July 7 2008 2:56:10.882 PM TRIANGULATION_CORNER FORTRAN90 version Read a node file of NODE_NUM point coordinates in 2 dimensions. Read an associated triangle file of TRIANGLE_NUM triangles, listing 3 or 6 node indices. Any triangle which has exactly two sides on the boundary is a corner triangle. If there are any corner triangles this program tries to eliminate them. The "repaired" triangle file is written out. Read the header of "p03_nodes.txt". Spatial dimension DIM_NUM = 2 Number of nodes NODE_NUM = 274 Read the data in "p03_nodes.txt". Coordinates of first 5 nodes: Row 1 2 Col 1 -1.00000 -1.00000 2 -1.00000 1.00000 3 1.00000 -1.00000 4 1.00000 1.00000 5 -1.00000 -0.720632 Read the header of "p03_triangles.txt". Triangle order TRIANGLE_ORDER = 3 Number of triangles TRIANGLE_NUM = 452 Read the data in "p03_triangles.txt". First 5 triangles: Row 1 2 3 Col 1 263 3 267 2 263 262 3 3 7 6 36 4 20 11 10 5 13 15 2 Number of boundary sides Number of triangles 0 357 1 94 2 1 3 0 TRIANGULATION_CORNER: Reoriented 224 triangles. Adjusting triangle 5 using triangle 95 Before: T1 = 13 2 15 N1 = -1 -1 95 T2 = 29 13 15 N2 = 96 5 97 After: T1 = 29 2 15 N1 = 95 -1 97 T2 = 29 13 2 N2 = 96 -1 5 TRIANGULATION_CORNER: New triangle file with repaired corners written to "p03_triangles.corner.txt". TRIANGULATION_CORNER: Normal end of execution. July 7 2008 2:56:10.960 PM