ data bxy(1501),bxy(1502),bxy(1503),bxy(1504)/-64, 3, 8, 3/ data bxy(1505),bxy(1506),bxy(1507),bxy(1508)/ 0,-64, 3, 8/ data 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