03 May 2020 12:17:53 PM TRIANGLE_ANALYZE: C++ version: Determine properties of a triangle. Read the header of "tex6.txt". Spatial dimension DIM_NUM = 2 Number of points NODE_NUM = 3 Read the data in "tex6.txt". Node coordinates: Row: 1 2 Col 1 1 0 2 2 2 3 3 4 ANGLES (radians): 0 0 1 3.14159 2 0 ANGLES (degrees): 0 0 1 180 2 0 AREA: 0 CENTROID: 2 2 CIRCUM_RADIUS: -1 CIRCUM_CENTER: 0 0 EDGE_LENGTHS: 0 2.23607 1 2.23607 2 4.47214 IN_RADIUS: 0 IN_CENTER: 2 2 ORIENTATION: Degenerate Distinct Colinear Points. ORTHO_CENTER: Could not be computed. QUALITY: 0 TRIANGLE_ANALYZE: Normal end of execution. 03 May 2020 12:17:53 PM