22 March 2022 03:42:02 PM star_discrepancy: C++ version Compiled on Mar 22 2022 at 15:41:30. A program to estimate the discrepancy of a set of N points in M dimensions. FILE_USAGE: This program requires an input file that defines the point set. We assume that the points are S-dimensional, and that there are N_MAX of them. We also require that the points be in the unit hypercube. Then the input file contains N_MAX lines or records. Each record contains the S coordinate values of one point. Comment lines begin with the character "#", and may occur anywhere in the file. At runtime, the user specifies N, the number of points to be read from the file, which must be less than or equal to N_MAX. Here is an example of a file containing N_MAX = 5 points in S = 3 dimensions: # input_3x5.txt # # Suitable for input to DISCRBOUND. # Spatial dimension = 3 # Number of points = 5 # 0.00 0.20 0.90 0.80 0.40 0.30 0.20 1.00 0.50 0.40 0.60 0.10 0.60 0.80 0.70 x = { { 0 0 } { 0.5 0.333333 } { 0.25 0.666667 } { 0.75 0.111111 } { 0.125 0.444444 } { 0.625 0.777778 } { 0.375 0.222222 } { 0.875 0.555556 } { 0.0625 0.888889 } { 0.5625 0.037037 } } S = 2 Epsilon = 0.001 N = 10 Estimate of Discrepancy D_n^*(x): Lower Upper bound bound ------------ ------------ 0.266667 0.267443 star_discrepancy(): Normal end of execution. 22 March 2022 03:42:03 PM