program main c*********************************************************************72 c cc MAIN is the main program for BOUNDS. c c Discussion: c c BOUNDS is a FORTRAN77 program in which an illegal array reference is made. c c The GFORTRAN compiler switch "-fbounds-check" will catch this. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the MIT license. c c Modified: c c 04 December 2008 c c Author: c c John Burkardt c implicit none integer n parameter ( n = 10 ) integer a(n) integer i write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'BOUNDS:' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' FORTRAN77 version.' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' This program uses an illegal memory reference.' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' In this case, an array element A(11) is read,' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' although the array is only dimensioned for size 10.' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' Compilation with the GFORTRAN switch -fbounds-check' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' will generate a run-time warning.' c c Initialize. c do i = 1, 10 a(i) = i end do c c Add neighbor. c (And accidentally invoke nonexistent A(11)c) c do i = 1, 10 a(i) = a(i) + a(i+1) end do write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'BOUNDS:' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Normal end of execution.' stop end