subroutine transf ( n, nu, z, bl, bu, mar, x, jbound, ier ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc TRANSF transforms between constrained and unconstrained problems. c c Discussion: c c The routine implements the change of variables for transforming c unconstrained problems into constrained ones and vice versa. c c Reference: c c J Dennis, N Echebest, M Guardarucci, J Martinez, H Scolnik, C Vacchino, c A curvilinear search using tridiagonal secant updates for unconstrained optimization, c SIAM Journal on Optimization, c Volume 1, Number 3, pages 333-357, August 1991. c c Parameters: c c Input: c c n: number of variables. c nu: flag for starting calculations such that if c 0 analizes the user-supplied data. c 1 skips the analysis. c bl: vector of lower bounds. c bu: vector of upper bounds. c mar: flag such that if c 1 transforms the constrained problem into the c unconstrained one. c 2 transforms the unconstrained problem into the c constrained one. c z: if mar=1 it contains the current iterate of the constrained c problem. c x: if mar=2 it contains the current iterate of the unconstrained c problem. c c jbound: working vector of dimension n defining the sort of c constraint for each variable c (only used when c jbound(i) = 0 if the ith variable has no contraints. c 1 if the ith variable has only upper bounds. c 2 if the ith variable has only lower bounds. c 3 if the ith variable has both upper and c lower bounds. c Output: c c x: if mar = 1 , x is the transform of the input z. c or c z: if mar = 2, z is the transform of the input x. c c ier: 3 if there exists an input error in the constraints; c otherwise is not altered. c implicit none integer n double precision bl(n) double precision bu(n) integer i integer ier integer jbound(n) integer mar integer na1 integer na2 integer na3 integer nu double precision tol double precision wa2 double precision wa3 double precision x(n) double precision z(n) tol = 0.10842022D-18 if ( mar == 1 ) then c c Analyze if the user-supplied data is coherent. c c If the given point does not satisfy the constraints it is c projected onto the corresponding region. c if ( nu == 0 ) then na1 = 0 na2 = 0 do i = 1, n if ( jbound(i) == 3 ) then if ( bu(i) < bl(i) ) then na2 = na2 + 1 end if end if end do if ( na2 /= 0 ) then ier = 3 return end if na3 = 0 do i = 1, n if ( jbound(i) /= 0 ) then if ( jbound(i) /= 2 ) then if ( bu(i) < z(i) ) then na3 = na3 + 1 z(i) = bu(i) end if end if if ( jbound(i) /= 1 ) then if ( z(i) < bl(i) ) then na3 = na3 + 1 z(i) = bl(i) end if end if end if end do end if c c Compute the coordinates of the unconstrained transformed problem. c if jbound(i)=1, using x = dsqrt(bu - z) c if jbound(i)=2, using x = dsqrt(z - bl) c if jbound(i)=3, using x = dasin(dsqrt( (z - bl) / (bu - bl ))) c do i = 1, n x(i) = z(i) if ( jbound(i) == 3 ) then wa2 = dabs ( bu(i) - bl(i) ) wa3 = tol * dmax1 ( 0.1D+00, dabs ( bl(i) ) ) if ( wa3 < wa2 ) then x(i) = dasin ( dsqrt ( ( z(i) - bl(i) ) / wa2 ) ) end if else if ( jbound(i) == 1 ) then x(i) = dsqrt ( bu(i) - z(i) ) else if ( jbound(i) == 2 ) then x(i) = dsqrt ( z(i) - bl(i) ) end if end if end if end do c c If transform the point x of the unconstrained problem c into the corresponding point z of the constrained problem. c if jbound(i)=1, using z = bu - x**2 c if jbound(i)=2, using z = bl + x**2 c if jbound(i)=3, using z = bl + (bu - bl)* (sin x)**2 c else do i = 1, n if ( jbound(i) == 1 ) then z(i) = - x(i) ** 2 + bu(i) else if ( jbound(i) == 2 ) then z(i) = x(i) ** 2 + bl(i) else if ( jbound(i) == 3 ) then wa2 = bu(i) - bl(i) z(i) = bl(i) + wa2 * ( dsin ( x(i) ) ) ** 2 else z(i) = x(i) end if end if end if end do end if return end subroutine transf2 ( n, bl, bu, gp, y, x, f, fu, jbound, nfu ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc TRANSF2 changes the current iterate if the unconstrained c problem converges to a point which is a stationary one of c constrained problem. c c Parameters: c c Input : c n : dimension of the problem. c bl : vector of lower bounds. c bu : vector of upper bounds. c y : current iterate of the constarined problem. c x : iterate corresponding to y in the unconstrained problem. c gp : projected gradient at y. c fu : user-supplied function. c jbound : see definition in the main routine. c nfu: the number of function evaluations. c c Output : c y : current iterate in the constrained problem. c x : current iterate in the unconstrained problem. c f : f(y). c nfu: the number of function evaluations. c implicit real*8(a-h,o-z) integer n double precision alf double precision bet double precision bl(n) double precision bu(n) double precision dn double precision dnrm2 external fu double precision gp(n) integer i integer jbound(n) integer ls double precision x(n) double precision y(n) common / lsearch / ls ls=5 dn=dnrm2(n,gp,1) alf=1.d1/dn c c Calculate the step along the direction -gp. c do i=1,n if(gp(i).gt.0.d0)then if(jbound(i) == 3.or.jbound(i) == 2)then ci=bl(i)+1.d1*dmax1(dabs(bl(i)),1.d0) bet=0.9d0 if(jbound(i) == 3)ci=bu(i) if(y(i)-bl(i).gt.(ci-bl(i))/1.d4)bet=2.d-1 alf=dmin1(alf,dmin1(bet*(y(i)-bl(i))/gp(i),alf)) else alf=dmin1(alf,1.d-3/dn*dmax1(dabs(y(i)),1.d0)) end if end if if(gp(i).lt.0.d0) then if(jbound(i) == 3.or.jbound(i) == 1)then ci=bu(i)-1.d1*dmax1(dabs(bu(i)),1.d0) bet=0.9d0 if(jbound(i) == 3)ci=bl(i) if(bu(i)-y(i).gt.dabs(bu(i)-ci)/1.d4)bet=2.d-1 alf=dmin1(alf,bet*(bu(i)-y(i))/(-gp(i))) else alf=dmin1(alf,1.d-3/dn*dmax1(dabs(y(i)),1.d0)) end if end if end do c c Define y = y - alf *gp in the constrained problem. c Compute x, iterate in the unconstrained problem corresponding to y. c do i=1,n if(dabs(gp(i)).gt.0.d0)then coe=1.d0 y(i)=y(i)-alf*gp(i) if(jbound(i) == 3) then if(x(i).lt.0.d0)coe=-1.d0 x(i)=coe*dasin(dsqrt((y(i)-bl(i))/ * (bu(i)-bl(i)))) else if(jbound(i) == 1)then if(x(i).lt.0.d0)coe=-1.d0 x(i)=coe*dsqrt(bu(i)-y(i)) else if(jbound(i) == 2)then if(x(i).lt.0.d0)coe=-1.d0 x(i)=coe*dsqrt(y(i)-bl(i)) else x(i)=y(i) end if end if end if end if end do c c Compute f(y). c call fu(n,y,f) nfu=nfu+1 return end subroutine gradx ( n, x, bl, bu, gt, gra, jbound ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc GRADX computes the gradient of the transformed problem. c c Parameters: c c Input : c c n : number of variables. c x : current iterate. c bl : vector of lower bounds. c bu : vector of upper bounds. c gt : gradient of the original problem. c jbound : see definition in the main routine. c c Output : c c gra : gradient at x. c implicit real*8(a-h,o-z) integer n dimension bl(n) dimension bu(n) dimension gra(n) dimension gt(n) dimension jbound(n) dimension x(n) do i=1,n gra(i)=gt(i) c c Computes gra(x)=gt(y)*(-2*x), considering the c transformation y = bu - x**2 . c if(jbound(i) == 1)then gra(i)=-2.d0*gt(i)*x(i) else c c Computes gra(x)=gt(y)*(2*x), considering the c transformation y = bl + x**2 c if(jbound(i) == 2)then gra(i)=2.d0*gt(i)*x(i) else c c Computes gra(x)=gt(y)*(bu-bl)*sin(2*x), considering the c transformation y = bl + (bu - bl) * (sin x)**2. c if(jbound(i) == 3)then bl1=bu(i)-bl(i) gra(i)=gt(i)*bl1*dsin(2.d0*x(i)) end if end if end if end do return end subroutine hessix ( n, x, bl, bu, gy, hes, jbound ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc HESSIX computes the Hessian of the transformed problem. c c Parameters: c c Input : c c n : number of variables. c x : current iterate. c bl : vector of lower bounds. c bu : vector of upper bounds. c gy : gradient of the original problem. c hes : vector of dimension n1 = n*(n+1)/2 containing the upper half c of the Hessian of the original problem stored columnwise. c jbound : see definition in the main routine. c c Output : c c hes : Hessian at x. c implicit real*8(a-h,o-z) integer n dimension x(n),hes(1),bl(n),bu(n),gy(n),jbound(n) c c Compute the Hessian in the new variables. c do i=1,n xi=x(i) i1=i*(i+1)/2 i2=i1 k1=i*(i-1)/2+1 k2=i2-1 if(jbound(i) == 1)then hes(i1)=hes(i1)*4.d0*xi**2-2.d0*gy(i) do k=i,n-1 i2=i2+k hes(i2)=hes(i2)*(-2.d0*xi) end do do k=k1,k2 hes(k)=hes(k)*(-2.d0*xi) end do else if(jbound(i) == 2) then hes(i1)=hes(i1)*4.d0*xi**2+2.d0*gy(i) do k=i,n-1 i2=i2+k hes(i2)= hes(i2)*2.d0*xi end do do k=k1,k2 hes(k)= hes(k)*2.d0*xi end do else if(jbound(i) == 3)then bul=bu(i)-bl(i) hes(i1)=hes(i1)*(2.d0*bul* * dsin(xi)*dcos(xi))**2+ * 2.d0*gy(i)*bul*dcos(2.d0*xi) do k=i,n-1 i2=i2+k hes(i2)= hes(i2)*bul* * dsin(2.d0*xi) end do do k=k1,k2 hes(k)= hes(k)*bul* * dsin(2.d0*xi) end do end if end if end if end do return end subroutine factor ( n, n1, hes, qt, d, e, itrid ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc FACTOR computes the Householder decomposition of the Hessian matrix. c c Discussion: c c The Hessian matrix is decomposed as H = Q' * T * Q. c c Parameters: c c Input: c c n: dimension of the problem. c n1: n*(n+1)/2 c hes: vector of dimension n1 containing the upper c half of the Hessian stored columnwise. c itrid: parameter such that if equal to c 0 the Hessian is not a tridiagonal matrix. c 1 the Hessian is a tridiagonal matrix. c c Output: c c Qt: orthogonal matrix of the decomposition Qt*T*Q. c d: diagonal of the tridiagonal matrix T. c e: subdiagonal of the tridiagonal matrix T. c implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) integer n dimension hes(n1),qt(n,n),d(n),e(n) do j=1,n do i=1,n qt(i,j)=0.d0 end do qt(j,j)=1.d0 end do if(itrid == 1)then e(1)=0.d0 d(1)=hes(1) if( kd=3 do i=2,n e(i)=hes(kd-1) d(i)=hes(kd) kd=kd+i+1 end do end if else c c Call to the subroutine which computes the Householder c decomposition c call dholder(hes,n,n1,d,e) c c Find the orthogonal matrix qt ,product of the c Householder transformations. c if( do i=2,n l= i-1 ia=(i*l)/2 h=hes(ia+i) if(dabs(h).gt.0.d0)then do j=1,n s=0.0d0 do k=1,l s=s+hes(ia+k)*qt(k,j) end do s=s/h do k=1,l qt(k,j)=qt(k,j)-s*hes(ia+k) end do end do end if end do end if end if return end subroutine dholder ( a, n, n1, d, e ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc DHOLDER finds the tridiagonal matrix T of c decomposition Qt*T*Q, where Qt is an orthogonal matrix c using Householder's transformations. c c Parameters: c c Input : c c a : is a vector of dimension n1 = n*(n+1)/2 c containing the upper half of the symmetric matrix c stored columnwise. c c n : dimension of the problem. c c n1 : dimension of vector a. c c Output : c c d : diagonal of the tridiagonal matrix. c c e : subdiagonal of the tridiagonal matrix. c c a : the vector a restores information c for computing Qt from Householder transformations. c implicit real*8(a-h,o-z) integer n dimension a(n1) dimension d(n) dimension e(n) double precision zero zero = 0.0D+00 m=n1-1 nq=n1-n do it=1,n ib=n+1-it l=ib-1 s=zero sum = zero if( e(ib)=zero go to 20 end if nk=m do k=1,l sum=sum+dabs(a(nk)) nk=nk-1 end do if( then nk=m do k=1,l a(nk)=a(nk)/sum s=s+a(nk)*a(nk) nk=nk-1 end do fr=a(m) gr=-dsign(dsqrt(s),fr) e(ib)=sum*gr s=s-fr*gr a(m)=fr-gr if(l == 1) go to 10 fr=zero kl1=1 do k=1,l gr=zero ik=nq+1 kk=kl1 c c Form element of a*u. c do kl=1,k gr=gr+a(kk)*a(ik) kk=kk+1 ik=ik+1 end do kp1=k+1 if( kk=kk+k-1 do kl=kp1,l gr=gr+a(kk)*a(ik) kk=kk+kl ik = ik+1 end do end if c c Form element of p. c e(k)=gr/s fr=fr+e(k)*a(nq+k) kl1=kl1+k end do ss=fr/(s+s) c c Form reduced a. c kk=1 do k=1,l fr=a(nq+k) gr=e(k)-ss*fr e(k)=gr do kl=1,k a(kk)=a(kk)-fr*e(kl)-gr*a(nq+kl) kk=kk+1 end do end do 10 do kl=1,l a(nq+kl)=a(nq+kl)*sum end do else e(ib)=zero end if 20 d(ib)=a(nq+ib) a(nq+ib)=s*sum*sum nq=nq-ib+1 m=m-ib end do return end subroutine tri1 ( n, d, e, b ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc TRI1 solves a positive definite symmetric tridiagonal linear system. c c Parameters: c c Input : c c n : order of the tridiagonal matrix. c d : diagonal of the tridiagonal matrix. c e : off-diagonal of the tridiagonal matrix. c b : the right hand side vector. c c Output : c c b : contains the solution. c c implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) integer n dimension d(n),e(n),b(n) c c check n=1 case. c if(n == 1)then b(1)=b(1)/d(1) go to 70 end if nm1=n-1 nm1d2=nm1/2 if( kbm1= n-1 c c zero top half of subdiagonal and bottom half of superdiagonal. c do k=1,nm1d2 t1=e(k)/d(k) d(k+1)=d(k+1)-t1*e(k) b(k+1)=b(k+1)- t1*b(k) t2=e(kbm1)/d(kbm1+1) d(kbm1)=d(kbm1)- t2*e(kbm1) b(kbm1)=b(kbm1)- t2*b(kbm1+1) kbm1=kbm1-1 end do end if kp1=nm1d2+1 c c Clean up for possible 2 x 2 block at center. c if(mod(n,2) == 0) then t1= e(kp1)/d(kp1) d(kp1+1)=d(kp1+1)-t1*e(kp1) b(kp1+1)=b(kp1+1)-t1*b(kp1) kp1=kp1+1 end if c c Back solve starting at the center, going towards the top c and bottom. c b(kp1)=b(kp1)/d(kp1) if( then k=kp1-1 ke= kp1+nm1d2 -1 do kf=kp1,ke b(k)=(b(k)-e(k)*b(k+1))/d(k) b(kf+1)=(b(kf+1)-e(kf)*b(kf))/d(kf+1) k=k-1 end do end if if(mod(n,2) == 0)b(1)=(b(1)-e(1)*b(2))/d(1) 70 return end subroutine matmul ( n, a, x, ind, y ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc MATMUL computes either Ax or A'x where A is a matrix, A' its transpose, c and x a vector. c c Parameters: c c Input: c c n : dimension of the problem c a : nxn matrix c x : n-dimensional vector c ind : if equal to 1 computes Ax c if equal to 2 computes A'x c c Output: c c y : the product as defined by the input parameter ind c implicit real*8(a-h,o-z) integer n dimension a(n,n), x(n),y(n) if ( ind == 1 ) then do i=1,n yi=0.d0 do j=1,n yi=yi+ a(i,j)*x(j) end do y(i)=yi end do else do j=1,n yj=0.d0 do i=1,n yj=yj+a(i,j)*x(i) end do y(j)=yj end do end if return end subroutine res ( n, x, g, vf, nfu, ngr, nh, nit, ier, ibound ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc RES prints the results c c Parameters: c c Input : c c n : dimension of the problem c x : best obtained point c g : gradient at x in unconstrained problems. c projected gradient at x in constrained problems. c vf : f(x). c nfu : total number of function evaluations. c ngr : total number of gradiente evaluations. c nh : total number of Hessian evaluations. c nit : number of iterations. c ier : 0 convergence has been achieved. c 1 maximum number of function evaluations exceeded. c 2 failure to converge. c 3 wrong input in a constrained problem. c ibound : see definition in the main routine. c implicit real*8(a-h,o-z) integer n dimension x(n),g(n) if(ier == 3)then ! write(6,1) 1 format(10(/), *' * * * INPUT ERROR IN A CONSTRAINED PROBLEM - STOP * * *',/) return end if do i=1,n ! write(6,10)i,x(i) c if(mod(i,20) == 0)pause end do dnq=dnrm2(n,g,1) c pause ! write(6,20)n ! write(6,30) vf ! if(ibound == 0)write(6,40)dnq ! if(,50)dnq ! write(6,60) nit ! write(6,70) nfu ! if(,80) ngr ! if(,90) nh ! write(6,100) ier ! write(6,110) 10 format(' x(',i3,') =',d16.8) 20 format(20(/),10x,9(' -'),' Final results',9(' -'), *///,10x, * ' Number of variables :',i6) 30 format(10x,' Final function value :',d11.4) 40 format(10x,' Norm of the gradient :',d11.4) 50 format(10x,' Norm of the projected gradient :',d11.4) 60 format(10x,' Number of iterations :',i6) 70 format(10x,' Number of function evaluations :',i6) 80 format(10x,' Number of gradient evaluations :',i6) 90 format(10x,' Number of Hessian evaluations :',i6) 100 format(10x,' ier :',i6) 110 format(///,10x,26(' -'),//) c pause return end subroutine autova ( d, e2, n ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc AUTOVA computes the least eigenvalue of the tridiagonal matrix Tk. c c In case of failure it returns the lowest Gerschgorin bound. c c Parameters: c c Input : c c d : diagonal of the tridiagonal matrix. c e2 : vector containing the squares of the subdiagonal elements. c n : dimension of the problem. c c Output : c c d(1) : estimation of the least eigenvalue. c c Warning : vectors d and e2 are destroyed. c implicit real*8(a-h,o-z) integer n dimension d(n) dimension e2(n) double precision tol double precision zero tol = 0.10842022D-18 zero = 0.0D+00 dlam = zero s = zero c c Look for small sub-diagonal entries c Define initial shift from lower Gerschgorin bound c e2(1)=zero if( re2=dsqrt(e2(2)) ush=d(1)-re2 if( do i=2,n-1 p=re2 if(p.le.tol*(dabs(d(i))+dabs(d(i-1)))) * e2(i)=zero re2=dsqrt(e2(i+1)) ush=dmin1(d(i)-p-re2,ush) end do end if if(re2.le.tol*(dabs(d(n))+dabs(d(n-1))))e2(n)=zero ush=dmin1(d(n)-re2,ush) autov=ush do i=1,n d(i)=d(i)-ush end do c c QR transformation c delta=d(n) 10 i=n f=dabs(tol*ush) dlam=dmax1(dlam,f) if(delta.le.dlam)go to 20 c c Set small sub-diagonal squares to zero c for reducing effects of underflows. c do j=2,n if(e2(j).le.(tol*(d(j)+d(j-1)))**2)e2(j)=zero end do f=e2(n)/delta qp=delta+f p=1.d0 k1=n-1 do ii=1,k1 i=n-ii q=d(i)-s-f r=q/qp p=p*r+1.d0 ep=f*r d(i+1)=qp+ep delta=q-ep if(delta.le.dlam) go to 20 f=e2(i)/q qp=delta+f e2(i+1)=qp*ep end do d(1)=qp s=qp/p ush=ush+s delta=d(n)-s if( to 10 c c Return with an estimation of the least eigenvalue. c e2(1)=1 d(1)=autov go to 30 c c Convergence. c 20 d(1)=ush end if 30 return end subroutine funct ( fcn, n, x0, bl, bu, d, e, qt, w, al, f, x1, & y, qs, wa, ibound, jbound, nfu ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc FUNCT computes the value of the objective c function on the Levenberg-Marquardt curve at the point x1. c c Parameters: c c Input: c c fcn: external function defining the objective function. c n: dimension of the problem. c x0: starting point on the Levenberg-Marquardt curve c bl: vector of lower bounds. c bu: vector of upper bounds. c d, e, qt: corresponding to the Householder factorization c w: vector Q*(-grad(x0)) c al: 'Levenberg-Marquardt' parameter. c wa: working vector c ibound: see definition in the main routine. c jbound: see definition in the main routine. c c Output: c c x1 : point on the curve: x0+s(al) c f : f(x1) c y : coordinates of x1 in the original problem. c qs : vector Q*s(al) c implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) integer n dimension x0(n),d(n),e(n),qt(n,n),w(n),qs(n),wa(1),x1(n), * y(n),bl(n),bu(n),jbound(n) external fcn nar=1 nt1=0 nt2=nt1+n c c Set the parameters for tri1 c do i=1,n-1 wa(nt1+i)=e(i+1) wa(nt2+i)=d(i)+al qs(i)=w(i) end do wa(nt1+n)=0.d0 wa(nt2+n)=d(n)+al qs(n)=w(n) c c Solve the system ( T+al*In)Q*s(al) = -Q*grad(x0) c Find the coordinates of x1 = x0+s(al). c call tri1(n,wa(nt2+1),wa(nt1+1),qs) do i=1,n sx=0.d0 do j=1,n sx=sx+qt(i,j)*qs(j) end do x1(i)=x0(i)+sx end do c c Compute f(x1) c if(ibound == 0)then call fcn(n,x1,f) else call transf(n,nar,y,bl,bu,2,x1,jbound,ier) call fcn(n,y,f) end if nfu=nfu+1 return end double precision function ddotsa ( n, x, ix, y, iy ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc DDOTSA computes the inner product of vectors sx,sy c c This is a version compatible with BLAS c c Parameters: c c Input: c c n : length of vectors x and y. c x : vector of lenght max(n*iabs(ix),1). c ix : displacement between elements of x. c x(i) is defined as c x(1+(i-1)*ix) if or c x(1+(i-n)*ix) if c y : vector of lenght max(n*iabs(iy),1). c iy : displacement between elements of y. c y(i) is defined as c y(1+(i-1)*iy) if or c y(1+(i-n)*iy) if c c Output: c c ddot: inner product of vectors x,y c implicit real*8(a-h,o-z) integer n dimension x(n) dimension y(n) ddotsa=0.d0 if(n.le.0)return if(ix == iy)if(ix-1)10,20,40 10 ix=1 iy=1 if(*ix+1 if(*iy+1 do i=1,n ddotsa = ddotsa+x(ix)*y(iy) ix=ix+ix iy = iy+iy end do return 20 m=n-(n/5)*5 if(m == 0)go to 30 do i=1,m ddotsa=ddotsa+x(i)*y(i) end do if( 30 mp1=m+1 do i=mp1,n,5 ddotsa = ddotsa+x(i)*y(i)+x(i+1)*y(i+1)+x(i+2)*y(i+2) * +x(i+3)*y(i+3)+x(i+4)*y(i+4) end do return 40 ns = n*ix do i=1,ns,ix ddotsa = ddotsa+x(i)*y(i) end do return end function dnrm2 ( n, x, incx ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc DNRM2 computes the euclidean norm of vector x. c implicit none integer n double precision absxi double precision dnrm2 integer incx integer ix double precision norm double precision one double precision scale double precision ssq double precision x(n) double precision zero parameter(one=1.0d+0,zero=0.0d+0) IF (n.LT.1 .OR. incx.LT.1) THEN norm = zero ELSE IF (n.EQ.1) THEN norm = abs(x(1)) ELSE scale = zero ssq = one DO ix = 1,1 + (n-1)*incx,incx IF (x(ix) THEN absxi = abs(x(ix)) IF (scale.LT.absxi) THEN ssq = one + ssq* (scale/absxi)**2 scale = absxi ELSE ssq = ssq + (absxi/scale)**2 END IF END IF end do norm = scale*sqrt(ssq) END IF dnrm2 = norm RETURN END subroutine prntout ( fu, n, x0, fopt, eps, ibound, jbound, bl, & bu, wa, nfu, ngr, nh, nit, ier, ichoice, flname ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc PRNTOUT prints the results to the file specified in file name c c Parameters: c c Input : c c All input arguments are described in curvi_ in more detail, except for c ichoice and flname. c c fu : external function just as specified in curvi_ c n : dimension of the problem c x0 : initial value into curvi_ if ichoice = 1 c or best obtained point if ichoice = 0 c fopt : best value found by curvi_ c c eps : requested tolerance c ibound : 0/1 variable determining if bounds are active c jbound : specific information on individual bounds c bl : Lower bounds c bu : Upper bounds c wa : Work vector returned from and passed into curvi_ c nfu : Number of function values c ngr : Number of gradient values (set to 0 if ichoice = 0) c nh : Number of hessian values (set to 0 if ichoice = 0) c nit : Number of iterations (set to 0 if ichoice = 0) c ier : error criteria c 0 convergence has been achieved. c 1 maximum number of function evaluations exceeded. c 2 failure to converge. c 3 wrong input in a constrained problem. c ichoice : ichoice is 0 or 1. Choose 0 if it is to be involked before c a call to the routine and 1 if after a call. c c flname : The output file name c implicit none double precision bl(*) double precision bu(*) character*(*) flname external fu double precision wa(*) double precision x0(*) double precision temp, eps, fopt, dnrm2, dnq integer ibound, jbound(*), error, nh, i integer nfu, ngr, nit, ier, ichoice, n error = 0 if (ichoice == 0) then open(26, file = flname) write(26, *) 'The initial input for Curvi follows ' write(26, *) ' ' write(26, *) ' ' if ( nfu == 0) then write(26, *) 'Default bound on number of function values ', * n*5000 , ' for curvif' write(26, *) ' ', * n*1000 , ' for curvig' write(26, *) ' ', * n*1000 , ' for curvih' else write(26, *) 'Bound on number of function values ', nfu endif write(26, *) 'Error tolerance ', eps write(26, *) 'Ibound ', ibound c write input information for debugging purposes c and for problem preservations If( ibound == 0 ) then c c Initialize variables nh, ngr, nit c nh = 0 ngr = 0 nit = 0 write(26, *) 'There are no bounds on the variables since ' write(26, *) 'Ibound = 0' write(26, *) ' ' write(26, *) 'The initial projected values' write(26, *) ' ' do i = 1,n write(26,1017) i, x0(i) enddo call fu(n,x0,temp) write(26, 1011) write(26, *) 'The initial function value is ' write(26, 1011) write(26, 1020) temp write(26, 1011) write(26, 1011) else write(26, 1011) write(26, 1010) write(26, 1011) do i = 1, n wa(i) = x0(i) if( jbound(i) == 3) then write(26, 1012) i, x0(i), bl(i), bu(i), jbound(i) if(bl(i) .gt. bu(i) ) then write(26,*) 'The above constraint is inconsistent' error = 1 write(26,1011) else if (wa(i) .lt. bl(i)) wa(i) = bl(i) if (wa(i) .gt. bu(i)) wa(i) = bu(i) endif else if( jbound(i) == 2) then write(26, 1013) i, x0(i), bl(i), jbound(i) if (wa(i) .lt. bl(i)) wa(i) = bl(i) else if (jbound(i) == 1) then write(26, 1014) i, x0(i), bu(i), jbound(i) if (wa(i) .gt. bu(i)) wa(i) = bu(i) else if (jbound(i) == 0) then write(26, 1015) i, x0(i), jbound(i) else write(26, 1016) i, x0(i), jbound(i) write(26, *) 'This is an undefined condition ' error = 1 endif enddo if (error == 0) then call fu(n,wa,temp) write(26, 1011) write(26, *) 'The initial function value at the projected ini *tial point is' write(26, 1011) write(26, 1020) temp write(26, 1011) write(26, 1011) else write(26, *) 'The conditions specified are inconsistent or und *efined' endif endif close(26) return endif open(26, access = 'append', file = flname) write(26, 1011) write(26, *) '************ Output from CURVI ************' write(26, 1011) 1010 format(10x, ' No. ', 10x, 'Initial Value', 10x, * 'Lower Bound', 10x, 'Upper Bound', 10x, 'Jbound') 1011 format(' ') 1012 format(10x, i5, 10x, g16.8, 5x, * g16.8, 5x, g16.8, 5x, i4) 1013 format(10x, i5, 10x, g16.8, 5x, * g16.8, 26x, i4) 1014 format(10x, i5, 10x, g16.8, 21x, * 5x, g16.8, 5x, i4) 1015 format(10x, i5, 10x, g16.8, 5x, * 16x, 5x, 16x, 5x, i4) 1016 format(10x, i5, 10x, g16.8, 5x, * 14x, '??', 5x, 14x, '??', 5x, i4) 1017 format(10x, i5, 10x, g16.8, 5x, * 16x, 5x, 16x, 5x) 1020 format(10x, g16.8) if(ier == 3)then write(26,1) 1 format(10(/), *' * * * INPUT ERROR IN A CONSTRAINED PROBLEM - STOP * * *',/) return end if c write output assuming ier < 3 write(26, 1000) write(26, 1001) do i=1,n write(26,10)i,x0(i) end do dnq=dnrm2(n,wa(n*n + n +1),1) write(26,20)n write(26,30) fopt if(ibound == 0)write(26,40)dnq if(,50)dnq write(26,60) nit write(26,70) nfu if(,80) ngr if(,90) nh write(26,100) ier write(26,110) 10 format(10x, i5, 10x, g16.8, 10x, g16.8) 20 format(5(/),10x,9(' -'),' Final Summary',9(' -'), *///,10x, * ' Number of variables :',i6) 30 format(10x,' Final function value :',d11.4) 40 format(10x,' Norm of the gradient :',d11.4) 50 format(10x,' Norm of the projected gradient :',d11.4) 60 format(10x,' Number of iterations :',i6) 70 format(10x,' Number of function evaluations :',i6) 80 format(10x,' Number of gradient evaluations :',i6) 90 format(10x,' Number of Hessian evaluations :',i6) 100 format(10x,' ier :',i6) 110 format(///,10x,26(' -'),//) 1000 format(10x, ' No. ', 10x, 'Final Value') 1001 format(10x, '_____', 10x, '___________') close(26) return end