PROGRAM MPEX01 C C The program MPEX01 produces a map of the U.S., using a Lambert C conformal conic. C C Define error file, Fortran unit number, and workstation type, C and workstation ID. C PARAMETER (IERRF=6, LUNIT=2, IWTYPE=21, IWKID=1) C C Define the label for the top of the map. C CHARACTER*37 PLBL C DATA PLBL / 'THE U.S. ON A LAMBERT CONFORMAL CONIC' / C C Open GKS. C CALL GOPKS (IERRF, ISZDM) CALL GOPWK (IWKID, LUNIT, IWTYPE) CALL GACWK (IWKID) C C Set the outline-dataset parameter. C C CALL MAPSTC ( 'OU', 'US' ) CALL MAPSTC ( 'OU', 'PO' ) C C Set the projection-type parameters. C CALL MAPROJ ('LC',30.,-100.,45.) C C Set the limits parameters. C C CALL MAPSET ('CO',22.6,-120.,46.9,-64.2) CALL MAPSET ('CO', 50.0, -12.0, 56.0, -6.0 ) C C Draw the map. C CALL MAPDRW C C Put the label at the top of the plot. C CALL SET (0.,1.,0.,1.,0.,1.,0.,1.,1) CALL PWRIT (.5,.925,PLBL,37,2,0,0) C C Draw a boundary around the edge of the plotter frame. C CALL BNDARY C C Advance the frame. C CALL FRAME C C Close GKS. C CALL GDAWK (IWKID) CALL GCLWK (IWKID) CALL GCLKS C C Done. C STOP C END SUBROUTINE BNDARY C C Routine to draw the plotter-frame edge. C CALL PLOTIT ( 0, 0,0) CALL PLOTIT (32767, 0,1) CALL PLOTIT (32767,32767,1) CALL PLOTIT ( 0,32767,1) CALL PLOTIT ( 0, 0,1) RETURN END