03 March 2022 04:33:51 PM MINPACK_TEST C++ version: Test minpack(). CHKDER_TEST CHKDER compares a user supplied jacobian and a finite difference approximation to it and judges whether the jacobian is correct. On the first test, use a correct jacobian. Evaluation point X: 0.218418 0.956318 0.829509 0.561695 0.415307 Sampled function values F(X) and F(XP) 0 -2.80033 -2.80033 1 -2.06243 -2.06243 2 -2.18924 -2.18924 3 -2.45706 -2.45706 4 -0.959581 -0.959581 Computed jacobian: 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 0.185052 0.042265 0.0487261 0.0719584 0.0973225 CHKDER gradient component error estimates: > 0.5, the component is probably correct. < 0.5, the component is probably incorrect. 0 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 Repeat the test, but use a bad jacobian and see if the routine notices. Evaluation point X: 0.218418 0.956318 0.829509 0.561695 0.415307 Sampled function values F(X) and F(XP) 0 -2.80033 -2.80033 1 -2.06243 -2.06243 2 -2.18924 -2.18924 3 -2.45706 -2.45706 4 -0.959581 -0.959581 Computed jacobian: 2.02 1 1 1 1 1 2 -1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 0.185052 0.042265 0.0487261 0.0719584 0.0973225 CHKDER gradient component error estimates: > 0.5, the component is probably correct. < 0.5, the component is probably incorrect. 0 0.397087 1 0.0505392 2 1 3 1 4 1 HYBRD1_TEST HYBRD1 solves a nonlinear system of equations. Initial X 0 3 1 0 F(X) 0 -13 1 11 Returned value of INFO = 1 X 0 1 1 1 F(X) 0 -9.61951e-11 1 -1.23539e-10 QFORM_TEST: QFORM constructs the Q factor explicitly after the use of QRFAC. Matrix A: Col: 1 2 3 4 5 Row 1 0.218418 0.0661187 0.0617272 0.00183837 0.859097 2 0.956318 0.257578 0.449539 0.897504 0.840847 3 0.829509 0.109957 0.401306 0.350752 0.123104 4 0.561695 0.043829 0.754673 0.0945448 0.00751236 5 0.415307 0.633966 0.797287 0.0136169 0.260303 Col: 6 7 Row 1 0.912484 0.692066 2 0.113664 0.561662 3 0.351629 0.861216 4 0.822887 0.453794 5 0.267132 0.911977 Matrix R: Col: 1 2 3 4 5 Row 1 -1.4623 -0.43759 -1.04718 -0.826379 -0.824866 2 0 0.543284 0.449661 -0.145361 0.168092 3 0 0 -0.522842 0.331765 0.469999 4 0 0 0 -0.351522 0.0269413 5 0 0 0 0 0.773147 Col: 6 7 Row 1 -0.802049 -1.39255 2 -0.031799 0.503999 3 -0.49142 -0.048811 4 0.557348 0.56484 5 0.721989 0.243141 Matrix Q: Col: 1 2 3 4 5 Row 1 -0.149366 0.00139434 0.182298 0.517385 0.822659 2 -0.653982 -0.0526396 0.404763 -0.611992 0.176547 3 -0.567264 -0.254512 0.149713 0.582292 -0.501954 4 -0.384118 -0.228715 -0.870775 -0.0932054 0.182224 5 -0.28401 0.938158 -0.149232 0.100139 -0.0830665 Matrix A2 = Q * R: Col: 1 2 3 4 5 Row 1 0.218418 0.0661187 0.0617272 0.00183837 0.859097 2 0.956318 0.257578 0.449539 0.897504 0.840847 3 0.829509 0.109957 0.401306 0.350752 0.123104 4 0.561695 0.043829 0.754673 0.0945448 0.00751236 5 0.415307 0.633966 0.797287 0.0136169 0.260303 Col: 6 7 Row 1 0.912484 0.692066 2 0.113664 0.561662 3 0.351629 0.861216 4 0.822887 0.453794 5 0.267132 0.911977 MINPACK_TEST Normal end of execution. 03 March 2022 04:33:51 PM