::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: This program creates a binary file containing 11+ megabytes :: :: of 32-bit integers from a multiply-with-carry generator :: :: x(n)=a*x(n-1)+carry mod 2^32 :: :: You choose the multiplier from a list and specify the name of :: :: the file to be created. The period of the generator will be :: :: a*2^31-1. This class of generators is particularly well sui- :: :: ted for implementation in machine language, and I predict :: :: that many system generators in the future will be of this :: :: class rather than the linear congruential generators for mo- :: :: dulus 2^32 that are common today. :: :: To illustrate how the `carry' works, suppose from the :: :: current (32-bit) x and (30 bit) c, one forms a*x+c. This may :: :: be done in a 64-(or double 32-) bit register in most modern :: :: CPU's. Then the new random x is the lower 32 bits, the new :: :: carry the upper 32. To see how well such a simple and fast :: :: generator performs on tests of randomness, this program makes :: :: a large file with the multiply-with-carry generator implemen- :: :: ted in 16-bit integer arithmetic. Those finding it suitable :: :: may wish to make an assembler version for their system. :: :: It seems to pass all tests. :: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: This program creates the binary file mwc1616.32, containing :: :: 11+ megabytes of integers made by concatenating two 16-bit :: :: multiply-with-carry generators. :: :: The two generators have the form :: :: x(n)=a*x(n-1)+carry mod 2^16 and :: :: y(n)=b*y(n-1)+carry mod 2^16, :: :: with suggested choices for multipliers `a' and `b'. :: :: The `carry' c works as follows: If a and x are 16-bit and :: :: c at most 14 bits, then forming a*x+c produces an at-most 31- :: :: bit result. That result mod 2^16 (the rightmost 16 bits) is :: :: the new x and the topmost 16 bits the new carry c. The sequ- :: :: ence of resulting x's has period the order of 2^16 in the :: :: group of residues relatively prime to m=a*2^16-1, which will :: :: be a*2^15-1 for the multipliers suggested here. :: :: You will be prompted to choose a and b and two seeds. Output :: :: is a 32-bit integer, the pair x,y side by side. :: :: This multiply-with-carry generator is best done in assembler, :: :: where it takes about 200 nanosecs with a Pentium 120. A Fort- :: :: ran version takes about 300 ns. It seems to pass all tests :: :: and is highly recommended for speed and simplicity. :: :: The essence of a version in C requires only two statements: :: :: x=a*(x&65535)+(x>>16); y=b*(y&65535)+(y>>16); :: :: if x and y are 32-bit integers with carry in the top and out- :: :: put in the bottom half. The 32-bit integer returned is :: :: (x<<16)+(y&65525); :: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: ----------------------------------------------------------- :: :: 18000 18030 18273 18513 18879 19074 19098 19164 19215 19584 :: :: 19599 19950 20088 20508 20544 20664 20814 20970 21153 21243 :: :: 21423 21723 21954 22125 22188 22293 22860 22938 22965 22974 :: :: 23109 23124 23163 23208 23508 23520 23553 23658 23865 24114 :: :: 24219 24660 24699 24864 24948 25023 25308 25443 26004 26088 :: :: 26154 26550 26679 26838 27183 27258 27753 27795 27810 27834 :: :: 27960 28320 28380 28689 28710 28794 28854 28959 28980 29013 :: :: 29379 29889 30135 30345 30459 30714 30903 30963 31059 31083 :: :: ----------------------------------------------------------- :: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: This program creates a binary file containing 11+ megabytes :: :: of 32-bit integers from the multiply-with-carry generator :: x(n)=2111111111x(n-4)+1492x(n-3)+1776x(n-2)+5115x(n-1)+carry mod 2^32. :: The period of this generator is about 2^160. It is one of :: :: what I called "The Mother of All Random Number Generators", :: :: a few years ago when use of `Mother of All...' was topical :: :: and could be used for showing bombast, defiance or derision.:: :: All apply to the usage here. The `carry' part, c, is the :: :: multiple of the modulus b=2^32 dropped in the reduction; for:: :: example, if the linear combination with the current four x's :: :: and carry c produced the result 125*b+3621, then the new x :: :: becomes 3621 and the new carry 125. The big advantage of this:: :: and other multiply-with-carry generators is that they allow :: :: use of modulus 2^16 & 2^32 without the trailing-bits regular-:: :: ities encountered in congruential sequences for such moduli. :: :: But that advantage has to be gained through assembly language:: :: if b=2^32, as no common high level language seems to allow :: :: access to the top 32 bits of the 64-bit product of two 32-bit:: :: integers. See also the file make1616.exe and makemwc1.exe :: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: This program creates the binary file kiss.32, containing :: :: 11+ megabytes of integers from the generator KISS, which com- :: :: bines three simple generators. The acronym KISS means :: :: Keep It Simple Stupid :: :: and the idea is to use simple, fast, individually promising :: :: generators to get a composite that will be fast, easy to code :: :: have a very long period and pass all the tests put to it. :: :: The three components of KISS are :: :: x(n)=a*x(n-1)+1 mod 2^32 :: :: y(n)=y(n-1)(I+L^13)(I+R^17)(I+L^5), :: :: z(n)=2*z(n-1)+z(n-2) +carry mod 2^32 :: :: The y's are a shift register sequence on 32bit binary vectors :: :: period 2^32-1; see the description in executing makesupr.exe. :: :: The z's are a simple multiply-with-carry sequence with period :: :: 2^63+2^32-1. The period of KISS is thus :: :: 2^32*(2^32-1)*(2^63+2^32-1) > 2^127 :: :: KISS is particularly well suited for assembler programming, :: :: where it takes about 200 nanosecs with a Pentium 120. :: :: It seems to pass all tests and is highly recommended for :: :: speed and simplicity (for generators with that long a period) :: :: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: This program creates the binary file combo.32, containing :: :: 11+ megabytes of integers from a simple but very good combi- :: :: nation generator. It combines, by addition mod 2^32, :: :: x(n)=x(n-1)*x(n-2) mod 2^32 :: :: and :: :: y(n)=30903*y(n-1) + carry mod 2^16 :: :: The period of the first is 3*2^29, on odd integers, and the :: :: period of the second, a multiply-with-carry generator, is :: :: 30903*2^15-1=1012629503, so the period of combo exceeds 2^60. :: :: This generator is simple to program in Fortran or C and quite :: :: fast. It seems to pass all tests in DIEHARD. Try it. :: :: You will be prompted for three seed integers. The x's of the :: :: seeds x1,x2,y must be 3 or 5 mod 8, which is ensured by repla-:: :: cing x1 by 3*(x1+x1+1)^2 and x2 by 2*x2+1. :: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: This program creates a binary file of integers from a version :: :: of ULTRA, a generator we posted on the net a few years ago. :: :: It combines the lagged Fibonacci generator :: :: x(n)=x(n-99)*x(n-33) mod 2^32, x's odd :: :: with the multiply-with-carry generator :: :: y(n)=30903*y(n-1)+carry mod 2^16, :: :: returning x(n)+y(n) mod 2^32. :: :: By itself, the lagged Fibonacci generator using multiplication :: :: passes all tests except those dependent on the last bit, since :: :: the output integers are always odd. Adding the MWC sequence :: :: provides a proper mix of trailing bits. The resulting combinat- :: :: ion in ULTRA seems to pass all tests and has a very long period.:: :: That period is 3*2^96*(30903*2^15-1), about 2^127.5 :: :: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: This program creates a binary file of integers from the :: :: subtract-with-borrow random number generator :: :: x(n)=x(n-24)-x(n-37) - borrow mod 2^32 :: :: combined with the multiply-with-carry generator :: :: y(n)=30903*y(n-1) + carry mod 2^16. :: :: The period of the composite is :: :: (2^1178-2^762)(30903*2^15-1), about 2^1208 or 10^364.:: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: This program creates the binary file EXCONG?.32 containing :: :: 11+ megabytes of 32-bit integers from an extended congruent- :: :: generator. You have your choice of four: :: :: 1: x(n)=65065*x(n-1)+67067*x(n-2)+69069*x(n-3) mod 2^32-5 :: :: 2: x(n)=2**10*[x(n-1)+x(n-2)+x(n-3)] mod 2^32-5 :: :: 3: x(n)=2000*x(n-1)+1950*x(n-2)+1900*x(n-3) mod 2^32-209 :: :: 4: x(n)=2**20*[x(n-1)+x(n-2)+x(n-3)] mod 2^32-209 :: :: The period of these generators is the modulus cubed minus 1, :: :: about 2^96, for any 3 seeds not all zero. The recursion is :: :: implemented in double precision, with the result converted :: :: to a 32-bit integer. Notice that choices 2 and 4 are well :: :: suited for implementations that avoid multiplication: adding :: :: 10 or 20 to the exponent of a double precision sum. Since :: :: all four choices seem to pass all tests, 2) and 4) may be :: :: preferable. Try them yourself. :: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: The random number generator SUPERDUPER :: :: This program creates the binary file SUPRDUPR.32, containing :: :: 11+ megabytes of integers made by adding the results of two :: :: random number generators, congruential and shift register. :: :: The two generators are :: :: x <--- 69069*x+oddconstant mod 2^32 and :: :: y <--- y(I+L^13)(I+R^17)(I+L^5), :: :: where y is viewed as a binary vector. The transformation is :: :: y <-- yT, with T the 32x32 binary matrix :: :: T=(I+L^13)(I+R^17)(I+L^5) and L, R are matrices that effect a :: :: shift of 1 left or 1 right. The transformation is readily :: :: done with shifts and exclusive or's. The period of the x's :: :: is 2^32 for any initial seed and that for the y's is 2^32-1 :: :: for any seed not zero. So the period of SUPERDUPER is :: :: 2^64-2^32 = 18,446,744,069,414,584,320. :: :: You will be prompted for two seeds. :: :: You will also be prompted to choose the method for combining :: :: the two sequences: addition (enter +), exclusive-or (enter x) :: :: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: This program creates a binary file of integers from a specified :: :: subtract-with-borrow random number generator. Structures of :: :: such generators are much like those of lagged Fibonacci generat-:: :: ors x(n)=x(n-r)-x(n-s) mod m, except that one forms :: :: x(n)=x(n-r)-x(n-s)-c mod m, where c is the `borrow': 0 if the :: :: subtraction produced a positive result, and 1 if an m had to be :: :: borrowed and added to the difference to make a positive result. :: :: With proper choice of the lags, tremendously long periods can :: :: be attained. But performance on tests is much the same as for :: :: lagged Fibonacci, as SWB sequences behave locally much like lag-:: :: ged Fibonacci using subtraction. There are also add-with-carry :: :: generators x(n)=x(n-r)+x(n-s)+carry mod m that use addition, :: :: with the `carry' set to 1 or 0, depending on whether m had to be:: :: subtracted to give a positive result mod m. For a full descript-:: :: tion, see Marsaglia and Zaman, Ann. Applied Prob., v1, no3 1991 :: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: :: This program creates a binary file containing 11+ megabytes :: :: of 32-bit random integers from a congruential generator, :: :: x(n)=a*x(n-1)+b mod m :: :: You will be prompted to choose a,b and m, the latter in the :: :: form m=2^r+s. If r<=31 then r-bit integers will be left- :: :: justified (shifted left) to meet DIEHARD requirements. :: :: If r>32 then the recursion is carried out in double precision :: :: and the result sent to the file as the integer part of c*x, :: :: where c is the ratio 2.^32/m. In addition, this program will :: :: display a (line-printer) plot of the 2-lattice of the chosen :: :: congruential generator. :: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: This program creates the binary file ran2.32 containing some :: :: 11 megabytes of integers from the generator RAN2 in Numerical :: :: Recipes. See Press and Teukolsky, "Portable Random Number :: :: Generators", Computers in Physics, v 6, n 2, 522:524 1992. :: :: See also "Some portable very-long-period random number gener- :: :: ators", v 8 n 1, 1994 by Marsaglia and Zaman, that points out :: :: shortcomings, suggested improvements and alternatives to RAN2. :: :: The Numerical Recipes version produces only 31 bit integers. :: :: They are left-adjusted, that is, shifted left 1, before being :: :: written to the binary file ran2.32, as several DIEHARD tests :: :: emphasize the leading bits. But that means that all integers :: :: in ran2.32 have trailing bit=0, so that tests that use bit 32 :: :: (DIEHARD numbers bits from left to right, 1 to 32) will yield :: :: spectacular failures. :: :: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: :: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: :: This program creates a binary file with 11+ megabytes of 32- :: :: bit integers from a specified shift register generator. You :: :: will be prompted to choose the shifts and whether to generate :: :: 31- or 32-bit integers. If 31 bits are chosen, the resulting :: :: integers will be left-justified (shifted left 1) before being :: :: written to the output file you name, since many of DIEHARD's :: :: tests emphasize leading bits of random integers. That means, :: :: of course, that the generator is likely to fail tests that :: :: depend, in any significant way, on the rightmost bit of a 32- :: :: bit random integer. :: :: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: The system generator in Sun Fortran f77 :: :: This program creates the binary file sunran.32, containing :: :: 11+ megabytes of 31-bit integers made from the generator in :: :: Sun Fortran f77. It is not a congruential generator. :: :: I do not have a manual that tells what it is. But whatever it:: :: is, it is not a very good generator. Try it for yourself. :: :: A cryptic f77 manual describes its use. It has a desirable :: :: feature of providing either reals on [0,1) or 32-bit integers :: :: (32-bit would be preferable). The Fortran assignment x=rand(0):: :: will provide the next real in the sequence, which can be re- :: :: seeded with x=rand(iseed). Similarly, 31-bit integers come :: :: from successive assignments j=irand(0), with a new seed from :: :: j=irand(iseed). That calling procedure seems better than that:: :: of Microsoft Fortran, which uses call random(x) to get a :: :: random real x; a nuisance for those wanting to use a random :: :: variable in an expression. :: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: This program creates a binary file of integers from a specified :: :: lagged Fibonacci generator, x(n)=x(n-r) op x(n-s), with op one :: :: of the four operations +,-,*,xor. The user is prompted to en- :: :: ter integers r and s from a list of lags that provide long pe- :: :: riods, and a choice of the operation +,-,*,xor. For simpler :: :: program logic, choice of operation is indicated by an integer: :: :: 1 for +, 2 for -, 3 for *, 4 for xor. :: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: :: This program creates a file, INVCONG.32, with 11+ megabytes :: :: of 32-bit integers from an `inverse congruential' generator, :: :: described by Eichenauer-Herrmann in International Statist. :: :: Review v60, 167-176 and earlier papers. :: :: The attraction of this generator seems to be the theory be- :: :: hind it; as a random number generator it is not very good. :: :: It takes from twenty to fifty times as long as much better :: :: generators and fails many of the tests in DIEHARD. The first :: :: 12-16 bits seem to be good, but trailing bits are as bad or :: :: worse than those from an ordinary congruential RNG mod 2^32. :: :: Try it yourself. You will be prompted for parameters a and b :: :: and a seed. Make sure `a' mod 4 is 1 and `b' is odd. :: :: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::