30 October 2024 10:42:08 PM SGMG_SIZE_TABLE C++ version SGMG_SIZE_TABULATE SGMG_SIZE returns the number of distinct points in a sparse grid. We use the same rule in all dimensions, and count the points for a range of dimensions and levels. 1D rule index is 1 1D growth index is 4 DIM: 1 2 3 4 5 LEVEL_MAX 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 5 7 9 11 2 5 13 25 41 61 3 9 29 69 137 241 4 9 49 153 369 761 5 17 81 297 849 2033 6 17 129 545 1777 4833 7 17 161 881 3377 10433 CPU Time = 0.13803 SGMG_SIZE_TABULATE SGMG_SIZE returns the number of distinct points in a sparse grid. We use the same rule in all dimensions, and count the points for a range of dimensions and levels. 1D rule index is 1 1D growth index is 4 DIM: 6 7 8 9 10 LEVEL_MAX 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 13 15 17 19 21 2 85 113 145 181 221 3 389 589 849 1177 1581 4 1409 2409 3873 5929 8721 5 4289 8233 14689 24721 39665 CPU Time = 0.737843 SGMG_SIZE_TABULATE SGMG_SIZE returns the number of distinct points in a sparse grid. We use the same rule in all dimensions, and count the points for a range of dimensions and levels. 1D rule index is 1 1D growth index is 6 DIM: 1 2 3 4 5 LEVEL_MAX 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 5 7 9 11 2 5 13 25 41 61 3 9 29 69 137 241 4 17 65 177 401 801 5 33 145 441 1105 2433 6 65 321 1073 2929 6993 7 129 705 2561 7537 19313 CPU Time = 0.16442 SGMG_SIZE_TABULATE SGMG_SIZE returns the number of distinct points in a sparse grid. We use the same rule in all dimensions, and count the points for a range of dimensions and levels. 1D rule index is 1 1D growth index is 6 DIM: 6 7 8 9 10 LEVEL_MAX 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 13 15 17 19 21 2 85 113 145 181 221 3 389 589 849 1177 1581 4 1457 2465 3937 6001 8801 5 4865 9017 15713 26017 41265 CPU Time = 0.714474 SGMG_SIZE_TABULATE SGMG_SIZE returns the number of distinct points in a sparse grid. We use the same rule in all dimensions, and count the points for a range of dimensions and levels. 1D rule index is 1 1D growth index is 6 DIM: 100 LEVEL_MAX 0 1 1 201 2 20201 CPU Time = 0.510659 SGMG_SIZE_TABULATE SGMG_SIZE returns the number of distinct points in a sparse grid. We use the same rule in all dimensions, and count the points for a range of dimensions and levels. 1D rule index is 3 1D growth index is 4 DIM: 1 2 3 4 5 LEVEL_MAX 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 5 7 9 11 2 3 9 19 33 51 3 7 17 39 81 151 4 7 33 87 193 391 5 7 33 135 385 903 6 15 65 207 641 1743 7 15 97 399 1217 3343 CPU Time = 0.064196 SGMG_SIZE_TABULATE SGMG_SIZE returns the number of distinct points in a sparse grid. We use the same rule in all dimensions, and count the points for a range of dimensions and levels. 1D rule index is 3 1D growth index is 4 DIM: 6 7 8 9 10 LEVEL_MAX 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 13 15 17 19 21 2 73 99 129 163 201 3 257 407 609 871 1201 4 737 1303 2177 3463 5281 5 1889 3655 6657 11527 19105 CPU Time = 0.495306 SGMG_SIZE_TABULATE SGMG_SIZE returns the number of distinct points in a sparse grid. We use the same rule in all dimensions, and count the points for a range of dimensions and levels. 1D rule index is 3 1D growth index is 5 DIM: 1 2 3 4 5 LEVEL_MAX 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 5 7 9 11 2 7 17 31 49 71 3 15 49 111 209 351 4 15 97 303 705 1391 5 15 161 687 1985 4623 6 31 257 1375 4865 13343 7 31 321 2335 10369 33823 CPU Time = 0.294222 SGMG_SIZE_TABULATE SGMG_SIZE returns the number of distinct points in a sparse grid. We use the same rule in all dimensions, and count the points for a range of dimensions and levels. 1D rule index is 3 1D growth index is 5 DIM: 6 7 8 9 10 LEVEL_MAX 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 13 15 17 19 21 2 97 127 161 199 241 3 545 799 1121 1519 2001 4 2465 4047 6273 9295 13281 5 9377 17263 29569 47887 74145 CPU Time = 1.03091 SGMG_SIZE_TABULATE SGMG_SIZE returns the number of distinct points in a sparse grid. We use the same rule in all dimensions, and count the points for a range of dimensions and levels. 1D rule index is 3 1D growth index is 6 DIM: 1 2 3 4 5 LEVEL_MAX 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 5 7 9 11 2 7 17 31 49 71 3 15 49 111 209 351 4 31 129 351 769 1471 5 63 321 1023 2561 5503 6 127 769 2815 7937 18943 7 255 1793 7423 23297 61183 CPU Time = 0.375366 SGMG_SIZE_TABULATE SGMG_SIZE returns the number of distinct points in a sparse grid. We use the same rule in all dimensions, and count the points for a range of dimensions and levels. 1D rule index is 3 1D growth index is 6 DIM: 6 7 8 9 10 LEVEL_MAX 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 13 15 17 19 21 2 97 127 161 199 241 3 545 799 1121 1519 2001 4 2561 4159 6401 9439 13441 5 10625 18943 31745 50623 77505 CPU Time = 1.05048 SGMG_SIZE_TABULATE SGMG_SIZE returns the number of distinct points in a sparse grid. We use the same rule in all dimensions, and count the points for a range of dimensions and levels. 1D rule index is 4 1D growth index is 1 DIM: 1 2 3 4 5 LEVEL_MAX 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 5 7 9 11 2 3 13 25 41 61 3 4 29 69 137 241 4 5 53 165 385 781 5 6 89 351 953 2203 6 7 137 681 2145 5593 7 8 201 1233 4481 13073 8 9 281 2097 8785 28553 9 10 381 3407 16345 58923 10 11 501 5297 29033 115813 CPU_TIME = 0.260743 SGMG_SIZE_TABULATE SGMG_SIZE returns the number of distinct points in a sparse grid. We use the same rule in all dimensions, and count the points for a range of dimensions and levels. 1D rule index is 4 1D growth index is 1 DIM: 6 7 8 9 10 LEVEL_MAX 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 13 15 17 19 21 2 85 113 145 181 221 3 389 589 849 1177 1581 4 1433 2437 3905 5965 8761 5 4541 8583 15153 25315 40405 6 12841 26769 51713 93913 162025 7 33193 75841 159425 313153 581385 CPU_TIME = 2.73347 SGMG_SIZE_TABULATE SGMG_SIZE returns the number of distinct points in a sparse grid. We use the same rule in all dimensions, and count the points for a range of dimensions and levels. 1D rule index is 4 1D growth index is 2 DIM: 1 2 3 4 5 LEVEL_MAX 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 5 7 9 11 2 3 9 19 33 51 3 5 17 39 81 151 4 5 33 87 193 391 5 7 45 153 409 933 6 7 81 273 777 1973 7 9 97 465 1481 4013 8 9 161 705 2537 7693 9 11 181 1175 4369 13983 10 11 281 1595 7129 24983 CPU_TIME = 0.686182 SGMG_SIZE_TABULATE SGMG_SIZE returns the number of distinct points in a sparse grid. We use the same rule in all dimensions, and count the points for a range of dimensions and levels. 1D rule index is 4 1D growth index is 2 DIM: 6 7 8 9 10 LEVEL_MAX 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 13 15 17 19 21 2 73 99 129 163 201 3 257 407 609 871 1201 4 737 1303 2177 3463 5281 5 1925 3697 6705 11581 19165 6 4509 9465 18577 34525 61285 7 9837 22249 46993 93637 177525 8 20445 49465 111313 235909 474885 CPU_TIME = 77.494 SGMG_SIZE_TABLE Normal end of execution. 30 October 2024 10:43:35 PM