This is a 16-bits/channel composite color image of HeLa cells with red lysosomes, green mitochondria and red nucleus. Image courtesy of Tony Collins, creator of the ImageJ for Microscopy collection of plugins at . Use the slider under the image to select the channel to be processed or analyzed. Note how the color of the subtitle changes when you switch to a different channel. Use the B&C tool (press shift-c) to adjust the brightness and contrast of the current channel. Use the Image>Duplicate command to extract a channel or to convert from a composite image to an ordinary stack. Use Image>Color> Convert Stack to RGB to convert to 24-bit RGB. Use File>Save As>Tiff to save as a 48-bit TIFF. These two lines of macro code info = File.openAsString(""); setMetadata("Info:"+info); were used to copy this information from a text file to the image.