echo; # 02 August 1996 # # I just want to get NEWTRB working. # region=cavity; gridx=cos; gridy=cos; ijac=3; iwrite=0; maxopt=20; maxsim=4; nsenfl=5; nx=21; ny=21; # # Set up the problem logically and geometrically. # setlog; setgeo; # # Print out the problem data. # prpar; prdat; # # Solve the full system at REYNLD=100. # reynld=100; gfl=0; picfl; newtfl; # # Now compute the sensitivities. # nsenfl=5; getsenfl; # # Now print out the first ten rows. # ilo=1; ihi=10; jlo=1; jhi=nsenfl; prsenfl; # # Now compute the reduced basis. # getrb; ilo=1; ihi=ncofrb; jlo=1; jhi=ncofrb; prrbase; # # Now compute the reduced sensitivities. # getsenrb; ilo=1; ihi=ncofrb; jlo=1; jhi=ncofrb; # # Save GFL. # gflsav=gfl; # # Make up a GRB; # grb(1)=198; grb(2)=0.1; grb(3)=0.01; grb(4)=0.001; grb(5)=0.0001; ilo=1; ihi=ncofrb; prgrb; # # Expand the GRB to get a GFL. # expand grb; ilo=1; ihi=10; prgfl; # # Reduce GFL. Should get same GRB. # reduce gfl; ilo=1; ihi=ncofrb; prgrb; # # Restore the original GFL. # gfl=gflsav; # # Let's actually jiggle GRB a bit. # grb(1)=198; grb(2)=0.1; grb(3)=0.01; grb(4)=0.001; grb(5)=0.0001; prgrb; # # Evaluate the full function. # fxfl; # # Evaluate the reduced function. # fxrb; prfxrb; # # Evaluate the reduced function indirectly. # fxirb; prfxrb; # # Evaluate the reduced jacobian. detfprb; # fprb; ilo=1; ihi=ncofrb; jlo=1; jhi=ncofrb; prfprb; # # Estimate reduced jacobian via differences. # diffprb; prfprb; # # Compute reduced jacobian indirectly. # fpirb; prfprb; # # Perturb the REYNLD value, and try NEWTRB. # reynld=99; prpar; newtrb; # stop;