echo # 13 August 1996 # # Set target at REYNLD=100, ALPHA=-1. # # Set up (REYNLD) reduced basis at REYNLD=100, ALPHA=-0.1. # # Try to optimize in reduced space. # region=cavity; gridx=cos; gridy=cos; ijac=3; iopt(1)=1; iopt(2)=0; iwrite=0; maxopt=20; maxsim=4; nbcrb=1; nparb=0; nparf=1; nsenfl=5; nx=21; ny=21; par(1)=-1.0; par(2)=100.0; partar(1)=-1.0; partar(2)=100.0; # # Set up the problem logically and geometrically. # setlog; setgeo; # # Print out the problem data. # prpar; prdat; # # Solve the full system at ALPHA=-1.0, REYNLD=100. # gfl=0; picfl; newtfl; # # Save this solution as the target. # target; # # Reset GFL to zero, # Reset PARA to ALPHA=-0.1, REYNLD=100. # gfl=0; par(1)=-0.1; par(2)=100.0; picfl; newtfl; # # Get the sensitivities. # getsenfl; # # Print the sensitivities along the top. # xmin=0.0; xmax=1.0; ymin=1.0; ymax=1.0; pruvpsenfl; # # Now get the reduced basis at this point. # getrb; # # Print the reduced basis along the top. # xmin=0.0; xmax=1.0; ymin=1.0; ymax=1.0; pruvprb; # # Now get the reduced solution. # reduce gfl; ilo=1; ihi=ncofrb; prgrb; # # Print the parameters. # prpar; # # Optimize the reduced system. # optdifrb; prgrb; # # Something is fishy about the GRB I print above. # Let's look at it more closely. # xmin=0.0; xmax=1.0; ymin=1.0; ymax=1.0; pruvpgrb; # # Well, that is truly weird. # Let's see what the reduce basis matrix is doing. # xmin=0.0; xmax=1.0; ymin=1.0; ymax=1.0; pruvprb; # # Now we're going to try to improve the solution a bit. # # First, we expand GRB to a full solution, and correct it. # expand grb; newtfl; # # Then we get the sensitivities and reduced basis. # getsenfl; getrb; # # Now get the reduced solution. # reduce gfl; prgrb; optdifrb; prgrb; # stop