31 May 2024 06:55:52 AM hb_io_test(): C++ version Test hb_io(). TEST01 HB_HEADER_READ reads the header of an HB file. Reading the file 'rua_32.txt'. 1Real unsymmetric assembled matrix based on IBM32 TOTCRD = 36 PTRCRD = 3 INDCRD = 8 VALCRD = 13 RHSCRD = 12 KEY = 'RUA_32'. MXTYPE = 'RUA'. RHSTYP = 'FGX'. NROW = 32 NCOL = 32 NNZERO = 126 NELTVL = 0 NRHS = 1 NRHSIX = 0 PTRFMT = '(16I5)'. INDFMT = '(16I5)'. VALFMT = '(10F7.1)'. RHSFMT = '(10F7.1)'. TEST01 HB_HEADER_READ reads the header of an HB file. Reading the file 'rse_5.txt'. 1Real symmetic unassembled finite element matrix TOTCRD = 4 PTRCRD = 1 INDCRD = 1 VALCRD = 2 RHSCRD = 0 KEY = 'RSE_5'. MXTYPE = 'RSE'. RHSTYP = '