04 March 2022 08:14:47 AM wathen_test C++ version Test wathen. TEST01 Assemble, factor and solve a Wathen system defined by WATHEN_GE. Elements in X direction NX = 4 Elements in Y direction NY = 4 Number of elements = 16 Number of nodes N = 65 Maximum solution error is 2.55351e-15 TEST02 Assemble, factor and solve a Wathen system using WATHEN_GB. Elements in X direction NX = 4 Elements in Y direction NY = 4 Number of elements = 16 Number of nodes N = 65 Lower bandwidth ML = 16 Upper bandwidth MU = 16 Maximum solution error is 2.55351e-15 TEST05 For various problem sizes and storage schemes, measure the storage used for the Wathen system. Predicted Observed GE Band Band Band Sparse NX Elements Nodes storage width width storage storage 1 1 8 64 15 15 176 64 2 4 21 441 21 21 651 221 4 16 65 4225 33 33 3185 817 8 64 225 50625 57 57 19125 3137 16 256 833 693889 105 105 130781 12289 32 1024 3201 10246401 201 201 963501 48641 TEST06 For various problem sizes, time the assembly and factorization of a Wathen system using the WATHEN_GE function. NX Elements Nodes Storage Assembly Factor Error 1 1 8 64 3e-06 3e-06 1.58207e-15 2 4 21 441 3e-06 1.2e-05 3.06005e-15 4 16 65 4225 1.6e-05 0.000103 2.55351e-15 8 64 225 50625 0.000258 0.001544 1.9984e-15 16 256 833 693889 0.003413 0.031132 1.40221e-13 32 1024 3201 10246401 0.044082 0.82015 1.19349e-14 TEST07 For various problem sizes, time the assembly and factorization of a Wathen system using the WATHEN_GB function. NX Elements Nodes Storage Assembly Factor Error 1 1 8 176 2e-06 3e-06 1.58207e-15 2 4 21 651 3e-06 9e-06 3.06005e-15 4 16 65 3185 1.1e-05 4.3e-05 2.55351e-15 8 64 225 19125 6.2e-05 0.000334 1.9984e-15 16 256 833 130781 0.000424 0.003976 1.40221e-13 32 1024 3201 963501 0.004341 0.050147 1.19349e-14 TEST08 For various problem sizes, time the assembly and factorization of a Wathen system WATHEN_GE/WATHEN_GB NX Elements Nodes Storage Assembly Factor Error WATHEN_GE 1 1 8 64 2e-06 3e-06 1.58207e-15 WATHEN_GB 1 1 8 176 2e-06 2e-06 1.58207e-15 WATHEN_GE 2 4 21 441 2e-06 9e-06 3.06005e-15 WATHEN_GB 2 4 21 651 3e-06 8e-06 3.06005e-15 WATHEN_GE 4 16 65 4225 1.3e-05 8.2e-05 2.55351e-15 WATHEN_GB 4 16 65 3185 1.1e-05 4.3e-05 2.55351e-15 WATHEN_GE 8 64 225 50625 0.000127 0.001223 1.9984e-15 WATHEN_GB 8 64 225 19125 6.2e-05 0.00036 1.9984e-15 WATHEN_GE 16 256 833 693889 0.002029 0.03065 1.40221e-13 WATHEN_GB 16 256 833 130781 0.00039 0.00365 1.40221e-13 WATHEN_GE 32 1024 3201 10246401 0.042624 0.812129 1.19349e-14 WATHEN_GB 32 1024 3201 963501 0.003341 0.048977 1.19349e-14 TEST10 Assemble, factor and solve a Wathen system defined by WATHEN_GE and CG_GE. Elements in X direction NX = 1 Elements in Y direction NY = 1 Number of elements = 1 Number of nodes N = 8 Maximum solution error is 1.04083e-15 TEST11 Assemble, factor and solve a Wathen system defined by WATHEN_ST and CG_ST. Elements in X direction NX = 1 Elements in Y direction NY = 1 Number of elements = 1 Number of nodes N = 8 Number of nonzeros NZ_NUM = 64 Maximum solution error is 9.99201e-16 TEST115 Assemble, factor and solve a Wathen system using WATHEN_GB and CG_GB. Elements in X direction NX = 4 Elements in Y direction NY = 4 Number of elements = 16 Number of nodes N = 65 Lower bandwidth ML = 16 Upper bandwidth MU = 16 Maximum solution error is 0.00122056 wathen_xy_test wathen_xy returns the (X,Y) coordinates of nodes in the Wathen finite element system. k i j x y 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0.166667 0 2 2 0 0.333333 0 3 3 0 0.5 0 4 4 0 0.666667 0 5 5 0 0.833333 0 6 6 0 1 0 7 0 1 0 0.166667 8 1 1 0.333333 0.166667 9 2 1 0.666667 0.166667 10 3 1 1 0.166667 11 0 2 0 0.333333 12 1 2 0.166667 0.333333 13 2 2 0.333333 0.333333 14 3 2 0.5 0.333333 15 4 2 0.666667 0.333333 16 5 2 0.833333 0.333333 17 6 2 1 0.333333 18 0 3 0 0.5 19 1 3 0.333333 0.5 20 2 3 0.666667 0.5 21 3 3 1 0.5 22 0 4 0 0.666667 23 1 4 0.166667 0.666667 24 2 4 0.333333 0.666667 25 3 4 0.5 0.666667 26 4 4 0.666667 0.666667 27 5 4 0.833333 0.666667 28 6 4 1 0.666667 29 0 5 0 0.833333 30 1 5 0.333333 0.833333 31 2 5 0.666667 0.833333 32 3 5 1 0.833333 33 0 6 0 1 34 1 6 0.166667 1 35 2 6 0.333333 1 36 3 6 0.5 1 37 4 6 0.666667 1 38 5 6 0.833333 1 39 6 6 1 1 wathen_test Normal end of execution. 04 March 2022 08:14:49 AM