subroutine dmatge(m2,n2,ki,kj,del,alpha,beta,trig,cmat,w) c*********************************************************************72 c cc dmatge c integer m2,n2,ki,kj double precision del,alpha,beta double precision trig(*) double precision cmat(*) double precision w(*) c c this routine computes the elements of the capacitance c matrix defined by ki and kj (ki=1 or 2, kj=1 or 2) c the matrix is stored in compact form in the array cmat. c this storage scheme is consistent with linpack. c operation count is m2*n2*(n2-1)/2 (mult+add)+4*m2*n2 (mult) c +2*m2*n2 (div)+7*m2*n2 (add) (plus order m2) c c cmat must have at least n2*(n2+1)/2 elements. (this call.) c trig is assumed initialized by two calls to routine trigin. c workspace w must have at least n2 elements. c c local. c c blas: ddot, daxpy c integer i,j,k,km,ip,m,n,i1,i2 double precision scal,x1,x2,x3,x4 double precision ddot c m = 2*(m2+ki-2)+1 n = 2*(n2+kj-2)+1 i1 = (m+1)*(ki-1) i2 = 2*m+(n+1)*(kj-1) x2 = 4.0d0/(n2+kj-1.0d0) scal = 4.0d0*del*del/(m2+ki-1.0d0) c c the following loops (5 and 15) could be simplified c under fortran 77 assumptions. this is correct also c on fortran 66. c ip = 0 do 15 k=1,n2 if(k.eq.1) go to 10 km = k-1 do 5 j=1,km ip = ip+1 cmat(ip)= 0.0d0 5 continue 10 ip = ip+1 cmat(ip) = 1.0d0 15 continue do 50 i=1,m2 x1 = scal*trig(i1+i)*trig(i1+i) do 20 j=1,n2 w(j) = trig(i2+j)/((trig(i1+m2+i)+trig(i2+n2+j))* + (trig(i1+m2+i)+trig(i2+n2+j)-alpha)+ + beta) 20 continue x3 = ddot(n2,trig(i2+1),1,w,1) ip = 0 x3 = x1*x2/(1.0d0+x2*x3) do 40 k=1,n2 x4 = -x3*w(k) call daxpy(k-1,x4,w,1,cmat(ip+1),1) ip = ip+k cmat(ip)=cmat(ip)+w(k)*(x1/trig(i2+k)+x4) 40 continue 50 continue return end