April 11 2003 12:04:15.108 PM CVT_DATASET Create CVT datasets. CVT = Centroidal Voronoi Tessellation. Given a region in ND, the problem is to determine GENERATORS, a set of points which define a division of the region into Voronoi cells, which are also CENTROIDS of the Voronoi cells. :> # cvt_02_00010.inp # :> :> # # Need to specify SEED before you initialize! # SEED = 123456789 :> # The generators have been initialized using a random sequence. :> CVT sample function is a random sequence. :> :> STEP L2 Change 1 0.290280 2 0.103276 3 0.070098 4 0.054953 5 0.043544 6 0.035660 7 0.034074 8 0.032764 9 0.031016 10 0.028923 11 0.025934 12 0.021640 13 0.019698 14 0.017298 15 0.015674 16 0.014288 17 0.014468 18 0.014100 19 0.014563 20 0.013880 21 0.012851 22 0.011509 23 0.009981 24 0.008021 25 0.007283 26 0.005926 27 0.004765 28 0.004259 29 0.003721 30 0.003358 31 0.003243 32 0.002063 33 0.003477 34 0.003154 35 0.002761 36 0.002350 37 0.002509 38 0.002880 39 0.002224 40 0.002214 41 0.002345 42 0.002376 43 0.002391 44 0.002444 45 0.002144 46 0.002052 47 0.001739 48 0.002264 49 0.002068 50 0.002189 51 0.001779 52 0.002701 53 0.001683 54 0.002347 55 0.001378 56 0.002603 57 0.002521 58 0.002448 59 0.002289 60 0.002708 61 0.001942 62 0.002182 63 0.002680 64 0.002430 65 0.002217 66 0.002454 67 0.002145 68 0.002291 69 0.002485 70 0.002605 71 0.002388 72 0.001604 73 0.001964 74 0.002172 75 0.002151 76 0.002197 77 0.002092 78 0.002378 79 0.002700 80 0.001931 81 0.001526 82 0.001875 83 0.002254 84 0.002063 85 0.001461 86 0.002150 87 0.002346 88 0.002483 89 0.002073 90 0.001729 91 0.002092 92 0.002054 93 0.002613 94 0.002539 95 0.002074 96 0.001579 97 0.002454 98 0.002469 99 0.002432 100 0.001501 :> The generators were written to the file "cvt_02_00010.txt". :> # QUIT requested. CVT_POINTS Normal end of execution. April 11 2003 12:04:56.367 PM