n383(0): 6 November 2007 10:24:40.015 AM n383(0): n383(0): QUAD_GENZ_MPI n383(0): FORTRAN90 version n383(0): n383(0): This program reads 3 files defining a quadrature rule. n383(0): It applies the quadrature rule to a Genz integral. n383(0): The computation is carried out on multiple processors. n383(0): n383(0): QUAD_GENZ_MPI: User input: n383(0): Quadrature rule X file = "cc_d2_level5_x.txt". n383(0): Quadrature rule W file = "cc_d2_level5_w.txt". n383(0): Quadrature rule R file = "cc_d2_level5_r.txt". n383(0): n383(0): Spatial dimension = 2 n383(0): Number of points = 145 n383(0): n383(0): Prob Dim Points Approx Exact Error n383(0): n383(0): n383(0): Process 0 contributes QUAD_PROC = -3.11681 n383(0): n383(0): Process 1 contributes QUAD_PROC = 0.804417 n375(2): n375(2): Process 3 contributes QUAD_PROC = 2.96284 n375(2): n375(2): Process 2 contributes QUAD_PROC = 2.78906 n383(0): 28 2 145 0.859876 0.859876 0.127727E-07 n383(0): n383(0): QUAD_GENZ_MPI: n383(0): Normal end of execution. n383(0): n383(0): 6 November 2007 10:24:40.078 AM n383(0): n383(0): QUAD_GENZ_MPI: n383(0): MPI Wallclock elapsed seconds = 0.635310E-01 All nodes terminated successfully.