26 May 2007 7:27:19.424 AM NINT_EXACTNESS FORTRAN90 version Investigate the polynomial exactness of a quadrature rule by integrating all monomials of a given degree over the [0,1] hypercube. The rule will be adjusted to the [0,1] hypercube. NINT_EXACTNESS: User input: Quadrature rule X file = "ncoh_d2_level2_x.txt". Quadrature rule W file = "ncoh_d2_level2_w.txt". Quadrature rule R file = "ncoh_d2_level2_r.txt". Maximum total degree to check = 9 Spatial dimension = 2 Number of points = 17 Error Degree Exponents 0.0000000000000175 0 0 0 0.0000000000000160 1 1 0 0.0000000000000158 1 0 1 0.0000000000000112 2 2 0 0.0000000000000144 2 1 1 0.0000000000000113 2 0 2 0.0000000000000074 3 3 0 0.0000000000000100 3 2 1 0.0000000000000100 3 1 2 0.0000000000000075 3 0 3 0.0000000000000050 4 4 0 0.0000000000000066 4 3 1 0.0287640566430728 4 2 2 0.0000000000000064 4 1 3 0.0000000000000050 4 0 4 0.0000000000000029 5 5 0 0.0000000000000044 5 4 1 0.0575281132861353 5 3 2 0.0575281132861356 5 2 3 0.0000000000000044 5 1 4 0.0000000000000029 5 0 5 0.0000000000000020 6 6 0 0.0000000000000026 6 5 1 0.0829452173414168 6 4 2 0.1150562265722646 6 3 3 0.0829452173414171 6 2 4 0.0000000000000026 6 1 5 0.0000000000000018 6 0 6 0.0000000000000009 7 7 0 0.0000000000000016 7 6 1 0.1050153688089165 7 5 2 0.1658904346828299 7 4 3 0.1658904346828299 7 3 4 0.1050153688089163 7 2 5 0.0000000000000016 7 1 6 0.0000000000000010 7 0 7 0.0002328762356675 8 8 0 0.0000000000000008 8 7 1 0.1242372087356104 8 6 2 0.2100307376178304 8 5 3 0.2382325031959055 8 4 4 0.2100307376178304 8 3 5 0.1242372087356105 8 2 6 0.0000000000000009 8 1 7 0.0002328762356674 8 0 8 0.0011643811783353 9 9 0 0.0002328762356673 9 8 1 0.1411093781684752 9 7 2 0.2484744174712198 9 6 3 0.2999714228806433 9 5 4 0.2999714228806433 9 4 5 0.2484744174712197 9 3 6 0.1411093781684751 9 2 7 0.0002328762356673 9 1 8 0.0011643811783356 9 0 9 NINT_EXACTNESS: Normal end of execution. 26 May 2007 7:27:19.501 AM