3D Finite Element Mesh Format for DOLFIN and FENICS

DOLFIN_XML is a data directory which contains examples of XML files that describe 3D finite element meshes as used by DOLFIN and FENICS.


The computer code and data files made available on this web page are distributed under the GNU LGPL license.

Related Data and Programs:

DOLFIN-CONVERT, a Python program which can convert mesh file from Gmsh, MEDIT, METIS or SCOTCH format to an XML format suitable for use by DOLFIN or FENICS, by Anders Logg.

FENICS, programs which illustrate the use of a collection of free software with an extensive list of features for automated, efficient solution of differential equations.

XML, a data directory which contains examples of XML files, a standard, general datafile format.


  1. Anders Logg, Kent-Andre Mardal, Garth Wells,
    Automated Solution of Differential Equations by the Finite Element Method: The FEniCS Book,
    Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering,
    Springer, 2011,
    ISBN13: 978-3642230981,
  2. Anders Logg, Garth Wells,
    DOLFIN: Automated finite element computing,
    ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software,
    Volume 37, Number 2, Article 20, April 2010.

Sample Files:

CYLINDER_2D is a mesh for 2D flow past a square cylinder, using 1649 nodes and 3078 elements.

ELL_2D is a 2D mesh of the L-shaped region, with 26 nodes and 34 elements.

STEP_2D is a mesh for 2D flow past a forward and backward step, using 537 nodes and 960 elements.

You can go up one level to the DATA directory.

Last revised on 31 May 2013.