PROPERTIES: CUDA/C version Call cudaGetDeviceCount to count the CUDA devices. Call cudaGetDeviceProperties to query the properties of each CUDA device. Number of CUDA devices = 2 Properties for CUDA device 0 Name: Tesla M2050 Compute capability: 2.0 Clock rate: 1147000 Device copy overlap: Enabled Kernel execution timeout: Disabled Total global memory: 2817982464 Total constant memory: 65536 Max mem pitch: 2147483647 Texture alignment: 512 Multiprocessor count: 14 Shared memory per mp: 49152 Registers per mp: 32768 Threads in warp: 32 Max threads per block: 1024 Max thread dimensions: (1024, 1024, 64 ) Max grid dimensions: (65535, 65535, 65535 ) Properties for CUDA device 1 Name: Tesla M2050 Compute capability: 2.0 Clock rate: 1147000 Device copy overlap: Enabled Kernel execution timeout: Enabled Total global memory: 2817982464 Total constant memory: 65536 Max mem pitch: 2147483647 Texture alignment: 512 Multiprocessor count: 14 Shared memory per mp: 49152 Registers per mp: 32768 Threads in warp: 32 Max threads per block: 1024 Max thread dimensions: (1024, 1024, 64 ) Max grid dimensions: (65535, 65535, 65535 ) PROPERTIES: Normal end of execution.