cc Copyright (C) 2009-2011: Leslie Greengard and Zydrunas Gimbutas cc Contact: cc cc This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify cc it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by cc the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or cc (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in cc the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without cc even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A cc PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more cc details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public cc License along with this program; cc if not, see . ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c c $Date: 2011-02-22 17:34:23 -0500 (Tue, 22 Feb 2011) $ c $Revision: 1670 $ c c c Computation of Bessel functions via recurrence c c********************************************************************** subroutine jfuns2d(ier,nterms,z,scale,fjs,ifder,fjder, 1 lwfjs,iscale,ntop) implicit real *8 (a-h,o-z) c********************************************************************** c c PURPOSE: c c This subroutine evaluates the first NTERMS Bessel c functions and if required, their derivatives. c It incorporates a scaling parameter SCALE so that c c fjs_n(z)=j_n(z)/SCALE^n c fjder_n(z)=\frac{\partial fjs_n(z)}{\partial z} c c NOTE: The scaling parameter SCALE is meant to be used when c abs(z) < 1, in which case we recommend setting c SCALE = abs(z). This prevents the fjs_n from c underflowing too rapidly. c Otherwise, set SCALE=1. c Do not set SCALE = abs(z) if z could take on the c value zero. c In an FMM, when forming an expansion from a collection of c sources, set SCALE = min( abs(k*r), 1) c where k is the Helmholtz parameter and r is the box dimension c at the relevant level. c c INPUT: c c nterms (integer): order of expansion of output array fjs c z (complex *16): argument of the Bessel functions c scale (real *8) : scaling factor (discussed above) c ifder (integer): flag indicating whether to calculate "fjder" c 0 NO c 1 YES c lwfjs (integer): upper limit of input arrays c fjs(0:1) and iscale(0:1) c iscale (integer): integer workspace used to keep track of c internal scaling c c OUTPUT: c c ier (integer): error return code c ier=0 normal return; c ier=8 insufficient array dimension lwfjs c fjs (complex *16): array of scaled Bessel functions. c fjder (complex *16): array of derivs of scaled Bessel functions. c ntop (integer) : highest index in arrays fjs that is nonzero c c NOTE, that fjs and fjder arrays must be at least (nterms+2) c complex *16 elements long. c c integer iscale(0:lwfjs) complex *16 wavek,fjs(0:lwfjs),fjder(0:lwfjs) complex *16 z,zinv,com,fj0,fj1,zscale,ztmp c complex *16 psi,zmul,zsn,zmulinv complex *16 ima data ima/(0.0d0,1.0d0)/ c data upbound/1.0d+32/, upbound2/1.0d+40/, upbound2inv/1.0d-40/ data tiny/1.0d-200/,done/1.0d0/,zero/0.0d0/ c c ... Initializing ... c ier=0 c c set to asymptotic values if argument is sufficiently small c if (abs(z).lt.tiny) then fjs(0) = done do i = 1, nterms fjs(i) = zero enddo c if (ifder.eq.1) then do i=0,nterms fjder(i)=zero enddo fjder(1)=done/(2*scale) endif c RETURN endif c c ... Step 1: recursion up to find ntop, starting from nterms c ntop=0 zinv=done/z fjs(nterms)=done fjs(nterms-1)=zero c do 1200 i=nterms,lwfjs dcoef=2*i ztmp=dcoef*zinv*fjs(i)-fjs(i-1) fjs(i+1)=ztmp c dd = dreal(ztmp)**2 + dimag(ztmp)**2 if (dd .gt. upbound2) then ntop=i+1 goto 1300 endif 1200 continue 1300 continue if (ntop.eq.0) then ier=8 return endif c c ... Step 2: Recursion back down to generate the unscaled jfuns: c if magnitude exceeds UPBOUND2, rescale and continue the c recursion (saving the order at which rescaling occurred c in array iscale. c do i=0,ntop iscale(i)=0 enddo c fjs(ntop)=zero fjs(ntop-1)=done do 2200 i=ntop-1,1,-1 dcoef=2*i ztmp=dcoef*zinv*fjs(i)-fjs(i+1) fjs(i-1)=ztmp c dd = dreal(ztmp)**2 + dimag(ztmp)**2 if ( then fjs(i) = fjs(i)*UPBOUND2inv fjs(i-1) = fjs(i-1)*UPBOUND2inv iscale(i) = 1 endif 2200 continue c c ... Step 3: go back up to the top and make sure that all c Bessel functions are scaled by the same factor c (i.e. the net total of times rescaling was invoked c on the way down in the previous loop). c At the same time, add scaling to fjs array. c ncntr=0 scalinv=done/scale sctot = 1.0d0 do i=1,ntop sctot = sctot*scalinv if(iscale(i-1).eq.1) sctot=sctot*UPBOUND2inv fjs(i)=fjs(i)*sctot enddo c c ... Determine the normalization parameter: c c From Abramowitz and Stegun (9.1.47) and (9.1.48), Euler's identity c psi = 0d0 c if (dimag(z) .lt. 0) zmul = +ima if (dimag(z) .ge. 0) zmul = -ima zsn = zmul**(mod(ntop,4)) c zmulinv=1/zmul do i = ntop,1,-1 psi = scale*psi+fjs(i)*zsn zsn = zsn*zmulinv enddo psi = 2*psi*scale+fjs(0) c if (dimag(z) .lt. 0) zscale = cdexp(+ima*z) / psi if (dimag(z) .ge. 0) zscale = cdexp(-ima*z) / psi c c c ... Scale the jfuns by zscale: c ztmp=zscale do i=0,nterms fjs(i)=fjs(i)*ztmp enddo c c ... Finally, calculate the derivatives if desired: c if (ifder.eq.1) then fjs(nterms+1)=fjs(nterms+1)*ztmp c fjder(0)=-fjs(1)*scale do i=1,nterms dc1=0.5d0 dc2=done-dc1 dc1=dc1*scalinv dc2=dc2*scale fjder(i)=dc1*fjs(i-1)-dc2*fjs(i+1) enddo endif return end c