26 April 2020 10:20:27 AM TET_MESH_BOUNDARY C++ version Read files defining a tet mesh dataset. Determine the faces that form the boundary; write a boundary node mask file; write a boundary node file; write a boundary element file, defining the boundary as a TRI_SURFACE. Compiled on Apr 26 2020 at 10:15:29. Read the header of "p04_nodes.txt". Spatial dimension = 3 Number of nodes = 587 Read the data in "p04_nodes.txt". First 5 nodes: Row: 1 2 3 Col 1 -0.031955 -0.229643 -0.97275 2 -0.163439 -0.030536 -0.986081 3 0.02751 0.025921 -0.999285 4 0.27895 -0.000778 -0.960305 5 -0.01288 0.270451 -0.962648 Read the header of "p04_elements.txt". Element order = 4 Number of tetras = 2775 Read the data in "p04_elements.txt". First 5 elements: Row: 1 2 3 4 Col 1 460 522 459 514 2 460 451 459 514 3 460 451 459 375 4 410 482 483 474 5 410 482 400 474 MESH_BASE_ZERO: The element indexing appears to be 1-based. This will be converted to 0-based. Number of faces is 11100 Number of boundary faces is 490 Number of boundary nodes is 247 Wrote the boundary node coordinates to "p04_boundary_nodes.txt". Wrote the boundary node mask to "p04_boundary_node_mask.txt". Wrote the boundary face coordinates to "p04_boundary_elements.txt". TET_MESH_BOUNDARY: Normal end of execution. 26 April 2020 10:20:27 AM