cc Copyright (C) 2010: Leslie Greengard, Zydrunas Gimbutas, Vladimir Rokhlin cc Contact: cc cc This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify cc it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by cc the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or cc (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in cc the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without cc even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A cc PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more cc details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public cc License along with this program; cc if not, see . ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c c this is the end of the debugging code and the beginning c of the FMM tree plotting routines in R^2 c ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c c c subroutine plot_points2d(iw,z,n) implicit real *8 (a-h,o-z) real *8 z(2,*) c do 1200 i=1,n write(iw,1000) z(1,i),z(2,i) 1200 continue c 1000 format(6(1x,e11.5)) c return end c c c c c subroutine plot_box2d(iw,center,size) implicit real *8 (a-h,o-z) real *8 center(2) c write(iw,1000) $ center(1)-size/2,center(2)-size/2 write(iw,1000) $ center(1)-size/2,center(2)+size/2 write(iw,1000) $ center(1)+size/2,center(2)+size/2 write(iw,1000) $ center(1)+size/2,center(2)-size/2 write(iw,1000) $ center(1)-size/2,center(2)-size/2 write(iw,1200) c 1000 format(6(1x,e11.5)) 1200 format(80a1) return end c c c c c subroutine plot_label2d(iw,center,size,itag,label) implicit real *8 (a-h,o-z) real *8 center(2) c if( label .ge. 1 .and. label .lt. 10 ) $ write(iw,1010) 'set label ', itag, ' "', label, $ '" at ', center(1), ', ', center(2), ' center' c if( label .ge. 10 .and. label .lt. 100 ) $ write(iw,1020) 'set label ', itag, ' "', label, $ '" at ', center(1), ', ', center(2), ' center' c if( label .ge. 100 .and. label .lt. 1000 ) $ write(iw,1030) 'set label ', itag, ' "', label, $ '" at ', center(1), ', ', center(2), ' center' c if( label .ge. 1000 .and. label .lt. 10000 ) $ write(iw,1040) 'set label ', itag, ' "', label, $ '" at ', center(1), ', ', center(2), ' center' c if( label .ge. 10000 .and. label .lt. 100000 ) $ write(iw,1050) 'set label ', itag, ' "', label, $ '" at ', center(1), ', ', center(2), ' center' c if( label .ge. 100000 ) $ write(iw,*) 'set label ', itag, ' "', label, $ '" at ', center(1), ', ', center(2), ' center' c 1010 format(a11,i7,a3,i1,a5,e13.7,a3,e13.7,a7) 1020 format(a11,i7,a3,i2,a5,e13.7,a3,e13.7,a7) 1030 format(a11,i7,a3,i3,a5,e13.7,a3,e13.7,a7) 1040 format(a11,i7,a3,i4,a5,e13.7,a3,e13.7,a7) 1050 format(a11,i7,a3,i5,a5,e13.7,a3,e13.7,a7) 1060 format(a11,i7,a3,i6,a5,e13.7,a3,e13.7,a7) return end