echo # TEST3.IN 30 July 1996 # # A test input file to verify that ARBY3 gets up and running. # region=cavity gridx=cos gridy=cos ijac=3 iwrite=0 maxopt=20 maxsim=4 nsenfl=5 nx=21 ny=21 # # Set up the problem logically and geometrically. # setlog setgeo # # Print out the problem data. # prpar prdat # # Solve the full system at REYNLD=100. # reynld=100 gfl=0 picfl newtfl # # Now compute the sensitivities. # nsenfl=5 getsenfl # # Now print out the first ten rows. # ilo=1 ihi=10 jlo=1 jhi=nsenfl prsenfl # # Now compute the reduced basis. # getrb # # Print the R factor. # prr # # Now multiply Q*R and compare to SENFL. # test5 # # Compute the GRB that corresponds to GFL. # reduce gfl prgrb # # Evaluate FX(GRB). # fxrb ilo=1 ihi=ncofrb prfxrb # stop