cc Copyright (C) 2010-2011: Leslie Greengard and Zydrunas Gimbutas cc Contact: cc cc This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify cc it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by cc the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or cc (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in cc the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without cc even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A cc PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more cc details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public cc License along with this program; cc if not, see . ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c c $Date$ c $Revision$ c c c c ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c c this is the end of the debugging code and the beginning c of the routines for Helmholtz FMM in R^2 c ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c c c subroutine lfmm2dparttree(ier,iprec, $ nsource,source,ntarget,target, $ nbox,epsfmm,iisource,iitarget,iwlists,lwlists, $ nboxes,laddr,nlev,center,size, $ w,lw,lused7) implicit real *8 (a-h,o-z) c c Helmholtz FMM in R^2: build the quad-tree c c INPUT PARAMETERS: c c nsource: integer: number of sources c source: real *8 (2,n): source locations c w: real *8 (lw): workspace c lw: length of workspace c c OUTPUT PARAMETERS: c c ier = error return code c lused7 = the amount of workspace used c c real *8 source(2,*),target(2,*) c real *8 center(2) c integer laddr(2,200) integer box(15) real *8 center0(2),corners0(2,4) c integer box1(15) real *8 center1(2),corners1(2,4) c real *8 w(*) c ier=0 c done=1 pi=4*atan(done) c lused7=0 ifprint=0 c iisource=1 lused7=lused7+nsource if (ifprint.eq.1) call prinf('lused7=*',lused7,1) if (lused7 .ge. lw) ier=128 if( ier .ne. 0 ) return c iitarget=iisource+nsource lused7=lused7+ntarget if (ifprint.eq.1) call prinf('lused7=*',lused7,1) if (lused7 .ge. lw) ier=128 if( ier .ne. 0 ) return c iwlists=iisource+lused7+10 c c ... construct the adaptive FMM quad-tree structure c c call d2tstrcr(ier,source,nsource,nbox, c $ nboxes,w(iisource),laddr,nlev,center,size, c $ target,ntarget,w(iitarget),w(iwlists),lw-lused7,lused) ifempty=0 minlevel=0 maxlevel=30 call d2tstrcrem(ier,source,nsource,nbox, $ nboxes,w(iisource),laddr,nlev,center,size, $ target,ntarget,w(iitarget),w(iwlists),lw-lused7,lused, $ ifempty,minlevel,maxlevel) c if( ier .ne. 0 ) return c lwlists=lused lused7=lused7+lwlists if (lused7 .ge. lw) ier=128 if( ier .ne. 0 ) return c if (ifprint.eq.1) $ call prin2('after d2tstrcr, center=*',center,2) if (ifprint.eq.1) $ call prin2('after d2tstrcr, size=*',size,1) if (ifprint.eq.1) $ call prinf('after d2tstrcr, nlev=*',nlev,1) if (ifprint.eq.1) $ call prinf('after d2tstrcr, nbox=*',nbox,1) if (ifprint.eq.1) $ call prinf('after d2tstrcr, laddr=*',laddr,2*(nlev+1)) c ccc call prinf('after d2tstrcr, isource=*',w(iisource),nsource) ccc call prinf('after d2tstrcr, itarget=*',w(iitarget),ntarget) c ccc call d2tprint(w(iwlists),lwlists) c c ... optional, plot the oct-tree in gnuplot compatible format c ifplot = 0 if (ifplot .eq. 1 .and. nsource .lt. 10000 ) then c c ... plot the boxes c iw=51 call plot_box2d(iw,center,size) c itag=1 iw=52 call plot_label2d(iw,center,size,itag,itag) c iw=60 call plot_points2d(iw,source,nsource) c iw=63 call plot_points2d(iw,target,ntarget) c do ibox=1,nboxes call d2tgetb(ier,ibox,box,center0,corners0,w(iwlists)) level=box(1) size0=size/2**level c iw=61 call plot_box2d(iw,center0,size0) c itag=ibox iw=62 call plot_label2d(iw,center0,size0,itag,itag) enddo c endif c return end c c c c c subroutine lfmm2d_list2 $ (bsize,nlev,laddr,scale,nterms,rmlexp,iaddr,epsfmm, $ timeinfo,wlists,mptemp,lmptemp, $ ifprune_list2) implicit real *8 (a-h,o-z) c integer iaddr(2,*),laddr(2,*),nterms(0:*) real *8 rmlexp(*),scale(0:*) integer itable(-3:3,-3:3) c integer list(10 000) c integer box(15) real *8 bsize(0:200) real *8 center0(2),corners0(2,4) c integer box1(15) real *8 center1(2),corners1(2,4) c real *8 wlists(*) complex *16 mptemp(lmptemp) complex *16 ptemp,ftemp(2),htemp(3) c real *8 timeinfo(10) c real *8, allocatable :: carray(:,:) c c ldc = 100 allocate( carray(0:ldc,0:ldc) ) call l2d_init_carray(carray,ldc) c c c ifprint is an internal information printing flag. c Suppressed if ifprint=0. c Prints timing breakdown and other things if ifprint=1. c Prints timing breakdown, list information, and other things if ifprint=2. c ifprint=1 c if (ifprint .ge. 1) $ call prinf('=== STEP 3 (merge mp) ===*',i,0) t1=second() C$ t1=omp_get_wtime() c c ... step 3, merge all multipole expansions c ccc do 2200 ibox=nboxes,1,-1 do 2300 ilev=nlev,3,-1 C$OMP PARALLEL DO DEFAULT(SHARED) C$OMP$PRIVATE(ibox,box,center0,corners0,level0,level,npts,nkids,radius) C$OMP$PRIVATE(jbox,box1,center1,corners1,level1) C$OMP$PRIVATE(mptemp,lused,ier,i,j,ptemp,ftemp,cd) cccC$OMP$SCHEDULE(DYNAMIC) cccC$OMP$NUM_THREADS(4) do 2200 ibox=laddr(1,ilev),laddr(1,ilev)+laddr(2,ilev)-1 c call d2tgetb(ier,ibox,box,center0,corners0,wlists) call d2tnkids(box,nkids) c c ... prune all sourceless boxes c if( box(10) .eq. 0 ) goto 2200 c if (nkids .ne. 0) then c level0=box(1) if( level0 .ge. 2 ) then ccc if (level0 .ge. 0) then radius = (corners0(1,1) - center0(1))**2 radius = radius + (corners0(2,1) - center0(2))**2 radius = sqrt(radius) c if( ifprint .ge. 2 ) then call prin2('radius=*',radius,1) call prinf('ibox=*',ibox,1) call prinf('box=*',box,15) call prinf('nkids=*',nkids,1) endif c c ... merge multipole expansions of the kids c call l2dzero(rmlexp(iaddr(1,ibox)),nterms(level0)) if (ifprint .ge. 2) then call prin2('center0=*',center0,2) endif c do 2100 i = 1,4 jbox = box(4+i) if (jbox.eq.0) goto 2100 call d2tgetb(ier,jbox,box1,center1,corners1,wlists) if (ifprint .ge. 2) then call prinf('jbox=*',jbox,1) call prin2('center1=*',center1,2) endif level1=box1(1) if( nterms(level0)+nterms(level1) .gt. 95 ) then call l2dmpmp(scale(level1),center1, 1 rmlexp(iaddr(1,jbox)),nterms(level1),scale(level0), 1 center0,mptemp,nterms(level0)) else call l2dmpmp_carray(scale(level1),center1, 1 rmlexp(iaddr(1,jbox)),nterms(level1),scale(level0), 1 center0,mptemp,nterms(level0),carray,ldc) endif call l2dadd(mptemp,rmlexp(iaddr(1,ibox)), 1 nterms(level0)) 2100 continue if (ifprint .ge. 2) then call prinf('=============*',x,0) endif c ... mark the local expansion of all kids and the parent c endif endif 2200 continue C$OMP END PARALLEL DO 2300 continue c c ccc call prinf('=== UPWARD PASS COMPLETE ===*',i,0) c c------------------------------------------------------------ c DEBUGGING SEGMENT - once all multipole expansions are merged c to top level, one can compare it to the direct formation of the c expansion at the top level from the source locations. c ccc call prinm(rmlexp(iaddr(1,1)),nterms(0)) c ccc call h2dformmp(ier,scale(0),source,charge,n, ccc 1 center,nterms(0),mptemp) c ccc call prinm(mptemp,nterms(0)) c ccc call h2dmperr(rmlexp(iaddr(1,1)),mptemp,nterms(0),d) ccc call prin2('error in upward pass=*',d,1) c ccc pause ccc stop c END DEBUGGING SEGMENT c------------------------------------------------------------ c t2=second() C$ t2=omp_get_wtime() ccc call prin2('time=*',t2-t1,1) timeinfo(3)=t2-t1 c if (ifprint .ge. 1) $ call prinf('=== STEP 4 (mp to lo) ===*',i,0) t1=second() C$ t1=omp_get_wtime() c c ... step 4, convert multipole expansions into the local ones c cc call prinf('laddr=*',laddr,2*(nlev+1)) cc call prin2('bsize=*',bsize,(nlev+1)) cc do 4200 ibox=1,nboxes ccc ntops=0 call l2dterms_list2(epsfmm, itable, ier) c call prinf('itable=*',itable,7*7) c do 4300 ilev=3,nlev+1 c t3=second() cC$ t3=omp_get_wtime() C$OMP PARALLEL DO DEFAULT(SHARED) C$OMP$PRIVATE(ibox,box,center0,corners0,level0,list,nlists,nlist,itype) C$OMP$PRIVATE(jbox,box1,center1,corners1,level1,ifdirect2,radius) C$OMP$PRIVATE(mptemp,lused,ier,i,j,ptemp,ftemp,htemp,cd,ilist) C$OMP$PRIVATE(if_use_trunc,nterms_trunc,ii,jj) C$OMP$SCHEDULE(DYNAMIC) cccC$OMP$NUM_THREADS(1) do 4200 ibox=laddr(1,ilev),laddr(1,ilev)+laddr(2,ilev)-1 call d2tgetb(ier,ibox,box,center0,corners0,wlists) if (ifprint .ge. 2) then call prinf('ibox=*',ibox,1) call prinf('box=*',box,15) endif level0=box(1) if (level0 .ge. 2) then c c ... retrieve list #2 c itype=2 call d2tgetl(ier,ibox,itype,list,nlist,wlists) if (ifprint .ge. 2) then call prinf('list2=*',list,nlist) endif c c ... prune all sourceless boxes c ccc if( box(10) .eq. 0 ) nlist=0 c ... for all pairs in list #2, apply the translation operator c do 4150 ilist=1,nlist jbox=list(ilist) call d2tgetb(ier,jbox,box1,center1,corners1,wlists) if( box1(10) .eq. 0 ) goto 4150 if (jbox.eq.0) goto 4150 if ((box(12).eq.0).and.(ifprune_list2.eq.1)) $ goto 4150 c radius = (corners1(1,1) - center1(1))**2 c radius = radius + (corners1(2,1) - center1(2))**2 c radius = sqrt(radius) c c ... convert multipole expansions for all boxes in list 2 in local exp c ... if source is childless, evaluate directly (if cheaper) c level1=box1(1) c ifdirect2 = 0 c if( box1(10) .lt. (nterms(level1)+1)/2 .and. c $ box(10) .lt. (nterms(level1)+1)/2 ) c $ ifdirect2 = 1 c ifdirect2 = 0 c if_use_trunc = 0 c if (ifdirect2 .eq. 0) then if( if_use_trunc .eq. 0) then call l2dzero(mptemp,nterms(level1)) if( nterms(level0)+nterms(level1) .gt. 95 ) then call l2dmploc(scale(level1),center1, 1 rmlexp(iaddr(1,jbox)),nterms(level1), $ scale(level0), 1 center0,mptemp,nterms(level0)) else call l2dmploc_carray(scale(level1),center1, 1 rmlexp(iaddr(1,jbox)),nterms(level1), $ scale(level0), 1 center0,mptemp,nterms(level0), $ carray,ldc) endif call l2dadd(mptemp,rmlexp(iaddr(2,ibox)), 1 nterms(level0)) c c call l2dmploc_add(scale(level1),center1, c $ rmlexp(iaddr(1,jbox)),nterms(level1), c $ scale(level0),center0,rmlexp(iaddr(2,ibox)), c $ nterms(level0)) else ii=box1(2)-box(2) jj=box1(3)-box(3) nterms_trunc=itable(ii,jj) nterms_trunc=min(nterms(level0),nterms_trunc) nterms_trunc=min(nterms(level1),nterms_trunc) call l2dzero(mptemp,nterms_trunc) if( nterms_trunc+nterms_trunc .gt. 95 ) then call l2dmploc(scale(level1),center1, 1 rmlexp(iaddr(1,jbox)),nterms_trunc, $ scale(level0), 1 center0,mptemp,nterms_trunc) else call l2dmploc_carray(scale(level1),center1, 1 rmlexp(iaddr(1,jbox)),nterms_trunc, $ scale(level0), 1 center0,mptemp,nterms_trunc, $ carray,ldc) endif call l2dadd(mptemp,rmlexp(iaddr(2,ibox)), 1 nterms_trunc) c call l2dmploc_add_trunc(scale(level1),center1, c $ rmlexp(iaddr(1,jbox)),nterms(level1),nterms_trunc, c $ scale(level0),center0,rmlexp(iaddr(2,ibox)), c $ nterms(level0)) c call l2dmploc_add(scale(level1),center1, c $ rmlexp(iaddr(1,jbox)),nterms_trunc, c $ scale(level0),center0,rmlexp(iaddr(2,ibox)), c $ nterms_trunc) endif endif 4150 continue endif 4200 continue C$OMP END PARALLEL DO c t4=second() cC$ t4=omp_get_wtime() c write(*,*) 'level ', ilev, ' time in list2:', t4-t3 ccc write(*,*) 'time in list2:', second()-t1 ccc write(*,*) 'ntops:', ntops ccc write(*,*) 'speed:', ntops/(second()-t1) 4300 continue c t2=second() C$ t2=omp_get_wtime() ccc call prin2('time=*',t2-t1,1) timeinfo(4)=t2-t1 c if (ifprint .ge. 1) $ call prinf('=== STEP 5 (split lo) ===*',i,0) t1=second() C$ t1=omp_get_wtime() c c ... step 5, split all local expansions c ccc do 5200 ibox=1,nboxes do 5300 ilev=3,nlev C$OMP PARALLEL DO DEFAULT(SHARED) C$OMP$PRIVATE(ibox,box,center0,corners0,level0,level,npts,nkids,radius) C$OMP$PRIVATE(jbox,box1,center1,corners1,level1) C$OMP$PRIVATE(mptemp,lused,ier,i,j,ptemp,ftemp,cd) cccC$OMP$SCHEDULE(DYNAMIC) cccC$OMP$NUM_THREADS(4) do 5200 ibox=laddr(1,ilev),laddr(1,ilev)+laddr(2,ilev)-1 c call d2tgetb(ier,ibox,box,center0,corners0,wlists) call d2tnkids(box,nkids) c if (nkids .ne. 0) then level0=box(1) if (level0 .ge. 2) then if (ifprint .ge. 2) then call prinf('ibox=*',ibox,1) call prinf('box=*',box,15) call prinf('nkids=*',nkids,1) call prin2('center0=*',center0,2) endif c c ... split local expansion of the parent box c do 5100 i = 1,4 jbox = box(4+i) if (jbox.eq.0) goto 5100 call d2tgetb(ier,jbox,box1,center1,corners1,wlists) radius = (corners1(1,1) - center1(1))**2 radius = radius + (corners1(2,1) - center1(2))**2 radius = sqrt(radius) if (ifprint .ge. 2) then call prinf('jbox=*',jbox,1) call prin2('radius=*',radius,1) call prin2('center1=*',center1,2) endif level1=box1(1) if( nterms(level0)+nterms(level1) .gt. 95 ) then call l2dlocloc(scale(level0),center0, 1 rmlexp(iaddr(2,ibox)),nterms(level0), 1 scale(level1),center1,mptemp,nterms(level1)) else call l2dlocloc_carray(scale(level0),center0, 1 rmlexp(iaddr(2,ibox)),nterms(level0), 1 scale(level1),center1,mptemp,nterms(level1), 1 carray,ldc) endif call l2dadd(mptemp,rmlexp(iaddr(2,jbox)), 1 nterms(level1)) 5100 continue if (ifprint .ge. 2) call prinf('=============*',x,0) endif endif c if (nkids .ne. 0) then level=box(1) if (level .ge. 2) then if( ifprint .ge. 2 ) then call prinf('ibox=*',ibox,1) call prinf('box=*',box,15) call prinf('nkids=*',nkids,1) endif endif endif 5200 continue C$OMP END PARALLEL DO 5300 continue c t2=second() C$ t2=omp_get_wtime() ccc call prin2('time=*',t2-t1,1) timeinfo(5)=t2-t1 c return end c c c c c ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c c this is the end of the debugging code and the beginning c of the auxiliary routines c ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c c c c c subroutine l2dpsort(n,isource,psort,pot) implicit real *8 (a-h,o-z) integer isource(*) complex *16 pot(*),psort(*) c ccc call prinf('isource=*',isource,n) c C$OMP PARALLEL DO DEFAULT(SHARED) PRIVATE(i) do i=1,n pot(isource(i))=psort(i) enddo C$OMP END PARALLEL DO c return end c c c c c subroutine l2dfsort(n,isource,fldsort,fld) implicit real *8 (a-h,o-z) integer isource(*) complex *16 fld(2,*),fldsort(2,*) c ccc call prinf('isource=*',isource,n) c C$OMP PARALLEL DO DEFAULT(SHARED) PRIVATE(i) do i=1,n fld(1,isource(i))=fldsort(1,i) fld(2,isource(i))=fldsort(2,i) enddo C$OMP END PARALLEL DO c return end c c c c c subroutine l2dhsort(n,isource,hesssort,hess) implicit real *8 (a-h,o-z) integer isource(*) complex *16 hess(3,*),hesssort(3,*) c ccc call prinf('isource=*',isource,n) c C$OMP PARALLEL DO DEFAULT(SHARED) PRIVATE(i) do i=1,n hess(1,isource(i))=hesssort(1,i) hess(2,isource(i))=hesssort(2,i) hess(3,isource(i))=hesssort(3,i) enddo C$OMP END PARALLEL DO c return end c c c c c subroutine l2dreorder(nsource,source, $ ifcharge,charge,isource,ifdipole, 1 dipstr,dipvec,sourcesort,chargesort,dipvecsort,dipstrsort) implicit real *8 (a-h,o-z) real *8 source(2,*),sourcesort(2,*) integer isource(*) real *8 dipvec(2,*),dipvecsort(2,*) complex *16 charge(*),chargesort(*),dipstr(*),dipstrsort(*) c ccc call prinf('nsource=*',nsource,1) C$OMP PARALLEL DO DEFAULT(SHARED) PRIVATE(i) do i = 1,nsource sourcesort(1,i) = source(1,isource(i)) sourcesort(2,i) = source(2,isource(i)) if( ifcharge .ge. 1 ) then chargesort(i) = charge(isource(i)) endif if (ifdipole .ge. 1) then dipstrsort(i) = dipstr(isource(i)) dipvecsort(1,i) = dipvec(1,isource(i)) dipvecsort(2,i) = dipvec(2,isource(i)) endif enddo C$OMP END PARALLEL DO return end c c c c c subroutine l2dreordertarg(ntarget,target,itarget,targetsort) implicit real *8 (a-h,o-z) real *8 target(2,*),targetsort(2,*) integer itarget(*) c ccc call prinf('ntarget=*',ntarget,1) C$OMP PARALLEL DO DEFAULT(SHARED) PRIVATE(i) do i = 1,ntarget targetsort(1,i) = target(1,itarget(i)) targetsort(2,i) = target(2,itarget(i)) enddo C$OMP END PARALLEL DO return end c c c c c subroutine l2dzero(mpole,nterms) implicit real *8 (a-h,o-z) c c ... set multipole to zero c complex *16 mpole(0:nterms) c do n=0,nterms mpole(n)=0 enddo c return end c c c c c subroutine l2dadd(mpole,mpole2,nterms) implicit real *8 (a-h,o-z) complex *16 mpole(0:nterms) complex *16 mpole2(0:nterms) c do n=0,nterms mpole2(n)=mpole2(n)+mpole(n) enddo c return end c c c c c subroutine l2dmpalloc(wlists,iaddr,nboxes,lmptot,nterms) implicit real *8 (a-h,o-z) integer box(20) integer nterms(0:*) integer iaddr(2,nboxes) real *8 center0(2),corners0(2,4) real *8 wlists(*) c c ... construct pointer array iaddr for addressing multipole and c local expansion c iptr=1 do ibox=1,nboxes call d2tgetb(ier,ibox,box,center0,corners0,wlists) level=box(1) c c ... first, allocate memory for the multipole expansion c iaddr(1,ibox)=iptr iptr=iptr+(nterms(level)+1)*2 c c ... then, allocate memory for the local expansion c iaddr(2,ibox)=iptr iptr=iptr+(nterms(level)+1)*2 c enddo lmptot = iptr return end c c c c c subroutine l2d_init_carray(carray,ldc) implicit real *8 (a-h,o-z) real *8 carray(0:ldc,0:ldc) do l = 0,ldc carray(l,0) = 1.0d0 enddo do m=1,ldc carray(m,m) = 1.0d0 do l=m+1,ldc carray(l,m)=carray(l-1,m)+carray(l-1,m-1) enddo enddo c return end