May 27 2007 10:57:04.660 AM PLOT_POINTS FORTRAN90 version Given a file of 2D points, make a dot plot, and a Delaunay triangulation plot. Enter command (H for help): DATA_READ Read point data from "niederreiter2_02_00010.txt". Points are assumed to have dimension 2 POINTS_COUNT: Number of records: 20 Number of point records: 10 Number of comment records: 10 Number of bad records: 0 POINTS_READ: Read coordinate data from file. Coord Min Max 1 0.0004 0.8754 2 0.0956 0.9706 DATA_READ The data has been read. Enter command (H for help): Lower left box corner = 0.0000 0.0000 Upper right box corner = 1.0000 1.0000 Enter command (H for help): SHADOWING is turned ON. Each point makes a small mark on X and Y axis. Enter command (H for help): TITLE: "niederreiter2_02_00010.txt" Enter command (H for help): Next output file is niederreiter2_02_00010.eps Enter command (H for help): Write dot data to "niederreiter2_02_00010.eps". Plot Plot Coord Min Max 1 -0.0500 1.0500 2 -0.0500 1.0500 Enter command (H for help): # DATA_READ Read point data from "niederreiter2_02_00100.txt". Points are assumed to have dimension 2 POINTS_COUNT: Number of records: 110 Number of point records: 100 Number of comment records: 10 Number of bad records: 0 POINTS_READ: Read coordinate data from file. Coord Min Max 1 0.0004 0.9926 2 0.0018 0.9940 DATA_READ The data has been read. Enter command (H for help): Lower left box corner = 0.0000 0.0000 Upper right box corner = 1.0000 1.0000 Enter command (H for help): SHADOWING is turned ON. Each point makes a small mark on X and Y axis. Enter command (H for help): TITLE: "niederreiter2_02_00100.txt" Enter command (H for help): Next output file is niederreiter2_02_00100.eps Enter command (H for help): Write dot data to "niederreiter2_02_00100.eps". Plot Plot Coord Min Max 1 -0.0500 1.0500 2 -0.0500 1.0500 Enter command (H for help): # DATA_READ Read point data from "niederreiter2_02_01000.txt". Points are assumed to have dimension 2 POINTS_COUNT: Number of records: 1010 Number of point records: 1000 Number of comment records: 10 Number of bad records: 0 POINTS_READ: Read coordinate data from file. Coord Min Max 1 0.0004 0.9994 2 0.0009 0.9999 DATA_READ The data has been read. Enter command (H for help): Lower left box corner = 0.0000 0.0000 Upper right box corner = 1.0000 1.0000 Enter command (H for help): SHADOWING is turned ON. Each point makes a small mark on X and Y axis. Enter command (H for help): TITLE: "niederreiter2_02_01000.txt" Enter command (H for help): Next output file is niederreiter2_02_01000.eps Enter command (H for help): Write dot data to "niederreiter2_02_01000.eps". Plot Plot Coord Min Max 1 -0.0500 1.0500 2 -0.0500 1.0500 Enter command (H for help): # PLOT_POINTS Normal end of execution. May 27 2007 10:57:04.922 AM