subroutine banfac ( w, nroww, nrow, nbandl, nbandu, iflag ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc BANFAC factors a banded matrix without pivoting. c c from * a practical guide to splines * by c. de boor c returns in w the lu-factorization (without pivoting) of the banded c matrix a of order nrow with (nbandl + 1 + nbandu) bands or diag- c onals in the work array w . c c****** i n p u t ****** c array of size (nroww,nrow) containing the interesting c part of a banded matrix a , with the diagonals or bands of a c stored in the rows of w , while columns of a correspond to c columns of w . this is the storage mode used in linpack and c results in efficient innermost loops. c explicitly, a has nbandl bands below the diagonal c + 1 (main) diagonal c + nbandu bands above the diagonal c and thus, with middle = nbandu + 1, c a(i+j,j) is in w(i+middle,j) for i=-nbandu,...,nbandl c j=1,...,nrow . c for example, the interesting entries of a (1,2)-banded matrix c of order 9 would appear in the first 1+1+2 = 4 rows of w c as follows. c c c c c c all other entries of w not identified in this way with an en- c try of a are never referenced . c nroww.....row dimension of the work array w . c must be .ge. nbandl + 1 + nbandu . c nbandl.....number of bands of a below the main diagonal c nbandu.....number of bands of a above the main diagonal . c c****** o u t p u t ****** c iflag.....integer indicating success( = 1) or failure ( = 2) . c if iflag = 1, then c w.....contains the lu-factorization of a into a unit lower triangu- c lar matrix l and an upper triangular matrix u (both banded) c and stored in customary fashion over the corresponding entries c of a . this makes it possible to solve any particular linear c system a*x = b for x by a c call banslv ( w, nroww, nrow, nbandl, nbandu, b ) c with the solution x contained in b on return . c if iflag = 2, then c one of nrow-1, nbandl,nbandu failed to be nonnegative, or else c one of the potential pivots was found to be zero indicating c that a does not have an lu-factorization. this implies that c a is singular in case it is totally positive . c c****** m e t h o d ****** c gauss elimination w i t h o u t pivoting is used. the routine is c intended for use with matrices a which do not require row inter- c changes during factorization, especially for the t o t a l l y c p o s i t i v e matrices which occur in spline calculations. c the routine should not be used for an arbitrary banded matrix. c implicit none integer iflag,nbandl,nbandu,nrow,nroww, i,ipk,j,jmax,k,kmax & ,middle,midmk,nrowm1 double precision w(nroww,nrow), factor,pivot c iflag = 1 middle = nbandu + 1 c w(middle,.) contains the main diagonal of a . nrowm1 = nrow - 1 if (nrowm1) 999,900,1 1 if (nbandl .gt. 0) go to 10 c a is upper triangular. check that diagonal is nonzero . do 5 i=1,nrowm1 if (w(middle,i) .eq. 0.0D+00) go to 999 5 continue go to 900 10 if (nbandu .gt. 0) go to 20 c a is lower triangular. check that diagonal is nonzero and c divide each column by its diagonal . do 15 i=1,nrowm1 pivot = w(middle,i) if(pivot .eq. 0.0D+00) go to 999 jmax = min0(nbandl, nrow - i) do 15 j=1,jmax 15 w(middle+j,i) = w(middle+j,i)/pivot return c c a is not just a triangular matrix. construct lu factorization 20 do 50 i=1,nrowm1 c w(middle,i) is pivot for i-th step . pivot = w(middle,i) if (pivot .eq. 0.0D+00) go to 999 c jmax is the number of (nonzero) entries in column i c below the diagonal . jmax = min0(nbandl,nrow - i) c divide each entry in column i below diagonal by pivot . do 32 j=1,jmax 32 w(middle+j,i) = w(middle+j,i)/pivot c kmax is the number of (nonzero) entries in row i to c the right of the diagonal . kmax = min0(nbandu,nrow - i) c subtract a(i,i+k)*(i-th column) from (i+k)-th column c (below row i ) . do 40 k=1,kmax ipk = i + k midmk = middle - k factor = w(midmk,ipk) do 40 j=1,jmax 40 w(midmk+j,ipk) = w(midmk+j,ipk) - w(middle+j,i)*factor 50 continue c check the last diagonal entry . 900 if (w(middle,nrow) .ne. 0.0D+00) return 999 iflag = 2 return end subroutine banslv ( w, nroww, nrow, nbandl, nbandu, b ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc BANSLV solves a banded linear system A * X = B factored by BANFAC. c c from * a practical guide to splines * by c. de boor c companion routine to banfac . it returns the solution x of the c linear system a*x = b in place of b , given the lu-factorization c for a in the workarray w . c c****** i n p u t ****** c w, nroww,nrow,nbandl,nbandu.....describe the lu-factorization of a c banded matrix a of order nrow as constructed in banfac . c for details, see banfac . c b.....right side of the system to be solved . c c****** o u t p u t ****** c b.....contains the solution x , of order nrow . c c****** m e t h o d ****** c (with a = l*u, as stored in w,) the unit lower triangular system c l(u*x) = b is solved for y = u*x, and y stored in b . then the c upper triangular system u*x = y is solved for x . the calcul- c ations are so arranged that the innermost loops stay within columns. c implicit none integer nbandl,nbandu,nrow,nroww, i,j,jmax,middle,nrowm1 double precision w(nroww,nrow),b(nrow) middle = nbandu + 1 if (nrow .eq. 1) go to 49 nrowm1 = nrow - 1 if (nbandl .eq. 0) go to 30 c forward pass c for i=1,2,...,nrow-1, subtract right side(i)*(i-th column c of l ) from right side (below i-th row) . do 21 i=1,nrowm1 jmax = min0(nbandl, nrow-i) do 21 j=1,jmax 21 b(i+j) = b(i+j) - b(i)*w(middle+j,i) c backward pass c for i=nrow,nrow-1,...,1, divide right side(i) by i-th diag- c onal entry of u, then subtract right side(i)*(i-th column c of u) from right side (above i-th row). 30 if (nbandu .gt. 0) go to 40 c a is lower triangular . do 31 i=1,nrow 31 b(i) = b(i)/w(1,i) return 40 i = nrow 41 b(i) = b(i)/w(middle,i) jmax = min0(nbandu,i-1) do 45 j=1,jmax 45 b(i-j) = b(i-j) - b(i)*w(middle-j,i) i = i - 1 if (i .gt. 1) go to 41 49 b(1) = b(1)/w(middle,1) return end subroutine bchfac ( w, nbands, nrow, diag ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc BCHFAC constructs a Cholesky factorization of a matrix. c c from * a practical guide to splines * by c. de boor constructs cholesky factorization c c = l * d * l-transpose c with l unit lower triangular and d diagonal, for given matrix c of c order n r o w , in case c is (symmetric) positive semidefinite c and b a n d e d , having n b a n d s diagonals at and below the c main diagonal. c c****** i n p u t ****** c the order of the matrix c . c nbands.....indicates its bandwidth, i.e., c c(i,j) = 0 for i-j .ge. nbands . c w.....workarray of size (nbands,nrow) containing the nbands diago- c nals in its rows, with the main diagonal in row 1 . precisely, c w(i,j) contains c(i+j-1,j), i=1,...,nbands, j=1,...,nrow. c for example, the interesting entries of a seven diagonal sym- c metric matrix c of order 9 would be stored in w as c c c c c c c all other entries of w not identified in this way with an en- c try of c are never referenced . c a work array of length nrow . c c****** o u t p u t ****** c w.....contains the cholesky factorization c = l*d*l-transp, with c w(1,i) containing 1/d(i,i) c and w(i,j) containing l(i-1+j,j), i=2,...,nbands. c c****** m e t h o d ****** c gauss elimination, adapted to the symmetry and bandedness of c , is c used . c near zero pivots are handled in a special way. the diagonal ele- c ment c(n,n) = w(1,n) is saved initially in diag(n), all n. at the n- c th elimination step, the current pivot element, viz. w(1,n), is com- c pared with its original value, diag(n). if, as the result of prior c elimination steps, this element has been reduced by about a word c length, (i.e., if w(1,n)+diag(n) .le. diag(n)), then the pivot is de- c clared to be zero, and the entire n-th row is declared to be linearly c dependent on the preceding rows. this has the effect of producing c x(n) = 0 when solving c*x = b for x, regardless of b. justific- c ation for this is as follows. in contemplated applications of this c program, the given equations are the normal equations for some least- c squares approximation problem, diag(n) = c(n,n) gives the norm-square c of the n-th basis function, and, at this point, w(1,n) contains the c norm-square of the error in the least-squares approximation to the n- c th basis function by linear combinations of the first n-1 . having c w(1,n)+diag(n) .le. diag(n) signifies that the n-th function is lin- c early dependent to machine accuracy on the first n-1 functions, there c fore can safely be left out from the basis of approximating functions c the solution of a linear system c c*x = b c is effected by the succession of the following t w o calls: c call bchfac ( w, nbands, nrow, diag ) , to get factorization c call bchslv ( w, nbands, nrow, b ) , to solve for x. c implicit none integer nbands,nrow, i,imax,j,jmax,n double precision w(nbands,nrow),diag(nrow), ratio if (nrow .gt. 1) go to 9 if (w(1,1) .gt. 0.0D+00) w(1,1) = 1.0D+00/w(1,1) return c store diagonal of c in diag. 9 do 10 n=1,nrow 10 diag(n) = w(1,n) c factorization . do 20 n=1,nrow if (w(1,n)+diag(n) .gt. diag(n)) go to 15 do 14 j=1,nbands 14 w(j,n) = 0.0D+00 go to 20 15 w(1,n) = 1./w(1,n) imax = min0(nbands-1,nrow - n) if (imax .lt. 1) go to 20 jmax = imax do 18 i=1,imax ratio = w(i+1,n)*w(1,n) do 17 j=1,jmax 17 w(j,n+i) = w(j,n+i) - w(j+i,n)*ratio jmax = jmax - 1 18 w(i+1,n) = ratio 20 continue return end subroutine bchslv ( w, nbands, nrow, b ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc BCHSLV solves a banded symmetric positive definite system. c c from * a practical guide to splines * by c. de boor c solves the linear system c*x = b of order n r o w for x c provided w contains the cholesky factorization for the banded (sym- c metric) positive definite matrix c as constructed in the subroutine c b c h f a c (quo vide). c c****** i n p u t ****** c the order of the matrix c . c nbands.....indicates the bandwidth of c . c w.....contains the cholesky factorization for c , as output from c subroutine bchfac (quo vide). c b.....the vector of length n r o w containing the right side. c c****** o u t p u t ****** c b.....the vector of length n r o w containing the solution. c c****** m e t h o d ****** c with the factorization c = l*d*l-transpose available, where l is c unit lower triangular and d is diagonal, the triangular system c l*y = b is solved for y (forward substitution), y is stored in b, c the vector d**(-1)*y is computed and stored in b, then the triang- c ular system l-transpose*x = d**(-1)*y is solved for x (backsubstit- c ution). c implicit none integer nbands,nrow, j,jmax,n,nbndm1 double precision w(nbands,nrow),b(nrow) if (nrow .gt. 1) go to 21 b(1) = b(1)*w(1,1) return c c forward substitution. solve l*y = b for y, store in b. 21 nbndm1 = nbands - 1 do 30 n=1,nrow jmax = min0(nbndm1,nrow-n) if (jmax .lt. 1) go to 30 do 25 j=1,jmax 25 b(j+n) = b(j+n) - w(j+1,n)*b(n) 30 continue c c backsubstitution. solve l-transp.x = d**(-1)*y for x, store in b. n = nrow 39 b(n) = b(n)*w(1,n) jmax = min0(nbndm1,nrow-n) if (jmax .lt. 1) go to 40 do 35 j=1,jmax 35 b(n) = b(n) - w(j+1,n)*b(j+n) 40 n = n-1 if (n .gt. 0) go to 39 return end subroutine bsplpp ( t, bcoef, n, k, scrtch, break, coef, l ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc BSPLPP converts from B-spline to piecewise polynomial form. c c from * a practical guide to splines * by c. de Boor (7 may 92) calls bsplvb c converts the b-representation t, bcoef, n, k of some spline into its c pp-representation break, coef, l, k . c c****** i n p u t ****** c t.....knot sequence, of length n+k c bcoef.....b-spline coefficient sequence, of length n c n.....length of bcoef and dimension of spline space spline(k,t) c k.....order of the spline c c w a r n i n g . . . the restriction k .le. kmax (= 20) is impo- c sed by the arbitrary dimension statement for biatx below, but c is n o w h e r e c h e c k e d for. c c****** w o r k a r e a ****** c scrtch......of size (k,k) , needed to contain bcoeffs of a piece of c the spline and its k-1 derivatives c c****** o u t p u t ****** c break.....breakpoint sequence, of length l+1, contains (in increas- c ing order) the distinct points in the sequence t(k),...,t(n+1) c coef.....array of size (k,l), with coef(i,j) = (i-1)st derivative of c spline at break(j) from the right c l.....number of polynomial pieces which make up the spline in the in- c terval (t(k), t(n+1)) c c****** m e t h o d ****** c for each breakpoint interval, the k relevant b-coeffs of the c spline are found and then differenced repeatedly to get the b-coeffs c of all the derivatives of the spline on that interval. the spline and c its first k-1 derivatives are then evaluated at the left end point c of that interval, using bsplvb repeatedly to obtain the values of c all b-splines of the appropriate order at that point. c implicit none integer k,l,n, i,j,jp1,kmax,kmj,left,lsofar parameter (kmax = 20) double precision bcoef(n),break(l+1),coef(k,l),t(n+k), scrtch(k,k) & ,biatx(kmax),diff,factor,sum c lsofar = 0 break(1) = t(k) do 50 left=k,n c find the next nontrivial knot interval. if (t(left+1) .eq. t(left)) go to 50 lsofar = lsofar + 1 break(lsofar+1) = t(left+1) if (k .gt. 1) go to 9 coef(1,lsofar) = bcoef(left) go to 50 c store the k b-spline coeff.s relevant to current knot interval c in scrtch(.,1) . 9 do 10 i=1,k 10 scrtch(i,1) = bcoef(left-k+i) c c for j=1,...,k-1, compute the k-j b-spline coeff.s relevant to c current knot interval for the j-th derivative by differencing c those for the (j-1)st derivative, and store in scrtch(.,j+1) . do 20 jp1=2,k j = jp1 - 1 kmj = k - j do 20 i=1,kmj diff = t(left+i) - t(left+i - kmj) if (diff .gt. 0.0D+00) scrtch(i,jp1) = & (scrtch(i+1,j)-scrtch(i,j))/diff 20 continue c c for j = 0, ..., k-1, find the values at t(left) of the j+1 c b-splines of order j+1 whose support contains the current c knot interval from those of order j (in biatx ), then comb- c ine with the b-spline coeff.s (in scrtch(.,k-j) ) found earlier c to compute the (k-j-1)st derivative at t(left) of the given c spline. c note. if the repeated calls to bsplvb are thought to gene- c rate too much overhead, then replace the first call by c biatx(1) = 1. c and the subsequent call by the statement c j = jp1 - 1 c followed by a direct copy of the lines c deltar(j) = t(left+j) - x c ...... c biatx(j+1) = saved c from bsplvb . deltal(kmax) and deltar(kmax) would have to c appear in a dimension statement, of course. c call bsplvb ( t, 1, 1, t(left), left, biatx ) coef(k,lsofar) = scrtch(1,k) do 30 jp1=2,k call bsplvb ( t, jp1, 2, t(left), left, biatx ) kmj = k+1 - jp1 sum = 0.0D+00 do 28 i=1,jp1 28 sum = biatx(i)*scrtch(i,kmj) + sum 30 coef(kmj,lsofar) = sum 50 continue l = lsofar if (k .eq. 1) return factor = 1.0D+00 do 60 i=2,k factor = factor*dble(k+1-i) do 60 j=1,lsofar 60 coef(i,j) = coef(i,j)*factor return end subroutine bsplvb ( t, jhigh, index, x, left, biatx ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc BSPLVB evaluates B-splines at a point X with a given knot sequence. c c from * a practical guide to splines * by c. de boor calculates the value of all possibly nonzero b-splines at x of order c c jout = max( jhigh , (j+1)*(index-1) ) c c with knot sequence t . c c****** i n p u t ****** c t.....knot sequence, of length left + jout , assumed to be nonde- c creasing. a s s u m p t i o n . . . . c t(left) .lt. t(left + 1) . c d i v i s i o n b y z e r o will result if t(left) = t(left+1) c jhigh, c index.....integers which determine the order jout = max(jhigh, c (j+1)*(index-1)) of the b-splines whose values at x are to c be returned. index is used to avoid recalculations when seve- c ral columns of the triangular array of b-spline values are nee- c ded (e.g., in bsplpp or in bsplvd ). precisely, c if index = 1 , c the calculation starts from scratch and the entire triangular c array of b-spline values of orders 1,2,...,jhigh is generated c order by order , i.e., column by column . c if index = 2 , c only the b-spline values of order j+1, j+2, ..., jout are ge- c nerated, the assumption being that biatx , j , deltal , deltar c are, on entry, as they were on exit at the previous call. c in particular, if jhigh = 0, then jout = j+1, i.e., just c the next column of b-spline values is generated. c c w a r n i n g . . . the restriction jout .le. jmax (= 20) is im- c posed arbitrarily by the dimension statement for deltal and c deltar below, but is n o w h e r e c h e c k e d for . c c x.....the point at which the b-splines are to be evaluated. c integer chosen (usually) so that c t(left) .le. x .le. t(left+1) . c c****** o u t p u t ****** c biatx.....array of length jout , with biatx(i) containing the val- c ue at x of the polynomial of order jout which agrees with c the b-spline b(left-jout+i,jout,t) on the interval (t(left), c t(left+1)) . c c****** m e t h o d ****** c the recurrence relation c c x - t(i) t(i+j+1) - x c b(i,j+1)(x) = -----------b(i,j)(x) + ---------------b(i+1,j)(x) c t(i+j)-t(i) t(i+j+1)-t(i+1) c c is used (repeatedly) to generate the (j+1)-vector b(left-j,j+1)(x), c ...,b(left,j+1)(x) from the j-vector b(left-j+1,j)(x),..., c b(left,j)(x), storing the new values in biatx over the old. the c facts that c b(i,1) = 1 if t(i) .le. x .lt. t(i+1) c and that c b(i,j)(x) = 0 unless t(i) .le. x .lt. t(i+j) c are used. the particular organization of the calculations follows al- c gorithm (8) in chapter x of the text. c implicit none integer index,jhigh,left, i,j,jmax,jp1 parameter (jmax = 20) double precision biatx(jhigh),t(1),x,deltal(jmax), & deltar(jmax),saved,term c c dimension biatx(jout), t(left+jout) current fortran standard makes it impossible to specify the length of c t and of biatx precisely without the introduction of otherwise c superfluous additional arguments. data j/1/ save j,deltal,deltar c go to (10,20), index 10 j = 1 biatx(1) = 1.0D+00 if (j .ge. jhigh) go to 99 c 20 jp1 = j + 1 deltar(j) = t(left+j) - x deltal(j) = x - t(left+1-j) saved = 0.0D+00 do 26 i=1,j term = biatx(i)/(deltar(i) + deltal(jp1-i)) biatx(i) = saved + deltar(i)*term 26 saved = deltal(jp1-i)*term biatx(jp1) = saved j = jp1 if (j .lt. jhigh) go to 20 c 99 return end subroutine bsplvd ( t, k, x, left, a, dbiatx, nderiv ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc BSPLVD calculates the nonvanishing B-splines and derivatives at X. c c from * a practical guide to splines * by c. de Boor (7 may 92) calls bsplvb calculates value and deriv.s of all b-splines which do not vanish at x c c****** i n p u t ****** c t the knot array, of length left+k (at least) c k the order of the b-splines to be evaluated c x the point at which these values are sought c left an integer indicating the left endpoint of the interval of c interest. the k b-splines whose support contains the interval c (t(left), t(left+1)) c are to be considered. c a s s u m p t i o n - - - it is assumed that c t(left) .lt. t(left+1) c division by zero will result otherwise (in b s p l v b ). c also, the output is as advertised only if c t(left) .le. x .le. t(left+1) . c nderiv an integer indicating that values of b-splines and their c derivatives up to but not including the nderiv-th are asked c for. ( nderiv is replaced internally by the integer m h i g h c in (1,k) closest to it.) c c****** w o r k a r e a ****** c a an array of order (k,k), to contain b-coeff.s of the derivat- c ives of a certain order of the k b-splines of interest. c c****** o u t p u t ****** c dbiatx an array of order (k,nderiv). its entry (i,m) contains c value of (m-1)st derivative of (left-k+i)-th b-spline of c order k for knot sequence t , i=1,...,k, m=1,...,nderiv. c c****** m e t h o d ****** c values at x of all the relevant b-splines of order k,k-1,..., c k+1-nderiv are generated via bsplvb and stored temporarily in c dbiatx . then, the b-coeffs of the required derivatives of the b- c splines of interest are generated by differencing, each from the pre- c ceding one of lower order, and combined with the values of b-splines c of corresponding order in dbiatx to produce the desired values . c implicit none integer k,left,nderiv, i,ideriv,il,j,jlow,jp1mid,kp1,kp1mm * ,ldummy,m,mhigh double precision a(k,k),dbiatx(k,nderiv),t(1),x, & factor,fkp1mm,sum mhigh = max0(min0(nderiv,k),1) c mhigh is usually equal to nderiv. kp1 = k+1 call bsplvb(t,kp1-mhigh,1,x,left,dbiatx) if (mhigh .eq. 1) go to 99 c the first column of dbiatx always contains the b-spline values c for the current order. these are stored in column k+1-current c order before bsplvb is called to put values for the next c higher order on top of it. ideriv = mhigh do 15 m=2,mhigh jp1mid = 1 do 11 j=ideriv,k dbiatx(j,ideriv) = dbiatx(jp1mid,1) 11 jp1mid = jp1mid + 1 ideriv = ideriv - 1 call bsplvb(t,kp1-ideriv,2,x,left,dbiatx) 15 continue c c at this point, b(left-k+i, k+1-j)(x) is in dbiatx(i,j) for c i=j,...,k and j=1,...,mhigh ('=' nderiv). in particular, the c first column of dbiatx is already in final form. to obtain cor- c responding derivatives of b-splines in subsequent columns, gene- c rate their b-repr. by differencing, then evaluate at x. c jlow = 1 do 20 i=1,k do 19 j=jlow,k 19 a(j,i) = 0.0D+00 jlow = i 20 a(i,i) = 1.0D+00 c at this point, a(.,j) contains the b-coeffs for the j-th of the c k b-splines of interest here. c do 40 m=2,mhigh kp1mm = kp1 - m fkp1mm = dble(kp1mm) il = left i = k c c for j=1,...,k, construct b-coeffs of (m-1)st derivative of c b-splines from those for preceding derivative by differencing c and store again in a(.,j) . the fact that a(i,j) = 0 for c i .lt. j is used. do 25 ldummy=1,kp1mm factor = fkp1mm/(t(il+kp1mm) - t(il)) c the assumption that t(left).lt.t(left+1) makes denominator c in factor nonzero. do 24 j=1,i 24 a(i,j) = (a(i,j) - a(i-1,j))*factor il = il - 1 25 i = i - 1 c c for i=1,...,k, combine b-coeffs a(.,i) with b-spline values c stored in dbiatx(.,m) to get value of (m-1)st derivative of c i-th b-spline (of interest here) at x , and store in c dbiatx(i,m). storage of this value over the value of a b-spline c of order m there is safe since the remaining b-spline derivat- c ives of the same order do not use this value due to the fact c that a(j,i) = 0 for j .lt. i . do 40 i=1,k sum = 0.0D+00 jlow = max0(i,m) do 35 j=jlow,k 35 sum = a(j,i)*dbiatx(j,m) + sum 40 dbiatx(i,m) = sum 99 return end subroutine bspp2d ( t, bcoef, n, k, m, scrtch, break, coef) ******** c*********************************************************************72 c cc BSPP2D converts from B-spline to piecewise polynomial representation. c c from * a practical guide to splines * by c. de Boor calls bsplvb c this is an extended version of bsplpp for use with tensor products -------- c converts the b-representation t, bcoef(.,j), n, k of some spline into -------- c its pp-representation break, coef(j,.,.), l, k , j=1, ..., m . -------- c c****** i n p u t ****** c t.....knot sequence, of length n+k c bcoef(.,j) b-spline coefficient sequence, of length n ,j=1,...,m -------- c n.....length of bcoef and dimension of spline space spline(k,t) c k.....order of the spline c c w a r n i n g . . . the restriction k .le. kmax (= 20) is impo- c sed by the arbitrary dimension statement for biatx below, but c is n o w h e r e c h e c k e d for. c c m number of data sets ******** c c****** w o r k a r e a ****** c scrtch of size (k,k,m), needed to contain bcoeffs of a piece of ******** c the spline and its k-1 derivatives for each of the m sets -------- c c****** o u t p u t ****** c break.....breakpoint sequence, of length l+1, contains (in increas- c ing order) the distinct points in the sequence t(k),...,t(n+1) c coef(mm,.,.) array of size (k,n), with coef(mm,i,j) = (i-1)st der- ******** c ivative of mm-th spline at break(j) from the right, mm=1,.,m ******** c c****** m e t h o d ****** c for each breakpoint interval, the k relevant b-coeffs of the c spline are found and then differenced repeatedly to get the b-coeffs c of all the derivatives of the spline on that interval. the spline and c its first k-1 derivatives are then evaluated at the left end point c of that interval, using bsplvb repeatedly to obtain the values of c all b-splines of the appropriate order at that point. c implicit none integer k,m,n, i,j,jp1,kmax,kmj,left,lsofar,mm ******** parameter (kmax = 20) double precision bcoef(n,m),break(n+2-k),coef(m,k,n+1-k),t(n+k) ******** & ,scrtch(k,k,m),biatx(kmax),diff,fkmj,sum c lsofar = 0 break(1) = t(k) do 50 left=k,n c find the next nontrivial knot interval. if (t(left+1) .eq. t(left)) go to 50 lsofar = lsofar + 1 break(lsofar+1) = t(left+1) if (k .gt. 1) go to 9 do 5 mm=1,m ******** 5 coef(mm,1,lsofar) = bcoef(left,mm) ******** go to 50 c store the k b-spline coeff.s relevant to current knot interval c in scrtch(.,1) . 9 do 10 i=1,k do 10 mm=1,m ******** 10 scrtch(i,1,mm) = bcoef(left-k+i,mm) ******** c c for j=1,...,k-1, compute the k-j b-spline coeff.s relevant to c current knot interval for the j-th derivative by differencing c those for the (j-1)st derivative, and store in scrtch(.,j+1) . do 20 jp1=2,k j = jp1 - 1 kmj = k - j fkmj = dble(kmj) do 20 i=1,kmj diff = (t(left+i) - t(left+i - kmj))/fkmj -------- if (diff .le. 0.0D+00) go to 20 -------- do 15 mm=1,m ******** 15 scrtch(i,jp1,mm) = ******** * (scrtch(i+1,j,mm) - scrtch(i,j,mm))/diff ******** 20 continue c c for j = 0, ..., k-1, find the values at t(left) of the j+1 c b-splines of order j+1 whose support contains the current c knot interval from those of order j (in biatx ), then comb- c ine with the b-spline coeff.s (in scrtch(.,k-j) ) found earlier c to compute the (k-j-1)st derivative at t(left) of the given c spline. c note. if the repeated calls to bsplvb are thought to gene- c rate too much overhead, then replace the first call by c biatx(1) = 1. c and the subsequent call by the statement c j = jp1 - 1 c followed by a direct copy of the lines c deltar(j) = t(left+j) - x c ...... c biatx(j+1) = saved c from bsplvb . deltal(kmax) and deltar(kmax) would have to c appear in a dimension statement, of course. c call bsplvb ( t, 1, 1, t(left), left, biatx ) do 25 mm=1,m ******** 25 coef(mm,k,lsofar) = scrtch(1,k,mm) ******** do 30 jp1=2,k call bsplvb ( t, jp1, 2, t(left), left, biatx ) kmj = k+1 - jp1 do 30 mm=1,m ******** sum = 0.0D+00 -------- do 28 i=1,jp1 -------- 28 sum = biatx(i)*scrtch(i,kmj,mm) + sum ******** 30 coef(mm,kmj,lsofar) = sum ******** 50 continue return end double precision function bvalue ( t, bcoef, n, k, x, jderiv ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc BVALUE evaluates a derivative of a spline from its B-spline representation. c c from * a practical guide to splines * by c. de boor calls interv c calculates value at x of jderiv-th derivative of spline from b-repr. c the spline is taken to be continuous from the right, EXCEPT at the c rightmost knot, where it is taken to be continuous from the left. c c****** i n p u t ****** c t, bcoef, n, k......forms the b-representation of the spline f to c be evaluated. specifically, c t.....knot sequence, of length n+k, assumed nondecreasing. c bcoef.....b-coefficient sequence, of length n . c n.....length of bcoef and dimension of spline(k,t), c a s s u m e d positive . c k.....order of the spline . c c w a r n i n g . . . the restriction k .le. kmax (=20) is imposed c arbitrarily by the dimension statement for aj, dl, dr below, c but is n o w h e r e c h e c k e d for. c c x.....the point at which to evaluate . c jderiv.....integer giving the order of the derivative to be evaluated c a s s u m e d to be zero or positive. c c****** o u t p u t ****** c bvalue.....the value of the (jderiv)-th derivative of f at x . c c****** m e t h o d ****** c The nontrivial knot interval (t(i),t(i+1)) containing x is lo- c cated with the aid of interv . The k b-coeffs of f relevant for c this interval are then obtained from bcoef (or taken to be zero if c not explicitly available) and are then differenced jderiv times to c obtain the b-coeffs of (d**jderiv)f relevant for that interval. c Precisely, with j = jderiv, we have from x.(12) of the text that c c (d**j)f = sum ( bcoef(.,j)*b(.,k-j,t) ) c c where c / bcoef(.), , j .eq. 0 c / c bcoef(.,j) = / bcoef(.,j-1) - bcoef(.-1,j-1) c / ----------------------------- , j .gt. 0 c / (t(.+k-j) - t(.))/(k-j) c c Then, we use repeatedly the fact that c c sum ( a(.)*b(.,m,t)(x) ) = sum ( a(.,x)*b(.,m-1,t)(x) ) c with c (x - t(.))*a(.) + (t(.+m-1) - x)*a(.-1) c a(.,x) = --------------------------------------- c (x - t(.)) + (t(.+m-1) - x) c c to write (d**j)f(x) eventually as a linear combination of b-splines c of order 1 , and the coefficient for b(i,1,t)(x) must then be the c desired number (d**j)f(x). (see x.(17)-(19) of text). c implicit none integer jderiv,k,n, i,ilo,imk,j,jc,jcmin,jcmax,jj,kmax,kmj,km1 & ,mflag,nmi,jdrvp1 parameter (kmax = 20) double precision bcoef(n),t(n+k),x, & aj(kmax),dl(kmax),dr(kmax),fkmj bvalue = 0.0D+00 if (jderiv .ge. k) go to 99 c c *** Find i s.t. 1 .le. i .lt. n+k and t(i) .lt. t(i+1) and c t(i) .le. x .lt. t(i+1) . If no such i can be found, x lies c outside the support of the spline f , hence bvalue = 0. c (The asymmetry in this choice of i makes f rightcontinuous, except c at t(n+k) where it is leftcontinuous.) call interv ( t, n+k, x, i, mflag ) if (mflag .ne. 0) go to 99 c *** if k = 1 (and jderiv = 0), bvalue = bcoef(i). km1 = k - 1 if (km1 .gt. 0) go to 1 bvalue = bcoef(i) go to 99 c c *** store the k b-spline coefficients relevant for the knot interval c (t(i),t(i+1)) in aj(1),...,aj(k) and compute dl(j) = x - t(i+1-j), c dr(j) = t(i+j) - x, j=1,...,k-1 . set any of the aj not obtainable c from input to zero. set any t.s not obtainable equal to t(1) or c to t(n+k) appropriately. 1 jcmin = 1 imk = i - k if (imk .ge. 0) go to 8 jcmin = 1 - imk do 5 j=1,i 5 dl(j) = x - t(i+1-j) do 6 j=i,km1 aj(k-j) = 0.0D+00 6 dl(j) = dl(i) go to 10 8 do 9 j=1,km1 9 dl(j) = x - t(i+1-j) c 10 jcmax = k nmi = n - i if (nmi .ge. 0) go to 18 jcmax = k + nmi do 15 j=1,jcmax 15 dr(j) = t(i+j) - x do 16 j=jcmax,km1 aj(j+1) = 0.0D+00 16 dr(j) = dr(jcmax) go to 20 18 do 19 j=1,km1 19 dr(j) = t(i+j) - x c 20 do 21 jc=jcmin,jcmax 21 aj(jc) = bcoef(imk + jc) c c *** difference the coefficients jderiv times. if (jderiv .eq. 0) go to 30 do 23 j=1,jderiv kmj = k-j fkmj = dble(kmj) ilo = kmj do 23 jj=1,kmj aj(jj) = ((aj(jj+1) - aj(jj))/(dl(ilo) + dr(jj)))*fkmj 23 ilo = ilo - 1 c c *** compute value at x in (t(i),t(i+1)) of jderiv-th derivative, c given its relevant b-spline coeffs in aj(1),...,aj(k-jderiv). 30 if (jderiv .eq. km1) go to 39 jdrvp1 = jderiv + 1 do 33 j=jdrvp1,km1 kmj = k-j ilo = kmj do 33 jj=1,kmj aj(jj) = (aj(jj+1)*dl(ilo) + aj(jj)*dr(jj))/(dl(ilo)+dr(jj)) 33 ilo = ilo - 1 39 bvalue = aj(1) c 99 return end subroutine chol1d ( p, v, qty, npoint, ncol, u, qu ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc CHOL1D sets up and solves linear systems needed by SMOOTH. c c from * a practical guide to splines * by c. de boor c from * a practical guide to splines * by c. de boor c to be called in s m o o t h constructs the upper three diags. in v(i,j), i=2,,npoint-1, j=1,3, of c the matrix 6*(1-p)*q-transp.*(d**2)*q + p*r, then computes its c l*l-transp. decomposition and stores it also in v, then applies c forward and backsubstitution to the right side q-transp.*y in qty c to obtain the solution in u . c implicit none integer ncol,npoint, i,npm1,npm2 double precision p,qty(npoint),qu(npoint),u(npoint),v(npoint,7), & prev,ratio & ,six1mp,twop npm1 = npoint - 1 c construct 6*(1-p)*q-transp.*(d**2)*q + p*r six1mp = 6.0D+00*(1.0D+00-p) twop = 2.0D+00*p do 2 i=2,npm1 v(i,1) = six1mp*v(i,5) + twop*(v(i-1,4)+v(i,4)) v(i,2) = six1mp*v(i,6) + p*v(i,4) 2 v(i,3) = six1mp*v(i,7) npm2 = npoint - 2 if (npm2 .ge. 2) go to 10 u(1) = 0.0D+00 u(2) = qty(2)/v(2,1) u(3) = 0.0D+00 go to 41 c factorization 10 do 20 i=2,npm2 ratio = v(i,2)/v(i,1) v(i+1,1) = v(i+1,1) - ratio*v(i,2) v(i+1,2) = v(i+1,2) - ratio*v(i,3) v(i,2) = ratio ratio = v(i,3)/v(i,1) v(i+2,1) = v(i+2,1) - ratio*v(i,3) 20 v(i,3) = ratio c c forward substitution u(1) = 0.0D+00 v(1,3) = 0.0D+00 u(2) = qty(2) do 30 i=2,npm2 30 u(i+1) = qty(i+1) - v(i,2)*u(i) - v(i-1,3)*u(i-1) c back substitution u(npoint) = 0.0D+00 u(npm1) = u(npm1)/v(npm1,1) i = npm2 40 u(i) = u(i)/v(i,1)-u(i+1)*v(i,2)-u(i+2)*v(i,3) i = i - 1 if (i .gt. 1) go to 40 c construct q*u 41 prev = 0.0D+00 do 50 i=2,npoint qu(i) = (u(i) - u(i-1))/v(i-1,4) qu(i-1) = qu(i) - prev 50 prev = qu(i) qu(npoint) = -qu(npoint) return end subroutine colloc(aleft,aright,lbegin,iorder,ntimes,addbrk,relerr) c*********************************************************************72 c cc COLLOC solves an ordinary differential equation by collocation. c c from * a practical guide to splines * by c. de boor chapter xv, example. solution of an ode by collocation. calls colpnt, difequ(ppvalu(interv)), knots, eqblok(putit(difequ*, c bsplvd(bsplvb)))), slvblk(various subprograms), bsplpp(bsplvb*), c newnot c c****** i n p u t ****** c aleft, aright endpoints of interval of approximation c lbegin initial number of polynomial pieces in the approximation. c a uniform breakpoint sequence is chosen. c iorder order of polynomial pieces in the approximation c ntimes number of passes through n e w n o t to be made c addbrk the number (possibly fractional) of breaks to be added per c pass through newnot. e.g., if addbrk = .33334, then a break- c point will be added at every third pass through newnot. c relerr a tolerance. newton iteration is stopped if the difference c between the b-coeffs of two successive iterates is no more c than relerr*(absol.largest b-coefficient). c c****** p r i n t e d o u t p u t ****** c consists of the pp-representation of the approximate solution, c and of the error at selected points. c c****** m e t h o d ****** c the m-th order ordinary differential equation with m side condit- c ions, to be specified in subroutine d i f e q u , is solved approx- c imately by collocation. c the approximation f to the solution g is pp of order k+m with c l pieces and m-1 continuous derivatives. f is determined by the c requirement that it satisfy the d.e. at k points per interval (to c be specified in c o l p n t ) and the m side conditions. c this usually nonlinear system of equations for f is solved by c newton's method. the resulting linear system for the b-coeffs of an c iterate is constructed appropriately in e q b l o k and then solved c in s l v b l k , a program designed to solve a l m o s t b l o c k c d i a g o n a l linear systems efficiently. c there is an opportunity to attempt improvement of the breakpoint c sequence (both in number and location) through use of n e w n o t . c implicit none integer npiece parameter (npiece=100) integer iorder,lbegin,ntimes, i,iflag,ii,integs(3,npiece),iside & ,iter,itermx,j,k,kmax,kpm,l,lenblk,lnew,m,n,nbloks & ,ndim,ncoef,nncoef,nt parameter (ndim=200,kmax=20,ncoef=npiece*kmax,lenblk=ncoef) double precision addbrk,aleft,aright,relerr, & a(ndim),amax,asave(ndim) & ,b(ndim),bloks(lenblk),break,coef,dx,err,rho,t(ndim) & ,templ(lenblk),temps(ndim),xside equivalence (bloks,templ) common /approx/ break(npiece), coef(ncoef), l,kpm common /side/ m, iside, xside(10) common /other/ itermx,k,rho(kmax-1) c kpm = iorder if (lbegin*kpm .gt. ncoef) go to 999 c *** set the various parameters concerning the particular dif.equ. c including a first approx. in case the de is to be solved by c iteration ( itermx .gt. 0) . call difequ (1, temps(1), temps ) c *** obtain the k collocation points for the standard interval. k = kpm - m call colpnt ( k, rho ) c *** the following five statements could be replaced by a read in or- c der to obtain a specific (nonuniform) spacing of the breakpnts. dx = (aright - aleft)/dble(lbegin) temps(1) = aleft do 4 i=2,lbegin 4 temps(i) = temps(i-1) + dx temps(lbegin+1) = aright c *** generate, in knots, the required knots t(1),...,t(n+kpm). call knots ( temps, lbegin, kpm, t, n ) nt = 1 c *** generate the almost block diagonal coefficient matrix bloks and c right side b from collocation equations and side conditions. c then solve via slvblk , obtaining the b-representation of the ap- c proximation in t , a , n , kpm . 10 call eqblok(t,n,kpm,temps,a,bloks,lenblk,integs,nbloks,b) call slvblk(bloks,integs,nbloks,b,temps,a,iflag) iter = 1 if (itermx .le. 1) go to 30 c *** save b-spline coeff. of current approx. in asave , then get new c approx. and compare with old. if coeff. are more than relerr c apart (relatively) or if no. of iterations is less than itermx , c continue iterating. 20 call bsplpp(t,a,n,kpm,templ,break,coef,l) do 25 i=1,n 25 asave(i) = a(i) call eqblok(t,n,kpm,temps,a,bloks,lenblk,integs,nbloks,b) call slvblk(bloks,integs,nbloks,b,temps,a,iflag) err = 0.0D+00 amax = 0.0D+00 do 26 i=1,n amax = dmax1(amax,dabs(a(i))) 26 err = dmax1(err,dabs(a(i)-asave(i))) if (err .le. relerr*amax) go to 30 iter = iter+1 if (iter .lt. itermx) go to 20 c *** iteration (if any) completed. print out approx. based on current c breakpoint sequence, then try to improve the sequence. 30 print 630,kpm,l,n,(break(i),i=2,l) 630 format(47h approximation from a space of splines of order,i3 & ,4h on ,i3,11h intervals,/13h of dimension,i4 & ,16h. breakpoints -/(5e20.10)) if (itermx .gt. 0) print 635,iter,itermx 635 format(6h after,i3,3h of,i3,20h allowed iterations,) call bsplpp(t,a,n,kpm,templ,break,coef,l) print 637 637 format(46h the pp representation of the approximation is) do 38 i=1,l ii = (i-1)*kpm 38 print 638, break(i),(coef(ii+j),j=1,kpm) 638 format(f9.3,e13.6,10e11.3) c *** the following call is provided here for possible further analysis c of the approximation specific to the problem being solved. c it is, of course, easily omitted. call difequ ( 4, temps(1), temps ) c if (nt .gt. ntimes) return c *** from the pp-rep. of the current approx., obtain in newnot a new c (and possibly better) sequence of breakpoints, adding (on the ave- c rage) a d d b r k breakpoints per pass through newnot. lnew = lbegin + int(dble(nt)*addbrk) if (lnew*kpm .gt. ncoef) go to 999 call newnot(break,coef,l,kpm,temps,lnew,templ) call knots(temps,lnew,kpm,t,n) nt = nt + 1 go to 10 999 nncoef = ncoef print 699,nncoef 699 format(11h **********/23h the assigned dimension,i5 & ,25h for coef is too small.) return end subroutine colpnt(k,rho) c*********************************************************************72 c cc COLPNT supplies collocation points. c c from * a practical guide to splines * by c. de boor c the k collocation points for the standard interval (-1,1) are sup- c plied here as the zeros of the legendre polynomial of degree k , c provided k .le. 8 . otherwise, uniformly spaced points are given. c implicit none integer k, j double precision rho(k), fkm1o2 if (k .gt. 8) go to 99 go to (10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80),k 10 rho(1) = 0.0D+00 return 20 rho(2) = .577350269189626D+00 rho(1) = - rho(2) return 30 rho(3) = .774596669241483D+00 rho(1) = - rho(3) rho(2) = 0.0D+00 return 40 rho(3) = .339981043584856D+00 rho(2) = - rho(3) rho(4) = .861136311594053D+00 rho(1) = - rho(4) return 50 rho(4) = .538469310105683D+00 rho(2) = - rho(4) rho(5) = .906179845938664D+00 rho(1) = - rho(5) rho(3) = 0.0D+00 return 60 rho(4) = .238619186083197D+00 rho(3) = - rho(4) rho(5) = .66120 9386466265D+00 rho(2) = - rho(5) rho(6) = .93246 9514203152D+00 rho(1) = - rho(6) return 70 rho(5) = .405845151377397D+00 rho(3) = - rho(5) rho(6) = .741531185599394D+00 rho(2) = - rho(6) rho(7) = .949107912342759D+00 rho(1) = - rho(7) rho(4) = 0.0D+00 return 80 rho(5) = .183434642495650D+00 rho(4) = - rho(5) rho(6) = .525532409916329D+00 rho(3) = - rho(6) rho(7) = .796666477413627D+00 rho(2) = - rho(7) rho(8) = .960289856497536D+00 rho(1) = - rho(8) return c if k .gt. 8, use equispaced points, but print warning 99 print 699,k 699 format(11h **********/ & 49h equispaced collocation points are used since k =,i2, & 19h is greater than 8.) fkm1o2 = dble(k-1)/2.0D+00 do 100 j=1,k 100 rho(j) = dble(j-1)/fkm1o2 - 1.0D+00 return end subroutine cubspl ( tau, c, n, ibcbeg, ibcend ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc CUBSPL defines an interpolatory cubic spline. c c from * a practical guide to splines * by c. de boor c ************************ input *************************** c n = number of data points. assumed to be .ge. 2. c (tau(i), c(1,i), i=1,...,n) = abscissae and ordinates of the c data points. tau is assumed to be strictly increasing. c ibcbeg, ibcend = boundary condition indicators, and c c(2,1), c(2,n) = boundary condition information. specifically, c ibcbeg = 0 means no boundary condition at tau(1) is given. c in this case, the not-a-knot condition is used, i.e. the c jump in the third derivative across tau(2) is forced to c zero, thus the first and the second cubic polynomial pieces c are made to coincide.) c ibcbeg = 1 means that the slope at tau(1) is made to equal c c(2,1), supplied by input. c ibcbeg = 2 means that the second derivative at tau(1) is c made to equal c(2,1), supplied by input. c ibcend = 0, 1, or 2 has analogous meaning concerning the c boundary condition at tau(n), with the additional infor- c mation taken from c(2,n). c *********************** output ************************** c c(j,i), j=1,...,4; i=1,...,l (= n-1) = the polynomial coefficients c of the cubic interpolating spline with interior knots (or c joints) tau(2), ..., tau(n-1). precisely, in the interval c (tau(i), tau(i+1)), the spline f is given by c f(x) = c(1,i)+h*(c(2,i)+h*(c(3,i)+h*c(4,i)/3.)/2.) c where h = x - tau(i). the function program *ppvalu* may be c used to evaluate f or its derivatives from tau,c, l = n-1, c and k=4. c implicit none integer ibcbeg,ibcend,n, i,j,l,m double precision c(4,n),tau(n), divdf1,divdf3,dtau,g c****** a tridiagonal linear system for the unknown slopes s(i) of c f at tau(i), i=1,...,n, is generated and then solved by gauss elim- c ination, with s(i) ending up in c(2,i), all i. c c(3,.) and c(4,.) are used initially for temporary storage. l = n-1 compute first differences of tau sequence and store in c(3,.). also, compute first divided difference of data and store in c(4,.). do 10 m=2,n c(3,m) = tau(m) - tau(m-1) 10 c(4,m) = (c(1,m) - c(1,m-1))/c(3,m) construct first equation from the boundary condition, of the form c c(4,1)*s(1) + c(3,1)*s(2) = c(2,1) if (ibcbeg-1) 11,15,16 11 if (n .gt. 2) go to 12 c no condition at left end and n = 2. c(4,1) = 1.0D+00 c(3,1) = 1.0D+00 c(2,1) = 2.0D+00*c(4,2) go to 25 c not-a-knot condition at left end and n .gt. 2. 12 c(4,1) = c(3,3) c(3,1) = c(3,2) + c(3,3) c(2,1) =((c(3,2)+2.0D+00*c(3,1))*c(4,2)*c(3,3) & +c(3,2)**2*c(4,3))/c(3,1) go to 19 c slope prescribed at left end. 15 c(4,1) = 1.0D+00 c(3,1) = 0.0D+00 go to 18 c second derivative prescribed at left end. 16 c(4,1) = 2.0D+00 c(3,1) = 1.0D+00 c(2,1) = 3.0D+00*c(4,2) - c(3,2)/2.0D+00*c(2,1) 18 if(n .eq. 2) go to 25 c if there are interior knots, generate the corresp. equations and car- c ry out the forward pass of gauss elimination, after which the m-th c equation reads c(4,m)*s(m) + c(3,m)*s(m+1) = c(2,m). 19 do 20 m=2,l g = -c(3,m+1)/c(4,m-1) c(2,m) = g*c(2,m-1) + 3.0D+00*(c(3,m)*c(4,m+1)+c(3,m+1)*c(4,m)) 20 c(4,m) = g*c(3,m-1) + 2.0D+00*(c(3,m) + c(3,m+1)) construct last equation from the second boundary condition, of the form c (-g*c(4,n-1))*s(n-1) + c(4,n)*s(n) = c(2,n) c if slope is prescribed at right end, one can go directly to back- c substitution, since c array happens to be set up just right for it c at this point. if (ibcend-1) 21,30,24 21 if (n .eq. 3 .and. ibcbeg .eq. 0) go to 22 c not-a-knot and n .ge. 3, and either or also not-a-knot at c left end point. g = c(3,n-1) + c(3,n) c(2,n) = ((c(3,n)+2.0D+00*g)*c(4,n)*c(3,n-1) * + c(3,n)**2*(c(1,n-1)-c(1,n-2))/c(3,n-1))/g g = -g/c(4,n-1) c(4,n) = c(3,n-1) go to 29 c either (n=3 and not-a-knot also at left) or (n=2 and not not-a- c knot at left end point). 22 c(2,n) = 2.0D+00*c(4,n) c(4,n) = 1.0D+00 go to 28 c second derivative prescribed at right endpoint. 24 c(2,n) = 3.0D+00*c(4,n) + c(3,n)/2.0D+00*c(2,n) c(4,n) = 2.0D+00 go to 28 25 if (ibcend-1) 26,30,24 26 if (ibcbeg .gt. 0) go to 22 c not-a-knot at right endpoint and at left endpoint and n = 2. c(2,n) = c(4,n) go to 30 28 g = -1.0D+00/c(4,n-1) complete forward pass of gauss elimination. 29 c(4,n) = g*c(3,n-1) + c(4,n) c(2,n) = (g*c(2,n-1) + c(2,n))/c(4,n) carry out back substitution 30 j = l 40 c(2,j) = (c(2,j) - c(3,j)*c(2,j+1))/c(4,j) j = j - 1 if (j .gt. 0) go to 40 c****** generate cubic coefficients in each interval, i.e., the deriv.s c at its left endpoint, from value and slope at its endpoints. do 50 i=2,n dtau = c(3,i) divdf1 = (c(1,i) - c(1,i-1))/dtau divdf3 = c(2,i-1) + c(2,i) - 2.0D+00*divdf1 c(3,i-1) = 2.0D+00*(divdf1 - c(2,i-1) - divdf3)/dtau 50 c(4,i-1) = (divdf3/dtau)*(6.0D+00/dtau) return end subroutine cwidth ( w,b,nequ,ncols,integs,nbloks, d, x,iflag ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc CWIDTH solves an almost block diagonal linear system. c c this program is a variation of the theme in the algorithm bandet1 c by martin and wilkinson (numer.math. 9(1976)279-307). it solves c the linear system c a*x = b c of nequ equations in case a is almost block diagonal with all c blocks having ncols columns using no more storage than it takes to c store the interesting part of a . such systems occur in the determ- c ination of the b-spline coefficients of a spline approximation. c c parameters c w on input, a two-dimensional array of size (nequ,ncols) contain- c ing the interesting part of the almost block diagonal coeffici- c ent matrix a (see description and example below). the array c integs describes the storage scheme. c on output, w contains the upper triangular factor u of the c lu factorization of a possibly permuted version of a . in par- c ticular, the determinant of a could now be found as c iflag*w(1,1)*w(2,1)* ... * w(nequ,1) . c b on input, the right side of the linear system, of length nequ. c the contents of b are changed during execution. c nequ number of equations in system c ncols block width, i.e., number of columns in each block. c integs integer array, of size (2,nequ), describing the block struct- c ure of a . c integs(1,i) = no. of rows in block i = nrow c integs(2,i) = no. of elimination steps in block i c = overhang over next block = last c nbloks number of blocks c d work array, to contain row sizes . if storage is scarce, the c array x could be used in the calling sequence for d . c x on output, contains computed solution (if iflag .ne. 0), of c length nequ . c iflag on output, integer c = (-1)**(no.of interchanges during elimination) c if a is invertible c = 0 if a is singular c c ------ block structure of a ------ c the interesting part of a is taken to consist of nbloks con- c secutive blocks, with the i-th block made up of nrowi = integs(1,i) c consecutive rows and ncols consecutive columns of a , and with c the first lasti = integs(2,i) columns to the left of the next block. c these blocks are stored consecutively in the workarray w . c for example, here is an 11th order matrix and its arrangement in c the workarray w . (the interesting entries of a are indicated by c their row and column index modulo 10.) c c --- a --- --- w --- c c nrow1=3 c 11 12 13 14 11 12 13 14 c 21 22 23 24 21 22 23 24 c 31 32 33 34 nrow2=2 31 32 33 34 c last1=2 43 44 45 46 43 44 45 46 c 53 54 55 56 nrow3=3 53 54 55 56 c last2=3 66 67 68 69 66 67 68 69 c 76 77 78 79 76 77 78 79 c 86 87 88 89 nrow4=1 86 87 88 89 c last3=1 97 98 99 90 nrow5=2 97 98 99 90 c last4=1 08 09 00 01 08 09 00 01 c 18 19 10 11 18 19 10 11 c last5=4 c c for this interpretation of a as an almost block diagonal matrix, c we have nbloks = 5 , and the integs array is c c i= 1 2 3 4 5 c k= c integs(k,i) = 1 3 2 3 1 2 c 2 2 3 1 1 4 c c -------- method -------- c gauss elimination with scaled partial pivoting is used, but mult- c ipliers are n o t s a v e d in order to save storage. rather, the c right side is operated on during elimination. c the two parameters c i p v t e q and l a s t e q c are used to keep track of the action. ipvteq is the index of the c variable to be eliminated next, from equations ipvteq+1,...,lasteq, c using equation ipvteq (possibly after an interchange) as the pivot c equation. the entries in the pivot column are a l w a y s in column c 1 of w . this is accomplished by putting the entries in rows c ipvteq+1,...,lasteq revised by the elimination of the ipvteq-th c variable one to the left in w . in this way, the columns of the c equations in a given block (as stored in w ) will be aligned with c those of the next block at the moment when these next equations be- c come involved in the elimination process. c thus, for the above example, the first elimination steps proceed c as follows. c c *11 12 13 14 11 12 13 14 11 12 13 14 11 12 13 14 c *21 22 23 24 *22 23 24 22 23 24 22 23 24 c *31 32 33 34 *32 33 34 *33 34 33 34 c 43 44 45 46 43 44 45 46 *43 44 45 46 *44 45 46 etc. c 53 54 55 56 53 54 55 56 *53 54 55 56 *54 55 56 c 66 67 68 69 66 67 68 69 66 67 68 69 66 67 68 69 c . . . . c c in all other respects, the procedure is standard, including the c scaled partial pivoting. c implicit none integer nbloks integer iflag,integs(2,nbloks),ncols,nequ, i,ii,icount,ipvteq & ,ipvtp1,istar,j,jmax,lastcl,lasteq,lasti,nexteq,nrowad double precision b(nequ),d(nequ),w(nequ,ncols),x(nequ), & awi1od,colmax,ratio,rowmax,sum,temp iflag = 1 ipvteq = 0 lasteq = 0 c the i-loop runs over the blocks do 50 i=1,nbloks c c the equations for the current block are added to those current- c ly involved in the elimination process, by increasing lasteq c by integs(1,i) after the rowsize of these equations has been c recorded in the array d . c nrowad = integs(1,i) do 10 icount=1,nrowad nexteq = lasteq + icount rowmax = 0.0D+00 do 5 j=1,ncols 5 rowmax = dmax1(rowmax,dabs(w(nexteq,j))) if (rowmax .eq. 0.0D+00) go to 999 10 d(nexteq) = rowmax lasteq = lasteq + nrowad c c there will be lasti = integs(2,i) elimination steps before c the equations in the next block become involved. further, c l a s t c l records the number of columns involved in the cur- c rent elimination step. it starts equal to ncols when a block c first becomes involved and then drops by one after each elim- c ination step. c lastcl = ncols lasti = integs(2,i) do 30 icount=1,lasti ipvteq = ipvteq + 1 if (ipvteq .lt. lasteq) go to 11 if ( dabs(w(ipvteq,1))+d(ipvteq) .gt. d(ipvteq) ) * go to 50 go to 999 c c determine the smallest i s t a r in (ipvteq,lasteq) for c which abs(w(istar,1))/d(istar) is as large as possible, and c interchange equations ipvteq and istar in case ipvteq c .lt. istar . c 11 colmax = dabs(w(ipvteq,1))/d(ipvteq) istar = ipvteq ipvtp1 = ipvteq + 1 do 13 ii=ipvtp1,lasteq awi1od = dabs(w(ii,1))/d(ii) if (awi1od .le. colmax) go to 13 colmax = awi1od istar = ii 13 continue if ( dabs(w(istar,1))+d(istar) .eq. d(istar) ) & go to 999 if (istar .eq. ipvteq) go to 16 iflag = -iflag temp = d(istar) d(istar) = d(ipvteq) d(ipvteq) = temp temp = b(istar) b(istar) = b(ipvteq) b(ipvteq) = temp do 14 j=1,lastcl temp = w(istar,j) w(istar,j) = w(ipvteq,j) 14 w(ipvteq,j) = temp c c subtract the appropriate multiple of equation ipvteq from c equations ipvteq+1,...,lasteq to make the coefficient of the c ipvteq-th unknown (presently in column 1 of w ) zero, but c store the new coefficients in w one to the left from the old. c 16 do 20 ii=ipvtp1,lasteq ratio = w(ii,1)/w(ipvteq,1) do 18 j=2,lastcl 18 w(ii,j-1) = w(ii,j) - ratio*w(ipvteq,j) w(ii,lastcl) = 0.0D+00 20 b(ii) = b(ii) - ratio*b(ipvteq) 30 lastcl = lastcl - 1 50 continue c c at this point, w and b contain an upper triangular linear system c equivalent to the original one, with w(i,j) containing entry c (i, i-1+j ) of the coefficient matrix. solve this system by backsub- c stitution, taking into account its block structure. c c i-loop over the blocks, in reverse order i = nbloks 59 lasti = integs(2,i) jmax = ncols - lasti do 70 icount=1,lasti sum = 0.0D+00 if (jmax .eq. 0) go to 61 do 60 j=1,jmax 60 sum = sum + x(ipvteq+j)*w(ipvteq,j+1) 61 x(ipvteq) = (b(ipvteq)-sum)/w(ipvteq,1) jmax = jmax + 1 70 ipvteq = ipvteq - 1 i = i - 1 if (i .gt. 0) go to 59 return 999 iflag = 0 return end subroutine difequ ( mode, xx, v ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc DIFEQU returns information about a differential equation. c c from * a practical guide to splines * by c. de boor calls ppvalu(interv) c to be called by c o l l o c , p u t i t c information about the differential equation is dispensed from here c c****** i n p u t ****** c mode an integer indicating the task to be performed. c = 1 initialization c = 2 evaluate de at xx c = 3 specify the next side condition c = 4 analyze the approximation c xx a point at which information is wanted c c****** o u t p u t ****** c v depends on the mode . see comments below c implicit none integer mode, i,iside,itermx,k,kmax,kpm,l,m,ncoef,npiece parameter (npiece=100, kmax=20, ncoef=npiece*kmax) double precision v(kmax),xx, & break,coef,eps,ep1,ep2,error,factor,ppvalu,rho,solutn & ,s2ovep,un,x,xside common /approx/ break(npiece),coef(ncoef),l,kpm common /side/ m,iside,xside(10) common /other/ itermx,k,rho(kmax-1) save eps,factor,s2ovep c c this sample of difequ is for the example in chapter xv. it is a c nonlinear second order two point boundary value problem. c go to (10,20,30,40),mode c initialize everything c i.e. set the order m of the dif.equ., the nondecreasing sequence c xside(i),i=1,...,m, of points at which side cond.s are given and c anything else necessary. 10 m = 2 xside(1) = 0.0D+00 xside(2) = 1.0D+00 c *** print out heading print 499 499 format(' carrier,s nonlinear perturb. problem') eps = 0.5D-02 print 610, eps 610 format(' eps ',e20.10) c *** set constants used in formula for solution below. factor = (dsqrt(2.0D+00) + dsqrt(3.0D+00))**2 s2ovep = dsqrt(2.0D+00/eps) c *** initial guess for newton iteration. un(x) = x*x - 1. l = 1 break(1) = 0.0D+00 do 16 i=1,kpm 16 coef(i) = 0.0D+00 coef(1) = -1.0D+00 coef(3) = 2.0D+00 itermx = 10 return c c provide value of left side coeff.s and right side at xx . c specifically, at xx the dif.equ. reads c v(m+1)d**m + v(m)d**(m-1) + ... + v(1)d**0 = v(m+2) c in terms of the quantities v(i),i=1,...,m+2, to be computed here. 20 continue v(3) = eps v(2) = 0.0D+00 un = ppvalu(break,coef,l,kpm,xx,0) v(1) = 2.0D+00*un v(4) = un**2 + 1.0D+00 return c c provide the m side conditions. these conditions are of the form c v(m+1)d**m + v(m)d**(m-1) + ... + v(1)d**0 = v(m+2) c in terms of the quantities v(i),i=1,...,m+2, to be specified here. c note that v(m+1) = 0 for customary side conditions. 30 v(m+1) = 0.0D+00 go to (31,32,39),iside 31 v(2) = 1.0D+00 v(1) = 0.0D+00 v(4) = 0.0D+00 go to 38 32 v(2) = 0.0D+00 v(1) = 1.0D+00 v(4) = 0.0D+00 38 iside = iside + 1 39 return c c calculate the error near the boundary layer at 1. 40 continue print 640 640 format(' x, g(x) and g(x)-f(x) at selected points') x = .75 do 41 i=1,9 ep1 = exp(s2ovep*(1.0D+00-x))*factor ep2 = exp(s2ovep*(1.0D+00+x))*factor solutn = 12.0D+00/(1.0D+00+ep1)**2*ep1 & + 12.0D+00/(1.0D+00+ep2)**2*ep2 - 1.0D+00 error = solutn - ppvalu(break,coef,l,kpm,x,0) print 641,x,solutn,error 641 format(3e20.10) 41 x = x + 0.03125D+00 return end subroutine dtblok ( bloks, integs, nbloks, ipivot, iflag, & detsgn, detlog ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc DTBLOK gets the determinant of an almost block diagonal matrix. c c computes the determinant of an almost block diagonal matrix whose c plu factorization has been obtained previously in fcblok. c *** the logarithm of the determinant is computed instead of the c determinant itself to avoid the danger of overflow or underflow c inherent in this calculation. c c parameters c bloks, integs, nbloks, ipivot, iflag are as on return from fcblok. c in particular, iflag = (-1)**(number of interchanges dur- c ing factorization) if successful, otherwise iflag = 0. c detsgn on output, contains the sign of the determinant. c detlog on output, contains the natural logarithm of the determi- c nant if determinant is not zero. otherwise contains 0. c implicit none integer nbloks integer index,integs(3,nbloks),ipivot(1),iflag, i,indexp,ip, & k,last,nrow double precision bloks(1),detsgn,detlog c detsgn = iflag detlog = 0.0D+00 if (iflag .eq. 0) return index = 0 indexp = 0 do 2 i=1,nbloks nrow = integs(1,i) last = integs(3,i) do 1 k=1,last ip = index + nrow*(k-1) + ipivot(indexp+k) detlog = detlog + dlog(dabs(bloks(ip))) 1 detsgn = detsgn*dsign(1.0D+00,bloks(ip)) index = nrow*integs(2,i) + index 2 indexp = indexp + nrow return end subroutine eqblok ( t, n, kpm, work1, work2, & bloks, lenblk, integs, nbloks, b ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc EQBLOK is to be called in COLLOC. c c from * a practical guide to splines * by c. de boor calls putit(difequ,bsplvd(bsplvb)) c to be called in c o l l o c c c****** i n p u t ****** c t the knot sequence, of length n+kpm c n the dimension of the approximating spline space, i.e., the order c of the linear system to be constructed. c kpm = k+m, the order of the approximating spline c lenblk the maximum length of the array bloks as allowed by the c dimension statement in colloc . c c****** w o r k a r e a s ****** c work1 used in putit, of size (kpm,kpm) c work2 used in putit, of size (kpm,m+1) c c****** o u t p u t ****** c bloks the coefficient matrix of the linear system, stored in al- c most block diagonal form, of size c kpm*sum(integs(1,i) , i=1,...,nbloks) c integs an integer array, of size (3,nbloks), describing the block c structure. c integs(1,i) = number of rows in block i c integs(2,i) = number of columns in block i c integs(3,i) = number of elimination steps which can be c carried out in block i before pivoting might c bring in an equation from the next block. c nbloks number of blocks, equals number of polynomial pieces c b the right side of the linear system, stored corresponding to the c almost block diagonal form, of size sum(integs(1,i) , i=1,..., c nbloks). c c****** m e t h o d ****** c each breakpoint interval gives rise to a block in the linear system. c this block is determined by the k colloc.equations in the interval c with the side conditions (if any) in the interval interspersed ap- c propriately, and involves the kpm b-splines having the interval in c their support. correspondingly, such a block has nrow = k + isidel c rows, with isidel = number of side conditions in this and the prev- c ious intervals, and ncol = kpm columns. c further, because the interior knots have multiplicity k, we can c carry out (in slvblk) k elimination steps in a block before pivot- c ing might involve an equation from the next block. in the last block, c of course, all kpm elimination steps will be carried out (in slvblk). c c see the detailed comments in the solveblok package for further in- c formation about the almost block diagonal form used here. c implicit none integer integs(3,1),kpm,lenblk,n,nbloks, i,index,indexb,iside & ,isidel,itermx,k,left,m,nrow double precision b(1),bloks(1),t(1),work1(1),work2(1), rho,xside common /side/ m, iside, xside(10) common /other/ itermx,k,rho(19) index = 1 indexb = 1 i = 0 iside = 1 do 20 left=kpm,n,k i = i+1 c determine integs(.,i) integs(2,i) = kpm if (left .lt. n) go to 14 integs(3,i) = kpm isidel = m go to 16 14 integs(3,i) = k c at this point, iside-1 gives the number of side conditions c incorporated so far. adding to this the side conditions in the c current interval gives the number isidel . isidel = iside-1 15 if (isidel .eq. m) go to 16 if (xside(isidel+1) .ge. t(left+1)) & go to 16 isidel = isidel+1 go to 15 16 nrow = k + isidel integs(1,i) = nrow c the detailed equations for this block are generated and put c together in p u t i t . if (lenblk .lt. index+nrow*kpm-1)go to 999 call putit(t,kpm,left,work1,work2,bloks(index),nrow,b(indexb)) index = index + nrow*kpm 20 indexb = indexb + nrow nbloks = i return 999 print 699,lenblk 699 format(11h **********/23h the assigned dimension,i5 & ,38h for bloks in colloc is too small.) stop end subroutine evnnot ( break, coef, l, k, brknew, lnew, coefg ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc EVNNOT is a version of NEWNOT returning uniform knots. c c from * a practical guide to splines * by c. de boor c this is a fake version of n e w n o t , of use in example 3 of c chapter xiv . c returns lnew+1 knots in brknew which are equidistributed on (a,b) c = (break(1),break(l+1)) . c implicit none integer k,l,lnew, i double precision break(*),brknew(*),coef(k,l),coefg(2,l), step c****** i n p u t ****** c break, coef, l, k.....contains the pp-representation of a certain c function f of order k . specifically, c d**(k-1)f(x) = coef(k,i) for break(i).le. x .lt.break(i+1) c lnew.....number of intervals into which the interval (a,b) is to be c sectioned by the new breakpoint sequence brknew . c c****** o u t p u t ****** c brknew.....array of length lnew+1 containing the new breakpoint se- c quence c coefg.....the coefficient part of the pp-repr. break, coefg, l, 2 c for the monotone p.linear function g wrto which brknew will c be equidistributed. c brknew(1) = break(1) brknew(lnew+1) = break(l+1) step = (break(l+1) - break(1))/dble(lnew) do i=2,lnew brknew(i) = break(1) + dble(i-1)*step end do return end subroutine factrb ( w, ipivot, d, nrow, ncol, last, iflag ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc FACTRB constructs a partial PLU factorization. c c adapted from p.132 of 'element.numer.analysis' by conte-de boor c c constructs a partial plu factorization, corresponding to steps 1,..., c l a s t in gauss elimination, for the matrix w of order c ( n r o w , n c o l ), using pivoting of scaled rows. c c parameters c w contains the (nrow,ncol) matrix to be partially factored c on input, and the partial factorization on output. c ipivot an integer array of length nrow containing a record of the c pivoting strategy used; row ipivot(i) is used during the c i-th elimination step, i=1,...,last. c d a work array of length nrow used to store row sizes c temporarily. c nrow number of rows of w. c ncol number of columns of w. c last number of elimination steps to be carried out. c iflag on output, equals iflag on input times (-1)**(number of c row interchanges during the factorization process), in c case no zero pivot was encountered. c otherwise, iflag = 0 on output. c implicit none integer nrow integer ipivot(nrow),ncol,last,iflag, i,ipivi,ipivk,j,k,kp1 double precision w(nrow,ncol),d(nrow), & awikdi,colmax,ratio,rowmax c initialize ipivot, d do 10 i=1,nrow ipivot(i) = i rowmax = 0.0D+00 do 9 j=1,ncol 9 rowmax = dmax1(rowmax, dabs(w(i,j))) if (rowmax .eq. 0.0D+00) go to 999 10 d(i) = rowmax c gauss elimination with pivoting of scaled rows, loop over k=1,.,last k = 1 c as pivot row for k-th step, pick among the rows not yet used, c i.e., from rows ipivot(k),...,ipivot(nrow), the one whose k-th c entry (compared to the row size) is largest. then, if this row c does not turn out to be row ipivot(k), redefine ipivot(k) ap- c propriately and record this interchange by changing the sign c of i f l a g . 11 ipivk = ipivot(k) if (k .eq. nrow) go to 21 j = k kp1 = k+1 colmax = dabs(w(ipivk,k))/d(ipivk) c find the (relatively) largest pivot do 15 i=kp1,nrow ipivi = ipivot(i) awikdi = dabs(w(ipivi,k))/d(ipivi) if (awikdi .le. colmax) go to 15 colmax = awikdi j = i 15 continue if (j .eq. k) go to 16 ipivk = ipivot(j) ipivot(j) = ipivot(k) ipivot(k) = ipivk iflag = -iflag 16 continue c if pivot element is too small in absolute value, declare c matrix to be noninvertible and quit. if (dabs(w(ipivk,k))+d(ipivk) .le. d(ipivk)) & go to 999 c otherwise, subtract the appropriate multiple of the pivot c row from remaining rows, i.e., the rows ipivot(k+1),..., c ipivot(nrow), to make k-th entry zero. save the multiplier in c its place. do 20 i=kp1,nrow ipivi = ipivot(i) w(ipivi,k) = w(ipivi,k)/w(ipivk,k) ratio = -w(ipivi,k) do 20 j=kp1,ncol 20 w(ipivi,j) = ratio*w(ipivk,j) + w(ipivi,j) k = kp1 c check for having reached the next block. if (k .le. last) go to 11 return c if last .eq. nrow , check now that pivot element in last row c is nonzero. 21 if( dabs(w(ipivk,nrow))+d(ipivk) .gt. d(ipivk) ) * return c singularity flag set 999 iflag = 0 return end subroutine fcblok ( bloks, integs, nbloks, ipivot, scrtch, iflag ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc FCBLOK supervises the PLU factorization of an almost block diagonal matrix. c calls subroutines f a c t r b and s h i f t b . c c f c b l o k supervises the plu factorization with pivoting of c scaled rows of the almost block diagonal matrix stored in the arrays c b l o k s and i n t e g s . c c factrb = subprogram which carries out steps 1,...,last of gauss c elimination (with pivoting) for an individual block. c shiftb = subprogram which shifts the remaining rows to the top of c the next block c c parameters c bloks an array that initially contains the almost block diagonal c matrix a to be factored, and on return contains the com- c puted factorization of a . c integs an integer array describing the block structure of a . c nbloks the number of blocks in a . c ipivot an integer array of dimension sum (integs(1,n) ; n=1, c ...,nbloks) which, on return, contains the pivoting stra- c tegy used. c scrtch work area required, of length max (integs(1,n) ; n=1, c ...,nbloks). c iflag output parameter; c = 0 in case matrix was found to be singular. c otherwise, c = (-1)**(number of row interchanges during factorization) c implicit none integer nbloks integer integs(3,nbloks),ipivot(1),iflag, i,index,indexb,indexn, & last,ncol,nrow double precision bloks(1),scrtch(1) iflag = 1 indexb = 1 indexn = 1 i = 1 c loop over the blocks. i is loop index 10 index = indexn nrow = integs(1,i) ncol = integs(2,i) last = integs(3,i) c carry out elimination on the i-th block until next block c enters, i.e., for columns 1,...,last of i-th block. call factrb(bloks(index),ipivot(indexb),scrtch,nrow,ncol,last, & iflag) c check for having reached a singular block or the last block if (iflag .eq. 0 .or. i .eq. nbloks) & return i = i+1 indexn = nrow*ncol + index c put the rest of the i-th block onto the next block call shiftb(bloks(index),ipivot(indexb),nrow,ncol,last, & bloks(indexn),integs(1,i),integs(2,i)) indexb = indexb + nrow go to 10 end subroutine interv ( xt, lxt, x, left, mflag ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc INTERV brackets a real value in an ascending vector of values. c c from * a practical guide to splines * by C. de Boor computes left = max( i : xt(i) .lt. xt(lxt) .and. xt(i) .le. x ) . c c****** i n p u t ****** c xt.....a real sequence, of length lxt , assumed to be nondecreasing c lxt.....number of terms in the sequence xt . c x.....the point whose location with respect to the sequence xt is c to be determined. c c****** o u t p u t ****** c left, mflag.....both integers, whose value is c c 1 -1 if x .lt. xt(1) c i 0 if xt(i) .le. x .lt. xt(i+1) c i 0 if xt(i) .lt. x .eq. xt(i+1) .eq. xt(lxt) c i 1 if xt(i) .lt. xt(i+1) .eq. xt(lxt) .lt. x c c In particular, mflag = 0 is the 'usual' case. mflag .ne. 0 c indicates that x lies outside the CLOSED interval c xt(1) .le. y .le. xt(lxt) . The asymmetric treatment of the c intervals is due to the decision to make all pp functions cont- c inuous from the right, but, by returning mflag = 0 even if C x = xt(lxt), there is the option of having the computed pp function c continuous from the left at xt(lxt) . c c****** m e t h o d ****** c The program is designed to be efficient in the common situation that c it is called repeatedly, with x taken from an increasing or decrea- c sing sequence. This will happen, e.g., when a pp function is to be c graphed. The first guess for left is therefore taken to be the val- c ue returned at the previous call and stored in the l o c a l varia- c ble ilo . A first check ascertains that ilo .lt. lxt (this is nec- c essary since the present call may have nothing to do with the previ- c ous call). Then, if xt(ilo) .le. x .lt. xt(ilo+1), we set left = c ilo and are done after just three comparisons. c Otherwise, we repeatedly double the difference istep = ihi - ilo c while also moving ilo and ihi in the direction of x , until c xt(ilo) .le. x .lt. xt(ihi) , c after which we use bisection to get, in addition, ilo+1 = ihi . c left = ilo is then returned. c implicit none integer left,lxt,mflag, ihi,ilo,istep,middle double precision x,xt(lxt) data ilo /1/ save ilo ihi = ilo + 1 if (ihi .lt. lxt) go to 20 if (x .ge. xt(lxt)) go to 110 if (lxt .le. 1) go to 90 ilo = lxt - 1 ihi = lxt c 20 if (x .ge. xt(ihi)) go to 40 if (x .ge. xt(ilo)) go to 100 c c **** now x .lt. xt(ilo) . decrease ilo to capture x . istep = 1 31 ihi = ilo ilo = ihi - istep if (ilo .le. 1) go to 35 if (x .ge. xt(ilo)) go to 50 istep = istep*2 go to 31 35 ilo = 1 if (x .lt. xt(1)) go to 90 go to 50 c **** now x .ge. xt(ihi) . increase ihi to capture x . 40 istep = 1 41 ilo = ihi ihi = ilo + istep if (ihi .ge. lxt) go to 45 if (x .lt. xt(ihi)) go to 50 istep = istep*2 go to 41 45 if (x .ge. xt(lxt)) go to 110 ihi = lxt c c **** now xt(ilo) .le. x .lt. xt(ihi) . narrow the interval. 50 middle = (ilo + ihi)/2 if (middle .eq. ilo) go to 100 c note. it is assumed that middle = ilo in case ihi = ilo+1 . if (x .lt. xt(middle)) go to 53 ilo = middle go to 50 53 ihi = middle go to 50 c**** set output and return. 90 mflag = -1 left = 1 return 100 mflag = 0 left = ilo return 110 mflag = 1 if (x .eq. xt(lxt)) mflag = 0 left = lxt 111 if (left .eq. 1) return left = left - 1 if (xt(left) .lt. xt(lxt)) return go to 111 end subroutine knots ( break, l, kpm, t, n ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc KNOTS is to be called in COLLOC. c c from * a practical guide to splines * by c. de boor c to be called in c o l l o c . c constructs from the given breakpoint sequence b r e a k the knot c sequence t so that c spline(k+m,t) = pp(k+m,break) with m-1 continuous derivatives . c this means that c t(1),...,t(n+kpm) = break(1) kpm times, then break(2),..., c break(l) each k times, then, finally, break(l+1) kpm times. c c****** i n p u t ****** c break(1),...,break(l+1) breakpoint sequence c l number of intervals or pieces c kpm = k + m, order of the pp function or spline c c****** o u t p u t ****** c t(1),...,t(n+kpm) the knot sequence. c n = l*k + m = dimension of spline(k+m,t). c implicit none integer l,kpm,n, iside,j,jj,jjj,k,ll,m double precision break(1),t(1), xside common /side/ m,iside,xside(10) k = kpm - m n = l*k + m jj = n + kpm jjj = l + 1 do 11 ll=1,kpm t(jj) = break(jjj) 11 jj = jj - 1 do 12 j=1,l jjj = jjj - 1 do 12 ll=1,k t(jj) = break(jjj) 12 jj = jj - 1 do 13 ll=1,kpm 13 t(ll) = break(1) return end subroutine l2appr ( t, n, k, q, diag, bcoef ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc L2APPR constructs a weighted L2 spline approximation to given data. c c from * a practical guide to splines * by c. de boor c to be called in main program l 2 m a i n . calls subprograms bsplvb, bchfac/slv c constructs the (weighted discrete) l2-approximation by splines of order c k with knot sequence t(1), ..., t(n+k) to given data points c ( tau(i), gtau(i) ), i=1,...,ntau. the b-spline coefficients c b c o e f of the approximating spline are determined from the c normal equations using cholesky's method. c c****** i n p u t ****** c t(1), ..., t(n+k) the knot sequence c n.....the dimension of the space of splines of order k with knots t. c k.....the order c c w a r n i n g . . . the restriction k .le. kmax (= 20) is impo- c sed by the arbitrary dimension statement for biatx below, but c is n o w h e r e c h e c k e d for. c c****** w o r k a r r a y s ****** c q....a work array of size (at least) k*n. its first k rows are used c for the k lower diagonals of the gramian matrix c . c diag.....a work array of length n used in bchfac . c c****** i n p u t via c o m m o n /data/ ****** c ntau.....number of data points c (tau(i),gtau(i)), i=1,...,ntau are the ntau data points to be c fitted . c weight(i), i=1,...,ntau are the corresponding weights . c c****** o u t p u t ****** c bcoef(1), ..., bcoef(n) the b-spline coeffs. of the l2-appr. c c****** m e t h o d ****** c the b-spline coefficients of the l2-appr. are determined as the sol- c ution of the normal equations c sum ( (b(i),b(j))*bcoef(j) : j=1,...,n) = (b(i),g), c i = 1, ..., n . c here, b(i) denotes the i-th b-spline, g denotes the function to c be approximated, and the i n n e r p r o d u c t of two funct- c ions f and g is given by c (f,g) := sum ( f(tau(i))*g(tau(i))*weight(i) : i=1,...,ntau) . c the arrays t a u and w e i g h t are given in common block c d a t a , as is the array g t a u containing the sequence c g(tau(i)), i=1,...,ntau. c the relevant function values of the b-splines b(i), i=1,...,n, are c supplied by the subprogram b s p l v b . c the coeff.matrix c , with c c(i,j) := (b(i), b(j)), i,j=1,...,n, c of the normal equations is symmetric and (2*k-1)-banded, therefore c can be specified by giving its k bands at or below the diagonal. for c i=1,...,n, we store c (b(i),b(j)) = c(i,j) in q(i-j+1,j), j=i,...,min0(i+k-1,n) c and the right side c (b(i), g ) in bcoef(i) . c since b-spline values are most efficiently generated by finding sim- c ultaneously the value of e v e r y nonzero b-spline at one point, c the entries of c (i.e., of q ), are generated by computing, for c each ll, all the terms involving tau(ll) simultaneously and adding c them to all relevant entries. c implicit none integer k,n, i,j,jj,kmax,left,leftmk,ll,mm,ntau,ntmax parameter (kmax=20,ntmax=200) double precision bcoef(n),diag(n),q(k,n),t(n+k), & biatx(kmax),dw,gtau,tau,totalw,weight common / i4data / ntau common / r8data / tau(ntmax),gtau(ntmax),weight(ntmax),totalw do 7 j=1,n bcoef(j) = 0.0D+00 do 7 i=1,k 7 q(i,j) = 0.0D+00 left = k leftmk = 0 do 20 ll=1,ntau c locate l e f t s.t. tau(ll) in (t(left),t(left+1)) 10 if (left .eq. n) go to 15 if (tau(ll) .lt. t(left+1)) go to 15 left = left+1 leftmk = leftmk + 1 go to 10 15 call bsplvb ( t, k, 1, tau(ll), left, biatx ) c biatx(mm) contains the value of b(left-k+mm) at tau(ll). c hence, with dw := biatx(mm)*weight(ll), the number dw*gtau(ll) c is a summand in the inner product c (b(left-k+mm), g) which goes into bcoef(left-k+mm) c and the number biatx(jj)*dw is a summand in the inner product c (b(left-k+jj), b(left-k+mm)), into q(jj-mm+1,left-k+mm) c since (left-k+jj) - (left-k+mm) + 1 = jj - mm + 1 . do 20 mm=1,k dw = biatx(mm)*weight(ll) j = leftmk + mm bcoef(j) = dw*gtau(ll) + bcoef(j) i = 1 do 20 jj=mm,k q(i,j) = biatx(jj)*dw + q(i,j) 20 i = i + 1 c c construct cholesky factorization for c in q , then use c it to solve the normal equations c c*x = bcoef c for x , and store x in bcoef . call bchfac ( q, k, n, diag ) call bchslv ( q, k, n, bcoef ) return end subroutine l2err ( prfun , ftau , error ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc L2ERR computes the errors of an L2 approximation. c c from * a practical guide to splines * by c. de boor c this routine is to be called in the main program l 2 m a i n . calls subprogram ppvalu(interv) c this subroutine computes various errors of the current l2-approxi- c mation , whose pp-repr. is contained in common block approx , c to the given data contained in common block data . it prints out c the average error e r r l 1 , the l2-error e r r l 2, and the c maximum error e r r m a x . c c****** i n p u t ****** c prfun a logical value. if prfun = TRUE, the routine prints out c the value of the approximation as well as its error at c every data point. c c****** o u t p u t ****** c ftau(1), ..., ftau(ntau), with ftau(i) the approximation f at c tau(i), all i. c error(1), ..., error(ntau), with error(i) = scale*(g - f) c at tau(i), all i. here, s c a l e equals 1. in case c prfun .ne. 'ON' , or the abs.error is greater than 100 some- c where. otherwise, s c a l e is such that the maximum of c abs(error)) over all i lies between 10 and 100. this c makes the printed output more illustrative. c implicit none logical prfun integer ie,k,l,ll,lpkmax,ltkmax,ntau,ntmax double precision ftau(ntau),error(ntau), & break,coef,err,errmax,errl1,errl2,gtau,ppvalu, & scale,tau,totalw,weight parameter (lpkmax=100,ntmax=200,ltkmax=2000) common / i4data / ntau common / r8data / tau(ntmax),gtau(ntmax),weight(ntmax),totalw common /approx/ break(lpkmax),coef(ltkmax),l,k errl1 = 0.0D+00 errl2 = 0.0D+00 errmax = 0.0D+00 do ll=1,ntau ftau(ll) = ppvalu (break, coef, l, k, tau(ll), 0 ) error(ll) = gtau(ll) - ftau(ll) err = dabs(error(ll)) if (errmax .lt. err) errmax = err errl1 = errl1 + err*weight(ll) errl2 = errl2 + err**2*weight(ll) end do errl1 = errl1/totalw errl2 = dsqrt(errl2/totalw) print 615,errl2,errl1,errmax 615 format(///' least square error =',e20.6/ & ' average error =',e20.6/ & ' maximum error =',e20.6//) c c Scale error curve and print. c if ( prfun ) then ie = 0 scale = 1.0D+00 if (errmax .ge. 10.0D+00) go to 18 do ie=1,9 scale = scale*10.0D+00 if (errmax*scale .ge. 10.0D+00) go to 18 end do 18 do 19 ll=1,ntau 19 error(ll) = error(ll)*scale print 620,ie,(ll,tau(ll),ftau(ll),error(ll),ll=1,ntau) 620 format(///14x,'approximation and scaled error curve'/7x, &'data point',7x,'approximation',3x,'deviation x 10**',i1/ &(i4,f16.8,f16.8,f17.6)) end if return end subroutine l2knts ( break, l, k, t, n ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc L2KNTS converts breakpoints to knots. c c from * a practical guide to splines * by c. de boor c to be called in main program l 2 m a i n . converts the breakpoint sequence b r e a k into a corresponding knot c sequence t to allow the repr. of a pp function of order k with c k-2 continuous derivatives as a spline of order k with knot c sequence t . this means that c t(1), ..., t(n+k) = break(1) k times, then break(i), i=2,...,l, each c once, then break(l+1) k times . c therefore, n = k-1 + l. c c****** i n p u t ****** c k the order c l the number of polynomial pieces c break(1), ...,break(l+1) the breakpoint sequence c c****** o u t p u t ****** c t(1),...,t(n+k) the knot sequence c n the dimension of the corresp. spline space of order k . c implicit none integer k,l,n, i,km1 double precision break(1),t(1) c dimension break(l+1),t(n+k) km1 = k - 1 do 5 i=1,km1 5 t(i) = break(1) do 6 i=1,l 6 t(km1+i) = break(i) n = km1 + l do 7 i=1,k 7 t(n+i) = break(l+1) return end subroutine newnot ( break, coef, l, k, brknew, lnew, coefg ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc NEWNOT returns LNEW+1 knots which are equidistributed on (A,B) c c from * a practical guide to splines * by c. de boor c returns lnew+1 knots in brknew which are equidistributed on (a,b) c = (break(1),break(l+1)) wrto a certain monotone fctn g related to c the k-th root of the k-th derivative of the pp function f whose pp- c representation is contained in break, coef, l, k . c c****** i n p u t ****** c break, coef, l, k.....contains the pp-representation of a certain c function f of order k . Specifically, c d**(k-1)f(x) = coef(k,i) for break(i).le. x .lt.break(i+1) c lnew.....number of intervals into which the interval (a,b) is to be c sectioned by the new breakpoint sequence brknew . c c****** o u t p u t ****** c brknew.....array of length lnew+1 containing the new breakpoint se- c quence c coefg.....the coefficient part of the pp-repr. break, coefg, l, 2 c for the monotone p.linear function g wrto which brknew will c be equidistributed. c c****** optional p r i n t e d o u t p u t ****** c coefg.....the pp coeffs of g are printed out if iprint is set c .gt. 0 in data statement below. c c****** m e t h o d ****** c The k-th derivative of the given pp function f does not exist c (except perhaps as a linear combination of delta functions). Never- c theless, we construct a p.constant function h with breakpoint se- c quence break which is approximately proportional to abs(d**k(f)). c Specifically, on (break(i), break(i+1)), c c abs(jump at break(i) of pc) abs(jump at break(i+1) of pc) c h = -------------------------- + ---------------------------- c break(i+1) - break(i-1) break(i+2) - break(i) c c with pc the p.constant (k-1)st derivative of f . c Then, the p.linear function g is constructed as c c g(x) = integral of h(y)**(1/k) for y from a to x c c and its pp coeffs. stored in coefg . c then brknew is determined by c c brknew(i) = a + g**(-1)((i-1)*step) , i=1,...,lnew+1 c c where step = g(b)/lnew and (a,b) = (break(1),break(l+1)) . c In the event that pc = d**(k-1)(f) is constant in (a,b) and c therefore h = 0 identically, brknew is chosen uniformly spaced. c implicit none integer k,l,lnew, i,iprint,j double precision break(*),brknew(*),coef(k,l),coefg(2,l), & dif,difprv,oneovk & ,step,stepi c dimension break(l+1), brknew(lnew+1) current fortran standard makes it impossible to specify the dimension c of break and brknew without the introduction of additional c otherwise superfluous arguments. data iprint /0/ c brknew(1) = break(1) brknew(lnew+1) = break(l+1) c if g is constant, brknew is uniform. if (l .le. 1) go to 90 c construct the continuous p.linear function g . oneovk = 1.0D+00/dble(k) coefg(1,1) = 0.0D+00 difprv = dabs(coef(k,2) - coef(k,1))/(break(3)-break(1)) do 10 i=2,l dif = dabs(coef(k,i) - coef(k,i-1))/(break(i+1) - break(i-1)) coefg(2,i-1) = (dif + difprv)**oneovk coefg(1,i) = coefg(1,i-1)+coefg(2,i-1)*(break(i)-break(i-1)) 10 difprv = dif coefg(2,l) = (2.0D+00*difprv)**oneovk c step = g(b)/lnew step = (coefg(1,l)+coefg(2,l)*(break(l+1)-break(l)))/dble(lnew) c if (iprint .gt. 0) print 600, step,(i,coefg(1,i),coefg(2,i),i=1,l) 600 format(7h step =,e16.7/(i5,2e16.5)) c if g is constant, brknew is uniform . if (step .le. 0.0D+00) go to 90 c c For i=2,...,lnew, construct brknew(i) = a + g**(-1)(stepi), c with stepi = (i-1)*step . this requires inversion of the p.lin- c ear function g . For this, j is found so that c g(break(j)) .le. stepi .le. g(break(j+1)) c and then c brknew(i) = break(j) + (stepi-g(break(j)))/dg(break(j)) . c The midpoint is chosen if dg(break(j)) = 0 . j = 1 do 30 i=2,lnew stepi = dble(i-1)*step 21 if (j .eq. l) go to 27 if (stepi .le. coefg(1,j+1))go to 27 j = j + 1 go to 21 27 if (coefg(2,j) .eq. 0.0D+00) go to 29 brknew(i) = break(j) + (stepi - coefg(1,j))/coefg(2,j) go to 30 29 brknew(i) = (break(j) + break(j+1))/2. 30 continue return c c if g is constant, brknew is uniform . 90 step = (break(l+1) - break(1))/dble(lnew) do i=2,lnew brknew(i) = break(1) + dble(i-1)*step end do return end double precision function ppvalu (break, coef, l, k, x, jderiv ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc PPVALU evaluates a piecewise polynomial function or its derivative. c c from * a practical guide to splines * by c. de boor calls interv calculates value at x of jderiv-th derivative of pp fct from pp-repr c c****** i n p u t ****** c break, coef, l, k.....forms the pp-representation of the function f c to be evaluated. specifically, the j-th derivative of f is c given by c c (d**j)f(x) = coef(j+1,i) + h*(coef(j+2,i) + h*( ... (coef(k-1,i) + c + h*coef(k,i)/(k-j-1))/(k-j-2) ... )/2)/1 c c with h = x - break(i), and c c i = max( 1 , max( j , break(j) .le. x , 1 .le. j .le. l ) ). c c x.....the point at which to evaluate. c jderiv.....integer giving the order of the derivative to be evaluat- c ed. a s s u m e d to be zero or positive. c c****** o u t p u t ****** c ppvalu.....the value of the (jderiv)-th derivative of f at x. c c****** m e t h o d ****** c the interval index i , appropriate for x , is found through a c call to interv . the formula above for the jderiv-th derivative c of f is then evaluated (by nested multiplication). c implicit none integer jderiv,k,l, i,m,ndummy double precision break(l+1),coef(k,l),x, fmmjdr,h ppvalu = 0.0D+00 fmmjdr = k - jderiv c derivatives of order k or higher are identically zero. if (fmmjdr .le. 0.0D+00) go to 99 c c find index i of largest breakpoint to the left of x . call interv ( break, l+1, x, i, ndummy ) c c Evaluate jderiv-th derivative of i-th polynomial piece at x . h = x - break(i) m = k 9 ppvalu = (ppvalu/fmmjdr)*h + coef(m,i) m = m - 1 fmmjdr = fmmjdr - 1.0D+00 if (fmmjdr .gt. 0.0D+00) go to 9 99 return end subroutine putit ( t, kpm, left, scrtch, dbiatx, q, nrow, b ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc PUTIT puts together one block of the collocation equation system. c c from * a practical guide to splines * by c. de Boor (7 may 92) calls bsplvd(bsplvb),difequ(*) c to be called by e q b l o k . c c puts together one block of the collocation equation system c c****** i n p u t ****** c t knot sequence, of size left+kpm (at least) c kpm order of spline c left integer indicating interval of interest, viz the interval c (t(left), t(left+1)) c nrow number of rows in block to be put together c c****** w o r k a r e a ****** c scrtch used in bsplvd, of size (kpm,kpm) c dbiatx used to contain derivatives of b-splines, of size (kpm,m+1) c with dbiatx(j,i+1) containing the i-th derivative of the c j-th b-spline of interest c c****** o u t p u t ****** c q the block, of size (nrow,kpm) c b the corresponding piece of the right side, of size (nrow) c c****** m e t h o d ****** c the k collocation equations for the interval (t(left),t(left+1)) c are constructed with the aid of the subroutine d i f e q u ( 2, ., c . ) and interspersed (in order) with the side conditions (if any) in c this interval, using d i f e q u ( 3, ., . ) for the information. c the block q has kpm columns, corresponding to the kpm b- c splines of order kpm which have the interval (t(left),t(left+1)) c in their support. the block's diagonal is part of the diagonal of the c total system. the first equation in this block not overlapped by the c preceding block is therefore equation l o w r o w , with lowrow = 1+ c number of side conditions in preceding intervals (or blocks). c implicit none integer kpm,left,nrow, i,irow,iside,itermx,j,k,ll,lowrow,m,mode & ,mp1 double precision b(1),dbiatx(kpm,1),q(nrow,kpm),scrtch(1),t(1), & dx,rho,sum & ,v(20),xm,xside,xx common /side/ m, iside, xside(10) common /other/ itermx,k,rho(19) mp1 = m+1 do 10 j=1,kpm do 10 i=1,nrow 10 q(i,j) = 0.0D+00 xm = (t(left+1)+t(left))/2.0D+00 dx = (t(left+1)-t(left))/2.0D+00 c ll = 1 lowrow = iside do 30 irow=lowrow,nrow if (ll .gt. k) go to 22 mode = 2 c next collocation point is ... xx = xm + dx*rho(ll) ll = ll + 1 c the corresp.collocation equation is next unless the next side c condition occurs at a point at, or to the left of, the next c collocation point. if (iside .gt. m) go to 24 if (xside(iside) .gt. xx) go to 24 ll = ll - 1 22 mode = 3 xx = xside(iside) 24 call difequ ( mode, xx, v ) c the next equation, a collocation equation (mode = 2) or a side c condition (mode = 3), reads c (*) (v(m+1)*d**m + v(m)*d**(m-1) +...+ v(1)*d**0)f(xx) = v(m+2) c in terms of the info supplied by difequ . the corresponding c equation for the b-coeffs of f therefore has the left side of c (*), evaluated at each of the kpm b-splines having xx in c their support, as its kpm possibly nonzero coefficients. call bsplvd ( t, kpm, xx, left, scrtch, dbiatx, mp1 ) do 26 j=1,kpm sum = 0.0D+00 do 25 i=1,mp1 25 sum = v(i)*dbiatx(j,i) + sum 26 q(irow,j) = sum 30 b(irow) = v(m+2) return end double precision function round ( x ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc ROUND is called to add some noise to data. c c from * a practical guide to splines * by c. de boor called in example 1 of chapter xiii c implicit none double precision x, flip,size common /rount/ size data flip /-1.0D+00/ flip = -flip round = x + flip*size return end subroutine sbblok ( bloks, integs, nbloks, ipivot, b, x ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc SBBLOK solves a linear system that was factored by FCBLOK. c calls subroutines s u b f o r and s u b b a k . c c supervises the solution (by forward and backward substitution) of c the linear system a*x = b for x, with the plu factorization of a c already generated in f c b l o k . individual blocks of equations c are solved via s u b f o r and s u b b a k . c c parameters c bloks, integs, nbloks, ipivot are as on return from fcblok. c b the right side, stored corresponding to the storage of c the equations. see comments in s l v b l k for details. c x solution vector c implicit none integer nbloks integer integs(3,nbloks),ipivot(1), i,index,indexb,indexx,j,last, & nbp1,ncol,nrow double precision bloks(1),b(1),x(1) c c forward substitution pass c index = 1 indexb = 1 indexx = 1 do 20 i=1,nbloks nrow = integs(1,i) last = integs(3,i) call subfor(bloks(index),ipivot(indexb),nrow,last,b(indexb), & x(indexx)) index = nrow*integs(2,i) + index indexb = indexb + nrow 20 indexx = indexx + last c c back substitution pass c nbp1 = nbloks + 1 do 30 j=1,nbloks i = nbp1 - j nrow = integs(1,i) ncol = integs(2,i) last = integs(3,i) index = index - nrow*ncol indexb = indexb - nrow indexx = indexx - last 30 call subbak(bloks(index),ipivot(indexb),nrow,ncol,last, & x(indexx)) return end subroutine setupq ( x, dx, y, npoint, v, qty ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc SETUPQ is to be called in SMOOTH. c c from * a practical guide to splines * by c. de boor c to be called in s m o o t h c put delx = x(.+1) - x(.) into v(.,4), c put the three bands of q-transp*d into v(.,1-3), and c put the three bands of (d*q)-transp*(d*q) at and above the diagonal c into v(.,5-7) . c here, q is the tridiagonal matrix of order (npoint-2,npoint) c with general row 1/delx(i) , -1/delx(i) - 1/delx(i+1) , 1/delx(i+1) c and d is the diagonal matrix with general row dx(i) . c implicit none integer npoint, i,npm1 double precision dx(npoint),qty(npoint),v(npoint,7), & x(npoint),y(npoint), & diff,prev npm1 = npoint - 1 v(1,4) = x(2) - x(1) do 11 i=2,npm1 v(i,4) = x(i+1) - x(i) v(i,1) = dx(i-1)/v(i-1,4) v(i,2) = - dx(i)/v(i,4) - dx(i)/v(i-1,4) 11 v(i,3) = dx(i+1)/v(i,4) v(npoint,1) = 0.0D+00 do 12 i=2,npm1 12 v(i,5) = v(i,1)**2 + v(i,2)**2 + v(i,3)**2 if (npm1 .lt. 3) go to 14 do 13 i=3,npm1 13 v(i-1,6) = v(i-1,2)*v(i,1) + v(i-1,3)*v(i,2) 14 v(npm1,6) = 0.0D+00 if (npm1 .lt. 4) go to 16 do 15 i=4,npm1 15 v(i-2,7) = v(i-2,3)*v(i,1) 16 v(npm1-1,7) = 0.0D+00 v(npm1,7) = 0.0D+00 construct q-transp. * y in qty. prev = (y(2) - y(1))/v(1,4) do 21 i=2,npm1 diff = (y(i+1)-y(i))/v(i,4) qty(i) = diff - prev 21 prev = diff return end subroutine shiftb ( ai, ipivot, nrowi, ncoli, last, & ai1, nrowi1, ncoli1 ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc SHIFTB shifts the rows in the current block. c c shifts the rows in current block, ai, not used as pivot rows, if c any, i.e., rows ipivot(last+1),...,ipivot(nrowi), onto the first c mmax = nrow-last rows of the next block, ai1, with column last+j of c ai going to column j , j=1,...,jmax=ncoli-last. the remaining col- c umns of these rows of ai1 are zeroed out. c c picture c c original situation after results in a new block i+1 c last = 2 columns have been created and ready to be c done in factrb (assuming no factored by next factrb call. c interchanges of rows) c 1 c x x 1x x x x x x x x c 1 c 0 x 1x x x 0 x x x x c block i 1 --------------- c nrowi = 4 0 0 1x x x 0 0 1x x x 0 01 c ncoli = 5 1 1 1 c last = 2 0 0 1x x x 0 0 1x x x 0 01 c ------------------------------- 1 1 new c 1x x x x x 1x x x x x1 block c 1 1 1 i+1 c block i+1 1x x x x x 1x x x x x1 c nrowi1= 5 1 1 1 c ncoli1= 5 1x x x x x 1x x x x x1 c ------------------------------- 1-------------1 c 1 c implicit none integer ncoli integer ncoli1 integer nrowi integer nrowi1 integer ipivot(nrowi),last, ip,j,jmax,jmaxp1,m,mmax double precision ai(nrowi,ncoli),ai1(nrowi1,ncoli1) mmax = nrowi - last jmax = ncoli - last if (mmax .lt. 1 .or. jmax .lt. 1) return c put the remainder of block i into ai1 do 10 m=1,mmax ip = ipivot(last+m) do 10 j=1,jmax 10 ai1(m,j) = ai(ip,last+j) if (jmax .eq. ncoli1) return c zero out the upper right corner of ai1 jmaxp1 = jmax + 1 do 20 j=jmaxp1,ncoli1 do 20 m=1,mmax 20 ai1(m,j) = 0.0D+00 return end subroutine slvblk ( bloks, integs, nbloks, b, ipivot, x, iflag ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc SLVBLK solves the almost block diagonal linear system A * x = b. c c this program solves the linear system a*x = b where a is an c almost block diagonal matrix. such almost block diagonal matrices c arise naturally in piecewise polynomial interpolation or approx- c imation and in finite element methods for two-point boundary value c problems. the plu factorization method is implemented here to take c advantage of the special structure of such systems for savings in c computing time and storage requirements. c c parameters c bloks a one-dimenional array, of length c sum( integs(1,i)*integs(2,i) ; i = 1,nbloks ) c on input, contains the blocks of the almost block diagonal c matrix a . the array integs (see below and the example) c describes the block structure. c on output, contains correspondingly the plu factorization c of a (if iflag .ne. 0). certain of the entries into bloks c are arbitrary (where the blocks overlap). c integs integer array description of the block structure of a . c integs(1,i) = no. of rows of block i = nrow c integs(2,i) = no. of colums of block i = ncol c integs(3,i) = no. of elim. steps in block i = last c i = 1,2,...,nbloks c the linear system is of order c n = sum ( integs(3,i) , i=1,...,nbloks ), c but the total number of rows in the blocks is c nbrows = sum( integs(1,i) ; i = 1,...,nbloks) c nbloks number of blocks c b right side of the linear system, array of length nbrows. c certain of the entries are arbitrary, corresponding to c rows of the blocks which overlap (see block structure and c the example below). c ipivot on output, integer array containing the pivoting sequence c used. length is nbrows c x on output, contains the computed solution (if iflag .ne. 0) c length is n. c iflag on output, integer c = (-1)**(no. of interchanges during factorization) c if a is invertible c = 0 if a is singular c c auxiliary programs c fcblok (bloks,integs,nbloks,ipivot,scrtch,iflag) factors the matrix c a , and is used for this purpose in slvblk. its arguments c are as in slvblk, except for c scrtch = a work array of length max(integs(1,i)). c c sbblok (bloks,integs,nbloks,ipivot,b,x) solves the system a*x = b c once a is factored. this is done automatically by slvblk c for one right side b, but subsequent solutions may be c obtained for additional b-vectors. the arguments are all c as in slvblk. c c dtblok (bloks,integs,nbloks,ipivot,iflag,detsgn,detlog) computes the c determinant of a once slvblk or fcblok has done the fact- c orization.the first five arguments are as in slvblk. c detsgn = sign of the determinant c detlog = natural log of the determinant c c ------ block structure of a ------ c the nbloks blocks are stored consecutively in the array bloks . c the first block has its (1,1)-entry at bloks(1), and, if the i-th c block has its (1,1)-entry at bloks(index(i)), then c index(i+1) = index(i) + nrow(i)*ncol(i) . c the blocks are pieced together to give the interesting part of a c as follows. for i = 1,2,...,nbloks-1, the (1,1)-entry of the next c block (the (i+1)st block ) corresponds to the (last+1,last+1)-entry c of the current i-th block. recall last = integs(3,i) and note that c this means that c a. every block starts on the diagonal of a . c b. the blocks overlap (usually). the rows of the (i+1)st block c which are overlapped by the i-th block may be arbitrarily de- c fined initially. they are overwritten during elimination. c the right side for the equations in the i-th block are stored cor- c respondingly as the last entries of a piece of b of length nrow c (= integs(1,i)) and following immediately in b the corresponding c piece for the right side of the preceding block, with the right side c for the first block starting at b(1) . in this, the right side for c an equation need only be specified once on input, in the first block c in which the equation appears. c c ------ example and test driver ------ c the test driver for this package contains an example, a linear c system of order 11, whose nonzero entries are indicated in the fol- c lowing schema by their row and column index modulo 10. next to it c are the contents of the integs arrray when the matrix is taken to c be almost block diagonal with nbloks = 5, and below it are the five c blocks. c c nrow1 = 3, ncol1 = 4 c 11 12 13 14 c 21 22 23 24 nrow2 = 3, ncol2 = 3 c 31 32 33 34 c last1 = 2 43 44 45 c 53 54 55 nrow3 = 3, ncol3 = 4 c last2 = 3 66 67 68 69 nrow4 = 3, ncol4 = 4 c 76 77 78 79 nrow5 = 4, ncol5 = 4 c 86 87 88 89 c last3 = 1 97 98 99 90 c last4 = 1 08 09 00 01 c 18 19 10 11 c last5 = 4 c c actual input to bloks shown by rows of blocks of a . c (the ** items are arbitrary, this storage is used by slvblk) c c 11 12 13 14 / ** ** ** / 66 67 68 69 / ** ** ** ** / ** ** ** ** c 21 22 23 24 / 43 44 45 / 76 77 78 79 / ** ** ** ** / ** ** ** ** c 31 32 33 34/ 53 54 55/ 86 87 88 89/ 97 98 99 90/ 08 09 00 01 c 18 19 10 11 c c index = 1 index = 13 index = 22 index = 34 index = 46 c c actual right side values with ** for arbitrary values c b1 b2 b3 ** b4 b5 b6 b7 b8 ** ** b9 ** ** b10 b11 c c (it would have been more efficient to combine block 3 with block 4) c implicit none integer nbloks integer integs(3,nbloks),ipivot(1),iflag double precision bloks(1),b(1),x(1) c in the call to fcblok, x is used for temporary storage. call fcblok(bloks,integs,nbloks,ipivot,x,iflag) if (iflag .eq. 0) return call sbblok(bloks,integs,nbloks,ipivot,b,x) return end double precision function smooth ( x, y, dy, npoint, s, v, a ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc SMOOTH constructs the cubic smoothing spline to given data. c c from * a practical guide to splines * by c. de boor calls setupq, chol1d c c constructs the cubic smoothing spline f to given data (x(i),y(i)), c i=1,...,npoint, which has as small a second derivative as possible c while c s(f) = sum( ((y(i)-f(x(i)))/dy(i))**2 , i=1,...,npoint ) .le. s . c c****** i n p u t ****** c x(1),...,x(npoint) data abscissae, a s s u m e d to be strictly c increasing . c y(1),...,y(npoint) corresponding data ordinates . c dy(1),...,dy(npoint) estimate of uncertainty in data, a s s u m- c e d to be positive . c npoint.....number of data points, a s s u m e d .gt. 1 c s.....upper bound on the discrete weighted mean square distance of c the approximation f from the data . c c****** w o r k a r r a y s ***** c v.....of size (npoint,7) c a.....of size (npoint,4) c c***** o u t p u t ***** c a(.,1).....contains the sequence of smoothed ordinates . c a(i,j) = f^(j-1)(x(i)), j=2,3,4, i=1,...,npoint-1 , i.e., the c first three derivatives of the smoothing spline f at the c left end of each of the data intervals . c w a r n i n g . . . a would have to be transposed before it c could be used in ppvalu . c c****** m e t h o d ****** c The matrices Q-transp*d and Q-transp*D**2*Q are constructed in c s e t u p q from x and dy , as is the vector qty = Q-transp*y . c Then, for given p , the vector u is determined in c h o l 1 d as c the solution of the linear system c (6(1-p)Q-transp*D**2*Q + p*Q)u = qty . c From u , the smoothing spline f (for this choice of smoothing par- c ameter p ) is obtained in the sense that c f(x(.)) = y - 6(1-p)D**2*Q*u and c f''(x(.)) = 6*p*u . c The smoothing parameter p is found (if possible) so that c sf(p) = s , c with sf(p) = s(f) , where f is the smoothing spline as it depends c on p . if s = 0, then p = 1 . if sf(0) .le. s , then p = 0 . c Otherwise, the secant method is used to locate an appropriate p in c the open interval (0,1) . However, straightforward application of c the secant method, as done in the original version of this program, c can be very slow and is influenced by the units in which x and y c are measured, as C. Reinsch has pointed out. Instead, on recommend- c ation from C. Reinsch, the secant method is applied to the function c g:q |--> 1/sqrt{sfq(q)} - 1/sqrt{s} , c with sfq(q) := sf(q/(1+q)), since 1/sqrt{sfq} is monotone increasing c and close to linear for larger q . One starts at q = 0 with a c Newton step, i.e., c q_0 = 0, q_1 = -g(0)/g'(0) c with g'(0) = -(1/2) sfq(0)^{-3/2} dsfq, where dsfq = -12*u-transp*r*u , c and u as obtained for p = 0 . Iteration terminates as soon as c abs(sf - s) .le. .01*s . c implicit none c c logical test c parameter (test = .true.) c integer itercnt integer npoint, i,npm1 double precision a(npoint,4),dy(npoint),s,v(npoint,7), & x(npoint),y(npoint) & ,change,ooss,oosf,p,prevsf,prevq,q,sfq,sixp,utru call setupq(x,dy,y,npoint,v,a(1,4)) if (s .gt. 0.0D+00) go to 20 p = 1.0D+00 call chol1d(p,v,a(1,4),npoint,1,a(1,3),a(1,1)) sfq = 0.0D+00 go to 60 20 p = 0.0D+00 call chol1d(p,v,a(1,4),npoint,1,a(1,3),a(1,1)) sfq = 0.0D+00 do i=1,npoint sfq = sfq + (a(i,1)*dy(i))**2 end do sfq = sfq*36.0D+00 if (sfq .le. s) go to 60 utru = 0.0D+00 do i=2,npoint utru = utru + v(i-1,4)*(a(i-1,3)*(a(i-1,3)+a(i,3))+a(i,3)**2) end do ooss = 1.0D+00/dsqrt(s) oosf = 1.0D+00/dsqrt(sfq) q = -(oosf-ooss)*sfq/(6.0D+00*utru*oosf) c secant iteration for the determination of p starts here. c itercnt = 0 prevq = 0.0D+00 prevsf = oosf 30 call chol1d(q/(1.0D+00+q),v,a(1,4),npoint,1,a(1,3),a(1,1)) sfq = 0.0D+00 do 35 i=1,npoint 35 sfq = sfq + (a(i,1)*dy(i))**2 sfq = sfq*36.0D+00/(1.0D+00+q)**2 if (dabs(sfq-s) .le. 0.01D+00*s) go to 59 oosf = 1.0D+00/dsqrt(sfq) change = (q-prevq)/(oosf-prevsf)*(oosf-ooss) prevq = q q = q - change prevsf = oosf c itercnt = itercnt + 1 go to 30 59 p = q/(1.0D+00+q) correct value of p has been found. compute pol.coefficients from Q*u (in a(.,1)). 60 smooth = sfq c if (test) then c print *, 'number of iterations = ', itercnt c end if c six1mp = 6./(1.0D+00+q) do 61 i=1,npoint c 61 a(i,1) = y(i) - six1mp*dy(i)**2*a(i,1) 61 a(i,1) = y(i) - 6.0D+00 * ( 1.0D+00 - p ) *dy(i)**2*a(i,1) sixp = 6.0D+00*p do 62 i=1,npoint 62 a(i,3) = a(i,3)*sixp npm1 = npoint - 1 do 63 i=1,npm1 a(i,4) = (a(i+1,3)-a(i,3))/v(i,4) 63 a(i,2) = (a(i+1,1)-a(i,1))/v(i,4) & - (a(i,3)+a(i,4)/3.0D+00*v(i,4))/2.0D+00*v(i,4) return end subroutine spli2d ( tau, gtau, t, n, k, m, work, q, bcoef, iflag )******** c*********************************************************************72 c cc SPLI2D produces a interpolatory tensor product spline. c c from * a practical guide to splines * by c. de boor calls bsplvb, banfac/slv c this is an extended version of splint , for the use in tensor prod- -------- c uct interpolation. -------- c c spli2d produces the b-spline coeff.s bcoef(j,.) of the spline of -------- c order k with knots t (i), i=1,..., n + k , which takes on the -------- c value gtau (i,j) at tau (i), i=1,..., n , j=1,..., m . -------- c c****** i n p u t ****** c tau.....array of length n , containing data point abscissae. c a s s u m p t i o n . . . tau is strictly increasing c gtau(.,j)..corresponding array of length n , containing data point -------- c ordinates, j=1,...,m -------- c t.....knot sequence, of length n+k c n.....number of data points and dimension of spline space s(k,t) c k.....order of spline c m.....number of data sets ******** c c****** w o r k a r e a ****** ******** c work a vector of length n ******** c c****** o u t p u t ****** c q.....array of size (2*k-1)*n , containing the triangular factoriz- c ation of the coefficient matrix of the linear system for the b- c coefficients of the spline interpolant. c the b-coeffs for the interpolant of an additional data set c (tau(i),htau(i)), i=1,...,n with the same data abscissae can c be obtained without going through all the calculations in this c routine, simply by loading htau into bcoef and then execut- c ing the call banslv ( q, 2*k-1, n, k-1, k-1, bcoef ) c bcoef.....the b-coefficients of the interpolant, of length n c integer indicating success (= 1) or failure (= 2) c the linear system to be solved is (theoretically) invertible if c and only if c t(i) .lt. tau(i) .lt. tau(i+k), all i. c violation of this condition is certain to lead to iflag = 2 . c c****** m e t h o d ****** c the i-th equation of the linear system a*bcoef = b for the b-co- c effs of the interpolant enforces interpolation at tau(i), i=1,...,n. c hence, b(i) = gtau(i), all i, and a is a band matrix with 2k-1 c bands (if it is invertible). c the matrix a is generated row by row and stored, diagonal by di- c agonal, in the r o w s of the array q , with the main diagonal go- c ing into row k . see comments in the program below. c the banded system is then solved by a call to banfac (which con- c structs the triangular factorization for a and stores it again in c q ), followed by a call to banslv (which then obtains the solution c bcoef by substitution). c banfac does no pivoting, since the total positivity of the matrix c a makes this unnecessary. c implicit none integer iflag,k,m,n, i,ilp1mx,j,jj,km1,kpkm2,left,lenq,np1 ******** double precision bcoef(m,n),gtau(n,m),q(1), & t(1),tau(n),work(n), taui c dimension q(2*k-1,n), t(n+k) current fortran standard makes it impossible to specify precisely the c dimension of q and t without the introduction of otherwise super- c fluous additional arguments. np1 = n + 1 km1 = k - 1 kpkm2 = 2*km1 left = k c zero out all entries of q lenq = n*(k+km1) do 5 i=1,lenq 5 q(i) = 0.0D+00 c c *** loop over i to construct the n interpolation equations do 30 i=1,n taui = tau(i) ilp1mx = min0(i+k,np1) c *** find left in the closed interval (i,i+k-1) such that c t(left) .le. tau(i) .lt. t(left+1) c matrix is singular if this is not possible left = max0(left,i) if (taui .lt. t(left)) go to 998 15 if (taui .lt. t(left+1)) go to 16 left = left + 1 if (left .lt. ilp1mx) go to 15 left = left - 1 if (taui .gt. t(left+1)) go to 998 c *** the i-th equation enforces interpolation at taui, hence c a(i,j) = b(j,k,t)(taui), all j. only the k entries with j = c left-k+1,...,left actually might be nonzero. these k numbers c are returned, in work (used for here), by the -------- c following 16 call bsplvb ( t, k, 1, taui, left, work ) -------- c we therefore want work(j) = b(left -k+j)(taui) to go into -------- c a(i,left-k+j), i.e., into q(i-(left+j)+2*k,(left+j)-k) since c a(i+j,j) is to go into q(i+k,j), all i,j, if we consider q c as a two-dim. array , with 2*k-1 rows (see comments in c banfac). in the present program, we treat q as an equivalent c one-dimensional array (because of fortran restrictions on c dimension statements) . we therefore want work(j) to go into -------- c entry c i -(left+j) + 2*k + ((left+j) - k-1)*(2*k-1) c = i-left+1 + (left -k)*(2*k-1) + (2*k-2)*j c of q . jj = i-left+1 + (left-k)*(k+km1) do 30 j=1,k jj = jj+kpkm2 30 q(jj) = work(j) -------- c c ***obtain factorization of a , stored again in q. call banfac ( q, k+km1, n, km1, km1, iflag ) go to (40,999), iflag c *** solve a*bcoef = gtau by backsubstitution 40 do 50 j=1,m ******** do 41 i=1,n -------- 41 work(i) = gtau(i,j) ******** call banslv ( q, k+km1, n, km1, km1, work ) -------- do 50 i=1,n ******** 50 bcoef(j,i) = work(i) ******** return 998 iflag = 2 999 print 699 699 format(41h linear system in splint not invertible) return end subroutine splint ( tau, gtau, t, n, k, q, bcoef, iflag ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc SPLINT produces the B-spline coefficients BCOEF of an interpolating spline. c c from * a practical guide to splines * by c. de boor calls bsplvb, banfac/slv c c splint produces the b-spline coeff.s bcoef of the spline of order c k with knots t(i), i=1,..., n + k , which takes on the value c gtau(i) at tau(i), i=1,..., n . c c****** i n p u t ****** c tau.....array of length n , containing data point abscissae. c a s s u m p t i o n . . . tau is strictly increasing c gtau.....corresponding array of length n , containing data point or- c dinates c t.....knot sequence, of length n+k c n.....number of data points and dimension of spline space s(k,t) c k.....order of spline c c****** o u t p u t ****** c q.....array of size (2*k-1)*n , containing the triangular factoriz- c ation of the coefficient matrix of the linear system for the b- c coefficients of the spline interpolant. c the b-coeffs for the interpolant of an additional data set c (tau(i),htau(i)), i=1,...,n with the same data abscissae can c be obtained without going through all the calculations in this c routine, simply by loading htau into bcoef and then execut- c ing the call banslv ( q, 2*k-1, n, k-1, k-1, bcoef ) c bcoef.....the b-coefficients of the interpolant, of length n c integer indicating success (= 1) or failure (= 2) c the linear system to be solved is (theoretically) invertible if c and only if c t(i) .lt. tau(i) .lt. t(i+k), all i. c violation of this condition is certain to lead to iflag = 2 . c c****** m e t h o d ****** c the i-th equation of the linear system a*bcoef = b for the b-co- c effs of the interpolant enforces interpolation at tau(i), i=1,...,n. c hence, b(i) = gtau(i), all i, and a is a band matrix with 2k-1 c bands (if it is invertible). c the matrix a is generated row by row and stored, diagonal by di- c agonal, in the r o w s of the array q , with the main diagonal go- c ing into row k . see comments in the program below. c the banded system is then solved by a call to banfac (which con- c structs the triangular factorization for a and stores it again in c q ), followed by a call to banslv (which then obtains the solution c bcoef by substitution). c banfac does no pivoting, since the total positivity of the matrix c a makes this unnecessary. c implicit none integer iflag,k,n, i,ilp1mx,j,jj,km1,kpkm2,left,lenq,np1 double precision bcoef(n),gtau(n),q(1),t(1),tau(n), taui c dimension q(2*k-1,n), t(n+k) current fortran standard makes it impossible to specify precisely the c dimension of q and t without the introduction of otherwise super- c fluous additional arguments. np1 = n + 1 km1 = k - 1 kpkm2 = 2*km1 left = k c zero out all entries of q lenq = n*(k+km1) do 5 i=1,lenq 5 q(i) = 0.0D+00 c c *** loop over i to construct the n interpolation equations do 30 i=1,n taui = tau(i) ilp1mx = min0(i+k,np1) c *** find left in the closed interval (i,i+k-1) such that c t(left) .le. tau(i) .lt. t(left+1) c matrix is singular if this is not possible left = max0(left,i) if (taui .lt. t(left)) go to 998 15 if (taui .lt. t(left+1)) go to 16 left = left + 1 if (left .lt. ilp1mx) go to 15 left = left - 1 if (taui .gt. t(left+1)) go to 998 c *** the i-th equation enforces interpolation at taui, hence c a(i,j) = b(j,k,t)(taui), all j. only the k entries with j = c left-k+1,...,left actually might be nonzero. these k numbers c are returned, in bcoef (used for here), by the c following 16 call bsplvb ( t, k, 1, taui, left, bcoef ) c we therefore want bcoef(j) = b(left-k+j)(taui) to go into c a(i,left-k+j), i.e., into q(i-(left+j)+2*k,(left+j)-k) since c a(i+j,j) is to go into q(i+k,j), all i,j, if we consider q c as a two-dim. array , with 2*k-1 rows (see comments in c banfac). in the present program, we treat q as an equivalent c one-dimensional array (because of fortran restrictions on c dimension statements) . we therefore want bcoef(j) to go into c entry c i -(left+j) + 2*k + ((left+j) - k-1)*(2*k-1) c = i-left+1 + (left -k)*(2*k-1) + (2*k-2)*j c of q . jj = i-left+1 + (left-k)*(k+km1) do 30 j=1,k jj = jj+kpkm2 30 q(jj) = bcoef(j) c c ***obtain factorization of a , stored again in q. call banfac ( q, k+km1, n, km1, km1, iflag ) go to (40,999), iflag c *** solve a*bcoef = gtau by backsubstitution 40 do 41 i=1,n 41 bcoef(i) = gtau(i) call banslv ( q, k+km1, n, km1, km1, bcoef ) return 998 iflag = 2 999 print 699 699 format(41h linear system in splint not invertible) return end subroutine splopt ( tau, n, k, scrtch, t, iflag ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc SPLOPT computes the knots for an optimal recovery scheme. c c from * a practical guide to splines * by c. de boor calls bsplvb, banfac/slv computes the knots t for the optimal recovery scheme of order k c for data at tau(i), i=1,...,n . c c****** i n p u t ****** c tau.....array of length n , containing the interpolation points. c a s s u m e d to be nondecreasing, with tau(i).lt.tau(i+k),all i. c n.....number of data points . c k.....order of the optimal recovery scheme to be used . c c****** w o r k a r r a y ***** c scrtch.....array of length (n-k)(2k+3) + 5k + 3 . the various c contents are specified in the text below . c c****** o u t p u t ****** c iflag.....integer indicating success (=1) or failure (=2) . c if iflag = 1, then c t.....array of length n+k containing the optimal knots ready for c use in optimal recovery. specifically, t(1) = ... = t(k) = c tau(1) and t(n+1) = ... = t(n+k) = tau(n) , while the n-k c interior knots t(k+1), ..., t(n) are calculated as described c below under *method* . c if iflag = 2, then c k .lt. 3, or n .lt. k, or a certain linear system was found to c be singular. c c****** p r i n t e d o u t p u t ****** c a comment will be printed in case iflag = 2 or newton iterations c failed to converge in n e w t m x iterations . c c****** m e t h o d ****** c the (interior) knots t(k+1), ..., t(n) are determined by newtons c method in such a way that the signum function which changes sign at c t(k+1), ..., t(n) and nowhere else in (tau(1),tau(n)) is orthogon- c al to the spline space spline( k , tau ) on that interval . c let xi(j) be the current guess for t(k+j), j=1,...,n-k. then c the next newton iterate is of the form c xi(j) + (-)**(n-k-j)*x(j) , j=1,...,n-k, c with x the solution of the linear system c c*x = d . c here, c(i,j) = b(i)(xi(j)), all j, with b(i) the i-th b-spline of c order k for the knot sequence tau , all i, and d is the vector c given by d(i) = sum( -a(j) , j=i,...,n )*(tau(i+k)-tau(i))/k, all i, c with a(i) = sum ( (-)**(n-k-j)*b(i,k+1,tau)(xi(j)) , j=1,...,n-k ) c for i=1,...,n-1, and a(n) = -.5 . c (see chapter xiii of text and references there for a derivation) c the first guess for t(k+j) is (tau(j+1)+...+tau(j+k-1))/(k-1) . c iteration terminates if max(abs(x(j))) .lt. t o l , with c t o l = t o l r t e *(tau(n)-tau(1))/(n-k) , c or else after n e w t m x iterations , currently, c newtmx, tolrte / 10, .000001 c implicit none integer iflag,k,n, i,id,index,j,km1,kpk,kpkm1,kpn,kp1,l,left &,leftmk,lenw,ll,llmax,llmin,na,nb,nc,nd,newtmx,newton,nmk,nmkm1,nx double precision scrtch(1),t(1),tau(n), & del,delmax,floatk,sign,signst,sum & ,tol,tolrte,xij c dimension scrtch((n-k)*(2*k+3)+5*k+3), t(n+k) current fortran standard makes it impossible to specify the precise dim- c ensions of scrtch and t without the introduction of otherwise c superfluous additional arguments . data newtmx,tolrte / 10,0.000001D+00/ nmk = n-k if (nmk) 1,56,2 1 print 601,n,k 601 format(13h argument n =,i4,29h in splopt is less than k =,i3) go to 999 2 if (k .gt. 2) go to 3 print 602,k 602 format(13h argument k =,i3,27h in splopt is less than 3) go to 999 3 nmkm1 = nmk - 1 floatk = k kpk = k+k kp1 = k+1 km1 = k-1 kpkm1 = kpk-1 kpn = k+n signst = -1.0D+00 if (nmk .gt. (nmk/2)*2) signst = 1.0D+00 c scrtch(i) = tau-extended(i), i=1,...,n+k+k nx = n+kpk+1 c scrtch(i+nx) = xi(i),i=0,...,n-k+1 na = nx + nmk + 1 c scrtch(i+na) = -a(i), i=1,...,n nd = na + n c scrtch(i+nd) = x(i) or d(i), i=1,...,n-k nb = nd + nmk c scrtch(i+nb) = biatx(i),i=1,...,k+1 nc = nb + kp1 c scrtch(i+(j-1)*(2k-1) + nc) = w(i,j) = c(i-k+j,j), i=j-k,...,j+k, c j=1,...,n-k. lenw = kpkm1*nmk c extend tau to a knot sequence and store in scrtch. do 5 j=1,k scrtch(j) = tau(1) 5 scrtch(kpn+j) = tau(n) do 6 j=1,n 6 scrtch(k+j) = tau(j) c first guess for scrtch (.+nx) = xi . scrtch(nx) = tau(1) scrtch(nmk+1+nx) = tau(n) do 10 j=1,nmk sum = 0.0D+00 do 9 l=1,km1 9 sum = sum + tau(j+l) 10 scrtch(j+nx) = sum/dble(km1) c last entry of scrtch (.+na) = - a is always ... scrtch(n+na) = .5 c start newton iteration. newton = 1 tol = tolrte*(tau(n) - tau(1))/dble(nmk) c start newton step compute the 2k-1 bands of the matrix c and store in scrtch(.+nc), c and compute the vector scrtch(.+na) = -a. 20 do 21 i=1,lenw 21 scrtch(i+nc) = 0.0D+00 do 22 i=2,n 22 scrtch(i-1+na) = 0.0D+00 sign = signst left = kp1 do 28 j=1,nmk xij = scrtch(j+nx) 23 if (xij .lt. scrtch(left+1))go to 25 left = left + 1 if (left .lt. kpn) go to 23 left = left - 1 25 call bsplvb(scrtch,k,1,xij,left,scrtch(1+nb)) c the tau sequence in scrtch is preceded by k additional knots c therefore, scrtch(ll+nb) now contains b(left-2k+ll)(xij) c which is destined for c(left-2k+ll,j), and therefore for c w(left-k-j+ll,j)= scrtch(left-k-j+ll + (j-1)*kpkm1 + nc) c since we store the 2k-1 bands of c in the 2k-1 r o w s of c the work array w, and w in turn is stored in s c r t c h , c with w(1,1) = scrtch(1 + nc) . c also, c being of order n-k, we would want 1 .le. c left-2k+ll .le. n-k or c llmin = 2k-left .le. ll .le. n-left+k = llmax . leftmk = left-k index = leftmk-j + (j-1)*kpkm1 + nc llmin = max0(1,k-leftmk) llmax = min0(k,n-leftmk) do 26 ll=llmin,llmax 26 scrtch(ll+index) = scrtch(ll+nb) call bsplvb(scrtch,kp1,2,xij,left,scrtch(1+nb)) id = max0(0,leftmk-kp1) llmin = 1 - min0(0,leftmk-kp1) do 27 ll=llmin,kp1 id = id + 1 27 scrtch(id+na) = scrtch(id+na) - sign*scrtch(ll+nb) 28 sign = -sign call banfac(scrtch(1+nc),kpkm1,nmk,km1,km1,iflag) go to (45,44),iflag 44 print 644 644 format(32h c in splopt is not invertible) return compute scrtch (.+nd) = d from scrtch (.+na) = - a . 45 i=n 46 scrtch(i-1+na) = scrtch(i-1+na) + scrtch(i+na) i = i-1 if (i .gt. 1) go to 46 do 49 i=1,nmk 49 scrtch(i+nd) = scrtch(i+na)*(tau(i+k)-tau(i))/floatk compute scrtch (.+nd) = x . call banslv(scrtch(1+nc),kpkm1,nmk,km1,km1,scrtch(1+nd)) compute scrtch (.+nd) = change in xi . modify, if necessary, to c prevent new xi from moving more than 1/3 of the way to its c neighbors. then add to xi to obtain new xi in scrtch(.+nx). delmax = 0.0D+00 sign = signst do 53 i=1,nmk del = sign*scrtch(i+nd) delmax = dmax1(delmax,dabs(del)) if (del .gt. 0.0D+00) go to 51 del = dmax1(del,(scrtch(i-1+nx)-scrtch(i+nx))/3.0D+00) go to 52 51 del = dmin1(del,(scrtch(i+1+nx)-scrtch(i+nx))/3.0D+00) 52 sign = -sign 53 scrtch(i+nx) = scrtch(i+nx) + del call it a day in case change in xi was small enough or too many c steps were taken. if (delmax .lt. tol) go to 54 newton = newton + 1 if (newton .le. newtmx) go to 20 print 653,newtmx 653 format(33h no convergence in splopt after,i3,14h newton steps.) 54 do 55 i=1,nmk 55 t(k+i) = scrtch(i+nx) 56 do 57 i=1,k t(i) = tau(1) 57 t(n+i) = tau(n) return 999 iflag = 2 return end subroutine subbak ( w, ipivot, nrow, ncol, last, x ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc SUBBAK carries out back substitution for the current block. c c carries out backsubstitution for current block. c c parameters c w, ipivot, nrow, ncol, last are as on return from factrb. c x(1),...,x(ncol) contains, on input, the right side for the c equations in this block after backsubstitution has been c carried up to but not including equation ipivot(last). c means that x(j) contains the right side of equation ipi- c vot(j) as modified during elimination, j=1,...,last, while c for j .gt. last, x(j) is already a component of the solut- c ion vector. c x(1),...,x(ncol) contains, on output, the components of the solut- c ion corresponding to the present block. c implicit none integer ncol integer nrow integer ipivot(nrow),last, ip,j,k,kp1 double precision w(nrow,ncol),x(ncol), sum k = last ip = ipivot(k) sum = 0.0D+00 if (k .eq. ncol) go to 4 kp1 = k+1 2 do 3 j=kp1,ncol 3 sum = w(ip,j)*x(j) + sum 4 x(k) = (x(k) - sum)/w(ip,k) if (k .eq. 1) return kp1 = k k = k-1 ip = ipivot(k) sum = 0.0D+00 go to 2 end subroutine subfor ( w, ipivot, nrow, last, b, x ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc SUBFOR carries out the forward pass of substitution for the current block. c c carries out the forward pass of substitution for the current block, c i.e., the action on the right side corresponding to the elimination c carried out in f a c t r b for this block. c at the end, x(j) contains the right side of the transformed c ipivot(j)-th equation in this block, j=1,...,nrow. then, since c for i=1,...,nrow-last, b(nrow+i) is going to be used as the right c side of equation i in the next block (shifted over there from c this block during factorization), it is set equal to x(last+i) here. c c parameters c w, ipivot, nrow, last are as on return from factrb. c b(j) is expected to contain, on input, the right side of j-th c equation for this block, j=1,...,nrow. c b(nrow+j) contains, on output, the appropriately modified right c side for equation j in next block, j=1,...,nrow-last. c x(j) contains, on output, the appropriately modified right c side of equation ipivot(j) in this block, j=1,...,last (and c even for j=last+1,...,nrow). c implicit none integer last integer nrow integer ipivot(nrow), ip,j,jmax,k,lastp1,nrowml c dimension b(nrow + nrow-last) double precision w(nrow,last),b(1),sum,x(nrow) ip = ipivot(1) x(1) = b(ip) if (nrow .eq. 1) go to 99 do 15 k=2,nrow ip = ipivot(k) jmax = amin0(k-1,last) sum = 0.0D+00 do 14 j=1,jmax 14 sum = w(ip,j)*x(j) + sum 15 x(k) = b(ip) - sum c c transfer modified right sides of equations ipivot(last+1),..., c ipivot(nrow) to next block. nrowml = nrow - last if (nrowml .eq. 0) go to 99 lastp1 = last+1 do 25 k=lastp1,nrow 25 b(nrowml+k) = x(k) 99 return end subroutine tautsp ( tau, gtau, ntau, gamma, s, & break, coef, l, k, iflag ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc TAUTSP constructs a cubic spline interpolant to given data. c c from * a practical guide to splines * by c. de boor constructs cubic spline interpolant to given data c tau(i), gtau(i), i=1,...,ntau. c if gamma .gt. 0., additional knots are introduced where needed to c make the interpolant more flexible locally. this avoids extraneous c inflection points typical of cubic spline interpolation at knots to c rapidly changing data. c c parameters c input c tau sequence of data points. must be strictly increasing. c gtau corresponding sequence of function values. c ntau number of data points. must be at least 4 . c gamma indicates whether additional flexibility is desired. c = 0., no additional knots c in (0.,3.), under certain conditions on the given data at c points i-1, i, i+1, and i+2, a knot is added in the c i-th interval, i=2,...,ntau-2. see description of meth- c od below. the interpolant gets rounded with increasing c gamma. a value of 2.5 for gamma is typical. c in (3.,6.), same , except that knots might also be added in c intervals in which an inflection point would be permit- c ted. a value of 5.5 for gamma is typical. c output c break, coef, l, k give the pp-representation of the interpolant. c specifically, for break(i) .le. x .le. break(i+1), the c interpolant has the form c f(x) = coef(1,i) +dx(coef(2,i) +(dx/2)(coef(3,i) +(dx/3)coef(4,i))) c with dx = x - break(i) and i=1,...,l . c iflag = 1, ok c = 2, input was incorrect. a printout specifying the mistake c was made. c workspace c s is required, of size (ntau,6). the individual columns of this c array contain the following quantities mentioned in the write- c up and below. c s(.,1) = dtau = tau(.+1) - tau c s(.,2) = diag = diagonal in linear system c s(.,3) = u = upper diagonal in linear system c s(.,4) = r = right side for linear system (initially) c = fsecnd = solution of linear system , namely the second c derivatives of interpolant at tau c s(.,5) = z = indicator of additional knots c s(.,6) = 1/hsecnd(1,x) with x = z or = 1-z. see below. c c ------ m e t h o d ------ c on the i-th interval, (tau(i), tau(i+1)), the interpolant is of the c form c (*) f(u(x)) = a + b*u + c*h(u,z) + d*h(1-u,1-z) , c with u = u(x) = (x - tau(i))/dtau(i). here, c z = z(i) = addg(i+1)/(addg(i) + addg(i+1)) c (= .5, in case the denominator vanishes). with c addg(j) = abs(ddg(j)), ddg(j) = dg(j+1) - dg(j), c dg(j) = divdif(j) = (gtau(j+1) - gtau(j))/dtau(j) c and c h(u,z) = alpha*u**3 + (1 - alpha)*(max(((u-zeta)/(1-zeta)),0)**3 c with c alpha(z) = (1-gamma/3)/zeta c zeta(z) = 1 - gamma*min((1 - z), 1/3) c thus, for 1/3 .le. z .le. 2/3, f is just a cubic polynomial on c the interval i. otherwise, it has one additional knot, at c tau(i) + zeta*dtau(i) . c as z approaches 1, h(.,z) has an increasingly sharp bend near 1, c thus allowing f to turn rapidly near the additional knot. c in terms of f(j) = gtau(j) and c fsecnd(j) = 2.derivative of f at tau(j), c the coefficients for (*) are given as c a = f(i) - d c b = (f(i+1) - f(i)) - (c - d) c c = fsecnd(i+1)*dtau(i)**2/hsecnd(1,z) c d = fsecnd(i)*dtau(i)**2/hsecnd(1,1-z) c hence can be computed once fsecnd(i),i=1,...,ntau, is fixed. c f is automatically continuous and has a continuous second derivat- c ive (except when z = 0 or 1 for some i). we determine fscnd(.) from c the requirement that also the first derivative of f be contin- c uous. in addition, we require that the third derivative be continuous c across tau(2) and across tau(ntau-1) . this leads to a strictly c diagonally dominant tridiagonal linear system for the fsecnd(i) c which we solve by gauss elimination without pivoting. c implicit none integer iflag,k,l,ntau, i,method,ntaum1 double precision alph,break(1),coef(4,1),gamma, & gtau(ntau),s(ntau,6),tau(ntau) & ,alpha,c,d,del,denom,divdif,entry,entry3,factor,factr2,gam & ,onemg3,onemzt,ratio,sixth,temp,x,z,zeta,zt2 alph(x) = dmin1(1.0D+00,onemg3/x) c c there must be at least 4 interpolation points. if (ntau .ge. 4) go to 5 print 600,ntau 600 format(8h ntau = ,i4,20h. should be .ge. 4 .) go to 999 c construct delta tau and first and second (divided) differences of data c 5 ntaum1 = ntau - 1 do 6 i=1,ntaum1 s(i,1) = tau(i+1) - tau(i) if (s(i,1) .gt. 0.0D+00) go to 6 print 610,i,tau(i),tau(i+1) 610 format(7h point ,i3,13h and the next,2e15.6,15h are disordered) go to 999 6 s(i+1,4) = (gtau(i+1)-gtau(i))/s(i,1) do 7 i=2,ntaum1 7 s(i,4) = s(i+1,4) - s(i,4) c construct system of equations for second derivatives at tau. at each c interior data point, there is one continuity equation, at the first c and the last interior data point there is an additional one for a c total of ntau equations in ntau unknowns. c i = 2 s(2,2) = s(1,1)/3.0D+00 sixth = 1.0D+00/6.0D+00 method = 2 gam = gamma if (gam .le. 0.0D+00) method = 1 if ( gam .le. 3.0D+00) go to 9 method = 3 gam = gam - 3.0D+00 9 onemg3 = 1.0D+00 - gam/3.0D+00 c ------ loop over i ------ 10 continue c construct z(i) and zeta(i) z = 0.5D+00 go to (19,11,12),method 11 if (s(i,4)*s(i+1,4) .lt. 0.0D+00) go to 19 12 temp = dabs(s(i+1,4)) denom = dabs(s(i,4)) + temp if (denom .eq. 0.0D+00) go to 19 z = temp/denom if (dabs(z - 0.5D+00) .le. sixth) z = 0.5D+00 19 s(i,5) = z c ******set up part of the i-th equation which depends on c the i-th interval if (z - 0.5D+00) 21,22,23 21 zeta = gam*z onemzt = 1.0D+00 - zeta zt2 = zeta**2 alpha = alph(onemzt) factor = zeta/(alpha*(zt2-1.0D+00) + 1.0D+00) s(i,6) = zeta*factor/6.0D+00 s(i,2) = s(i,2) + s(i,1) & *((1.0D+00-alpha*onemzt)*factor/2.0D+00 - s(i,6)) c if z = 0 and the previous z = 1, then d(i) = 0. since then c also u(i-1) = l(i+1) = 0, its value does not matter. reset c d(i) = 1 to insure nonzero pivot in elimination. if (s(i,2) .le. 0.0D+00) s(i,2) = 1.0D+00 s(i,3) = s(i,1)/6.0D+00 go to 25 22 s(i,2) = s(i,2) + s(i,1)/3.0D+00 s(i,3) = s(i,1)/6.0D+00 go to 25 23 onemzt = gam*(1.0D+00 - z) zeta = 1.0D+00 - onemzt alpha = alph(zeta) factor = onemzt/(1.0D+00 - alpha*zeta*(1.0D+00+onemzt)) s(i,6) = onemzt*factor/6.0D+00 s(i,2) = s(i,2) + s(i,1)/3. s(i,3) = s(i,6)*s(i,1) 25 if (i .gt. 2) go to 30 s(1,5) = 0.5D+00 c ******the first two equations enforce continuity of the first and of c the third derivative across tau(2). s(1,2) = s(1,1)/6.0D+00 s(1,3) = s(2,2) entry3 = s(2,3) if (z - 0.5D+00) 26,27,28 26 factr2 = zeta*(alpha*(zt2-1.0D+00) & + 1.0D+00)/(alpha*(zeta*zt2-1.0D+00)+1.0D+00) ratio = factr2*s(2,1)/s(1,2) s(2,2) = factr2*s(2,1) + s(1,1) s(2,3) = -factr2*s(1,1) go to 29 27 ratio = s(2,1)/s(1,2) s(2,2) = s(2,1) + s(1,1) s(2,3) = -s(1,1) go to 29 28 ratio = s(2,1)/s(1,2) s(2,2) = s(2,1) + s(1,1) s(2,3) = -s(1,1)*6.0D+00*alpha*s(2,6) c at this point, the first two equations read c diag(1)*x1 + u(1)*x2 + entry3*x3 = r(2) c -ratio*diag(1)*x1 + diag(2)*x2 + u(2)*x3 = 0.0D+00 c eliminate first unknown from second equation 29 s(2,2) = ratio*s(1,3) + s(2,2) s(2,3) = ratio*entry3 + s(2,3) s(1,4) = s(2,4) s(2,4) = ratio*s(1,4) go to 35 30 continue c ******the i-th equation enforces continuity of the first derivative c across tau(i). it has been set up in statements 35 up to 40 c and 21 up to 25 and reads now c -ratio*diag(i-1)*xi-1 + diag(i)*xi + u(i)*xi+1 = r(i) . c eliminate (i-1)st unknown from this equation s(i,2) = ratio*s(i-1,3) + s(i,2) s(i,4) = ratio*s(i-1,4) + s(i,4) c c ******set up the part of the next equation which depends on the c i-th interval. 35 if (z - 0.5D+00) 36,37,38 36 ratio = -s(i,6)*s(i,1)/s(i,2) s(i+1,2) = s(i,1)/3.0D+00 go to 40 37 ratio = -(s(i,1)/6.0D+00)/s(i,2) s(i+1,2) = s(i,1)/3.0D+00 go to 40 38 ratio = -(s(i,1)/6.0D+00)/s(i,2) s(i+1,2) = s(i,1)*((1.0D+00-zeta*alpha)*factor/2. - s(i,6)) c ------ end of i loop ------ 40 i = i+1 if (i .lt. ntaum1) go to 10 s(i,5) = 0.5D+00 c c ------ last two equations ------ c the last two equations enforce continuity of third derivative and c of first derivative across tau(ntau-1). entry = ratio*s(i-1,3) + s(i,2) + s(i,1)/3.0D+00 s(i+1,2) = s(i,1)/6.0D+00 s(i+1,4) = ratio*s(i-1,4) + s(i,4) if (z - 0.5D+00) 41,42,43 41 ratio = s(i,1)*6.0D+00*s(i-1,6)*alpha/s(i-1,2) s(i,2) = ratio*s(i-1,3) + s(i,1) + s(i-1,1) s(i,3) = -s(i-1,1) go to 45 42 ratio = s(i,1)/s(i-1,2) s(i,2) = ratio*s(i-1,3) + s(i,1) + s(i-1,1) s(i,3) = -s(i-1,1) go to 45 43 factr2 = onemzt*(alpha*(onemzt**2-1.0D+00)+1.0D+00)/ * (alpha*(onemzt**3-1.0D+00)+1.0D+00) ratio = factr2*s(i,1)/s(i-1,2) s(i,2) = ratio*s(i-1,3) + factr2*s(i-1,1) + s(i,1) s(i,3) = -factr2*s(i-1,1) c at this point, the last two equations read c diag(i)*xi + u(i)*xi+1 = r(i) c -ratio*diag(i)*xi + diag(i+1)*xi+1 = r(i+1) c eliminate xi from last equation 45 s(i,4) = ratio*s(i-1,4) ratio = -entry/s(i,2) s(i+1,2) = ratio*s(i,3) + s(i+1,2) s(i+1,4) = ratio*s(i,4) + s(i+1,4) c c ------ back substitution ------ c s(ntau,4) = s(ntau,4)/s(ntau,2) 50 s(i,4) = (s(i,4) - s(i,3)*s(i+1,4))/s(i,2) i = i - 1 if (i .gt. 1) go to 50 s(1,4) = (s(1,4)-s(1,3)*s(2,4)-entry3*s(3,4))/s(1,2) c c ------ construct polynomial pieces ------ c break(1) = tau(1) l = 1 do 70 i=1,ntaum1 coef(1,l) = gtau(i) coef(3,l) = s(i,4) divdif = (gtau(i+1)-gtau(i))/s(i,1) z = s(i,5) if (z - 0.5D+00) 61,62,63 61 if (z .eq. 0.0D+00) go to 65 zeta = gam*z onemzt = 1.0D+00 - zeta c = s(i+1,4)/6.0D+00 d = s(i,4)*s(i,6) l = l + 1 del = zeta*s(i,1) break(l) = tau(i) + del zt2 = zeta**2 alpha = alph(onemzt) factor = onemzt**2*alpha coef(1,l) = gtau(i) + divdif*del & + s(i,1)**2*(d*onemzt*(factor-1.0D+00) & +c*zeta*(zt2-1.0D+00)) coef(2,l) = divdif + s(i,1)*(d*(1.0D+00-3.0D+00*factor) & +c*(3.0D+00*zt2-1.0D+00)) coef(3,l) = 6.0D+00*(d*alpha*onemzt + c*zeta) coef(4,l) = 6.0D+00*(c - d*alpha)/s(i,1) coef(4,l-1) = coef(4,l) - 6.0D+00*d*(1.0D+00-alpha)/(del*zt2) coef(2,l-1) = coef(2,l) - del*(coef(3,l) & -(del/2.0D+00)*coef(4,l-1)) go to 68 62 coef(2,l) = divdif - s(i,1)*(2.0D+00*s(i,4) + s(i+1,4))/6.0D+00 coef(4,l) = (s(i+1,4)-s(i,4))/s(i,1) go to 68 63 onemzt = gam*(1.0D+00 - z) if (onemzt .eq. 0.0D+00) go to 65 zeta = 1.0D+00 - onemzt alpha = alph(zeta) c = s(i+1,4)*s(i,6) d = s(i,4)/6.0D+00 del = zeta*s(i,1) break(l+1) = tau(i) + del coef(2,l) = divdif - s(i,1)*(2.0D+00*d + c) coef(4,l) = 6.0D+00*(c*alpha - d)/s(i,1) l = l + 1 coef(4,l) = coef(4,l-1) & + 6.0D+00*(1.0D+00-alpha)*c/(s(i,1)*onemzt**3) coef(3,l) = coef(3,l-1) + del*coef(4,l-1) coef(2,l) = coef(2,l-1) & +del*(coef(3,l-1)+(del/2.0D+00)*coef(4,l-1)) coef(1,l) = coef(1,l-1) & +del*(coef(2,l-1)+(del/2.0D+00)*(coef(3,l-1) & +(del/3.0D+00)*coef(4,l-1))) go to 68 65 coef(2,l) = divdif coef(3,l) = 0.0D+00 coef(4,l) = 0.0D+00 68 l = l + 1 70 break(l) = tau(i+1) l = l - 1 k = 4 iflag = 1 return 999 iflag = 2 return end subroutine titand ( tau, gtau, n ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc TITAND represents a temperature dependent property of titanium. c c from * a practical guide to splines * by c. de boor c these data represent a property of titanium as a function of c temperature. they have been used extensively as an example in spline c approximation with variable knots. c implicit none integer n, i double precision gtau(49),tau(49),gtitan(49) data gtitan / & 0.644D+00, 0.622D+00, 0.638D+00, 0.649D+00, 0.652D+00, & 0.639D+00, 0.646D+00, 0.657D+00, 0.652D+00, 0.655D+00, & 0.644D+00, 0.663D+00, 0.663D+00, 0.668D+00, 0.676D+00, & 0.676D+00, 0.686D+00, 0.679D+00, 0.678D+00, 0.683D+00, & 0.694D+00, 0.699D+00, 0.710D+00, 0.730D+00, 0.763D+00, & 0.812D+00, 0.907D+00, 1.044D+00, 1.336D+00, 1.881D+00, & 2.169D+00, 2.075D+00, 1.598D+00, 1.211D+00, 0.916D+00, & 0.746D+00, 0.672D+00, 0.627D+00, 0.615D+00, 0.607D+00, & 0.606D+00, 0.609D+00, 0.603D+00, 0.601D+00, 0.603D+00, & 0.601D+00, 0.611D+00, 0.601D+00, 0.608D+00 / n = 49 do 10 i=1,n tau(i) = 585.0D+00 + 10.0D+00*dble(i) 10 gtau(i) = gtitan(i) return end