12 January 2017 8:01:53.850 PM QUAD2_MPI FORTRAN77/MPI version Estimate the integral of a function F(X) defined over a multidimensional domain using a quadrature rule stored in 3 files. Use MPI to divide the computation among multiple processes. The parallel processing is carried out as follows, with process 0 playing the role of "master": Process 0: * Reads 3 files defining a quadrature rule. * Divides the quadrature rule into PROC_NUM portions, sending one portion to each processor (including itself). * Carries out its portion of the computation. * Collects and sums the contributions from other processes. Process I: * Receives one portion of the quadrature rule; * Carries out its portion of the computation. * Sends its contribution to process 0. QUAD2_MPI: User input: Quadrature X file = cc_d2_level5_x.txt Quadrature W file = cc_d2_level5_w.txt Quadrature R file = cc_d2_level5_r.txt Spatial dimension = 2 Number of points = 145 Process 0 contributes QUAD_PROC = -2.80015 Process 1 contributes QUAD_PROC = -0.316656 Process 2 contributes QUAD_PROC = -0.195277 Process 3 contributes QUAD_PROC = 0.999694 Process 4 contributes QUAD_PROC = 1.37911 Process 5 contributes QUAD_PROC = 1.40995 Process 7 contributes QUAD_PROC = 1.89696 Process 6 contributes QUAD_PROC = 1.06588 Prob Dim Points Approx Exact Error 28 2 145 0.859876 0.859876 0.127727E-07 QUAD2_MPI: Normal end of execution. 12 January 2017 8:01:53.852 PM QUAD2_MPI: MPI Wallclock elapsed seconds = 0.203681E-02