# file34.txt # # Reference: # # John Hartigan, # Clustering Algorithms, # Wiley, 1975. # ISBN 0-471-35645-X # LC: QA278.H36 # Dewey: 519.5'3 # # AE: Almond essence, teaspoon # BM: Buttermilk, cup # BP: Baking powder, teaspoon # BR: Butter, cup # BS: Bananas, one # CA: Cocoa, tablespoon # CC: Cottage Cheese, pound # CE: Chocolate, ounce # CI: Crushed Ice, cup # CS: Crumbs, cup # CT: Cream of tartar, teaspoon # DC: Dried currants, tablespoon # EG: Eggs, one # EW: Egg white, one # EY: Egg yolk, one # FR: Sifted flour, cup # GN: Gelatin, tablespoon # HC: Heavy cream, cup # LJ: Lemon juice, tablespoon # LR: Lemon rind, teaspoon # MK: Milk, cup # NG: Nutmeg, teaspoon # NS: Nuts, cup # RM: Rum, ounce # SA: Soda, teaspoon # SC: Sour cream cup # SG: Shortening, tablespoon # SR: Granulated sugar, cup # SS: Strawberries, quart # ST: Salt, teaspoon # VE: Vanilla extract, teaspoon # WR: Water, cup # YT; Yeast, ounce # ZH: Zwiebach, ounce # "Ingredients in cakes, Hartigan page 229" 12 columns 18 rows "Cake" "1" "2" "3" "4" "5" "6" "7" "8" "9" "10" "11" "Angel" FR=1 SR=1.5 EW=10 CT=1.25 ST=0.25 VE=1 AE=0.25 "Babas au Rhum" MK=0.25 BR=0.25 YT=0.6 WR=0.25 EY=2 SR=0.25 EG=1 LR=0.5 DC=2 FR=1.75 RM=2 "Sweet Chocolate" CE=4 WR=0.5 BR=1 SR=2 EG=4 VE=1 FR=2.5 SA=1 ST=0.5 BK=1 "Buche de Noel" FR=1 ST=0.5 SR=1.3 EG=4 VE=1 "Cheesecake" ZH=6 SR=1 BR=0.25 CC=1.5 FR=0.25 ST=0.25 EG=6 SC=1 LR=1 LJ=1 "Rum Cheesecake" GN=2 SR=1 ST=0.25 EG=2 MK=1 LR=1 LJ=1 RM=1 CC=1.5 HC=1 "Blender Cheesecake" GN=1 LJ=1 LR=1 WR=0.5 GS=0.3 EY=2 CC=0.5 CI=1 SC=1 "One Bowl Chocolate" FR=2 BP=2 SA=0.5 ST=0.25 CA=10 SR=1.5 SG=10 WR=0.5 MK=0.7 EG=2 VE=1 "Red Devil's Food" FR=1.75 SR=1.5 CA=0.3 SA=1.25 ST=1 SG=0.5 MK=1 EG=2 VE=1 "Sour Cream Fudge" FR=2 SR=1.5 SA=1 ST=1 SG=0.3 SC=1CE=3 EG=2 VE=1 WR=0.25 "Hungarian Cream" FR=3 BP=3 ST=1 EG=3 AE=1.5 VE=2 SR=1.5 HC=2 "Crumb and Nut" SG=1 SR=1 EG=4 VE=2 CS=3 NS=1 BP=3 MK=1 "Spiced Pound" BR=1 NG=1.5 ST=0.5 SR=1.7 EG=5 FR=2 "Strawberry Roll" EG=4 BP=0.75 ST=1 SR=0.75 VE=1 FR=0.75 CC=0.5 SS=1 "Savarin" YT=1 WR=0.25 FR=1.5 SR=0.6 ST=0.5 EG=3 MK=0.25 BR=0.7 LR=1 "Banana Shortcake" FR=3 ST=0.5 BP=4 SR=0.13 BR=0.6 MK=1 BS=3 HC=1 "Strawberry Shortcake" FR=2 BP=3 ST=0.75 SR=0.6 CC=0.2 BR=0.12 EG=1 MK=0.5 SS=1 SC=1 "Sponge" FR=0.75 BP=1 ST=0.25 EG=4 SR=0.75 AE=0.5 WR=2