04 March 2020 07:35:50 AM FEM_TO_XML C++ version: Convert 1D, 2D or 3D mesh data from FEM to DOLFIN XML format. Read "prefix"_nodes.txt, node coordinates. Read "prefix"_elements.txt, element node connectivity. Create "prefix".xml, a corresponding DOLFIN XML file. FEM_TO_XML: Please enter the filename prefix. Read the header of "battery_nodes.txt". Spatial dimension = 2 Number of nodes = 564 Read the data in "battery_nodes.txt". Portion of node coordinate data: Row: 1 2 Col 1: 0 0 2: 0 0.8 3: 0 1.6 4: 0 2.54168 5: 0 3.6 Read the header of "battery_elements.txt". Element order = 3 Number of elements = 1024 Read the data in "battery_elements.txt". Initial portion of element data: Row: 1 2 3 Col 1: 61 84 74 2: 466 532 467 3: 458 524 459 4: 41 61 46 5: 455 454 520 6: 42 58 63 7: 42 27 38 8: 38 58 42 9: 465 464 530 10: 444 511 445 MESH_BASE_ZERO: The element indexing appears to be 1-based! This will be converted to 0-based. Created XML file "battery.xml". FEM_TO_XML: Normal end of execution. 04 March 2020 07:35:50 AM