April 16 2003 9:10:30.472 AM CVT_DATASET Create CVT datasets. CVT = Centroidal Voronoi Tessellation. Given a region in ND, the problem is to determine GENERATORS, a set of points which define a division of the region into Voronoi cells, which are also CENTROIDS of the Voronoi cells. :> # cvt_16_00010_a.inp # :> :> SEED = 123456789 :> # The generators have been initialized using a random sequence. :> CVT sample function is a random sequence. :> :> STEP L2 Change 1 2.446344 2 0.243423 3 0.125012 4 0.072442 5 0.047432 6 0.034429 7 0.028235 8 0.025174 9 0.023970 10 0.023758 11 0.023735 12 0.023982 13 0.024184 14 0.024563 15 0.025036 16 0.025280 17 0.025935 18 0.026223 19 0.026853 20 0.026956 21 0.027362 22 0.027804 23 0.027680 24 0.027803 25 0.027981 26 0.027876 27 0.027571 28 0.027483 29 0.026890 30 0.026592 31 0.025821 32 0.025484 33 0.024899 34 0.024174 35 0.023576 36 0.022889 37 0.022447 38 0.021467 39 0.021013 40 0.020017 41 0.019424 42 0.019131 43 0.018433 44 0.017536 45 0.017194 46 0.016813 47 0.016045 48 0.015434 49 0.015093 50 0.014803 :> The generators were written to the file "cvt_16_00010_a.txt". :> # QUIT requested. CVT_POINTS Normal end of execution. April 16 2003 11:16:36.563 AM