23 March 2009 5:00:27.532 PM QUAD_OPEN_MP FORTRAN77/OpenMP version Estimate the integral of a function F(X) defined over a multidimensional domain using a quadrature rule stored in 3 files. Use OpenMP to compute the weighted sum in a parallel loop. The number of processors available: OMP_GET_NUM_PROCS () = 2 The number of threads is 4 QUAD_OPEN_MP: User input: Quadrature rule X file = "cc_d10_level5_x.txt". Quadrature rule W file = "cc_d10_level5_w.txt". Quadrature rule R file = "cc_d10_level5_r.txt". Spatial dimension = 10 Number of points = 41265 Prob Dim Points Approx Exact Error Time 28 10 41265 0.470053 0.470089 0.36E-04 0.65E-02 QUAD_OPEN_MP: Normal end of execution. 23 March 2009 5:00:32.203 PM